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Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between WhatsApp on academic performance among Saudi medical school students at the University of AlBaha and the University of Dammam.

Methods: A total of 160 students (79 students from AlBaha medical school and 81 students from Dammam medical school) with smartphones were surveyed on their use of social media services and their academic performance (October–December 2015). A Likert scale consisting of 14 items was used to measure the use of WhatsApp and its relationship with academic achievement. Factor analysis of the self-report data of the social media addiction items was conducted. Pearson’s correlations were examined to determine the relationship of WhatsApp use with academic achievement and symptoms of addiction.

Results: Nearly 99% of participants reported using WhatsApp (over 53% use for academic activities). There was no significant association between GPA and students who use WhatsApp. However, the time spent on WhatsApp usage was directly proportional to the symptoms of addiction.

Conclusions: WhatsApp usage showed no relationship with the academic performance among Saudi medical students in both the universities. However, the usage of WhatsApp could be cautioned to minimize the social media addiction on various aspects of life.  相似文献   


Context: The accreditation of undergraduate medical education is a universal undertaking. Despite the widespread adoption of accreditation processes and an increasing focus on accreditation as a mechanism to ensure minimum standards are met in various fields, there is little evidence to support the effectiveness of accreditation. Traditionally, accreditation has worked toward achieving two ends: assuring and improving quality. Many recent articles emphasize the need for continuous quality improvement mechanisms to work, as well as the quality assurance role of accreditation.

Methods: The aim of the study was to examine the purposes and outcomes of accreditation, and stakeholders’ experience of accreditation in Saudi Arabia. Triangulation of data was achieved through literature review, analysis of accreditation documents, examined the outcome of accreditation process (pre and post) through stakeholders’ experience of accreditation (learner, teacher, and academic leader perspectives). Data were interrogated using thematic analysis approach involving identifying, analyzing, and reporting repeated patterns (themes) of meaning within data.

Results: Three themes emerged from the three phase study: "Passing the exam" versus long-term benefit, generic versus specialized accreditation standards, and internal quality assurance and self-evaluation. The data revealed a number of strategies that stakeholders can employ to achieve a balance between an “accreditation threat” and a quality improvement approach that is likely to have a lasting effect on educational outcomes.

Discussion: This empirical study revealed strong parallels between assessment and accreditation purpose, engagement, and outcomes. Like an increasing number of commentaries in the literature, this study suggests that accreditation bodies would do well to shift toward a holistic approach to quality management in medical education; implementation of quality improvement by an external “other”—described by some participants as the “policeman approach”—is not ideal for promoting sustainable quality education. Sustainable accreditation for long-term education improvement is not presented as a method, but as a way of thinking about important, and often overlooked, aspects of accreditation practice. Sustainable accreditation means that there is a need to meet both the immediate accreditation standards (“the exam”) as well as establishing a basis for continuing quality improvement.  相似文献   

Kamran Sattar 《Medical teacher》2016,38(12):1262-1266
Background: Medical Professionalism is recognized as a cultural construct. We explore perceptions of the severity of lapses in professionalism of undergraduate medical students at two medical schools with different cultural contexts.

Methods: Respondents from two medical schools (Saudi Arabia & UK) recommended sanctions for the first time, unmitigated lapses in academic professionalism, using the Dundee Polyprofessionalism Inventory 1: Academic Integrity.

Results: While more than two-thirds of the recommended sanctions for the 30 items of poor professionalism were fully or nearly congruent among the 1125 respondents, there were substantial differences in recommended response for one-third of the items, with a strong tendency for the Saudi students to recommend more lenient sanctions than the Scottish students.

Conclusion: The strategy of using recommended sanctions as a proxy for the perception of the severity of different lapses in professionalism may be a useful tool in learning and teaching academic professionalism among medical students in different cultural contexts.  相似文献   


Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the awareness and attitudes of medical and dental students regarding interprofessional learning (IPL).

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 278 female undergraduate Medical and Dental students from Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh. These students undertook IPL in the Foundation block, in basic science teaching, clinical skills’ laboratories and in professionalism and learning skills’ modules. A modified, validated RIPLS questionnaire with four subscales and 29 items was used to collect data regarding their perception and attitudes towards shared learning. A five-point Likert scale was used with a value ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) for each item. Factor analysis was done using Varimox rotation. Student’s t test was applied to detect difference between mean scores of medical and dental student’s responses

Results: The mean age of respondents was 19.8?±?1.7?years with the majority in the second year of each program. There was no difference in mean responses of the medical and dental students. The respondents favored shared learning in the areas of professional skills and patient care. They agreed that IPL helps to develop respect, trust and appreciation for other professions; however, both groups preferred to learn uni-professionally with regard to developing discrete professional identities and roles.

Conclusions: There is an overall positive response towards IPL and the value of team work; however, more attention needs to be paid to enabling students to learn about the specific roles of each profession in the healthcare team.  相似文献   

《Medical teacher》2012,34(12):1411-1418

Introduction: Learning is essential and life-long for faculty and students. Often students and teachers use ineffective learning strategies and are not aware of evidence-based strategies.

Methods: A multicenter, international, cross-sectional, online survey-based assessment of awareness of evidence-based learning strategies among health professions students (n?=?679) and faculty (n?=?205).

Results: Students endorsed many study habits which violate evidence-based principles, including studying whatever is due soonest (389/679, 57%), failing to return to course material once a course has ended (465/679, 68%), and re-reading underlined or highlighted notes (298.679, 44%). While the majority of faculty surveyed (125/157, 80%) reported recommending effective study strategies for their students, most students (558/679, 82%) said they did not study the way they do because of instruction from faculty. The majority of faculty (142/156, 91%) and students (347/661, 53%) believe students have different learning styles.

Discussion: The results of this study demonstrate health professions students continue to use many ineffective study strategies, and both students and faculty hold misconceptions about evidence-based learning. While planning a curriculum, medical educators should focus on teaching students how to learn and use higher order thinking procedures in addition to teaching content.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine whether harassment occurs in the authors' school, the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University, and to address the possible influence of cultural background on the perception of harassment. The unique makeup of the school was utilized, with two separate programs for American and Israeli students trained at the same sites and by the same faculty. A two-part questionnaire was developed that included students' reports on the occurrence of harassment, at what stage of their studies, by whom and its nature as well as demographic data. In the second part, students reported on their perception of harassment. Seven common scenarios were presented, and they were asked to indicate (on a four-point scale plus a non-applicable option) to what extent each scenario constituted harassment. A total of 115 Israeli and 81 American students in their clinical years responded during 2000-2001. About 50% experienced harassment, mainly in the clinical years. Significant differences were identified between the Israeli and the American students in their: (1) reporting of the amount (Israeli 59% vs. American 38%) and nature of harassment, and (2) perception of harassment (differed in six out of the seven scenarios), that can be related to their different cultures. These findings suggest that medical school faculty should be made aware of cultural differences in students' perception of harassment, thus enabling them to adapt their approach towards the students and take action to prevent its occurrence.  相似文献   


Aim: Competency-based medical education aims to foster mastery goals in learners. We examined medical students’ mastery approach (beneficial) and mastery avoidance (maladaptive) goals and their associations with students’ basic psychological needs, self-compassion, and self-efficacy.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study employing an online questionnaire. Two hundred medical students in all four years of the medical program completed the questionnaire, containing measures of mastery goals, basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, relatedness), self-compassion, and self-efficacy. Regression analyses were performed.

Results: Of the three basic psychological needs, the need for competence was significant in explaining both types of mastery goals. Self-efficacy and self-compassion were significant in explaining mastery approach and mastery avoidance goals, respectively.

Conclusions: Creating learning environments that are supportive of students’ need for competence, raising students’ awareness of the value of learning from mistakes in competency acquisition, and providing opportunities for students to experience self-efficacy may foster beneficial mastery approach goals in medical students.  相似文献   

Burns ER 《Medical teacher》2006,28(3):230-233
During 40 years experience teaching beginning medical students primarily microscopic anatomy (cell biology, histology and embryology), but also occasionally neuroanatomy and gross anatomy and while serving as the course director for Microscopic Anatomy for 18 years and counseling students with academic performance problems, a set of syndromes were identified that impact on student learning. Each of these syndromes were given names reflective of the underlying problem, i.e. 'Oh Yeah', 'Too Many Books', 'Six Chambered Heart', 'Old Test Question', 'Slip and Slide', etc. syndromes. In this paper each syndrome is presented and discussed and specific treatments for each syndrome are presented. In addition, advice for beginning medical students on how to study ('The Split Brain' method), developed in association with the treatments for the syndromes, is presented.  相似文献   


Background: There are concerns that the use of social media (SM) among medical students could affect academic performance. The objectives of the study were to investigate the pattern and reasons for SM use and their association with academic performance.

Methods: A stratified random sample, frequency distribution and comparison of categorical variables with Chi-square and Fisher exact tests were used.

Results: Of the 97% who responded, 98% used SM. The most popular were Whatsapp (87.8%), You tube (60.8%) and Twitter (51.8%) for general use; while You tube (83.5%), Whatsapp (35.5%) and Twitter (35.3%) for learning. For general use, there was a significant higher number of visits to You tube and Facebook among male students, while the reverse was true for Instagram and Path. Around 71% visited SM?>4 times/day and 55% spent 1–4?hours/day. The main reasons for SM use were entertainment (95.8%), staying up-to-date with news (88.3%), and socializing (85.5%); for academic studies (40%). There was no significant association between Grade Point Average and the frequency of daily SM use or use during lectures.

Conclusions: While almost all the students used SM, only a minority used them for academic purposes. SM use was not associated with academic performance.  相似文献   

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