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Bulk‐tank milk (BTM) samples are frequently used to evaluate the health status of dairy livestock. A large‐scale investigation carried out in BTM samples from dairy cattle herds from a Q fever‐endemic region in Northern Spain revealed a high degree of exposure to Coxiella burnetii. This study was aimed at assessing the value of BTM samples analysis as an indicator of the C. burnetii status in dairy cattle herds. Three herds with BTM samples positive for C. burnetii by ELISA and PCR were selected, and blood, faeces and individual milk and BTM samples were analysed by serology and PCR. In spite of the high antibodies titres found in BTM samples, only one of the three farms presented an active infection by C. burnetii, as revealed by the presence of bacterial DNA in vaginal mucus and in environmental samples collected in the calving area, a seroprevalence around 40% in heifers and the seroconversion rate observed in cows. Results obtained indicated that the analysis of BTM samples is a good epidemiological tool at the population level that can be used to discriminate between seropositive and seronegative herds, but at the herd level, additional tests are necessary to evaluate whether Q fever is a potential problem in the farm. When Q fever is suspected in a cattle herd, sera from a small group of 1‐ to 3‐year‐old animals need to be analysed to investigate recent contact with C. burnetii.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii is a multi‐host bacterium that causes Q fever in humans, a zoonosis that is emerging worldwide. The ecology of C. burnetii in wildlife is still poorly understood and the influence of host, environmental and pathogen factors is almost unknown. This study gathers current published information on different aspects of C. burnetii infection in wildlife, even in species with high reservoir potential and a high rate of interaction with livestock and humans, in order to partially fill the existing gap and highlight future needs. Exposure and/or infection by C. burnetii has, to date, been reported in 109 wild mammal species. The limited sample size of most of the existing studies could suggest an undervalued prevalence of C. burnetii infection. Knowledge on the clinical outcome of C. burnetii infection in wildlife is also very limited, but currently includes reproductive failure in waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus), roan antelope (Hippotragus niger), dama gazelle (Nanger dama) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and placentitis in the Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi), Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus). The currently available serological tests need to be optimised and validated for each wildlife species. Finally, there is a huge gap in the research on C. burnetii control in wildlife, despite of the increasing evidence that wildlife is a source of C. burnetii for both livestock and humans.  相似文献   

Q fever is a worldwide zoonotic infectious disease caused by Coxiella burnetii and sheep and goats are known to be the main reservoir for human infection. This study describes the epidemiological and laboratory findings of C. burnetii outbreaks affecting sheep and goat flocks and also provides the results of a prospective serosurvey in bulk tank milk samples to assess C. burnetii circulation in a population of sheep living in close contact to the human population in Central Portugal. In the epizooties, C. burnetii was identified in tissues of the resulting abortions by qPCR . As for the serological survey, 10.2% (95%CI : 4.5‐19.2) of the 78 bulk tank milk samples collected in 2015 presented IgG antibodies against C. burnetii . The same farms were visited and sampled in 2016 and 25.6% (95%CI : 16.4‐36.8) were positive. This steep increase in the number of anti‐C. burnetii farms between the 2015 and 2016 collections showed to be statistically significant (p  = 0.020) and is strongly suggestive of Q fever emergence in Central Portugal. Measures on animal health and on disease spread control to the human population should be considered.  相似文献   

There is a consensus that wind plays a key role in the transmission of Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever, between ruminants and from ruminants to humans. However, no observational study so far has focused on the mechanisms associated with this airborne transmission. This study applied a mechanistic epidemiological approach to investigate the processes underlying the wind effect and to assess its influence on the risk for a dairy herd to become C. burnetii infected. Ninety‐five dairy cattle herds located in the Finistère department (western France) were subjected to samplings of bulk tank milk and indoor dust every 4 months over a 1‐year period to determine their C. burnetii status using PCR tests. A total of 27 incident herd‐periods (negative‐tested on both PCR tests and becoming positive‐tested at least once at the subsequent sampling time) and 71 negative herd‐periods were retained for analysis. Using logistic regression, we assessed the effect of (i) the cumulated number of bacteria in herds located under the main wind direction and (ii) the mean wind speed in this area, on a given herd's risk of becoming incident. Compared to herds in areas with low wind speed (≤5.5 m/s), the risk was significantly higher (OR = 3.7) in herds in areas with high wind speed (>5.5 m/s) and high bacterial load (>10), whereas it was not significantly different from unity in other situations. In agreement with our assumptions, C. burnetii transmission to a previously infection‐free herd occurs only when (i) the wind transporting from infected sources and (ii) the load in the contaminated particles/aerosols generated are high enough to act jointly.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii, the agent of Q‐fever, is recognized as a worldwide zoonosis with a wide host range and potentially complex reservoir systems. Infected ruminants are the main source of infection for humans, but cats and other mammals, including wild rodents, also represent potential sources of infection. There has been a recent upsurge of reported cases in humans, domestic ruminants and wildlife in many parts of the world, and studies have indicated that wild brown rats may act as true reservoirs for C. burnetii and be implicated in outbreaks in livestock and humans. However, investigation of reservoir systems is limited by lack of validated serological tests for wildlife or other non‐target species. In this study, serum samples from 796 wild rodents (180 bank voles, 309 field voles, 307 wood mice) 102 wild foxes and 26 domestic cats from three study areas in the UK were tested for the presence of antibodies to C. burnetii using a commercial indirect ELISA kit modified for use in multiple wildlife species. Test thresholds were determined for each species in the absence of species‐specific reference sera using a bi‐modal latent class mixture model to discriminate between positive from negative results. Based on the thresholds determined, seroprevalence in the wild rodents ranged from 15.6% to 19.1% depending on species (overall 17.3%) and was significantly higher in both foxes (41.2%) and cats (61.5%) than in rodents. This is the first report to quantify seroprevalence to C. burnetii in bank voles, field voles, wood mice, foxes and cats in the UK and provides evidence that predator species could act as indicators for the presence of C. burnetii in rodents. The study demonstrates that wildlife species could be significant reservoirs of infection for both livestock and humans, and the high seroprevalence in domestic cats highlights the potential zoonotic risk from this species.  相似文献   

Spotted fever group rickettsiae (SFGR) and Coxiella burnetii are intracellular bacteria that cause potentially life‐threatening tick‐borne rickettsioses and Q fever respectively. Sao Tome and Principe (STP), small islands located in the Gulf of Guinea, recently experienced a dramatic reduction in the incidence of malaria owing to international collaborative efforts. However, unexplained febrile illnesses persist. A One Health approach was adopted to investigate exposure to SFGR and C. burnetii in humans and examine the diversity of these bacteria in ticks parasitizing domestic ruminants. A cross‐sectional human serological study was conducted in Agua Grande district in Sao Tome Island from January to March 2016, and ticks were collected from farmed domestic ruminants in 2012 and 2016. In total, 240 individuals varying in age were randomly screened for exposure to SFGR and C. burnetii by indirect immunofluorescence assay. Twenty of 240 individuals (8.3%) were seropositive for SFGR (4 for Rickettsia africae and 16 for R. conorii) and 16 (6.7%) were seropositive for C. burnetii. Amblyomma astrion were collected exclusively in 2012, as were A. variegatum in 2016 and Rickettsia spp. were detected in 22/42 (52.4%) and 49/60 (81.7%) respectively. Sequence analysis of multiple gene targets from Rickettsia spp. detected in ticks suggests the presence of a single divergent R. africae strain (Sao Tome). While no ticks were found positive for C. burnetii, Coxiella‐like endosymbionts were detected in nearly all ticks. This is the first study in STP to provide serological evidence in humans of SFGR and C. burnetii and additional molecular evidence in ticks for SFGR, which may be responsible for some of the unexplained febrile illnesses that persist despite the control of malaria. Future epidemiological studies are needed to confirm the occurrence and risk factors associated with SFG rickettsioses and Q fever in both humans and animals.  相似文献   

In 2010, Coxiella burnetii was identified at a high prevalence in the placentas of Northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) collected at a single rookery on St. Paul Island Alaska; an area of the United States where the agent was not known to be present. As contamination was hypothesized as a potential cause of false positives, but nothing was known about environmental C. burnetii in the region, an environmental survey was conducted to look for the prevalence and distribution of the organism on the island. While environmental prevalence was low, two strains of the organism were identified using PCR targeting the COM1 and IS1111 genes. The two strains are consistent with the organism that has been increasingly identified in marine mammals as well as a strain type more commonly found in terrestrial environments and associated with disease in humans and terrestrial animals. Further work is needed to elucidate information regarding the ecology of this organism in this region, particularly in association with the coastal environment.  相似文献   

Q fever is a cosmopolitan disease affecting both humans and many animal species. Although sheep are often implicated in human Q fever outbreaks, the disease remains largely underestimated in meat sheep flocks. In order to fulfil this gap, a preliminary study was performed aiming to investigate the serological and molecular aspects of infection with Coxiella burnetii among meat sheep flocks in Belgium. Five Belgian sheep flocks were recruited for this work. Indirect ELISA was used, and in addition, real‐time PCR was performed on samples of milk, rectal and vaginal swabs, to understand the dynamics of bacterial shedding. Despite the low overall apparent seroprevalence of 1.39% (95% CI : 0.04–7.5), a high rate of bacterial shedding was found, with 27.7% of tested sheep (N  = 72) with a positive result to PCR , especially through the rectal and vaginal routes and in seronegative animals. Furthermore, Coxiella burnetii DNA was detected in 26.76% of seronegative animals. It can be concluded that an overall good clinical condition of the sheep cannot be used to exclude the presence of C. burnetii in a flock. Furthermore in the diagnosis of Q fever in sheep, serology alone was not a sensitive diagnostic tool. On the contrary, molecular biology allowed to detect bacterial shedding, which is an essential element in order to assess the risk due to the contact with shedding animals. At the light of these results, the role of meat sheep flocks in the epidemiology of Q fever in Belgium needs to be better understood.  相似文献   

Q fever, caused by the zoonotic bacterium Coxiella burnetii, is a globally distributed emerging infectious disease. Livestock are the most important zoonotic transmission sources, yet infection in people without livestock exposure is common. Identifying potential exposure pathways is necessary to design effective interventions and aid outbreak prevention. We used natural language processing and graphical network methods to provide insights into how Q fever notifications are associated with variation in patient occupations or lifestyles. Using an 18‐year time‐series of Q fever notifications in Queensland, Australia, we used topic models to test whether compositions of patient answers to follow‐up exposure questionnaires varied between demographic groups or across geographical areas. To determine heterogeneity in possible zoonotic exposures, we explored patterns of livestock and game animal co‐exposures using Markov Random Fields models. Finally, to identify possible correlates of Q fever case severity, we modelled patient probabilities of being hospitalized as a function of particular exposures. Different demographic groups consistently reported distinct sets of exposure terms and were concentrated in different areas of the state, suggesting the presence of multiple transmission pathways. Macropod exposure was commonly reported among Q fever cases, even when exposure to cattle, sheep or goats was absent. Males, older patients and those that reported macropod exposure were more likely to be hospitalized due to Q fever infection. Our study indicates that follow‐up surveillance combined with text modelling is useful for unravelling exposure pathways in the battle to reduce Q fever incidence and associated morbidity.  相似文献   

The dynamics of bovine besnoitiosis were studied in an area where the disease is endemic. A four‐year longitudinal study was conducted for the first time in three infected beef cattle herds located in the Urbasa‐Andía Mountains (Navarra, Spain). Each herd was visited four to seven times, and clinical and serological prevalence rates and incidence rates were estimated. Clinical inspections to identify compatible clinical signs with the disease stages were conducted at the beginning and end of the study. Serological assessment was initially performed by ELISA. Seronegative animals with clinical signs and seropositive animals with relative index per cent (RIPC) values lower than 30 that did not increase during the study period were analysed by Western blot to optimize the sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA test. Clinical prevalence rates were slightly higher (62% on average) than the seroprevalence rates (50% on average), and tissue cysts located in the vestibulum vaginae and sclera were the most frequently detected clinical signs. The proportion of seropositive animals with clinical signs varied from 16.7% to 73.6% among the herds, and 17% of cattle with clinical signs proved to be seronegative by both serological tests. An average 22% serological incidence rate was also reported in addition to clinical incidence rates that varied from 12.5% to 16.7%. Additionally, parasitemia was investigated in the herd that showed the highest clinical and seroprevalence rates. Only one PCR positive blood sample was detected. Thus, the role that blood may play in parasite transmission needs to be further investigated. Infected herds maintained both high prevalence and incidence rates in the absence of control measures and a high number of parasite carriers. Finally, economic impact studies on reproductive and productive losses associated with besnoitiosis need to be performed to implement a cost–benefit control programme.  相似文献   

A risk score to predict the probability of postoperative vomiting in adults   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Background : The aim of this study was to identify factors most relevant for postoperative vomiting (PV) and to develop a risk score to predict the probability of PV.
Methods : Adult inpatients scheduled for elective ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery under general anaesthesia were offered to participate in a prospective study for PV over 24 h. No prophylactic antiemetics were used. The data of 1137 patients were randomized and split into an evaluation set (n=553) and a validation set (n=584). The evaluation set was subjected to logistic regression analysis to quantify the relative impact of anaesthetic, surgical and individual factors and to develop a risk score. The score was then tested by applying it to the validation set. The area under a receiver operation characteristic (ROC) curve was calculated and the predicted and actual incidences of patients were correlated.
Results : In the evaluation set, patient-related factors (female gender, young age, non-smoking, history of PV or motion sickness) and a high duration of anaesthesia were independent risk factors for PV. The probability of PV could be estimated from the equation: PV = 1/(1 + exp(-z)) where z=1.28 · (gender)-0.029· (age)-0.74·(smoking)+0.63·(history of PV or motion sickness)+0.26 · (duration)-0.92. In the validation set this score achieved an area under the ROC-curve of 0.78 and the actual incidence correlated strongly with the predicted risks (R2=0.93, P <0.001).
Conclusion : The data suggest that the probability of PV following ENT surgery under inhalational anaesthesia with low-dose opioids can be predicted by a score mainly based upon patient-related risk factors.  相似文献   

Background : Recently, we have demonstrated that the probability of postoperative vomiting (PV) following ENT surgery with inhalational anaesthetics can be predicted using a risk score. This score is based on gender, age, smoking status, history of motion sickness or postoperative nausea and vomiting and the duration of anaesthesia. Therefore, it is of interest whether this score is also accurate in predicting PV in patients undergoing different types of surgery.
Methods : Inpatients scheduled for bone, vascular, general or eye surgery were included in a prospective survey for PV over 24 h. Data of 1091 patients were analyzed, of which 542 were used for the validation of the previously constructed risk score (Score I). The data of the remaining 549 patients were used to evaluate the risk factors that contribute to PV in this setting and to develop a new score (Score II). The discriminating power of both scores to predict PV was tested in the validation set (n=542) and compared by calculating the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.
Results : The area under the ROC curve of Score I was 0.77 (SD 0.024). Risk factors for PV in the evaluation set were female gender, young age, history of motion sickness or postoperative nausea and vomiting and the type of surgery. The area under the curve of Score II was 0.75 (SD 0.026) and was not significantly different from Score I ( P =0.57).
Conclusion : Score I was accurate in predicting PV in patients after most types of surgery with volatile anaesthetics, which suggests that this score might be useful for other centres as well.  相似文献   

BackgroundBreast cancer is the most common malignancy in women. Clinical models such as Oncotype DX recurrence score (RS) and Clinical Treatment Score post–5 years (CTS5) model for survival prediction are crucial for clinical practice. However, it remains unclear whether CTS5 or RS would be a more powerful clinical model for recurrence risk evaluation. Therefore, we conducted the present study to compare the performance of CTS5 risk model and RS on different recurrence evaluation. And we further integrated the two models into a novel nomogram to improve the power for prognosis prediction.MethodsFemale patients with invasive hormone receptor positive breast cancer in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER) database with RS data available were included. The clinicopathological data were directly extracted from SEER database. Participants were divided into three subsets according to recurrence timing (<36 months, between 36 and 60 months, and >60 months) for model evaluation. Survival receiver operating characteristic curve and C-index were calculated to evaluate discrimination. Calibration curve were used to visual inspection for calibration. Model comparison was assessed by net reclassification index (NRI) method. Nomogram prognostic model was developed with the combination of CTS5 score and RS and also included other critical clinicopathological parameters.ResultsIn total, 64044 breast cancer patients were enrolled for analysis. The number of patients with survival <36 months (early recurrence subset), 36–60 months (intermediate recurrence subset) and >60 months (late recurrence subset) were 64044, 36878 and 15926, respectively. For model discrimination, CTS5 model was superior to RS for overall survival (OS) prediction (likelihood ratio test P < 0 0.001). RS model showed better performance for breast cancer specific survival (BCSS) in late recurrence subsets and worse performance in early and intermediate recurrence subsets than CTS5 (likelihood ratio test P < 0 0.001). For calibration, CTS5 model was superior to RS model for OS, which overestimated the recurrence risk in low-risk subgroup. Both models overestimated the risk for BCSS. In either early/intermediate/late recurrence patient subsets, there was no significant difference in NRI between two models in terms of both BCSS and OS, indicating the two models had comparable prognostic value. The nomogram which combined these two models largely improved the discrimination and calibration power (C-index 0.70–0.72).ConclusionsOur study proved the CTS5 risk model had comparable prognostic value as RS in HR + breast cancer patients. And the novel nomogram model had better discrimination and calibration than both CTS5 and RS, and future large-scale clinical trials are warranted for further validation.  相似文献   

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