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Summary The present study investigated the syndrome shift during the course of disease in 355 patients with functional psychoses. The mean observation time was 25.2 years. Every episode was diagnosed cross-sectionally as schizophrenic, melancholic, manic, manic-depressive mixed, schizodepressive, schizomanic or schizomanic-depressive mixed. With regard to the whole course, 148 patients fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of schizophrenic, 106 of affective and 101 of schizoaffective disorders. Patients with a schizophrenic initial episode showed the greatest stability: 90% had no other type of episode. The majority of patients who suffered a melancholic initial episode remained unipolar melancholics or developed manic symptomatology, and only a few suffered schizoaffective or schizophrenic episodes. Patients with a manic symptomatology at the beginning had a very unstable and changeable course. The stability of patients with initial schizodepressive episodes lay between that of patients with melancholic initial episodes and that of those with manic initial episodes. The findings demonstrate the relevance of longitudinal considerations in making the final diagnosis.Supported by grants Ma 915-1/1, 915-1/2 and 915-2/1 from the German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)  相似文献   

A survey of patients admitted four or more times to the same acute care psychiatric hospital over a period of 3 years revealed that only 56 of 162 (34%) of such patients were discharged with the same diagnosis on each admission. Instability of diagnosis occurred despite the fact that previous diagnoses were known and that only relatively few diagnoses contributed to this degree of chronicity. Schizophrenia and mania were the most stable diagnoses with considerable overlap between them. Organic disorders were a variable diagnosis, often made in the context of chronicity, substance abuse or uncertainty. A diagnosis of substance abuse usually occurred in the context of other comorbid diagnoses which sometimes took precedence. Instability of diagnosis will continue so long as the diagnostic system is based so heavily on clinical criteria.  相似文献   

On the basis of the known literature and our own results on patients' suicide, reflections are made with regard to the group of suicide cases with bipolar affective illnesses that commit suicide during inpatient psychiatric treatment. In our own studies, we diagnosed mania in as many as 8% of all suicide cases. Risk factors for suicidal behavior in bipolar affective disorder are discussed, especially in terms of psychopathology, and the social consequences of the disease are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors compared hospital diagnoses with best-estimate research diagnoses of affective disorders and schizophrenia for patients admitted to public psychiatric hospitals in Maryland. The concern that there is overdiagnosis of schizophrenia and underdiagnosis of affective disorders was not supported by this study.  相似文献   

An alternate way of grouping psychiatric diagnoses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

From a total sample of 1,448 psychiatric outpatients, 175 (12.1%) received a diagnosis of a somatoform disorder according to DSM-III-R criteria. One hundred twenty-two (70%) of these patients had another current axis I diagnosis, and this rate increased to 79% (139 of 175) when lifetime psychiatric diagnoses were recorded. The most frequent comorbid diagnoses were depressive disorders, i.e., dysthymia and major depression, and then anxiety disorders, mainly panic disorder. One hundred ten (63%) of the somatoform patients met the criteria for a personality disorder, significantly higher than the rate (52%) for the rest of the total sample (n = 1,273), who were used as a control group. The most frequent comorbid personality disorders were histrionic, dependent, and personalities of cluster B in general. Hypochondriasis was the only somatoform disorder that was additionally significantly related to obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Somatoform patients with a concomitant personality disorder manifested more severe overall psychopathology as measured by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and a worse level of functioning than those without. The results of the present study show that (1) patients with somatoform disorders have a high rate of comorbidity with other clinical syndromes and personality disorders, and (2) the presence of a personality disorder is related to more severe overall psychopathology and a worse level of functioning. All of the above indicate that special attention must be paid to the interaction between somatoform disorders, other clinical syndromes, and personality structure at the level of both clinical and research practice.  相似文献   

BackgroundDespite a high prevalence of psychiatric conditions in autistic adults, research examining the diagnostic stability of psychiatric conditions diagnosed prior to autism is limited.MethodThe present study examined the occurrence of (1) psychiatric diagnoses obtained before autism was diagnosed, (2) psychiatric conditions co-occurring with autism following its diagnosis, and (3) psychiatric conditions that were diagnosed before autism but no longer co-occurred with autism following its diagnosis. Participants (N = 1019, 51.5% female) provided information on psychiatric conditions predating their diagnosis of autism and psychiatric conditions co-occurring with autism. This information was combined to identify prior diagnoses that were no longer present post-autism diagnosis.ResultsResults showed that 50.2% of participants (62.7% of females and 37% of males) had at least one prior diagnosis. Mood and personality disorders were the most frequent prior diagnoses. Moreover, 59.3% (67% of females and 51% of males) reported having at least one diagnosis co-occurring with autism. Mood and anxiety disorders were the most frequent co-occurring diagnoses. Finally, 37.7% (47% of females and 27.3% of males) reported at least one previously diagnosed psychiatric condition that was no longer listed as a condition co-occurring with autism following its diagnosis. Personality disorders were most frequently no longer reported as diagnoses co-occurring with autism, despite being listed as prior diagnoses.ConclusionsThis study provides quantitative estimates of the temporal stability of specific psychiatric conditions before and after a diagnosis of autism in adults.  相似文献   

We tested whether developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and mixed receptive expressive language disorder (RELD) are valid diagnoses by assessing whether they are separated from each other, from other childhood disorders, and from normality by natural boundaries termed zones of rarity. Standardized measures of intelligence, language, motor skills, social cognition, and executive functioning were administered to children with DCD (n = 22), RELD (n = 30), autistic disorder (n = 30), mental retardation (n = 24), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (n = 53) and to a representative sample of children (n = 449). Discriminant function scores were used to test whether there were zones of rarity between the DCD, RELD, and other groups. DCD and RELD were reliably distinguishable only from the mental retardation group. Cluster and latent class analyses both resulted in only two clusters or classes being identified, one consisting mainly of typical children and the other of children with a disorder. Fifty percent of children in the DCD group and 20% in the RELD group were clustered with typical children. There was no evidence of zones of rarity between disorders. Rather, with the exception of mental retardation, the results imply there are no natural boundaries between disorders or between disorders and normality.  相似文献   

The results of present-day research in the field of "Dissociation Paradigm", regarding the capacity of the human mind to perceive, learn, and store information that in appearance passes as unnoticed, support the constructivist hypothesis of the active, selective and constructive condition of consciousness, in addition to the existence of a tacit dimension of knowledge that operates in functional relationship with the former. Unconscious mental states are intrinsically intentional. This is to say that they imply a semantic or cognitive connotation that is capable of affecting phenomenical experience and therefore behavior. In addition, the precocious existence of a tacit metarepresentational system in normally developed children has been proven, which is essential for guaranteeing the deployment of the process of functional coevolution between affectivity and consciousness, by which the experience of personal identity is acquired. These discoveries allow the inference of a "tacit affective metarepresentational recurrence", the organizational foundation on which a unified, sustainable, and continuous sense of the experience of personal identity is structured, and also allow us to hypothesize a "tacit metarepresentational mourning", a specific type of grief which is the chief foundation of the majority of psychopathological disorders. This concept may represent a potential explanation of the severe mental disorders of adolescence and young adulthood. The hypothesis of the present work is that, in the ambiguous context of Postmodern Culture, the prolongation of the adolescent period, facilitated by the welfare state, hinders the dealing with the aforementioned mourning, leading to an increment of depressive states and suicidal behavior among young people.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine rates of psychiatric diagnoses given by patients' primary or regular physicians to persons with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), persons with psychiatrically explained fatigue, and a control group. Physicians' psychiatric diagnosis and participants' self-reported psychiatric diagnoses were compared to lifetime psychiatric diagnoses as measured by a structured psychiatric interview. METHOD: Participants were recruited as part of a community-based epidemiology study of chronic fatigue syndrome. Medical records of 23 persons with chronic fatigue syndrome, 25 persons with psychiatrically explained chronic fatigue, and 19 persons without chronic fatigue (controls) were examined to determine whether their physician had given a diagnosis of mood, anxiety, somatoform, or psychotic disorder. Lifetime psychiatric status was measured using the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV (SCID). Participants' self reports of specific psychiatric disorders were assessed as part of a detailed medical questionnaire. RESULTS: Physicians' diagnosis of a psychiatric illness when at least one psychiatric disorder was present ranged from 40 percent in the psychiatrically explained group, 50 percent in the control group, and 64.3 percent in the CFS group. Participants in the psychiatrically explained group were more accurate than physicians in reporting the presence of a psychiatric disorder, and in accurately reporting the presence of a mood or anxiety disorder. CONCLUSIONS: The present investigation found underrecognition of psychiatric illness by physicians, with relatively little misdiagnosis of psychiatric illness. Physicians had particular difficulty assessing psychiatric disorder in those patients whose chronic fatigue was fully explained by a psychiatric disorder. Results emphasized the importance of using participant self report as a screening for psychiatric disorder.  相似文献   

On the basis of two EEG sleep criteria, REM latency and REM activity, the authors achieved 81% accuracy in distinguishing between 47 patients with primary depression and 48 patients with secondary depression using discriminant analysis. Sleep efficiency, the percentage of delta sleep, and the percentage of REM sleep discriminated between psychotic and nonpsychotic subgroups in the group with primary depression with 75% accuracy. REM activity and intermittent nocturnal awakening accurately discriminated two subtypes of patients with secondary depression at a level of 81%. These results suggest that EEG sleep measurements can yield significant data to aid in differential diagnosis in psychiatry.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to show that psychiatric diagnosis depends to a significant degree on not only the patient's presenting symptoms but also on the psychiatrist's psychosocial biases. The importance of a psychiatric diagnosis is seen in terms of the potential social restrictions and prejudices that can be a consequence of a person labeled with a mental illness. Also, current treatment techniques and valid statistics for research are based on reliable and consistent psychiatric diagnoses. A study of 267 cases from a major psychiatric hospital revealed over 12 per cent discrepancy between the official discharge diagnosis and a resident's training report diagnosis that is used only for teaching purposes. This discrepancy is statistically significant and the paper attempts to elucidate some of the characteristics of the special population that had its diagnosis made less severe on discharge. Of the 267 charts surveyed, 33 patients had their diagnosis changed from a psychotic diagnosis on the resident's training report to a neurotic or characterological diagnosis on the official discharge summary. In addition, interviews were arranged with the 18 psychiatric residents who had been involved in changing the diagnosis of target group patients. The results obtained from these interviews definitely confirm that psychiatric diagnoses are changed due to social conditions unrelated to the psychopathological state. From the demographic data of the patient groups, a pattern evolved showing that men were generally more protected than women, that black males were more protected than black females, that unskilled laborers and those on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale were more protected than professionals, and that housewives were less protected than other categories. A number of conclusions were made by the authors concerning the data. The authors hope that these findings will enable other mental health workers to be more aware of their psychosocial biases that may be influencing their diagnostic skills.  相似文献   

Affective disorders impose a substantial individual and societal burden. Despite availability of efficacious treatments and practice guidelines, unmet need remains high. To reduce unmet need and the burden of affective disorders, information is needed on the distribution of burden across stakeholders, on barriers to reducing burden, and on interventions that effectively reduce burden at the levels of practice, community, and policy. This article provides the report of the Working Group on Overcoming Barriers to Reducing the Burden of Affective Disorders, for the National Institute of Mental Health Strategic Plan on Mood Disorders. We review the literature, identify key gaps, and recommend new research to guide national efforts to reduce the burden of affective disorders.  相似文献   

In a series comprising 166 subjects with affective disorders, the lowest and highest quartiles in the male and female platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) distribution, respectively, were included. The morbidity risk in the first-degree relatives (parents and siblings) of these low and high platelet MAO subjects was determined. First-degree relatives of low platelet MAO probands were found to have an increased morbidity risk for neurotic-reactive depressions and for alcoholism. The results seem to be in line with the biological high-risk paradigm, indicating that platelet MAO could be a biological marker for increased vulnerability. First-degree relatives of high platelet MAO probands were found to have an increased morbidity risk for bipolar affective disorders.  相似文献   

Cognitive psychotherapy was originally created for out-patient treatment of mild and moderate, non-psychotic, unipolar depressive disorder. Further development of the therapy resulted in its use in various mental disorders. Cognitive therapy has also been used in wide spectrum of affective disorders, including severe, endogenous depression, chronic depression, bipolar disorder and suicidality. Therapeutic programs involve individual, group, family and marital cognitive psychotherapy. Effectiveness and clear conceptualization encourages to wide use of this kind of therapy.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte ouabain-inhibitable sodium pump activity, a measure of NaK-ATPase activity, was studied in 6 diagnostic groups of psychiatric subjects: bipolar affective disorder, unipolar depressive disorder, neurotic depression, chronic alcohol abuse, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophrenia, and in sex- and age-matched normal controls. In the bipolar manic-depressive group, which was restricted to lithium-free subjects, values for sodium pump activity were significantly lower than in the controls (-11.4%, n = 53, p less than 0.001); subgrouping of the bipolar group by sex or age showed a significantly lower sodium pump activity in each of the groups. In the unipolar depressive group, values for sodium pump activity were significantly higher than in the controls (+13.7%, n = 12, p less than 0.01). The difference in direction of changed sodium pump activity between the bipolar and the unipolar groups was also observed in the values for subgroups of subjects in the two categories who were in a depressed state at the time the blood sample was taken. In the chronic alcohol abuse group, values for sodium pump activity were significantly higher than those for the control group (+13.5%, n = 20, p less than 0.05). In the neurotic depression (n = 24), schizoaffective (n = 12), and schizophrenia (n = 35) groups, there were no significant differences in sodium pump activity between the group of psychiatric subjects and their matched controls. These observations indicate that there is a trait-dependent deficiency of NaK-ATPase activity in bipolar affective disorder.  相似文献   

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