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目的 了解流动未成年人的犯罪特征以及与人格特质的关系,为预防和矫治流动未成年人犯罪提供教育依据。方法 采用艾森克问卷及应对方式量表对331名流动未成年罪犯进行问卷调查,并与235名同龄中学生进行比较。结果 流动未成年罪犯的年龄集中在17~18岁,男性、初中文化者居多,犯罪类型以财物型犯罪为主;他们的气质特征中的P维度与消极应对方式得分高于中学生,积极应对方式得分低于中学生;刑期为6年及以上的流动未成年人罪犯的E维度得分高于3年及以下者; P、N维度得分与消极应对方式呈正相关,E维度得分与刑期呈正相关; E维度得分对刑期具有正向预测作用。结论 “双不”群体—不上学也不工作的未成年人在流动未成年人犯罪主体中所占比例较大,初中毕业前后是其犯罪高发期。流动未成年人罪犯的气质特征为缺乏同情心及容易冲动,应对方式消极;不可抑制的气质特征可能导致流动未成年人严重行为失范。因此,应该加强流动未成年人的文化素质教育,提高其生活与工作技能,还应注重对其良好人格特质的培养,并引导他们采用积极的应对方式。  相似文献   

廖文科(中华人民共和国教育部体卫艺司处长)为保障未成人身心健康,培养本成年人良好品行,有效地预防未成年人犯罪,全国人大常委会第十次会议通过了《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》,并于1999年11月1日正式开始实施。认真实施《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》,有效预防未成年人的犯罪,是全社会的共同责任,尤其是作为肩负促进青少年身心健康成长重任的学校卫生工作者,对预防末成年人犯罪具有义不容辞的责任。青少年人群所具有的某些特殊的生理、心理及卫生问题往往是引发或诱发青少年犯罪的直接或间接的原因。例如,吸烟…  相似文献   

朱迅 《中国校医》2002,16(6):555-555
我省少年管教所未成年人抢劫犯罪占在押犯的比例从 4年前的 2 6%上升到近 5 2 %。省少管所最近对 12 46名未成年犯的调查显示 ,除了家庭结构 ,学校教育等一般主观因素外 ,未成年人的心理需求失衡成为诱导犯罪的重要原因。1 运用新的健康观指导学校卫生工作随着生物医学模式逐步被生物心理社会医学模式的取代和人们认识层次的深入 ,心理学家、医学家等均认识到 ,“健康”应该是身体、心理和社会适应性三方面的完全良好状态 ,而不单是指身体没有疾病。它说明 ,影响健康的因素有身体因素、心理因素和社会因素。一个人如果缺乏心理和社会健康 ,…  相似文献   

袁浩龙 《家庭医学》2005,(15):14-14
俗话说:金无足赤,人无完人。每个人都有各自的缺点和错误,孩子更是如此。面对孩子的错误和不足,很多父母首先想到的是责怪孩子。殊不知,孩子身上的缺点大都源自于父母的过失。因此,为了孩子的身心健康发展,做父母的应该时时反省自己的言行,系统学习一些家教知识,科学帮助孩子克服自身缺点。  相似文献   

未成年人暴力犯罪危险因素的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究未成年人暴力犯罪的危险因素.方法采用群体案例-对照研究的方法,对少管所因暴力犯罪的未成年人及其家庭进行问卷调查,按11设对照组.以社会-心理因素和生物-医学因素为指导,采用Binary Logistic回归模式,探讨诸多因素对未成年人犯罪作用的大小.结果案例组118人,对照组129人.在单因素和多因素Binary Logistic回归分析中父亲年龄偏大;父亲吸烟;系非婚生儿;有新生儿窒息;有新生儿疾病;家长在语言上侮辱孩子;家长不了解儿童教育方面知识;孩子不做家务;孩子间发生冲突时,家长处理方法不当;智商得分低;父母每月给零用钱多;经常旷课、逃学;学校无法律知识教育;看暴力黑社会的录像、小说;看黄色电视、录像、小说等共15项有统计学意义的危险因素.结论在研究未成年人犯罪及提出预防和干预措施时,需要综合考虑社会-心理及生物-医学方面的因素.  相似文献   

目的研究未成年人暴力犯罪的危险因素.方法采用群体案例一对照研究的方法,对少管所因暴力犯罪的未成年人及其家庭进行问卷调查,按11设对照组.以社会-心理因素和生物-医学因素为指导,采用Binary Logistic回归模式.探讨诸多因素对未成年人犯罪作用的大小.结果案例组118人,对照组129人.在单因素和多因素Binary Logistic回归分析中父亲年龄偏大;父亲吸烟;系非婚生儿;有新生儿窒息;有新生儿疾病家长在语言上侮辱孩子;家长不了解儿童教育方面知识;孩子不做家务;孩子间发生冲突时,家长处理方法不当;智商得分低;父母每月给零用钱多;经常旷课、逃学学校无法律知识教育;看暴力黑社会的录像、小说;看黄色电视、录像、小说等共15项有统计学意义的危险因素.结论以上15项有统计学意义的危险因素有属于社会-心理方面的.也有属干生物-医学方面的.在研究未成年人犯罪及提出预防和干预措施时,需要综合考虑.  相似文献   

莫进庭  陈玲娟 《家庭育儿》2020,(2):0140-0140
据目前大学生兼职情况以及家教行业市场分析,运用互联网及大数据技术,对互联网教育家教平台进行探索。通过创建正规、可信赖的互联网家教平台,建立教员信息数据库两种方式来提高匹配成功率,实现大学生教育资源和社会需求相结合,提高高校人才利用资源。  相似文献   

沙盘游戏治疗在未成年人心理门诊中被广泛运用,对普遍存在的焦虑情绪调整效果显著.对沙盘游戏治疗未成年人焦虑情绪的机制分析将有助于推进沙盘游戏治疗的理论研究和临床开展.  相似文献   

改变你的家教语调,调和不和谐气氛,从你说出的话开始,亲子关系将会有崭新的变化。不良的家教语气会伤害家庭生活气氛,进而对孩子人格的形成与发展更加不利。也许你已经习惯了用这样的语气对话,也许你根本没有意识到这些语言中隐藏的伤害成分,但  相似文献   

当下,未成年人犯罪率居高不下,一个重要原因是家长对:问题:孩子没有足够重视,缺乏有效的教育方式。在这里,专家建议:家长要加强学习,学习一些必备的法律知识和教育方法,提高自身素质,不要等到孩子出了问题才想到学习。家长还要注意改进教育子女的方法,对"问题"孩子,家长千万要引起注意,不要让孩子坠入犯罪深渊。  相似文献   

食品安全犯罪刑法适用的若干问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品安全犯罪刑法适用问题尚没有引起学界的应有重视。文章从犯罪对象、犯罪手段与方法、犯罪主观方面等角度分析了刑法条款的适用方法。"足以造成食物中毒事故或者其他严重食源性疾患"、"有毒、有害食品"的界定等问题也是文章讨论的内容。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to use data gathered over the course of a 30-year longitudinal study to examine the linkages between economic circumstances in childhood and subsequent developmental outcomes spanning educational achievement; economic circumstances; crime; mental health; and teenage pregnancy. All of these outcomes have been linked with childhood economic conditions and it is frequently argued that reducing income inequalities will mitigate psychosocial risks of children reared in families facing economic hardship. Alternatively it may be suggested that the associations between childhood family economic circumstances and later outcomes are mediated by individual, family and social factors that are correlated with low family income and contribute to later outcomes. To examine these issues, data were drawn from a birth cohort of New Zealand children born in 1977 and followed to age 30. Declining childhood family income was associated with a range of negative outcomes in adulthood, including: lower educational achievement; poorer economic circumstances; higher rates of criminal offending; higher rates of mental health problems; and higher rates of teenage pregnancy. After covariate adjustment, childhood family income remained significantly associated with educational achievement and economic circumstances, but was no longer significantly associated with the mental health, offending and teenage pregnancy outcomes. These findings suggest that, after due allowance has been made for social, family and individual contextual factors, low family income during childhood is associated with a range of educational and economic disadvantages in adulthood but is not directly related to increased risks of crime, mental health problems or teen pregnancy.  相似文献   

刘王立明是民国时期中国节制运动的一位领袖,不仅身体力行地追寻着女性的自主与独立,而且将其作为参与、组织妇女运动的重要内容.她在参与、领导民国时期中国妇女节制运动的过程中,注重保障女性的基本生活,培养其生存能力,促进女性群体的成长.刘王立明认为家庭是国家的基础,女性是家庭的柱石,因此主张,首先,应该承认女性在家庭中劳动的价值;其次,女性自身也应担负起对家庭的责任.构建快乐家庭,也是刘王立明的理想之一.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of diverse variables on theory of mind development in a group of 114 pre-school children aged between 3 years 1 month and 4 years 2 months. Development levels in diverse areas were assessed, along with the quality of family interaction, quality of attachment and the children's performance when faced with a staggered series of theory of mind tasks ranging from simple desire situations to a false belief task. The percentage of children classified as securely attached who responded correctly to the false belief task proved significant, whereas no significant relationship was found between a correct response to this task and number of siblings or number of older siblings. We propose the development of a multi-causal model in order to continue our research into the optimum family environment for theory of mind development.  相似文献   

目的评价珠海市阿片类成瘾人群美沙酮社区维持治疗(MMT)的成效,为进一步推广和完善MMT提供参考依据。方法 采用统一的《社区药物维持治疗评估随访调查表》对2006-2009年在珠海市美沙酮维持治疗门诊治疗1年以上的阿片类成瘾者进行问卷调查。结果阿片类成瘾人群在经过1年以上的美沙酮维持治疗后,其药物滥用情况、违法犯罪情况和社会家庭功能均得到了一定的改善和恢复。结论美沙酮维持治疗在减少药物滥用、降低违法犯罪和改善社会家庭功能等方面效果显著。  相似文献   

Reform in US medicine has been a longstanding process, and it has always been intertwined with politics and social issues. So-called organized medicine has often resisted reform, but despite this resistance, many changes took place in the US medical system in the 1960s. The establishment of the specialty of family practice coincided with these changes. Although family practice was established with many goals in mind, many of the goals did not match the public's perceived needs, and there is still much unfinished business. One of family practice 's current tasks is to examine its accountability to the public and decide what it can provide for the public good.  相似文献   

Child homicide is as old as human history. It can be classified into intra- and extra familial child homicide. Different forms of homicide are discussed, and research findings show that in the age group 0-3 years the majority of cases were within the family. After age 12 years, it is primarily extra familial. With increased age of the child the phenomenon of child perpetrators is seen to be manifested in school homicide and juvenile crime. Risk factors are mentioned and pediatricians and family physicians should be aware of these in order to try preventive measures.  相似文献   

心理理论发展的缺损或滞后是导致孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)患儿社交障碍的重要原因之一,这使得ASD患儿缺乏恰当的社会交往技能,无法正常地与人交流,更难以融入家庭、学校、社区等。通过ASD患儿的心理理论能力进行干预训练可以促进他们的社会交往能力的发展。现有的干预训练内容大致包括以下几项:对错误信念理解的干预训练,以正常儿童心理理论发展顺序为参照的多心理理论成分训练,将心理理论能力与社会交往能力相结合的干预训练。已有研究分析,对未来的干预训练更应注重心理理论技能干预的泛化和针对不同层次的ASD儿童设置差异化的干预方案。  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that place-based interventions reduce crime and interpersonal violence in urban settings. However, evidence concerning the impacts of these neighborhood interventions on domestic crime (crime between intimate partners, family, or household members) is inconclusive. We used data from a New Orleans, Louisiana, place-based blighted property remediation intervention to test the hypothesis that the intervention was associated with changes in domestic crime. Because there is evidence that alcohol availability is related to domestic crime, we also assessed whether this association was moderated by alcohol outlet density. We assessed overall associations using a difference-in-difference approach and assessed moderation using a triple-difference approach. The analytic sample consisted of 204 remediated lots and 612 non-remediated matched control lots over 84 months (2011–2017), for a total of 68,544 lot-months. In difference-in-differences analyses, the place-based intervention was associated with additional domestic crime incidence (β = 0.311, 95% CI: 0.016, 0.605; p = 0.039). In triple-difference analyses, on-premise bar density modified this association (β = −0.119, 95%CI: −0.147, −0.092; p < 0.001): in areas with higher bar density, increases in domestic crime were lower near remediated lots compared with control lots. Place-based interventions to reduce blighted properties may have contributed to fewer domestic crime incidents in areas with more bars.  相似文献   

Violent crimes are rarely considered a public health problem or investigated using epidemiological methods. But patterns of violent crime and other health conditions are often affected by similar characteristics of the built environment. In this paper, methods and perspectives from spatial epidemiology are used in an analysis of violent crimes in San Antonio, TX. Bayesian statistical methods are used to examine the contextual influence of several aspects of the built environment. Additionally, spatial regression models using Bayesian model specifications are used to examine spatial patterns of violent crime risk. Results indicate that the determinants of violent crime depend on the model specification, but are primarily related to the built environment and neighborhood socioeconomic conditions. Results are discussed within the context of a rapidly growing urban area with a diverse population.  相似文献   

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