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目的:比较ProFile镍钛机用根管器械,ProTaper镍钛手用根管器械和不锈钢K锉用于弯曲根管预备时的根管拉直和根尖偏移,为ProFile和ProTaper的临床应用提供实验依据。方法:将正畸前减数拔除的30个下颌第一前磨牙随机分为3组,分别用不锈钢K锉、ProTaper镍钛手用根管器械、ProFile镍钛机用根管器械做根管预备,分析评价其根管拉直和根尖偏移情况。结果:不锈钢K锉组的根管拉直、根尖偏移显著大于ProTaper和ProFile预备组。结论:ProFile和ProTaper镍钛根管预备器械与传统的不锈钢器械相比更适合弯曲根管的根管预备。  相似文献   

手用ProTaper镍钛锉与不锈钢H锉根管预备的临床疗效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较手用ProTaper镍钛锉与标准手用不锈钢H锉根管预备的临床疗效。方法选择100例患者需作根管治疗的120颗患牙随机分为实验1组和实验2组,每组60颗患牙。实验1组使用标准手用不锈钢H锉和逐步后退法预备根管;实验2组使用手用ProTaper镍钛锉和冠向下预备技术预备根管。根管治疗完成后,随访3个月,观察临床疗效。结果实验2组根管治疗后疗效明显优于实验1组,其差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论手用ProTaper锉系统柔韧性好,治疗成功率高,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 比较联合使用ProTaper和Pathfile镍钛锉、单独使用ProTaper镍钛锉、单独使用不锈钢K锉预备狭窄弯曲根管的临床效果.方法 因牙髓炎或根尖周炎需根管治疗的93颗患牙,336个根管,平均分为A组、B组和C组,A组联合使用Pathfile和ProTaper镍钛锉,冠向下法进行根管预备;B组单用ProTaper镍钛锉,冠向下法进行根管预备;C组单用预弯的弹性K锉,逐步后退法进行根管预备.比较3组在根管预备时间、器械折断率、恰填率及根尖偏移率方面的差异.结果 A、B、C组的根管预备时间分别为(8.51±2.32) min、(7.08±1.56) min、( 13.76±3.28) min,差异有统计学意义(F=223.796,P<0.01).A组器械折断率(0.00%)、台阶形成率(0.89%)、根尖偏移率(7.14%)最低,恰填率(92.86%)最高.3组之间器械折断率、恰填率、台阶形成率和根尖偏移率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 Pathfile和ProTaper镍钛锉联合使用可减少狭窄弯曲根管的预备时间,且安全可靠,根管充填效果好.  相似文献   

不锈钢K锉预备弯曲根管时根管不良形态形成的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨弯曲根管预备时根管不良形态形成的特点与规律。方法:使用手用不锈钢K锉,按逐步后退法预备8个弯曲人工根管,根管预备过程中对根管及根尖孔进行微距摄影,用图像分析软件Image-ProPlus对根管的形态与位置变化进行测量、分析;实验数据采用SPSS10.0统计软件包进行统计学分析,选用配对t检验比较组间差异。结果:根管预备完毕,根管弯曲角度均值从预备前的36.21°(Schneider法)逐渐减小至21.98°,弯曲半径均值从6.28mm增大至11.35mm;根管长轴发生了偏移,与预备前原根管长轴形成2个交点,3个相交区。根管的连续锥度被破坏,并出现一系列预备缺陷。结论:弯曲根管预备时,根管器械在弯曲应力与切削力的共同作用下发生动态的根管偏移,是导致一系列根管不良形态的根本原因。  相似文献   

镍钛机用Profile和不锈钢K锉预备弯曲根管比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:比较镍钛机用Profile与不锈钢K锉对弯曲根管的预备效果。方法:将40个因正畸拔除的弯根下颌第一前磨牙随机分为两组,每组20个。分别采用Profile和不锈钢K锉预备,对根管偏移和根备时间进行比较。结果:Profile组无1例,不锈钢K锉组有9例出现根管偏移,Profile组的根管预备时间明显少于不锈钢K锉组。两组根管偏移的发生率及根管预备时间有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:Profile能更好地保持弯曲根管的解剖走向且具有省时省力的优点。  相似文献   

机用镍钛锉根管预备的临床应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:比较机用镍钛锉与手用K型锉根管预备的临床应用。方法:将牙位相同、诊断相同,全身情况类似的患者按随机配对原则分入甲乙两组,甲组为镍钛锉预备组;乙组为K型锉预备组,每组50例患者。结果:对于单根管牙齿,使用机用镍钛锉进行根管预备,所用时间与传统手用K型锉根管预备相比无显著差异,对于双根管牙及磨牙而言,采用机用镍钛进行根管预备所用时间明显少于使用传统手用K型锉根管预备,根管预备一周内,使用机用镍钛锉根管预备与传统手用K型锉根管预备术后反应无显著差异,结论:传统手用K型锉预备根管相比,机用镍锉具有省时省力的优点。  相似文献   

目的:对比ProTaper镍钛手用根管器械和不锈钢K锉进行弯曲根管预备时的根尖偏移和根充后密度。方法:将正畸减数拔除的下颌第一前磨牙20个随机分为2组,每组10个。分别用不锈钢K锉、ProTaper镍钛手用根管器械做根管预备,对比分析并评价根尖偏移和根充后密度情况。结果:两组根管偏移发生率和根充密度存在显著性差异。结论:ProTaper镍钛根管预备器械与不锈钢器械相比更适合弯曲根管的预备。  相似文献   

目的:比较ProTaper手动镍钛锉与ISO标准手用不锈钢K型锉根管预备技术的效果。方法:将40个含弯曲管的透明塑料模块随机分为两组, 每组20个,A组为ProTaper手动镍钛锉预备组(PT组);B组为手用不锈钢K型锉预备组(SS组)。记录每组根管预备所需的时间,预备后根管形态的变化,以及推出根尖液体和碎屑的量。结果:PT组根管预备所用时间明显小于SS组(P<0. 05);预备后弯曲根管被直化的程度PT组明显小于SS组(P< 0. 05 );预备过程中PT组推出根尖液体和碎屑的量显著少于SS组(P<0. 05)。结论:与传统手用不锈钢锉相比,ProTaper手动镍钛锉在根管预备方面有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

由于根管系统的复杂性,增加了临床根管清理和成形的难度。而传统不锈钢K锉又存在诸多操作限制性,因此旋转镍钛系统的优势正越来越得到体现,逐渐成为根管预备器械的主力军。但旋转镍钛系统也有不尽如人意的地方:复杂的操作顺序、棘手的器械折断、高昂的成本支出,都是临床面对的难题。由此而产生的单根锉根管预备新理念,仅一根专门设计于往复旋转的机用镍钛锉便可完成对某一根管的预备,使根管预备过程变得简单而高效。而且这种由M相镍钛材料制成的根管锉将更具柔韧性,能抵抗金属的周期性疲劳,即使是弯曲细小的根管,也只需一根合适的锉达到根管充填所需的理想形态和锥度。本文以wave one和reciproc为代表就"单根锉根管预备"镍钛系统的特性和应用作一综述。  相似文献   

目的 比较ProTaper手动镍钛锉和手用不锈钢K锉对弯曲根管的预备效果。方法 选择2006年3月至2007年3月辽宁省人民医院口腔门诊收治的前磨牙和磨牙患有牙髓炎和根尖周炎,且有弯曲根管的患者92例,随机分为两组,分别采用ProTaper手动镍钛锉(PT组)和手用不锈钢K锉(SS组)进行根管预备,侧向加压技术充填根管,比较两组根管曲度的变化。结果 PT组根管曲度平均减小1.97°,SS组根管曲度平均减小9.48°,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 ProTaper手动镍钛锉可以很好地保持根管的初始走向,且并发症减少。  相似文献   

两种侧方加压器进入弯曲根管深度的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的比较国产镍钛(NiTi)和不锈钢(SS)侧方加压器在树脂模拟弯曲根管中的进入深度。方法选择已预备的树脂模拟弯曲根管(35°)20个,随机分成两组,即SS侧方加压器组(SS组)和NiTi侧方加压器组(NiTi组),分别测定在空根管内插入两种侧压器达工作长度时所需压力值;放入主牙胶尖,测定侧压器距工作长度3mm时的压力值;放入主牙胶尖,使用15N的压力,记录两种侧压器进入根管的深度。结果在空根管中,插入NiTi侧压器所需的平均压力为2.72N,明显低于SS侧压器的7.48N(P<0.01)。在有主牙胶尖的根管中,NiTi侧压器所需的平均压力为36.3N,明显低于SS侧压器的48.7N(P<0.01)。15N压力时,NiTi侧压器插入根管的平均深度为13mm;而SS侧压器进入的深度约为12mm(P<0.01)。结论国产NiTi侧压器在弯曲根管中较SS侧压器能获得较好的进入深度和较小的所需压力。  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the shaping ability of K3 rotary nickel-titanium instruments with stainless steel K-Flexofiles manipulated by hand. Part 1 of this two-part report describes the efficiency of these two instruments in simulated curved root canals. METHODOLOGY: Simulated canals with 28 degrees and 35 degrees curves in resin blocks were prepared by K3 instruments with a rotational speed of 250 r.p.m. using a crown-down preparation technique, or by K-Flexofiles using a reaming motion -i = 24 canals in each case). All canals were prepared up to size 35 at the end-point of preparation. Pre- and postinstrumentation images were recorded, and assessment of canal shape was completed with a computer image analysis program. Material removal was measured at 20 measuring points, beginning 1 mm from the apex. Incidence of canal aberrations, preparation time, changes of working length and instrument failures were also recorded. RESULTS: In comparison with stainless steel K-Flexofiles, rotary K3 instruments achieved better canal geometry and showed significantly less canal transportation (P < 0.05) Eleven K3 instruments and none of the K-Flexofiles fractured during preparation (P < 0.05). Between both the canal types, K3 was significantly faster (P < 0.001) than K-Flexofiles. Both instruments maintained a good working distance. CONCLUSIONS: K3 instruments prepared curved canals rapidly and with minimal transportation towards the outer aspect of the curve. Fractures occurred significantly more often with K3.  相似文献   

Endodontic treatment of curved canals is always more difficult than straight canals, especially for the apical zone preparation: root canals may present several curvatures in different space directions. From an anatomical point of view root canals with accentuated curvatures are a very frequent event (more than we might think); radiological exams, in fact, give us only a 2D image, and we can observe mesial or distal curvatures but not those in the oral or buccal direction. However, all root canals have curvatures of some degrees; even those that appear straight. Because of this, endodontitis have made many attempts to overcome these problems and manage to have a good preparation in curve canal. The authors analyse all endodontic techniques (step back, step down, crown down, balanced forces) codified in the course of the years, to prepare curved canals; they both in shape or in materials. It's fundamental for the endodontist to have a specific technique to treat curved canals to allow a good, wide preparation; in this way it's possible to make a better and tridimensional filling of the endodontic space above all in the tipical zone.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of hand instrumentation using traditional stainless steel K-files and nickel-titanium K-files on the final shape of curved root canals. A total of 24 moderately curved canals in the mesial roots in extracted human mandibular first molars were randomly divided into two groups. These were instrumented manually using either stainless steel or nickel-titanium, K-files with the stepdown technique. The cross-sectional shape of each canal at three different horizontal levels were captured, before and after instrumentation, into a computer for comparison using image analyser software. Three parameters at each level were evaluated: (i) amount of dentine removed; (ii) least remaining dentine thicknesses on mesial and furcal aspects; and (iii) the amount and direction of canal transportation. The results showed that the two file types removed similar amounts of dentine at all three levels examined. The nickel-titanium files left a thicker layer of dentine on both the mesial and furcal aspects than stainless steel files. However, the difference was not significant (pooled T-test, P > 0.05). Both types of files transported the centre of the canals but the nickel-titanium instrument seemed to be safer because of the reduced amount of transportation towards the danger areas.  相似文献   

The cleaning efficiency and the quality of the surgical preparation is mainly conditioned by root canal anatomy, the instruments and the technique employed. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the extent of straightening of curved root canals and the changes in endodontic anatomy caused by the use of Flex-R, Onyx-R and Nitiflex files with the balanced forces technique. Sixty mandibular molars were selected for evaluation of angulation and transportation. Pre and post instrumentation radiographs were taken of the mesiodistal and buccolingual aspects of each tooth. The radiographs were projected on a transparent sheet, the contours of each tooth and file were outlined and the canal curvature was measured. Pre and post instrumentation tracings were overlaid and the extent of transportation was measured with a micrometric caliper. Statistical analysis of the data was performed employing Student's "t" test, Analysis of Variance and Bonferroni's test. The results showed that all the instruments reduced canal curvature significantly. Transportation in the mesiodistal direction did not reach statistical significance whereas transportation in the buccolingual direction was statistically significant.  相似文献   

不锈钢锉对弯曲根管成形能力的评价   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目的 :评价不锈钢锉预备弯曲根管时的根管成形能力。方法 :利用一套自主研制的《牙齿模拟根管辅助分析测量系统》软件 ,定量检测 8个模拟根管在用不锈钢锉预备前后的形态变化 ,并进行统计学分析。结果 :不锈钢锉虽经预弯 ,仍有明显拉直根管的趋势。不锈钢锉对弯曲根管的各部位切割很不均衡。结论 :弹性更好的锉和预备手法的改进是弯曲根管预备所必须的。  相似文献   

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