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Corpora cavernosa of 4 impotent patients with arterial pathology and 6 with venous insufficiency were studied by electron microscopy. The findings in all of the smooth muscle samples were the following: pronouned thickening of the basal lamina; marked reduction of contractile myofilaments and electron dense bodies; finger-like cytoplasmic projections; increase in mitochondria with swelling and aggregation; huge protrusions of nuclear membrane into the cytoplasm; increased proportion of interstitial matrix to smooth muscle cells. These were more marked in the dark than in the light cells, which was considered as the beginning of degeneration. Another finding was degenerative changes in the endothelial cell lining of the sinusoids, especially denudation, fragmentation and marked thickening of the basal lamina. Severity of the symptoms did not change in any of the patients with different pathologies. So, we can assume that the pathological alterations may be due to chronic penile vascular insufficiency or vice versa.  相似文献   

Revascularization of the cavernous bodies (CB) has its place in a highly selected patient population as the only causal therapy for erectile dysfunction (ED) and provides an alternative to the implantation of alloplastic erectile aids. The indication for arterialization of the CB is currently only established when conservative treatment has failed. The most important criteria for the intervention are controversial: an age of under 50, an incidence of not more than two classical risk factors for impotence and the exclusion of diabetes mellitus. The leading revascularization procedure in German-speaking countries comprises arteriovenous shunting of the inferior epigastric artery with the dorsal vein and artery of the penis. A retrospective analysis of results is problematic due to the nonuniform indicational criteria, the multiplicity of applied revascularization procedures and a nonstandardized follow-up. Subjective assessment of improved erectility is the sole target criterion in the majority of studies. Therapeutic results range from 33 to 87% with regard to subjective success rates. Attempts to objectify the treatment results were made in only few of the studies and disclosed bypass patency in 44 to 92% one year after the intervention. The conclusions drawn at the last "Consensus Development Conference on Impotence" (CDCI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Washington have not lost their topicality in view of the great number of still unanswered questions. There the recommendation was made in 1992 to perform penile arterialization only in controlled prospective clinical trials. The European Urological Association (EUA) is currently organizing a Consensus Conference that will provide the framework for prospective studies that can serve as a basis for clarifying the open questions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the presence of structural disorders of the corpora cavernosa in patients with erectile dysfunction (ED), as despite new drugs being effective in many men with ED, some aspects of structural disorders of the corpora cavernosa remain unknown. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Biopsy specimens were taken from the corpora cavernosa of seven patients (mean age 57.8 years, range 51-72) with severe ED who had a penile prosthesis implanted. The controls tissues were fragments of corpora cavernosa obtained from autopsies of six men (mean age 52.3 years, range 40-66) who died from causes unrelated to the urogenital system. For light microscopy, the specimens were processed routinely to paraffin wax, and by immunohistochemistry to evaluate elastic fibres, and by Masson's trichrome to analyse collagen and smooth muscle fibres. Stereological methods were used to quantitatively evaluate the different elements (as a percentage). RESULTS: The percentages of the different elements in the human penis of controls and men with ED, respectively, were: elastic fibres 13.2% and 9.1%; collagen fibres 40.8% and 41.6%; and smooth muscle, 40.4% and 42%. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with ED there was a statistically significant reduction in the percentage of elastic fibres, but no statistically significant difference in collagen and smooth muscle fibres, and no appreciable differences in collagen distribution between the groups.  相似文献   

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common and often distressing side effect of renal failure. Uremic men of different ages report a high variety of sexual problems, including sexual hormonal pattern alterations, reduced or loss of libido, infertility, and impotence, thereby influencing their well-being. The pathogenic mechanisms include physiologic, psychologic, and organic causes. To determine the contribution of morphologic factors to impotence we studied the ultrastructure of the corpora cavernosa in 20 patients with end-stage renal disease who were treated with chronic dialysis and compared the findings with 6 individuals with no clinical history of impotence. Our results indicated that in male uremic patients with sexual disturbances there were major changes in smooth muscle cells. This was characterized by reduction of dense bodies in the cytoplasm, thick basement membranes, and increased interstitial collagen fibers with resultant reduction of cell-to-cell contact. In addition, there was thickening and lamination of basement membranes of endothelial cells and increased accumulation of collagen between nerve fibers. These alterations were more evident in patients with longer time on dialysis and were independent of type of primary renal disease. We hypothesize that ED in dialysis patients is not related to the primary disease but to the uremic state.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We evaluated corpora cavernosa metabolism in flaccidity and in erection, analyzing some blood gas analytical parameters and comparing them by histomorphometric examination to find a direct relation between biochemical-metabolic parameters and histological data. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We selected 33 patients with erectile dysfunction and divided them into 2 groups, including 1-those with congenital penile deviation who were responders to prostaglandin E1, and 2-those with severe organic erectile dysfunction who were not responders to prostaglandin E1. We evaluated O(2) and CO(2) pressure, pH and O(2) saturation in blood samples. We then made a histomorphometric study of cavernous tissue. We obtained specimens by cavernous biopsies and calculated O(2) and CO(2) exchange, the Haldane effect and the respiratory quotient into the corpora cavernosa. All data were evaluated by statistical analysis. RESULTS: Mean O(2) arterial pressure and saturation +/- SD were lower in group 2 than in group 1 (74.85 +/- 8.78 versus 96.43 +/- 14.87 and 94.98 +/- 1.4 versus 97.35 +/- 0.83, respectively). Mean CO(2) arterial pressure was 35.59 +/- 4.78 group 1 versus 38.8 +/- 2.71 in group 2 with borderline statistical significance. The Haldane effect was superior in flaccidity than in erection because of the influence of arterial-venous O(2) difference and the respiratory quotient, which was also an inverse ratio. Cavernous histomorphometry showed that in group 1 smooth muscle was a mean of 38.8 +/- 8.94% of cavernous tissue versus 24.9% in group 2. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that starting with blood gas analytical data we can completely study the metabolism of the corpora cavernosa and its relationships to erectile dysfunction. Cavernous histomorphometry can suggest the presence of smooth muscle into cavernous tissue, whereas our mathematical elaboration allowed us to evaluate all data in a more complete manner.  相似文献   

In 25-30% of the patients with erectile dysfunction, venous insufficiency is the (additional) reason for the erectile failure. Surgical procedures and prognosis depend largely on the precise localisation of the pathological drainage. The venous leakage is proven and exactly localized by a multiprojectional cavernosography, measurement of the maintainance flow and intracavernous pressure monitoring. The most reliable screening test for venous erectile dysfunction is the intracavernous application of a standardised vasoactive drug combination.  相似文献   

Corpora cavernosa ultrastructure in vascular erectile dysfunction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Open biopsy of the corpus cavernosum was performed in 13 nondiabetic patients with erectile dysfunction. The history and physical examination, sleep rigidity and tumescence monitoring, hormonal assays, duplex ultrasonography with papaverine, and cavernosometry and cavernosography, formed the basis of categorizing each patient into 1 of 5 etiological groups. These groups included neurogenic, moderate arterial, severe arterial, venous and fibrotic causes for organic erectile dysfunction. The cavernous smooth muscle and endothelium in each patient appeared to be normal on light and electron microscopy. We conclude that cavernous biopsy is of limited value to determine therapeutic options in patients with erectile dysfunction.  相似文献   

We studied the psychological and biological correlates of hypoactive sexual desire (HSD) in a consecutive series of 428 patients with erectile dysfunction (ED), by using the structured interview SIEDY. A complete physical examination and a series of biochemical, hormonal, psychometric, and penile vascular tests were also performed. Among the patients studied, 22.8% reported a mild, 12.9% a moderate, and 4.6% a complete loss of sexual interest. Patients reporting HSD showed significantly lower testosterone (T) levels than the rest of the sample, although the prevalence of hypogonadism (T<10 nM) was comparable in the two groups. Only a minority (<2%) had severe hyperprolactinemia (>700 mU/l), which, nonetheless, was closely associated with a relevant HSD. Both mental disorders and use of medication interfering with sexual function were significantly associated with HSD, as well as depressive and anxiety symptoms. HSD patients showed significantly higher scores in SIEDY scale 2, which explores the relational component of ED. In particular, perceived partner's libido and climax were crucially associated with an impairment of patients' sexual desire. In conclusion, HSD in ED is associated with several biological, psychological, and relational factors that can be simultaneously identified and quantified using the SIEDY structured interview.  相似文献   

目的 探讨B超下阴茎海绵体出现的“繁星征”与ED的关系,研究其发病机制。方法 30例ED患者行阴茎海绵体B超检查,并与30例无ED志愿者行B超对照。另对l例ED“繁星征”患者行阴茎海绵体病理检查。结果 30例ED患者中,29例发现有B超下阴茎海绵体“繁星征”。其中26例全阴茎弥散分布强回声光点,为临床诊断的中、重度ED患者(IIEF-5评分〈11分)。另3例仅局限在一部分,且回声光点较少,为轻度ED(IIEF-5评分12~19分)。而无ED志愿者无此现象。1例“繁星征”患者病理检查为阴茎海绵体胶原纤维增生伴玻璃样变。结论 阴茎海绵体广泛纤维化是出现B超下“繁星征”的病理基础。因限制海绵窦充盈而影响阴茎勃起。外伤与炎症是其致病因素。  相似文献   

Rupture of corpora cavernosa is a rare disease in young adults. In western countries, the most frequent cause is the so-called "faux pas du co?t". In the Middle East, masturbation and penis manipulations aimed at stopping morning erection are the most frequent causes. The fracture which is audible by the patient is accompanied by a rapid detumescence with progressive onset of a haematoma. Diagnosis is based on clinical findings but radiological investigations such as MRI, ultrasonography or cavernography may help localizing the exact fracture site. The treatment of albugineal ruptures is surgery, in an elective manner whenever possible; it consists in the eviction of the subcutaneous haematoma, the suture of the albuginea and treatment of a potentially associated urethral rupture. Conservative treatment is exceptional and limited to patients who reject surgery, since it generates more complications: painful erections, persistent haematoma with a risk of infection, arteriovenous fistula, impotence, and unrecognized urethral rupture. Patients must be clearly informed on all these complications.  相似文献   

We explored the efficacy and mechanisms of salidroside treatment for erectile dysfunction induced by bilateral cavernous nerve injury (BCNI). Forty male rats were divided into four groups as follows: sham (cavernous nerves exposed only) (S); BCNI (M); BCNI + rapamycin (M + rapamycin); and BCNI + salidroside (M + salidroside). Erectile function in the rats was measured by intracavernosal pressure. Penile tissue was harvested for transmission electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, Masson's trichrome staining, haematoxylin–eosin staining, TdT-mediated dUTP Nick End Labeling and western blotting. The M group exhibited a decrease in erectile responses and increased apoptosis and fibrosis compared to these in the S group. Meanwhile, nerve content and the penile atrophy index were also decreased in the M group. Treatment with salidroside and rapamycin for 3 weeks partially restored erectile function and significantly attenuated corporal apoptosis, fibrosis, nerve content and penile atrophy in the M group. Moreover, the autophagy level was further enhanced in the M + salidroside group, which was the same as that in the positive observation group (M + rapamycin). Salidroside treatment not only improved erectile function in rats with BCNI, but also inhibited apoptosis and fibrosis and ameliorated the loss of nerve content and endothelial and corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells by promoting protective autophagy.  相似文献   

A previous study has demonstrated that the bulbocavernosus muscle (BCM) is a part of the external anal sphincter (EAS) [Shafik, Arch Androl, 1999]. It aids erection by compressing the penile bulb and the dorsal penile vein, and acts as a 'suction-ejection' pump in the ejaculatory process. Being a part of the EAS, the BCM is assumed to be involved in the different EAS pathologies. A recent study showed that erectile (ED) and ejaculatory dysfunction in 16 men with fecal incontinence (FI) after an anal fistula operation was cured after sphincteroplasty [Shafik, in press]. This article investigates the erectile and ejaculatory status in patients with anal fissure. The study comprised 32 men with acute anal fissure (mean age 36.7 +/- 8.2 s.d. years), 21 with chronic anal fissure (mean age 38.8 +/- 10.3 s.d. years), and 10 healthy volunteers (mean age 35.2 +/- 7.3 s.d. years). Erectile dysfunction occurred in all men with an acute fissure and in 16 of the chronic fissure patients; erection had been normal before fissure occurrence. The volunteers had normal erection. The anal pain radiated to the penis and was exaggerated on erection and penile thrusting. Erectile dysfunction investigations showed normal results. The electromyographic (EMG) activity of the external and internal (IAS) anal sphincters and the BCM as well as anal, penile bulb and cavernosal pressures were recorded. The acute fissures were treated conservatively and chronic ones by internal anal sphincterotomy. The patients were followed for mean periods of 17.3 +/- 3.6 s.d. months. The bulbocavernosus reflex as well as EMG activity of EAS and BCM were normal, while the resting EMG activity of the IAS was increased. The anal pressure in the acute and chronic anal fissure was increased (P < 0.01, P < 0.05, respectively), while the bulbar and cavernosal pressures showed no significant changes. Fissure treatment effected cure of the fissure and the ED in 30/32 of the acute and in 19/21 of the chronic cases. Erectile dysfunction persisted in the four patients in whom the fissures did not heal. In conclusion, a relationship is suggested to exist between anal fissure and ED. The ED occurred in the presence of anal fissure and was normalized with fissure cure. The BCM and anal pain seem to play a role in the etiology of ED associated with anal fissure.  相似文献   

Congenital lymphatic malformations of the genitourinary tract are rare. A 2-day-old male child who presented with congenital scrotal swelling extending into the penile shaft was investigated and successfully treated with complete excision. We report this unusual case of congenital scrotal lymphatic malformation with absent corpora cavernosa for its rarity, which is not yet discussed in the medical literature.  相似文献   

Presentation of an exceptional case of priapism in an 82-year-old male, secondary to primary bilateral abscess corpus cavernosum. Diagnosis was reached through aspiration puncture and pus drainage, which also allowed the resolution of the condition. After a literature review, no similar case was found. This was a painful, long-lasting erection that resulted from corpus cavernosum repletion with purulent material instead of blood.  相似文献   

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