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煤烟型大气污染对儿童免疫功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究煤烟型大气污染对儿童免疫功能的影响 ,在煤烟型大气污染城市太原市的三个污染水平不同的研究区选取居住 3年以上 4 - 5年级的小学生测试T淋巴细胞亚群分类 (CD3+、CD4+、CD8+)、唾液溶菌酶含量和免疫球蛋白含量。结果发现小学生的唾液溶菌酶含量和免疫球蛋白 (IgG、IgA、IgM)均低于对照区 ,且有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5) ;T淋巴细胞亚群分类 (CD3+、CD4+、CD8+百分含量 )有同样的趋势 ,但差异不显著 (P >0 0 5)。结果表明太原市煤烟型大气污染对小学生的非特异性免疫、体液免疫产生一定的影响 ,对细胞免疫影响不显著  相似文献   

Human biomonitoring of nickel has gained interest in environmental medicine due to its wide distribution in the environment and its allergenic potential. There are indications that the prevalence of nickel sensitization in children is increased by nickel exposure and that oral uptake of nickel can exacerbate nickel dermatitis in nickel-sensitive individuals. Urinary nickel measurement is a good indicator of exposure. However, data on nickel levels in urine of children are rare. For the first time, the German Environmental Survey on children (GerES IV) 2003–2006 provided representative data to describe the internal nickel exposure of children aged 3–14 years in Germany. Nickel was measured after enrichment in the organic phase of urine by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman background correction. Nickel levels (n = 1576) ranged from <0.5 to 15 μg/l. Geometric mean was 1.26 μg/l. Multivariate regression analysis showed that gender, age, socio-economic status, being overweighted, consumption of hazelnut spread, nuts, cereals, chocolate and urinary creatinine were significant predictors for urinary nickel excretion of children who do not smoke. 20.2% of the variance could be explained by these variables. With a contribution of 13.8% the urinary creatinine concentration was the most important predictor. No influence of nickel intake via drinking water and second hand smoke exposure was observed.  相似文献   

目的 探讨合肥市大气PM2.5日均浓度对合肥市儿童门诊量的影响.方法 分别从合肥市气象局、合肥市环保局获得2014-2015年合肥市全年气象、环保资料,从合肥市滨湖医院、合肥市第二人民医院医院信息系统(HIS)获取同期儿童门诊资料.采用基于Poisson回归的广义相加模型(GAM)控制时间趋势、温度和相对湿度、星期几效应、法定节假日等因素进行PM2.5对儿童门诊量影响的时间序列分析,分析PM2.5浓度对当日、滞后1~7 d效应(lag0~lag7),以及移动平均浓度对滞后1~7 d的累积滞后效应(lag1~7).结果 2014-2015年合肥市PM2.5平均浓度为(73.1±43.5)μg/m3,是GB 3095-2012《环境空气质量标准》二级标准年均值(35 μg/m3)的2.1倍,2年共有267 d(占36.6%)的PM2.5日均浓度超过国家二级标准24 h均值(75 μg/m3).GAM模型发现PM2.5对合肥市滨湖医院、合肥市第二人民医院的儿科门诊均有显著影响,其中对总门诊量当日的影响最大,合肥滨湖医院、合肥市二院的ER分别为0.65%(95%CI:0.49%~0.81%)、0.92%(95%CI:0.70%~1.13%);对合肥滨湖医院儿童呼吸系统当日的门诊量影响最大[ER=0.78%(95%CI:0.58%~0.99%)],对合肥市二院儿童呼吸系统滞后2d门诊量影响最大[ER=0.90% (95%CI:0.63%~ 1.18%)].采用PM2.5移动平均浓度分析累积滞后效应时发现,PM2.5污染物对儿童的总门诊量和呼吸系统门诊量均有累积滞后效应,两医院的总门诊和呼吸系统门诊量均在累积滞后7 d (lag0~7)时ER最高,总门诊ER分别为1.60% (95%CI:1.32%~1.87%)、2.62%(95%CI:2.25%~3.00%),呼吸系统门诊ER分别为1.83%(95%CI:1.48%~2.19%)、3.19%(95%CI:2.7%~3.66%).未发现PM25浓度对儿童循环系统门诊量有显著影响.结论 2014-2015年空气污染对合肥地区儿童门诊量有显著影响,PM2.5浓度增加会导致儿童总门诊、儿童呼吸系统门诊的门诊量增加.  相似文献   

In children aged 7–9 years residing in the town of Chorzow (C) and in the town of Mikolow (M), located 30 km apart (Upper Silesia, the industrial part of Poland), respiratory symptoms were ascertained according to the parental answers to WHO-Questionnaire. Mean annual concentrations of air pollutants are higher in Chorzow than in Mikolow, and recent mean values of 24 hr measurements over November 1992–January 1993 confirmed the between-town gradient (p < 0.001) for particulates (C:166 g/m3; M:129 g/m3 SO2) (C:153 g/m3 M:92 g/m3) and NO2) (C:69 g/m3 M:26 g/m3) In Chorzow 24.8% (n = 1,142) and in Mikolow 25.6% (n = 480) of all eligible children aged 7–9 years were examined. Both groups (C and M) were similar in terms of sex, family history of asthma and cough lasting for 3 months (C:31.6%; M:32.3%). Frequency of the following respiratory symptoms statistically significantly (p < 0.05) differed between two groups: chest wheezing (C:21.4%; M:17.1%) and attacks of asthmatic dyspnea (C:10.3%; M:6.2%). Also, the diagnosis of asthma by physician was more prevalent in Chorzow (C:3.5%; M:1.3%; p < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that after controlling for family history of asthma, environmental tobacco smoke and housing condition, the place of residence (C versus M) was statistically significantly associated with attacks of asthmatic dyspnea (p < 0.05) and a borderline significance of this factor was found in relation to wheezing (p = 0.06) and physician-diagnosed asthma (p = 0.07). The survey provided the estimate of the prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms in children living in the most polluted urban area of Poland. Although the design of the study precludes more specific etiologic conclusions on environmental exposures the apparently higher prevalence of symptoms in children living in a more polluted town deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

目的 比较南宁市不同空气污染水平地区儿童肺功能的差异,探讨肺功能的影响相关因素。方法 按整群抽样方法,在南宁市青秀区和西乡塘区各选1所小学(A校和B校)3~4年级的儿童共537人作为研究对象,进行肺功能测试和问卷调查。结果 两区大气首要污染物都为PM2.5和PM10,青秀区A校周围大气中PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2年均浓度低于西乡塘区B校(P<0.05);控制年龄、身高、体重等因素后,青秀区A校女生FVC、FEV1.0、PEF、FEF25%~75%、FEF25%和FEF50%实测值均高于西乡塘区B校,A校男生FEV1.0实测值也高于B校,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);学校所在地区、房屋1年内购置大件家具、房屋3年内装修、房屋内饲养宠物和使用空气净化器是影响儿童肺功能的主要因素(P<0.05)。结论 南宁市空气污染与儿童肺功能下降有关,且女生较男生对空气污染物更敏感;室内空气质量也是影响儿童肺功能的重要因素,空气净化器的使用对儿童肺功能有保护作用。  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市大气污染对学龄儿童肺通气功能的影响。方法于2014年11—12月,采用随机整群抽样的方法抽取深圳市龙岗区和南山区各1所小学(A和B)3~5年级学生298人(龙岗区159人,南山区139人),进行肺功能检查和问卷调查。结果两区主要是大气污染物PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)和NO_2超过国家空气质量二级标准,位于南山区的B校周围PM_(10)、O_3-1h和SO_2平均浓度高于龙岗区的A校,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01);南山区儿童FEV1/FVC、FEF75%和FEF25%均低于龙岗区,在控制了年龄、性别、身高、体重等影响因素后,空气污染仍对以上肺功能指标具有显著影响(P0.01);南山区儿童小气道功能障碍发生率明显高于龙岗区(OR=3.744,P0.05),但肺通气功能障碍发生率并没有明显差异(OR=0.754,P0.05)。结论深圳市南山区儿童肺功能下降与大气污染有关,主要表现为小气道功能障碍,应继续加强对儿童肺功能的监测,并采取有效措施,保护儿童呼吸系统健康。  相似文献   

目的了解广西8~10岁儿童的尿碘水平。方法在广西新生儿疾病筛查中心管辖内的直接筛查先天性甲状腺功能减低症的协作市(县)中,抽取沿海地区(合浦县、防城区),平原地区(南宁市区、马山县、来宾市区),山区地区(天等县、贺州市区、昭平县、北流市区)共9个县(区)。选取调查地区的1所小学,于2014年1月,采集8~10岁学生的中段尿进行尿碘水平检测。结果共测定2 073名儿童,尿碘范围为20.57~929.30μg/L,尿碘中位数为175.32μg/L。男童的尿碘含量高于女童,差异有统计学意义(H=3.953,P0.01)。男童尿碘100μg/L的比例低于女童(χ2=12.621,P0.05),而200μg/L~的比例高于女童(χ2=6.018,P0.05),差异均有统计学意义。尿碘中位数最高为天等县(218.71μg/L),其次为北流市区(194.22μg/L),最低为合浦县(133.83μg/L)。结论广西9个县(区)8~10岁儿童碘营养状况大多数处于碘适宜水平。  相似文献   

Although traffic emits both air pollution and noise, studies jointly examining the effects of both of these exposures on blood pressure (BP) in children are scarce. We investigated associations between land-use regression modeled long-term traffic-related air pollution and BP in 2368 children aged 10 years from Germany (1454 from Munich and 914 from Wesel). We also studied this association with adjustment of long-term noise exposure (defined as day–evening–night noise indicator “Lden” and night noise indicator “Lnight”) in a subgroup of 605 children from Munich inner city. In the overall analysis including 2368 children, NO2, PM2.5 mass (particles with aerodynamic diameters below 2.5 μm), PM10 mass (particles with aerodynamic diameters below 10 μm) and PM2.5 absorbance were not associated with BP. When restricting the analysis to the subgroup of children with noise information (N = 605), a significant association between NO2 and diastolic BP was observed (−0.88 (95% confidence interval: −1.67, −0.08)). However, upon adjusting the models for noise exposure, only noise remained independently and significantly positively associated with diastolic BP. Diastolic BP increased by 0.50 (−0.03, 1.02), 0.59 (0.05, 1.13), 0.55 (0.03, 1.07), and 0.58 (0.05, 1.11) mmHg for every five decibel increase in Lden and by 0.59 (−0.05, 1.22), 0.69 (0.04, 1.33), 0.64 (0.02, 1.27), and 0.68 (0.05, 1.32) mmHg for every five decibel increase in Lnight, in different models of NO2, PM2.5 mass, PM10 mass and PM2.5 absorbance as the main exposure, respectively. In conclusion, air pollution was not consistently associated with BP with adjustment for noise, noise was independently and positively associated with BP in children.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to make a preliminary evaluation of blood lead levels in school-aged children from three towns of southwestern Sardinia, Portoscuso, S. Antioco and Calasetta, the first of which is very close to a large industrial complex. Blood lead concentration was determined in venous blood samples by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The survey revealed that children residing in the town of Portoscuso had higher mean blood lead levels (12.7 g/dl) than children of the same age residing in S. Antioco and Calasetta (8.3 and 8.4 g/ dl respectively) and that levels were slightly higher in males than in females. This difference is suggested to be a result of the greater fallout of industrial pollutants in the area of Portoscuso.Corresponding author.  相似文献   

In Asia, limited literature has been published on the association between daily mortality and ambient air pollution. We examined the associations of daily cause-specific mortality with daily mean concentrations of particulate matter (PM) with a mass median aerodynamic diameter less than 10 microm (PM(10)) in Wuhan, China using 4 years of data (2001-2004). There are approximately 4.5 million residents in Wuhan who live in the city core area of 201 km(2) where air pollution levels are higher and pollution ranges are wider than the majority of cities in the published literature. We use quasi-likelihood estimation within the context of the generalized additive models (GAMs) (natural spline (NS) models in R) to model the natural logarithm of the expected daily death counts as a function of the predictor variables. We found consistent PM(10) effects on mortality with the strongest effects on lag 0 day. Every 10 microg/m(3) increase in PM(10) daily concentration at lag 0 day was significantly associated with an increase in non-accidental (0.36%; 95% CI 0.19-0.53%), cardiovascular (0.51%; 95% CI 0.28-0.75%), stroke (0.44%; 95% CI 0.16-0.72%), cardiac (0.49%; 95% CI 0.08-0.89%), respiratory (0.71%; 95% CI 0.20-1.23%), and cardiopulmonary (0.46%; 95% CI 0.23-0.69%). In general, these effects were stronger among the elderly (65 years > or = 45 years) than among the young. The exploration of exposure-response relationships between PM(10) and cause-specific mortality suggests the appropriateness of assuming linear relationships, where the PM(10) concentration in Wuhan ranged from 24.8 to 477.8 microg/m(3). We conclude that there is consistent evidence of acute effects of PM(10) on cardiopulmonary mortality. A linear no threshold exposure-response relationship is suggested between PM(10) and the studied cause-specific mortality.  相似文献   

Exposure in welding of high nickel alloy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Nickel (Ni) levels in air during welding of high-Ni alloy (75% Ni) were very high (mean 0.44 mg/m3, range 0.07–1.1 mg/m3; 20 person-days of measurements). In six welders the Ni level in urine after four weeks of vacation was slightly but statistically significantly enhanced as compared to ten unexposed controls (means 8.7 vs 5.1 g/l; P<0.005). The level on Monday mornings increased somewhat during a period of six weeks of high-Ni alloy welding (mean 13 g/l; P < 0.05). The level was slightly higher Thursday afternoon (mean 18 g/l; P < 0.0001). The data indicate the existence of a very slow pool of Ni in the body in addition to a faster one. There was no correlation between Ni levels in air and urine. Thus, in spite of the very high Ni levels in air, urinary Ni levels were thus of little use for biological monitoring of exposure and risk during high-Ni alloy welding. All eleven welders studied reported one or more symptoms (irritation of upper airways, headache, tiredness) as occurring more often (P < 0.006) during high-Ni welding than when welding ordinary stainless steel. Lung-functions studies were normal.  相似文献   

目的 定量分析和评价北京市大气污染对新生儿早产、低出生体重及出生缺陷等不良妊娠结局的影响.方法 收集北京市海淀区妇幼保健院2007年7月-2009年7月分娩个案资料、同期北京市大气污染物二氧化硫(SO2)、二氧化氮(NO2)、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)及气象因素资料.采用多因素Logistic回归模型调整气象因素和妊娠期妇女个体信息的基础上,研究北京市大气污染物对不良妊娠结局的影响.结果 控制气象因素、孕妇分娩次数、年龄、胎儿性别、不良接触史等因素后,妊娠后第1个月SO2浓度每升高100μg/m3,对低出生体重的影响的OR值为1.50(95%CI:1.09~2.05);妊娠后前3个月、分娩前第1个月SO2浓度每升高100 μg/m3,对早产影响的OR值分别为1.50 (95%CI:1.04~2.18)和1.79(95%CI:1.30~2.46);分娩前第2个月PM10浓度每升高100 μg/m3,对早产的影响的OR值为1.45(95%CI:1.15~1.84);妊娠后3~8周内,NO2浓度每升高100 μg/m3,对出生缺陷的影响的OR值为2.85(95%CI:1.08~7.50).结论 本次调查的北京市妊娠期妇女在妊娠后期的大气PM10暴露浓度、妊娠早期的大气SO2暴露浓度与早产的发生存在统计学关联;妊娠3~8周时NO2暴露浓度与出生缺陷的发生存在统计学关联.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study examined the hypothesis that emotion and conduct problems (ECPs) may modify the relationships between ambient air pollutants and childhood asthma and eczema.MethodsIn the cross-sectional study, 4209 French schoolchildren (aged 10–12 years) were investigated between March 1999 and October 2000. Ambient air pollutants exposures were estimated with dispersion modeling. Health outcomes and ECPs were evaluated by validated questionnaires, completed by the parents. Marginal models were used to analyze the relationships of exposures to ambient air pollutants and/or ECPs to asthma phenotypes and current eczema, adjusting for potential confounders.ResultsIn our population, interactions were found between ECPs and exposures to ambient air pollutants (benzene, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter below 10 μm, volatile organic compounds) (P < .20). In addition, ECPs were related to current wheezing (adjusted prevalence odds ratio [aOR], 2.35; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.59–3.47), current doctor-diagnosed asthma (aOR, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.25–2.66), and current eczema (aOR, 2.21; 95% CI, 1.61–3.02). Children with ECPs had 1.17–1.51 times higher aORs for the associations between ambient air pollutants and asthma phenotypes and current eczema than those without ECPs.ConclusionsECPs may modify the relationships between ambient air pollutants and childhood asthma and eczema.  相似文献   

Negative associations between bone turnover markers and bone mineral density have been reported. In order to study the association between ambient air pollution and bone turnover markers, as indicators of bone loss, we investigated associations between land-use regression modeled air pollution (NO2, PM2.5 mass, PM2.5 – 10 [coarse particles], PM10 mass and PM2.5 absorbance) and bone turnover markers in 2264 children aged 10 years. Serum osteocalcin and C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (CTx), measured by Modular-System (Roche), were the two bone turnover markers considered in this analysis. In total population, NO2, PM2.5 – 10 and PM10 mass exposure were positively and significantly associated with both osteocalcin and CTx. A 2.5 (95% CI: 0.6, 4.4) ng/ml increase in osteocalcin and a 24.0 (95% CI: 6.7, 41.3) ng/L increase in CTx were observed per IQR (6.7 μg/m3) increase in NO2, independent of socioeconomic status, sex, age, pubertal status, fasting status and total physical activity. The estimated coefficients were 3.0 (95% CI: 0.1, 5.8) for osteocalcin and 32.3 (95% CI: 6.1, 58.5) for CTx with PM2.5 – 10; 3.2 (95% CI: 0.0, 6.4) for osteocalcin and 30.7 (95% CI: 1.7, 59.7) for CTx with PM10. Children living close to a major road (≤ 350 m) had higher levels of both osteocalcin (1.4 [−1.2, 4.0] ng/ml) and CTx (16.2 [−7.4, 39.8] ng/L). The adverse impact of ambient air pollution on bone turnover rates observed in one of the study areas showed stimulation of more such studies.  相似文献   

目的 采用生物信息学研究方法分析大气污染物对成人和儿童外周血基因表达谱的影响,为后期开展有针对性的预防、诊断及治疗提供理论依据。方法 从基因芯片公共数据库(gene expression omnibus,GEO)中下载一组来自不同大气污染暴露下成人和儿童外周血基因芯片数据,将此数据导入分析软件QOE、GenClip、GATHER等,分析基因表达谱、蛋白-蛋白相互作用网络、分子生物学过程及基因功能,寻找大气污染对成人和儿童影响的关键节点基因。结果 在暴露源相同的情况下,儿童和成人差异基因不同,成人靶基因主要与细胞增殖、染色体修饰、DNA代谢和染色体组织有关,而儿童靶基因主要与血小板活化、细胞信号传导、有机生理过程等有关。进一步分析发现,FIGNL1TUBB1TPST1SAMHD1基因为成人和儿童共同差异基因,这些基因主要与肿瘤的诱导及抑制有关。结论 不同程度污染对成人和儿童基因产生的影响不同,且在暴露源相同的情况下,儿童和成人差异基因亦不同,成人和儿童共同差异基因主要与肿瘤的诱导及抑制有关。  相似文献   

We investigated the short-term effects of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter <10 μg/m3 (PM10), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) on pediatric asthma emergency admissions in Athens, Greece over the period 2001–2004. We explored effect modification patterns by season, sex, age and by the presence of desert dust transported mainly from the Sahara area.We used daily time-series data provided by the children's hospitals and the fixed monitoring stations. The associations were investigated using Poisson regression models controlling for seasonality, weather, influenza episodes, day of the week and holiday effects.A 10 μg/m3 increase in PM10 was associated with a 2.54% increase (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.06%, 5.08%) in the number of pediatric asthma hospital admissions, while the same increase in SO2 was associated with a 5.98% (95% CI: 0.88%, 11.33%) increase. O3 was associated with a statistically significant increase in asthma admissions among older children in the summer. Our findings provide limited evidence of an association between NO2 exposure and asthma exacerbation. Statistically significant PM10 effects were higher during winter and during desert dust days, while SO2 effects occurred mainly during spring.Our study confirms previously reported PM10 effects on emergency hospital admissions for pediatric asthma and further provides evidence of stronger effects during desert dust days. We additionally report severe effects of SO2, even at today's low concentration levels.  相似文献   

Millions of people worldwide are affected by anthropogenic air pollution derived from the combustion of fossil fuels. In this work, we tested the effects of fetal, lactation and post-weaning ambient air pollution exposure on total homocysteine (tHcy) concentrations and on a downstream pathway element, the plasma cysteine (Cys) concentration. Two similar exposure chambers (polluted and filtered chamber) were located near an area with heavy traffic in São Paulo, Brazil, and male Swiss mice were housed there from the pre-natal period until 3 months of age. Groups during fetal, lactation and adult periods of exposure were apportioned, and tHcy and Cys plasma concentrations were assessed when the animals were 3 months old. In our study, both the tHcy and Cys concentrations were decreased in groups that spent their final stage of life in polluted chambers, suggesting recent alterations in tHcy and Cys concentrations due to air pollution exposure. The possible relationship of these data with cardiovascular dysfunction is still a matter of controversy in animals; nevertheless, epigenetic mechanisms emerge as a possible issue to consider in the investigation of the link between air pollution and Hcy measurement.  相似文献   

目的 了解太原市重工业造成的空气污染对儿童呼吸系统症状的急性影响,探讨儿童呼吸系统症状与空气污染的相关性.方法 于2008年7月1日-2009年6月30日以定群研究方法选择479名6~11岁儿童,通过填写小学生健康日志来记录每日呼吸系统症状.同时收集距学校1.5 km处空气监测点PM10、SO2、NO2、CO日均浓度.应用广义估计方程(GEE)建立空气污染与小学生呼吸系统症状的剂量反应关系,估计污染物危险度.结果 调整了个体水平的危险因素之后,SO2影响的估计值稳定.在滞后效应中,lag1~lag 3和lag 5危险度相对较高,SO2浓度每升高1个四分位数间距(63 μg/m3),儿童呼吸系统症状增加8%~17%.在累积效应中,危险度随累积天数的增加而上升,SO2浓度每升高1个四分位数间距,儿童呼吸系统症状增加25%~74%.累积效应大于滞后效应.调整了其他污染物的影响之后,SO2的危险度略有升高,分析结果仍有统计学意义.结论 大气SO2污染可能导致本次调查的小学生呼吸系统症状发生率上升.  相似文献   

Studies have suggested an association between maternal exposure to ambient air pollution and risk of congenital anomaly. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between exposure to black smoke (BS; particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter <4 μg/m3) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) during the first trimester of pregnancy and risk of congenital anomalies. We used a case-control study design among deliveries to mothers resident in the UK Northern health region during 1985-1990. Case data were ascertained from the population-based Northern Congenital Abnormality Survey and control data from national data on all births. Data on BS and SO2 from ambient air monitoring stations were used to average the total pollutant exposure during the first trimester of pregnancy over the daily readings from all monitors within 10 km of the mother's residence. Logistic regression models estimated the association via odds ratios. A significant but weak positive association was found between nervous system anomalies and BS (OR=1.10 per increase of 1000 μg/m3 total BS; 95% CI: 1.03, 1.18), but not with other anomaly subtypes. For SO2, a significant negative association was found with congenital heart disease combined and patent ductus arteriosus: OR significantly <1 for all quartiles relative to the first quartile. The relationship between SO2 levels and other anomaly subtypes was less clear cut: there were either no significant associations or a suggestion of a U-shaped relationship (OR significantly <1 for moderate compared to lowest levels, but not with high SO2 levels). Overall, maternal exposure to BS and SO2 in the Northern region had limited impact on congenital anomaly risk. Studies with detailed exposure assessment are needed to further investigate this relationship.  相似文献   



Air pollution exposure has been linked to adverse respiratory health outcomes among children, primarily in studies of acute exposures that are often in limited geographic areas. We sought to assess the association between chronic outdoor air pollution exposure, as measured by 12-month averages by county, and asthma among children in metropolitan areas across the nation.


Eligible children included those aged 3-17 years residing in US metropolitan areas who were sampled in the 2001-2004 National Health Interview Survey (N=34,073). 12-month average air pollutant levels for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and particulate matter were compiled by county for 2000-2004. Eligible children were linked to pollutant levels for the previous 12 months for their county of residence. Adjusted odds ratios of having current asthma or an asthma attack in the past 12 months were estimated in single pollutant logistic regression models.


Children in counties with ozone and, to a less consistent degree, particulate matter levels in the highest quartile were more likely to have current asthma and/or a recent asthma attack than children residing in counties with the lowest pollution levels; the adjusted odds for current asthma for the highest quartile of estimated ozone exposure was 1.56 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.15, 2.10) and for recent asthma attack 1.38 (95% CI: 0.99, 1.91). No associations were found with sulfur dioxide or nitrogen dioxide levels.


Although the current US standard for ozone is based on short-term exposure, this cross-sectional study suggests that chronic (12-month) exposure to ozone and particles is related to asthma outcomes among children in metropolitan areas throughout the US.  相似文献   

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