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The cellular proteasome is an important molecular target in cancer therapy and drug resistance research. Proteasome inhibitors are effective agents against multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma and display great potential as treatment for a variety of other malignancies. The proteasome is a large multicatalytic, proteinase complex located in the cytosol and the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. The ubiquitin proteasome system is responsible for the degradation of most intracellular proteins and therefore plays an essential regulatory role in critical cellular processes including cell cycle progression, proliferation, differentiation, angiogenesis, and apoptosis. Cancer cells are particularly sensitive to proteasome inhibitors, indicating the utility for inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway as an approach for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

A novel nucleoside with an oxetanosyl-N-glycoside has been recently isolated from a culture filtrate from Bacillus megaterium and named oxetanocin A (N. Shimada, S. Hasegawa, T. Harada, T. Tomisawa, A. Fujii, and T. Takita, J. Antibiot. 39:1623-1625, 1986). In this study, we evaluated the antiherpesvirus activity of oxetanocin A and its derivatives and found that 9-(2-deoxy-2-hydroxymethyl-beta-D-erythro-oxetanosyl)guanine (OXT-G) was very potent and selective in inhibiting the replication of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in vitro. The median effective concentration for HCMV strain AD169 was 1.0 microgram/ml, and that for herpes simplex virus type 2 strain 186 was 3.5 micrograms/ml. The selectivity index, based on the ratio of the median inhibitory concentration for cell growth of human diploid fibroblasts to the median effective concentration for HCMV plaque formation, was more than 300. The synthesis of HCMV-induced late polypeptides such as the 150,000-molecular-weight capsid and the 68,000-molecular-weight major matrix proteins was strongly suppressed when OXT-G (5 micrograms/ml) was added to the cultures at the beginning of infection. At this concentration of OXT-G, the amount of HCMV DNA detected in the drug-treated infected cells was less than 1/10 of that detected in the infected control cells. The results suggest that the mode of action of OXT-G is inhibition of viral replication by impairing the viral DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Proteasome inhibitors: poisons and remedies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The proteasome inhibitor bortezomib has been approved as a cytostatic drug for the therapy of multiple myeloma, and is currently being tested in clinical trials for a variety of other malignancies. At the same time, a growing number of animal studies suggest that proteasome inhibitors may also prove to be valuable remedies for the treatment of non-tumorous diseases. In this review, we will revisit the current applications of proteasome inhibitors in clinical research according to the cellular effects of proteasome inhibitors as poisons, which induce apoptosis, or as remedies, which modulate cellular function and protect from cell death. We postulate that the correct distinction of a poison from a remedy depends on cell type and on the degree of proteasome inhibition. Dose-dependent and differential inhibition of the proteasome may affect specific sets of substrates, thereby conferring substrate specificity. According to this idea, we suggest that inhibition of the proteasome to a defined degree may offer a promising tool in achieving desired therapeutic effects in various diseases.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection is associated with severe morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised individuals, mainly transplant recipients and AIDS patients, and is the most frequent cause of congenital malformations in newborn children. To date, few drugs are licensed for the treatment of HCMV infections, most of which target the viral DNA polymerase and suffer from many drawbacks, including long-term toxicity, low potency, and poor bioavailability. In addition, the emergence of drug-resistant viral strains is becoming an increasing problem for disease management. Finally, none of the current anti-HCMV drugs have been approved for the treatment of congenital infections. For all these reasons, there is still a strong need for new anti-HCMV drugs with novel mechanisms of action. The first events of the virus replication cycle, including attachment, entry, immediate-early gene expression, and immediate-early functions—in particular that of Immediate-Early 2 protein—represent attractive targets for the development of novel antiviral compounds. Such inhibitors would block not only the expression of viral immediate-early proteins, which play a key role in the pathogenesis of HCMV infection, but also the host immunomodulation and the changes to cell physiology induced by the first events of virus infection. This review describes the current knowledge on the initial phases of HCMV replication, their validation as potential novel antiviral targets, and the development of compounds that block such processes.  相似文献   

Rotaviruses are major causes of infectious gastroenteritis in humans and other animals. We found that a variety of protease inhibitors suppressed the replication of the SA-11 strain of rotavirus in MA-104 cell cultures. Three of these compounds, leupeptin, pentamidine, and bis (5-amidino-2-benzimidazolyl) methane (BABIM) also restricted the intestinal replication of the murine strain of rotavirus when protease inhibitor and virus were administered simultaneously to suckling mice. Repeated administration of BABIM resulted in significantly reduced levels of intestinal rotaviral antigen even if administration of the compound was begun as late as 48 h after viral inoculation. Additionally, BABIM-treated animals had significantly less intestinal replication of rotavirus than did placebo-treated controls when placed in a heavily rotavirus-contaminated environment. The use of protease inhibitors represents a novel approach to the control of this important gastrointestinal pathogen and is a potential modality for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by other enteric viruses, for which proteolytic cleavage is necessary for efficient replication.  相似文献   

About 95,000 compounds were screened by the anucleate cell blue assay. Fifty-one of the hit compounds had various structures and showed inhibitory activity against DNA gyrase and/or topoisomerase IV. Moreover, the compounds exhibited antibacterial activity against a fluoroquinolone- and novobiocin-resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus. The anucleate cell blue assay is therefore a useful tool for finding novel type II topoisomerase inhibitors.  相似文献   

A major problem of tumor gene therapy is the low transduction efficiency of the currently available vectors. One way to circumvent this problem is the delivery of therapeutic genes encoding intracellular enzymes for the conversion of a prodrug to a cytotoxic drug which can then spread to neighboring non-transduced cells (bystander effect). One possibility to improve the bystander effect could be the extracellular conversion of a hydrophilic prodrug to a lipophilic, cell-permeable cytotoxic drug. Toward this end, we have used a secreted form of the normally lysosomal human beta-glucuronidase (s-betaGluc) to establish an extracellular cytotoxic effector system that converts an inactivated glucuronidated derivative of doxorubicin (HMR 1826) to the cytotoxic drug. We demonstrate that s-betaGluc-transduced tumor cells convert HMR 1826 to doxorubicin which is taken up by both transduced and non-transduced cells. s-betaGluc in combination with HMR 1826 efficiently induces tumor cell killing both in cell culture and in vivo. This effect is mediated through a pronounced bystander effect of the generated cytotoxic drug. Most notably, this gene therapeutic strategy is shown to be clearly superior to conventional chemotherapy with doxorubicin. Gene Therapy (2000) 7, 224-231.  相似文献   

A recombinant human cytomegalovirus (AD169-GFP) expressing green fluorescent protein was generated by homologous recombination. Infection of human fibroblast cultures with AD169-GFP virus produced stable and readily detectable amounts of GFP signals which were quantitated by automated fluorometry. Hereby, high levels of sensitivity and reproducibility could be achieved, compared to those with the conventional plaque reduction assay. Antiviral activities were determined for four reference compounds as well as a set of putative novel cytomegalovirus inhibitors. The results obtained were exactly in line with the known characteristics of reference compounds and furthermore revealed distinct antiviral activities of novel in vitro inhibitors. The fluorometric data could be confirmed by GFP-based flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. In addition, laboratory virus variants derived from the recombinant AD169-GFP virus provided further possibilities for study of the characteristics of drug resistance. The GFP-based antiviral assay appeared to be very reliable for measuring virus-inhibitory effects in concentration- and time-dependent fashions and might also be adaptable for high-throughput screenings of cytomegalovirus-specific antiviral agents.  相似文献   

The protease encoded by the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is an attractive target for antiviral drug development because of its essential function in viral replication. We describe here a cellular assay in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the identification of small molecule inhibitors of HCMV protease by conditional growth in selective medium. In this system, the protease cleavage sequence is inserted into the N-(5'-phosphoribosyl)anthranilate isomerase (Trp1p), a yeast protein essential for cell proliferation in the absence of tryptophan. Coexpression of HCMV protease with the engineered Trp1p substrate in yeast cells results in site-specific cleavage and functional inactivation of the Trp1p enzyme, thereby leading to an arrest of cell proliferation. This growth arrest can be suppressed by the addition of validated HCMV protease inhibitors. The growth selection system presented here provides the basis for a high-throughput screen to identify HCMV protease inhibitors that are active in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Resistance to anticancer agents is often due to defects of intracellular pathways of cell death. Thus, the identification of the apoptotic pathways that can still be recruited by chemotherapeutic agents in cancerous cells can disclose new opportunities to treat malignancies. Here we show that human astrocytoma ADF cells (which are resistant to "mitochondriotropic" agents as well as to the antineoplastic drug etoposide and to proteasome inhibitors when used alone) undergo dramatic apoptotic death when exposed to a combination protocol based on the use of etoposide in the presence of proteasome inhibitors. Sensitization to cell death involved an autoamplifying loop of caspase activation, where the "executioner" phase of apoptosis was sustained by cooperation of caspase-2, -9, -8, and -3. We also show that sensitization of cells to the combination protocol involved the nuclear relocalization of p53, despite the presence of a polymorphism in its DNA-binding domain, suggesting the likely induction of p53-dependent proapoptotic genes. Conversely, p53 phosphorylation on Ser-15 did not play any role in apoptosis. In conclusion, use of etoposide in combination with proteasome inhibitors may represent an effective strategy to restore sensitivity to apoptosis in human astrocytoma cells bearing multiple defects of intracellular apoptotic pathways.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in clinical material cannot replicate efficiently in vitro until it has adapted by mutation. Consequently, wild-type HCMV differ fundamentally from the passaged strains used for research. To generate a genetically intact source of HCMV, we cloned strain Merlin into a self-excising BAC. The Merlin BAC clone had mutations in the RL13 gene and UL128 locus that were acquired during limited replication in vitro prior to cloning. The complete wild-type HCMV gene complement was reconstructed by reference to the original clinical sample. Characterization of viruses generated from repaired BACs revealed that RL13 efficiently repressed HCMV replication in multiple cell types; moreover, RL13 mutants rapidly and reproducibly emerged in transfectants. Virus also acquired mutations in genes UL128, UL130, or UL131A, which inhibited virus growth specifically in fibroblast cells in wild-type form. We further report that RL13 encodes a highly glycosylated virion envelope protein and thus has the potential to modulate tropism. To overcome rapid emergence of mutations in genetically intact HCMV, we developed a system in which RL13 and UL131A were conditionally repressed during virus propagation. This technological advance now permits studies to be undertaken with a clonal, characterized HCMV strain containing the complete wild-type gene complement and promises to enhance the clinical relevance of fundamental research on HCMV.  相似文献   

Using our high-throughput hepatitis C replicon assay to screen a library of over 8,000 novel diversity-oriented synthesis (DOS) compounds, we identified several novel compounds that regulate hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication, including two libraries of epoxides that inhibit HCV replication (best 50% effective concentration, < 0.5 microM). We then synthesized an analog of these compounds with optimized activity.  相似文献   

The emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria is a growing challenge for healthcare in the treatment of infectious diseases. In particular, nosocomial infections are getting out of control and reduce the likelihood to recover without, sometimes lethal, complications and long-term damage. Current antibiotics are unable to keep nosocomial infections in check and novel ones move only reluctantly forward and are expected to only delay the problem of multidrug resistance. Progress made in the identification of suitable pathogen targets, a better understanding of host-parasite interactions and the recent inclusion of monoclonal antibodies into the arsenal of novel therapies has provoked the interest to revitalize a historical concept of medicine to treat and prevent bacterial infections with antibodies.  相似文献   

Peptide-based vaccination has a great potential for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. There is, however, no appropriate monitoring system to measure immune responses to vaccinated peptides, which hampers the development of therapeutically effective vaccine regimens to various diseases. In this study a new multiplexed flow cytometric assay using the Luminex system to monitor humoral immune responses to vaccinated peptides is described. Although the sensitivity is mostly equal to that of the traditional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the new assay has several advantages over ELISA in that it minimizes the amount of sera needed, running costs and working periods, and thus will be a novel tool for monitoring immune responses to vaccinated peptides.  相似文献   

The benzothiadiazine dioxide derivatives are potent non-nucleoside human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) inhibitors. As part of our comprehensive structure-activity relationship (SAR) study of these compounds, we have now proposed structural modifications on the heterocyclic moiety both on the number and the nature of the fused heterocycle and on the kind of heteroatoms present on it. Synthesis of these new compounds (benzyl derivatives of thiadiazines, thienothiadiazines, benzothienothiadiazines and quinazolines) and the antiviral evaluation against HCMV has been performed. SAR investigation on this class of compounds has defined the structural requirements for potency and toxicity. They have revealed two important clues: i) a fused ring to the thiadiazine framework is necessary to maintain the anti-HCMV action, and ii) the sulfamido moiety in the main heterocycle is crucial to avoid cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

1263W94 is a novel benzimidazole compound being developed for treatment of human cytomegalovirus infection. No adverse pharmacological effects were demonstrated in safety pharmacology studies with 1263W94. The minimal-effect dose in a 1-month rat study was 100 mg/kg/day, and the no-effect dose in a 1-month monkey study was 180 mg/kg/day. Toxic effects were limited to increases in liver weights, neutrophils, and monocytes at higher doses in female rats. 1263W94 was not genotoxic in the Ames or micronucleus assays. In the mouse lymphoma assay, 1263W94 was mutagenic in the absence of the rat liver S-9 metabolic activation system, with equivocal results in the presence of the S-9 mix. Mean oral bioavailability of 1263W94 was >90% in rats and approximately 50% in monkeys. Clearance in rats and monkeys was primarily by biliary secretion, with evidence of enterohepatic recirculation. In 1-month studies in rats and monkeys, mean peak concentrations and exposures to 1263W94 increased in near proportion to dose. Metabolism of 1263W94 to its primary metabolite, an N-dealkylated analog, appeared to be mediated via the isozyme CYP3A4 in humans. 1263W94 was primarily distributed in the gastrointestinal tract of rats but did not cross the blood-brain barrier. In monkeys, 1263W94 levels in the brain, cerebrospinal fluid, and vitreous humor ranged from 4 to 20%, 1 to 2%, and <1%, of corresponding concentrations in plasma, respectively. The high level of binding by 1263W94 to human plasma proteins (primarily albumin) was readily reversible, with less protein binding seen in the monkey, rat, and mouse. Results of these studies demonstrate a favorable safety profile for 1263W94.  相似文献   

B cells and their products, antibodies, play an important role in the diagnosis and, in some instances, in the pathogenesis of many autoimmune diseases. Specific B-cell directed therapies are of recent interest as their impact on B-cell activity can influence a variety of autoimmune diseases. The development and introduction of rituximab, a depleting antibody targeting CD20+ B cells, and previously CD52-directed treatment with Campath-1h for the treatment of B-cell malignancies as well as rheumatoid arthritis have pioneered this therapeutic field. Other non-depleting strategies employ CD22 or B-cell activating factor/B lymphocyte stimulator and apoptosis-inducing ligand as targets and are under clinical investigation at present. Abnormalities of B-cell subsets have been identified by a number of independent groups which often represent characteristic patterns of disturbances of the human B-cell repertoire. However, the clinical value of specific B-cell subset targeting/depletion has not been addressed extensively. As such an approach may afford the possibility to avoid unnecessary adverse events related to depletion of non-pathogenic B-cell populations, B-cell subset targeting may have the capacity to enhance the benefit/risk ratio of B-cell immune intervention.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLR), a family of closely related type I, transmembrane, signal transducing proteins, sense invading pathogens early in the immune response to infection and deliver intracellular signals to the cell. Both TLRs and their adapter proteins possess a conserved region, the Toll/IL-1 resistance (TIR) domain. A subregion of approximately 14 amino acids within the TIR domain, the BB loop, enables interactions between certain TLRs or between certain TLRs and their adapter molecules. Use of cell-penetrating decoy peptides composed of the sequence of the Drosophila antennapedia peptide (16 amino acids) juxtaposed to a specific TIR BB loop 14 amino acid sequences enables an evaluation of the relative efficacy of such BB loop peptides to inhibit TIR-TIR interactions and signaling. Moreover, failure of specific BB loop peptides to inhibit signaling suggests that this region of a particular TIR domain is likely to not be involved in signaling. This review discusses cell-penetrating decoy peptides as a new tool to further understanding of the molecular interactions required for TLR signaling and evaluates the potential of this approach for the creation of therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

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