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Petroleum prospecting and producing activities have been going on in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria for about 40 years. During this period controlled substances such as chemicals and radioactive materials have been widely used in petroleum exploration and exploitation. Deviations from acceptable levels of certain parameters relevant to safety and environmental protection have been encountered, but most have not been investigated or documented. In particular, cases involving the unsafe use, loss and abandonment of radioactive materials have neither received the desired attention nor been reported. This work reports a radiological assessment of safety in the use of radioactive and radiation producing materials in logging and well study operations in the Nigerian petroleum industry. The assessment protocol used for the evaluation is based on a numerical ranking system. Based on a scale of 100, it is found in this logging and well study that the level of safety as defined in the text is around 60% for all three sites assessed. There is substantial work needed to raise the radiation protection standards further at these sites.  相似文献   

Most patients with straightforward varicose veins only require a careful clinical examination combined with Doppler ultrasound scanning. When varicose veins are secondary to past deep venous thrombosis, recur after treatment or are associated with congenital anomalies, radiology is useful for diagnosis and management.  相似文献   

Abison AA 《Health physics》2001,80(2):179-181
This work reports on a radiation safety study of the use of radioactive sources and radiation-producing machines for radiographic purposes in the Nigerian Petroleum Industry. It is a part of a wider study on the level of safety in the use of radiation in the country-a study that covered the manufacturing and petroleum industries. The survey assessment is based on minimum requirements for radiological safety, on a scale of 0-100, to protect personnel, the public, and the environment from artificial radiation sources. The survey result shows that the level of safety in the use of radiation-emitting machines for radiographic purposes is scored at 52, while it is 66 in the use of radioisotopes. Consequently, the level of safety in radiographic practices in the Nigerian Petroleum Industry is about 60% of the ideal.  相似文献   

Radiological assessment of small pneumoconiotic opacities.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Problems in the assessment of small opacities, within the ILO U/C International Classification of Radiographs of the Pneumoconioses (International Labour Office, 1972), are discussed in the light of readings by three experts of a group of films in which both rounded and irregular small opacities frequently coexisted. There was considerable disagreement on whether opacities were rounded or irregular, but reasonable agreement on type (diameter or thickness). As expected, rounded opacities were more commonly recorded in upper zones of the lung, and irregular opacities in lower zones. However, determination of which zones were affected left much to be desired. Perhaps as a result, major problems arose over the assessment of combined profusion.  相似文献   

Pilot production and production studies using a biological method for treating and neutralizing toxic waste polluted with petroleum products at high concentrations (up to 30%) were conducted. The results have indicated that the use of oil degrading microorganisms is highly promising. Within the first vegetative period as high as 80% of petroleum products withdrew from waste and over 95% of those migrated into the aqueous medium. Purification decreased the content of mobile phases of metals to the values below the maximum allowable concentrations. The waste that is highly toxic for protozoa and the test crop wheat shall be considered to be nontoxic.  相似文献   

王丹  王静  刘创建 《职业与健康》2013,(19):2468-2471
目的识别、分析某石油专用管企业存在的职业病危害因素种类及危害程度,评价其采取的职业病危害防护措施,为企业控制作业场所职业病危害因素,保护劳动者健康和改进职业卫生管理提供科学依据。方法采用调查表法、现场调查法和职业病危害因素采样检测法对作业场所存在的职业病危害因素进行识别、检测和分析。结果该企业存在的主要职业病危害因素为粉尘、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、铬、噪声、高温、紫外辐射和x射线。经检测,1个电焊岗位的电焊烟尘浓度超标,其他化学性有害因素的浓度均低于职业接触限值;40个岗位的噪声检测结果中有23个岗位噪声强度超标,超标率为57.5%,其中超过90dB(A)的岗位达11个。结论该企业噪声危害较为严重,职业卫生防护设施和职业卫生管理仍需改进。因此,结合该企业现有情况提出有针对性的改进措施,以指导企业职业卫生管理工作。  相似文献   

P Collopy 《Health physics》1991,60(4):593-596
A multilevel assessment program can be integrated into normal operational requirements and used to identify and correct operational errors. Assessments are made during routine surveys by field technicians, monthly by the Radiation Safety Officer, and biennially by an independent radiological expert. These systematic assessments can prevent the occurrence of significant program problems and result in a decreased number of Nuclear Regulatory Commission citations.  相似文献   

Patellofemoral instability (PI) is the disruption of the patella’s relationship with the trochlear groove as a result of abnormal movement of the patella. To identify the presence of PI, conventional radiographs (anteroposterior, lateral, and axial or skyline views), magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography are used. In this study, we examined four main instability factors: Trochlear dysplasia, patella alta, tibial tuberosity–trochlear groove distance, and patellar tilt. We also briefly review some of the other assessment methods used in the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the patellofemoral joint, such as patellar size and shape, lateral trochlear inclination, trochlear depth, trochlear angle, and sulcus angle, in cases of PI. In addition, we reviewed the evaluation of coronal alignment, femoral anteversion, and tibial torsion. Possible causes of error that can be made when evaluating these factors are examined. PI is a multi-factorial problem. Many problems affecting bone structure and muscles morphologically and functionally can cause this condition. It is necessary to understand normal anatomy and biomechanics to make more accurate radiological measurements and to identify causes. Knowing the possible causes of measurement errors that may occur during radiological measurements and avoiding these pitfalls can provide a more reliable road map for treatment. This determines whether the disease will be treated medically and with rehabilitation or surgery without causing further complications.  相似文献   

The ability of the federal government to effectively and efficiently respond to nuclear or radiological terrorist attacks has been the subject of intense discussion and analysis for many years. Because of recent terrorist activities and intelligence information, there is strong sentiment that it is not a question of if, but when, a radiological or nuclear terrorist attack will occur. As a result, there is considerable concern that the federal government may not be adequately prepared to respond to an attack involving a radiological dispersal device or improvised nuclear device. In response to these concerns, federal departments and agencies have initiated actions to develop a better understanding of the magnitude of the radiological/nuclear terrorist threat, assess the ability of the federal government to support state and local responses to such attacks, and improve the Nation's ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from these types of attacks. In an era of limited fiscal growth and competing priorities, the federal government will have to enhance its collaboration with state and local governments, the private sector, and academia to ensure that the Nation is capable of responding to a terrorist attack involving radioactive or nuclear material.  相似文献   

目的 对某医院新建核医学建设项目的职业病危害放射防护预评价。方法 按照GBZI181-2006采用B类预评价表内容形式进行评价。结果 该建设项目的布局基本合理,拟采取的防护措施符合法律法规和标准要求。结论 建设项目的放射性危害防护设施建设可行。  相似文献   

Industrial electron accelerators are used by eight installations in Brazil, with a total of 14 machines generating electron beams. These facilities are classified into categories I or II, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) system. In category I are included the facilities with an integrally shielded unit with interlocks, where human access during operation is not physically possible owing to the configuration of the shielding. In category II are included the facilities with a unit housed in a shielded room that is kept inaccessible during operation by an entry control system. Of the 14 accelerators operational in Brazil, 11 belong to category I and three to category II. In the present work a methodology for the assessment of the radiological safety of these accelerator facilities was developed and applied, mainly on the basis of specific recommendations from the IAEA. The main safety items were evaluated at those eight installations. According to the results obtained here, no inadequacies were observed at the three installations in category II, from the radiological safety and radioprotection points of view. Nevertheless, two out of the five installations in category I showed several deficiencies. Most of these inadequacies have been corrected during this work, and the rest are in the course of being corrected.  相似文献   



Community exposures to environmental contaminants from industrial scale dairy operations are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of dairy operations on nearby communities by assessing airborne contaminants (particulate matter, ammonia, and cow allergen, Bos d 2) associated with dairy operations inside and outside homes.


The study was conducted in 40 homes in the Yakima Valley, Washington State where over 61 dairies operate.


A concentration gradient was observed showing that airborne contaminants are significantly greater at homes within one-quarter mile (0.4 km) of dairy facilities, outdoor Bos d 2, ammonia, and TD were 60, eight, and two times higher as compared to homes greater than three miles (4.8 km) away. In addition median indoor airborne Bos d 2 and ammonia concentrations were approximately 10 and two times higher in homes within one-quarter mile (0.4 km) compared to homes greater than three miles (4.8 km) away.


These findings demonstrate that dairy operations increase community exposures to agents with known human health effects. This study also provides evidence that airborne biological contaminants (i.e. cow allergen) associated with airborne particulate matter are statistically elevated at distances up to three miles (4.8 km) from dairy operations.

刘先平  周龙成  郭鲁琼 《职业与健康》2013,29(5):558-559,561
目的 了解工业X射线实时成像检测系统螺旋钢管探伤的放射防护状况,评估对放射工作人员和公众健康的影响.方法 对该企业2条X射线实时成像检测系统及2座探伤室的基本情况进行调查,使用FJ-347A X γ剂量仪,按照国家相关的放射卫生防护标准与方法对探伤现场进行防护检测和安全性评价.结果 2座探伤室的操作位、探伤室小防护门、探伤室墙体外剂量率接近辐射本底水平,车间大防护门表面剂量率0.50~ 1.20μGy/h(低于国家标准限值2.5 μGy/h,);近2年放射工作人员个人剂量监测结果均低于国家标准年限制的1/10.结论 该企业工业螺旋钢管X射线实时成像检测系统运行时,相关放射工作人员和周围公众是安全的.  相似文献   

Scale formation in oilfield piping and equipment has been a problem for petroleum companies. In the past, scale waste from cleaning of piping and equipment has been considered nonhazardous. Naturally occurring radioactive material in the form of 226Ra and, to a lesser degree, 228Ra with their associated decay products have recently been discovered in the scale. Due to the lower abundance and short half-life, 228Ra is not addressed in this paper. 226Ra, an alpha emitter, is a potential internal hazard to workers from the inhalation and ingestion of the dust produced during descaling or pipe cleaning operations. Along with this, a higher-than-normal background gamma exposure rate is seen where the pipe cleaning was routinely done. An evaluation of the radiation hazards associated with a retired pipe cleaning field was performed. Gamma exposure rates, 226Ra concentration, and 226Ra leachability were examined using scale containing soil from the field. Radon emanation from the soil was also determined.  相似文献   

An excess of lympho-haematopoietic (LH) cancers has been identified in the Australian petroleum industry through the Health Watch surveillance programme. A nested case-control study is being conducted to investigate this excess. This paper describes the methods used to provide quantitative estimates of benzene exposure for each of the subjects in the case-control study. Job histories were compiled for each subject from interviews and company employment records. Site visits and telephone interviews were used to identify the tasks included in each job title. Details about the tasks such as their frequency, the technology in use and about changes that had taken place over the years were also gathered. Exposure dated back to the late 1940s for a few subjects. Collaborating petroleum companies provided recent benzene exposure monitoring data. These were used to generate Base Estimates of exposure for each task, augmented with data from the literature where necessary. Past exposures were estimated from the Base Estimates by means of an exposure algorithm. The modifying effects of technological changes and changes to the product were used in the algorithm.The algorithm was then computed to give, for each job, for each subject, an estimate of average benzene exposure in ppm in the workplace atmosphere (Workplace Estimate). This value was multiplied by the years for which the job was held and these values summed to give an estimate of Cumulative Estimate of benzene in ppm-years. The occupational hygienists performing the exposure assessment did so without knowledge of the case or control status of subjects.Overall exposures to benzene in the Australian petroleum industry were low, and virtually all activities and jobs were below a time-weighted average of 5 ppm. Exposures in terminals were generally higher than at refineries. Exposures in upstream areas were extremely low. Estimates of Cumulative Estimate to benzene ranged from 0.005 to 50.9 ppm-years.  相似文献   

Ion implantation is a process used to create the functional units (pn junctions) of integrated circuits, photovoltaic (solar) cells and other semiconductor devices. During the process, ions of an impurity or a "dopant" material are created, accelerated and imbedded in wafers of silicon. Workers responsible for implantation equipment are believed to be at risk from exposure to both chemical (dopant compounds) and physical (ionizing radiation) agents. In an effort to characterize the chemical exposures, monitoring for chemical hazards was conducted near eleven ion implanters at three integrated circuit facilities, while ionizing radiation was monitored near four of these units at two of the facilities. The workplace monitoring suggests that ion implantation operators routinely are exposed to low-level concentrations of dopants. Although the exact nature of dopant compounds released to the work environment was not determined, area and personal samples taken during normal operating activities found concentrations of arsenic, boron and phosphorous below OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) for related compounds; area samples collected during implanter maintenance activities suggest that a potential exists for more serious exposures. The results of badge dosimetry monitoring for ionizing radiation indicate that serious exposures are unlikely to occur while engineering controls remain intact. All emissions were detected at levels unlikely to result in exposures above the OSHA standard for the whole body (1.25 rems per calendar quarter). The success of existing controls in preventing worker exposures is discussed. Particular emphasis is given to the differential exposures likely to be experienced by operators and maintenance personnel.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study presents and evaluates an expert group's assessment of exposure to carcinogens for defined job categories in Norway's offshore petroleum industry, 1970-2005, to provide exposure information for a planned cohort study on cancer. Three university and five industry experts in occupational hygiene individually assessed the likelihood of exposure to 1836 combinations of carcinogens (n=17), job categories (n=27) and time periods (n=4). In subsequent plenary discussions, the experts agreed on exposed combinations. Agreement between the individual and the panel assessments was calculated by Cohen's kappa index. Using the panel assessment as reference, sensitivity and specificity were estimated. The eight experts assessed 63% of the 1836 combinations in plenary, resulting in 265 (14%) convened exposed combinations. Chlorinated hydrocarbons, benzene and inhalation of mineral oils had the highest number of exposed job categories (n=14, 9 and 10, respectively). The job categories classified as exposed to the highest numbers of carcinogens were the mechanics (n=10), derrick workers (n=6) and process technicians (n=5). The agreement between the experts' individual assessments and the panel assessment was kappa=0.53-0.74. The sensitivity was 0.55-0.86 and specificity 0.91-0.97. For these parameters, there were no apparent differences between the university experts and the industry experts. The resulting 265 of 1836 possible exposure combinations convened as "exposed" by expert assessment is presented in this study. The experts' individual ratings highly agreed with the succeeding panel assessment. Correlation was found between years of experience of the raters and agreement with the panel. The university experts and the industry experts' assessments had no apparent differences. Further validation of the exposure assessment is suggested, such as by new sampling data or observational studies.  相似文献   

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