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目的回顾性分析Tile C型骨盆骨折患者死亡相关的危险因素。方法 2010年1月至2014年12月我院收治的Tile C型骨盆骨折患者139例,收集资料包括术前一般情况、伤后就诊时间、休克指数、各类创伤评分、最低氧合指数、伤后6h乳酸清除率等,采用多因素Logistic回归分析死亡相关危险因素。结果入院后死亡41例(29.5%),其中入院后48h内死亡36例(25.9%)。多因素回归分析显示,休克指数2(OR=2.591,95%CI 1.041~4.216)、损伤严重程度评分(ISS)≥25分(OR=47.96,95%CI 15.89~147.23)、改良创伤评分(RTS)≤8分(OR=6.917,95%CI 1.147-13.862)、格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)9分(OR=4.172,95%CI 2.962~6.268)、最低氧合指数200(OR=117.016,95%CI 51.011~176.032)、伤后6h乳酸清除率10%(OR=2.785,95%CI 1.191~4.892),以及合并头部损伤(OR=6.302,95%CI 2.270~13.175)或胸部损伤(OR=12.233,95%CI 5.193~33.985)是骨盆骨折患者死亡相关危险因素(P0.01)。早期行血管栓塞治疗有助于降低死亡风险(OR=0.887,95%CI 0.875~0.899)。结论创伤评分高,出现严重休克、昏迷、氧合指数下降和6h乳酸清除率降低,合并头部和胸部损伤是导致Tile C型骨盆骨折患者死亡的危险因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨伴会阴部损伤的开放性骨盆骨折治疗方法及疗效。方法 2000年8月-2010年7月,收治16例伴会阴部损伤的开放性骨盆骨折患者。男12例,女4例;年龄17~69岁,平均41岁。致伤原因:交通事故伤9例,高处坠落伤6例,重物砸伤1例。受伤至入院时间为5~20 min,平均8 min。骨盆骨折按照Tile分型标准:A型2例,B型6例,C型8例。创面范围5 cm×3 cm~15 cm×12 cm。会阴部损伤部位:腹膜内直肠损伤2例,腹膜外直肠肛管损伤14例。按创伤严重度评分标准(injury severity score,ISS)评分为25~48分,平均29分。入院后按创伤骨折流程急救处理,主要包括急救复苏、结肠造瘘、外固定架固定、创面多次清创、冲洗、持续封闭式负压引流技术(vacuum sealingdrainage,VSD)。结果入院4 d内死亡5例,其中3例死于失血性休克,2例死于多器官功能衰竭。余11例存活患者均获随访,随访时间6~46个月,平均14个月。X线片检查示骨盆骨折于术后2~4个月达骨性愈合。术后会阴部损伤创面均有不同程度感染,经扩创、VSD治疗后,其中10例创面直接拉拢缝合后Ⅱ期愈合,1例行股薄肌皮瓣移位修复后愈合。直肠肛管损伤患者随访期间无失禁表现。结论对于伴会阴部损伤的开放性骨盆骨折,应早期积极抗休克、保护重要脏器功能、处理合并症,后期抗感染、恢复骨盆环稳定性、修复重建直肠肛管及尿道功能,以获得较好疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨骨盆骨折患者死亡的相关危险因素。方法回顾性分析2013年1月至2018年1月我院收治的骨盆骨折患者的临床资料,包括患者的年龄、性别、住院天数、生命体征、损伤严重程度评分(injury severity scale,ISS)、格拉斯哥昏迷评分(Glasgow coma scale,GCS)、受伤到入院的时间、骨盆骨折的分型、合并损伤的伤情、行血管栓塞治疗及骨折固定的手术治疗情况,运用Logistic回归分析的方法探讨影响骨盆骨折患者死亡的危险因素。结果共纳入356例骨盆骨折患者,其中死亡47例,死亡率13.2%,Logistic回归分析显示:休克指数2(OR=23.246,CI:11.732~76.758)、最低氧合指数200(OR=37.926,CI:18.347~87.237)、在24h内输血(OR=3.236,CI:1.232~10.356)、ISS≥25分(OR=85.116,CI:35.011~115.326)、GCS9分(OR=15.231,CI:5.785~26.234)、合并头部损伤(OR=12.322,CI:6.143~29.579)、合并腹部损伤(OR=6.213,CI:2.260~15.237)、合并会阴部损伤(OR=1.314,CI:1.072~4.213)、合并脊柱损伤(OR=4.526,CI:1.127~16.349)、合并四肢损伤(OR=8.012,CI:2.104~32.768)、骨盆开放性骨折(OR=12.359,CI:3.273~41.786)、Tile分型的构成比(OR=2.783,CI:1.126~5.382)和Tile C型(OR=6.917,CI:1.245~13.627)是骨盆骨折患者死亡的危险因素。结论患者创伤重、24h内输血和出现休克、昏迷,合并头部、腹部、会阴、脊柱及四肢损伤是骨盆骨折患者死亡的危险因素。  相似文献   

伴有直肠肛管损伤的开放性骨盆骨折的治疗   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 探讨伴有直肠肛管损伤的开放性骨盆骨折的治疗. 方法 1998年10月至2008年10月共收治35例开放性骨盆骨折患者,其中19例伴有直肠肛管损伤,对此19例患者的资料进行回顾性分析.骨折按Tile方法 分类:A型1例,B型5例,C型13例.直肠肛管损伤部位:腹膜内直肠损伤3例,腹膜外直肠损伤11例,肛管损伤5例.患者入院后,临床治疗按四步流程开展:①急救复苏:抢救生命和控制出血,②结肠造瘘与清创,③骨盆骨折的治疗,④后期创面的处理. 结果 19例患者均存活,并获得12~48个月(平均18个月)随访.直肠肛管损伤治疗结果 按Hiltunen标准进行评价:18例治愈(无失禁及部分失禁),1例出现医源性狭窄后经扩肛治疗改善.骨盆骨折按Majeed疗效评价:优3例,良11例,可4例,差1例,优良率为73.7%.创面愈合:18例创面Ⅰ期愈合或Ⅱ期经过植皮及转移皮瓣修复后愈合,其中1例创面有不同程度感染,经换药、引流及加强抗炎后愈合;1例创面损伤及感染严重,行右股骨中上段截肢、转移皮瓣覆盖会阴创面及双侧睾丸移位置于腹部皮下,加强换药后好转,留待Ⅱ期整形处理. 结论 对于伴有直肠肛管损伤的开放性骨盆骨折,通过术前准确的评估,结合伤情的演变规律,分阶段按照止血与液体复苏、骨科损伤控制、多学科联合、复合固定技术、感染控制等一系列原则序贯而针对性地进行处理,患者可存活,并能取得较满意的效果.  相似文献   

目的 探讨伴有会阴部损伤的开放性骨盆骨折的治疗方法.方法 16例伴有会阴部损伤开放性骨盆骨折入院后按创伤骨折流程急救处理,主要包括急救复苏、结肠造瘘、外固定架固定、创面多次清创、冲洗、真空负压封闭引流(VSD)、创面闭合或皮瓣移植.结果 5例在入院后数小时内死亡.11例存活,存活组获平均14个月(6~46个月)随访,所有伤口均愈合.结论 对于伴有会阴部损伤的开放性骨盆骨折积极抗感染,伤口多次扩创,真空负压封闭引流,重建骨盆环的稳定、直肠肛管、尿道功能,是取得较满意效果的保证.  相似文献   

 目的 总结转流性结肠造瘘在骨盆骨折合并会阴部损伤中的应用效果。方法 2005年 4 月至 2011年 4月, 治疗 27例骨盆骨折合并会阴部损伤患者, 男 23例, 女 4例;年龄 16~62岁, 平均 32.9岁;交通伤 19例, 高处坠落伤 4例, 挤压伤 2例, 重物砸伤 2例。骨盆骨折按 Tile分型: A型 4例, B 型 10例, C型 13例。采用骨盆外固定支架固定, 稳定血流动力学, 选择性应用转流性结肠造瘘及骨折复 位固定术进行治疗。应用 Fisher精确概率法对早期(伤后48h内)和非早期(损伤超过 48h或未造瘘) 行转流性结肠造瘘术患者的感染率进行比较。结果 24例患者存活, 3例死亡, 死亡率为 11%。存活的 24例患者均获得随访, 随访时间 4~42个月, 平均 10.9个月。 13例早期行结肠造瘘患者均未发生感染。 11例非早期行结肠造瘘患者中, 4例发生感染。早期行转流性结肠造瘘术患者的感染率显著低于非早 期患者, 两者比较差异有统计学意义。结论 骨盆骨折合并会阴部损伤早期急救重点为稳定血流动力学、选择性应用转流性结肠造瘘及早期骨盆固定。对于累及直肠、肛管的会阴部损伤或虽不累及直肠、 肛管但软组织损伤广泛的会阴部损伤均应行转流性结肠造瘘术。伤后 48h内行转流性结肠造瘘, 不但可有效降低感染率, 而且对保持患者良好营养状态、节省医疗开支及降低医护人员工作量有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨开放性骨盆骨折的治疗对策,评价其疗效。方法回顾性分析1998年1月至2008年10月我院收治的42例开放性骨盆骨折病例资料。男23例,女19例;年龄7~73岁,平均45.5岁。致伤原因:车祸伤24例,压砸伤10例,高处坠落伤8例;并发休克27例。按Tile分型:A型3例,B型9例,C型30例。软组织损伤按Gustilo-Anderson分类:Ⅰ类3例,Ⅱ类7例,Ⅲ类32例。骨盆周围皮肤软组织损伤部位:髂前上棘3例,腹股沟区5例,臀骶部5例,腰背、臀骶及大腿根部严重大面积皮肤撕脱1例。伴发其他系统损伤:颅脑损伤5例,胸部和肺部损伤7例,胃破裂2例,脾破裂3例,卵巢破裂1例,腹膜后血肿5例,空回肠破裂5例,直肠乙状结肠损伤7例,泌尿系统挫裂伤23例,会阴挫裂伤19例。运动系统其他合并损伤:坐骨神经损伤3例,股神经损伤2例,骶丛损伤6例,腰椎骨折伴脊髓损伤4例,股骨头骨折2例,股骨颈骨折2例,转子下骨折3例,股骨干骨折6例,胫骨平台骨折4例,胫腓骨骨折8例,胫骨远端骨折1例,内外踝骨折2例,桡骨远端骨折3例。ISS评分9~58分,平均31.5分。结果治愈37例,死亡5例。42例患者中,骨盆骨折以外组织的损伤数量为123处,是骨盆骨折的2.9倍,其中泌尿系统挫裂伤占54.8%,会阴损伤占45.2%,肠道损伤率占28.6%。剖腹探查率42.9%,初期乙状结肠造瘘率26%,延期乙状结肠造瘘率23%。本组死亡率为11.9%,死亡组平均ISS评分为41.5分,且骨折类型均为Tile C型。存活组平均ISS评分为28.2分。骨盆骨折采用外固定支架固定29例,单纯内固定9例,未同定4例。42例开放性骨盆骨折的创面平均手术3.1次,5例出现深部感染,其中1例为会阴、肛周撕裂伤,受粪便污染而导致创面感染形成深部脓肿,经多次清创和乙状结肠造瘘而治愈。3例为内固定术后感染,其中2例形成窦道,经久不愈,最终去除内固定而愈合;另1例术后出现严重感染,因败血症而死亡。1例为剖?  相似文献   

骨盆骨折合并直肠肛管损伤的诊治   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目的探讨提高骨盆骨折合并直肠肛管损伤的救治水平。方法回顾性总结1966~1996年骨盆骨折合并直肠肛管损伤16例,采用转流性结肠造瘘与骶前引流;对合并大出血休克的病人8例在抗休克治疗的同时,早期开腹手术,结扎髂内动脉,填塞止血。结果本组治愈13例;死亡3例,其中死于多器官衰竭(MSOF)2例,死于败血症1例。结论正确的早期诊断和有效的早期治疗是提高骨盆骨折合并直肠肛管损伤疗效的关键  相似文献   

直肠肛管损伤的诊治原则   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
直肠位于盆腔内的骶前凹 ,有骨盆保护 ,故损伤机会较少。骨盆骨折并发直肠损伤 ;瞬间暴力挤压腹部可致直肠破裂 ,这种闭合性直肠损伤易被忽视。会阴部、臀部开放性损伤易伤及直肠、肛管。医源性的乙状结肠镜检查、纤维结肠镜检查时活检及电切息肉等均可造成直肠损伤。直肠肛管损伤占腹部外伤的 0 .5 %~ 5 .5 % ,而直肠肛管损伤的合并伤约为 5 6 .2 %~ 79.6 % ,常见的为骨盆骨折、尿道损伤及大出血等。延误诊断和处理不当的早期并发症可继发全身脓毒败血症而导致死亡。其晚期并发症为难以治愈的瘘管、肛门狭窄、大便失禁等。腹膜返折以上的…  相似文献   

[目的]探讨不稳定型骨盆骨折的早期救治和二期手术治疗经验.[方法]回顾性分析总结2006年7月~ 2009年12月救治的21例不稳定型骨盆骨折的临床资料.平均年龄37岁(19~58岁);男13例,女8例;平均创伤严重性评分(ISS)为34分(16 ~59分);按照Tile分型:B型16例(B1型7例,B2型6例,B3型3例),C型5例;17例患者合并其他部位损伤.一期行稳定骨盆、抗休克、处理合并伤等,待生命体征稳定后行切开复位内固定治疗.术后通过Majeed量表评估患者功能愈后.[结果]本组病例平均随访27个月(16~ 42个月).平均手术时间为195 min (60~510 min);平均输血量为700 ml (400 ~1 800 ml);平均骨折愈合时间为13周(11 ~ 17周);平均Majeed评分为84.3分(62 ~ 100分),其中优10例,良9例,中2例,优良率为90.4%.有1例存在明显步态异常,1例存在马蹄足畸形,均为神经损伤患者.[结论]不稳定型骨盆骨折的合理术前急救处理非常重要,对于此类损伤,应及时稳定骨盆骨折并处理合并伤,在合适的手术时机二期行切开复位内固定治疗,多可获得满意的疗效.  相似文献   

Dong JL  Zhou DS 《Injury》2011,42(10):1003-1007


Open pelvic fractures occur uncommonly. Despite serious sequelae, they have been infrequently reviewed.


We conducted a retrospective review of all patients with open pelvic fractures in our department from January 2001 to April 2010.


Forty-one patients (32 men, 9 women) with these injuries were identified. The average Injury Severity Score (ISS) was 31.4, with 80% of patients having a score ≥16. The average blood transfusion in the first 24 h was 17.2 units, and the average hospital stay was 60 days. Overall mortality was 24%(n = 10): 3 early deaths and 7 late deaths. Factors associated with overall mortality by univariate analysis were ISS, RTS, GCS, age, pelvic sepsis, Gustilo classification of soft-tissue injury, and Young classification of bony fracture. Factors associated with late mortality by univariate analysis were: ISS, RTS, pelvic sepsis, Gustilo classification of soft-tissue injury, and blood transfusion in the first 24 h. Moreover, multivariate analysis showed that only RTS was independently associated with both overall and late mortality.


Despite treatment advances, mortality rates remain high in patients with open pelvic fractures. The urogenital and/or intra-abdominal injuries are not associated with mortality. RTS ≤ 8 might be a predictor of poor outcome in open pelvic fractures patients. Open reduction and internal fixation might be used in those unstable pelvic fractures without gross contamination in the fracture region after extensive cleansing and lavage. More emphasis needs to be placed on this injury complex.  相似文献   

Fractures of the skeletally immature pelvis are relatively rare. We performed a retrospective analysis of 10 years experience of paediatric pelvic fractures in patients admitted a Level 1 Trauma Centre in London.All patients evacuated to the Royal London Hospital by the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) were entered on a comprehensive trauma database. This contains data about the time, date and mechanism of injury; nature of the injuries sustained; Injury Severity Score (ISS), Revised Trauma Score (RTS) and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS).Patients were studied to obtain the following information in addition to that available from the trauma database: management of the pelvic fracture, length of stay in the intensive care unit and on the ward, and clinical outcome.Pelvic fractures were classified as open type or closed type and stable or unstable type in the database. 44 patients with pelvic fracture were admitted via HEMS in 10 years and seven patients died in that group. The mean age was 11.4 (range 6-16) and 28 male and 16 female patients. Commonest mechanism of injury was pedestrian hit by the car and predominantly stable type of injury was found in skeletally immature pelvis.Commonest associated injury was long bone fracture followed by head injury.ISS, GCS and RTS were significantly (p < 0.05) altered in the non-survivors compared to the surviving group. All patients save one were treated conservatively allowing gradual mobilisation.In conclusion, pelvic fractures in children may themselves have a good long term outcome with conservative management, but they are an indicator of serious other bodily injuries which carry a high mortality.  相似文献   

骨盆骨折Tile分类与患者早期输血量之间的关系   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
目的:研究骨盆骨折Tile分类与患者输血量之间的关系,便于对骨折患者的输血量进行预测,指导临床早期对血流动力学不稳患者的救治,减少死亡率。方法:回顾性研究5年间我院收治的97例骨盆骨折患者(平均年龄40.7岁)输血量、ISS评分、伴发损伤、住院时间、死亡率等与骨折不同分类之间的关系。结果:3型骨折患者骨折的严重程度与输血量、ISS、死亡率等,各组之间具统计学显著性差异。患者平均输血量为912ml,其中C组平均输血2200ml。ISS评分平均为18.4,其中C组为28.7。死亡率平均为5.2%,C组平均为19.0%。并且骨折的3组分类的伴发损伤之间也有统计学上差别。结论:Tile骨折分类方法能对骨盆骨折患者输血量有一定的预测价值。骨折类型越严重,患者早期复苏时的输血量就越多,伴发胸腹部损伤的机会和ISS评分也增加。  相似文献   

Introduction: Open pelvic fractures are commonly associated with life-threatening, uncontrollable haemorrhages. Although management methods for pelvic injury-associated haemorrhage have been established, the early mortality rate associated with open pelvic fractures remains high. This study aimed to identify predictors of mortality and effective treatment methods for open pelvic fractures.Methods: We defined open pelvic fractures as pelvic fractures with an open wound directly connected to the adjacent soft tissue, genitals, perineum, or anorectal structures, resulting in soft tissue injuries. This study was performed on trauma patients (age ≥15 years) injured by a blunt mechanism between 2011 and 2021 at a single trauma centre. We collected and analysed the data on the Injury Severity Score (ISS), the Revised Trauma Score (RTS), the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS), length of hospital stay, length of intensive care unit stay, transfusion, preperitoneal pelvic packing (PPP), resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA), therapeutic angio-embolisation, laparotomy, faecal diversion, and mortality.ResultsForty-seven patients with blunt open pelvic fractures were included. The median age was 45 years (interquartile range, 27–57 years) and median ISS was 34 (24–43). The most frequently performed treatment methods were laparotomy (53%) and pelvic binder (53%), followed by faecal diversion (40%) and PPP (38%). PPP was the only method performed at a higher rate in the survival group for haemorrhagic control (41% vs. 30%). Haemorrhagic mortality was present in one case that received PPP. The overall mortality was 21%. In the univariate logistic regression analysis, initial systolic blood pressure (SBP), TRISS, RTS, packed red blood cell transfusion for the first 24 h, and base excess showed statistical significance (p<0.05). In the multivariate logistic regression model, initial SBP was identified as an independent risk factor for mortality (odds ratio, 0.943; 95% confidence interval, 0.907–0.980; p = 0.003).ConclusionA low initial SPB may be an independent predictor of mortality in patients with open pelvic fractures. Our findings suggest that PPP might be a feasible method to decrease haemorrhagic mortality from open pelvic fractures, especially for haemodynamically unstable patients with low initial SBP. Further studies are required to validate these clinical findings.  相似文献   

In order to identify the prognostic factors and to evaluate the impact of associated injuries in the outcome of patients with pelvic fractures, a retrospective review of the medical records of patients admitted with a pelvic fracture during a 42-month period was carried out. Demographic data, the mechanism of injury, the physiologic status on admission, associated injuries, pelvic fracture classification, complications and mortality were analysed. One hundred and three patients were included in the study. Fifty-nine were male, and the mean age was 34. The mean Revised Trauma Score (RTS) and Injury Severity Score (ISS) were 7.1 and 20, respectively. Pedestrian vs vehicle (59%), was the most frequent mechanism of injury. Twenty patients died (19%) most frequently due to "shock". Complications developed in 37 patients (36%), pneumonia being the most frequent. Age greater than 40 years (p=0.02), "shock" upon admission (p=0.002), a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)<9, Head AIS>2 (p<0. 001), Chest AIS>2 (p=0.007), and abdominal AIS>2 (p=0.03) all correlated with increased mortality. No correlation between pelvic fracture classification or fracture stability with mortality was observed. The outcome of patients with pelvic fractures due to blunt trauma correlates with the severity of associated injuries and physiological derangement on admission rather than with characteristics of or the type of fracture.  相似文献   

BackgroundOpen pelvic fractures remain challenging in terms of their management. The purpose of this narrative review was to evaluate the latest advances made in the management of these injuries and report on their clinical outcome.Patients and methodsA literature review was undertaken focusing on studies that have been published on the management of open pelvic fractures between January 2005 and November 2019. Information extracted from each article include demographics, mechanism of injury, injury severity score (ISS), classification of pelvic ring fracture, classification of open soft tissue, specific injury zone classification, number of cases with hemodynamic instability, number of cases that received blood transfusions, amount of packed red blood cells transfused during the first 24 h, number of cases with anorectal trauma, urogenital injury, number of fecal diversional colostomies and laparotomies, angiographies and embolization, preperitoneal pelvic packings, length of stay in intensive care unit (ICU) and in hospital, and mortality.ResultsFifteen articles with 646 cases formed the basis of this review. The majority of patients were male adults (74.9%). The mean age was 35.1 years. The main mechanism of injury was road traffic accidents, accounting for 67.1% of the injuries. The mean ISS was 26.8. A mean of 13.5 units of PRBCs were administered the first 24 h. During the whole hospital stay, 79.3% of the patients required blood transfusions. Angiography and pelvic packing were performed in a range of 3%-44% and 13.3%-100% respectively. Unstable types of pelvic injuries were the majority (72%), whilst 32.7% of the cases were associated with anorectal trauma, and 32.6% presented with urogenital injuries. Bladder ruptures were the most reported urogenital injury. Fecal diversional colostomy was performed in 37.4% of the cases. The mean length of ICU stay was 12.5 days and the mean length of hospital stay was 53.0 days. The mean mortality rate was 23.7%.ConclusionMortality following open pelvic fracture remains high despite the evolution of trauma management the last 2 decades. Sufficient blood transfusion, bleeding control, treatments of associated injuries, fracture fixation and soft tissue management remain essential for the reduction of mortality and improved outcomes.  相似文献   

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