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Unilateral neglect involves deficits of spatial exploration and awareness that do not always affect a fixed portion of extrapersonal space, but may vary with current stimulation and possibly with task demands. Here, we assessed any ‘top-down’, task-related influences on visual neglect, with novel experimental variants of the cancellation test. Many different versions of the cancellation test are used clinically, and can differ in the extent of neglect revealed, though the exact factors determining this are not fully understood. Few cancellation studies have isolated the influence of top-down factors, as typically the stimuli are changed also when comparing different tests. Within each of three cancellation studies here, we manipulated task factors, while keeping visual displays identical across conditions to equate purely bottom-up factors. Our results show that top-down task demands can significantly modulate neglect as revealed by cancellation on the same displays. Varying the target/non-target discrimination required for identical displays has a significant impact. Varying the judgement required can also have an impact on neglect even when all items are targets, so that non-targets no longer need filtering out. Requiring local versus global aspects of shape to be judged for the same displays also has a substantial impact, but the nature of discrimination required by the task still matters even when local/global level is held constant (e.g. for different colour discriminations on the same stimuli). Finally, an exploratory analysis of lesions among our neglect patients suggested that top-down task-related influences on neglect, as revealed by the new cancellation experiments here, might potentially depend on right superior temporal gyrus surviving the lesion.  相似文献   

We developed a computerised test to evaluate unilateral spatial neglect (USN) using a touchscreen display, and estimated the spatial and temporal patterns of visual search in USN patients. The results between a viewer-centered USN patient and a stimulus-centered USN patient were compared. Two right-brain-damaged patients with USN, a patient without USN, and 16 healthy subjects performed a simple cancellation test, the circle test, a visuomotor search test, and a visual search test. According to the results of the circle test, one USN patient had stimulus-centered neglect and a one had viewer-centered neglect. The spatial and temporal patterns of these two USN patients were compared. The spatial and temporal patterns of cancellation were different in the stimulus-centered USN patient and the viewer-centered USN patient. The viewer-centered USN patient completed the simple cancellation task, but paused when transferring from the right side to the left side of the display. Unexpectedly, this patient did not exhibit rightward attention bias on the visuomotor and visual search tests, but the stimulus-centered USN patient did. The computer-based assessment system provided information on the dynamic visual search strategy of patients with USN. The spatial and temporal pattern of cancellation and visual search were different across the two patients with different subtypes of neglect.  相似文献   

Background: Stroke is a chronic disease. Standardized assessment is essential in order to determine areas for treatment. Individuals with aphasia are often excluded from research, because it is believed that their language impairments may impact their ability to provide informed consent. Thus, right spatial neglect could be under-diagnosed.

Objective: This study was developed to (1) determine the frequency of spatial neglect in chronic left-brain stroke survivors with aphasia, (2) determine the clinical utility of an aphasia-friendly consent form, and (3) determine any differences between neglect and no-neglect groups regarding activities of daily living (ADL) performance and community independence.

Methods: Forty-six people were consented at community center. Three were screen failures secondary to the exclusion criteria. A novel, aphasia-friendly consent form was developed to facilitate participation of individuals with aphasia. This enabled 93% or 40 out of the 43 recruited participants to be included in this study. The Behavioral Inattention Test-conventional and the Catherine Bergego Scale via Kessler Foundation Neglect Assessment Process (CBS via KF-NAP) were utilized to determine neglect. The Life Space Questionnaire was used to determine community mobility and independence. The Barthel Index (BI) was used for objective clarification of performance in ADL.

Results: Successful use of the consent form resulted in determination that five out of 40 (12.5%) met criteria for spatial neglect; (on the CBS via KF-NAP). The neglect group had lower scores on the Life Space, suggesting less community mobility and independence, however, it was not statistically significant (p = 0.16). Differences in BI scores were also not significant (p = .013) but the neglect group did have reduced independence.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates the need to administer functional neglect assessments in left-brain stroke and to include individuals with aphasia in research.  相似文献   

Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is usually assessed by means of individual stimuli or single arrays of stimuli. Seldom are stimuli presented as multiple objects or in spatially separated blocks, except in some tests for object-based neglect. The distance between individual objects or blocks of stimuli in such stimuli is implicitly considered irrelevant. We report on the case of a patient, EC, who showed severe USN in his everyday behavior, yet performed normally on standard tests for USN. Presented with stimuli in separate blocks, he performed flawlessly with 4 cm gaps between blocks, yet ignored all leftward blocks of stimuli when the gap was larger than this. EC’s dissociation between good performance on standard tasks and severe neglect with separate groups of stimuli, and the distance-mediated nature of his USN are novel observations with relevant theoretical and clinical implications.  相似文献   

We examined the eye-fixation pattern of a patient with severe left unilateral spatial neglect who showed leftward searches of various extent in more than half of line bisection trials. Because of complete left homonymous hemianopia, he perceived only the segment of the line between its right endpoint and the point of the leftmost fixation. In the trials with leftward searches, he frequently placed the subjective midpoint on the right part of the perceived segment. In the trials without leftward searches, he placed it near the left extreme point of the perceived segment. For all these bisections, the subjective midpoint was constantly placed far to the right of the true midpoint of the line irrespective of the length perceived. We consider that in severe left unilateral spatial neglect, rightward attentional bias is the predominant factor that determines where to place the subjective midpoint. Transient attentional shift to the left may produce leftward searches, but it does not induce effective processing of line bisection.  相似文献   

Prismatic adaptation is increasingly recognised as an effective procedure for rehabilitating symptoms of unilateral spatial neglect - producing relatively long-lasting improvements on a variety of spatial attention tasks. The mechanisms by which the aftereffects of adaptation change neglect patients’ performance on these tasks remain controversial. It is not clear, for example, whether adaptation directly influences the pathological ipsilesional attention bias that underlies neglect, or whether it simply changes exploratory motor behaviour. Here we used visual and auditory versions of a target detection task with a secondary task at fixation. Under these conditions, patients with neglect demonstrated a spatial gradient in their ability to orient to the brief, peripheral visual or auditory targets. Following prism adaptation, we found that overall performance on both the auditory and visual task improved, however, most patients in our sample did not show changes in their visual or auditory spatial gradient of attention, despite adequate aftereffects of adaptation and significant improvement in neglect on visual cancellation. Although there were individual cases that suggested prism-induced changes in visual target detection, and even reversal of the visual spatial gradient, such cases were not evident for the auditory modality. The findings indicate that spatial gradients in stimulus-driven attention may be less responsive to the effects of prism adaptation than neglect symptoms in voluntary orienting and exploratory behaviour. Individual factors such as lesion site and symptom severity may also determine the expression of prism effects on spatial neglect.  相似文献   

Visuomotor adaptation to a prism-induced lateral displacement of the visual field induces mild perceptual biases in healthy individuals and improves symptoms of unilateral neglect. The present study employed a speeded visual search task to test the hypothesis that prism adaptation induces an adaptive redistribution of selective spatial attention. In Experiment 1, 32 neurologically healthy, right-handed participants were adapted to a 15° prism–induced lateral (left or right) displacement of the visual field. Spatial attention was measured by search time and error-rate in unique-feature (“preattentive”) and feature-absent (“serial”) visual search tasks, before and after prism adaptation. The single target appeared at different locations within arrays of 12, 24 or 48 items. Contrary to the attentional hypothesis, the pattern of search performance across the display remained unchanged following prism adaptation. In Experiment 2, we tested four patients with unilateral right hemisphere damage on the visual search tasks, before and after adaptation to 15° rightward-displacing prisms. All four patients showed a pathological gradient of spatial attention toward the ipsilesional side prior to adaptation. Consistent with the results from Experiment 1, the gradient in search performance shown by the patients did not change following prism adaptation. Taken together, these findings suggest that the perceptual aftereffects in normals and amelioration of unilateral neglect following prism adaptation are not mediated by an adaptive redistribution of spatial attention.  相似文献   

Patients with neglect veer to one side when walking or driving a wheelchair, however there is a contradiction in the literature about the direction of this deviation. The study investigated the navigational trajectory of a sample of neglect patients of mixed mobility status in an ecological setting. Fifteen patients with left-sided neglect after right hemisphere stroke were recorded walking or driving a powered wheelchair along a stretch of corridor. Their position in the corridor and the number of collisions was recorded. The results showed that the patients' path was dependent on their mobility status: wheelchair patients with neglect consistently deviated to the left of the centre of the corridor and walking patients with neglect consistently deviated to the right. A further two ambulant patients with neglect were recorded both walking and using the wheelchair to determine whether the differences were task or patient dependent. These two patients also exhibited leftward deviation when driving the wheelchair, but a rightward deviation when walking. These results suggest that the direction of the deviation is task dependent. Further work will be required to identify what features of the two modes of navigation lead to this dissociation.  相似文献   

Hemispatial neglect affects both the ability to respond to targets on the contralesional side of space and to programme saccades to such targets. In the current study, we looked in detail at saccade programming and manual reaction times (RTs) in a range of visual search tasks, in which task difficulty was systematically increased by changing the nature of the distractors. In condition 1, the target was presented with no distractors. In the other conditions, displays contained three distractors that were changed across conditions to manipulate similarity to the target and so task difficulty.We tested two neglect patients, one chronic, one recovered along with two RCVA control patients and 12 age-matched controls. Both neglect patients studied could successfully execute saccades into the neglected field when the target was presented alone. However, a dissociation emerged between the two patients when the target was presented with distractor items. Patient ERs first saccade to target performance in the three search conditions revealed clear effects of distractor type. In contrast for the recovered patient AF, the left/right difference was present for all search displays and appeared to be constant regardless of distractor type. This differential pattern of behaviour may reflect the different underlying neural causes of the neglect in these patients. In the current study, the measurement of saccades allowed the task to be fractionated, and thus, reveal the action of multiple mechanisms controlling saccades in search.  相似文献   

Visuomotor prism adaptation has been found to induce a lateral bias of spatial attention in chronic hemispatial neglect patients. Here, two experiments were conducted to explore the effects of 10° prism adaptation on visual search tasks and standard visual inattention tests. Baselines and intervention effects were measured on separate days for all patients. The first experiment explored whether prism adaptation affects performance on a time restricted visual search task (maximum 3500 ms presentation followed by visual and auditory feedback). No positive effects of prism adaptation were found on accuracy in visual search nor on traditional neglect tests. These results accord well with previous studies showing that increased cognitive load can lead to prism de-adaptation or unchanged performance following prism adaptation. Response times in visual search became faster following intervention but this was not the case for the standard neglect tests. In the second experiment, the same single-featured search task was used, but the participants had unlimited search time and received no feedback on their response. This time, the patients showed accuracy improvements in visual search and all four on regular neglect tests. Therapeutic effects lasted for at least 90-120 min. Response times on all tasks became faster after prism adaptation. The results are consistent with studies showing effects of prism adaptation on neuropsychological neglect tests and other attentional tasks that are not speeded or time restricted, where feedback is not provided, or are performed following non-feedback-based tasks. The current findings show that prism adaptation improves visual search in neglect and that these beneficial effects can disappear with feedback.  相似文献   

Perseveration in target cancellation tasks and in drawing by copy and from memory was investigated in 21 right-brain-damaged patients, seven with no evidence of left visuo-spatial neglect, and 14 with neglect. Eight such neglect patients showed perseveration in both cancellation and drawing tasks, although no correlation was found with the severity of neglect. Patients with perseveration were not disproportionately impaired in tasks assessing executive (fluency, Stroop colour-word interference, and Weigl's sorting test), and visuo-spatial short-term memory function. In the context of a two-component hypothesis, graphic perseveration (the first component) is a specific disorder that manifests in a variety of tasks, particularly those requiring serial graphic production. Unilateral spatial neglect (the second component) may trigger and facilitate the production of perseveration errors, with a contra-ipsilateral gradient of increasing severity.  相似文献   

In normal observers, visual search is facilitated for targets with salient attributes. We compared how two different types of cue (expression and colour) may influence search for face targets, in healthy subjects (n = 27) and right brain-damaged patients with left spatial neglect (n = 13). The target faces were defined by their identity (singleton among a crowd of neutral faces) but could either be neutral (like other faces), or have a different emotional expression (fearful or happy), or a different colour (red-tinted). Healthy subjects were the fastest for detecting the colour-cued targets, but also showed a significant facilitation for emotionally cued targets, relative to neutral faces differing from other distracter faces by identity only. Healthy subjects were also faster overall for target faces located on the left, as compared to the right side of the display. In contrast, neglect patients were slower to detect targets on the left (contralesional) relative to the right (ipsilesional) side. However, they showed the same pattern of cueing effects as healthy subjects on both sides of space; while their best performance was also found for faces cued by colour, they showed a significant advantage for faces cued by expression, relative to the neutral condition. These results indicate that despite impaired attention towards the left hemispace, neglect patients may still show an intact influence of both low-level colour cues and emotional expression cues on attention, suggesting that neural mechanisms responsible for these effects are partly separate from fronto-parietal brain systems controlling spatial attention during search.  相似文献   

The performance of patients with unilateral neglect (UN) in tasks demanding visual attention is characterized by contralesional disadvantage which is markedly unstable in magnitude. Such instability of the attentional system is seen very clearly in clinical practice and thus far has no satisfying explanation. Here we examined the immediate effect of exposure to non-lateralized emotional stimuli on UN patients' attentional bias and performance variability. We tested eight right-hemisphere damaged stroke patients with left-sided neglect and eight age-matched healthy subjects in a visual conjunction-search task, each trial performed immediately after viewing a centrally-presented picture, which was emotionally negative, positive or neutral. Both performance bias and variability in performing the search task was analyzed as a function of the valence of the picture, and a method for analyzing reaction time (RT) variance in a small sample is introduced. Overall, UN subjects, but not controls, were slower and more variable in their RT for left- compared to right-sided targets. In the UN group, detecting left-sided targets was significantly slower in trials that followed presentation of negative pictures as compared to positive pictures, regardless of the fact that both picture types were judged as equally arousing by the patients. Moreover, UN patients exhibited larger performance variance on the left then on the right, and negative emotional stimuli were associated with larger variance asymmetry than positive emotional stimuli. Examining the coefficient of variation pointed to a possible dissociation between the effects of emotional stimuli on the lateralized RT mean (reflecting attentional bias) and on the lateralized RT variance (reflecting system instability). We conclude that emotional stimuli affect the spatial imbalance of both performance speed and stability in UN patients.  相似文献   

Dynamic modulation of visual detection by auditory cues in spatial neglect   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the most constant findings of studies about selective attention is that detection of visual stimuli is enhanced when a visual cue is presented at the position of the upcoming target. In healthy participants, comparable benefits were reported when the cue was presented in a different modality than the target. The aim of this study was to examine spatial and temporal dynamics of visual attention following auditory cues in patients with spatial neglect. Twelve healthy subjects and five patients with left-sided neglect were asked to react to a small vertical line presented randomly at one of four positions. The target appeared 150 or 1000 ms after an auditory cue that was either static (continuous 380 Hz tone presented to the left or right ear) or dynamic (380 Hz tone moving from the left to the right ear or vice versa). The reaction time pattern of healthy participants was unaffected by the different tones. In contrast, reaction times of neglect patients were significantly faster to left targets following a dynamic tone moving from right to left in comparison to a tone moving from left to right. Interestingly, static unilateral tones modulated visual attention of neglect patients to a lesser degree than dynamic tones. The modulation of visual attention by dynamic auditory cues was of short duration and disappeared after 1000 ms. These results demonstrate a fast automatic shift of spatial attention in the direction of a moving tone, suggesting strong dynamic links between visual and auditory attention in patients with a severe spatial deficit.  相似文献   

Cancellation tasks are popular clinical and scientific tools for identifying spatial neglect, with neglect patients tending to miss targets on the contralesional side of the test. However, methods for analysis are not well established. Indeed, these tests are often used as a binary classifier to simply identify the presence or absence of spatial neglect, even though it is clear that there is a spectrum of disability on these tasks. We suggest that the Center of Cancellation (CoC) provides an intuitive, continuous and robust measure of neglect severity. First employed by Binder and colleagues [Archives of Neurology, 49, 1187-1194 (1992)], its use has not been replicated since. Our aim was to ease deployment of this measure through validation, development of software and focused exposition. To validate this index, we evaluated a group of 110 individuals with right-hemisphere injury. For two different cancellation tasks (the Bells Test and the Letter Cancellation Task) we predicted spatial neglect (as defined by independent measures) using the new CoC index. Examining each individual's performance on a single cancellation task, we were able to correctly determine with better than 98% accuracy whether three tests with binary classifiers would define them as having spatial neglect. Specifically, an acute CoC score greater than 0.081 on the Bells Test or 0.083 on the Letter Cancellation Task turned out to indicate neglect behavior after a right-hemisphere brain lesion. Finally, we provide free software allowing other groups not only to rapidly analyze new but also previously existing (paper-and-pencil based) datasets using this measure.  相似文献   

Previous studies of visual search patterns in visuospatial neglect have analyzed shifts of attention during search tasks using eye tracking technology and verbal reports. The purpose of the present study was to replicate and extend upon reported parameters of visual scanning patterns of neglect patients in peripersonal space (within arms reach) and to examine whether similar patterns of visual search are also apparent in extrapersonal space (beyond arms reach). Using a simple verbal visual search and target detection paradigm right-hemisphere stroke participants, with and without neglect, and healthy older volunteers named targets on scanning sheets placed in peripersonal and extrapersonal space. The healthy controls and right-hemisphere stroke group without neglect showed similar ‘reading’ type strategies, while the neglect group displayed an unsystematic search pattern, during search in both peripersonal and extrapersonal space. Group comparisons of search parameters support the presence of multiple cognitive deficits affecting the complex visual search patterns of neglect patients, including a rightward attentional bias, a reduced spatial scale of attention (local processing bias), and a deficit of working memory affecting both near and far space search. Ventral visual stream damage and neglect, however, were related to slower target report rate and more misidentification errors in extrapersonal space. The ease of administration of this verbal target detection task in both peripersonal and extrapersonal space, and the relationship of the measures produced to theorized attentional and executive deficits in neglect, provide impetus for further research on the severity and independence of individual scanning deficits in neglect.  相似文献   

Body parts are represented in the brain in a very specific fashion, as compared to other three-dimensional objects, with reference to their prototypic shape and multisensory coding. However, evidence is lacking about the spatial representation of body parts. To address this issue, in Experiment 1 we first compared the metric representation of body parts and of non-bodily objects in 14 right-brain-damaged patients with left unilateral spatial neglect (USN), and in 14 neurologically unimpaired control participants. Participants bisected, by manual pointing, a three-dimensional object, or their own left forearm. Patients showed the well-known ipsilesional rightward displacement of the subjective midpoint, in both forearm and solid bisection. Both USN patients and control participants were overall more accurate in the bisection of their own forearm, relative to the extracorporeal object. In four patients this advantage of the forearm was significant in a single-case analysis, while two patients showed the opposite dissociation, being more accurate with the solid object. In Experiment 2 neurologically unimpaired participants were more accurate in the bisection of a fake forearm, as well as of their own forearm, as compared to the extrapersonal object. Overall, the results indicate that the representation of the metric of the body is more reliable than that of extrapersonal objects, and also more resistant to the disruption of spatial representations brought about by USN, possibly due to the prototypical shape of body parts. Furthermore, the double dissociation found in USN patients suggests that the metrics of body parts and of extrapersonal objects are supported by independent spatial processes.  相似文献   

Visual search tasks have standardly been divided into two categories: those in which the target is detected through a serial, attention-driven search and those in which the target is detected rapidly in parallel and, apparently, without attentional processing. Several studies have examined this distinction in patients with hemispatial neglect with the clear prediction that the former, but not the latter, should be impaired. These studies, however, have proved inconclusive. We have addressed this issue in a large sample of patients with unilateral hemispheric infarcts to the left or right hemisphere. In addition to measuring the patients' performance on both types of visual search tasks, we documented the presence and severity of neglect and of visual field defects in these same individuals. Patients with brain-damage with or without accompanying neglect were impaired at searching for the contralateral target on both forms of visual search, relative to normal control subjects, although this deficit was magnified in individuals with neglect and was also exacerbated by the presence of hemianopia. This pattern was also more pronounced in individuals with right-than with left-hemisphere lesions. The findings not only clarify the contradictory neuropsychological data but also provide clear evidence for the involvement of attentional processing in all forms of visual search.  相似文献   

We analysed the performances of 69 patients with left unilateral spatial neglect in copying a multi-object figure, as well as their performance of the line cancellation and line bisection tests. Three patterns of copying were mainly observed. The first pattern was almost satisfactory performance in copying the central figure with occasional omission of the elements located more laterally to the left. The second pattern was omission of the left half of the whole figure, which was the pattern expected of patients with typical left unilateral spatial neglect. The third pattern was left unilateral spatial neglect when copying the central figure, with favourable copying of left lateral objects; this may be regarded as object-centred neglect. Performance of the line cancellation test, which requires exploratory ability, was significantly better for the patients with the third pattern than for those with the second pattern. A significant difference was also observed between the two groups of patients in performance of the line bisection test, in which exploratory ability plays a more minor role. No significant difference was found in performance of the line cancellation and line bisection tests between the patients with the third and first patterns, in spite of remarkable differences in their copying performances. No distinctive characteristics were found for any group of patients as regards lesion, age, duration after onset, education, and WAJS scores. Therefore we concluded that in most of our patients with neglect, these diverse patterns of copying deficits resulted from different levels of neglect severity but not from different types of unilateral spatial neglect.  相似文献   

Unilateral spatial neglect due to right brain damage (RBD) can occur in several different sensory modalities in the same patient. Previous studies of the association between auditory and visual neglect have yielded conflicting outcomes. Most such studies have compared performance on relatively simple clinical measures of visual neglect, such as target cancellation, with that on more sophisticated measures of auditory perception. This is problematic because such tasks are typically not matched for the cognitive processes they exercise. We overcame this limitation by using equivalent visual and auditory versions of extinction and temporal-order judgment (TOJ) tasks. RBD patients demonstrated lateralized deficits on both visual and auditory tasks when compared with same-aged, healthy controls. Critically, a significant association between the severity of visual and auditory deficits was apparent on the TOJ task but not the extinction task, suggesting that even when task demands are matched across modalities, dissociations between visual and auditory neglect can be apparent. Across the auditory tasks, patients showed more pronounced deficits for verbal stimuli than for non-verbal stimuli. These findings have implications for recent models proposed to explain the role of spatial attention in multimodal perception.  相似文献   

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