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气质对6—8月龄婴儿智力发展的影响   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
目的:本研究的目的是探讨气质对儿童智力发展的作用,为在我国开展儿童早期教育及高危儿童的医疗干预提供一些理论依据。方法:211名6~8月龄正常男女婴儿,男孩110名,女孩101名,平均月龄7.03±0.81;采用Carey气质问卷评定婴儿的气质,以贝利婴儿发展量表评价婴儿的智力和运动能力。结果:经方差分析显示,正性情绪占优势者比中等情绪或负性情绪占优势者智力发展更好,坚持度高和中等者比坚持度低的婴儿智力要好;回避新环境和坚持度低的婴儿运动能力发展较差;易于抚养气质婴儿的智力和运动能力均明显的比难于抚养气质及中间型气质婴儿的高;多元逐步回归分析显示,影响智力发展的主要因素是坚持度和趋避性,影响运动发展的主要因素是坚持度和反应阈值,表现为趋近新环境、坚持度高、反应阈值高有利于智力和运动能力的发展。结论:气质对儿童智力和运动的发展具有明显的作用,并且这种作用在婴儿期即已表现出来。  相似文献   

目的 调查HIV阳性母亲所生婴儿(HIV暴露婴儿)的HBV感染状况,间接评估该人群HBV疫苗免疫效果.方法 从我国HIV阳性母亲所生婴儿干血斑样本库中随机抽取106份HIV感染婴儿样本(HIV阳性组)、107份HIV未感染婴儿样本(HIV阴性组),采集100份HIV阴性母亲所生婴儿的全血制备成干血斑样本(HIV未暴露组).所有样本用Qiagen试剂盒进行HBV DNA检测.用Fisher精确概率法比较样本组间HBV感染率差异;HIV暴露组和我国1~4岁儿童HBV感染率的比较通过直接计算Poisson分布的累计概率进行假设检验.结果 HIV阳性组中HBV感染率是2.83%,阴性组和未暴露组中均未检测到HBV感染,三组间感染率差异无统计学意义.HIV暴露婴儿校正后HBV感染率为0.18%,不高于我国l~4岁儿童HBV感染率0.32%.结论 我国HIV暴露婴儿HBV感染率较低,HBV免疫策略实施效果良好,未受到HIV暴露的影响.  相似文献   

目的 比较新型抗精神病药物氯氮平、利培酮对精神病人的体重影响。方法 将52例分裂症病人随机分为氯氮平和利培酮组,各组26例,进行为期8周的临床观察。结果 氯氮平组体重明显增加,平均增加5.36kg,治疗前后差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论 氯氮平易导致病人体重增加,利培酮对体重的影响较轻。  相似文献   

目的:探讨1~4个月婴儿的气质特征及与家庭环境的关系.方法:抽取年龄为1~4个月的384名健康独生子女婴儿为研究对象,由父母填写小婴儿气质问卷及一般情况调查表.结果:①1~4个月婴儿中,男孩较女孩更易接近、反应阈更高、反应强度更小;②1~4个月婴儿气质特征与父母年龄、文化程度及母亲在孕期的心情等因素存在相关关系,而与家庭经济地位、居住面积等关系不明显.结论:1~4个月婴儿的某些气质特征存在性别差异.并且,1~4个月婴儿的某些气质特征与母孕期情绪状况、父母年龄等因素有关,而与家庭经济地位等关系不明显.  相似文献   

目的比较进行改良ECT(Modified Electric Convulsive Therapy简称MECT)治疗时能量百分比的选择是否存在性别差异。方法对2004年3月至2005年3月我院ECT室接受治疗的88例、656人次男性患者和73例,453人次女性患者进行比较。能量百分比从10%~100%,以5%能量百分比为一个能量百分比增加值。在每一能量百分比下将患者分成男女两组。进而根据衡量一次改良ECT是否发作完全的3项指标(①EEG endpoint;②SEI;③PSI)之2或2项以上再将患者分为完全组和不完全组两组。结果男、女患者在进行改良ECT治疗时能量百分比选择无差异。结论改良ECT治疗时若患者年龄和体重指数无统计学差异时,治疗能量百分比的选择无性别差异。  相似文献   

婴儿气质特点的跨文化比较研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
目的:比较中国与白种人四个月婴儿间气质特点的差异,以期为我国文化背景下的儿童身心潜能的开发提供科学依据。研究方法:被试步骤和分析方法均采用Kagan所设计的条件。结果:欧美白种婴儿和中国黄种婴儿之间,在刺激唤醒的两种水平和差异性上有明显差异,中国婴儿表现两种水平都较低而且样本本身内差异性较小;中国的婴儿活动量、哭闹和发声均比较少,而且对外界刺激不作强烈的情绪反应。结论:中国婴儿和欧美白种婴儿在一些行为特征上存在着差异,可能与某些先天气质特征有关。  相似文献   

抚触对婴儿生长发育影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为观察抚触对婴儿生长发育的影响,对50例新生儿生后24h进行抚触,每日2次,每次15m in;另选同期出生的新生儿50例作为对照组,42d时实验组新生儿头围、身长、体重较对照组增长较快,且两组有统计学意义。提示:抚触能促进新生儿生长发育。  相似文献   

用分子量为50kDa和400kDa的壳聚糖分别和[α-32P]dATP标记的质粒DNA,在不同的N/P比下,通过复凝聚方法形成基因纳米粒子。对形成的壳聚糖基因纳米粒子(Chitosan gene nanoparticle,CGN)进行表征,评价CGN体外细胞毒性,研究两种壳聚糖形成的基因纳米粒子被A10和K562细胞摄入的量和速度。结果表明:(1)随着壳聚糖分子量和N/P比的增大,形成的基因纳米粒子更易于进入细胞,同时显示纳米粒子的zeta电位与细胞摄入量之间存在关联性;(2)壳聚糖基因纳米粒子的毒性远远小于商品化的细胞转染试剂Lipofectamine2000。  相似文献   

目的:探讨婴儿痉挛脑电图的临床意义及变异类型。方法:结合临床分析80例婴儿痉挛患者的脑电图。结果:80例患儿的脑电图72例异常,其中典型高度节律紊乱39例(39/80),变异型高度节律紊乱32例(32/80),局限性异常5例(5/80),异常率占90%(72/80)。结论:脑电图对婴儿痉挛的诊断具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的对4个月婴儿左利手与右利手倾向进行鉴别研究。方法本文设计了一个婴儿触拿玩具的实验,通过观察婴儿习惯性使用右手与左手操作玩具的动作次数、效果,鉴别婴儿是左利手倾向还是右利手倾向。结果左手与右手分别触拿玩具的次数有显著性差异。结论在婴儿成长到120天左右可以鉴别出婴儿的左利手与右利手倾向。  相似文献   

With regard to the outcome of intensive neonatal care, one of the most important concerns in neonatology is the mortality rate of very low birth weight infants (VLBWI; birth weight < 1,500 g) and extremely low birth weight infants (ELBWI; birth weight < 1,000 g). The present study was conducted to analyze and compare the mortality of VLBWI and ELBWI and neonatal care among Korean, Japanese, and American newborns. In Korea, the survival rates of VLBWI have increased significantly; they were 31.8% in the early 1960s, 65.8% in the early 1990s, 77.5% in 2002, 84.7% in 2007, and 85.7% in 2009. The survival rates of ELBWI have also increased; they were 8.2% in the early 1960s, 37.4% in the early 1990s, 56.1% in 2002, 67.7% in 2007, and 71.8% in 2009. The survival rates of VLBWI and ELBWI have significantly improved over the past 50 yr in Korea. However, the Korean survival rates of VLBWI and ELBWI are still lower than for similar groups in Japan and the USA. To achieve better outcomes that reach the level of these countries, the organization of perinatal care centers, nationwide neonatal perinatal research networks, and regionalization are needed in Korea.  相似文献   

This study investigated the incidence of acquired cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in very low birth weight infants (VLBWI) given CMV seropositive blood, and sought to determine whether filtering and irradiation of blood products could help prevent CMV infection and the time required to clear passively-derived anti-CMV IgG among 80 VLBWI transfused with filtered-irradiated blood, 20 VLBWI transfused with nonfiltered- nonirradiated blood and 26 nontransfused VLBWI. CMV IgG and IgM values were obtained from all blood products prior to transfusions, and from VLBWI at birth until the infants became seronegative. Urine was obtained for CMV culture at birth and every 3-4 weeks until 12 weeks after the final transfusion. The incidence of CMV IgG seropositivity among the 126 infants at birth and the blood products given were 96% and 95%, respectively. The incidence of acquired CMV infection was 4/100 (4%) in the transfused group: 2/80 (2.5%) and 2/20 (10%) in the filtered-irradiated and nonfiltered-nonirradiated transfusion groups, respectively. Approximately 9-10 months elapsed to clear passively acquired CMV IgG. The irradiation and filtering of the blood products did not seem to decrease the transfusion-related CMV infection rate in Korea among VLBWI, however, further validation is recommended in a larger cohort of infants.  相似文献   

To obtain the low birth weight (LBW) rate, the very low birth weight (VLBW) rate, and gestational age (GA)-specific birth weight distribution based on a large population in Korea, we collected and analyzed the birth data of 108,486 live births with GA greater than 23 weeks for 1 yr from 1 January to 31 December 2001, from 75 hospitals and clinics located in Korea. These data included birth weight, GA, gender of the infants, delivery type, maternal age, and the presence of multiple pregnancy. The mean birth weight and GA of a crude population are 3,188 +/-518 g and 38.7+/-2.1 weeks, respectively. The LBW and the VLBW rates are 7.2% and 1.4%, respectively. The preterm birth rate (less than 37 completed weeks of gestation) is 8.4% and the very preterm birth rate (less than 32 completed weeks of gestation) is 0.7%. The mean birth weights for female infants, multiple births, and births delivered by cesarean section were lower than those for male, singletons, and births delivered vaginally. The risk of delivering LBW or VLBW infant was higher for the teenagers and the older women (aged 35 yr and more). We have also obtained the percentile distribution of GA-specific birth weight in infants over 23 weeks of gestation.  相似文献   

Glucagon, a putative satiety peptide, has decreased food intake and antibodies to glucagon have increased food intake when administered acutely. It may be hypothesized if rats were immunized against glucagon, antibodies would chronically sequester glucagon released during meals and food intake and weight gain would increase. Female Zucker obese (n = 16, BW = 160 +/- 5 g) and lean (n = 16, BW = 123 +/- 3 g) rats were immunized against pancreatic glucagon conjugated to BSA (GG-AB) or BSA alone (BSA-AB). Only GG-AB rats developed glucagon antibody titers (p less than 0.01). During a 16 week period average daily food intakes and body weight gains were decreased 5.0 (p less than 0.001) and 9.4% (p less than 0.001) respectively in GG-AB compared with BSA-AB rats. Free glucagon, measured by RIA using a pancreatic glucagon specific antibody, was decreased 60% at 8 weeks (130 vs. 322 pg/ml, p less than 0.001) and 33% at 16 weeks (206 vs. 307 pg/ml, p less than 0.02). However, total pancreatic glucagon (free and antibody-bound) was increased 226% (428 vs. 129 pg/ml, p less than 0.02) at 16 weeks. Thus, although sufficient antibody titers were developed in rats to sequester 76% of the free circulating glucagon from both pancreatic and gut sources, food intakes and body weight gains were decreased, likely as a consequence of an over-compensatory increase in total glucagon concentrations.  相似文献   

Total 36 reports on the mortality rates (MRs) of low birth weight infants (LBWI) and very LBWI (VLBWI) in Korea from the 1967 through 2001 were analyzed. We compared the changes in the MR by 5 and 10-yr interval. The MRs observed by 5-yr intervals from the early 1960s through the 1990s have drastically decreased. The MRs of LBWI are as follows: 23.1% and 23.6% in the 1960s, 17.3% and 16.8% in the 1970s, 14.1% and 14.4% in the 1980s, and 8.1% in the early 1990s. The MRs of VLBWI have also fallen and were reported as follows: 68.2% and 63.7% in the 1960s, 55.8% and 57.6% in the 1970s, 56.2% and 48.1% in the 1980s, 33.5% and 24.5% in the 1990s, and 11.7% in the early 2000s. In every 10-yr period, the MRs of LBWI have decreased from 23.4% in 1960, to 17.0% in 1970, to 14.2% in 1980, and to 8.1% in 1990. The MRs of VLBWI also have decreased from 66.2% in 1960, to 56.7% in 1970, to 50.8% in 1980, to 32.9% in 1990, and to 11.7% in 2000. The MR of LBWI and VLBWI has gone down remarkably due to improvements in neonatology in Korea as shown above.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare different fetal growth curves in twin pregnancies with severe placental insufficiency. A retrospective cross-sectional analysis of 47 twin pregnancies with absent or reverse end diastolic flow in the umbilical artery of one fetus was performed. Pregnancies with major fetal abnormalities, twin-twin transfusion or three or more fetuses were not included. The estimated fetal weight zeta-scores were calculated for both fetuses (abnormal Doppler and co-twin) according to the following criteria: Hadlock, Liao and Araújo. The abdominal circumference zeta-scores were calculated according to Hadlock, Liao, Araújo, Ong and Stirrup. The mean estimates of the zeta-score values were calculated using generalized estimating equation regression analysis.The mean gestational age at inclusion was 27.4±4.7 weeks. The fetal sex and the interaction Doppler findings × criteria correlated significantly with the zeta-score values (p<0.001 for both variables). The estimated fetal weight mean zeta-scores (standard error) according to each criteria were as follows: Hadlock - abnormal Doppler: -2.98 (0.18), co-twin: -1.16 (0.15); Liao - abnormal Doppler: -2.89 (0.24), co-twin: -0.58 (0.19); and Araújo - abnormal Doppler: -3.05 (0.29), co-twin: -0.75 (0.18). Values for abdominal circumference were as follows: Hadlock - abnormal Doppler: -3.14 (0.26), co-twin: -1.13 (0.19); Liao - abnormal Doppler: -2.63 (0.27), co-twin: -0.42 (0.19); Araújo - abnormal Doppler: -2.44 (0.22), co-twin: -0.71 (0.14); Ong - abnormal Doppler: -3.36 (0.34), co-twin: -1.48 (0.23); and Stirrup AD -- -2.36 (0.14), co-twin: -1.18 (0.10).Sex- and plurality-specific charts should be used in the evaluation of fetal growth in twin pregnancies with placental insufficiency.  相似文献   

Utilizing a totally implantable biotelemetry system, we have recorded normal physiological data simultaneously with behavior in 4 unrestrained M. nemestrina monkey infants, ages 24, 24, 26, and 35 weeks, living with their mothers in their social group. Circadian body temperature rhythms, waking EEG rhythms, sleep patterns, and heart rate measurements were obtained, and were correlated with behavior. Sleep stage values and body temperature circadian rhythms showed relatively little intersubject variability. Heart rate and EEG patterns were more individually characteristic of a given monkey infant. Using both physiological and behavioral data collected in this manner, a bio-behavioral developmental profile for the monkey infant can be constructed. By comparing the infants position with respect to normative physiological and behavioral developmental indices for its chronological age, infants showing bio-behavioral developmental retardation or acceleration in one or several areas can be identified, and the underlying mechanisms investigated. We believe this capability will greatly enhance the value of the infant monkey as an animal model system of value to psychiatry and the behavioral sciences.  相似文献   

TORCH感染的新生儿及小婴儿脑电图分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察被TORCH感染的新生儿及小婴儿的脑电图改变,以探讨病毒对小儿神经系统的损伤情况。方法:使用荧光聚合酶链反应技术检测41例病儿单纯疱疹病毒DNA,巨细胞病毒DNA,柯萨奇病毒RNA,对其中为阳性的病儿进行脑电图检查,比较检测结果。结果:感染柯萨奇病毒的患者脑电图异常率最低。感染巨细胞病毒的患者脑电图异常率最高,有神经系统体征的TORCH感染患儿脑电图异常率明显高于无神经系统体征者。结论:无论是否有神经系统体征,TORCH对患儿神经系统都有不同程度的损伤,脑电图的异常率与感染病毒的种类及患儿有无神经系统体征有关。  相似文献   

The deviations of daily weight, weekly length and head circumference from linear growth were analyzed in 87 very low birth weight infants. The deviations exhibited a highly significant polynomial oscillation not only for weight, but also for length and head circumference. The weight amplitudes were larger for males than for females. They were also larger in infants appropriate for gestational age than in small-for-date infants. The difference with trophicity may be related to the process of adjustment of catch-up in small-for-date infants. However, the mechanisms of these oscillatory deviations could also be explained by clinical events, method of feeding, or homeostatic regulation. Further studies are required to elucidate the role of the different factors. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 10:637–646, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Conflicting results on the influences of histologic chorioamnionitis (HC) on neonatal morbidities might be partly originated from using different definition of HC. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between HC and neonatal morbidities using definition of HC that reflects the site and extent of inflammation. This was a retrospective cohort study of 261 very low birth weight (VLBW) infants admitted at a tertiary academic center. Based on the site of inflammation, HC was categorized: any HC; amnionitis; funisitis; amnionitis+funisitis. The extent of inflammation in each site was reflected by sub-defining high grade (HG). The incidences of morbidities in infants with and without HC were compared. The bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) rate was significantly higher in infants with amnionitis and the severe retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) rate was significantly higher in infants with any HC and funisitis. After adjustment for both gestational age and birth weight, the respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) rate was significantly lower in infants with all categories of HC except for HG amnionitis and HG funisitis, which are not associated with lower RDS rate. HG amnionitis was significantly associated with increased BPD rate but the association of HC with severe ROP disappeared. In conclusion, HC is significantly associated with decreased RDS and HG amnionitis with increased BPD while lacking association with other neonatal morbidities in VLBW infants. The association with HC and neonatal morbidities differs by the site and extent of chorioamnionitis.

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