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德国护理保险介绍   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
德国是世界上社会保险发达的国家之一,1994年德国颁布了护理保险法,1995年1月1日护理保险法正式实施生效,成为德国“第五大支柱”险种。护理保险法的颁布,使得德国的护理事业发生了很大变化,主要表现在增加了护士就业人数、护理事业渐臻完善等方面。值得借鉴和深思之处对护理保险制度试点的设计、护理教育必须改革、我国适宜居家养老等。  相似文献   

New policies regarding long-term care insurance offer access to a variety of care options and services. This information can initiate discussions about long-term care needs and financial options for you and your patient population. This article provides an overview of long-term care and factors to consider when choosing insurance programs and benefits.  相似文献   

National trends in demographics and skyrocketing healthcare costs are escalating the demand for home healthcare. As a result, competition for a share of the home care dollar has become fierce. In the next decade, home care providers--hospitals, proprietary companies, and nonprofit agencies--will be competing for a portion of the projected $60 billion in home care earnings. The author offers three recommendations to providers who wish to ensure survival and growth in these fast-moving times.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review the long-term care insurance program in Japan and the present system of payment of long-term care services in the United States. The long-term care insurance system in Japan was implemented in 2001 for the purpose of promoting independence in older adults with functional disability. It reimburses for both home and institutional care. Several concerns expressed about the Japanese system include increasing applications for nursing home placement, lower use of home care services than anticipated, limited coverage for disabilities for those under 65, regional variations in service, educational preparation for case managers, and access to care for older adults. Revisions to the Japanese system and implications for U.S. long-term care policy are discussed.  相似文献   

The German Pflegeversicherung, introduced in January 1995, has been very successful. It has been well accepted by persons in need and by their relatives and friends, providing benefits for both parties. The insurance is financially sound and has helped to create new workplaces.  相似文献   

L Reif 《Nursing outlook》1992,40(1):38-41
Nurses are in an excellent position to provide unbiased information to consumers about long-term care insurance. Many policies have serious shortcomings. Support from nurses could help ensure better legislative regulation of the long-term care insurance field.  相似文献   

目的:调查某试点地区长期照护保险保障对象对服务项目的选择现状,分析不同照护模式和日常生活能力状况下项目选择的差异,为长期照护保险相关政策的制定与完善提供参考.方法:于2019年6—7月采用自设问卷对该地区长期照护保险的81位长期照护保险保障对象进行服务项目选择现状的追踪调查.结果:该地长期照护保险保障对象选择服务项目为...  相似文献   

尹浩 《护理管理杂志》2014,14(12):904-906
目的探讨建立我国老年长期护理保险制度,以此应对人口老龄化的快速发展。方法采用对比分析的方法,将德国、日本和美国的长期护理保险制度进行简要介绍与对比,分析了可供我国参考借鉴之处。结果我国的长期护理保险制度既不能完全照搬德国、日本的强制型长期护理社会保险,也不能简单复制美国的商业型长期护理保险。结论我国的长期护理保险制度应立足基本国情,借鉴发达国家经验,从建立政策法规、加强人才培养、完善市场规范等各方面做好相关工作。  相似文献   

The long-term care insurance system in Japan is the social support system for the elderly, mainly aged 65 or over, requiring long-term care and provides necessary welfare services and health and medical care services of the user's choice in a comprehensive and unified manner. On the other hand, chronic rheumatoid arthritis often causes various disturbance and needs of long-term care for daily life in accordance with the progression of the disease. This system shall be provided to patients aged 40 or over with chronic rheumatoid arthritis, after screened by the long-term care approval board. Combination with both services not covered by the long-term care insurance and the Government Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities, users shall be provided comprehensive and planned services.  相似文献   

目的 调查了解黄浦区150名从事长期护理保险服务的护工基本情况,评估长期护理保险服务对象对护工满意度情况。方法 研究对象来自上海市老西门街道、淮海中路街道和南京东路街道3个社区,从已经通过评估失能程度为二至六级且已经享受相应的长期护理保险待遇的居民名单中,以随机方式从中抽样,每个社区抽取50名护工完成问卷调查。结果:护理人员入职门槛低,文化水平普遍不高,护工年龄集中在41-50 岁之间,高中以上学历只有23人, 占15.2%,以农村户口居多,所占比例为56.95%;护理人员没有工作热情,对职业规划不强,工作比较盲目; 前期从事养老护理行业的人员较少,仅17.21%,68.87%的护工从事该工作的主要原因是收入较多,而爱好护理行业的人员仅占17.88%;各年龄段和文化程度对服务效果影响不明显(无统计学意义);但在老人的认可度比较中,文化程度高中的护理人员,老人认可度越高。结论: 因服务内容多限于生活照料,技术含量不高,所以对护工年龄、文化程度要求不高;政策宣传不足,居民对长护险提供的内容了解不透彻;定位不清晰,目前服务项目倾向于养老服务的生活护理,医疗护理内容较少,护理内容容易产生误解。  相似文献   

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