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随着国民经济的发展,钒及其化合物的生产与使用也日益普遍,近年来钒的毒性及对工人健康的影响也已逐渐为人们所重视。钒及其化合物在工业生产中主要以尘和烟的形式污染车间环境,经呼吸道和肺进入人体而产生一系列毒作用。为了进一步了解其对工人肺功能的影响和为职业性慢性钒中毒早期诊断提供依据,对102名接钒工人肺功能状态进行了测定,报告如下。  相似文献   

尿钒的自然排泄速度及CaNa2DETA驱钒效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过观察钒作业工人尿钒自然排泄速(?)及Ca-Na_2EDTA 驱钒效果,可以间接分析钒在体内的蓄积情况,并对防治钒中毒具有重要意义.现将初步观察结果报道如下.方法和结果1.钒作业工人尿钒含量  相似文献   

炼钒工人的皮炎调查及其病因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要报告对生产钒化合物工人进行皮炎调查的结果。炼钒厂87名接触钒工人皮炎总的患病串为27.6%,各工种患病串范围在20—80%,提示皮炎的发生与接触浓度有一定关系,而对照组28人无皮炎发生。钒酸钠斑贴试验接触组发生和未发生过皮炎的阳性率分别为26%和7%,对照组均为阴性。豚鼠钒酸钠致敏试验结果阳性。皮炎患者外周血淋巴细胞刺激指数为109±57.2,对照93±64。7,P>0.05,致敏豚鼠脾脏淋巴细胞刺激指数(20.3±3.5)明显高于对照(2.2±1.1),P<0.01。结论认为炼钒工人的皮炎与接触钒有关,钒化合物对皮肤的作用可能具有两重性,即原发性刺激作用和致敏作用。  相似文献   

钒在自然界是比较丰富的微量元素,其用途较广。随着工业的发展,钒的产量逐渐增加,钒对作业工人健康的影响也逐渐被人们所重视。国内外有关钒对作业工人的影响,尤其对呼吸道刺激屡有报道,但对肺功能观察较少,也不尽相同。我们於1984年7、8月份对某厂钒作业工人做了肺功能检查,其结果如下:  相似文献   

本文报导了对87名炼钒男性工人在离开作业后尿钒排泄情况的研究,观察了不同接触水平下工人尿钒排泄的异同。结果显示,钒作业者离岗后5天,尿中钒浓度仍较对照组高,为对照的2~4倍,但不同接触水平的工人的尿钒值差别已不显著。表明不同接触水平下,尿钒的排泄特点基本相似,从而提示尿钒可作为近期接触的指标,采尿样时间最好在当天班末或次日上班前,这样能比较真实地反映工人的接触情况。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨钒对职业接触人群心血管系统的影响. [方法]通过横断面研究方法,对钒职业接触工人心血管系统的症状、血压、心电图进行分析,探讨钒对职业人群心血管的影响. [结果]接钒组心血管系统症状检出率是对照组的2.6倍(OR=2.60,P<0.05),且接钒工龄与心血管系统症状检出率呈正相关(OR=1.40,P<0.05).接钒组收缩压高于对照组(P<0.05),两组舒张压差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);接钒组高血压的检出率与对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).两组心电图异常情况比较,差异亦无统计学意义(P>0.05). [结论]钒化合物对职业接触人群的心血管系统可产生潜在危害.  相似文献   

目的 分析钒职业接触人群早期主观症状表现特点,探讨钒与主观症状表现的剂量-反应关系.方法 采用横断面研究方法,将研究对象分为接钒组(1 177名钒作业≥1年工人)和对照组(1 052名无钒接触史工人),分析钒对职业接触人群主观症状影响.结果 接钒组与对照组皮肤黏膜刺激症状检出率分别为30.6%、4.8%,呼吸系统症状检出率分别为5.0%、1.3%,神经系统症状检出率分别为10.5%、7.5%,心血管系统症状检出率分别为3.5%、1.4%,2组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);皮肤黏膜刺激症状检出率与累计接钒量存在剂量-反应关系(趋势检验x2=9.006,P<0.01).结论 接钒工人主观症状主要表现为皮肤黏膜刺激症状和神经系统、呼吸系统、心血管系统症状,且皮肤黏膜刺激症状检出率与累计接钒量存在剂量-反应关系.  相似文献   

我们通过横断面研究方法,分析钒对职业接触作业工人皮肤黏膜主要症状和体征的影响,并经logistic回归模型拟合,探索其相关的影响因素。结果表明,钒化合物可引起接钒工人出现明显的皮肤黏膜刺激症状,且皮肤黏膜的异常体征检出率明显高于对照组;高温、酸碱等职业有害因素可增加钒对皮肤黏膜刺激症状的发生率。  相似文献   

钒化合物的职业性危害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
(一)钒对作业工人慢性危害研究1.临床观察早在1911年Dutton就曾报告钒矿石粉碎和冶炼工人最突出的临床表现为伴咯血的阵发性干咳及眼和鼻咽部刺激症状,部分人还有消瘦、头痛、四肢震颤等表现。但由于所观察的病例中部分患有肺结核,因而干扰了对呼吸系统损害的判断。Symansk曾客观地分析了以往文献并结合自己的观察[‘],指出钒最具特征性的临床表现为呼吸道粘膜的刺激症状,多数人肺部可闻及干性罗音;X线检查显示有支气管炎征象。进而认为,长期吸入钒尘可引起支气管扩张、重度慢性支气管炎,但未见其他系统损害表现。Vitinner调查…  相似文献   

钒作业工人指甲、毛发胱氨酸含量及毛发超微结构的研究袁中文林杰李茂林蔡洁袁勋王家伦动物实验证实钒中毒时可引起指甲、毛发胱氨酸含量降低[1]。钒作业工人指甲及毛发胱氨酸含量报道不多。目前尚未见到毛发超微结构的研究。本文对钒作业工人指甲、毛发胱氨酸含量及毛...  相似文献   

  目的  探讨大学生金属内暴露水平与肺功能的相关性,为开展金属暴露与肺功能损伤的相关研究提供依据。  方法  以2017—2018年在华北理工大学曹妃甸校区招募的45名符合标准的大学生为研究对象,分别于春、夏、秋、冬季进行问卷随访调查和健康体检,测量肺功能参数[用力肺活量(FVC)、1 s用力呼气容积(FEV1)、最大呼气流量(PEF)、FEV1/FVC和用力呼气流量(FEF25~75)],同时采集晨尿样本。尿液中15种金属含量使用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP/MS)检测; 采用Kruskal-Wallis H检验比较不同季节尿液中金属含量的差异; 运用线性混合效应模型分析尿液中金属组分暴露浓度与肺功能之间的相关性。  结果  尿液15种金属元素中,铬、铁、镍、铜、锌、砷、硒、钼、镉、锑、铅在4个季节的含量差异均有统计学意义(H=9.79~20.61,P值均 < 0.05)。5项肺功能参数在4个季节的差异均有统计学意义(F值分别为61.72,45.30,47.61,25.47,35.13,P值均 < 0.05)。线性混合效应模型分析结果显示,尿液中钒、锰、铁、钴、镍和锑含量与FEV1呈负性相关(B值分别为0.202,0.192,0.181,0.154,0.131,0.283);尿液中铝、钒、锰、铁、钴、镍、锌、镉和锑的含量与FVC呈负性相关(B值分别为0.252,0.290,0.292,0.271,0.201,0.180,0.171,0.163,0.381);尿液中锰和锑的含量与PEF呈负相关(B值分别为0.291,0.354)(P值均 < 0.05)。  结论  大学生尿液中多种金属含量的增加与肺功能水平下降有关,金属元素的长期暴露有可能造成肺功能的损害,应加强对环境金属污染的控制。  相似文献   

Young adult rats were exposed via inhalation or intratracheal instillation to oxides of arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, lead, selenium, vanadium, and ytterbium. Serial necropsies were performed to assess the metal content in organs at times up to several weeks after exposure. The lung clearance varied widely for these compounds, and the times to remove 50% of the initial burden ranged from 18 min for vanadium to 400 days for beryllium. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, selenium, and vanadium were initially soluble in lung, but a small fraction (1-20%) remained there over the long term. Extrapulmonary tissues often accumulated substantial amounts of the soluble oxides, and whole-body retention was often greater for compounds that were more soluble in lung. Arsenic, selenium, and vanadium translocated to carcass and bone. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and selenium accumulated in the liver, and the kidney retained cadmium and lead. Beryllium, cobalt and ytterbium did not deposit at any extrapulmonary site in significant amounts. In general, the aqueous solubility of these compounds was a poor predictor for behavior in vivo because of their interaction with metabolic processes. Of the metal oxides tested for acute lethality following pulmonary deposition, cadmium was most toxic, followed by selenium, vanadium, and arsenic.  相似文献   

Special physical examinations were made in order to find out the actual status of damages to health that had broken out in a factory collecting V2O5 from iron sand; and the following results were found: 1. Pharyngitis and bronchitis were found in 25% of the workers exposed to vanadium, but neither pneumonia nor hepatitis was observed. 2. Among the subjective and objective symptoms, respiratory irritation and discoloration of the tongue were frequent. 3. Black spot-like pigmentations gathering in a zonal form 1-2 mm wide in the transitional part and oral mucosa of the upper lip were found. Prevalence rate of this sign was 14.3% in the workers exposed to vanadium. 4. The mean valus of total serum protein and the serum cholesterol in the exposed workers were lower than those in the controls. The difference in the values between both groups is statistically significant. 5. Both the mean values of vanadium concentrations in vurine and its creatinine ratios in the exposed workers were twice to three times those in the controls; however, these parameters decreased to about one third in two months by improving the health and environmental control-measures. 6. Draft items to be checked in special physical examinations of workers handling vanadium have been proposed.  相似文献   

目的研究职业健康体检中粉尘作业人员肺功能检查结果。方法选择2015年5月-2016年5月接受职业健康体检的93名粉尘作业人员,其中43例有肺功能下降症状,无症状的人员50名,对比粉尘作业人员肺功能相关指标。结果两组比气道传导率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),有症状组肺活量、一秒末用力呼气容积、最大呼气容积、最大呼气中段流量、呼气峰值流速均低于无症状组,与无症状组相比,有症状组气道阻力较高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论粉尘作业人员存在肺功能下降问题,通过职业健康体检能够对检查人员尘肺等疾病予以判断。  相似文献   

The toxic effects of vanadium pentoxide were investigated following chronic exposure. Rats were exposed intratracheally once a month (0.56 mg V2O5/kg) for 12 months. Body weight gain of exposed animals slowed down following the 10th treatment when compared to the corresponding controls. Lung weights were significantly greater than controls; however, other organ weights were not changed. Blood glucose of treated animals was slightly decreased whereas blood total cholesterol was reduced markedly. Thein vitro experiments were performed to explain the mechanism of chronic toxic effects. The results of these experiments confirmed that vanadium(V) undergoes one-electron redox cycling in rat lung biomembranes and that reoxidation of vanadium(IV) initiates lipid peroxidation under aerobic conditions. The lung is the primary target organ during the intratracheal exposure to V2O5. It is postulated that free-radical redox cycling of vanadium may be responsible for the observed pulmonary toxicity.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported significant lung function changes after exposure to fuel-oil ash during a boiler overhaul in which median PM10 and vanadium concentrations were 2.9 mg/m3 and 11.9 micrograms/m3, respectively. In this study, we examined prospectively 18 boilermakers involved in the short-term, partial overhaul of a large, oil-fired boiler where occupational exposures to PM10 and metals were relatively low. Vanadium and PM10 exposure levels were measured before and during boiler work. For PM10, median exposure before and during boiler work was 0.5 and 0.6 mg/m3, respectively. For vanadium, median exposure before and during boiler work was 1.0 and 12.7 micrograms/m3, respectively, comparable with the results of our previous study. Spirometric (PFT) testing was done three times: first day on the job (PFT1), end of overhaul (PFT2), and 2 weeks post-overhaul (PFT3). Spirometry results were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance. No significant differences were found. Boilermakers working on a short-term overhaul of an oil-fired boiler exhibited no significant change in any lung function parameter comparing pre-, during, and 2 weeks post-exposure. The comparatively low levels of exposure to PM10 and vanadium observed during boiler work, the short duration of the overhaul, and the healthy worker effect are possible explanations for these results.  相似文献   

To clarify acute toxicity and histopathological changes in the lung after exposure to V2O5 powder, rats (SD, male, n=66) were observed for 4 weeks after an intratracheal administration of V2O5 powder (geometric mean diameter 0.31 microm, geomertic standard deviation sigmag=2.19) at three doses (0.88, 3.0, 13.0 mg/kg body weight). The histopathological lung lesions were developed dose-dependently, and characterized by exudative inflammation, injury of alveolar macrophages, and swelling and mucous degeneration in the broncho-bronchiolar epithelia. Growth rate of the V2O5 powder-instilled rat was also retarded dose-dependently. The V2O5 powder used was composed of not coagulated but well dispersed particles consisting of vanadium pentoxide of more than 99.8% (w/w) with vanadium tetraoxide of less than 0.2%. The V2O5 powder was found to be 8 times more soluble in an artificial biological fluid "Gamble's solution" than in a pure water. From the present findings as well as those from the related literature, it was inferred that the histopathological lesions induced by the intratracheally instilled V2O5 powder are caused not only by the V2O5 particles per se but also by vanadium ions dissolved from the particles into the lung fluid.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Occupational exposure to fuel-oil ash, with its high vanadium content, may cause respiratory illness. It is unclear, however, what early acute health effects may occur on the pathway from normal to compromised respiratory function. METHODS: Using a repeated measures design, we studied prospectively 18 boilermakers overhauling an oil-fired boiler and 11 utility worker controls. Subjects completed a respiratory symptom diary five times per day by using a 0-3 scale where 0=symptom not present, 1=mild symptom, 2=moderate symptom, and 3=severe symptom. Daily symptom severity was calculated by using the highest reported score each day for upper and lower respiratory symptoms. Daily symptom frequency was calculated by summing all upper or lower airway symptom reports, then dividing by number of reporting times. Respiratory symptom frequency and severity were analyzed for dose-response relationships with estimated vanadium and PM(10) doses to the lung and upper airway by using robust regression. RESULTS: During the overhaul, 72% of boilermakers reported lower airway symptoms, and 67% reported upper airway symptoms. These percentages were 27 and 36 for controls. Boilermakers had more frequent and more severe upper and lower respiratory symptoms compared to utility workers, and this difference was greatest during interior boiler work. A statistically significant dose-response pattern for frequency and severity of both upper and lower respiratory symptoms was seen with vanadium and PM(10) in the three lower exposure quartiles. However, there was a reversal in the dose-response trend in the highest exposure quartile, reflecting a possible healthy worker effect. CONCLUSIONS: Boilermakers experience more frequent and more severe respiratory symptoms than utility workers. This is most statistically significant during boiler work and is associated with increasing dose estimates of lung and nasal vanadium and PM(10).  相似文献   

Vanadium concentrations in lung tissue were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry from autopsy specimens taken from residents of Mexico City during the 1960s and 1990s (20 males and 19 females, and 30 males and 18 females, respectively). Samples from the 1990s had significantly increased mean vanadium concentrations (mean ± standard deviation: 1.36 ± 0.08), compared with those from the 1960s (1.04 ± 0.05). Concentrations were not correlated with gender, smoking habit, age, cause of death, or occupation. These findings suggest that vanadium in ambient air is increasing and it represents a potential health hazard for Mexico City residents. Air pollution monitoring efforts should include vanadium concentrations in suspended particles to follow-up the findings reported herein. Researchers need to acquire a better knowledge of the levels of airborne vanadium exposure at which risk to human health occurs.  相似文献   

Vanadium concentrations in lung tissue were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry from autopsy specimens taken from residents of Mexico City during the 1960s and 1990s (20 males and 19 females, and 30 males and 18 females, respectively). Samples from the 1990s had significantly increased mean vanadium concentrations (mean +/- standard deviation: 1.36 +/- 0.08), compared with those from the 1960s (1.04 +/- 0.05). Concentrations were not correlated with gender, smoking habit, age, cause of death, or occupation. These findings suggest that vanadium in ambient air is increasing and it represents a potential health hazard for Mexico City residents. Air pollution monitoring efforts should include vanadium concentrations in suspended particles to follow-up the findings reported herein. Researchers need to acquire a better knowledge of the levels of airborne vanadium exposure at which risk to human health occurs.  相似文献   

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