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In this study, the cases of 17 civilians with penetrating firearm injuries of the spinal cord treated between 1968 and 1990 at the Department of Neurosurgery, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, were analyzed. Relevant literature was reviewed and compared with our study. The results of treatment and other factors determining mortality rate and prognosis were evaluated. Our study and the literature both appear to indicate that operative intervention is the mainstay of treatment.  相似文献   

A patient is presented in whom an uncommon subjective complaint of pulsatile dysesthesia (periodic dysesthesias following a radicular pattern and occurring simultaneously with the transmitted pulse) occurred following a gunshot wound to the axilla. The patient's symptoms were relieved by the surgical obliteration of a pseudoaneurysm of the axillary artery.  相似文献   

The diagnosis and management of penetrating injuries to the cervical carotid arteries continue to be controversial. Most patients with stab or gunshot wounds to the common or internal carotid artery in cervical zone II (sternal notch to angle of mandible) are symptomatic with external or intraoral hemorrhage, a rapidly expanding hematoma, evidence of a carotid-jugular arteriovenous fistula at an obvious site, or loss of the carotid pulse with a neurologic deficit. Immediate airway control and arterial repair are indicated in such patients. Other patients present with stab or gunshot wounds with proximity only to the carotid sheath, a stable hematoma, unknown level of a carotid-jugular arteriovenous fistula, or loss of the carotid pulse without a neurologic deficit. Diagnostic options in this latter group include duplex ultrasound, color duplex imaging, and standard arteriography, while the role of CT or MRI angiography in evaluating patients with penetrating cervical wounds is unclear at this time. Certain arterial injuries discovered on diagnostic tests are currently managed with observation, endovascular stenting (for intimal or wall irregularities), and arteriographic embolization (for small pseudoaneurysms or high carotid-jugular fistulas). Operative repairs for injuries in zone II are performed through an oblique cervical incision and include all the options used with peripheral vascular injuries. Patients with penetrating cervical wounds, preoperative neurologic deficits, and immediate transport to the trauma center should have repair rather than ligation of the injured carotid artery. When the patient is truly comatose with a Glasgow Coma Scale score < 8, an unsatisfactory neurologic outcome is likely with either arterial repair or ligation. Injuries to the extracranial internal carotid artery in cervical zone III (above the angle of the mandible) may require innovative approaches to control hemorrhage and then maintain flow to the ipsilateral cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Management of proximal axillary and subclavian artery injuries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to review the management and outcome of proximal axillary and subclavian artery injuries, and to estimate the prehospital mortality rate for subclavian injury through forensic pathology autopsy data. METHODS: Data were collected prospectively for 260 patients who presented between 1977 and 1996 with trauma to the proximal axillary and subclavian arteries. RESULTS: The majority of victims (214, 82 per cent) were admitted following stab injury. Some 154 patients (59 per cent) presented within 24 h of sustaining an injury and, of these, 59 (38 per cent) required immediate surgery. An additional 67 patients (26 per cent) attended 2 days or more after injury. Comparison of these data with those from forensic autopsy reports suggests that the prehospital mortality rate for penetrating subclavian trauma was approximately 75 per cent. CONCLUSION: Approximately 25 per cent of subclavian artery injuries caused minimal initial symptoms but delayed complications prompted attendance for medical attention. The majority of patients who survived subclavian artery injury and attended for medical attention were haemodynamically stable on admission; selective arteriography provided valuable information in these patients. Supraclavicular and infraclavicular incisions avoided clavicular division and reduced the postoperative morbidity associated with distal subclavian artery injuries.  相似文献   

《Journal of vascular surgery》2020,71(6):2161-2169
BackgroundPenetrating vertebral artery injuries (VAIs) are rare. Because of their rarity, complex anatomy, and difficult surgical exposures, few surgeons and trauma centers have developed significant experience with their management. The objectives of this study were to review their incidence, clinical presentation, radiologic identification, management, complications, and outcomes and to provide a review of anatomic exposures and surgical techniques for their management.MethodsA literature search on MEDLINE Complete-PubMed, Cochrane, Ovid, and Embase for the period of 1893 to 2018 was conducted. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines were used. Our literature search yielded a total of 181 potentially eligible articles with 71 confirmed articles, consisting of 21 penetrating neck injury series, 13 VAI-specific series, and 37 case reports. Operative procedures and outcomes were recorded along with methods of angiographic imaging and operative management. All articles were reviewed by at least two independent authors, and data were analyzed collectively.ResultsThere were a total of 462 patients with penetrating VAIs. The incidence of VAI in the civilian population was 3.1% vs 0.3% in the military population. More complete data were available from 13 collected VAI-specific series and 37 case reports for a total of 362 patients. Mechanism of injury data were available for 341 patients (94.2%). There were gunshot wounds (178 patients [49.2%]), stab wounds (131 [73.6%]), and miscellaneous mechanisms of injury (32 [8.8%]). Anatomic site of injury data were available for 177 (49%) patients: 92 (25.4%) left, 84 (23.2%) right, and 1 (0.3%) bilateral. Anatomic segment of injury data were available for 204 patients (56.4%): 28 (7.7%) V1, 125 (34.5%) V2, and 51 (14.1%) V3. Treatment data were available for 212 patients. Computed tomography angiography was the most common imaging modality (163 patients [77%]). Injuries were addressed by operative management (94 [44.3%]), angiography and angioembolization (72 [34%]), combined approaches (11 [5.2%]), and observation (58 [27.4%]). Stenting and repair were less frequently employed (10 [4.7%]). The incidence of aneurysms or pseudoaneurysms was 18.5% (67); the incidence of arteriovenous fistula was 16.9% (61). The calculated mortality in VAI-specific series was 15.1%; in the individual case report group, it was 10.5%.ConclusionsThe majority of VAIs present without neurologic symptoms, although some may present with exsanguinating hemorrhage. Computed tomography angiography should be considered first line to establish diagnosis. Gunshot wounds account for most injuries. The most frequently injured segment is V2. Surgical ligation is the most common intervention, followed by angioembolization, both of which constitute important management approaches.  相似文献   

Penetrating injury of the extracranial carotid arteries has until recently remained relatively uncommon, with some 250 cases being reported in the past 10 years. Internal carotid trauma represents approximately 20% of this total, and the management of these injuries high in the neck is controversial. Use of the Fogarty balloon catheter for control of distal retrograde bleeding is recommended.  相似文献   

During 1968-1973, 122 patients with 126 arterial injuries were treated. In 94 instances (90 patients), these injuries involved extremities. Systolic blood pressure was below 90 mm Hg upon admission in 55.6% of all patients and 37.7% of those with injuries to arteries of the extremities. The decision for operative exploration and repair of arteries of extremities was based largely on clinical grounds (shock, loss of pulse). Preoperative arteriography was needed infrequently, while operative angiography was nearly routine. Although several cases of late revascularization or traumatic thrombosis of renal artery have been reported, hypertension complicates the postoperative period, and early, aggressive approach is essential. Mortality was 10.6%, from aortic injuries. There were no deaths among patients with arterial injuries distal to inguinal ligament or thoracic outlet. The amputation rate from reconstruction failure was 1.1%, none occurring in the last 3 years of the series. The high patency rate and lack of evidence of pulmonary embolization suggest that associated venous injuries be repaired routinely. Arterial injuries represent ideal lesions (normal arterial wall with excellent run-in and run-off). Prompt treatment of shock and early, proper management of patients' mechanical disruptions will salvage many lives and most limbs.  相似文献   

12例开放性腋动脉损伤的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨开放性腋动脉损伤的诊治体会。方法1996年-2002年,共诊治12例开放性腋动脉损伤的患者,从受伤到入院时间为3~14h,入院时均处于不同程度的休克状态,桡动脉搏动减弱或消失。在积极抗休克治疗的同时,急诊进行清创、血管神经探查和修复术。其中行腋动脉修补5例,腋动脉直接吻合6例,自体静脉移植修复1例。结果伤后8h内腋动脉再通8例,8~16h内腋动脉再通4例,无病例发生截肢或死亡。术后伤口均Ⅰ期愈合,桡动脉搏动良好。结论对开放性腋动脉损伤早期诊断和及时手术探查是控制休克、获取良好疗效的关键。  相似文献   

An analysis of 32 surgically managed penetrating carotid artery injuries.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A review of the surgical management of penetrating carotid artery injuries in the Trauma Unit at Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, is presented. MATERIALS AND METHODS: a retrospective analysis of all surgically treated penetrating carotid artery injuries over a 3-year period was performed. The policy is to repair all injuries to the common and internal carotid arteries. Ligation is reserved for patients with prolonged coma; ischaemic infarcts or cerebral oedema on computerised axial tomography of the brain; technically inaccessible high internal carotid artery injuries, and those with occluded arteries with no distal patency detected during surgery or with angiography. RESULTS: thirty-two patients with penetrating carotid artery injuries were reviewed. Eleven patients underwent emergency exploration. Twenty-one patients had angiography prior to exploration. Injuries in the emergency group were all repaired, with improvement in level of consciousness; also, two patients had preoperative neurological deficits that improved. Three of the 21 patients in the urgent group underwent ligation of the common carotid artery: one comatose patient with a hemiparesis died following ligation; the other two had improvement in their level of consciousness, one of whom showed improvement of his hemiparesis. The remaining injuries to the common and internal carotid arteries were repaired with improvement in level of consciousness and neurological deficit when present. CONCLUSION: operative repair offers the best chance of recovery.  相似文献   

Civilian landmine injuries in Sri Lanka   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to describe the injuries sustained by displaced people returning home after a military conflict when landmines were not removed. METHOD: This study describes the landmine injuries to patients at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital in northern Sri Lanka over a 20-month period, from May 1, 1996, to December 31, 1997. RESULTS: There were definite and identifiable landmine injury patterns. Patients were most often wounded in the lower extremities, had multiple wounds, and were injured together in groups. Victims were most often male, but there were unusually high numbers of women, children, and elderly injured. Mortality rates and amputation rates were high. Deaths occurred early after injury. Higher incidences of mine injuries could be associated with two important activities: returning home and agriculture. CONCLUSIONS: Civilians returning home after armed conflicts are at risk of injury when landmines are not removed. No one is spared. This problem is preventable.  相似文献   

In the management of pediatric trauma, certain principles that are practiced in children who have sustained injuries more commonly seen in adults are extrapolated from the adult trauma literature. The increased use of computer tomography angiograms in the diagnosis of penetrating vascular trauma and endovascular therapy in treating vascular trauma in the adult population is being extended to the pediatric population. We present a case of a 14-year-old male with an axillary artery injury that was diagnosed by computer tomography angiogram and treated with an endovascular Stent graft with 1-year follow-up.  相似文献   

The management of chest injuries begins with knowledge of what happened to the patient at the time of the traumatic incident and converting this information into possible diagnoses. The various organs of the chest cavity are discussed emphasizing the controversies that attend the management or diagnosis of each one.
Resumen El trauma torácico constituye entre el 20 y el 30% de todas las muertes por trauma en los Estados Unidos; sin embargo, sólo 15% de los pacientes con trauma torácico requieren intervención quirúrgica. La mayoría de los casos pueden ser exitosamente manejados manteniendo oxigenación y perfusión adecuadas. La estabilidad de la pared torácica, el control de neumotórax y de hemotórax masivo y el mantenimiento de buen gasto cardiaco aseguran la oxigenación tisular que previene el metabolismo anaeróbico. La hemorragia, que generalmente se origina en la pared torácica o en los vasos pulmonares, con frecuencia es autolimitante. Las lesiones de la aorta que resultan en pérdida de continuidad de la luz vascular y las lesiones cerradas del corazón deben ser manejadas como entidades independientes, aunque hacen parte del complejo patológico que se conoce como trauma torácico. Las lesiones del esófago son poco comunes pero requieren reparación en la misma forma que en cualquiera otra parte del tracto gastrointestinal. La presente revisión de las lesions torácicas comprende: 1) lesiones de la pared torácica; 2) lesiones de los pulmones y bronquios, incluyendo los vasos pulmonares; 3) lesiones del corazón; 4) lesiones de la aorta, y 5) lesiones del esófago. Se hace énfasis sobre las controversias que suscitan el manejo y el diagnóstico de estas lesiones.

Résumé Le traitement des lésions thoraciques commence par la compréhension du type du traumatisme et la discussion diagnostiques possibles. Les organes de la cavité thoracique pouvant être lésés sont énumérés et les controverses entourant leur diagnostic ou leu traitement sont discutés une par une.

Background. Penetrating Iaryngotracheal injuries are uncommon; however, these injuries are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. In an attempt to define the management of penetrating laryngotracheal injuries, we reviewed our experience with these injuries. Methods. We retrospectively analyzed the records of all patients admitted to a Level I trauma center who required operative management for penetrating laryngotracheal injuries. During the period of this study all patients with penetrating neck injuries were managed according to a protocol of selective exploration. Results. Of fifty-seven patients with penetrating laryngotracheal injury 32 patients sustained gunshot wounds and 25 had stab wounds. The injuries were to the larynx in 24 (42%) and trachea in 33 (58%). Forty-six (81%) had isolated airway injuries and 11 (19%) had combined airway and digestive-tract injuries. Emergent airway management in 32 (56%) patients included: tracheostomy (15), endotracheal intubation (14), and cricothyroidotomy (3). Respiratory distress and subcutaneous crepitus were the commonest clinical findings. Diagnostic evaluation included: Iaryngoscopy/tracheoscopy (17), esophagoscopy (12), contrast esophagography (9), angiography (8), and bronchoscopy (3). Repair of laryngotracheal and esophageal injury was performed in the majority of patients. Selected patients with milder Iaryngotracheal injury did not have tracheostomy performed, with no increase in morbidity or mortality. There were 2 (3.5%) early deaths from associated major vascular injury. Conclusion. Mortality can be minimized by aggressive airway control. Endotracheal intubation can be accomplished safely in selected patients with penetrating laryngotracheal injuries. Digestive-tract injuries can often clinically occult and contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality; therefore, early evaluation of the esophagus is vital. Simple repair of Iaryngotracheal and digestive-tract injuries can be performed safely with good results. In patients with minor injuries, tracheostomy does not appear to be mandatory. © 1995 Jons Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In 44 patients neck wounds penetrating the platysma were evaluated over a 5-year period. Twenty-one patients were admitted and observed; 22 patients were explored immediately. One was dead upon arrival in the emergency room. The decision to explore was based upon initial clinical evaluation using criteria of unstable vital signs, bleeding, hematoma, subcutaneous emphysema, respiratory distress, or neurologic deficits. Of the 21 patients selected for observation, none had complications or required later surgery. There was a negative exploration rate of 23%. Had all patients been explored, the negative exploration rate would have been 60%. We conclude that selective exploration, based upon careful clinical evaluation, is both safe and reasonable in cases of penetrating neck trauma.  相似文献   

The presence of pneumopericardium following penetrating injuries of the chest is highly suggestive of a cardiac injury. For this reason, it is generally considered that its presence should be an indication for surgery. In the present study 20 patients with pneumopericardium were selected for conservative treatment. All patients were closely observed by means of clinical examination, serial chest roentgenography, electrocardiography, and Doppler echocardiography. In five patients the electrocardiogram showed pericarditis, and in three patients the echocardiogram demonstrated small pericardial effusions. One patient developed tension pneumopericardium 36 hours after admission and required surgical intervention. The remaining 19 patients had an uneventful recovery. We suggest that the presence of a pneumopericardium following penetrating chest trauma is not an absolute indication for surgery. Electrocardiographic and echographic studies may help in the selection of patients for conservative treatment; but the final decision should be made on the basis of clinical signs and symptoms.  相似文献   

Injuries of the subclavian and proximal axillary arteries are potentially devastating but account for a minority of vascular injuries presenting to trauma centers in the United States. We have reviewed our recent experience with management of subclavian and axillary artery injuries in a state-designated level 1 academic trauma center and report four cases that illustrate the typical arterial injury patterns and the entire therapeutic armamentarium in its current iteration. Subclavian and proximal axillary artery injuries present as interesting surgical problems. A high index of suspicion for vascular injuries should be maintained given the mechanism and proximity to major vasculature. Consideration should always be given to the least invasive treatment options in stable patients. Awareness of multiple therapeutic modalities and indications for each should be an integral part of every surgeon's armamentarium. As with all vascular intervention, eventual failure is the rule rather than the exception; therefore, plans for longitudinal surveillance should be made independent of the technique used to treat the injury.  相似文献   

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