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高血压病患者心房颤动与动脉粥样硬化的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析高血压病患者心房颤动与动脉粥样硬化的相关性。方法本研究共纳入高血压病患者145例,根据心电图表现分为两组:其中窦性心律组75例、心房颤动组70例。分析145例高血压病患者的一般临床资料,同时使用颈动脉彩超测定颈动脉内膜中膜厚度及粥样斑块个数,从而判断高血压患者的动脉硬化程度。结果高血压病合并心房颤动患者组颈动脉内膜中膜厚度明显高于窦性心律组(P<0.05),其斑块检出率(53.5%)明显高于窦性心律组(19.0%;P<0.01)。颈动脉内膜中膜厚度及粥样斑块检出率与年龄、高血压病程、高敏C反应蛋白等成正相关(P<0.05)。多元Logistic回归分析显示,校正主要的危险因素后,心房颤动是颈动脉粥样斑块的相关危险因素(OR值为1.752,P<0.01)。结论在排除了年龄、高血压病程、收缩压、高敏C反应蛋白等可导致颈动脉内膜中膜厚度增厚及粥样斑块形成等干扰因素后,心房颤动可能是导致颈动脉内膜中膜厚度增厚及粥样斑块形成的一个相关危险因素。  相似文献   



Diabetes may be an independent risk factor for atrial fibrillation. However, results from prior studies are in conflict, and no study has examined diabetes duration or glycemic control.  相似文献   

Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationships between blood pressure (BP), insulin resistance as determined by a homeostasis model (HOMA‐IR), and body fat distribution. Methods: Anthropometric indices of adiposity, metabolic variables (fasting serum insulin and a homeostasis model assessment [HOMA] index of insulin sensitivity), BP and several cardiovascular risk factors were measured during a cross sectional survey of 53477 apparently healthy Korean subjects who requested a health status check. Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP ≥ 140 mmHg or a diastolic BP ≥ 90 mmHg and we excluded the subjects taking BP‐lowering medication. Results: Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP) were positively and significantly associated with age, body mass index, waist circumference, and waist/hip ratio. In addition, SBP and DBP were positively associated with fasting serum insulin levels and the HOMA index. By multiple regression analysis age, waist circumference, body mass index, HOMA index and female sex were independently associated with either increased SBP or DBP. When the population is divided into quintiles according to insulin resistance (measured by HOMA analysis) prevalence of hypertension in the second, third, fourth and fifth quintiles compared to subjects in the first quintile are 1.004(95% CI 0.875–1.152, p=0.957), 1.200(95% CI 1.052–1.369, p=0.007), 1.312(95% CI 1.151–1.494 p < 0.001), and 1.603(95% CI 1.408–1.825 p < 0.001). In addition age, sex, body mass index and waist circumference were found to be significantly associated with hypertension. Conclusion: Our results showed that insulin resistance, body mass index and waist circumference are independent risk factors of a high BP in Koreans.  相似文献   

Obesity and excessive drinking are major risk factors for development of hypertension. We aimed to explore association of body mass index (BMI) and alcohol intake with isolated systolic hypertension (ISH), isolated diastolic hypertension (IDH), and combined systolic/diastolic hypertension (SDH) among Shandong Shengli Oil field workers. A total of 26,681 subjects were cross-sectionally analyzed. Statistical calculations included polytomous logistic regression and interaction analysis. After assigning normotensives as a reference, the odds of being ISH decreased by 4% for moderate drinkers, whereas that of being IDH and SDH increased significantly by 1.50 and 1.15 folds (P < 0.001). The odds for heavy drinkers of being ISH, IDH, and SDH increased by 1.38, 2.41, and 2.25 folds, respectively (P < 0.001). For BMI, the odds of being ISH, IDH, and SDH increased in a dose-response manner (P < 0.001). For patients with BMI of [23, 25), [25, 27), [27, 30) and ≥ 30 kg/m2, the odds (95% confidence interval (CI)) of being SDH increased significantly by 2.28 (2.07–2.50), 3.22 (2.93–3.55), 5.44 (4.93–6.01), and 8.45 (7.31–9.77) folds, respectively. Interaction analysis indicated that BMI and alcohol intake were interactively associated with ISH (P ≤ 0.045) rather than IDH (P ≥ 0.161). Our results demonstrated that BMI and alcohol intake interactively influenced systolic hypertension, especially for overweight and obese patients.  相似文献   

[] 目的 探讨血压变异性(BPV)对心房颤动发生及左心结构的影响。方法 随机选取我科2013年6月至2015年10月就诊患者120例患者,其中永久性房颤40例,持续性房颤40例,阵发性房颤40例,选取同期住院的窦性心律患者40例,测24h动态心电图、动态血压、超声心动图对160例患者检测,比较四组患者血压变异性及左房内径。 结果 心房颤动组的血压变异性、左房内径较正常对照组明显增加,房颤组内比较,永久性房颤组较持续性房颤组、阵发性房颤组血压变异性明显增大。 结论 心房颤动的患者血压变异性明显增加,且心房颤动的严重程度与血压变异性呈正相关。#$NL[关键词]心房颤动;血压变异性;左房内径  相似文献   

目的探讨2型糖尿病(T2DM)合并高血压(EH)患者不同血压水平对心血管事件(CVD)的影响。方法收集T2DM合并EH患者2 8 0例,将患者按收缩压(SBP)水平分为>1 4 0 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.1 3 3 kPa)、≤1 4 0 mmHg、SBP≤1 3 0 mmHg、SBP≤120 mmHg 4组,每组70例。分析不同SBP对患者CVD的影响。结果 CVD(非致死性心肌梗死、需住院治疗的心衰或不稳定型心绞痛、冠状动脉血运重建)发病率在SBP>140 mmHg组高于SBP≤140 mmHg、SBP≤130 mmHg、SBP≤120 mmHg组,差别有统计学意义(P<0.05);在SBP≤140 mmHg、SBP≤130 mmHg、SBP≤120 mmHg 3组间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论降压治疗可降低T2DM合并EH患者CVD发病率,但并非越低越好,SBP≤140 mmHg是一个合适水平。  相似文献   



Physical activity has been associated with lower diabetes risk, but several prospective studies among women found that activity only slightly attenuated the diabetes risk associated with high body mass index (BMI). We investigated the independent and joint associations between vigorous activity and BMI on diabetes risk in men.


This was a prospective cohort design within the Physicians' Health Study, using Cox proportional hazards models to calculate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of incident diabetes in 20,757 men without diabetes at baseline. Models were based on self-reported BMI and exercise frequency at baseline, first separately and then with a 6-category joint variable combining World Health Organization BMI category (normal/overweight/obese) with activity status (active/inactive) using weekly vigorous activity as the threshold.


After a median follow-up of 23.1 years, there were 1836 cases of incident diabetes. Compared with active participants with normal BMIs, active but overweight and obese men had multivariable-adjusted HRs of 2.39 (95% CI, 2.11-2.71) and 6.22 (95% CI, 5.12-7.56). Inactive men with normal, overweight, or obese BMIs had multivariable-adjusted HRs of 1.41 (95% CI, 1.19-1.67), 3.14 (95% CI, 2.73-3.62), and 6.57 (95% CI, 5.25-8.21).


Active men with normal and overweight BMIs had lower diabetes hazards than their inactive counterparts, but no difference by weekly activity was seen in obese men. Elevated BMI is a key driver of diabetes risk, with relatively modest attenuation by activity.  相似文献   



We sought to determine whether insulin-sensitizing therapy (thiazolidinediones or metformin) decreased the risk of developing atrial fibrillation compared with insulin-providing therapy (insulin, sulfonylurea, or a meglitinide). Thiazolidinediones are insulin sensitizers that also decrease the inflammatory response. Because inflammation is a risk factor for atrial fibrillation, we hypothesized that treating diabetes with thiazolidinediones might decrease the risk of developing atrial fibrillation.


The Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation 2 Diabetes (BARI 2D) trial enrolled patients with type 2 diabetes and documented coronary artery disease. All patients were randomized to insulin-sensitizing therapy or insulin-providing therapy.


A total of 2319 patients entered the study, with 1160 assigned to the insulin-sensitization strategy and 1159 assigned to the insulin-provision strategy. Over a median follow-up of 4.2 years, 90 patients (3.9%) developed new-onset atrial fibrillation. In the intention-to-treat analysis, the incidence of atrial fibrillation was 8.7 per 1000 person-years in patients assigned to insulin sensitization compared with 9.5 in patients assigned to insulin provision with a hazard ratio (HR) of 0.91 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.60-1.38, P = .66). In a time-varying exposure analysis, the incidence rate per 1000 person-years was 7.2 while exposed to thiazolidinediones and 9.7 while not exposed to thiazolidinediones with an adjusted HR of 0.80 (95% CI, 0.33-1.94, P = .62). In a subset of patients matched on propensity to receive a thiazolidinediones, the HR was 0.75 (95% CI, 0.43-1.30, P = .30).


We did not find a significant reduction of atrial fibrillation incidence with use of thiazolidinediones.  相似文献   

体重指数、腰围/臀围比与血压、血脂的相关性   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本研究于1993年在北京地区抽取25~64岁的男女两性1282人,分析了体重指数(BMI)、腰围/臀围比(WHR)与血压、血脂的相关性。结果显示:男女两性的BMI和WHR均随年龄的增加而增加;男性WHR显著高于女性(P<0.001),而BMI无性别差异(P=0.06)。控制其它危险因素后,BMI与男女两性的舒张压正相关;WHR与血压的相关无显著性。BMI、WHR均与血脂独立相关,WHR与血脂的相关性强于BMI与血脂的相关性。本研究结果提示:BMI反映的是调整身高后的体重值,它与血压的相关性较强;WHR反映的是脂肪分布,它与血脂的相关性较强。此结果对高血压、高脂血症的防治具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Blood pressure (BP) variability could induce detrimental effects on left ventricular (LV) structure in hypertension. We investigated the association between short-term BP variability, assessed with 24-h noninvasive ambulatory BP monitoring, and LV mass at echocardiography in 1822 untreated subjects (953 men, 869 women) with essential hypertension (EH). The standard deviation (SD) of daytime and night-time systolic BP (SBP, r = 0.13/0.10; both P < .001), but not of diastolic BP, showed a weak correlation with LV mass. Because the SD of daytime SBP showed a direct association with average 24-h SBP (r = 0.27), subjects were ranked into quartiles of the distribution of 24-h SBP. For each quartile, the subjects with SD of daytime (and night-time) SBP below or above the median were classified at low or high BP variability. In both genders, subjects with high daytime SBP variability were older than those at low variability (both P < .01). Within each quartile, LV mass did not differ between the groups at low v those at high SBP variability. Overall, age-adjusted LV mass index was 115 and 115 g/m2 in men at low and high daytime SBP variability (P = .84), and 116 and 114 g/m2 in men at low and high nighttime SBP variability (P = .31). The corresponding values in women were 98 and 99 g/m2 (P = .53) and 98 and 99 g/m2 (P = .64). In conclusion, when the effects of age, gender, and average 24-h BP are taken into account, short-term BP variability assessed with noninvasive monitoring is unrelated to LV mass in subjects with EH.  相似文献   



Background and objectives

Increasing BP during maintenance hemodialysis or intradialytic hypertension is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. In hemodialysis patients, ambulatory BP measurements predict adverse cardiovascular outcomes better than in-center measurements. We hypothesized that patients with intradialytic hypertension have higher interdialytic ambulatory systolic BP than those without intradialytic hypertension.

Design, setting, participants, & measurements

We performed a case-control study in adult hemodialysis patients. Cases consisted of subjects with intradialytic-hypertension (systolic BP increase ≥10 mmHg from pre- to posthemodialysis in at least four of six treatments), and controls were subjects with ≥10 mmHg decreases from pre- to posthemodialysis in at least four of six treatments. The primary outcome was mean interdialytic 44-hour systolic ambulatory BP.


Fifty subjects with a mean age of 54.5 years were enrolled (25 per group) among whom 80% were men, 86% diabetic, 62% Hispanic, and 38% African American. The mean prehemodialysis systolic BP for the intradialytic-hypertension and control groups were 144.0 and 155.5 mmHg, respectively. Mean posthemodialysis systolic BP was 159.0 and 128.1 mmHg, for the intradialytic-hypertension and control groups, respectively. The mean systolic ambulatory BP was 155.4 and 142.4 mmHg for the intradialytic-hypertension and control groups, respectively (P = 0.005). Both daytime and nocturnal systolic BP were higher among those with intradialytic hypertension as compared with controls. There was no difference in interdialytic weight gain between groups.


Time-integrated BP burden as measured by 44-hour ambulatory BP is higher in hemodialysis patients with intradialytic hypertension than those without intradialytic hypertension.  相似文献   

体重指数与不同亚型高血压的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨中国成年人体重指数(BMI)与不同亚型高血压患病率的关系。方法2000-2001年,对年龄35~74岁的中国成年人群中的代表性抽样样本进行横断面调查,分析了资料完整并且未服用降压药的14124名研究对象的数据。比较男性和女性不同BMI分组的各亚型高血压患病率、比数比(OR值)和归因危险。结果随着BMI水平的增加,男性和女性的收缩压和舒张压均值逐渐增高。男、女性在低体重组、正常体重组、超重组和肥胖组的各亚型高血压患病率和OR值基本上也呈升高趋势。男性超重和肥胖(BMI≥24kg/m2)时患单纯性收缩期高血压(ISH)、单纯性舒张期高血压(IDH)、收缩期和舒张期联合性高血压(SDH)的OR值分别为1.3、2.9和2.4,女性则各为1.6、2.4和2.3(P<0.05)。与非超重者相比,超重和肥胖男性中20%的ISH、65.4%的IDH和57.5%的SDH应归因于BMI≥24kg/m2,而女性相应有37.9%的ISH、59.0%的IDH和55.8%的SDH由超重和肥胖引起。结论体重指数与各亚型高血压的患病危险有显著正相关。减重和控制肥胖对于预防IDH和SDH的发生起重要作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨中国成年人体重指数(BMI)与不同亚型高血压患病率的关系.方法2000-2001年,对年龄35~74岁的中国成年人群中的代表性抽样样本进行横断面调查,分析了资料完整并且未服用降压药的14 124名研究对象的数据.比较男性和女性不同BMI分组的各亚型高血压患病率、比数比(OR值)和归因危险.结果随着BMI水平的增加,男性和女性的收缩压和舒张压均值逐渐增高.男、女性在低体重组、正常体重组、超重组和肥胖组的各亚型高血压患病率和OR值基本上也呈升高趋势.男性超重和肥胖(BMI≥24kg/m2)时患单纯性收缩期高血压(ISH)、单纯性舒张期高血压(IDH)、收缩期和舒张期联合性高血压(SDH)的OR值分别为1.3、2.9和2.4,女性则各为1.6、2.4和2.3(P<0.05).与非超重者相比,超重和肥胖男性中20%的ISH、65.4%的IDH和57.5%的SDH应归因于BMI≥24 kg/m2,而女性相应有37.9%的ISH、59.0%的IDH和55.8%的SDH由超重和肥胖引起.结论体重指数与各亚型高血压的患病危险有显著正相关.减重和控制肥胖对于预防IDH和SDH的发生起重要作用.  相似文献   

动态血压监测探讨体重指数与血压的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:动态血压监测探讨患者体重指数与血压变化情况。方法:选择门诊和病房住院的患者共691例(其中男性417例,女性274例),年龄范围13~90岁,平均年龄为55岁。所有观察对象测量诊室血压、心率、身高、体重和监测24小时动态血压等指标,按照体重指数分为3组,体重指数<24为正常体重组;24≤体重指数<28为超重组;体重指数≥28为肥胖组。结果:肥胖组患者24小时和白天的平均收缩压/舒张压、夜间平均舒张压以及24小时、白天和夜间心率均高于正常体重组,有显著性差异(P<0.05~0.01)。此外,血压负荷也随着体重指数的增加而增加,有显著性差异(P<0.05~0.01)。结论:体重指数与动态血压和血压负荷有较密切的关系;与正常体重组、超重组比较,肥胖组患者的血压最高、心率最快;动态血压提供的数据信息量大,结论更可靠、准确。  相似文献   

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