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2%强化戊二醛消毒剂使用中的稳定性和灭菌效果考察 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的对各科使用中的2%强化戊二醛消毒剂的稳定性和灭菌效果进行监测。方法用滴定法测定各科一个消毒周期7天内2%强化戊二醛消毒剂中的戊二醛的含量,用涂抹法对已浸泡过器械的消毒液进行采样和细菌培养。结果各科使用中的2%强化戊二醛消毒剂的戊二醛的含量稳定,细菌培养结果是无细菌生长。结论2%强化戊二醛消毒剂性质稳定,灭菌效果是肯定的。 相似文献
戊二醛是一种优良的清毒剂,具有广谱高效的杀菌作用。由于其腐蚀性小,特别适用于金属器械和耐湿忌热精密仪器的消毒,广泛用于医疗器械的消毒灭菌,其主要品种有碱性戊二醛和酸性强化戊二醛。酸性强化戊二醛稳定性好,便于大规模生产推广使用。我们对华西医科大学公共卫生学院研制的酸性强化戊二醛杀芽胞机理作了初步研究。现报告如下: 1.材料和方法 1.1 材料: 相似文献
目的对各科使用中的2%强化戊二醛消毒剂的稳定性和灭菌效果进行监测。方法用滴定法测定各科一个消毒周期7天内2%强化戊二醛消毒剂中的戊二醛的含量,用涂抹法对已浸泡过器械的消毒液进行采样和细菌培养。结果各科使用中的2%强化戊二醛消毒剂的戊二醛的含量稳定,细菌培养结果是无细菌生长。结论2%强化戊二醛消毒剂性质稳定,灭菌效果是肯定的。 相似文献
一阶导数光谱法测定戊二醛消毒剂中戊二醛的含量 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的:测定戊二醛消毒剂中戊二醛的含量。方法;以302nm为一阶导数光谱的测定波长。结果:平均回收率为100.4%,RSD为0.25%。结论:用一阶导数光谱法测定戊二醛的含量,方法简便、快速,结果满意。 相似文献
目的:测定2%戊二醛溶液含量。方法:采用紫外分光光度法测定(波长233nm)。结果:戊二醛含量在0.4~1.2mg/ml范围内呈线性关系,r=0.9999。结论:该方法简便、准确。 相似文献
创口净在防治创伤感染中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:验证创口净作为抗感染外用药(水剂)的临床疗效。方法:1638例(男性985例,女性653例,年龄31±s25a)多种感染伤口应用创口净换药。结果:在伤后6h内用创口净换药,能有效地预防感染,使伤口行初期缝合;能预防烧伤创面和植皮创面感染;对感染伤口和感染的烧伤创面,能在3~4d内杀灭创面细菌,控制感染,缩短愈合时间。结论:与同类药物相比,具有高效、快速和广谱的杀菌作用,无局部刺激作用和毒副作用,不易产生耐药性。 相似文献
目的:调查近期天津市社区和院内获得性阴沟肠杆菌感染的临床分布与耐药情况,为临床合理选用抗菌药物提供科学依据。方法:收集天津市八家三级甲等医院于2001年2月—2002年2月分离的95株阴沟肠杆菌。琼脂纸片扩散法进行药敏试验,用WHONET5软件分析。结果:阴沟肠杆菌感染中患者以60岁以上的老年人多见,占53.7%。主要疾病是肺感染,占85.3%。阴沟肠杆菌临床株对头孢唑啉的耐药率最高,其次是阿莫西林 克拉维酸和氨节西林,对三代头孢菌素的耐药率在44.4%—66.7%。对亚胺培南的敏感性最高,对环丙沙星和阿米卡星耐药率分别为25%和29.5%。结论:治疗阴沟肠杆菌引起的感染要根据药敏结果选择使用三代头孢菌素、喹诺酮类及氨基糖甙类抗菌药,重症感染可用亚胺培南。 相似文献
目的:观察国产与进口美罗培南治疗急性细菌性感染的有效性与安全性。方法:46例病人分为2 组,每组23例;试验组应用国产美罗培南,对照组应用进口美罗培南,均为每次给药1.0 g,静脉滴注,q 8 h, 疗程6-14 d。结果:进入疗效分析的病例数为45例,其中试验组22例,对照组23例,治疗结束2组的临床有效率分别为91%与91%;细菌清除率分别为80%与82%,2组不良反应发生率分别为4%与4%,均无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:国产和进口美罗培南对治疗临床细菌性感染性疾病均有效、安全。 相似文献
Evaluation of the respiratory tract toxicity of ortho-phthalaldehyde,a proposed alternative for the chemical disinfectant glutaraldehyde 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Natasha R. Catlin Cynthia J. Willson Matthew Stout Grace E. Kissling Suramya Waidyanatha Gregory L. Baker 《Inhalation toxicology》2017,29(9):414-427
ortho-Phthalaldehyde (OPA) is a high-level chemical disinfectant that is commonly used for chemical sterilization of dental and medical instruments as an alternative to glutaraldehyde, a known skin and respiratory sensitizer. Concern for safe levels of human exposure remains due to a lack of toxicity data as well as human case reports of skin and respiratory sensitization following OPA exposure. The present study evaluated the inhalational toxicity of OPA in Harlan Sprague–Dawley rats and B6C3F1/N mice. Groups of 10 male and female rats and mice were exposed to OPA by whole-body inhalation for 3?months at concentrations of 0 (control), 0.44, 0.88, 1.75, 3.5, or 7.0?ppm. Rats and mice developed a spectrum of lesions at sites of contact throughout the respiratory tract (nose, larynx, trachea, lung), as well as in the skin and eye, consistent with a severe irritant response. In general, histologic lesions (necrosis, inflammation, regeneration, hyperplasia and metaplasia) occurred at deeper sites within the respiratory tract with increasing exposure concentration. As a first site of contact, the nose exhibited the greatest response to OPA exposure and resulted in an increased incidence, severity and variety of lesions compared to a previous study of glutaraldehyde exposure at similar exposure concentrations. This increased response in the nasal cavity, combined with extensive lesions throughout the respiratory tract, provides concern for use of OPA as a replacement for glutaraldehyde as a high-level disinfectant. 相似文献
Mary T. Bessesen Andrew Ma Daniel Clegg Randolph V. Fugit Anthony Pepe Matthew Bidwell Goetz Christopher J. Graber 《Hospital pharmacy》2015,50(6):477-483
Stewardship of antimicrobial agents is an essential function of hospital pharmacies. The ideal pharmacist staffing model for antimicrobial stewardship programs is not known.Objective:
To inform staffing decisions for antimicrobial stewardship teams, we aimed to compare an antimicrobial stewardship program with a dedicated Infectious Diseases (ID) pharmacist (Dedicated ID Pharmacist Hospital) to a program relying on ward pharmacists for stewardship activities (Geographic Model Hospital).Methods:
We reviewed a randomly selected sample of 290 cases of inpatient parenteral antibiotic use. The electronic medical record was reviewed for compliance with indicators of appropriate antimicrobial stewardship.Results:
At the hospital staffed by a dedicated ID pharmacist, 96.8% of patients received initial antimicrobial therapy that adhered to local treatment guidelines compared to 87% of patients at the hospital that assigned antimicrobial stewardship duties to ward pharmacists (P < .002). Therapy was modified within 24 hours of availability of laboratory data in 86.7% of cases at the Dedicated ID Pharmacist Hospital versus 72.6% of cases at the Geographic Model Hospital (P < .03). When a patient’s illness was determined not to be caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics were discontinued in 78.0% of cases at the Dedicated ID Pharmacist Hospital and in 33.3% of cases at the Geographic Model Hospital (P < .0002).Conclusion:
An antimicrobial stewardship program with a dedicated ID pharmacist was associated with greater adherence to recommended antimicrobial therapy practices when compared to a stewardship program that relied on ward pharmacists. 相似文献17.
外用中药组方对常见创面感染菌的体外抑菌活性的实验研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
目的 :为研制野战功能敷料提供具有良好抑菌作用的最佳组方及剂型。方法 :采用常见创面感染菌的体外抑菌活性实验 ,对民间外用验方及其在此基础上再组的 2个新组方 (分别为Ⅰ号、Ⅱ号、Ⅲ号组方 )的粉剂和提取液的平均抑菌率进行比较 ,筛选出最佳组合 ,然后与云南白药对照 ,并研究其最低抑菌浓度 (MIC)。结果 :Ⅰ号组方的提取液平均抑菌率明显高于其他组合和云南白药 ;且对标准菌株与耐药菌株均具有同样的抑菌效果 ;其MIC在62 5~2 5 g·L-1之间 ,而用于敷料浓度是MIC的 1 6~ 64倍。结论 :Ⅰ号组方的提取液剂型对创面常见感染菌有显著的抑菌效果 相似文献
目的探讨儿童药物不良反应(ADR)发生的规律和特点,为儿童临床合理、安全用药提供参考。方法收集本院2010年1月至12月ADR报告,对其中儿童ADR报告中涉及的患儿性别、年龄、药物剂型、给药途径、药品种类、累及的器官或系统及临床表现等进行分析。结果共收集519例ADR报告,其中儿童ADR报告136例(26.2%),男性患儿比例高于女性(66.2%vs.33.8%),6 mo~3岁患儿ADR发生率高(44.9%)。给药途径中静脉给药ADR发生率最高(94.9%),口服给药其次(4.4%)。共涉及药物31种,抗感染药物占91.9%,中药制剂占2.9%。ADR主要表现为皮肤及其附件损害(83.1%),其次为消化系统损害(8.1%)。结论儿童为ADR高发人群,应加强儿童ADR的监测工作。降低抗菌药物使用率、降低静脉给药的比例是当前减少儿童ADR的关键所在。 相似文献
抗菌药物在妇产科的预防性应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
李力 《中国新药与临床杂志》2004,23(12):890-892
在妇产科疾病中细菌性感染是常见的疾病 ,也是妇产科疾病死亡中的重要原因之一。治疗中抗菌药物滥用现象普遍 ,造成了病人的负担 ,耐药菌产生已向人们发出警示。因此 ,正确的选用抗菌药物已是每个临床医生急待解决的问题。合理使用抗菌药物应成为每个妇产科医生应当掌握的基本技能之一 相似文献