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目的探讨精神分裂症被鉴定人精神症状与社会危害行为的相关性。方法采用自制的调查表,通过查阅委托单位的鉴定委托送交材料和鉴定意见书的方式对湖南省341名无责任能力精神分裂症被鉴定人实施社会危害行为时存在的主要精神症状如幻觉、妄想、同时存在幻觉和妄想、思维逻辑障碍、行为紊乱等与其社会危害行为包括严重暴力社会危害行为、非严重暴力社会危害行为等信息进行登记,并进行关联性检验。结果①严重暴力社会危害行为组与非严重暴力社会危害行为组间不同精神症状构成比存在差异(χ2=16.259,P=0.003),精神症状与社会危害行为之间有关联(列联系数为0.213)。②精神分裂症被鉴定人实施严重暴力社会危害行为时以妄想症状出现的频数最多128例(45.7%);实施非严重暴力社会危害行为时以思维逻辑障碍出现的频数最多27例(44.3%)。③与严重暴力社会危害行为有关的妄想症状类型以被害妄想为主占106例(82.8%)、幻觉症状类型以命令性幻觉为主占13例(54.2%)、同时存在幻觉、妄想症状的以其它言语性幻听和被害妄想为主占76.6%。结论精神分裂症被鉴定人严重暴力社会危害行为可能主要与妄想有关,其非严重暴力社会危害行为可能主要与思维逻辑障碍有关。其中被害妄想、命令性幻听、同时存在其它言语性幻听和被害妄想的精神症状类型可能与精神分裂症被鉴定人严重暴力社会危害行为有关。  相似文献   

目的 探讨评定心因性精神障碍司法精神鉴定责任能力的方法。方法 对72例心因性精神障碍的刑事案例资料用SPSS统计包进行等级相关和逐步判别分析,筛选出对责任能力评定有关因素及有影响的判别因子。结果 作案方式,案情,意识障碍,妄想,幻听,举鉴者,作案动机,思维形式障碍,幻视,情感障碍,作案后果,作案对象,个性等19个因素与责任能力有关,有差别作用的因素为方式,案情,意识障碍,妄想,幻听,劳动环境,适应能力共7个因子,建立了评定心因性精神障碍责任能力的判别方程。组内回代检验总体判断正确率为93.3%。结论 多元判别坷作为评定心因性精神障碍责任能力的方法。  相似文献   

This report examines the prevalence and correlates of bizarre delusions and Schneider's first-rank symptoms (FRS) in a first-admission sample with psychosis. A total of 196 patients were assessed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID) and given a consensus diagnosis. Project psychiatrists blind to the consensus diagnoses coded each delusion and hallucination in the sample for both FRS and DSM-III-R bizarreness. Interrater reliability of bizarreness was lower than that of FRS (κ = .681 v 861). The majority of symptoms (72%) were neither bizarre nor FRS, and of the remainder, bizarre delusions that were not also FRS were extremely uncommon. The prevalence of FRS was 70% in schizophrenia, 29% in psychotic bipolar disorder, and 18% in psychotic depression. For seven schizophrenic patients (7.45%), diagnosis of that disorder depended on the presence of a DSM-III-R bizarre delusion to meet criteria. There was a trend for FRS to be associated with poorer prognostic features in the schizophrenic sample. We concluded that although the constructs of bizarre delusions and FRS overlap, FRS were a more important feature in schizophrenia than bizarreness. The rarity of bizarre delusions that were not FRS, combined with the lower reliability of their assessment as compared with that of FRS, raises questions about the continued emphasis on this phenomenon in the definition of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

There had been argument concerning the difference between the agnostic approach and the gnostic approach to the psychiatric perspective of criminal responsibility until the landmark ruling by the 3rd court of the Japanese Supreme Court in 1984. The decision upheld the gnostic approach and affirmed that the defendant's criminal responsibility should be based on such factors as psychopathology, motive, modus operandi, situation surrounding the crime, and pre-morbid personality, as long as the offense was not directly motivated by the delusion or hallucination. The gnostic explanation includes so many various factors that the psychiatric testimony cannot easily be objective, while agnostic experts can find a conclusion about criminal responsibility only by psychiatric diagnosis. To establish a standard, the authors summarized the means of determination of criminal responsibility. The authors also discussed various topics related to criminal responsibility including Asperger's syndrome, illicit drug intoxication, and prescribed drug intoxication.  相似文献   

Abstract  To clarify the nature of delusional and hallucinatory symptoms in borderline personality disorder (BPD), the authors investigated five patients with BPD who developed those symptoms, and discussed their duration, recurrence, types of variants and relation to the situation. The duration of these symptoms tended to vary widely, although six of 11 episodes lasted more than 7 days. Episodes tended to recur in all patients two or three times. Each episode could be classified into three types of delusions and hallucinations, such as delusions without hallucinations, complicated delusion and hallucination, and hallucinations without delusion. Delusions without hallucination occurred a total of four times in two patients and had a tendency to occur when the patient confronted personal adversities. They projected their feelings directly toward the person concerned. A complicated delusion and hallucination was observed three times in two patients. This type of symptom also tended to occur at the time of interpersonal problems but the patient's attitude was more passive. Hallucination without delusion occurred a total of four times in three patients. This symptom tended to occur when the patient avoided an interpersonal relationship. In this case the patients isolated themselves from others and withdrew.  相似文献   

The criteria for schizotypal personality disorder were developed on the basis of traits observed in biologic relatives of schizophrenic and borderline schizophrenic probands from the Danish adoption studies. In this review, the relationship between schizotypal personality disorder and the schizophrenic spectrum, affective disorders, and psychotic disorders is explored. A dimension of psychosis may overlap with the schizophrenia spectrum to yield chronic schizophrenia, with the affective disorders spectrum to yield psychotic affective disorder, or by itself lead to other psychotic disorders. Schizotypal personality disorder in this model is posited to represent schizophrenia spectrum disorder that does not overlap with psychosis, whereas nonpsychotic affective disorders represent the affective disorders that do not overlap with psychosis. Delusional disorder represents another psychotic disorder that is not specifically related to either schizophrenia or the affective disorders. Evidence suggests that the schizotypal personality disorder criteria, particularly those emphasizing the negative symptoms or deficit-like symptoms of this disorder, specifically identify a unique relationship to the schizophrenia spectrum.  相似文献   

A case of schizophrenia-like psychosis (psychotic disorder not otherwise specified according to the DSM-IV criteria) with pericentric inversion on chromosome 9 [inv.(9) (p11; q13)] is reported. In this case, a minor brain anomaly, a small cyst in the left subcortex, was observed on magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. In the clinical course, prominent chronic hallucinations were observed; however, there was no evidence of the disorganization of personality, delusion, and deterioration in level of functioning that are usually seen in schizophrenia. This case and a review of the literature indicate that the pericentric region of chromosome 9 might be a potential areas of interest for the aetiology of psychiatric disorders. The phenotype-karyotype relationship of pericentric inversion on chromosome 9 and its relationship to psychosis are discussed.  相似文献   

62例脑器质性人格改变患者司法鉴定资料分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的研究脑器质性人格改变违法行为时辨认能力、控制能力的关系及影响因素。方法对62例脑器质性人格改变患者犯罪鉴定案例资料进行分析研究。结果影响其辨认能力和控制能力的主要因素有是否伴有智能障碍及程度、精神病性症状、意识障碍、作案动机及危害行为的关系等。结论责任能力的评定要满足医学要件和法学要件标准,案发时辨认能力和控制能力受多种因素的影响。  相似文献   

目的:探索高抗素治疗精神分裂症幻觉妄想的效果。方法:随机选择符合CCMD-2-R诊断的偏执型精神分裂症患者住院病例14例,门诊病例16便,合计30例。采用保留病人的原有抗精神病药和半量联合高抗素的治疗方法。3个月为一疗程。结果:经过一个疗程的观察,经联合应用高抗素皇28例具有幻觉的病便中22便显效,幻觉消失率达78.6%,6例无效;24例具有妄想的病例中16例显效,妄想消失率为66.6%,其中真属  相似文献   

We previously reported that subjects with a schizophrenia spectrum personality disorder (ie, an odd cluster personality disorder), of which the prototype is schizotypal personality disorder, show cognitive impairment in circumscribed areas (working memory) compared with healthy control subjects, and that amphetamine administration improves working memory in subjects with schizotypal personality disorder. In this larger series, we wanted to determine whether amphetamine treatment ameliorates working memory impairment using three groups: subjects with a schizophrenia spectrum personality disorder (ie, schizotypal, paranoid, or schizoid personality disorder), other (subjects with nonschizophrenia spectrum) personality disorder, and healthy volunteers. We hypothesized that amphetamine treatment would improve cognitive function in domains in which subjects with schizophrenia spectrum personality disorder show impairment compared with healthy volunteers and the other personality disorder group. Overall, amphetamine treatment did not improve performance in any task compared with placebo, and there was no group by drug interaction in the total sample. However, when the sample was restricted to the subjects who showed impairment at baseline, amphetamine treatment improved visuospatial working memory. In the total patient sample, amphetamine treatment reduced negative symptoms, whereas positive symptoms remained unchanged. Amphetamine treatment improves working memory in those subjects with cognitive impairment at baseline, most of whom meet criteria for a schizophrenia spectrum disorder.  相似文献   

Objective:Delusional disorder is defined as a fixed, false belief that is held by a person despite evidence to the contrary. Shared psychotic disorder, also known as folie a' deux, psychosis by association and induced psychotic disorder, is an uncommon and unique psychiatric disorder. It is even more unusual when it occurs within families (folie a' famille).Case Presentation: This case report describes the occurrence of a shared delusion within a family consisting of an adults on and two elderly parents. The shared delusion, which was the belief that a large financial settlement was a waiting to be disbursed to the family members by the local law enforcement agency, contributed to their state of homelessness and rejection of all offers of assistance from service providers.Conclusion: The impact of this shared psychotic disorder contributed to the family's state of extreme poverty and homelessness, which, as a consequence, greatly impeded the initiation of evidence-based therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Schizotypal personality disorder is the prototype of the schizophrenia-related personality disorders and has been demonstrated to have phenomenologic, biologic, treatment, and outcome characteristics similar to those of schizophrenic patients. These studies suggest that patients with schizotypal personality disorder, like schizophrenic patients, show cognitive impairment, but the impairment is more focal and involves primarily working memory, verbal learning, and sustained attention rather than generalized intellectual deficits. Schizotypal patients, like schizophrenic patients show reductions in temporal lobe volume, but seem to be spared the frontal volume reductions found in some studies of schizophrenic patients and in our laboratory. Better frontal “buffering” may prevent the more severe cognitive and social deterioration associated with schizophrenia. Furthermore, schizotypal patients appear to show less susceptibility to psychotic symptoms, in part perhaps because of better buffered subcortical dopaminergic activity as suggested by recent data from a SPECT/amphetamine paradigm, glucose metabolic study, and structural studies of basal ganglia. These findings are discussed in terms of a model of schizotypal personality disorder where schizotypal patients have better capacity for compensatory buffering in lateral and subcortical brain regions, protecting them from the more severe symptoms of chronic schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Background Several studies have shown that adults who develop schizophrenia and commit a criminal offence may already have shown behaviour problems in childhood or adolescence. It is less clear whether such problems follow a particular pattern in such patients. Aims To examine the utility of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) among offenders, to test whether externalizing behaviour problems, as measured by the CBCL, are more frequent in psychotic offenders than in non‐offenders with psychosis, and to investigate relationships between early behavioural problems and adult personality disorder in psychotic offenders. Methods Three groups of violent offenders detained under the Dutch Entrustment Act (TBS‐detainees)(n = 78) and one group of psychotic patients in general psychiatry (n = 16) were rated from case records on the CBCL. Results There was a significant difference between psychotic offenders with a personality disorder (n = 25) and the non‐offender patients with psychosis (n = 16) on the ‘delinquent behavior’ scale, but no such difference between psychotic offenders with (n = 25) and without (n = 21) personality disorder. A hierarchic cluster analysis revealed significantly higher scores for externalizing behaviour in all TBS‐detainees with a personality disorder. Those starting to offend early had higher scores for externalizing behaviour than late starters. Conclusions Psychotic and non‐psychotic offenders with personality disorder resemble one another in their early childhood behaviour problems; psychotic offenders without a personality disorder differ from these two groups but resemble non‐offenders with psychosis. In contrast to findings in non‐forensic populations, there were no differences on other problem scales of the CBCL. Given the small sample sizes, replication is needed, but the findings lend weight to treatment models which focus on the psychosis in the latter two groups but extend also to personality disorder in the former. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Underlying the arguments against hospitalisation of some mentally disordered offenders, and violent offenders in particular, is the fear that such people are ‘getting away with it’ or that the psychiatrists have been ‘duped’ . There may be some justification for these concerns in that health service staff often have a very muddled approach to concepts of responsibility among their patients. This in turn can confuse the patients and be counter-therapeutic. Among staff it can foster unduly authoritarian approaches of dubious morality. A proposal is presented for a much more objectively enquiring approach to patient behaviour, with rational, reasoned responses, which may include prosecution under the criminal justice system. Such approaches are not incompatible with hospital treatment, whether as an inpatient or outpatient. While these approaches may be applied to a patient with any mental disorder, including a psychotic illness, they are perhaps of particular importance in relation to those patients with an antisocial personality disorder, for whom limits must be clear and the appropriate establishment of personal responsibility is so important.  相似文献   

Striatal dysfunction is thought to be a fundamental element in schizophrenia. Striatal dopamine dysfunction impacts on reward processing and learning and is present even at rest. Here, we addressed the question whether and how spontaneous neuronal activity in the striatum is altered in schizophrenia. We therefore assessed intrinsic striatal activity and its relation with disorder states and symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia. We performed resting-state functional (rs-fMRI) and structural magnetic resonance imaging as well as psychometric assessment in 21 schizophrenic patients during psychosis. On average 9 months later, we acquired follow-up data during psychotic remission and with comparable levels of antipsychotic medication. Twenty-one age- and sex-matched healthy controls were included in the study. Independent component analysis of fMRI data yielded spatial maps and time-courses of coherent ongoing blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal fluctuations, which were used for group comparisons and correlation analyses with scores of the positive and negative syndrome scale. During psychosis, coherent intrinsic activity of the striatum was increased in the dorsal part and correlated with positive symptoms such as delusion and hallucination. In psychotic remission of the same patients, activity of the ventral striatum was increased and correlated with negative symptoms such as emotional withdrawal and blunted affect. Results were controlled for volumetric and medication effects. These data provide first evidence that in schizophrenia intrinsic activity is changed in the striatum and corresponds to disorder states and symptom dimensions.  相似文献   

抑郁症与精神分裂症中妄想对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨精神病性抑郁症与精神分裂症妄想症状的差异。方法:对65例精神病性抑郁症及115例精神分裂症患者妄想差异的比较。结果:精神病性抑郁症妄想的发生率及多种妄想并存率显著低于精神分裂症;缺乏夸妄想,但罪恶、疑病等妄想发生率显著高于精神分裂症;被害妄想对象不如精神分裂症泛化,2次住院的妄想再现率明显低于精神分裂症。结论:精神病性抑郁症的妄想继发于情感症状,处于从属地位,没有与情感背景完全对立的妄想,与精神分裂症的妄想有诸多差异。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although negative affect has been frequently implicated in the formation of cognitive and perceptual disturbances ranging from odd perceptions and beliefs to delusions and hallucinations it represents only one of the many aspects of emotional disturbances that may contribute to psychopathology. Surprisingly, no past research has examined in a psychiatric sample whether levels of cognitive-perceptual symptoms are associated with levels of emotional awareness (i.e., attention to emotion and clarity of emotion). In the present study we examined, in an acute psychiatric inpatient sample, the relations between emotional awareness and the severity of delusions and hallucinations. METHOD: Two groups were included: 34 schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disordered inpatients and 30 mood and substance use disordered inpatients. Patients were assessed on emotional awareness (attention to emotion and emotional clarity) and severity of psychiatric symptomatology. RESULTS: We found that lower levels of emotional clarity were associated with more severe hallucination ratings in both groups of patients. Among schizophrenia spectrum patients, lower levels of attention to emotion were also associated with more severe hallucination ratings. Among mood/substance disorder participants, higher levels of attention to emotion were associated with more severe delusion ratings, whereas the opposite pattern was found among schizophrenia spectrum participants. CONCLUSIONS: Consistent with the results of past research using college and community samples, we found that diminished emotional clarity is associated with elevated levels of hallucinations in both mood disorder/substance abuse and schizophrenia spectrum inpatients. We also found that greater attention to emotion was associated with more severe delusions, though only among the mood disorder/substance use group. The present research findings support the role of emotional awareness in hallucination formation and suggest that the factors that contribute to delusions in schizophrenia spectrum patients differ, in part, from the factors that contribute to delusion formation in other groups of individuals.  相似文献   

Self-injury was studied in 64 adults with borderline personality disorder, major depression, or chronic paranoid schizophrenia. Subjects were rated according to acute depression, chronic depression, self-injurious behaviors, and neurocognitive deficits, as measured by cognitive function examination. Borderline patients showed more self-injurious behaviors and more chronic depressive symptoms than the major depression or schizophrenia groups. Self-injury was not significantly correlated with acute or chronic depression in any group, but self-injury was correlated with neurocognitive deficits in borderline and schizophrenic groups. The results are explained in the context of a neurocognitive model of psychotic thought process in borderline disorder and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

"Acute psychosis" is the tentative diagnosis made for the patients presenting acute onset of delusion, hallucination, confusion and emotional instability. "Acute psychosis" was focused in view of operational diagnostic criteria, ie, DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10. The diagnostic categories in the DSM-IV-TR corresponding to "acute psychosis" were brief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform disorder, schizo-affective disorder and mood disorder with psychotic features. Although brief psychotic disorder is representative of "acute psychosis" in the DSM-TR, it lacks in clinical usefulness, because its diagnostic criteria, based on no historical background, lack clinical validity in terms of symptom definition and duration (1 month>). On the other hand, in the ICD-10, a diagnostic category of acute transient psychotic disorder was based on the traditional "acute psychosis" concept that has been bred in the European Psychiatry. Among the acute transient psychotic disorders, acute polymorphic psychotic disorder is the diagnostic category made according to traditional concept of "bouffées délirantes" and cycloid psychosis. It is a clinically useful diagnostic category, because it could predict favorable episode outcome, if a person with fairly good premorbid social adaptation presents acute onset of polymorphic psychotic symptoms. One of the most prominent points of the revision of DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5 is the adoption of dimensional approach evaluation (diagnosis) in a disorder-crossing fashion. In addition to insomnia, depressive mood and anxiety, symptomatic domain such as acute onset, bipolarity, polymorphism of psychotic symptoms, and furthermore such domain as premorbid social adaptation, life event and episode outcome should be evaluated in the course of treatment, contributing to the clinical practice of the patients with acute psychosis.  相似文献   

The statistically positive correlation between severe mental disorders and physical violence has now been firmly established by international studies. In Europe, about 10% of homicides are committed by psychotic patients who may re-offend. Three medicolegal observations of homicides with bodily mutilation are presented. The first concerns a 31-year-old schizophrenic man who killed a passer-by in the street when in a state of paranoid delusion with themes of homosexual rape and persecution. The crime was committed in two separate phases: first, emotional violence and then, a few hours later, operational utilitarian violence with amputation of the victim's hands. The second case concerns a 21-year-old man suffering from paranoid schizophrenia associated with an antisocial personality disorder. During the night, he assassinated two women who worked in a psychiatric unit, one of whom was decapitated while still alive. Although living freely in the community, the patient acted with premeditation and method under the influence of ideas of persecution and cosmic supernatural terror. The third case concerns a 30-year-old man who had been forcibly hospitalized in a psychiatric unit for delusional disorder of persecution with paranoiac personality disorder. During a period of weekend leave, he killed his own mother in the family home in a totally disorganized emotional moment of acting out, then cut off her leg and threw it out of the window. Six years beforehand, he had already killed a prison inmate who was sharing his cell. In the first two cases, the patients’ behavior was partially or totally organized despite delusional motives of paranoid type. In the light of these three dramas and a litterature review, the main psychopathological predictors of physical violence committed by psychotic patients are discussed: severe psychotic episode, persecutory delusional beliefs, comorbidity with substance abuse (alcohol, cannabis) and personality disorders, little or no antipsychotic treatment, and poor therapeutic compliance. In France, it appears mandatory to apply a rigorous procedure for evaluating the dangerousness of severe mental patients and violent criminals.  相似文献   

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