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目的 探讨左侧游离壁慢传导旁路的电生理特点和射频消融方法。方法 5例患诱发心动过速后用心室感知S2程序刺激中止心动过速确立心室为房室折返环的一部分。结果 4例中止心动过速时无心房逆行A波,1例有逆行A波,旁路1例有递减传导特点,均在心室侧消融成功。结论 心室感知S2心室程序刺激中止心动过速是鉴别房性心动过速的可靠方法,成功消融靶点A波较冠状窦标测导管最早A波提前8~22ms。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨左侧游离壁慢传导旁路的电生理特点和射频消融方法。方法 :5例患者诱发心动过速后用心室感知S2程序刺激中止心动过速确立心室为房室折返环的一部分。结果 :4例中止心动过速时无心房逆行 A波 ,1例有逆行 A波 ,旁路 1例有递减传导特点 ,均在心室侧消融成功。成功消融靶点 A波较冠状窦标测导管最早 A波提前 8~2 2 m s。结论 :心室感知 S2心室程序刺激终止心动过速是鉴别房性心动过速的可靠方法。  相似文献   

隐匿性慢旁束心动过速的诊断和消融   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2例隐匿性慢旁束折返性心动过速的诊断依据:1、心房和心室电刺激易诱发和终止心动过速;2、心动过速时体表心电图呈窄QRS波,递行P波及PR〈PR;3、心动过速与右心室起搏均呈同样的偏心性心房激动顺序;4、心动过速时于希司速不应期刺激心室可提前夺获心房;5、经旁速室房传导呈递减性,未发现旁束有前传能力;6、射频消融心动过速的逆传支后表现为室房分离。射频消融需在心运过速或心起搏时仔细标测三尖瓣环,寻找最  相似文献   

穿房间隔(TS)射频消融左侧游离壁房室旁道(旁道)作为径主动脉左室(TA)消融方法的补充途径已受到重视。本文报道TS治疗52例左侧游离壁旁道的经验,初步评价该法的疗效和安全性。52例病人男29例,女23例。年龄15-68岁。旁道位于左前(24例),左侧(18例)和左后(10例)游离壁。选用Swartz鞘(SL1-SL4)进行房间隔穿刺。穿刺成功后送入鞘管至左房并注入肝素5000u。52例病人均被成功阻断旁道传导。放电次数1-8(27±2.1)次。所有病人术中顺利,无房间隔穿刺相关的并发症。4例病人(左前旁道)放电中感胸痛,2例病人(左后旁道)放电中出现窦性心动过缓。3例病人术后复发,均经TA法再次消融获得成功。结果提示TS途径消融左侧游离壁旁道具有较高的成功率和一定的安全性,可为部分病人,如并存主动脉瓣病变、动脉扭曲、或TA消融失败者的另一补充方法。  相似文献   

To evaluate and compare the safety and efficacy of catheter-mediated direct current (DC) or radiofrequency (RF) ablation in patients with free wall accessory atrioventricular pathways, 89 patients with free wall accessory atrioventricular pathway (AP)-mediated tachyarrhythmias underwent catheter ablation. Electrophysiological parameters were similar in the patients with DC (group I, 29 patients with 30 APs) or RF (group II, 60 patients with 64 APs) ablation. Immediately after ablation, it was seen that 27 of 30 APs (90%) had been ablated successfully with DC, but two of the 27 APs had early return of conduction and received a second ablation session; three of eight APs (38%) and 53 of 56 APs (95%) were ablated successfully with RF through a small-tip (2 mm) and a large-tip (4 mm) electrode catheter, respectively. Seven of the eight APs who had a failed RF ablation later had a successful DC ablation. During the follow-up (group I, 14 to 27; group II, 8 to 14 months), all successfully ablated patients had no recurrence of tachycardia. Complications in DC ablation included transient hypotension (two patients), and pulmonary air-trapping (two patients); in RF ablation the complications included cardiac tamponade (1 patient) and suspicious aortic dissection (1 patient); myocardial injury (reflected by peak CK-MB, 34 +/- 5 vs 15 +/- 4 IU.l-1) and pro-arrhythmic effects (new atrial and ventricular arrhythmias) were more severe in those who had DC ablation. Procedure and radiation exposure time were significantly longer in RF ablation (DC, 3.6 +/- 0.2 h, 34 +/- 4 min; RF 4.0 +/- 0.4 h, 46 +/- 10 min). This study confirms that RF ablation with a large-tip electrode catheter is an effective and relatively safe non-surgical method for treatment of free wall accessory atrioventricular pathway-mediated tachyarrhythmias.  相似文献   

目的 对慢径路消融时成功与不成功靶点的心内电图进行对比分析,以期揭示出成功靶点的心内电图特征。方法 常规电生理检查确诊为典型房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)患者87例,应用解剖和心内电图复合定位逐步自后间隔向中间隔方面进行慢径路消融,每一次放电后重复电生理检查直至慢径路消失或心动过速不能诱发为消融终点。分别记录每次放电前A波的时限、幅度、波峰数及相对落后于His束记录部位A波的间期、A/V比和慢径路电位。结果 所有病例均消融成功。平均放电次数(3.2±2.5)(中位数为3)。1例发生Ⅱ度Ⅱ型AVB,2个月后安置DDD永久起搏器。成功靶点与不成功靶点心内电图相比,A波时限较长[(67.5±10.3)ms vs(51.5±9.6)ms,P<0.01]波峰数较多[(2.9±0.8)vs(1.6±0.6),P<0.05]。单从A波时限分析,超过60ms对靶点成功消融的敏感性和特异性分别为86%和84%。慢径路电位在成功靶点发生率高(39%vs17%,P<0.01),对靶点成功消融的敏感性和特异性分别为51%和75%。结论 时限较长、碎裂的A波是消融成功靶点的心内电图特征性表现。慢径路电位在成功靶点发生率高,慢径路电位对靶点部位成功消融敏感性不高,不是靶点定位的必备条件。  相似文献   

A patient with palpitations and narrow QRS tachycardia was evaluated. In the EP study an atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia mediated by a left lateral accessory pathway was identified and catheter ablation was performed with success. A week later she returned with palpitations and pre-syncope. The resting ECG showed a sinus tachycardia with 110 bpm. After unsuccessful clinical treatment with beta-blockers, diltiazem and digoxin she underwent sinus node modification using radiofrequency catheter ablation with success. We postulated that RF application to ablate the lateral accessory pathway damaged the parasympathetic innervation in the left atrioventricular groove, causing inappropriate sinus tachycardia.  相似文献   

将 6例具有宽旁道电生理特点的心动过速患者 (均为左侧旁路 )在右前斜位 30°于二尖瓣环心室侧细标靶点 ,每一理想靶点 2 5 W试消融 1min,直至完全阻断旁路。结果 :6例患者成功消融旁路 ,消融范围 1.6~2 .9cm,平均为 (2 .2± 0 .8) cm,消融靶点数 5~ 9次 ,平均为 (5 .6± 2 .3)次 ,消融时间为 1.1~ 3.1小时 ,平均为(1.3± 1.2 )小时。认为增强对宽旁道电生理特征的认识 ,耐心细致标测靶点 ,在较大范围消融 ,可提高宽旁道消融的成功率。  相似文献   

目的 单用消融电极于二尖瓣下直接标测(不放置冠状窦电极)对35例左侧隐匿性旁道进行射频消融。方法 右室心尖起搏下用消融电极沿三尖瓣口标测,确认旁道不在右侧后,将消融电极送至二尖瓣下进行标测和消融。结果 34例左侧隐匿性旁道标测到消融靶点,33例消融成功,1例消融失败,1例复发。与使用冠状窦电极标测相比,消融电极直接标测的X线曝光时间、手术时间均增加。结论 单用消融电极可标测和消融左侧隐匿性旁道。  相似文献   

We describe a complication after radiofrequency (RF) ablation of a left free wall accessory pathway that resulted in acute occlusion of proximal left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery in a 32-year-old male non-cocaine abuser. An interesting feature is the site of coronary artery occlusion which is remote from the RF application site. The RF energy applications were performed in the left lateral annulus remote from the LAD. The occlusion was successfully treated with placement of an intracoronary stent.  相似文献   

目的报道机械瓣膜置换术后患者左侧旁道射频消融的经验。方法分析瓣膜置换术后患者左侧旁道射频消融的影像学和导管操作的特点,以及消融术前后的注意事项。结果 3例患者(男1例,女2例),年龄为32,46,46岁,分别为二尖瓣置换术后(2例)和主动脉瓣与二尖瓣联合换瓣术后(1例),均行心内电生理检查诊断为经左侧旁道折返的顺向型房室折返性心动过速,分别经主动脉逆行法(2例)和穿房间隔法(1例)射频消融治疗成功。结论换瓣术后患者的左侧旁道可考虑经导管射频消融治疗。  相似文献   

右侧房室旁道导管射频消融治疗的体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用导管射频消融术(RFCA)阻断右侧房室旁道治疗房室折返性心动过速50例,其中单旁道45例,双旁道4例,三旁道1例,共56条旁道。首次消融成功率94%,二次消融成功率100%。平均随访9个月,3例复发(6%),均经再次消融成功,其余病例未服用任何抗心律失常药物无心动过速复发,术后除1例右后间隔旁道消融后出现一过性Ⅲ°房室传导阻滞外无其它并发症发生。就右侧旁道消融的体会进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的 探讨在左侧游离壁房室旁路(AP)射频消融中发生沿二尖瓣环心房激动顺序明显改变,且能排除多条AP和其它机制所致心动过速病例可能的电生理机制。方法 240例左侧AP患者,经逆行主动脉途径行射频消融,对在消融中发生明显心房激动顺序改变,且能排除多条AP的患者进行分析。结果 在240例左侧AP患者的消融中,5例(2%)出现沿二尖瓣环(冠状静脉窦电极导管)心房逆传顺序明显改变,此5例患者均为左后上AP(距冠状静脉窦口≥5.0cm,以往称为左前AP),占全部58例左后上AP消融病例的9%。尽管消融中出现沿二尖瓣环心房逆传顺序明显改变,但左后上AP仍然存在,5例均可诱发心动过速,酷似多条AP或房室结快径逆传。5例均有经主动脉逆行途径在二尖瓣环左心房侧反复消融的过程,而在消融中发生心房逆传顺序改变,5例最终消融成功靶点距冠状静脉窦口5.5~7.0cm(平均6.4cm)。结论 在左后上AP射频消融中阻滞左侧峡部(二尖瓣环和左下肺静脉之间)可以导致明显的沿二尖瓣环心房逆传顺序改变,在二尖瓣环更靠后上侧可成功消融此AP。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经主动脉逆行至二尖瓣环房侧消融左侧旁路的可行性。方法:左侧旁路消融病例159例,消融导管均经主动脉逆行置入,于二尖瓣环房侧或室侧进行消融。根据消融部位分组,记录手术时间、曝光时间、放电功率、放电次数等参数,并进行对比研究。结果:所有病例均获得了手术成功,其中2例首次消融后复发,而接受了再次手术,故共完成了161次手术,消融了165条左侧旁路。其中109条旁路(66.1%)于房侧消融成功。比较房侧及室侧消融病例各项参数,前者最大放电功率大于后者(P<0.01),而手术时间、曝光时间及放电次数均差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。2例复发病例首次手术时均于室侧消融,再次手术时于房侧消融,未再复发。结论:经主动脉逆行至二尖瓣环房侧消融左侧旁路这一方法可提高左侧旁路消融成功率及降低复发率,并在多数情况下可取代经房间隔穿刺消融的方法。  相似文献   

Previous reports on radiofrequency ablation of accessory pathwayshave shown that the experience of the operator is of crucialimportance in reducing fluoroscopy time and achieving highersuccess rates. However, a detailed analysis of this importantissue has not been previously attempted We analysed 71 consecutive ablation procedures undertaken atSt George's Hospital by the same electrophysiology group andalways with the same first operator. Of all procedures, 66 (916%)were successful, as judged by abolition of accessory pathwayconduction without recurrence within the next 24 h. Failuresincluded two out of 38 left-sided pathway procedures (5·3%),one out of 11 intermediate septal (9·1%) and four outof 22 right-sided pathway procedures (18·2%). These differencewere not statistically significant. Average procedure and screeningtimes for all procedures were 162·9±86·0min and 56·8±48·2 mm respectively, whereasthe median of the number of discharges was 12, ranging fromone to 51. There was no significant difference between pathwaygroups or between concealed and non-concealed pathways in respectto procedure and screening time or number of discharges. Therewas a significant tendency towards decreased procedure and screeningtimes with accwnulating experience and this was similar forall pathway groups. There was also a tendency towards improvedcwnulative success rates with time dedicated to procedures. We conclude that a certain amount of ablation experience isrequired, even by experienced electrophysiologists, before arelatively high success rate without long radiation exposurecan be achieved, regardless of the location or the mode of conductionof the pathway. Success rates increase with procedure time,suggesting that early abandonment of the procedure may resultin higher failure rates in diffcult cases.  相似文献   

不同特征的慢电位在房室结双径路患者慢径消融中的价值   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的本文探讨以不同特征的慢电位为靶点消融慢径的临床意义.方法65例房室结折返性心动过速患者,比较以碎裂电位消融(A组,n=25)、先高频后低频的心房双电位(HL型DPs)消融(B组,n=20)和先低频后高频的心房双电位(LH型DPs)消融(C组,n=6)的有效靶点率、成功率.结果碎裂电位组有效靶点率71.36%,消融成功率92.31%,HL型DPs组有效靶点率87.80%,消融成功率100%,LH型DPs组有效靶点率9.72%,消融成功率O,以慢电位为靶点消融均无房室传导阻滞发生.结论以HL型DPs和碎裂电位为靶点消融慢径安全有效,而以LH型DPs为靶点消融慢径成功率低.  相似文献   

左心室刺激在射频消融左侧房室旁路中的价值   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的室房传导的不完全阻断可能会导致房室折返性心动过速复发.鉴于心脏的解剖关系和电生理特点,推测左心室内刺激对于判定经左侧旁路的室房传导是否被彻底阻断要优于传统的右心室刺激.方法213例左侧旁路参与的顺向型房室折返性心动过速患者(男性125例),平均年龄(38±19)岁.在射频消融前、后均进行右心室心尖部S1S2程序刺激及S1S1分级递增刺激;射频消融后,在右心室刺激显示经旁路的室房逆传完全被阻断后,经大头消融电极在左心室游离壁进行S1S1和S1S2刺激.结果在常规右心室刺激显示经旁路的室房传导被阻断之后,共有6例患者在经大头电极以相同的条件在左心室刺激时显示经旁路的室房传导仍然存在.其中1例术前有心室预激,消融后预激已消失而室房传导仍存在,有2例仍能诱发出房室折返性心动过速.另l例既往接受消融后复发的病例在此次消融前即见到此现象.7例患者均接受射频消融,直至右心室心尖部和左心室刺激均无经旁路的室房传导.平均随访(18±9)个月,均无预激或房室折返性心动过速复发.结论在对左侧旁路参与的顺向型房室折返性心动过速进行射频消融治疗时,左心室刺激可以作为判定经左侧旁路的室房传导是否被完全阻断的电生理检查手段,这可能有助于减少左侧旁路射频消融之后房室折返性心动过速的复发机会.  相似文献   

射频消融房室旁路患者114例,成功地消融了125条旁路,经随访12个月,旁路复发10例(8%)。旁路复发11%~29%分布在前间隔、后间隔和右侧游离壁,左侧游离壁复发仅占4%。消融时未记录到旁路电位是很强的预示旁路复发的因素。25例未记录到旁路电位的有16%复发,而记录到旁路电位的89例仅6%复发(P<0.01)。结论:旁路复发与消融时未记录到旁路电位以及旁路的部位有关。右侧游离壁、间隔以及隐匿性旁路复发相对较高,与旁路不能精确定位有关。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Atrioventricular (AV) nodal reentrant tachycardias (AVNRT) with variable AV relationships are infrequently observed and might be misdiagnosed as atrial tachycardia. OBJECTIVE: This single-center, retrospective study was performed to elucidate the mechanism of AVNRT showing variable AV relationship. METHODS: This study included a total of 340 patients with all forms of AVNRT. The induced AVNRTs were classified into those with variations in the AV relationship (>or=30 ms) (irregular AVNRT) and those without (regular AVNRT). RESULTS: A total of 364 AVNRTs (typical and atypical form = 297 and 67) were induced in the 340 patients. Of the 364 AVNRTs, the variations in the AV relationship were observed in 8 atypical AVNRTs (2%) induced in 8 patients (2%). The patients with irregular atypical AVNRT were significantly younger than those with regular typical AVNRT and those with regular atypical AVNRT (35+/-15 vs 51+/-18 and 47+/-16 years, respectively). Irregular atypical AVNRTs showed atypical Wenckebach periodicity with simultaneous prolongation in the A-A intervals and Wenckebach block proximal to the His bundle. Irregular atypical AVNRTs showed a shorter tachycardia cycle length (TCL) (305+/-78 ms vs 381+/-95 ms; P<.05) and higher prevalence of eccentric coronary sinus (CS) activation than regular atypical AVNRTs (5 (63%) of 8 tachycardias vs 15 (25%) of 59 tachycardias; P<.05). An ablation applied to the earliest retrograde activation sites (CS and right inferoseptum = 5 and 3 cases, respectively) eliminated all irregular atypical AVNRTs. CONCLUSION: The variations in the AV relationship were observed exclusively during atypical AVNRT in 2% of all AVNRT cases. Irregular atypical AVNRT was characterized by younger age of the patients and shorter TCL, and it more frequently required an ablation inside the CS for success. We postulate that the noted irregularity was attributable to the short TCL that gave rise to the unstable conduction in the tachycardia circuit and Wenckebach block in the lower common pathway.  相似文献   

We report a case of atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) using a concealed para-Hisian accessory pathway for retrograde conduction, which also required anterograde conduction over the AV nodal slow pathway to maintain the tachycardia. The shortest VA interval during AVRT (70 ms) was noted at a site with His bundle electrogram amplitude of 0.25 mV. The AVRT was cured by radiofrequency ablation of the AV nodal slow pathway without affecting accessory pathway conduction. The patient has not reported any sustained palpitations at 2 years after ablation while receiving no medications. The case presented in this report illustrates a para-Hisian AVRT that was successfully eliminated by an unconventional approach of ablation of the atrial inputs to the AV nodal slow pathway.  相似文献   

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