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动物对旋毛虫易感性及侵犯脏器与肌肉分布的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
动物对旋毛虫易感性及侵犯脏器与肌肉分布的观察王秀珍,黎世涛旋毛虫病是一种动物源性寄生虫病,在哺乳动物之间广泛传播,自然界有150余种动物感染旋毛虫病,野生肉食动物感染率较高。该病广泛流行于世界各地,我国一些地区猪群的感染率高达50.2%、生食或食用半...  相似文献   

旋毛虫病是一种食源性人兽共患寄生虫病,人类感染的主要方式为食入含有活旋毛虫囊包的未熟肉食。旋毛虫病自然感染宿主在自然界分布非常广泛,使旋毛虫得以在自然界野生动物中长期保存,其中啮齿动物是其重要的保虫宿主,成为人类感染该病的重要来源。自然疫源性旋毛虫病是云南省较为常见而又危害严重的地方病,其流行面广,具有显著的地区性、群体性、食源性和季节性的特点。为探明小型哺乳动物(简称小兽)在旋毛虫病传播和流行中的作用,作者等选择旋毛虫病重疫区大理市和洱海源头的洱源县,进行了小兽旋毛虫感染的血清流行病学调查,现将结果报告…  相似文献   

我国旋毛虫病的流行趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文对我国旋毛虫病的流行趋势进行了分析.西南地区(云南、四川及西藏)是目前我国旋毛虫病的主要流行区,西部地区(青海、内蒙古等)有可能成为新的流行区.我国已发生输入性旋毛虫病的暴发,且在边境口岸入境肉类中已检出旋毛虫.旋毛虫病暴发主要发生在冬季,猪肉是主要的传染源,旋毛虫感染猪主要来自小养猪场和散养的猪,野生动物肉类也是重要的传染源.我国旋毛虫病防治工作的重点应放在西南地区.  相似文献   

旋毛虫病是旋毛虫寄生人体所致的疾病。该病是由于摄食旋毛虫的动物肉而感染。1994年2月22日拉萨市城关区加措居委会报告发生“食物中毒”,经流行病学调查和实验室病理切片检查,证实是一起因食病猪肉引起的旋毛虫病暴发流行。1994年元月12日拉萨市加措居委...  相似文献   

湖北省人体旋毛虫血清流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旋毛虫病是一种动物源性疾病,主要因生食或半生食含旋毛虫包囊的动物肉类而感染。80年代我省襄樊地区曾发生数起旋毛虫病的暴发流行’‘’,经过积极的治疗和预防,其流行有所缓解。90年代随着市场经济的繁荣,个体屠宰场市场管理混乱,旋毛虫病感染呈上升趋势。为了搞清旋毛虫病在我省的分布范围及感染情况,传播环节,流行特征,从中探讨敏感性好,特异性强的旋毛虫病血清学诊断技术和有效的流行病学研究方法,将我省分为5个片区随意抽取21个县(市)进行ELISA检测旋毛虫病和现场流行病学研究,现将结果报告于下。1材料和方法1.1流行病…  相似文献   

云南大理地区小型哺乳动物旋毛虫感染血清流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旋毛虫病是一种食源性人兽共患寄生虫病,人类感染的主要方式为食入含有活旋毛虫囊包的未熟肉食。旋毛虫病自然感染宿主在自然界分布非常广泛,使旋毛虫得以在自然界野生动物中长期保存,其中啮齿动物是其重要的保虫宿主,成为人类感染该病的重要来源。自然疫源性旋毛虫病是云南省较为常见而又危害严重的地方病,其流行面广,具有显著的地区性、  相似文献   

湖北省人群旋毛虫病流行状况分析吴炽煦董俊美叶建君湖北省医学科学院寄生虫病研究所(武汉430070)旋毛虫病是一种全球性分布、严重危害人畜健康的寄生虫病。我国自1964年首例人体感染证实以来,迄今已有西藏、云南、河南等十几个省70个县(市)发现旋毛虫病...  相似文献   

云南省旋毛虫病监测的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
旋毛虫病是一种动物疫源性寄生虫病 ,人患病是生食或半熟食感染的猪或猎物肉类而引起。在云南省 ,旋毛虫病是一种较为常见的地方病 ,为了实现“阻断传播、减少发病、防止死亡”的旋毛虫病控制目标 ,1997~ 2 0 0 0年 ,在两个流行区实施控制措施的过程中 ,同时开展了监测工作 ,并取得了初步成效。1 监测点的选择及监测范围按不同地理位置、不同经济发展、不同生活习俗及不同防治措施选择具有代表性的监测县 ,在县内选择流行较严重的乡或行政村为监测点。具体选择的监测点为 :1 1 保山市板桥镇 板桥镇自 196 6年开始就有旋毛虫病的暴发流行…  相似文献   

旋毛虫病在东南欧的巴尔干半岛及临近国家的流行现状各不相同,在保加利亚、塞尔维亚和黑山、罗马尼亚及克罗地亚,猪和人的旋毛虫感染率均较高;在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那则具有中度的旋毛虫感染率;在匈牙利已有多年未发现人体旋毛虫病,但近2年来已发现了散发的猪旋毛虫病。旋毛虫病在东南欧国家的再度肆虐,提示旋毛虫病能够突破食品安全体系和兽医检疫的薄弱环节,从而可导致地区性、全国性甚至国际性的旋毛虫病扩散。该文对旋毛虫病在东南欧国家的历史、分布、流行现状、感染来源、虫种及再度肆虐的原因等进行了综述。  相似文献   

目的 了解流行区和非流行区人群和(或)猪旋毛虫病血清的流行情况,为流行区制定旋毛虫病防治策略及措施提供依据.方法 从流行区云南洱源和勐海县抽取6个行政村,从非流行区上海市和吉林省延吉市各选1个居民小组,对人群和(或)猪旋毛虫病进行血清流行学调查,采用ELISA法检测人群、猪血清IgG抗体,压片镜检猪肌肉.对被采血人员进...  相似文献   

The epidemiology of human trichinellosis in China during 2000-2003   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Wang ZQ  Cui J  Xu BL 《Acta tropica》2006,97(3):247-251
The endemic foci of trichinellosis continue to be mainly located in the southwestern, the central and northeastern China. The seroepidemiological surveys of T. spiralis infection in humans were carried out in six Provinces or Municipals (P/M) of China during 2000-2003, the overall seroprevalence was 3.57%. From 2000 to 2003, 17 outbreaks of human trichinellosis, with 828 cases and 11 deaths, were recorded in 8 P/A of China. All of 11 deaths occurred in the southwestern China (1 case in Sichuan, 4 cases in Tibet and 6 cases in Yunnan), where the ethnic groups have the habit of eating raw meat. Pork is the predominant source of outbreaks of human trichinellosis in China. Out of 17 outbreaks, 13 (76.47%) outbreaks were caused by eating raw or poorly cooked pork, 2 (11.77%) outbreaks caused by eating raw dog meat and 2 (11.77%) outbreaks by eating game meat (wild boar and bear), suggesting the increasing significance of dog and game meat as source of infection for human trichinellosis. The partial effects of health education interventions for control of trichinellosis have been achieved in some counties of Yunnan province. The number of inhabitants eating raw meat has decreased from 72.74% (1561/2146) before interventions to 47.43% (489/1031) after interventions. The decrease of incidence of trichinellosis in China during the past 4 years was probably due to a combination of factors, including the reduction in the prevalence of Trichinella infection in domestic swine, the strengthened meat inspection, the increased use of home freezers and the development of heath education practice.  相似文献   

Summary The epidemiology of swine trichinellosis in China during 1999–2004 was reported in this paper. The seroepidemiological survey of swine trichinellosis was carried out by ELISA in 4 Provinces or Autonomous Regions (P/A), the seroprevalence was from 1.63 % to 15.21 %. The prevalence of Trichinella infection in swine slaughtered at abattoirs varied from 0.0001 % to 23 % in 7 P/A. Both of the seroprevalence and prevalence of swine trichinellosis in China has obviously decreased compared with that in 1990’s. The decrease was probably due to a combination of factors, including development of industrialized pig farms, application of commercial grain forages, the improvement of pig production practices and the shortening of swine feeding time. At present, swine trichinellosis in China still is mainly transmitted by garbage (ie. feeding pigs with raw swill). Trichinella infected pigs are predominately from the small farms of suburbs where pigs are fed on swill from the restaurants and from some mountainous areas where pigs are raised outdoors. Pigs were sometimes slaughtered clandestinely at home in rural and mountainous areas without veterinary inspection. The prevalence of Trichinella infection in pork sold at the market was from 0.52 % to 3.66 % in 3 P/A. 17 outbreaks of human trichinellosis, with 828 cases and 11 deaths, were recorded in 8 P/M of China during 2000–2004. Out of 17 outbreaks, 13 (76.47 %) outbreaks were caused by eating raw or poorly cooked pork. Hence, the pig-rearing mode should be changed and all pigs should be raised in piggery, and the mandatory inspection of meat be further strengthen for the control of trichinellosis.  相似文献   

Abstract. In October of 2008, an outbreak of trichinellosis occurred in northern California that sickened 30 of 38 attendees of an event at which meat from a black bear was served. Morphologic and molecular testing of muscle from the leftover portion of bear meat revealed that the bear was infected with Trichinella murrelli, a sylvatic species of Trichinella found in temperate North America. Clinical records revealed a high attack rate for this outbreak: 78% for persons consuming any bear meat and 100% for persons consuming raw or undercooked bear meat. To our knowledge, this report is the first published report of a human trichinellosis outbreak in the United States attributed to T. murrelli, and it is the second such outbreak reported worldwide.  相似文献   

Since the XIX century human trichinellosis has remained an unsolved problem of public healthcare in Poland. This paper describes the past situation and analyses current changes in the epidemiological pattern of trichinellosis in Poland. Epidemiological data from the last 60 years, point out that the number of human cases as well as the number of deaths caused by trichinellosis has decreased significantly. Up to 90s the main source of Trichinella infection for people was pork. Among other implemented control measures, the introduction of the artificial digestion method in the early 80s to detect trichinellosis in pigs resulted in a shift in the sources of Trichinella infection in humans - pork was replaced with wild boar meat. In the years 1990-1995 the number of outbreaks due to pork consumption was 3.5-times higher than in the years 2000-2005. In the early nineties pork was the source of infection causing about 71% of all outbreaks; in 2000-2005 that number has fallen to only 12%. On the other hand wild boar meat was responsible for 23% of the outbreaks in 1990-1995 and as many as 88% of all outbreaks in the years 2000-2005. Moreover the number of persons infected in the outbreaks significantly decreased. The study of wild animals demonstrated that wild boars in Poland are infected not only with T. spiralis but also with Trichinella britovi. These results and EU recommendations indicate a requirement of determining the Trichinella species which cause infections in outbreaks. In the 3 trichinellosis outbreaks in 2005 the infected meat products were examined with molecular tools. T. spiralis species larvae were the etiological agents of infection in all these outbreaks. The current epidemiological situation of trichinellosis in Poland indicates a need of increasing the awareness of risks related to wild boar meat consumption among the general public. Introducing the artificial digestion method as an obligatory method for wild boar meat examination is also necessary.  相似文献   

1964-2011年中国大陆人体旋毛虫病流行分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的总结分析中国大陆1964-2011年旋毛虫病的地区分布与的危害,提出相应防控措施。方法查阅、收集、整理国内1964-02/2011-05多种医学书籍、专著、医学杂志、寄生虫学科技期刊等有关国内大陆地区的人体旋毛虫病暴发或流行及病例报道资料。统计分析该病发病现状、发病季节、发病因素、地区分布、患者年龄、性别、职业、人群生食动物种类流行因素与危害状况。结果 1964-2011年人体旋毛虫病分布在国内15个省(自治区、直辖市)中的121个市县,各省区发病县在1~52个不等。共发病38 797人,死亡336人,病死率为0.86%。农村患者人数明显高于城市,患者年龄9个月~90岁,男性高于女性。据5 939名9种不同职业的患者人群资料显示,患病以农民居多(78.78%,4 679/5 939),其次为工人(8.15%,484/5 939)、干部(5.01%,298/5 939)、学生(2.53%,150/5 939)、儿童(2.43%,144/5 939)、半农半牧民(1.53%,91/5 939),而商人、职员、居民3种职业的患病人数最低(分别为0.90%,53/5 939;0.52%,31/5 939与0.15%,9/5 939)。一年四季均可发病,以冬春季节为主。潜伏期5 h~46 d,病程3~42 d。生食猪肉为主要发病原因,其次为野猪肉、熊肉、犬肉、羊肉、鼠肉、牛肉。旋毛虫病主要引起患者发热、畏寒、水肿、全身肌肉疼痛尤以腓肠肌为甚,颜面、肢体水肿或全身性水肿,嗜酸性粒细胞增高、心电图异常。在较为典型的患者腓肠肌或吃剩余的动物肌肉中可检获旋毛虫囊包。轻者症状体征不显并可治愈。重者因心、肺、肾、肠腔的严重损害而导致死亡。结论旋毛虫病在我国大陆15个省区、自治区、直辖市均有不同程度的发病,流行特征为点状、散状分布。发病原因与生食与半生食动物肉的不良饮食习惯有关,农民发病人数最多。  相似文献   

Five outbreaks of trichinellosis, involving 86 people, took place in Andalucía (Southern Spain) between 1984 and 1987. Four of them were caused by eating infected pork and one by eating wild boar meat. The human sera were analysed by the immunofluorescence assay test, which showed circulating anti-Trichinella antibody titres of up to 1:10240. A micro-ELISA test, carried out with sera from two of the outbreaks, revealed the presence of circulating antigens 68 and 78 days after infection. Finally, 11 of 17 samples of products prepared with pork and wild boar meat showed Trichinella larvae after acid-pepsin digestion. The close geographical localization of three of the outbreaks suggests that the southwestern corner of Spain is an endemic focus of trichinellosis.  相似文献   

Abstract Background: Trichinellosis is a zoonosis caused by nematode worms of the genus Trichinella and acquired through the consumption of raw or undercooked meat or meat products that harbour parasite larvae. The present report was designed to evaluate the course and circumstances surrounding the trichinellosis outbreak that occurred due to consumption of pork from a backyard pig in the southwest area of Slovakia in 2001. Patients and Methods: Patients suspected of acquiring infection were serologically examined by ELISA, sera of patients with symptoms of clinical trichinellosis were additionally tested by Western Blot. In symptomatic patients haematological and biochemical parameters were assessed on day 45 p.i. Results: An epidemiological investigation showed that the disease was linked to the consumption of infected pork and/or smoked pork products and affected the household members of four families. Out of 23 persons who had consumed the infected meat, 11 showed anti-Trichinella IgA, IgM and IgG antibodies in their sera by an ELISA against somatic and excretory-secretory antigens. Six of them developed clinical symptoms. Sera from symptomatic patients recognised bands of 64, 47, 45 and 43 kDa of crude T. spiralis antigens by Western blot. Using multiplex PCR analysis, parasite larvae isolated from pork were identified as T. spiralis, rarely occurring in Slovakia. Conclusion: The outbreak of human trichinellosis in an area where feral animals have been previously considered free of Trichinella was unexpected. Following the suspicion of trichinellosis being addressed, larvae were detected in meat and meat products from pig and the course of disease in patients was successfully controlled and managed.  相似文献   

Illness or death from trichinellosis is statutorily notifiable in Germany. Between nought and ten cases were reported each year from 1987 to 1997. From November 1998 to January 1999, however, 52 cases of trichinellosis were identified by the public health  相似文献   

The epidemiology of trichinellosis in Germany was investigated by analyzing national surveillance data from 1996-2006. During this period, 95 laboratory-confirmed infections and 12 outbreaks were reported. The highest mean annual incidence was found in immigrants from southeast European countries (0.3 cases/100,000 vs. 0.01 cases/100,000 in the German population) with an incidence rate ratio of 26.0 (95% confidence interval 11.6-51.8). The predominant clinical symptom was muscle pain in 79 patients (83%). Mean diagnostic delay was 49 days. Among patients with reported source of infection (85%; n = 81), the consumption of pork (mostly originating from endemic countries) represented the most frequent exposure (93%; n = 75). In addition, trichinellosis cases were associated with both indigenous (n = 1) and imported (n = 5) wild boar meat. Although domestic pigs in Germany are practically free from Trichinella spp., the parasite was found in German wild animals such as wild boars, foxes, and racoon dogs. We conclude that trichinellosis still remains a public health issue in Germany, especially among individuals with a migrational background. Immigrants from endemic countries need to be educated about the risks of consuming raw or inadequately cooked pork and wild boar products from their homeland. In addition, German healthcare providers need to be aware of trichinellosis, especially in areas with a large immigrant population.  相似文献   

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