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This study focuses on the influence of structural aspects of social integration (social networks and social participation outside work) on mental health (common mental disorders (CMD), that is, depression and anxiety symptoms, post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and alcohol misuse). This study examines differences in levels of social integration and associations between social integration and mental health among service leavers and personnel still in service. Data were collected from regular serving personnel (n = 6511) and regular service leavers (n = 1753), from a representative cohort study of the Armed Forces in the UK. We found that service leavers reported less social participation outside work and a general disengagement with military social contacts in comparison to serving personnel. Service leavers were more likely to report CMD and PTSD symptoms. The increased risk of CMD but not PTSD symptoms, was partially accounted for by the reduced levels of social integration among the service leavers. Maintaining social networks in which most members are still in the military is associated with alcohol misuse for both groups, but it is related to CMD and PTSD symptoms for service leavers only.  相似文献   

In the UK, applications for involuntary admission to psychiatric units are made mainly by specially trained approved social workers (ASWs). Proposed changes in the legislation will permit other professionals to undertake these statutory duties. This study aimed to examine how ASW status impacts upon work pattern and workload stresses by comparing ASWs with other mental health social workers who did not carry statutory responsibilities. A multimethod design was adopted that included a cross-sectional national survey of mental health social workers (n=237, including 162 ASWs), and a telephone survey of mental health service managers (n=60). Data were collected using a semistructured questionnaire and diary, the content of which was derived from focus-group work and standard measures. Features of job content, working patterns and conditions were described and their association with stress, burnout and job satisfaction examined. ASWs were older and had been qualified longer than non-ASWs. The working patterns and conditions of the two groups did not differ, although ASWs did more hours on duty. ASWs received less support at work, particularly from supervisors and their role afforded less decision latitude than that of non-ASWs. ASW status was related to an elevated GHQ score, particularly among males. Emotional exhaustion was very high (over two-thirds in both groups) but ASWs and non-ASWs did not differ in this or any other feature of burnout, only 8% of the sample were actually 'burnt-out', being more common among ASWs. ASWs were more dissatisfied and were more likely than non-ASWs to want to leave their job. Given that ASW status increased stress and job dissatisfaction, especially for men, and was related to a desire to leave one's current job, it seems likely that extending statutory duties to other professionals will increase levels of stress, burnout and dissatisfaction in these groups also. In turn, this might have consequences for staff recruitment and retention.  相似文献   

Pakistani women in the UK are an at‐risk group with high levels of mental health problems, but low levels of mental health service use. However, the rates of service use for Pakistani women are unclear, partly because research with South Asian women has been incorrectly generalised to Pakistani women. Further, this research has been largely undertaken within an individualistic paradigm, with little consideration of patients’ social networks, and how these may drive decisions to seek help. This systematic review aimed to clarify usage rates, and describe the nature of Pakistani women's social networks and how they may influence mental health service use. Ten journal databases (ASSIA, CINAHL Plus, EMBASE, HMIC, IBSS, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Social Sciences Abstracts, Social Science Citation Index and Sociological Abstracts) and six sources of grey literature were searched for studies published between 1960 and the end of March 2014. Twenty‐one studies met inclusion criteria. Ten studies (quantitative) reported on inpatient or outpatient service use between ethnic groups. Seven studies (four quantitative, three qualitative) investigated the nature of social networks, and four studies (qualitative) commented on how social networks were involved in accessing mental health services. Pakistani women were less likely than white (British) women to use most specialist mental health services. No difference was found between Pakistani and white women for the consultation of general practitioners for mental health problems. Pakistani women's networks displayed high levels of stigmatising attitudes towards mental health problems and mental health services, which acted as a deterrent to seeking help. No studies were found which compared stigma in networks between Pakistani women and women of other ethnic groups. Pakistani women are at a considerable disadvantage in gaining access to and using statutory mental health services, compared with white women; this, in part, is due to negative attitudes to mental health problems evident in social support networks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this cross-sectional survey was to examine the relationship between assessments and eligibility decisions made by health and social care staff in multidisciplinary community teams in England. The data were collected between December 2004 and August 2005. The study was a replication of a study that took place in the same eight locations in England before the modernization of health and social care by the present government. Four hundred and thirteen care coordinators responded from 71 teams to produce a total of 1481 clients. Sixty per cent (n = 884) of the sample of clients were categorised as having a psychotic illness compared to 63% in 1997 to 1998. Fair Access to Care Services (FACS) criteria determine access to social care services, and the Care Programme Approach (CPA) determines the level of mental health services provided. There was a close but an incomplete association between FACS and CPA judgements (kappa = 0.37; 95% confidence interval 0.31-0.43). Compared to the standardised Matching Resources to Care version 2 indication of complex needs, social workers' judgements were the most closely aligned to FACS judgements (F = 5.80; d.f. = 2 and 1203; P < 0.01). This raises the question of the need for training for health professionals in order to make decisions about social assessment and eligibility determination.  相似文献   

Approved social worker (ASW) numbers in England and Wales were compared on the basis of two national surveys conducted in 1992 and 2002. These data were supplemented by reports published by the Employers' Organisation in the intervening years. Although raw numbers suggested a modest absolute increase over this time, rates of ASW's per 100,000 population declined by over 50%. Possible explanations for this dramatic fall are explored. The authors conclude that specific and targeted action needs to be taken by the government and public sector employers to determine the numbers of mental health social workers needed in modernised community mental health services.  相似文献   

Although the police play an important role for people with mental health problems in the community, little is known about joint working practices between mental health, social care and police services. There is potential for tensions and negative outcomes for people with mental health problems, in particular when the focus is on behaviours that could be interpreted as anti‐social. This study explores perceptions about joint working between mental health, social care and police services with regard to anti‐social behaviour. We conducted a multi‐method sequential qualitative study in the UK collecting data between April 2014 and August 2016. Data were collected from two study sites: 60 narrative police logs of routinely gathered information, and semi‐structured interviews and focus groups with professionals from a range of statutory and third sector organisations (N = 55). Data sets were analysed individually, using thematic iterative coding before integrating the findings. We also looked at sequencing and turning points in the police logs. Findings mapped on a continuum of joint working practices, with examples more likely to be away from the policy ideal of partnership working as being central to mainstream activities. Joint working was driven by legal obligations and concerns about risk rather than a focus on the needs of a person with mental health problems. This was complicated by different perceptions of the police role in mental health. Adding anti‐social behaviour to this mix intensified challenges as conceptualisation of the nature of the problem and agreeing on best practice and care is open to interpretations and judgements. Of concern is an evident lack of awareness of these issues. There is a need to reflect on joint working practices, including processes and goals, keeping in mind the health and welfare needs of people with mental health problems.  相似文献   

Changes in patterns of delivery of mental health care over several decades are putting pressure on primary health and social care services to increase their involvement. Mental health policy in countries like the UK, Australia and New Zealand recognises the need for these services to make a greater contribution and calls for increased intersectoral collaboration. In Australia, most investment to date has focused on the development and integration of specialist mental health services and primary medical care, and evaluation research suggests some progress. Substantial inadequacies remain, however, in the comprehensiveness and continuity of care received by people affected by mental health problems, particularly in relation to social and psychosocial interventions. Very little research has examined the nature of the roles that non-medical primary health and social care services actually or potentially play in mental health care. Lack of information about these roles could have inhibited development of service improvement initiatives targeting these services. The present paper reports the results of an exploratory study that examined the mental health care roles of 41 diverse non-medical primary health and social care services in the state of Victoria, Australia. Data were collected in 2004 using a purposive sampling strategy. A novel method of surveying providers was employed whereby respondents within each agency worked as a group to complete a structured survey that collected quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously. This paper reports results of quantitative analyses including a tentative principal components analysis that examined the structure of roles. Non-medical primary health and social care services are currently performing a wide variety of mental health care roles and they aspire to increase their involvement in this work. However, these providers do not favour approaches involving selective targeting of clients with mental disorders.  相似文献   

The quality of health and social care is now a high priority for government, professionals, and the public. This is particularly true of mental health, where explicit standards lie at the centre of current policy, demanding the development of reliable means for quality assurance. These need to allow for the multiplicity of stakeholders in mental health-care, and their different constructions of "quality". The challenges presented are illustrated by this account of an action research programme, which was developed to improve social work practice in a multidisciplinary mental health service, and evaluated using a case study design. An action research approach was chosen in preference to an "off-the-shelf" quality assurance system, because it possessed features that appeared to match the context of the work. It involved feeding back the findings of a baseline assessment of service quality to four teams of social workers, who used the information to select priority areas for improvement. An action plan was developed with them, and its implementation and impact were examined. Substantial improvements were observed in only one of the chosen target areas--the quality of case recording. For the other--securing the clients' full involvement in their care plan--very limited improvements occurred. Interview data suggested that this was due to the presence of extensive organisational support for the first objective, but not the second. These findings suggest that while some features of action research can contribute to quality improvement, these must be incorporated into a more comprehensive programme of change, which commands the support of all the stakeholders involved.  相似文献   

The Recovery Approach has been adopted by mental health services worldwide and peer support constitutes one of the main elements of recovery-based services. This article discusses the relevancy of recovery and peer support to mental health social work practice through an exploration of social work ethics and values. Furthermore, it provides an exploration of how peer support can be maximized in groupwork to assist the social work clinician to promote recovery and well-being. More specifically, this article discusses how the narrative therapy concepts of "retelling" and "witnessing" can be used in the context of peer support to promote recovery, and also how social constructionist, dialogical, and systemic therapy approaches can assist the social work practitioner to enhance peer support in recovery oriented groupwork.  相似文献   

From a socio-cultural standpoint, the concept of otherness is central to explaining the way risk is associated with certain social groups rather than others. In the mental health field, writers have frequently employed the concept of otherness to describe the ways in which mental health service users have been perceived, especially since the implementation of community care policies in the UK in the 1990s. Despite its popularity, few empirical studies have explored the concept of otherness and its use in explaining the risks associated with being mentally ill in any depth, and fewer still have done so in relation to professional practice. The present paper draws upon data from semi-structured interviews with 39 mental health social workers in order to explore the relevance of this concept in risk assessment. The paper employs the concept of liminal otherness as an analytic tool to explain how social workers assessed the risk of clients who were 'difficult to place' because of uncertainty about whether their behaviour was the result of their personality or their mental illness. It is concluded that liminality is relevant to understanding the following: the way in which some service users are found 'in-between' places in terms of service provision; the allocation of responsibility for the management of the risks they represent to social work as a liminal profession; and the symbolic importance of 'the street' as a liminal space within which forms of 'racial otherness' have become central to contemporary constructions of community care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite the widespread proliferation of consumer health information provision, little is known about information needs or information-seeking behaviour in mental health. A qualitative study was therefore undertaken to explore these issues for mental health service users. DESIGN: In-depth interview study with purposive sample of 36 men and women with experience of mental health problems. RESULTS: Four main themes were identified. A general lack of information was equated with a lack of respect. People undertook their own research into their condition, and recognized the challenge to professionals. Stigma was widespread and inhibited information seeking. There was a desire for an explanation of mental health problems in physical terms. People particularly valued hearing other people's experience of mental health problems, for reasons of universality, instillation of hope, and understanding and empathy. CONCLUSIONS: The findings provide support for a more equal partnership between patients and professionals. Information providers and health practitioners should take account of the value of other people's experience as an information source.  相似文献   

Background: The basic assumption of public health policy forimmigrants is that they ought to have equal access to healthservices compared to other population groups In Dutch society.However, little research is done on the actual use of mentalhealth services by immigrants and literature seems to indicateinequalities in services utilisation by immigrant women. Methods:This study was conducted in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dataon service utilisation were drawn from patient registers andcame from care providers who were asked to keep up registrationfor some time to count the number of immigrant women referredto and in treatment. Results: Surinamese, Antillean, Turkishand Moroccan women made considerably less use of mental healthcare services than native-born women. On the other hand, immigrantwomen more frequently used social work facilities and womencrisis intervention centres. Overall, they consulted the latterorganizations nearly 1.5 times more frequently than mental healthcare services. The differences in service utilisation betweenthe four immigrant groups are also discussed. Conclusions: Thisstudy explores the reasons for the ethnic differences in serviceutilisation. It argues that cultural and supply factors arelargely responsible for the ethnic differences in use of mentalhealth services. The differential use of social services ismainly ascribed to the socioeconomic status of the women concerned.The results imply that a care policy may improve the accessibilityof mental health services for immigrant women. The most promisingmeasure is by employing more ethnic and bilingual care providers.  相似文献   

The present qualitative study describes and discusses the perspectives and experiences of young homeless people with mental health problems in relation to their interactions with health and social care services. Working in partnership with Streetlink, a supported accommodation assistance programme in Adelaide, Australia, the authors interviewed 10 homeless young people, aged from 16 to 24 years of age, who had experienced mental health problems. In-depth interviews elicited accounts of the best and worst of the participants' experiences of health and social care services. Access to services was not identified as being a significant problem in comparison with the participants' concerns regarding the quality of the services encountered. The central findings stress the importance of a respectful and supportive climate in relation to the qualities of service provision that the young people identified as valuable for their continuing treatment or consultation.  相似文献   

Self-care is an important approach to the management of long-term health conditions and in preventing ill-health by living a healthy lifestyle. The concept has been used to a limited extent in relation to mental health, but it overlaps with the related concepts of recovery, self-management and self-help. These related concepts all entail individuals having more choice and control over treatment and a greater role in recovery and maintaining their health and well-being. This paper reviews qualitative empirical research that provides information on the nature of self-care in mental health from the perspective of people experiencing mental health problems. Twenty qualitative studies were identified from a systematic search of the literature. The methods used in these studies were critically appraised and key themes across studies identified self-care behaviours and processes supporting self-care. The paper also highlights challenges to this approach in mental health and provides a conceptual framework of the relationships between self-care support, self-care behaviours and strategies, and well-being for the individual. It also highlights limitations in the current evidence base and identifies areas for future research.  相似文献   

目的 充分整合利用基层和顶级临床儿科资源,建立北京市儿童心理保健双向转诊平台,为心理发育偏离和可疑行为问题儿童提供便利的全方位诊断和综合干预管理服务,达到理想康复效果.方法 利用北京市儿童心理保健双向转诊平台,以2018年11月9日至2019年12月31日期间全市16区儿童早期发展中心(儿早中心)上转的558例心理行为...  相似文献   

People who have been diagnosed with serious mental illness have a long history of confinement, social stigma and marginalisation that has constrained their participation in society. Drawing upon the work of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, we have used the concepts of: assemblages, major and minor and deterritorialisation to critically analyse two pervasive and ‘taken-for-granted’ assemblages in mental health: recovery (including clinical recovery, social recovery and recovery-oriented practice) and social inclusion. Our analysis explores how dominant and oppressive forces have been entangled with liberating and transformative forces throughout both of these assemblages – with dominant forces engaging in ongoing processes of capture and control, and transformative forces resisting and avoiding capture. In pursuit of social transformation for people categorised with serious mental illness, deterritorialisation is posited as a potential way forward. To have transformation in the lives of mental health service users, we present the possibility that ongoing, disruptive movements of deterritorialisation can unsettle majoritarian practices of capture and control – producing liberating lines of flight.  相似文献   

目的 社会资本是一个多维度多层面的概念,对其进行定量测量是一个非常复杂的程序。本文介绍了社会资本的相关概念及常用测量工具,并讨论了社会资本测量在健康领域的相关实证应用。建议在进行社会资本测量时,应根据调查所在地区的社会人口学特征、经济文化水平等因素,并结合研究目的选择需要测量的社会资本的维度,选用信度和效度量好的测量工具,或采用定性分析和定量测量结合的方法研究社会资本与健康的关联。  相似文献   


Background: How we identify ourselves is strongly related to employment. Young adults are a vulnerable group with regard to entering the Labor market. If they also have mental health problems, entering becomes more difficult and increases risk of early marginalization. Nevertheless, working can be essential for personal recovery process.

Aims: To explore experiences of young adults with mental health problems who are starting to work, with a focus on the process of developing work identity.

Methods: Grounded theory design was used. The data collection consisted of 13 in-depth interviews with young adults with mental health problems aged 19–26 years, who had worked for at least three months.

Results: The experience of starting to work contributed to a process of internal and external change, new feelings, challenges, and understanding of the surrounding world. Former negative thought patterns became more positive. New roles and occupational patterns were developed and altered views on abilities, and thus self-efficacy. This development contributed to a work identity, and new directions in life.

Conclusions: There is therapeutic potential in supporting work identity development, and this support can empower the personal recovery process for young adults.  相似文献   

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