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Žuškin, E., and Valíc, F. (1973).British Journal of Industrial Medicine,30, 375-380. Respiratory response in simultaneous exposure to flax and hemp dust. The effect of exposure to high concentrations of mixtures of hemp and flax dust was studied in 124 workers in two textile mills (mill A: 65-70% hemp and the rest flax, mean dust concentration 13·9 mg/m3; and mill B: about 35% hemp and the rest flax, mean dust concentration 15·8 mg/m3). A high prevalence of byssinosis was found in both mills (80% in mill B; 46·8% in mill A) after a mean exposure of no more than 13 years. In both mills, byssinotics had a higher prevalence of all chronic respiratory symptoms than non-byssinotics. This difference was more pronounced in mill A. Forty-eight percent of byssinotic women and 43% of byssinotic men had byssinosis of grade 2 or 3. Significant mean acute reductions in FEV1·0 and ˙Vmax 50% VC on Monday were recorded in subjects with and without byssinosis with a significantly larger mean reduction in byssinotics (FEV1·0, P < 0·01; ˙Vmax 50% VC, P < 0·05). ˙Vmax 50% VC proved to be a more sensitive test for detecting acute effects of vegetable dust than FEV1·0. The acute respiratory response of the subjects exposed to similar concentrations of flax and mixtures of two different proportions of flax and hemp dust was found to be equal.  相似文献   

Previous evidence suggested that interruption of worker's exposure to flax dust may lead to severe symptoms of byssinosis on their return to work. In the present study, the prevalence and severity of byssinosis was studied in a sample of flax workers (n=577) who had been exposed to dust for six months each year. Byssinosis prevailed in 36.9% of them, and 32.3% of them had their FEV 1.0 sec reduced 10% at the end of the first morning work period (4 to 6 hours) of the week. Both syndromes were higher among seasonal workers than what would be predicted if they were pemanently exposed to flax dust. A hypothesis has been presented to interpret this finding.  相似文献   

A group of female workers occupationally exposed to cotton, hemp, flax, spices, soy, tea, coffee and furs was included in the study. The highest prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms and diseases and greatest changes in ventilatory capacity were due to exposure to hemp and flax aerosols. The development of respiratory impairment can be impeded by control of the working environment and preventive medical examinations.  相似文献   

Health effects associated with exposure to residential organic dust   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: This study aimed at relating self-reported health complaints to bioaerosol pollution in the residential outdoor air and to duration of storing organic waste indoors. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, double blinded to ongoing environmental microbial measurements, physicians collected questionnaires in a neighborhood with a composting site and in unexposed controls. Self-reported prevalence of health complaints, physician diagnoses as well as residential odor annoyance and home hygiene were assessed. RESULTS: An elevation of reports of irritative airway complaints was associated with residency in an area with highest bioaerosol exposure but not with odor annoyance. Longer indoor storage of organic waste was associated with skin related symptoms. Atopic subjects were at higher risk. Airway-related health problems were not associated with longer storage of organic wastes in homes. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to organic dust in residential air affects airways of residents while exposure in homes due to organic wastes affects the skin.  相似文献   

Nickel is a widely-used material in many industries. Although there is enough evidence that occupational exposure to nickel may cause respiratory illnesses, allergies, and even cancer, it is not possible to stop the use of nickel in occupational settings. Nickel exposure, however, can be controlled and reduced significantly in workplaces.

The main objective of this study was to assess if educational intervention of hygiene behavior could reduce nickel exposure among Indonesian nickel smelter workers. Participants were randomly assigned to three intervention groups (n = 99). Group one (n = 35) received only an educational booklet about nickel, related potential health effects and preventive measures, group two (n = 35) attended a presentation in addition to the booklet, and group three (n = 29) received personal feedback on their biomarker results in addition to the booklet and presentations. Pre- and post-intervention air sampling was conducted to measure concentrations of dust and nickel in air along with worker's blood and urine nickel concentrations. The study did not measure significant differences in particles and nickel concentrations in the air between pre- and post-interventions. However, we achieved significant reductions in the post intervention urine and blood nickel concentrations which can be attributed to changes in personal hygiene behavior. The median urinary nickel concentration in the pre-intervention period for group one was 52.3 µg/L, for group two 57.4 µg/L, and group three 43.2 µg/L which were significantly higher (p< = 0.010) than those measured in the post-intervention period for each of the groups with 8.5 µg/L, 9.6 µg/L, and 8.2 µg/L, respectively. A similar pattern was recorded for serum nickel with significantly (p < 0.05) higher median concentrations measured in the pre-intervention period for group one 1.7 µg/L, and 2.0 µg/L for group 2 and group 3 compared with the post intervention median serum nickel levels of 0.1 µg/L for all groups.

The study showed that educational interventions can significantly reduce personal exposure levels to nickel among Indonesian nickel smelter workers.  相似文献   

Inhalation of particulate matter in industrial environments has been associated with respiratory symptoms and lung diseases, which continues to lead to long- and short-term hazardous health effects on exposed subjects. The main objectives of this study were (a) to determine the dust exposure of workers from the lead industry in different operations and (b) to evaluate if the Exhaled Breath Condensate (EBC) can be used as a non-invasive tool to evaluate this exposure. Therefore, this cross-sectional study not only measured the exposure to Airborne Particulate Matter (APM) and to the associated elements but also analysed the EBC elemental composition. APM was collected in Ind1, Ind2, Offices and outdoor with Gent samplers, which delivers two size fractions: fine particulate matter (<2.5 μm), and coarse particulate matter (between 2.5 and 10 μm). EBC samples were collected from the workers and from a non-exposed group working in Offices. The techniques INAA and PIXE were used for the APM element characterization and ICP-MS for EBC elemental content. The PM2.5 and PM2.5–10 mass concentrations were significantly higher in the industries studied than in Offices and in the environment. At the industrial sites surveyed the coarse fraction dominated and both factories had different fingerprints: APM elements with higher expression were Pb, Sb, Na, Cl and Fe in Ind1 and Pb, Si, Br, Ca, Al, Cl and Na in Ind2. Most of these elements revealed a gradient of concentration where Ind.1 > Ind.2 > Offices and EBC revealed a clear translation of this exposure, suggesting the latter to be a potential good indicator of exposure to metals in occupational settings. Pb in EBC presented the most representative results. Even though EBC was found to reflect predominantly the inhaled coarser fraction it is more related to concentration levels of exposure than to the predominance of APM fraction.  相似文献   

Two workers employed in a hardwood floor plant presented symptoms suggestive of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP). At that plant, kiln-dried wood often shows moldy growth and is subsequently brought inside for processing. This study evaluated the environment in attempt to identify the causative antigen and verify whether other workers of this and similar plants had or were at risk of developing HP. Dust from dust-removing systems and molds on the surface of wood planks were collected and air samples taken from a sister plant. Blood samples, spirometry, and symptoms' questionnaires were obtained from 11 co-workers. Dense Paecilomyces growth was observed on the surface of the dried processed wood in the index plant. This fungal genus was not detected in the sister plant. An additional worker had symptoms suggestive of HP, and his bronchoalveolar lavage revealed a lymphocytic alveolitis. The 3 confirmed cases of HP and the other 10 workers had positive specific IgG antibodies to Paecilomyces. We report 3 cases of HP out of 13 workers and a 100% sensitization to molds in workers of a hardwood processing plant. This rate is much higher than what is commonly seen in other environments associated with HP. The drying process is suspected of being responsible for the massive Paecilomyces contamination likely responsible for the HP.  相似文献   

Health effects of organic dust exposure in dairy farmers   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Exposure to farm dust may cause asthma, rhinitis, allergic alveolitis, organic dust toxic syndrome, and chronic bronchitis. Febrile reactions to inhaled dusts are common and are usually of a toxic rather than an allergic type. Some evidence indicates that dairy farmers may have an increased prevalence of chronic bronchitis, allergic asthma, rhinitis, and chronic airflow limitation, but this has not been conclusively shown. Storage mites and cow dander are important allergens in dairy farming. Inflammation of airways may in part be caused by immediate or delayed hypersensitivity. Other mechanisms, such as activation of inflammatory cells from toxic agents or high exposure levels, may be of considerable importance in causing airway and lung disease.  相似文献   

Little is known about inhalable dust concentrations in soybean processing plants in southern Africa. This project measured inhalable dust in soybean plants in the region and correlated dust measurements with total protein and soy trypsin inhibitor. Sixty-four personal inhalable dust measurements were taken in three processing plants. Levels of total protein and soy trypsin inhibitor were determined in only two of the three plants. Correlations between inhalable dust, total protein and trypsin inhibitor were determined for 44 of 64 samples. In plants' production areas, inhalable dust levels were 0.24-35.02 mg/m3 (median 2.58 mg/m3). Total protein and soy trypsin inhibitor levels were 29.41-448.82 microg/m3 (median 90.09 microg/m3) and 0.05-2.58 microg/m3 (median 0.07 microg/m3), respectively. No statistically significant correlations between presence of inhalable dust and soy trypsin inhibitor were found. Total protein and soy trypsin inhibitor were better correlated. This study indicates that total protein might be a good proxy for soybean specific protein concentrations in soybean processing plants.  相似文献   

The paper brings the preliminary results of ambient and biological monitoring of exposure to xylene, toluene, and styrene in paint industry. Air samples were collected at seven stationary locations at work places of 31 male workers. Samples of venous blood were taken from all workers for styrene, toluene, and xylene analysis, and of urine for metabolic derivatives, mandelic, phenylglyoxylic, and o- and m-methylhippuric acids analysis. Blood was collected on Wednesday before and after work, and urine on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday before work and on Wednesday after work. Workers were exposed to moderate concentrations of xylene and low concentrations of toluene and styrene. During periodic medical surveillance Questionnaire 16 was applied as a screening test for early central nervous disturbances. Seven workers had positive findings and required further psychological tests as recommended by WHO. Risk assessment of combined long-term exposure to organic solvents in occupational environment requires a prospective epidemiological study with matched control group.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-three dust-exposed shacklers in the hanging departments of four poultry slaughter-house plants were examined immediately before work on a Monday morning with a standardized interview, pulmonary function tests (VC and FEV1), and blood sampling for analysis of complement factors. The examinations were repeated immediately after work the same day. Further, the individual breathing zone levels of both total dust and endotoxins were monitored during the whole work-shift. Moreover, spot samples of airborne bacteria and fungi were collected. The mean level of total dust was 6.3 mg/m3 (range 0.4–15.3 mg/m3) and of endotoxins 0.40g/m3 (range 0.02–1.50g/m3). Total levels of 4 × 105–4 × 106 cfu/m3 of airborne bacteria,, mainly coagulase-negative staphylococcal strains, but only 500–4000 cfu/m3 of fungi were found in the hanging departments. An over-shift increase in respiratory symptoms was found, but none of the workers had experienced any symptoms indicating extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) or organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS). Further, mean over-shift decreases of VC (3.1%) and FEV1 (4.1%) were found, indicating a harmful effect on the bronchi. There were, however, no associations between these over-shift decreases and the individual time-weighted average breathing zone levels of either total dust or of endotoxins. No over-shift change in serum complement factors was observed.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the occupational exposure of workers employed in the municipal waste collection and management industry. Air samples were collected in the workers' breathing zone; two samples were collected parallely. The assessment concerned exposure to organic dust, endotoxins, bacteria and fungi. The questionnaire data showed that workers found themselves in good or very good health. They also regarded noise, dustiness, odor, physical effort and changeable atmospheric conditions as the most strenuous factors. The highest dust concentrations were observed on the sites of waste collection (mean, 7.7 mg/m3) and composting (mean, 4.6 mg/m3). Samples collected on the composting site contained the largest amount of endotoxins (mean concentration, 76 ng/m3). This was followed by sorting facility (61 ng/m3) and waste collection area (36 ng/n3). Gram-negative rods (primarily intestinal) were found in all samples collected at workposts, which justified the adoption of the air concentrations of endotoxins as a criterion for assessing their hygienic conditions. Taking MAC for total suspended dust (4.0 mg/m3) and the concentration of 10 ng/m3 for endotoxin as the criteria for the exposure evaluation, it must be considered that waste collectors and composting site workers are working in poor hygienic conditions. Workers employed at the most hazardous workposts did not use personal protective equipment (glasses, antirespirators), thus infringing a fundamental condition for limiting health hazards (Directive 2000/54/EC).  相似文献   

An assessment of wood workers' exposure to airborne cultivable bacteria, fungi, inhalable endotoxins and inhalable organic dust was performed at 12 sawmills that process mainly coniferous wood species. In each plant, samples were collected at four or five different work sites (debarking, sawing, sorting, planing and sawing cockpit) and the efficiency of sampling devices (impinger or filter) for determining endotoxins levels was evaluated. Results show that fungi are present in very high concentrations (up to 35 000 CFU m(-3)) in all sawmills. We also find that there are more bioaerosols at the sorting work site (mean +/- SD: 7723 +/- 9919 CFU m(-3) for total bacteria, 614 +/- 902 CFU m(-3) for Gram-negative, 19 438 +/- 14 246 CFU m(-3) for fungi, 7.0 +/- 9.0 EU m(-3) for endotoxin and 2.9 +/- 4.8 g m(-3) for dust) than at the sawing station (mean +/- SD: 1938 +/- 2478 CFU m(-3) for total bacteria, 141 +/- 206 CFU m(-3) for Gram-negative, 12 207 +/- 10 008 CFU m(-3) for fungi, 2.1 +/- 1.9 EU m(-3) for endotoxin and 0.75 +/- 0.49 mg m(-3) for dust). At the same time, the species composition and concentration of airborne Gram-negative bacteria were studied. Penicillinium sp. were the predominant fungi, while Bacillus sp. and the Pseudomonadacea family were the predominant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria encountered, respectively.  相似文献   

Refractory ceramic fibre concentrations were measured during renewal of the insulation lining of a turbine located in a large power plant. Personal and stationary samples were collected during operations, which involved installing and ripping out standard and pre-coated and pre-shaped ceramic fibre blankets. Operation-length average (OLA) and TWA exposure levels were about 500 F/l and about 100 F/l, respectively, for installing and ripping out operations where non-coated blankets were handled. In these cases specific task-associated personal exposure levels up to 1000 F/l were measured. Personal exposure levels up to as much as 10 times lower were observed in operations involving pre-coated and pre-shaped blankets. The average concentration levels from area samples were always lower than those from personal samples, and showed a downward gradient with the distance from the source. Given the current carcinogenic classification of refractory ceramic fibres (class 2, European), the necessity is stressed of introducing adequate working practices and control measures (adoption of pre-coated and pre-shaped fibrous materials whenever possible, confinement of working area, use of local air extractions ventilation with HEPA filter unit, use of garments for personal protection and respirators, use of wetting or binding liquids prior to removal, quick cleaning of debris from working area), in order to keep the exposure levels and the number of potentially exposed workers to the minimum.  相似文献   

There have been very few published studies that have evaluated exposure to myelotoxic drugs among production workers in pharmaceutical plants. Previous studies have focussed mainly on nurses and evaluated exposure to cytotoxic drugs using urine mutagenicity as a marker of exposure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the exposure of workers involved in the production of chloramphenicol and azathioprine. Exposure was evaluated utilising biological monitoring, biological effect monitoring and environmental monitoring. Biological monitoring included plasma chloramphenicol levels, plasma 6-mercaptopurine and urine 6-thiouric acid levels. These were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography. Myelotoxic effect was assessed by measuring the haematological indices of bone. marrow function. The exposed 17 workers were compared to matched controls of equal numbers. Neither substance could be detected in serum nor urine by the analytical methods employed. However, haematological indices demonstrated a significantly decreased mean reticulocyte and neutrophil count in the azathioprine exposed group. Industrial hygiene measurements demonstrated contamination of the air inside the airhood of exposed workers. In conclusion, it is evident that workers involved in the production of both these drugs are at risk of developing adverse health effects. Furthermore, more sensitive analytical methods need to be developed to evaluate absorption of myelotoxic chemicals among occupationally exposed workers.  相似文献   

G Johnston 《Health physics》1991,60(6):781-787
This three-part article discusses the results of a 2-y study on radiation and dust hazards in a mineral sand processing plant involving: (1) evaluation of external gamma radiation levels and determination of isotopic composition of the different sand products; (2) evaluation of radiation carried in long-lived radioactive dust (LLRD) particles; (3) evaluation of Rn gas concentrations within the working environs of the plant. Gamma radiation levels had a mean value of approximately 40 nSv h-1, and monazite sand returned the highest activity concentrations of 0.16% and 3.4% for 238U and 232Th, respectively. Low volume gross respirable dust sampling revealed an average long-lived airborne alpha activity concentration of 0.07 +/- 0.02 Bq m-3 and an average dust mass concentration of 3.3 +/- 2 mg m-3. Gamma spectroscopy applied to high-volume air samples showed average airborne 232Th and 238U activities of 0.012 +/- 0.004 Bq m-3 and 0.005 +/- 0.002 Bq m-3, respectively, giving an airborne 232Th: 238U ratio of 2.4:1. Air sampling using a high volume, five-stage cascade impactor indicated an average activity median aerodynamic diameter (AMAD) of 3.2 microns with an associated average geometric standard deviation (GSD) of 2.8. Average radiation dose arising from the inhalation of LLRD was estimated to be 7 mSv per annum. CR-39 (polycarbonate plastic) nuclear track detectors indicated that Rn gas concentrations in the environs of the processing plant dry mill and main product warehouse ranged from 30 Bq m-3 to 220 Bq m-3, with an average value of 100 Bq m-3, which presents a possible inhaled dose from Rn daughters of 1.5 mSv y-1 (assuming an equilibrium ratio of 0.5).  相似文献   

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