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Limbic seizures lead to dramatic and specific modulation of mRNA levels for many genes in the hippocampus including immediate early, growth factor and neuropeptide genes. In the present study, the influence of hilus lesion (HL)-induced seizures on the abundance of mRNA coding for cyclophilin, a peptide prolyl isomerase, in rat hippocampus was analyzed. By nuclease protection analysis a significant increase in cyclophilin mRNA levels was observed in the hippocampal dentate gyrus/CA1 subfield following HL-induced seizures. The increase began 6 h post-HL, reached a maximum (2.5-fold) at 12 h post-HL and returned to control values by 48 h post-HL. Cyclophilin mRNA levels remained stable in the cerebral cortex throughout the same seizure and post-seizure activity time span.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins may have a neuroprotective role and are probably involved in the control of axonal sprouting and synaptic plasticity. An antibody raised against a pro-sequence of nerve growth factor (NGF) was tested. In control undisturbed rats, a strong immunoreactivity was detected in scattered cells in and around the pyramidal and granule cell layer of the hippocampus and a moderate labeling was found in the reticular thalamic nucleus. In situ hybridization showed specific expression of NGF mRNA in a similar population of scattered cells in the hippocampal formation but not in the reticular thalamic nucleus. Acute epileptic seizures, induced by a convulsive dose of 50 mg/kg pentylenetetrazol (PTZ), strongly in creased NGF mRNA in neurons of the granular layer of the dentate gyrus 3 hr but not 6 hr after the injection. No change in pro-NGF-like immunoreactivity was observed in the hippocampus or reticular thalamic nucleus after acute seizures. Chemical kindling was induced by daily injections of subconvulsive doses (30 mg/kg) of PTZ for 4 weeks. This treatment significantly increased pro-NGF-like immunoreactivity in the reticular thalamic nucleus but did not affect NGF mRNA. These data strengthen a role for the reticular thalamic nucleus and NGF in PTZ kindling. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Kindling is a model of temporal lobe epilepsy in which repeated electrical stimulations in limbic areas lead to progressive increase of seizure susceptibility, culminating in generalized convulsions and the establishment of a permanent epileptic syndrome. We studied here the effect of stimulations in the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) on the development of seizures and hippocampal hyperexcitability in kindling elicited from the ventral hippocampus in rats. Animals given 12 kindling stimulations per day with 30-min intervals for 4 consecutive days developed generalized convulsions on day 4. Stimulations in TRN delivered simultaneously with those in the hippocampus induced marked suppression of seizure generalization. Similarly, the number of generalized seizures and the duration of behavioral convulsions were reduced when rats subjected to 40 kindling stimulations with 5-min intervals during about 3 h were costimulated in the TRN. The anticonvulsant effect of TRN costimulation was detected also when rats were test-stimulated in the hippocampus at 24 h and 2 and 4 weeks after the initial 40 hippocampal stimulations. Our data provide the first evidence that TRN stimulations can act to suppress limbic motor seizures in hippocampal kindling and suggest a new approach for seizure control in temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Mapping experiments were carried out to establish the somatotopic organization of the somatosensory part of the thalamic reticular nucleus (TR) of the rat. Different parts of the body were found to project somatotopically onto the S-TR. The rostral-to-caudal and the dorsal-to-ventral axes in the body parts were transformed into the ventral-to-dorsal and the caudal-to-rostral axes in the S-TR, respectively. The head and face occupied about two thirds of the S-TR, distributing in the ventral half and in the dorsocaudal part. Particularly a large area of the S-TR was devoted to the vibrissae, nose (rhinarium) and lip. The trunk was projected to a small area of the dorsal part. The projections of the hind- and forelimb were mainly in the dorsal part, the former being placed above the latter.  相似文献   

Background: The thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) is a shell-shaped gamma amino butyric acid (GABA)ergic nucleus, which is uniquely placed between the thalamus and the cortex, because it receives excitatory afferents from both cortical and thalamic neurons and sends inhibitory projections to all nuclei of the dorsal thalamus. Method: A review of the evidence suggesting that the TRN is implicated in the neurobiology of schizophrenia. Results: TRN-thalamus circuits are implicated in bottom-up as well as top-down processing. TRN projections to nonspecific nuclei of the dorsal thalamus mediate top-down processes, including attentional modulation, which are initiated by cortical afferents to the TRN. TRN-thalamus circuits are also involved in bottom-up activities, including sensory gating and the transfer to the cortex of sleep spindles. Intriguingly, deficits in attention and sensory gating have been consistently found in schizophrenics, including first-break and chronic patients. Furthermore, high-density electroencephalographic studies have revealed a marked reduction in sleep spindles in schizophrenics. Conclusion: On the basis of our current knowledge on the molecular and anatomo-functional properties of the TRN, we suggest that this thalamic GABAergic nucleus may be involved in the neurobiology of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

To understand better how the brainstem may influence thalamocortical activity, we have examined the projection patterns of different brainstem nuclei to the thalamic reticular nucleus. Iontophoretic injections of biotinylated dextran were made into various nuclei of the brainstem (superior colliculus, periaqueductal grey matter, parabrachial nucleus, pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and locus coeruleus) of Sprague-Dawley rats by using stereotaxic coordinates. Our results show that afferents from each brainstem nucleus make distinct zones within the reticular nucleus. For example, the superior colliculus projects largely to the dorsal parts of the reticular nucleus, whereas the pedunculopontine nucleus projects to the ventral parts of the reticular nucleus. The substantia nigra, on the other hand, projects to the ventrolateral edge of the reticular nucleus. We also examined the distribution of these brainstem afferents within the dorsal thalamus and compared these distributions with those seen in the reticular nucleus. We found three different patterns. First, a given brainstem nucleus projects to a particular dorsal thalamic nucleus as well as to the corresponding, functionally associated, reticular sector (e.g., from the substantia nigra). Second, a given brainstem nucleus projects to a particular dorsal thalamic nucleus but not to the corresponding reticular sector (e.g., from the superior colliculus). Finally, a given brainstem nucleus projects to a given reticular sector but not to the corresponding dorsal thalamic nucleus (e.g., from the midbrain reticular nucleus). In general, our results indicate that various brainstem nuclei project to particular territories of the thalamic reticular nucleus. Through these reticular projections, brainstem nuclei may influence distinct thalamocortical pathways in addition to those that are influenced by their direct projection to the dorsal thalamus. J. Comp. Neurol. 396:531–543, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study describes the organization of cells in the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) that project to the somatosensory part of the dorsal thalamus in the cat. Injections of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) and fluorescent dyes were made into the ventrobasal complex (VB) and the medial division of the posterior complex (POm) of the thalamus. The resultant retrograde labelling in TRN was analyzed. Large injections of a tracer in VB label many reticular cells that are restricted to a centroventral, or somatosensory, sector of TRN. Small injections of a tracer in VB produce narrow zones of labelled cells in this sector. In reconstructions these zones resemble thin “slabs,” which lie parallel to the plane of TRN along its oblique rostrocaudal dimension and occupy only a fraction of its thickness. In comparisons of the zones of labelled cells in TRN resulting from tracer injections in different nuclei of VB, inner cells, intermediate cells, and outer cells across the thickness of TRN project to the ventral posteromedial, the medial division of the ventral posterolateral, and the lateral division of the ventral posterolateral nuclei, respectively. Furthermore, shifts in injected areas along the dorsoventral dimension of VB produce similar shifts in zones of labelled cells in TRN. Thus, reticular cells form an accurate map on the basis of their connections with VB. Large injections of a tracer in the ventral subdivision of POm label many reticular cells that are also restricted to the centroventral sector of TRN. Small injections of a tracer in ventral POm produce broad zones of labelled cells in this sector. In comparisons of the zones of labelled cells in TRN resulting from tracer injections in different regions of ventral POm, cells that project to these regions are scattered across the thickness of TRN and occupy overlapping territories. Large injections of a tracer in either VB or ventral POm also label cells in a restricted centroventral region of the perireticular nucleus. Double injections of different tracers in VB and ventral POm produce many cells in TRN that are labelled from both of these dorsal thalamic structures and fewer cells that are labelled from only one or the other of these structures. These results indicate that there is a dual organization in the projections of cells in the somatosensory sector of TRN to dorsal thalamus: Projections to VB are topographically organized whereas those to ventral POm lack a topographical organization. Furthermore, both of these mapped and nonmapped projections can arise from single reticular cells in the somatosensory sector. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Increasing awareness that the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) plays an important role in controlling the output of cortically projecting cells in nuclei of the dorsal thalamus has focused attention on the question of whether there exist ascending projections to the TRN from the mesencephalic or other parts of the brainstem reticular formation (BRF). We have examined this and the related question of whether the neurons of TRN project to the BRF, by anterograde and retrograde tracing experiments with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and HRP conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin. Injections of tracer were placed stereotaxically in the BRF at various depths and rostrocaudal and mediolateral coordinates, and the TRN and adjacent nuclei were examined in serial coronal sections, using tetramethylbenzidine as the principal chromogen. Retrogradely labelled cell bodies were consistently seen in hypothalamus and zona incerta but never in TRN, suggesting that, in the rat, TRN neurons do not project caudal to the thalamus. After 54 out of 60 injections, no terminal label was detected in any part of the TRN although such label was present in other parts of the thalamus, including the intralaminar nuclei, in the same sections. We therefore conclude that direct projections from the BRF to the TRN must be extremely sparse, and that those effects of BRF stimulation upon thalamocortical transmission that are mediated by the TRN (rather than by direct projections to dorsal thalamic nuclei) probably depend chiefly on indirect polysynaptic pathways.  相似文献   

This study describes the organization of cells in the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) that project to the auditory part of the cat's dorsal thalamus. Injections of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) and fluorescent dyes were made into the medial geniculate complex (MG). The resultant retrograde labelling in the TRN was analyzed. Injections of WGA-HRP into the ventral (MGv), dorsal (MGd), or medial (MGm) nuclei of the MG label zones of cells that are restricted to a caudoventral sector of the TRN. In reconstructions, these zones resemble “slabs” that are elongated in the dorsoventral and oblique rostrocaudal dimensions of the nucleus. In comparisons of the zones of labelling in the TRN following tracer injections into different nuclei of the MG, inner and caudal cells project to the pars lateralis of the MGv (MGvl) or to the MGd, and outer and rostral cells project to the pars ovoidea of the MGv (MGvo) or to the MGm. Thus, cells projecting to the MGvl or MGd or to the MGvo or MGm occupy overlapping territories. Double injections of different fluorescent dyes into selected pairs of MG nuclei result in reticular cells that are labelled from either both nuclei or only one or the other nucleus in each pair. These results indicate that the projections of cells in the auditory sector of the TRN to the MGvl or MGvo or to the MGd or MGm are topographically organized. Furthermore, projections to more than one MG nucleus can arise from single reticular cells. J. Comp. Neurol. 390:167–182, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Examination of the thalamic reticular nucleus (Rt) with the monoclonal antibody Alz-50 in brains of Alzheimer's disease patients reveals dense extracellular and terminal-like immunoreactivity in the absence of neurofibrillary tangles or neuritic plaques. Similar terminal-like immunoreactivity is not present in other thalamic nuclei of AD brains or in the brains of controls. Based on (1) an immunocytochemical and histopathological analysis of areas known to project to the Rt, (2) that Alz-50 immunocytochemistry reveals immunoreactive neurons, neurofibrillary tangles and neuritic plaques, and (3) evidence that Alz-50 immunoreactivity can be demonstrated in the terminal fields of immunoreactive neurons, the terminal-like immunoreactivity in the Rt probably corresponds to altered preterminal axons and terminals from degenerating basal forebrain neurons. Given the presumed physiological role of the Rt, these selective lesions could alter thalamocortical processing and contribute to the cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of bilateral chemical lesion of the rostral pole of the thalamic reticular nucleus on EEG activities in freely moving rats applying quantitative analysis and brain mapping of power spectra distribution.METHODS: Ketamine-sedated Sprague-Dawley rats were implanted to monitor behavioral states with frontoparietal electrodes in a first series of experiments and with multiple electrodes along the antero-posterior axis (F1, F2, F7, F8, T3, T4, P3, P4) in a second series. Monopolar and bipolar recordings were obtained in animals stereotaxically injected with ibotenic acid into both rostral poles of the thalamic reticular nucleus. Long-term video-EEG recordings and brain mapping based on quantitative spectral analysis were made.RESULTS: Two forms of dysrhythmia gradually emerged in the neocortical EEG at 12-24h post-injection: potentiation of theta waves and spontaneous high-voltage spindles (HVS) at 4.5-8Hz frequency. Brain mapping during these dysrhythmia shows highest power posteriorly (parietotemporal) for theta and mesiofrontally for HVS.CONCLUSIONS: Given the lack of inhibitory intrinsic interneurons in the rat thalamus, bilateral destruction of a small part of the solely GABAergic population may promote cortical dysrhythmia (probably by dis-inhibition). The topographic differences in power might indicate different involved structures.  相似文献   

The architectonic organization and neuronal types of the human foetal reticular nucleus (RN) – with special reference to transient characteristics – have been investigated using antisera against calretinin, parvalbumin and neurofilament epitopes of somata and dendrites (SMI 311). The RN consists of four subdivisions (clearly distinguishable in the 6/7th gestational month): The main portion appears as a prominent structure on account of its extension and high packing density of neurons which coexpress calretinin and parvalbumin. These two calcium-binding proteins are also expressed by the perireticular nucleus forming a conspicuous grey within the internal capsule. Perireticular cells form clusters which are in continuity with the main portion, globus pallidus, ganglionic eminence and pregeniculate nucleus. In double-labellings, a medial subnucleus stands out distinctly as it only expresses calretinin. SMI 311-immunopreparations show neurons revealing a high degree of diversification and elaborated dendritic trees. Several transient characteristics become obvious: the perireticular nucleus, not visible in the adult, represents a distinct entity in the human foetal brain. The main portion and the pregeniculate nucleus appearing as prominent greys are dramatically reduced in size later on. The percentage of RN-neurons expressing calretinin, the diversity of neuronal types and elaborated dendritic trees are reduced. The transient features can be correlated with the RN's putative functional roles in development: early RN-afferents to the dorsal thalamus may represent pioneer fibres providing guiding cues for outgrowing axons from or into the thalamus. Moreover, the RN may serve as an intermediate target for growing axons which are sorted and directed towards different final targets.  相似文献   

We have investigated connections between the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) and the anterior thalamic nuclei (ATN) in the rat, following injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into subnuclei of the ATN and different regions of the rostral TRN. Three nonoverlapping groups of neurons in the dorsal part of the ipsilateral rostral TRN project to, and receive reciprocal projections from, specific subnuclei of the ATN. A vertical sheet of neurons in the most dorsal part of the rostral TRN projects to the dorsal half of the posterior subdivision of the anteroventral thalamic nucleus (AVp), the dorsal region of the medial subdivision of the anteroventral thalamic nucleus (AVm), and the dorsolateral part of the rostral anterodorsal thalamic nucleus (AD). Immediately ventral to this part of TRN, but still within its dorsal portion, are a lateral cluster of neurons and a medially located vertical sheet of neurons. The lateral cluster projects to the ventral part of AVp and to the dorsomedial part of rostral AD. The medial sheet projects to the ventral part of AVm, the ventral part of rostral AD, and to the caudal portions of both AV and AD. There appears to be no input to the anteromedial thalamic nucleus (AM) from the TRN. These findings shed new light on the anatomy of the rostral TRN, the ATN, and the connections between the two, and are relevant to emerging hypotheses about the functional organization of the TRN and reticulo-thalamic projections.  相似文献   

In urethane-anesthetized rats a 0.36-mm metallic cannula for infusion was positioned in the somatosensory component of the thalamic reticular nucleus (sTR), where movement of the vibrissae evoked neuronal discharge. Infusion there of 0.125-0.5 microliter of a 50 mM solution of glutamate over a 1-min period suppressed both spontaneous and evoked discharge of neurons in the ventrobasal complex (VB), but only for those which also responded to vibrissal stimulation. VB neurons activated by somatosensory stimuli at other locations were unaffected. Thus, excitation of neurons in sTR inhibits those in VB, but the effect appears to be highly coordinated somatotopically.  相似文献   

The ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNv) is a retinorecipient part of the ventral thalamus and in cats, it consists of medial (M), medial intermediate (IM), lateral intermediate (IL), lateral (L), and dorsal (D) subdivisions. These subdivisions can be differentiated not only by their cytoarchitecture, but also by their connectivity and putative functions. The LGNv may play a role in visuomotor gating, in that there is evidence of cerebellar afferent projections to the intermediate subdivisions. The cerebellar posterior interpositus (IP) and lateral (LC) nuclei are known to project to IM and IL, but the specifics of these projections are unclear. We hypothesized that the IP and LC project differentially to IM and IL. To evaluate LGNv innervation by the deep cerebellar nuclei, we injected the tract‐tracer wheat germ agglutinin‐horseradish peroxidase (WGA‐HRP) into several different regions of the LGNv and cerebellar nuclei of adult cats in either sex. Small injections into the middle and posterior LGNv retrogradely labeled cells in the ventral part of the IP. However, injections in the anterior regions of the LGNv, with or without diffusion into the thalamic reticular nucleus (Re), retrogradely labeled cells in the ventral part of both the IP and the LC. Confirmatory injections into the IP and LC produced terminal‐like labeling distributed in IM, IL, and Re; injections mostly localized to the LC resulted in labeling mainly in IM and Re. We concluded that the IP projects to IL whereas the LC projects to IM and Re.  相似文献   

In this study, to identify the precise localization of the muscarinic receptor subtypes m2, m3 and m4 in the rostral part of the rat reticular thalamic nucleus (rRt), namely, the limbic sector, we used receptor-subtype-specific antibodies and characterized the immunolabeled structures by light, confocal laser scanning, and electron microscopies. The m2-immunolabeling was preferentially distributed in the distal dendrite region where cholinergic afferent fibers tend to terminate and in the peripheral region of somata, whereas the m3-immunolabeling was more preferentially distributed in a large part of somata and in proximal dendrite shafts than in the distal dendrite region. Dual-immunofluorescence experiments demonstrated that majority of rRt neurons with parvalbumin immunoreactivity contain both m2 and m3. Neither m2 nor m3 was detected in presynaptic terminals or axonal elements. No m4-immunolabeling was detected in the rostral part of the thalamus including rRt. These results show the different distributions of m2 and m3 in rRt neurons, and strongly suggest that m2 is more closely associated with cholinergic afferents than m3.  相似文献   

The γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-containing neurons of the thalamic reticular nucleus (nRt) are a major source of inhibitory innervation in dorsal thalamic nuclei. Individual nRt neurons were intracellularly recorded and labelled in an in vitro rat thalamic slice preparation to investigate their projection into ventrobasal thalamic nuclei (VB). Camera lucida reconstructions of 37 neurons indicated that nRt innervation ranges from a compact, focal projection to a widespread, diffuse projection encompassing large areas of VB. The main axons of 65% of the cells gave rise to intra-nRt collaterals prior to leaving the nucleus and, once within VB, ramified into one of three branching patterns cluster, intermediate, and diffuse. The cluster arborization encompassed a focal region averaging approximately 25,000 μm2 and contained a high density of axonal swellings, indicative of a topographic projection. The intermediate structure extended across an area approximately fourfold greater and also contained numerous axonal swellings. The diffuse arborization of nRt neurons covered a large region of VB and contained a relatively low density of axonal swellings. Analysis of somatic size and shape revealed that diffuse arborizations arose from significantly smaller, fusiform-shaped somata. Cytochrome oxidase reactivity or parvalbumin immunoreactivity was used to delineate a discontinuous staining pattern representing thalamic barreloids. The size of a cluster arborization closely approximated that of an individual barreloid. The heterogeneous arborizations from nRt neurons may reflect a dynamic range of inhibitory influences of nRt on dorsal thalamic activity. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary This study investigated the functional relationship between the experimentally induced changes in the activity of the cholinergic, muscarinergic system of the rostral area of the nucleus reticularis thalami (TRN) and the motor behaviour. The effect of direct stimulation of the rostral TRN by the cholinergic agonist carbachol on the behaviour of freely moving rats was observed. Unilateral injection of carbachol (0.2–3.2 g/0.5 l) into the rostral TRN caused catalepsy which appeared rapidly and was short-lasting. Furthermore, it induced impairment of the performance on the rota rod. Both effects were dose-dependent. The cholinergic antagonist scopolamine (6.66 g) coadministered with the equimolar dose of carbachol (3.2 g) antagonized the effects of carbachol on both behavioural tests. The described effects seem to be cholinergic- and site-specific within the rostral TRN. The present results suggest that activation of the cholinergic, muscarinergic receptors in the rostral TRN modulate the motor function of rats.  相似文献   

The thalamic reticular nucleus has been classically defined as a group of cells surrounding most of the rostral and lateral surfaces of the dorsal thalamus, lateral to the fibres of the external medullary lamina and medial to those of the internal capsule. With the use of Nissl staining and antibodies to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), somatostatin, and parvalbumin, this study describes the cytoarchitecture of the thalamic reticular nucleus of cats and ferrets. In cats, three subdivisions of the nucleus are distinguished, two of which are distinct in ferrets also. First, the main body of the reticular nucleus lies lateral to the fibres of the external medullary lamina (except ventrally) and medial to those of the internal capsule. In both cats and ferrets, this structure is heterogeneous, consisting of distinct layers, the details of which vary along the dorsoventral axis. A prominent rostroventral portion of comparatively small rounded cells is also apparent within the main body. Most reticular cells in all areas of the main body are labelled with all of the above mentioned antibodies. Second, the inner small-celled region is a group of small cells located between the external medullary lamina (ventrally) and the medial margin of the ventral regions of the main body of the reticular nucleus: the inner small-celled region is clearly differentiated in cats only. Previous studies have referred to this area as being part of the main body of the reticular nucleus, but we suggest that it may form a separate subnucleus. For example, the inner small-celled region stands in striking contrast to the main body of the reticular nucleus in that none of its cells are GABA immunoreactive and only a small caudal subpopulation are parvalbumin immunoreactive. A very similar pattern of immunostaining is apparent for the cells in the zona incerta, although the latter contains a small rostral subpopulation of GABA immunoreactive cells. Furthermore, although morphologically distinct from the zona incerta, the inner small-celled region fuses with it ventrocaudally. We suggest that the inner small-celled region may constitute a previously undescribed dorsal extension of the zona incerta, rather than a subdivision of the reticular nucleus. Third, the perireticular nucleus, hitherto unidentified, is a discrete group of small cells lateral to the main body of the reticular nucleus and medial to the corpus striatum (globus pallidus and caudate-putamen). It is apparent throughout most of the dorsoventral extent of the main body of the reticular nucleus of cats and ferrets.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the electrophysiological relationships between the globus pallidus (GP), the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) and the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) in urethane-anesthetized rats. The neuronal activity of the rostral part of the TRN was recorded by microelectrodes. Single pulse electrical stimulation of the GP and SNr produced inhibition of the spontaneous activity of the majority of TRN neurons. Stimulation of the GP by microinjections of bicuculline (25 ng/300 nl) produced also inhibition of the spontaneous activity of the reticular neurons. This could lead to facilitation of the cerebral cortex, as the reticular nucleus is reciprocally connected to, and inhibits, the thalamic motor nuclei, that in turn excite the motor cortex.  相似文献   

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