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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between family obligation and religiosity on the positive appraisal of caregiving among African-American, Hispanic and non-Hispanic Caucasian family caregivers of older adults. Roy's adaptation model guided formulation of the aims and study design. A cross-sectional, correlational study design was employed to examine the relationship amongst variables for the family caregiver participants. Study participants (N = 69) completed a demographic tool and four instruments the: (1) Katz index, (2) obligation scale, (3) Duke University religion index, and (4) positive appraisal of care scale. There was a significant correlation between family obligation and positive appraisal of caregiving. However, there was no relationship between the family caregiver's religiosity and positive appraisal of caregiving overall. Demographic variables were also examined to show a higher marginal mean for Hispanic primary caregivers in relation to the positive appraisal of caregiving. Future studies should consider replicating these findings in a larger sample to provide health care professionals with substantial evidence to incorporate culturally sensitive interventions aimed at promoting positive outcomes and healthy family behaviors.  相似文献   

Although sleep appears to be a quiescent, passive state externally, there are a multitude of physiological changes occurring during sleep that can affect cerebral homeostasis and predispose individuals to cerebrovascular disorders. Therefore, it is not surprising that sleep-disordered breathing causes significant nocturnal perturbations, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), that can lead to cerebrovascular disorders. There is evidence to suggest that OSA is a risk factor for stroke, although studies have not been able to clearly discern the absence or presence of OSA before the stroke event. Sleep-disordered breathing, such as OSA and central sleep apnea, can occur as a consequence of stroke. Fortunately, treating OSA appears to decrease morbidity and possibly mortality. Unfortunately, continuous positive airway pressure compliance in this population group is low, and significant efforts and resources may be needed to improve compliance and adherence. Various other sleep disorders, such as insomnia, fatigue, hypersomnia, and parasomnia, can occur following a stroke, and physicians treating patients following a stroke need to be aware of these disorders in order to effectively treat such patients.  相似文献   

目的探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)与高血压的关系。方法将62例经多导睡眠图监测仪监测证实为OSAHS的患者分为伴高血压(34例)和无高血压(28例)2组,比较2组患者的呼吸暂停低通气指数、最低血氧饱和度、呼吸暂停最长时间、觉醒指数,同时测量2组患者睡前、醒时血压。结果 OSAHS伴高血压组与无高血压组比较,呼吸暂停低通气指数〔(65.2±20.1)vs(36.7±18.4)次/h〕、呼吸暂停最长时间〔(58.4±10.7)vs(46.3±12.5)s〕、觉醒指数〔(41.2±13.6)vs(20.4±11.7)次/h〕差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。伴高血压组最低血氧饱和度低于无高血压组〔(67±11)%vs(75±10)%〕(P<0.05)。OSAHS伴高血压组的睡前和醒时血压均明显高于无高血压组(P均<0.05),且OSAHS伴高血压组醒时血压明显高于睡前血压(P<0.05);而OSAHS无高血压组的醒时血压与睡前血压相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 OSAHS与高血压关系密切,OSAHS可能是引起或加重高血压的病因之一。  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between health and social support in wives who care for husbands with dementia In order to understand how significant others begin mobilizing help for caregivers, the significant others' views of the carers' health and social support were analysed Subjects comprised 75 significant others identified as being familiar with the caregiving situation of a like number of caregiving wives Hypotheses, which were rejected, predicted that wife caregivers perceived as ill by the significant other would be seen as needing and receiving more social support as reported by the significant other Findings indicated that healthy caregivers were perceived to have significantly more people in their social network  相似文献   

周燕斌  谢灿茂  严英硕  高修仁 《新医学》2000,31(11):655-657
目的:探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)患者夜间低氧血症与室性心律失常的相互关系。方法:选择拟诊OSAS患者60例和正常对照组20名进行多导睡眠图检查。结果:①OSAS组中,睡眠呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI)、动脉血氧饱和度(SaO2)降低大于0.04总次数、SaO2低于0.90的时间及其降低幅度均明显高于正常对照组(均P〈0.001);睡眠中SaO2最低值、平均值均低于对照组(均P〈0.00  相似文献   

阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征与脂代谢紊乱的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)与脂代谢紊乱的关系。方法检测55例OSAHS男性患者(OSAHS组)与52名男性体检者(对照组)血脂水平差异比较。对OSAHS组内身高体重指数(BMI)、呼吸紊乱指数(RDI)与血脂指标进行相关分析。结果OSAHS组空腹时总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)显著高于对照组(P〈0.05),而高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)显著低于对照组(P〈0.05)。OSAHS组中重度患者的TC与RDI呈正相关(P〈0.05)。结论OSAHS并发脂代谢紊乱,重度OSAHS是引起胆固醇升高的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)与脂代谢紊乱的关系。方法检测55例OSAHS男性患者(OSAHS组)与52名男性体检者(对照组)血脂水平差异比较。对OSAHS组内身高体重指数(BMI)、呼吸紊乱指数(RDI)与血脂指标进行相关分析。结果OSAHS组空腹时总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)显著高于对照组(P<0.05),而高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。OSAHS组中重度患者的TC与RDI呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论OSAHS并发脂代谢紊乱,重度OSAHS是引起胆固醇升高的重要因素。  相似文献   

痴呆照料者积极感受与焦虑、抑郁的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨痴呆照料者积极感受与其焦虑、抑郁等负性情绪的相关性。方法采用问卷调查法。调查者通过发放问卷对81位痴呆病人主要照料者的一般情况、照料积极感受和负性情绪进行调查。结果积极感受总分及维度1(病人积极反馈)与抑郁呈负相关(r=-0.242,P<0.05),而积极感受总分及各维度得分与焦虑得分相关性无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论痴呆照料者能够从痴呆病人身上获得积极反馈,其获得的积极感受与抑郁呈负相关,尤其是来自病人的积极反馈有可能降低照料者的抑郁情绪。  相似文献   

Living things on the earth including bacteria, plants and animals show circadian rhythms in their behaviors and physiological phenomena, and these circadian rhythms are usually synchronized with environmental changes having the period of 24 h on the earth. In mammals including human beings, the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) functions as a master circadian oscillator, and generates a circadian rhythm of food intake. Sometimes the circadian oscillation of the SCN is disturbed with physical and psychological stressors. This review describes the functional relationship in respect to connections between the circadian oscillator in the SCN and food regulatory centers and neurons in the brain focusing on its mechanism in human beings, and a possible involvement of the circadian oscillator of the SCN in the abnormality of the appetite control.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:分析卒中后阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)患者口咽部形态学变化及其与功能恢复之间的相关性,为寻求脑卒中并发OSA的康复治疗措施提供依据。 方法:选取首次发病且病程1个月之内的脑卒中患者39例,排除发病前已确诊OSA的患者,入组患者均行多导睡眠图(PSG)监测、口咽部核MRI检查及各项功能评估,将并发与不并发OSA患者的咽部MRI测量相关指标进行比较,将脑卒中并发OSA患者的咽部测量指标与患者的功能评估指标进行相关分析。 结果:①并发OSA的脑卒中患者腭后距离、舌后距离较不并发OSA者偏小、软腭长度较不并发OSA者偏大,两者相比有显著性差异(P=0.002/0.003/0.019)。②脑卒中并发OSA患者的腭后距离与改良Barthel指数评分呈正相关、与改良Rankin分级呈负相关;舌后距离与患者的NIHSS评分、改良Rankin分级呈负相关,与患者Fugl-Meyer评分、改良Barthel指数评分呈正相关(P<0.05)。 结论:脑卒中并发OSA患者的口咽部形态学变化(腭后距离及舌后距离偏小)与患者的功能评估间有一定相关性,所以改善脑卒中后OSA患者口咽部形态学的变化有利于患者的功能恢复。  相似文献   

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep-related breathing disorder associated with both cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Studies have shown a strong relationship between OSA and the most common cardiac arrhythmia – atrial fibrillation (AF). In this review, the authors intend to analyze AF in the context of OSA in populations of special medical interest; specifically investigating OSA in post-cardioversion, post-pulmonary isolation and post-coronary artery bypass graft patients as well as those afflicted by congestive heart failure, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, erectile dysfunction and stroke. Moreover, the authors will highlight the importance of OSA severity, our current understanding of its mechanistic link to AF pathophysiology and treatment options.  相似文献   

目的:探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)患者夜间低氧血症与动态血压变化的相互关系。方法:选择诊断为OSAS患者60例和正常对照组20例进行多导睡眠图检查和24小时动态血压监测。结果:①在OSASD组中,睡眠呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI)、经皮血氧饱和度(SpO2)降低大于0.04的总次数、SpO2低于0.90的时间及SpO2降低幅度均明显高于正常对照组(P均<0.001);睡眠中SpO2最低值、SpO2平均值均低于正常对照组(P均<0.001);在轻、中、重度组间两两比较,上述指标也有显著性差异(P均<0.001)。②轻度OSAS患者的动态血压及其昼夜节律的改变与正常组无显著性差异;中度OSAS患者的夜间平均收缩压(nMDP)及血压昼夜节律的改变与正常组无显著性差异(P<0.05);而重度OSAS组的动态血压改变更加明显(与正常对照组、轻、中度组组比有显著差异,P均<0.05);同时有夜间血压下降、切律紊乱,昼夜血压差值减少,尤其是舒张压昼夜变化差值减少更为明显。结论:OSAS病情越重,睡眠时SpO2降低的程度越显著,低氧血症也越明显。OSAS患者各期血压的平均水平与AHI、呼吸暂停持续时间及SpO2降低的程度显著相关,OSAS的病情越重,这种血压变化及昼夜切律改变越显著。  相似文献   

C Dellasega 《AAOHN journal》1990,38(4):154-159
The need for persons to provide care on an informal basis to frail and dependent elderly persons has generated a "caregiving crisis" in this country. Middle age women, the traditional caregivers for most generations, are no longer readily available to provide informal care. Instead, they are likely to be struggling to cope with the dual demands of paid employment and family responsibilities. Significant differences exist between employed and unemployed caregivers in relation to age, marital status, gender, personal health status, and caregiver-care recipient relationships. However, no differences exist in relation to the amount of stress experienced as a consequence of caregiving responsibilities. Occupational health nurses have an ideal opportunity to help employed caregivers cope with their caregiving responsibilities both at the worksite and in their personal lives.  相似文献   

目的:分析超敏 C 反应蛋白(hs‐CRP)、同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)、D‐二聚体(D‐D)水平与动脉粥样硬化(AS)发展变化的关系及意义。方法回顾性分析92例 AS 患者,其中急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)组61例,稳定型心绞痛(SAP)组31例;并根据CT 检测的冠状动脉斑块结果将92例 AS 患者进一步分为斑块组、无斑块组,稳定斑块亚组、不稳定斑块亚组;另外选择42例体检健康者纳入对照组。比较各组3项指标水平。结果 SAP 组和 ACS 组血中 hs‐CRP 、D‐D 、Hcy 水平均明显高于对照组,ACS组血中 hs‐CRP 、D‐D 、Hcy 水平均明显高于 SAP 组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。斑块组 hs‐CRP 、D‐D 、Hcy 水平均明显高于无斑块组,不稳定斑块亚组明显高于稳定斑块亚组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 ACS 患者3项指标水平均呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论血清 hs‐CRP 、Hcy 和血浆 D‐D 浓度与 AS 的发生、发展密切相关,3项指标联合检测对 AS 的预防、治疗和预后均有重要临床意义。  相似文献   

脑卒中与睡眠呼吸暂停综合征相关性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :探讨脑卒中与夜间睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 (SAS)的关系。方法 :对 32例脑卒中患者及正常对照组采用多导睡眠图 (PSG)进行多项睡眠生理指标的检测和对比分析。结果 :脑卒中患者睡眠呼吸障碍类型以阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停 (OSA)、阻塞性睡眠低通气 (OSH)为主。脑卒中组睡眠呼吸暂停低通气指数 (AHI)及低氧时间显著高于对照组 (P <0 0 1) ,夜间血氧饱和度 (SaO2 )明显低于对照组 (P <0 0 1)。睡眠血压曲线呈非杓状。结论 :脑卒中与SAS关系密切 ,SAS是脑卒中发病的危险因素之一 ,可能与睡眠期间反复发作的呼吸暂停和低氧血症引起的血压波动增大、脑血流量减少、血液粘滞度增高、动脉硬化加重有关。  相似文献   

目的:探索抑郁症患者晨重夕轻节律与睡眠脑电图所反映的生物学特有变化的相关性。方法:病例组来源于1996-01/1997-12南京脑科医院住院的抑郁症患者,入组患者符合中国精神疾病分类与诊断标准第二版修订版的抑郁发作诊断标准,汉密顿抑郁量表总分≥24分、近3d未服用抗精神病药物。分为晨重夕轻组13例和非晨重夕轻组5例;对照组(n=10)为同期同所医院自愿参加实验的健康职工或进修医生。对病例组和对照组受试者连续做2个通宵的睡眠脑电图检查,分析各组睡眠进程、睡眠结构和快波睡眠的情况。结果:各组受试对象均完成测试,结果全部纳入分析。①晨重夕轻组的醒起时间[(12.8±7.2)min]长于非晨重夕轻组[(5.1±6.7)min]和对照组[(3.1±2.8)min],P<0.05~0.01。②非晨重夕轻组的快动眼活动量(130.2±57.6)、强度[(39.9±20.1)%]和密度[(263.8±133.6)%]均比对照组[(71.8±17.9)、(19.4±3.7)%、(123.8±18.5)%]为高,P均<0.05。③晨重夕轻组的快动眼活动量(90.7±33.8)、快动眼强度[(27.0±10.1)%]和密度[(176.5±48.4)%]比非晨重夕轻组低,P均<0.05。结论:①晨重夕轻抑郁症患者睡眠脑电图中醒起时间比非晨重夕轻抑郁症和正常人为长,快动眼睡眠压力倾向比非晨重夕轻抑郁症患者为低。  相似文献   

目的 调查养老院老年人的睡眠质量与抑郁状况,为护理干预提供依据.方法 采用匹茨堡睡眠质量指数量表和老年抑郁量表,对北京市某社会福利院107名入住时间≥6个月的老年人进行问卷调查.结果 35名(32.71%)老年人存在睡眠问题;19名(17.76%)老年人存在抑郁情绪;睡眠质量与抑郁相互影响,抑郁能解释睡眠质量总变异的16.4%,睡眠质量中的白天功能紊乱、习惯性睡眠效率两个因子能解释抑郁得分总变异的43.3%.结论 部分养老院老年人存在睡眠问题和抑郁情绪,二者相互影响.养老院护理人员应采取措施提高老年人的睡眠质量,以减少老年人抑郁情绪的发生.  相似文献   

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