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We conducted this study to evaluate the combined effect of acellular bladder submucosa matrix (BSM) and autologous urethral tissue for the treatment of long segment urethral stricture in a rabbit model. To prepare the BSM, porcine bladder submucosa was processed, decellularized, configured into a sheet-like shape, and sterilized. Twenty rabbits were randomized to normal control, urethral stricture, urethroplasty using BSM only or BSM/autologous urethral tissue (n=5 per group). Retrograde urethrography was performed at 4, 8, and 12 weeks postoperatively, and the grafted specimens were harvested at week 12 to evaluate urethral reconstruction through histopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis. The mean urethral width of the control, stricture, BSM, and BSM/autologous urethral tissue groups at week 12 was 10.3±0.80, 3.8±1.35, 8.8±0.84, and 9.1±1.14 mm, respectively. The histopathologic study revealed that the BSM/autologous urethral tissue graft had a normal area of urethral lumen, compact muscular layers, complete epithelialization, and progressive infiltration by vessels in the regenerated urethra. In contrast, the BSM grafts revealed keratinized epithelium, abundant collagenized fibrous connective tissue, and were devoid of bundles of circular smooth muscle. Nontransected ventral onlay-augmented urethroplasty using an acellular BSM scaffold combined with an autologous urethral tissue graft represents a feasible procedure for urethral reconstruction.

Graphical Abstract


目的分析并比较接受第二次癫痫外科手术的难治性癫痫患者脑切除标本的临床病理学特点。方法回顾性分析2008~2013年在北京市海淀医院功能神经科接受第二次手术治疗的41例难治性癫痫患者的临床资料及病理资料,并复习相关文献。结果 41例患者中男性28例,女性13例,发病年龄1~51岁(平均10.29岁),病程2~30年(平均11.91年),第二次手术距第一次手术0.5~20年(平均7.05年)。脑切除标本病理诊断为FCDⅢa者8例(19.51%),FCDⅢb者11例(26.83%),FCDⅢd者15例(36.59%),双重病理7例占17.07%(5例为FCDⅢa伴胶质瘢痕/瘢痕脑回,1例为FCDⅢa伴血管瘤,1例为FCDⅢa伴混合性少突星形细胞瘤)。术后随访0.5~5年,EngelⅠ级25例(61.0%),EngelⅡ级14例(34.1%),EngelⅢ级1例(2.45%),失访1例(2.45%)。颞叶癫痫20例(占48.78%)。结论接受第二次癫痫外科手术的难治性癫痫患者脑切除标本病理类型仅包括FCDⅢ型和双重病理。这两种类型的患者再次手术后,效果良好,EngelⅠ级和EngelⅡ级共占95.1%。获得性脑损伤(如高热惊厥、外伤、难产等和脑肿瘤切除术后)致胶质瘢痕的形成和脑功能重建的过程、颞叶及内侧结构未能完全切除、肿瘤复发及致痫灶切除范围不够,是再次行癫痫外科手术的主要原因;精准完整的术前评估可以有效地减少再次手术的风险。  相似文献   

目的观察阑尾广基锯齿状腺瘤(SSA)的临床病理形态,对其发生与诊断标准进行探讨。方法对2例阑尾广基锯齿状腺瘤引起的临床表现、术中所见及其病理形态学表现进行观察及分析。结果2例患者均为老年男性患者。病理显示阑尾腺体呈明显锯齿状结构;隐窝不规则;细胞有异型性并可见核分裂(7~10个/10 HPF);隐窝内黏液增多。病理诊断为慢性阑尾炎并SSA及急性蜂窝织性阑尾炎伴SSA。结论阑尾SSA非常罕见,SSA为癌前病变,需与增生性息肉、锯齿状腺瘤等进行鉴别。  相似文献   

Ureteral endometriosis is a rare yet important entity that can lead to renal failure due to silent obstruction of the ureter. Awareness of clinical and morphologic features can help in early detection and treatment. We analyzed the clinical, pathologic, and immunohistochemical findings of 7 cases of ureteral endometriosis. Mean age of patients was 51 years. All patients presented with hydroureter, accompanied in the most cases by hydronephrosis. Superimposed pyelonephritis was experienced by 2 of 7 patients. Most patients (4 of 7) had previously undergone total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. In 6 of 7 cases, endometriosis involved the left ureter. The distal one third of the ureter was involved in 6 cases, whereas the middle third was involved in 1 case. In 4 cases, endometriosis was located extrinsic to the ureter, whereas in 3 cases, the ureter showed intrinsic involvement by endometriosis. One case showed simple endometrial hyperplasia. Surgical management included nephrectomy in 2 cases, distal ureterectomy with reimplantation in 3 cases, ureteral stent placement followed by ureteroureterostomy in 1 case, and relief of ureteral obstruction by resection of pelvic endometrioma in 1 case. Immunostains for cytokeratin-7 (CK7) and progesterone receptor (PR) were positive in all of the cases, whereas immunostains for estrogen receptor (ER) were positive in 83% of cases and immunostains for CK20 were negative in all cases. CA125 immunostains were positive in 67% of cases. The stromal cells were positive for CD10, ER, and PR immunostaining. Our findings suggest that the diagnosis of ureteral endometriosis is preceded in most cases by hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, possibly because of prior symptoms related to adenomyosis or pelvic endometriosis and that ureteral endometriosis has a strong predilection for involvement of the lower third of the left ureter. Ureteral endometriosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of obstructive ureteral lesions in women, particularly those involving the lower third of the left ureter, even in postmenopausal patients. Immunostains for ER, PR, CK7, CA125, and CD10 can be helpful in challenging cases.  相似文献   

Although sensory feedback from the urethra plays an integral role in the regulation of lower urinary tract function, little is known about the properties of flow-responsive primary afferent neurons. The purpose of this study was to characterize the activity of sacral afferents that responded to fluid flow through the urethra. Single neuron action potentials were recorded extracellularly from the S1 and S2 dorsal root ganglia in eight cats anesthetized with α-chloralose. 21 of 116 cells responded to urethral flow but not to mechanical palpation of the perineum, 22 responded to both urethral flow and palpation, and 27 responded to palpation only. 34 of the 43 flow-responsive cells exhibited a firing response to 10 ml flow boluses that could be fit using a power function: FR(t) = a × (t)b + c, where FR is firing rate, t is time, and a, b and c are constants. In all 34 cells the ‘b’ term was negative, indicating that the firing rate slowed over the time course of the urethral flow. In 16 of the 24 cells that were recorded during at least four different flow rates, a power function provided a good fit of the relationship between firing rate and flow rate: FR(flow) = k × (flow)p + q, where k, p and q are constants. In each of these 16 cells the ‘p’ term was positive, indicating that the firing rate tended to increase with increases in flow rate. These are the first data to characterize the properties of flow-responsive afferents in the cat, and reveal properties that parallel those of other afferents.  相似文献   

目的:探讨多孔尿道支架管在尿道下裂患者尿道成型术中的应用.方法:对93例尿道下裂患者行尿道成型术治疗,术中采用多孔尿道支架管引流,不行膀胱造瘘.结果:本组80例患者伤口一期愈合,5例发生尿瘘(5.37%),6月后行尿瘘修补术,尿瘘愈合;8例尿道狭窄(8.6%),接受尿道扩张治疗.所有患者术后阴茎呈正常外观.结论:多孔尿道支架管有效地引流尿道分泌物和尿道积液,避免了对患者行膀胱造瘘术,减少了手术损伤及术后尿瘘、尿道狭窄等并发症的发生率.  相似文献   

Primary melanoma of the urinary tract is a very rare and aggressive cancer. It accounts for less than 1% of all the melanoma cases, making it difficult to histopathologically diagnose and manage. We present a retrospective case series of eight primary urinary tract melanoma with clinical, pathological, and molecular findings to add more insight to this challenging disease. These cases were evaluated for histopathological, immunohistochemical, and molecular features of melanoma that were most commonly found in the urethra, followed by those in the bladder and ureter. Identification of nested growth patterns and in situ melanocytic components at cell edges are helpful in the histopathological diagnosis of amelanotic or hypomelanotic tumors. Our results indicate that urinary tract melanoma has several molecular traits, such as gene expression patterns. Genetic mutations may be related to metastasis, as well as provide targets for the management programs.  相似文献   

目的探讨闭合性尿道损伤的治疗方式及疗效。方法35例患者,采取经尿道膀胱镜或输尿管镜下留置导丝引导尿管进入以及经会阴尿道修补和尿道会师术治疗尿道损伤。结果35例手术均获成功,35例均经术后不同时期扩张尿道,33例无尿道狭窄,2例并发尿道狭窄,经直视下行尿道内切开治愈。结论急性尿道损伤临床常见,根据不同损伤类型、部位,经尿道膀胱镜或输尿管镜下留置导丝引导尿管进入的方式,治疗尿道损伤,创伤小,恢复快,对患者具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

To assist physicians, especially young physicians, in identifying tuberculosis (TB) infection before the terminal stage, we analyzed 7 cases of numerous tuberculous granulomas in multiple organs and compared clinical and autopsy findings between cases. Patients ranged in age from 41 to 86 years at the time of death. The main chief complaint was fever of unknown origin (3 of 7 cases [43%]). The main underlying conditions were liver cirrhosis (2 of 7 cases [29%]) and chronic renal failure (2 of 7 cases [29%]). Two patients (29%) had been given methylprednisolone pulse therapy for various lung disorders. Active TB was not diagnosed before autopsy in 4 of 7 (57%) patients. Calcified lesions indicative of old TB were present in 4 of 7 (57%) patients. Thus, miliary tuberculosis may represent a re-emergence of latent TB infection in these cases. Various histologic features of nonreactive exudative inflammation were seen, along with granulomas containing Langhans giant cells with or without caseous necrosis in hypervascular organs, such as the lung, liver, and bone marrow. Physicians should be mindful of the possibility of miliary TB when older patients with hepatorenal disease and a history of TB infection have undergone immunosuppressive treatment. Active tuberculous infection can depend on the presence of an underlying disease and immunocompromise.  相似文献   

尿道狭窄的外科治疗(附19例报告)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
董登云 《解剖与临床》2007,12(2):119-121
目的:探讨尿道狭窄不同外科治疗方法的选择,以期提高临床疗效.方法:手术治疗尿道狭窄19例,其中内切开术7例,经会阴尿道狭窄段切除端端吻合术6例,转移包皮瓣尿道成形术6例.结果:7例尿道狭窄内切开治疗者治愈6例(85.7%),好转1例;6例尿道狭窄段切除端端吻合治疗者全部治愈,占100%.6例转移包皮瓣治疗者全部治愈,占100%.结论:根据不同病情选用不同的手术方法有利于提高疗效.  相似文献   

We describe the lesions of extrapulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) affecting the lymph nodes of the mediastinum and retroperitoneum in 22 women (mean age +/- SD, 42.4+/-10.5 years). In most of these patients, the diagnosis of extrapulmonary LAM preceded that of pulmonary LAM, usually by 1 to 2 years. Eleven patients had distinct symptoms, including chylous pleural effusion and/or ascites, abdominal pain, and palpable abdominal masses. In the other 11 patients, the masses caused no symptoms. Well-circumscribed, encapsulated masses, measuring up to 20 cm in size, occurred in the mediastinum in 2 patients, the upper retroperitoneum in 15, extensive areas of the retroperitoneum in 2, and the pelvis in 3. The masses exceeding 3 cm in diameter contained large, multiple cysts filled with yellow-tan chylous fluid. Histologically, the masses were characterized by a proliferation of smooth muscle cells (LAM cells) arranged in fascicular, trabecular, and papillary patterns, which were associated with slit-like vascular channels. The LAM cells varied from small, spindle-shaped cells to large epithelioid cells. Immunohistochemical studies showed a strong reactivity of most LAM cells for alpha-smooth muscle actin and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain and a weak to moderate reactivity of a lesser number of cells for desmin and nonmuscle myosin heavy chain II-B. A reaction for HMB-45 and estrogen and progesterone receptors was observed mainly in epithelioid LAM cells. These patterns of reactivity are similar to those observed in pulmonary LAM. However, the chylous cysts are not a feature of pulmonary LAM and are thought to result from obstruction of lymphatics.  相似文献   

Neural activity of lumbar visceral afferents supplying the urinary bladder and urethra was analyzed systematically in the cat. The afferent fibres were isolated either from the white rami L3 and L4 in a preparation with closed peritoneal cavity, or from the lumbar splanchnic nerves in a preparation with open peritoneal cavity and investigated for various functional parameters. Seventy five single units and 9 multiunit bundles were analyzed. 1) About 50% of the afferent units had some ongoing activity (0.2 to 1 imp/s). Two thirds of the afferent axons were thin myelinated (conduction velocity 3–15 m/s), the rest were presumably unmyelinated (conduction velocity below 2 m/s). 2) The receptive fields of the afferent units consisted —with one exception — of single mechanosensitive sites on the surface of the bladder and urethra. Most receptive fields were situated on the dorsal side of the bladder. 3) Afferents with receptive fields on or in the bladder wall responded in a graded manner to passive distension and isovolumetric contraction at intravesical pressures ranging from about 10 to 70 mm Hg. The thresholds for exciting the afferent units ranged from less than 10 mm Hg to about 30 mm Hg intravesical pressure, most of them being less than 20 mm Hg. Generally, the discharge rate of the afferent units gave a reliable representation of the intravesical pressure to the lumbar spinal cord. 4) Urethral units exhibited either no responses to the graded distensions and contractions of the urinary bladder, or responded with low discharge rates at higher intravesical pressures. 5) The results do not support the notion that noxious events in the urinary bladder are encoded by specific nociceptive visceral afferents to the lumbar spinal cord but possibly by some other mechanism of encoding.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

The clinical and pathologic features of 51 cases of pilomatrixoma found in our archives from 1990-1999 were reviewed, with emphasis on the cytopathologic features of the 22 cases that were sampled by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy prior to excision. Although uncommon, almost 20% of the pilomatrixomas in this series occurred in adults over age 30. Of the commonly reported features, the presence of basaloid cells and ghost cells in FNA smears, associated with a cutaneous location of the lesion, was sufficient for a confident cytologic diagnosis of pilomatrixoma. The presence of foreign body-type giant cells, nucleated squamous cells, and calcification, alone or in combination, was less specific, but supported a diagnosis of pilomatrixoma. Although infrequently reported, prominent nucleoli in basaloid cells and smears containing refractile keratin clumps were very useful clues in the diagnosis of pilomatrixoma. Finally, the routine use of cell blocks is recommended because in many of the cases presented ghost cells were fragmented or obscured in smears, but were more readily identified in cell block sections.  相似文献   

A case review of 225 patients with abnormal breast nipple secretions (NS) was done to determine diagnostically useful clinical and cytologic features. The cytologic specimens and medical records from all patients and 45 concurrent breast biopsies were reviewed. Nipple discharge was attributed to fibrocystic disease (FCD) in 81 cases, physiologic disturbances in 62, papillomas in 18, ductal carcinoma (CA) in 5, miscellaneous benign disorders in 14, and unknown causes in 45. Although cytologic examination of NS was very specific in identifying malignancy, the sensitivity of cytology was low. Carcinoma was diagnosed or suspected cytologically in only three of the five CA cases, with no false-positive cytopathologic interpretations. Malignant NS were usually unilateral, hemorrhagic, mass-associated, and in older patients. Males with nipple discharge had a significantly higher incidence of breast cancer (two of nine; 22%) than women with abnormal NS (3 of 216; 1.5%). Papilloma NS were generally unilateral and hemorrhagic; FCD and physiologic NS were mostly serous or milky. Benign NS were not cytologically distinguishable. We conclude that cytologic examination of NS is a specific but insensitive method to identify underlying malignancy. Additional clinical features, including patient age, laterality and character of NS, and radiographic findings, were found to be diagnostically useful.  相似文献   

Prostatic-type polyps of the lower urinary tract: three histogenetic types?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seventeen prostatic-type polyps of the lower urinary tract are reported. All occurred in males, and the mean ages of the patients with ureteric orifice, bladder and urethral polyps were 20.5, 60.2 and 36.6 years, respectively. The commonest presentation for the bladder and ureteric orifice polyps was haematuria, whereas that for the urethral polyps was either dysuria or haematuria. The polyps consisted of acini and papillae lined by prostatic-type epithelium, as confirmed by immunostaining for prostatic-specific antigen. Most had interspersed islands or complete covering of transitional epithelium on the surface. We believe that the histogenesis of prostatic-type polyps may differ in the different sites. For the ureteric orifice polyp, the early age of presentation and the simple occurrence of prostatic acini beneath an intact urothelium suggest a developmental abnormality. For the bladder polyp, the late onset of disease and the commonly observed transition with cystitis cystica-glandularis suggest that it may be a metaplastic variant of cystitis cystica-glandularis. On the other hand, the urethral polyp probably represents a hyperplastic lesion, since the prostatic urethra is normally lined partly by prostatic-type epithelium.  相似文献   

The distinction between small lymphocytic lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukemia (SLL/CLL) and mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) has important clinical implications. Typically, SLL/CLL is CD23+, whereas MCL is CD23-. However, CD23 is expressed in a subset of MCLs, and the clinicopathologic features of patients with these neoplasms are not well described. We report 18 CD23+ MCLs, detected by flow cytometry in all cases (dim intensity, 16; bright intensity, 2), 5 (28%), also positive by immunohistochemical analysis. There were 13 men and 5 women (median age, 56 years), 5 of whom died (median survival, 46 months). Seventeen (94%) had bone marrow involvement. Lymphadenopathy (14 cases [78%]), splenomegaly (11 cases [61%]), and leukemic involvement (10 cases [56%]) were common. Five cases (28%) had blastoid morphologic features. The frequency of CD23 expression by MCL is method-dependent, being typically dim and most commonly detected by flow cytometry. In this small study group, bone marrow and leukemic involvement were relatively common.  相似文献   

We report 41 cases of invasive spindle cell thymomas (World Health Organization type A). The patients were 16 women and 25 men between the ages of 38 and 80 years. Clinically, the patients had diverse symptomatology, including chest pain, cough, and dyspnea. None of the patients had a history of myasthenia gravis. According to the Mazaoka surgical staging system, 34 patients had stage II disease, 6 had stage III, and 1 had stage IV. Follow-up information showed that 30 patients were alive after a period ranging from 12 to 96 months; for 8 patients who are alive, the follow-up was less than 12 months; 1 patient died 10 months after initial diagnosis. For 2 patients, no follow-up information was obtained. This study stresses the fact that histologic features do not correlate with invasion or encapsulation because all thymomas, regardless of their histologic type, are capable of invasion.  相似文献   

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