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The endocrine system coordinates development of the mammary gland with reproductive development and the demand of the offspring for milk. Three categories of hormones are involved. The levels of the reproductive hormones, estrogen, progesterone, placental lactogen, prolactin, and oxytocin, change during reproductive development or function and act directly on the mammary gland to bring about developmental changes or coordinate milk delivery to the offspring. Metabolic hormones, whose main role is to regulate metabolic responses to nutrient intake or stress, often have direct effects on the mammary gland as well. The important hormones in this regard are growth hormone, corticosteroids, thyroid hormone, and insulin. A third category of hormones has recently been recognized, mammary hormones. It currently includes growth hormone, prolactin, PTHrP, and leptin. Because a full-term pregnancy in early life is associated with a reduction in breast carcinogenesis, an understanding of the mechanisms by which these hormones bring about secretory differentiation may offer clues to the prevention of breast cancer.  相似文献   

The availability of recombinant growth hormones, prolactins, placental lactogens and a few soluble extracellular domains of their receptors have extended our ability to study the interaction of somatogenic and lactogenic hormones with their receptors. Modifications of their respective cDNAs have enabled the preparation of sufficient amounts of the corresponding proteins. The present review summarizes two aspects of these interactions: (a) the relationship between binding, the apparent ability to dimerize the receptors and biological activities in vitro and in vivo; and (b) the effect of mutations on selective changes in the ability of human growth hormone and bovine placental lactogen to interact with somatogenic and lactogenic receptors. In view of this summary, strategies for preparing a second generation of biologically relevant recombinant hormones are discussed.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) are anterior pituitary hormones that have multiple roles in growth and metabolism. Both hormones are important in mammary development and breast cancer. The epidermal growth factor (EGF) family of peptides and the receptors that they activate (the ErbB family) are also major players in mammary biology and pathophysiology. Recent studies in signal transduction have highlighted the interplay between signaling pathways referred to as crosstalk. In this review, cell biological and signaling studies related to crosstalk between GH and PRL and the ErbB family are discussed. In particular, the role of GH- and PRL-induced phosphorylation of ErbB receptors in regulating EGF responsiveness is highlighted with attention to potential pathophysiological relevance.  相似文献   

Around 80 years ago researchers first established that the pituitary gland regulates mammary gland function as demonstrated by the ability of its extracts to promote both mammogenesis and lactogenesis in animal models. Little did they realize that in fact two hormones, prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH), were contributing to these effects. By the mid 1930s PRL had been purified as a distinct lactogen, while the galactopoietic effect of GH was confirmed after its purification in the 1940s. Interest in these hormones initially centered about their potential for increasing milk production, while in the latter half of the twentieth century it became obvious that these hormones also had the potential to influence mammary cancer development. During the past 50 years large strides have been made into understanding how these hormones signal to, and within, cells of the mammary gland, paralleling rapid developments in the fields of cellular and molecular biology. In compiling this review we have summarized the progress that has been made to date regarding roles for these hormones in the mammary gland, with a goal of ensuring that some of the seminal literature is not diluted or forgotten. In doing so it is clear that there are lessons to be learned from past experiences, where new methods and technologies will continue to present exciting new opportunities to revisit lingering questions regarding these fascinating hormones and this fascinating organ.  相似文献   

The endocrine system consists of groups of cells (glands) that secrete messengers (hormones), which affect distant groups of cells (target organs). It controls mainly basal processes. Hormonal action may be on receptors in the target cell membrane (e.g. leading to alterations in membrane channel properties), in which case it is rapid, or it may affect gene function and thus protein synthesis, in which case the onset of action is relatively slow. Endocrine function is controlled via single and multiple feedback mechanisms from products of the various target organs. It is largely under the control of the hypothalamus via the pituitary gland. Releasing factors and hormones from the hypothalamus act on the pituitary, which produces its own hormones (antidiuretic hormone, oxytocin, growth hormone and prolactin) as well as hormones and releasing factors that affect other endocrine glands (adrenocorticotrophic hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone). Growth hormone controls skeletal growth via the release of insulin-like growth factors from the liver; it promotes anabolism, but also antagonizes the hypoglycaemic effect of insulin. Antidiuretic hormone secretion is stimulated by changes in osmolality and is a sensitive mechanism for conserving fluid via its action on the kidney. Oxytocin stimulates uterine contraction, and prolactin stimulates milk production. Luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones affect the growth of the gonads.  相似文献   

TNF-alpha is a predictor of insulin resistance in human pregnancy   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Historically, insulin resistance during pregnancy has been ascribed to increased production of placental hormones and cortisol. The purpose of this study was to test this hypothesis by correlating the longitudinal changes in insulin sensitivity during pregnancy with changes in placental hormones, cortisol, leptin, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha. Insulin resistance was assessed in 15 women (5 with gestational diabetes mellitus [GDM] and 10 with normal glucose tolerance) using the euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp procedure, before pregnancy (pregravid) and during early (12-14 weeks) and late (34-36 weeks) gestation. Body composition, plasma TNF-alpha, leptin, cortisol, and reproductive hormones (human chorionic gonadotropin, estradiol, progesterone, human placental lactogen, and prolactin) were measured in conjunction with the clamps. Placental TNF-alpha was measured in vitro using dually perfused human placental cotyledon from five additional subjects. Compared with pregravid, insulin resistance was evident during late pregnancy in all women (12.4 +/- 1.2 vs. 8.1 +/- 0.8 10(-2) mg. kg(-1) fat-free mass. min(-1). microU(-1). ml(-1)). TNF-alpha, leptin, cortisol, all reproductive hormones, and fat mass were increased in late pregnancy (P < 0.001). In vitro, most of the placental TNF-alpha (94%) was released into the maternal circulation; 6% was released to the fetal side. During late pregnancy, TNF-alpha was inversely correlated with insulin sensitivity (r = -0.69, P < 0.006). Furthermore, among all of the hormonal changes measured in this study, the change in TNF-alpha from pregravid to late pregnancy was the only significant predictor of the change in insulin sensitivity (r = -0.60, P < 0.02). The placental reproductive hormones and cortisol did not correlate with insulin sensitivity in late pregnancy. Multivariate stepwise regression analysis revealed that TNF-alpha was the most significant independent predictor of insulin sensitivity (r = -0.67, P < 0.0001), even after adjustment for fat mass by covariance (r = 0.46, P < 0.01). These observations challenge the view that the classical reproductive hormones are the primary mediators of change in insulin sensitivity during gestation and provide the basis for including TNF-alpha in a new paradigm to explain insulin resistance in pregnancy.  相似文献   

既往研究多认为垂体分泌的激素通过其靶内分泌腺对骨代谢进行间接调控。但近年来,越来越多的研究发现垂体激素如生长激素、促甲状腺素、促性腺素、促肾上腺皮质素以及催产素等对骨代谢具有直接调节作用,这些激素通过作用于相应的受体,激活不同的信号通路,直接作用于成骨细胞、破骨细胞,从而发挥生物学效应,影响骨量及骨质疏松性骨折的发生率。垂体功能低下患者长期使用生长激素、糖皮质激素、性激素、甲状腺素等替代治疗亦对骨代谢有着不同的调控作用。它们也是直接与成骨或破骨细胞膜上相应的受体结合,通过基因或非基因效应,从而对骨量进行调节。本文综述了垂体激素对骨骼的直接作用及激素长期替代治疗对骨代谢的调控,旨在为疾病的早期诊断、精准个体化治疗提供一些思路。  相似文献   

Previous observations in rodents and man have suggested the existence of feedback inhibition of pituitary prolactin secretion by the prostate. Thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH) tests performed in males before and after prostatectomy demonstrated no difference in prolactin or thyrotrophin (TSH) secretion. These data do not support the hypothesis of a prostate-pituitary feedback loop in the control of prolactin secretion. The results also imply that prostatic TRH acts in a paracrine manner.  相似文献   

Vasopressin, also called antidiuretic hormone, is a 9 amino-acid peptide, synthesized from a precursor containing neurophysin II, by neurones from the supra-optic and peri-ventricular nuclei, and then stored in the posterior hypophysis. Vasopressin regulates plasmatic osmolality and volaemia via V2 receptors at the levels of the kidney, and vascular smooth muscle tone via V1a arterial receptors. Both its synthesis and release from hypophysis vesicles depend on variations in plasma osmolality, volaemia, and arterial blood pressure. In addition, vasopressin interacts with the main hormonal systems involved in the response to stress, including the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis, other anterior pituitary hormones, mainly prolactin and growth hormone, the renin-angiotensin system, and regulates insulin synthesis and glucose metabolism. Interestingly, during critical illness, exogenous administration of vasopressin showed little effects on the circulating levels of these various hormones, except an increase in prolactin. The absence of endocrine effects of vasopressin during critical illness is unclear and may relate to an already maximal hormonal stimulation or to down-regulation of vasopressin receptors.  相似文献   

Hormone production in clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Pituitary tumors in which no excess hormone secretion can be identified clinically have been considered as nonfunctioning or null-cell adenomas. Immunocytochemical data presented here suggest that many of these tumors contain subunits of the glycoprotein hormones. Of 160 patients referred for pituitary surgery, 37 (23%) had no evidence of excess hormone secretion on preoperative endocrine evaluation. Immunocytochemical staining of these tumors was carried out using antibodies specific for prolactin, growth hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, the beta subunits of luteinizing hormone (beta-LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (beta-FSH), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (beta-TSH), and the alpha subunit. One or more of these pituitary hormones were detected in 73% of cases. The alpha and beta subunits were detected most frequently, being found in 68% of cases; 27% had staining for one or more beta subunits and 37.9% had staining for both alpha and beta subunits. The incidence was: beta-FSH in 58%, beta-LH in 47%, beta-TSH in 33%, and the alpha subunit in 42%. Staining for multiple glycoprotein hormones was common (52%), and mixed glycoprotein hormones and prolactin cell types were found in 16% of cases. These data suggest that most apparently nonfunctioning pituitary tumors contain immunoreactive hormones and the majority of these are subunits of the glycoprotein hormones. Since the glycoprotein hormone beta subunits must combine with the alpha subunit to produce biologically active hormones, the production of the subunits alone may not have endocrine manifestations.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that combined transgenic overexpression of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and placental lactogen in islets would lead to even greater increases in beta-cell mass and replication than either growth factor alone. This did not occur, suggesting that beta-cell replication is saturable or subject to molecular restraint. We therefore performed the first comprehensive G(1)/S cell cycle survey in islets, cataloguing the broad range of kinases, cyclins, and kinase inhibitors that control the G(1)/S transition in islets from normal, HGF, placental lactogen, and doubly transgenic mice. Many of the G(1)/S checkpoint regulators (E2Fs; pRb; p107; p130; cyclins D(1),(2),(3), A, and E; cdk-2; cdk-4; p15; p16; p18; p19; p21; p27; MDM2; p53; c-Myc; and Egr-1) are present in the murine islet. Most of these proteins were unaltered by overexpression of HGF or placental lactogen, either alone or in combination. In contrast, p21(cip) was uniquely, dramatically, and reproducibly upregulated in placental lactogen and HGF islets. p21(cip) was also present in, and upregulated in, proliferating human islets, localizing specifically in beta-cells and translocating to the nucleus on mitogenic stimulation. Homozygous p21(cip) loss releases islets from growth inhibition, markedly enhancing proliferation in response to HGF and placental lactogen.  相似文献   

The immunocytochemical detection of four pituitary protein hormones in tissue from 13 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia has been described. There have been marked differences in the distribution and intensity of reaction product attributable to the various hormonal antisera. The intracellular presence of endogenous prolactin and FSH in the epithelial cytoplasm has been suggested together with the stromal localization of growth hormone and prolactin. Minimal diffuse staining over most cellular components was observed with the LH antiserum. This technique has provided an invaluable means of studying the potential involvement of pituitary protein hormones in the control of prostatic function and disease.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) act as growth-promoters of breast tumors. Recent arguments have accumulated to suggest that when they are locally-produced within the mammary tissue, these hormones, acting by an autocrine-paracrine mechanism may have enhanced, or even specific functions compared to endocrine PRL and GH. Classical drugs blocking pituitary hormone production (dopamine and somatostatin analogs) are ineffective on extrapituitary expression of PRL/GH genes, therefore the undesirable effects of these locally-produced hormones remain a target of interest for alternative strategies. This has encouraged the development of competitive PRL and/or GH receptor antagonists, which involve engineered variants of natural receptor ligands (PRL or GH) aimed at blocking receptor activation rather than hormone production in peripheral tissues. This article overviews the rational design of this new class of molecules, their specific molecular features (receptor specificity, biological properties, etc.) and whenever available, the data that have been obtained in cell or animal models of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Summary In six patients with clinical and electroencephalographic signs of brain death, pituitary hormones such as prolactin, human growth hormone (GH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and thyrotrophin (TSH) were measured in blood close to the demonstration of intracranial circulatory arrest by angiography. In addition, pituitary hormone releasing tests and an insulin test were carried out in two patients. The results showed that no patient had a general decrease in hormone levels, according to their biological half life times, which suggests there still was some function in the hypothalamus and pituitary. This was supported by the results of the stimulation tests. It is concluded that in brain death some basal parts of the brain may still be perfused despite the fact that angiography indicates circulatory arrest in these areas.  相似文献   

Animal models for the study of milk secretion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Milk secretion is regulated by a complex interaction of galactopoietic hormones which is not yet fully understood. Recent studies have demonstrated that this systemic control is modulated within the mammary gland by local mechanisms responsive to the frequency and completeness of milk removal. New insights into the endocrine and local (paracrine and autocrine) regulation of milk secretion have come from the adaptation of traditional endocrinological techniques to take advantage of new molecular tools, and from technical advances in other fields. This paper reviews recently developed animal models for the study of milk secretion and describes their application to provide new information into the roles of two key galactopoietic hormones, growth hormone and prolactin, and the modulation of their actions by local, intramammary mechanisms.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of neuropeptides (beta-endorphin, substance P, arginine vasopressin, oxytocin), pituitary hormones (adrenocorticotropin, prolactin, growth hormone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), gonadal inhibin, gastrin, and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)) was carried out in marmoset testis during development. Both intensity of immunostaining and distribution of these peptides in testicular compartments viz. seminiferous tubules and Leydig cells changed dramatically during development. In vitro biosynthesis of inhibin and FSH was increased by hCG, whereas prolactin (5 micrograms) and prostatic inhibin peptide suppressed the synthesis of these hormones.  相似文献   

The relative importance of GH3 and prolactin in mammary gland function varies between species with prolactin playing a major role in rodents and GH taking lead role in ruminants. In rodents, however, GH appears to play a vital role in maintaining a high-fat/low volume milk in the absence of prolactin and a similar finding has been demonstrated in goats where prolactin deficiency causes a more modest (15%) decrease in milk yield. Surprisingly GH-deficiency in goats induced no further decline in milk yield whereas exogenous GH or prolactin both stimulated milk output considerably. Although direct effects of prolactin on mammary epithelial cells are well-documented effects of GH are believed to be mediated indirectly via IGF-1 production from the liver. We have been unable to confirm this hypothesis in rats and believe this to be because it is too simplistic. By considering prolactin and GH to be survival factors for the mammary gland we now propose a mechanism by which they interact through the IGF system. Involution of the mammary gland involves apoptosis and, in rats, it is induced by prolactin-deficiency or milk accumulation. Coincidentally with this process mammary epithelial cells synthesize and secrete an IGF binding protein, IGFBP-5. We hypothesize that GH stimulates IGF-1 production, possibly from the mammary parenchyma. IGF-1 then acts as a survival factor for the mammary gland. Prolactin plays an essential role since it suppresses the secretion of IGFBP-5 which would otherwise inhibit IGF-1 action and lead to the induction of cell death.  相似文献   

Local IGF-I Axis in Peripubertal Ruminant Mammary Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The regulation of mammary growth and development in heifers is accomplished by complexinteractions of hormones, growth factors, and extracellular matrix molecules. Many of thesegrowth stimulators are believed to be locally produced in the mammary gland and to beaffected by developmental and nutritional status. Although estrogen and growth hormone areconsidered critical to pubertal mammogenesis, results summarized in this review suggest thatIGF-I6 and IGF binding proteins are especially important locally-produced growth regulatorsin peripubertal ruminants. This assertion is supported by studies of ovariectomized heifers, inwhich increased stromal IGFBP-3 and reduced IGF-I correspond with a failure of udderdevelopment. Similarly, reduced mammary development with overfeeding coincides withreduced mitogenic activity of mammary tissue extracts and altered concentrations of IGF-Iand IGFBPs. In vitro studies convincingly demonstrate that much of the mitogenic activity ofmammary extracts or serum can be attributed to IGF-I and that alterations in IGFBP-3 modulateits effectiveness. Thus by analogy to second messenger mechanisms of action for proteinhormones, local mammary-derived growth factors likely explain many of the effects attributedto the classic mammogenic hormones.  相似文献   

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