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A limited set of genes, Clock, Bmal1, mPer1, mPer2, mCry1 and mCry2, has been shown to be essential for the generation of circadian rhythms in mammals. It has been recently suggested that circadian genes might be involved in sleep regulation. We investigated the role of mPer1 and mPer2 genes in the homeostatic regulation of sleep by comparing sleep of mice lacking mPER1 (mPer1 mutants) or a functional mPER2 (mPer2 mutants), and wild-type controls (WT) after 6 h of sleep deprivation (SD). Our main result showed that after SD, all mice displayed the typical increase of slow-wave activity (SWA; EEG power density between 0.75 and 4 Hz) in nonREM sleep, reflecting the homeostatic response to SD. This increase was more prominent over the frontal cortex as compared to the occipital cortex. The genotypes did not differ in the effect of SD on the occipital EEG, while the effect on the frontal EEG was initially diminished in both mPer mutants. Differences between the genotypes were seen in the 24-h distribution of sleep, reflecting especially the phase advance of motor activity onset observed in mPer2 mutants. While the daily distribution of sleep was modulated by mPer1 and mPer2 genes, sleep homeostasis reflected by the SWA increase after 6-h SD was preserved in the mPer mutants. The results provide further evidence for the independence of the circadian and the homeostatic components underlying sleep regulation.  相似文献   

Summary One hundred and eighty-five EEGs recorded after deprivation of sleep for 24h were evaluated. Valuable diagnostic information was found in 59% of the EEG recordings; 24% of the EEGs contained seizure activity. The duration of the stages of sleep and the frequency of seizure activity, paroxysmal sharp wave groups and localizing findings were analyzed. The sleep stages A to C (based on the Loomis scale) were reached for about equal duration by an EEG recording of 30–40 min; sleep stage D was reached only shortly and stage E was not observed. Pathological EEG findings appeared for the most part in the sleep stages A and B. Localized findings were pronounced in stage C. No significant differences pertaining to the occurrence and form of EEG patterns were found between patient groups with primary generalized seizures, psychomotor seizures or those with unclarified disturbances of consciousness. The combination of the short sleep EEG following 24h of sleep deprivation with subsequent use of the additional provocative methods of hyperventilation, photostimulation and hydration, yielded, in all, new information in 50% of the patients. Each of these additional methods contributed nearly equally to this information.
Zusammenfassung Es wurden 185 EEGs nach 24h Schlafentzug ausgewertet. Hiervon enthielten 110 EEGs (59%) diagnostisch weiterführende Befunde. In 24% fand sich Krampfaktivität. Es wurden die Dauer der Schlafstadien, die Häufigkeit des Auftretens von Krampfaktivität, paroxysmalen Steilwellengruppen und Lokalbefunden analysiert. Die Schlaftiefen A bis C (nach Loomis) wurden während einer EEG-Ableitung von 30–40 min gleichmäßig lang, Stadium D nur kurz, Stadium E nicht erreicht. Pathologische EEG-Befunde traten überwiegend in den Schlafstadien A und B auf. Lokalbefunde fanden sich besonders im Stadium C. Zwischen den Patientengruppen mit primär generalisierten Anfällen, psychomotorischen Anfällen sowie Zuständen ungeklärter Bewußtseinsstörung fand sich kein signifikanter Unterschied hinsichtlich Auftreten und Ausprägung der EEG-Veränderungen. Die regelmäßig durchgeführte Hyperventilation und Fotostimulation und die Flüssigkeitsbelastung, die nur bei negativen Vorbefunden zusätzlich durchgeführt wurde, ergaben zusammen in 50% eine neue Information.

Effect of sleep deprivation on sleep and EEG power spectra in the rat   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
EEG power spectra of the rat were computed for consecutive 4-s epochs of the daily light period and matched with the scores of the vigilance states. Sleep was characterized by a progressive decline of low frequency spectral values (i.e. slow wave activity) in non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep, and a progressive increase in the amount of REM sleep. During recovery from 24-h total sleep deprivation (TSD) the following changes were observed: an increase of slow wave activity in non REM sleep with a persisting declining trend; an enhancement of theta activity (7.25-10.0 Hz) both in REM sleep and waking; a decrease of non-REM sleep and an increase of REM sleep. In addition, a slow wave EEG pattern prevailed in the awake and behaving animal during the initial recovery period. In selective sleep deprivation paradigms, either REM sleep or slow wave activity in non-REM sleep was prevented during a 2-h period following upon 24-h TSD. During both procedures, non-REM sleep spectra in the lowest frequency band showed no increase. There was no evidence for a further enhancement of slow wave activity after its selective deprivation. The results indicate that: (1) slow wave activity in non-REM sleep and theta activity in REM sleep may reflect sleep intensity; and (2) REM sleep and active waking, the two states with dominant theta activity, may be functionally related.  相似文献   

In the present study patients with a major depressive disorder were first subjected to total sleep deprivation (TSD) and then treated with clomipramine. Sleep electroencephalography (EEG) was registered prior to and after TSD, during the 2 initial nights of antidepressive treatment and after 19 days. A negative correlation between response to TSD and clomipramine was found. TSD did not differentially influence the sleep EEG (responders vs nonresponders): responders tended, however, to show a more classical depressive sleep pattern prior to TSD. Clomipramine profoundly suppressed rapid eye movement (REM) sleep; the amount of initial REM sleep reduction, however, did not correlate significantly with therapy response after 3 weeks of treatment.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of the study was to investigate whether the sleep EEG after sleep deprivation has a stronger provocative effect than the drug-induced sleep EEG. For this purpose a sleep EEG, induced by 2 mg/kg body weight of promazine hydrochloride, was recorded. On the following day a sleep EEG of the same patient was recorded after sleep deprivation of 24–26 h. If only patients whose wake EEGs were free from epileptic activity are considered, the rate of provocation was 58%. As epileptic activity could be recorded even in the sleep EEG without sleep deprivation in 45%, the advantage gained by recording a sleep EEG after sleep deprivation (52%) is only relatively small. The occurrence of epileptic activity was shown to be significantly more frequent amongst women and those who developed epilepsy at a younger age. For practical purposes it is recommended that for those patients whose wake EEGs are free from epileptic activity, a sleep EEG—possibly drug-induced—should be recorded. Only in instances where epileptic activity can not then be recorded should a wake EEG after sleep deprivation be carried out, and followed immediately, if necessary, by a sleep EEG.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Sedated sleep and sleep deprivation are commonly used methods to increase the diagnostic yield of the electroencephalogram (EEG), especially in the evaluation of people with epilepsy, but the rate of activation achieved by them is controversial, as is the issue of whether it is sleep itself, or sleep deprivation which is responsible for their alleged efficacy. We retrospectively studied the EEGs of epileptic patients, examined in our laboratory, who, after having undergone an inconclusive initial routine recording, had then been examined with a second recording. This was after either: (1) sleep deprivation with evidence of drowsiness in the recordings, (2) sleep deprivation without drowsiness (indicative of the effect which sleep deprivation per se has in eliciting abnormal patterns), or (3) drug-induced sedation. The activation rates found were (1) 22.5%, (2) 24% (22.6% for sleep deprivation collectively, regardless of the presence or not of subsequent drowsiness) and (3) 27% respectively. Only the sleep deprivation rate was statistically different from the 9.6% increased rate of abnormal patterns elicited by the simple repeating of a second routine recording, while the rate of drug-induced sleep was not. Although, sleep deprivation appeared to be more effective as an activating method of EEG compared with sedated sleep, no conclusions could be drawn about which stage of sleep, wakefulness or drowsiness, is primarily responsible for the method's efficacy.  相似文献   

Sleep is generally considered to be a process of recovery from prior wakefulness. In addition to being affected by the duration of the waking period, sleep architecture and sleep EEG also depend on the quality of wakefulness. In the present experiment, we examined how sleep is affected by different social stimuli (social conflict and sexual interaction). Male C57BL/6J mice were placed in the cage of an aggressive dominant male or an estrous female for 1 h in the middle of the light phase. The conflict with an aggressive male had a pronounced NREM sleep-promoting effect. EEG slow wave activity, a measure of NREM sleep intensity, was increased for about 6 h and NREM sleep time was significantly increased for 12 h. REM sleep was strongly suppressed during the remainder of the light phase after the conflict, followed by a rebound later in the recovery phase. The sexual interaction, in contrast, had only mild effects. Both NREM sleep and REM sleep were somewhat suppressed shortly after the interaction. In a separate group of mice, blood samples were taken to measure prolactin and corticosterone. The results suggest that the temporary suppression of REM sleep following the social stimuli may be partly due to elevated corticosterone. The different effects of the social stimuli on NREM sleep are not easily explained by differences in the hormone responses. In conclusion, although both social conflict and sexual interaction induce a strong physiological activation, only social conflict has a strong stimulatory effect on NREM sleep mechanisms.  相似文献   

Regional differences in EEG slow wave activity (SWA) during sleep after sleep deprivation (SD) may be a consequence of differential metabolic activation of cortical areas. We investigated the relationship between the regional EEG dynamics and 2-deoxyglucose (DG) uptake after SD in mice. Six hours' SD were combined with natural unilateral whisker stimulation in an enriched environment to selectively activate the barrel cortex and motor areas. As expected, an interhemispheric asymmetry of 2-DG uptake was found in the barrel cortex immediately after SD. To test whether sleep contributes to recovery of the asymmetry, the stimulation was followed by either undisturbed sleep or by an additional SD. The asymmetry vanished after recovery sleep but also after the additional period of wakefulness without stimulation. In addition, relative 2-DG uptake in the primary motor cortex and retrosplenial area was significantly higher immediately after the SD than after the additional sleep or wakefulness, whereas no other region differed between the groups. Whisker stimulation elicited a greater increase in EEG SWA during non rapid eye movement sleep in the stimulated hemisphere than in the control hemisphere; this increase lasted for 10 h. Within a hemisphere, the initial increase in SWA was higher in the frontal than in the parietal derivation. We conclude that the regional SWA differences during sleep are use-dependent and may be related to the regional pattern of metabolism during the previous waking episode. However, the regional metabolic recovery is not dependent on sleep, and is not directly reflected in changes in SWA during sleep.  相似文献   

Circadian and sleep-homeostatic processes both contribute to sleep timing and sleep structure. Elimination of circadian rhythms through lesions of the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), the master circadian pacemaker, leads to fragmentation of wakefulness and sleep but does not eliminate the homeostatic response to sleep loss as indexed by the increase in EEG delta power. In humans, EEG delta power declines during sleep episodes nearly independently of circadian phase. Such observations have contributed to the prevailing notion that circadian and homeostatic processes are separate but recent data imply that this segregation may not extend to the molecular level. Here we summarize the criteria and evidence for a role for clock genes in sleep homeostasis. Studies in mice with targeted disruption for core circadian clock genes have revealed alterations in circadian rhythmicity as well as changes in sleep duration, sleep structure and EEG delta power. Clock-gene expression in brain areas outside the SCN, in particular the cerebral cortex, depends to a large extent on prior sleep–wake history. Evidence for effects of clock genes on sleep homeostasis has also been obtained in Drosophila and humans, pointing to a phylogenetically preserved pathway. These findings suggest that, while within the SCN clock genes are utilized to set internal time-of-day, in the forebrain the same feedback circuitry may be utilized to track time spent awake and asleep. The mechanisms by which clock-gene expression is coupled to the sleep–wake distribution could be through cellular energy charge whereby clock genes act as energy sensors. The data underscore the interrelationships between energy metabolism, circadian rhythmicity, and sleep regulation.  相似文献   

Summary The relation between EEG power density during slow wave sleep (SWS) deprivation and power density during subsequent sleep was investigated. Nine young male adults slept in the laboratory for 3 consecutive nights. Sepctral analysis of the EEG on the 2nd (baseline) night revealed an exponential decline in mean EEG power density (0.25–15.0 Hz) over successive nonrapid eye movement — rapid eye movement sleep cycles. During the first 3 h of the 3rd night the subjects were deprived of SWS by means of acoustic stimuli, which did not induce wakefulness. During SWS deprivation an attenuation of EEG power densities was observed in the delta frequencies, as well as in the theta band. In the hours of sleep following SWS deprivation both the power densities in the frequency range from 1 to 7 Hz and the amount of SWS were enhanced, relative to the same period of the baseline night. Both the amount of EEG energy accumulating subsequent to SWS deprivation and its time course could be predicted accurately from the EEG energy deficit caused by SWS deprivation. The data show that the level of integral EEG power density during a certain period after sleep onset depends on the amount of EEG energy accumulated during the preceding sleep rather than on the time elapsed since sleep onset. In terms of the two-process model of sleep regulation (Borbély 1982; Daan et al. 1984) this finding indicates that EEG power density reflects the rate of decay of the regulating variable, S, rather than S itself, as was originally postulated.  相似文献   

Sleep is regulated by the interaction of a homeostatic (Process S) and a circadian component. The duration of prior wakefulness is the main factor influencing subsequent sleep duration and its intensity. We investigated in the rat whether the sleep-wake history before sleep deprivation (SD) contributes to the effects of sleep loss incurred during the SD. A 24-h baseline recording was followed by 6 h SD at light onset (SD-Light, n=7), or at dark onset (SD-Dark, n=8) and 18 h recovery. Both SDs led to a pronounced increase in slow wave activity (SWA, EEG power between 0.75 and 4.0 Hz) in NREM sleep and increased sleep consolidation. The prolongation of sleep episodes was associated with increased intra-episode SWA. The amount of waking before the SD correlated positively with the SWA increase during recovery, and SWA levels before SD were negatively correlated with their subsequent increase. The time-course of SWA (Process S) as well as of single frequency bins within the SWA band was successfully simulated based on vigilance-state distribution. The time constant of the exponential monotonic decay (Td) was higher for the 0.75-1.0 Hz bin compared to all remaining frequency bins of the SWA band, reflecting a slower process determining the slow EEG component during sleep. The data show that the homeostatic response after SD, consisting of increased sleep intensity and sleep consolidation is determined by a combination of SD and the preceding vigilance-state history. The slower dynamics of low frequency delta power compared to fast delta frequencies point to heterogeneity within the traditionally defined SWA band.  相似文献   

The single platform-on-water (flower pot) method is extensively used for depriving rapid eye movement sleep (REMS). Detailed comparison of sleep–wake architecture, recorded during the rebound period after spending three days on either a small or large platform, could separate the effects of REMS deficit from other stress factors caused by the procedure. A further aim of the study was to find the most characteristic REMS parameter of the rebound originating from REMS deficit. Rats were kept on a small or large platform for 72 h. Their fronto-parietal electroencephalogram, electromyogram and motility were recorded during the 24 h rebound at the beginning of the passive phase. A similar period of a home cage group was also recorded. The most typical differences between the two rebound groups were the increased cumulative time and longer average duration of REMS episodes without significant change in the number of these episodes of the small platform animals during the passive phase. Results obtained by cosinor analysis were in accordance with the findings above. Since we did not find any difference in the average duration of REMS episodes comparing the large platform rebound group and the home cage group, we concluded that the increased mean duration of REMS episodes is a selective marker for the rebound caused by small platform sleep deprivation, while other changes in sleep architecture may be the consequence of stress and also some sleep deficit.  相似文献   

Abstract: Sleep deprivation EEGs can help us in timing discontinuation of antiepileptic treatment of childhood epilepsy. After 3–5 seizure-free years, a negative sleep deprivation EEG (i.e., the lack of any epileptiform potentials) is a good predictor of terminal remission of the seizures after cessation of the drug. In the drug-free follow-up period (in average 2 years) only 2/40 patients relapsed, 38/40 (= 95 percent) remained free of seizures. The results and limits of the study as well as the theoretical background are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Rats subjected to chronic total sleep deprivation (TSD) by the disk-over-water method have shown very large, sustained rebounds in paradoxical sleep (PS) (also known as REM sleep). Other studies have indicated that cholinergic mechanisms are involved in the instigation and maintenance of PS. Hypothetically, the large PS rebounds could be mediated by an upregulation of cholinergic receptors during TSD. To evaluate this hypothesis, regional brain cholinergic receptors were compared in rats subjected to 10-day TSD by the disk-over-water method (TSD rats), yoked control (TSC) rats which received the same physical stimulation but with much smaller reductions in sleep, and home cage control (HCC) rats. l-[3H]nicotine and [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate were used as specific cholinergic radioligands for nicotinic and muscarinic receptor binding assays, respectively. Nicotinic receptor binding was not significantly different among groups for any of the brain regions assayed, including frontal cortex, parietal cortex, thalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, anterior hypothalamus, posterior hypothalamus, caudate, limbic system (including septal area, olfactory tubercle, and nucleus accumbens), midbrain, pons, and medulla. Thus, there was no evidence that changes in nicotinic receptors mediate the PS rebounds. For muscarinic receptor binding, TSD rats differed significantly from control rats only in showing a higher binding affinity than TSC rats in the limbic system and a lower binding density than HCC rats in the hippocampus. On the other hand, significant differences in muscarinic receptor binding sites between rats selectively deprived of PS and their yoked controls were found only for the septal area. Although chronic sleep deprivation resulted in a few regionally specific changes in muscarinic receptor binding, compared to the large PS rebounds during recovery from chronic sleep deprivation, the changes in receptor binding were very small and were not apparent in the region most intimately related to the cholinergic instigation of PS, i.e., the pons. Thus, there was no substantial evidence that PS rebounds are mediated via cholinergic receptor upregulation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) participates in the homeostatic regulation of sleep. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the Val66Met functional polymorphism of the BDNF gene on sleep and sleep EEG parameters in a large population‐based sample. In total 337 individuals participating in the São Paulo Epidemiologic Sleep Study were selected for analysis. None of the participants had indications of a sleep disorder, as measured by full‐night polysomnography and questionnaire. Spectral analysis of the EEG was carried out in all individuals using fast Fourier transformation of the oscillatory signals for each EEG electrode. Sleep and sleep EEG parameters in individuals with the Val/Val genotype were compared with those in Met carriers (Val/Met and Met/Met genotypes). After correction for multiple comparisons and for potential confounding factors, Met carriers showed decreased spectral power in the alpha band in stage one and decreased theta power in stages two and three of nonrapid‐eye‐movement sleep, at the central recording electrode. No significant influence on sleep macrostructure was observed among the genotype groups. Thus, the Val66Met polymorphism seems to modulate the electrical activity of the brain, predicting interindividual variation of sleep EEG parameters. Further studies of this and other polymorphic variants in potential candidate genes will help the characterization of the molecular basis of sleep. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Background and objectiveCaffeine is the most widely used stimulant to counteract the effects of sleepiness, but it also produces important detrimental effects on subsequent sleep, especially when sleep is initiated at a time when the biological clock sends a strong waking signal such as during daytime. This study compares the effects of caffeine on daytime recovery sleep in young (20–30 y.) and middle-aged subjects (45–60 y.).MethodsSubjects participated in both caffeine (200 mg) and placebo conditions (double-blind cross-over design), spaced one month apart. For each condition, subjects initially came to the laboratory for a nocturnal sleep episode. Daytime recovery sleep started in the morning after 25 h of wakefulness. Subjects were administered either one caffeine (100 mg) or placebo capsule three hours before daytime recovery sleep and the remaining dose one hour before daytime recovery sleep.ResultsMiddle-aged subjects showed greater decrements of sleep duration and sleep efficiency than young subjects during daytime recovery under placebo compared to nocturnal sleep. Caffeine decreased sleep efficiency, sleep duration, slow-wave sleep (SWS) and REM sleep during daytime recovery sleep similarly in both age groups. Caffeine also reduced N-REM sleep EEG synchronization during daytime recovery sleep (reduced delta, theta, and alpha power, and greater beta power).ConclusionsThe combined influence of age and caffeine made the sleep of middle-aged subjects particularly vulnerable to the circadian waking signal. We propose that lower brain synchronization due to age and caffeine produces greater difficulty in overriding the circadian waking signal during daytime sleep and leads to fragmented sleep. These results have implications for the high proportion of the population using caffeine to cope with night work and jet lag, particularly the middle-aged.  相似文献   

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