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Circadian effects of dopaminergic treatment in restless legs syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Although an essential diagnostic feature of restless legs syndrome (RLS) is the presence of circadian symptom variations, with an increase in the evening or at night, the mechanisms underlying this time-bound variation remain unknown. Since dopaminergic mechanisms seem to play a central role in the pathophysiology of RLS, it is likely that circadian variations in the dopaminergic system or factors affecting it cause the nightly increase. The reverse is also possible; dopaminergic medication might affect melatonin function, a key element of the circadian system. The present study investigated the effects of dopaminergic medication on melatonin secretion in RLS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eight previously untreated patients diagnosed with idiopathic RLS underwent a three-week, open-labeled treatment with 400 mg L-DOPA (+100 mg CarbiDOPA). Dim Light Melatonin Onset (DLMO), a marker of circadian phase, was determined before and after treatment. RESULTS: Compared to baseline, earlier DLMO was found in L-DOPA treated patients (21:00+/-1:20 vs. 18:50+/-0:55; P < 0.05). Anticipation of DLMO was more marked in the subgroup of patients showing augmentation. A positive correlation was observed between change of DLMO, sleep latency and time of onset of symptoms following treatment with L-DOPA. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that L-DOPA may exert chronobiotic effects in RLS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) has a circadian component with symptoms being prominent at night. The dopaminergic (DAergic) system, which plays a role in RLS, entails circadian changes that parallel RLS symptom changes. The aim of this study was to look for relative and diurnal differences in DAergic activity. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All RLS subjects were treated prior to their enrollment in the study but were all drug-free for at least 2 weeks prior to evaluation. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collected at 10 p.m. was used to determine DA-related co-factors and metabolites. These were compared to CSF values collected in a previous study at 10 a.m. RESULTS: The only significant finding from the 10 p.m. samples (30 RLS; 22 control) was increased 3-ortho-methyldopa (3OMD) for RLS compared to controls. A comparison of the 10 p.m. to 10 a.m. values (16 RLS; 9 controls) showed small, non-significant diurnal changes for controls but large diurnal changes in tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), HVA:5HIAA ratio and 3OMD for RLS, with the 10 a.m. sample showing increases in all three CSF factors compared to the 10 p.m. sample. CONCLUSIONS: The greater diurnal changes in RLS suggest greater fluctuations than normal in DAergic circadian dynamics. The increased 3OMD concentration in the absence of concurrent exogenous levodopa (l-dopa) suggests changes in synthesis or metabolism of l-dopa in RLS.  相似文献   

Functional neuroimaging studies in restless legs syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Functional neuroimaging studies may contribute to elucidate pathophysiological mechanisms of the restless legs syndrome (RLS) which still remain unclear. Studies in patients with RLS have been performed using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and, more recently, positron emission tomography (PET). SPECT and PET studies revealed some controversial results of the pre- and postsynaptic dopaminergic neurotransmission system and cerebral metabolism in RLS probably reflecting a dysfunction of the central dopaminergic system. However, it still has to be determined whether these alterations affect the nigrostriatal and/or other central dopaminergic systems like the diencephalospinal or mesolimbic pathway and whether they are the primary mechanisms or only secondary phenomena within the manifestation of RLS symptoms. A subtle receptor dysfunction or a synaptic dopaminergic deficit may play a major role. fMRI investigations of RLS patients revealed an activation in the red nuclei and brainstem close to the reticular formation during the symptomatic period, suggesting that subcortical cerebral generators are involved in the pathogenesis of RLS. However, both techniques are not yet clinically relevant methods to differentiate RLS from other movement disorders during sleep. Further investigations, especially at night when RLS symptoms are most pronounced, will lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying RLS.  相似文献   

PARK6, a locus for early-onset recessive parkinsonism, has been causally implicated in nine unrelated families from four different countries. The gene is still unidentified and hence the importance of PARK6 as a cause of Parkinson's disease is unknown. To date, no pathology or functional imaging studies are available on PARK6-linked parkinsonism. We have used (18)F-dopa positron emission tomography to study four patients who are homozygous and three asymptomatic relatives who are heterozygous for PARK6. The clinically affected PARK6 subjects had a similar 85% reduction in posterior dorsal putamen (18)F-dopa uptake to a group of idiopathic Parkinson's disease patients matched for clinical disease severity and duration but showed significantly greater involvement of head of caudate and anterior putamen. The group of asymptomatic PARK6 carriers showed a significant mean 20 to 30% reduction in caudate and putamen (18)F-dopa uptake in comparison with controls, individual values falling toward the bottom of the normal range. Our results indicate that PARK6 pathology results in a more uniform loss of striatal dopamine terminal function than Parkinson's disease. The subclinical loss of striatal dopamine storage capacity found in the PARK6 carriers implies that the unidentified gene on the short arm of chromosome 1 exhibits either haploinsufficency or a dominant negative effect.  相似文献   

ObjectiveDopaminergic pathways are most likely involved in the pathophysiology of restless legs syndrome (RLS). In previous investigations, an alteration of cortical excitability was suggested to be related to a dopaminergic dysfunction in RLS. The purpose of our study was to compare practice-dependent plasticity in RLS patients before and after a month of dopaminergic treatment.MethodsSingle-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to define motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude, motor threshold, and silent period (SP) as well. Subjects performed three exercise blocks (bimanual motor task). MEP amplitude, registered immediately after each exercise block and after a rest period, was compared to baseline. The time course of intra-cortical inhibition was tested using paired-pulse TMS at short inter-stimulus intervals. For the single-pulse TMS procedures, we enrolled 12 patients affected by primary RLS and 12 normal subjects. For the paired-pulse TMS procedures, only six patients underwent the examination. RLS patients underwent the examination in both pre- and post-dopaminergic treatment conditions.ResultsIn RLS patients MEP amplitude increased after the rest period only in the post-treatment condition, showing a delayed facilitation. After exercise, MEP amplitude increased, but not enough to be significant, showing a positive trend but not a clear-cut post-exercise facilitation. In the pre-treatment condition instead, MEP amplitude did not change either after rest period or after exercise.RLS patients showed a marked increase of the central motor inhibition, assessed by using paired-pulse TMS at short inter-stimulus intervals after pramipexole treatment. On the contrary, the duration of the SP did not change compared to the pre-treatment condition.ConclusionsIn RLS patients after dopaminergic treatment, the main finding was the changing of MEP amplitude after rest following a motor task. Since dopaminergic treatment can reverse delayed facilitation in RLS, we hypothesized that cortical plasticity related to dopaminergic systems may play a crucial role in RLS pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Brainstem and spinal pathways of untreated patients with idiopathic restless legs syndrome (RLS) were examined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), blink reflex, first and second exteroceptive suppression (ES1, ES2) of temporalis muscle, and H reflex. MRI of 25 patients elicited no structural lesions beyond age-related atrophy or white matter lesions on proton density- and T2-weighted coronal and axial images. All patients showed a normal latency of the soleus H reflex (mean·SD latency=31.22·2.81 ms) and the H/M ratio was 48·17%. The duration and onset latency of the direct and indirect blink reflex responses were normal in all patients compared with those of controls (p>0.5). There was no significant difference in ES1 and ES2 latencies or duration between patients and controls (p>0.5). These results suggest that the etiology of RLS symptoms does not involve structural lesions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Do patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) report gambling or other abnormal behaviors as previously reported in Parkinson disease. METHODS: This survey study was sent to 261 idiopathic RLS patients, and it included the Gambling Symptoms Assessment Scale, Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale, and questions pertaining to sexual activity and novelty-seeking behaviors. RESULTS: Ninety-nine patients responded to the survey, and 77 were actively taking 1 or more dopaminergic medications. Of the 70 respondents who answered the gambling questions, 5 (7%) noted a change in gambling, with 4 (6%; 95% confidence interval, 2%-14%) stating that increased urges and time spent gambling occurred specifically after the use of dopaminergic medications (2 on pramipexole, 1 on ropinirole, and 1 on levodopa and pramipexole). Increased sexual desire was reported by 4 (5%) of the 77 respondents, 3 (4%; 95% confidence interval, 1%-11%) reported that this occurred specifically after the use of dopaminergic medications (1 on pramipexole, 1 on ropinirole, and 1 on levodopa). One patient reported both an increase in gambling and sexual habits. CONCLUSIONS: This exploratory survey study revealed the development of gambling and/or increased sexuality in patients with RLS. These data raise the possibility that, as in Parkinson disease, RLS patients should be cautioned about potential behaviors that may occur with the use of dopaminergic medications. Further prospective studies are needed to assess the relationship between these medications and compulsive behaviors associated with the treatment of RLS.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To apply statistical parametric mapping to 18F-dopa PET data sets, to examine the regional distribution of changes in dopaminergic metabolism in early asymmetric Parkinson's disease. METHODS: Thirteen normal volunteers (age 57.7 (SD 16.5) years; four women, nine men ) and six patients (age 50.3 (SD 13.5) years; three women, three men) with asymmetric (right sided) Parkinson's disease were studied. Images from each dynamic dopa PET dataset were aligned and parametric images of 18F-dopa influx (Ki) were created for each subject. The Ki images were transformed into standard stereotactic space. The Ki values of the caudate and putamen on spatially normalised images were compared with the Ki values before normalisation. The application of statistical parametric mapping (SPM) allowed statistical comparison of regional Ki values on a voxel by voxel basis between healthy volunteers and patients with Parkinson's disease. RESULTS: There was a strong correlation between the Ki values before and after spatial normalisation (r=0.898, p=0.0001). Significant decreases in the Ki values were found for the Parkinson's desease group throughout the entire left putamen (p< 0.001) and focally in the dorsal right putamen (p<0.001). Decreased Ki values were also shown bilaterally in the substantia nigra (p< 0.01). CONCLUSION: Using (SPM) and 18F-dopa PET, reductions in both striatal and nigral brain dopaminergic function could be demonstrated in early Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Abstract. Objectives Neurophysiological studies have shown an impairment of temperature perception in secondary and idiopathic restless legs syndrome (RLS). It is unclear whether these deficits are caused by peripheral nerve fibre damage or by central impairment of somatosensory processing. The aim of the present study was (1) to determine the frequency of thermal hypaesthesia in a large population of secondary and idiopathic RLS patients; (2) to differentiate between a peripheral and central disturbance of somatosensory processing and (3) to correlate these findings with the clinical manifestation of the disease. Methods From the results of clinical examination, nerve conduction studies and blood samples the patients were divided into secondary and idiopathic RLS groups. The severity of RLS symptoms was assessed by standardized questionnaires. Quantitative sensory testing (QST) assessing temperature perception was performed in all patients. The peripheral function of small nerve fibres was evaluated by the quantitative nociceptor axon reflex test (QNART). Results 22 secondary and 20 idiopathic RLS patients participated in the study. Impairment of temperature perception (QST) was found in 72% of the secondary RLS patients and in 55% of idiopathic RLS patients. The peripheral C–fibre function (QNART) was normal in idiopathic RLS patients. In contrast it was significantly impaired in secondary RLS patients compared with idiopathic RLS patients and age matched controls. There was no correlation between the results obtained in QST and clinical scores. Conclusion Impairment of temperature perception is present in a high percentage of RLS patients. In secondary RLS the sensory deficits are at least in part caused by small fibre neuropathy. In idiopathic RLS a functional impairment of central somatosensory processing is present.  相似文献   

We measured striatal 18F-dopa influx constants (Ki) for 20 patients with isolated, predominantly postural, tremor (eight familial, 12 sporadic) and 11 with predominantly rest tremor. Results were compared with 30 controls and 16 Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. The eight familial essential tremor (ET) patients had normal striatal 18F-dopa uptake. Two of the 12 sporadic postural tremor patients had subnormal putamen 18F-dopa Ki, one (who later became akinetic) falling in the PD range. The mean putamen 18F-dopa uptake of the 11 rest tremor patients was reduced to PD levels (51% of normal). Our findings argue against an association between ET and PD, but support the existence of a "benign" tremulous variant of PD. The presence of low-amplitude rest tremor, cogwheel rigidity, reduced arm swing, and short tremor duration was not a useful predictor of nigral dysfunction in patients with postural tremor. In contrast, patients with predominantly rest tremor, particularly with onset in the leg, consistently showed reduced putamen 18F-dopa uptake.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aetiology of the cognitive changes seen in Parkinson's disease (PD) is multifactorial but it is likely that a significant contribution arises from the disruption of dopaminergic pathways. This study aimed to investigate the contribution of the dopaminergic system to performance on two executive tasks using (18)F-6-fluorodopa positron emission tomography ((18)F-dopa PET) in PD subjects with early cognitive changes. METHODS: 16 non-demented, non-depressed PD subjects were evaluated with the Tower of London (TOL) spatial planning task, a verbal working memory task (VWMT) and (18)F-dopa PET, all known to be affected in early PD. Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) localised brain regions in which (18)F-dopa uptake covaried with performance scores. Frontal cortical resting glucose metabolism was assessed with (18)F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ((18)F-FDG) PET. RESULTS: SPM localised significant covariation between right caudate (18)F-dopa uptake (Ki) and TOL scores and between left anterior putamen Ki and VWMT performance. No significant covariation was found between task scores and (18)F-dopa Ki values in either limbic or cortical regions. Frontal cortical glucose metabolism was preserved in all cases. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support a causative role of striatal dopaminergic depletion in the early impairment of executive functions seen in PD. They suggest that spatial and verbal executive tasks require integrity of the right and left striatum, respectively, and imply that the pattern of cognitive changes manifest by a patient with PD may reflect differential dopamine loss in the two striatal complexes.  相似文献   

The early motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease (PD) reflect degeneration of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons projecting to the caudal putamen. However, extrastriatal dopamine and other monoamine systems are also involved, particularly in later disease. We used (18)F-dopa PET in a cross-sectional study to characterize extrastriatal monoamine neuronal dysfunction in PD. 16 Controls and 41 patients underwent investigation. We found that (18)F-dopa uptake was decreased in cortical motor areas, particularly the motor cortex, even in early disease. Frontal association areas were also affected in later disease but limbic areas were spared except for hypothalamus. The substantia nigra, midbrain raphe and locus coeruleus showed normal or increased (18)F-dopa uptake until PD was advanced, indicating compensatory responses in intact monoamine neuron perikarya. The red nucleus, subthalamus, ventral thalamus and pineal gland were also eventually involved. These findings provide a further basis for understanding the complex pathophysiology of PD in vivo and complement pathological studies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Sudden onset of sleep (SOS) was recently reported in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) under dopaminergic treatment. Here, we investigated as to what extent SOS is found in patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS), who are frequently treated with dopaminergic drugs, and controls. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A questionnaire survey on SOS was administered to 156 RLS patients and 126 controls. RESULTS: While no significant difference between RLS patients and controls was detected in Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) scores (P=0.76), the prevalence of SOS was higher in RLS patients (32.7%) than in controls (19.8%) (P=0.02). Significant predictors of SOS in RLS were ESS score (odds ratio (OR) 16.4), male sex (OR 4.6), duration of night-time sleep (OR 3.0), and age (OR 2.9), while no association was observed for duration or severity of the disease. Patients on dopaminergic therapy usually featured a lower risk of SOS than untreated patients. Falling asleep while driving was reported by 14.6% of all RLS patients with a driver's license and associated with increased risk of accident (OR 7.1). CONCLUSIONS: RLS patients who are untreated, male, and elderly should be assessed for the presence of SOS. In contrast to PD, dopaminergic drugs may reduce the risk of SOS in RLS. The possible benefit of the drugs should be investigated particularly in male patients.  相似文献   

Pathologic gambling is an impulse control disorder previously reported to complicate dopamine agonist therapy in patients with Parkinson disease. It has not been described in association with dopamine agonist therapy of other conditions. We report three patients treated in our sleep disorders center who developed pathologic gambling while receiving treatment with dopamine agonists for restless legs syndrome.  相似文献   

Genetics in restless legs syndrome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several studies on Restless legs syndrome (RLS) have suggested a substantial genetic contribution in the etiology of this sleep disorder. Clinical surveys of idiopathic RLS patients have shown that up to 60% report a positive family history. Investigations of single families with RLS have suggested an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with variable expressivity, and some families show possible anticipation. At present, only one twin study is available, showing a high concordance rate (83.3%) between identical twins. Despite several reports suggesting a genetic contribution to the etiology of idiopathic RLS, few molecular genetic studies have been carried out attempting to identify genes that can predispose to this disorder. In particular, genes encoding for the GABA A receptor subunits, the gene for the alpha1 subunit of the glycine receptor, and genes involved in dopaminergic transmission and metabolism have been analyzed, but no significant findings have been reported. Genome-wide studies have been conducted to map genes that play a role in vulnerability to RLS. In a single French-Canadian family significant linkage was established on chromosome 12q. The susceptibility locus on chromosome 12q was not confirmed in two South Tyrolean families, or in our two Italian families. However, the efforts toward the identification of RLS genes must continue in order to obtain a better characterization of the syndrome and to identify new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

《Movement disorders》2002,17(2):421-421
Entacapone increased the duration of action of carbidopa–levodopa and resulted in longer periods of symptomatic relief in a patient with restless legs syndrome. The only side effect was nausea. ©2002 Movement Disorder Society.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Total plasma homocysteine (tHcy) may be a risk factor for vascular diseases and is associated with renal failure or deficiency of vitamin B12 or folate. Recently, elevated tHcy concentrations were observed in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), particularly those under levodopa treatment. Our objective was to determine whether changes in tHcy are also found in patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) in relation to levodopa treatment and whether folate and vitamins B6 and B12 play a role in RLS. METHODS: In a total of 228 subjects, tHcy and B vitamin status (vitamins B6 and B12, folate) were studied: 97 patients with idiopathic RLS (40 under levodopa therapy), 39 with PD (25 under levodopa therapy), and 92 healthy controls adjusted for age and gender. RESULTS: No significant differences were observed in tHcy levels between RLS patients and controls or between the RLS groups without treatment or with levodopa or dopamine agonist treatment. Mean tHcy was significantly higher in PD patients (13.8 micromol/l) than in either RLS patients (11.7 micromol/l) or controls (11.0 micromol/l; p<0.001). There was an inverse association between tHcy and vitamin B12 in each group. CONCLUSIONS: RLS and, in particular, levodopa treatment in RLS are not associated with hyperhomocysteinemia. Elevated tHcy could, however, be confirmed in PD patients.  相似文献   

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