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We describe two patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) who developed infections situated in the spleen. One patient had a splenic abscess and there was strong clinical evidence for an infected splenic infarct in the second patient. SCD predisposes to splenic infection because of functional hyposplenism, defective phagocyte function and splenic infarction. Splenic infections can occur in patients who might be considered to have an absent spleen and the diagnosis of splenic abscess should be considered in individuals with SCD who present with fever and abdominal pain.  相似文献   

This is a report of our experience with 10 cases of splenic abscess in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). All presented with fever and abdominal pain and were found to have a tender enlarged spleen. Two were found to have a ruptured spleen and five of them were septicemic on presentation. Although both ultrasound and CT-scan of the abdomen were of diagnostic value, we found CT-scan more accurate and reliable in the diagnosis of splenic abscess. Ultrasound and/or CT-scan should be used routinely in the evaluation of SCD patients who present with fever and abdominal pain, especially if they have a tender enlarged spleen. Diagnostic aspiration under CT-scan or ultrasound guidance should be used in doubtful cases to differentiate between splenic abscess and a large splenic infarct. All our patients were managed by peri operative antibiotics and splenectomy with no mortality. Salmonella was the commonest causative organism. Although CT-guided aspiration of splenic abscess is being advocated recently, we feel splenectomy should be the treatment of choice in patients with SCD as there is no point in preserving a non-functioning spleen that is present in the majority of patients. CT-guided aspiration may be employed as a temporary measure for those patients who are at high surgical risk with unilocular abscess. Am. J. Hematol. 58:100–104, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Splenic infarction in patients with sickle cell trait is usually related to hypoxic conditions, while non-hypoxia-related infarcts are extremely rare. We report on a case of a 17-year-old male patient, living at sea level, who developed a severe left upper quadrant abdominal pain during the course of a febrile episode. On physical examination he had a mildly palpable but extremely painful spleen. A spleen scan revealed 2 areas of impaired radionucleide distribution. Hepatic enzymes were moderately increased and the IgM anti-EBV antibodies positive. Hemoglobin electrophoresis revealed the presence of 42% of hemoglobin S. A probable diagnosis of splenic infarction was established in a patient with sickle cell trait, during the course of infectious mononucleosis. The patient was treated symptomatically. The conditions of splenic congestion induced by the EBV infection and the high-grade fever may have contributed to splenic sequestration and subsequent infarcts.  相似文献   

Acute splenic sequestration crises in adults with sickle cell disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reports of acute splenic sequestration crises in adults with sickle cell hemoglobin C disease or sickle cell thalassemia are rare, although an enlarged and distensible spleen persists in half of these patients. Seven episodes of acute splenic sequestration crises in four adults, two with sickle C disease and two with sickle thalassemia, are described. The crises were life-threatening and recurrent in all, but there were no fatalities. One patient had mild steady-state thrombocytopenia suggesting hypersplenism. Technetium 99m/sulfur colloid scanning of the spleen during the acute splenic sequestration crises in three patients showed almost total lack of splenic uptake or decreased uptake with intrasplenic filling defects thought to be splenic infarcts or hematomas on follow-up computed tomographic scanning. The scanning abnormalities resolved following recovery from the crises. Acute splenic sequestration crises probably are common in adults with sickle C disease and sickle thalassemia but may be underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed as splenic infarctions. The hematologic and splenic findings during acute splenic sequestration crises resemble those following splenic vein ligation in animals.  相似文献   

Splenic infarcts are common in patients with sickle cell anemia (SCA), but these are usually small and repetitive, leading ultimately to autosplenectomy. Massive splenic infarcts on the other hand are extremely rare. This is a report of our experience with 8 (4 males and 4 females) cases of massive splenic infarction in patients with SCA. Their ages ranged from 16 to 36 years (mean 22 years). Three presented with left upper quadrant abdominal pain and massive splenic infarction on admission, while the other 5 developed massive splenic infarction while in hospital. In 5 the precipitating factors were high altitude, postoperative, postpartum, salmonella septicemia, and strenuous exercise in one each, while the remaining 3 had severe generalized vasoocclusive crises. Although both ultrasound and CT scan of the abdomen were of diagnostic value, we found CT scan more accurate in delineating the size of infarction. All our patients were managed conservatively with I.V. fluids, analgesia, and blood transfusion when necessary. Diagnostic aspiration under ultrasound guidance was necessary in two patients to differentiate between massive splenic infarction and splenic abscess. Two patients required splenectomy during the same admission because of suspicion of secondary infection and abscess formation, while a third patient had splenectomy 2 months after the attack because of persistent left upper quadrant abdominal pain. In all the 3 histology of the spleen showed congestive splenomegaly with massive infarction. All of our patients survived. Two patients subsequently developed autosplenectomy while the remaining 3 continue to have persistent but asymptomatic splenomegaly. Massive splenic infarction is a rare and unique complication of SCA in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, and for early diagnosis and treatment, physicians caring for these patients should be aware of such a complication.  相似文献   

A 43 year-old black man with sickle cell trait documented by hemoglobin electrophoresis presented with severe pleuritic chest pain and hypoxemia three weeks after discharge following abdominal surgery. A pulmonary embolus was diagnosed by angiography and he was treated with heparin; the minimum arterial pO2 was 55 torr while O2 was being administered at a rate of 3 L/min. During this therapy, he developed abdominal pain. Computerized tomography suggested splenic infarction, which was documented by radionuclide liver-spleen scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); the patient's spleen had been normal at exploratory laparotomy three weeks previously. No source for emboli was identified in the deep venous system by MRI. Although splenic infarction has been reported in patients with sickle cell trait at high altitude, this is the first reported case of splenic infarction secondary to the hypoxemia of pulmonary embolism in a patient with sickle cell trait. The spleen is subject to infarction in sickle cell trait because blood flow is slow through a hypoxemic and acidemic environment. The additional hypoxemia due to pulmonary embolism is presumed, in our patient, to have created a local splenic environment which permitted infarction to occur.  相似文献   

Claster  S; Vichinsky  E 《Blood》1996,88(6):1951-1953
Much of the morbidity associated with sickle cell anemia (SCA) is due to ongoing infarction resulting in organ dysfunction. Because the spleen is often the first organ damaged in this illness, there is a significant impairment of the immune system in these patients. Hydroxyurea (HU) has been shown to increase fetal hemoglobin (HbF) and decrease painful episodes in patients with this disease. It is unclear whether HU can prevent organ damage. We treated two SCA patients with HU for several years and found evidence of reversal of previously documented splenic dysfunction. Patient no. 1 was treated for 30 months with an increase in HbF to 30%. HU was stopped because of cytopenia. She developed left upper quadrant pain. A splenectomy was performed due to the possibility of splenic abscesses. A pathologic review found no evidence of infection and an enlarged spleen that showed active germinal centers. Patient no. 2 was treated for 24 months with HU before developing splenomegaly. His HbF levels were 25% to 30%, his pit counts averaged 2%, and his liver spleen scans showed uptake. These two cases show that chronic HU therapy may reverse splenic dysfunction in certain patients and suggest that this drug may have efficacy beyond the elimination of pain in SCA.  相似文献   

The association of sickle cell trait (SCT) and hereditary spherocytosis (HS) has been reported in only 18 patients. Three of these 18 patients experienced splenic infarct or acute splenic sequestration. We report here a 46-year-old African-American male, the oldest reported case to date, who experienced episodes of hemolysis and severe left upper quadrant pain for the past 26 years. The patient had compensated hemolysis with splenomegaly. A CT scan of the abdomen revealed a large infarct in the spleen. The diagnosis of SCT was confirmed with isoelectric focusing, cation exchange and reverse-phase HPLC. The presence of a silent, interacting globin variant as the cause of hemolysis and sickling in the spleen was ruled out by sequencing of the alpha1-, alpha2- and beta-globin genes. The diagnosis of HS was established by an osmotic fragility test. The interaction of HS and SCT leads to RBC dehydration with increased MCHC and intracellular Hb S concentration presumably favoring intrasplenic sickling and resultant splenic infarcts and sequestration as seen in this case.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe a case in which an isolated splenic metastasis was synchronous with the colonic primary and a concomitant splenic abscess was associated. A wide review of the literature was also performed. A 54-year-old woman with abdominal pain and fever was admitted to our department. Abdominal CT revealed two low-density areas in the spleen and wall-thickening of the left colonic flexure, which was indistinguishable from the spleen parenchyma. The patient underwent emergency celiotomy, with the presumptive diagnosis of obstructing colon carcinoma of the splenic flexure, and concomitant splenic abscess. Subtotal colectomy and splenectomy were performed. Pathological findings were consistent with mucinous colonic carcinoma, synchronous isolated splenic metastasis and concomitant splenic abscess. This paper is also a review of the existing literature on the association between colorectal cancer and splenic metastasis. Only 41 cases of isolated splenic metastasis from colon carcinoma have been reported in the literature. This report is the third described case of synchronous isolated splenic metastasis from colon carcinoma. Only one case with concomitant splenic abscess has been previously reported. When obstructing left-sided colorectal cancer is suspected, careful CT examination can allow early diagnosis of splenic involvement by the tumor. The literature review suggests that there might be a significant improvement in survival following splenectomy for a metachronous isolated splenic metastasis from colon carcinoma. Prognosis for synchronous splenic metastasis seems to be related to the advanced stage of the disease. Nevertheless, no definitive conclusions can be drawn because of the small number of cases.  相似文献   

Hydroxyurea has been extensively used in patients with sickle cell anemia and severe sickle cell-hemoglobin C (SC) disease to reduce the severity of their diseases. We report here our experience with an adult patient with severe SC disease who developed symptomatic splenomegaly requiring splenectomy while being treated with hydroxyurea. This case suggests that hydroxyurea might restore some splenic function in functionally asplenic patients with sickle cell anemia or SC disease, but also raises the clinical concern that hydroxyurea may induce splenic regrowth, resulting in symptomatic splenomegaly. With the increasing use of hydroxyurea in the management of SS disease or other hemoglobinopathies, the importance of spleen monitoring must be further emphasized in these patients.  相似文献   

We report the unusual case of a patient with chronic carriage of Salmonella typhi who presented with partially calcified splenic abscess linked to colic fistula and ascitis. The colic fistula could be secondary to ischemic necrosis by left colon compression due to spleen large abscess. Fistula was evidenced by abdominal computed tomography scan and confirmed by barium enema. The possible etiologies of ascitis are either tuberculosis or ascitic peritonitis secondary to the fistulisation; nevertheless, the role of segmentary portal located hypertension cannot be completely excluded. The splenic abscess was probably due to Salmonella typhi which was only isolated from stool specimens. The calcified splenic abscess was the evidence that the infection had occurred first. In addition, the isolation of Salmonella typhi in stool cultures six months after the subject had returned from the Comores proved the chronic carriage. Treatment by splenectomy and left colectomy was successful in this patient.  相似文献   

Serum immunoglobulin concentrations were determined in 21 patients with sickle cell disease syndromes and correlated with the size and visualization of the spleen. Whereas serum immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels were elevated in all patients studied, immunoglobulins G (IgG) and M (IgM) were elevated in those patients with demonstrable increase in splenic mass. When even minimal splenic visualization could be demonstrated, serum IgM was normal. However, when there was complete absence of splenic vi-sualization, or following splenectomy, serum IgM concentration was significantly below normal. This finding of low serum IgM concentration may explain the increased susceptibility to infection observed in some groups of patients with sickle cell disease.  相似文献   

Spontaneous splenic rupture is a life-threatening disease and an important differential diagnosis of acute abdomen. Early clinical diagnosis and rapid intervention is required to ensure patient survival. Spontaneous splenic rupture may be induced by hematological, inflammatory or infiltrative diseases affecting the spleen. Splenomegaly may also significantly increase the risk of rupture. Other contributory factors include male, adulthood, rapid growth of the spleen and splenic abscess. Here, we present the case of a 69-year-old man who was undergoing chemotherapy for B-cell chronic lymphoid leukemia. He was admitted to our hospital after he suddenly developed persistent upper abdominal pain. Computed tomography and ultrasonography revealed accumulation of free fluid in and around the spleen. He was diagnosed as having spontaneous splenic rupture and an emergency operation was performed. During the operation, we found a massively enlarged spleen with several capsular tears, and performed a splenectomy. The patient made a good recovery. Pathological examination revealed that the spleen was infiltrated by CD20-, CD5- and CD23-positive lymphoid blasts. We encountered a case of spontaneous splenic rupture in a patient receiving chemotherapy for exacerbating B-cell chronic lymphoid leukemia. In a case of abdominal pain of acute onset in patients with hematological disease, spontaneous splenic rupture should be suspected.  相似文献   

Differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy (Nomarsky optics) readily demonstrates the formation of "pits" or crater-like depressions in red cell membranes of splenectomized individuals. Splenic reticuloendothelial dysfunction characteristic of many patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) can be demonstrated by technetium spleen scans, but this technique is expensive, requires injection of radioactive material into children, and is cumbersome to perform at regular intervals. However, pit formation in red cells, which also appears to reflect splenic dysfunction, can readily be quantitated in a finger-stick blood sample using DIC microscopy. In this study, the degree of red cell pitting was compared with results of technetium spleen scans and measurements of Howell-Jolly bodies in individuals with sickle cell disease. The average pitted cell percentage in the control population was 0.5% +/- 0.5 (range 0.0-2.6) and 30.5% +/- 13.9 in the SCD population (range 2.4-71.1) (less than 0.001). Of the individuals studied with SCD, 12 also had technetium (99mTc) sulfur colloid scans and measurements of Howell-Jolly bodies. The percentage of Howell-Jolly bodies was low and did not correlate well with the degree of splenic visualization. However, there was an excellent correlation between pit count and splenic dysfunction as measured by spleen scan. Determination of red cell pitting, therefore, appears to offer a simple means for clinical evaluation of splenic reticuloendothelial function in patients with SCD.  相似文献   

Rectus Sheath Hematoma Mimicking Acute Splenic Disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In patients with hematological malignancies and splenomegaly, acute abdominal pain in the left upper quadrant is highly suspicious of splenic disease (i.e., hematoma, infarction, or rupture). We report the case of a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia and splenomegaly who presented an unusual abdominal condition causing pain in the left upper quadrant, with a clinical presentation mimicking acute splenic disease. The diagnostic dilemma was resolved by ultrasonography, demonstrating a rectus sheath hematoma.  相似文献   

While acute splenic sequestration and splenic infarction are commonly observed in infants and young children with sickle cell anemia, they are rarely experienced by adult hemoglobin S homozygotes because the recurrent splenic infarction that takes place during childhood is typically followed by scarring, atrophy, and splenic fibrosis. Both acute splenic sequestration and splenic infarction do remain relatively common in adults with the other sickle hemoglobinopathies. These episodes are almost certainly a consequence of the persistently enlarged and distensible spleens that often remain present in these conditions. In this report, the authors describe two adult patients with hemoglobin SC disease: one who developed acute splenic sequestration and one with splenic infarction. In neither case was there a history of recent air travel or exposure to altitude. The clinical course of these two syndromes is presented, and the hematologic, radiologic, and pathologic manifestations are discussed. Because they can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from one another, and because a failure to identify acute splenic sequestration can be catastrophic, these two entities must be included in the differential diagnosis for any hemoglobin SC patient who present with an unexplained fall in hemoglobin, left upper quadrant pain, unexplained fever, or symptomatic splenomegaly.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim was to analyze the influence of intestinal microbiota on the development of intestinal inflammation. We used the model of chronic inflammation that develops spontaneously in the colon of conventional severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice restored with the CD45 RB(high) subset of CD4+T cells isolated from the spleen of normal BALB/c mice. METHODS: A CD4+CD45RB(high) subpopulation of T cells was purified from the spleen of conventional BALB/c mice by magnetic separation (MACS) and transferred into immunodeficient SCID mice. Germ-free (GF) SCID mice or SCID mice monoassociated with Enterococcus faecalis, SFB (segmented filamentous bacteria), Fusobacterium mortiferum, Bacteroides distasonis, and in combination Fusobacterium mortiferum + SFB or Bacteroides distasonis + SFB were used as recipients. SCID mice were colonized by a defined cocktail of specific pathogen-free (SPF) bacteria. Mice were evaluated 8-12 weeks after the cell transfer for clinical and morphological signs of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). RESULTS: After the transfer of the CD4+CD45RB(high) T-cell subpopulation to SCID mice severe colitis was present in conventional animals and in mice colonized with a cocktail of SPF microflora plus SFB. Altered intestinal barrier in the terminal ileum of mice with severe colitis was documented by immunohistology using antibodies to ZO-1 (zona occludens). CONCLUSIONS: Only SFB bacteria together with a defined SPF mixture were effective in triggering intestinal inflammation in the model of IBD in reconstituted SCID mice, while no colitis was detected in GF mice or in mice colonized either with SPF microflora or monoassociated only with SFB or colonized by Bacteroides distasonis + SFB or Fusobacterium mortiferum + SFB.  相似文献   

Schwartz  Allen D. 《Blood》1972,40(5):678-683
The presence of hypersplenism andfunctional asplenia occurring concomitantly in a child with sickle cell anemiaprompted a study of the splenic platelet reservoir in this hemoglobinopathy.The young child with sickle cell anemiaand a large spleen, who is unable toremove Howell-Jolly bodies, concentrate 99mTc sulfur colloid in his spleen,or respond to intravenous particulateantigen, retains the splenic reservoirfunction to pool platelets. This reservoir function is lost in the older patientin whom the spleen has become autoinfarcted. Thus, an independence ofcertain splenic functions is present inyoung children with sickle cell anemiawho have splenomegaly.

Submitted on February 29, 1972 Revised on June 2, 1972 Accepted on June 11, 1972  相似文献   


Objective and importance

Sickle cell trait is widely known to be associated with splenic infarction at high altitudes. Although textbooks and reviews imply that this complication does not occur at low altitudes, we encountered such a case and identified several previous cases in the literature.

Clinical presentation

An 18-year-old woman with sickle cell trait who resided near sea level presented with left upper quadrant abdominal pain and was found to have multiple splenic infarcts. She was otherwise well, with no comorbidities that would predispose to hypoxemia or vascular injury. A review of the literature revealed 12 previously published cases of low-altitude splenic infarction in patients with sickle trait; 7 of those patients had comorbidities that likely predisposed to splenic infarction.




Spontaneous splenic infarction can occur in patients with sickle trait who live at low altitudes. It is unclear whether this complication is rare, or whether it is relatively common but under-recognized.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Transradial vascular intervention for heart disease has been expanding recently because it is less invasive, but this approach has only been used to treat abdominal disease at a few institutions. Since 2000, we have performed partial splenic embolization (PSE) via the transradial approach with the aim of achieving the least invasive procedure possible. METHODOLOGY: During the past five years, transradial abdominal angiography was performed in 426 patients and eight of them (two men and six women undergoing PSE for LC) were included in this study. They ranged from 48 years to 72 years in age, consisting of three patients in Child class A and five in Child class B. To perform transradial partial splenic embolization, a 4-Fr sheath was inserted in the left radial artery. Under fluoroscopy, intrasplenic branches of the splenic artery supplying about 60-70% of the parenchyma of the spleen were selected and embolized with a newly developed transradial catheter inserted along a guide wire running through the descending aorta. After treatment, the puncture site was compressed by applying a tourniquet. No restriction on movement of the lower or upper extremities is required and the patient is allowed to walk freely. RESULTS: Transradial embolization was successful in all 8 patients. The procedure required 70 minutes on average. The mean platelet count was 3.3x10(4)/microL before treatment, and it increased to 16.3x10(4) and 11.3x10(4)/microL after two weeks and three months, respectively. All patients suffered from fever and pain after treatment, which were treated conservatively. Occlusion of the radial artery, digital paralysis, or splenic abscess did not occur in any patient. CONCLUSIONS: This transcatheter technique facilitates hemostasis and requires neither shaving of hair nor insertion of a urinary catheter. In addition, no restriction on movement is needed after the procedure. Consequently, this minimally invasive transradial approach is highly satisfactory for patients and should become a first-line approach for PSE.  相似文献   

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