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Protein tyrosine kinase p59fyn is associated with the TCR -CD3 complex and is suggested to play a role in T cell activation.To determine the molecular mechanism of p59fyn-medlated signaltransduction in T cell activation, we established murine T cellhybridoma lines that expressed an elevated amount of wild-typeor mutant fyn. Clones that expressed high levels of normal p59fynand active p59fyn, encoded by wild-type and f-14 mutant fynrespectively, showed enhanced IL-2 production upon stimulationby anti-CD3 antibodies or natural antigen. On the other hand,clones that expressed kinase negative p59fyn and p59fyn withan SH2 (Src-homology 2) deletion encoded by t-1 mutant fyn showedlittle induction of IL-2 production upon stimulation. Thesedata suggest that p59fyn is important in T cell signaling andthat the SH2 sequence plays a critical role in the reaction.Induction of tyrosine phosphorylatlon of multiple proteins uponantigenic stimulation was augmented similarly in the cells thatrespectively expressed wild-type and f-14 mutant fyn at elevatedlevels. The proteins that became highly tyrosine-phosphorylatedincluded phospholipase C (PLC-1), P95vav, ZAP-70, the MAP kinase,CD3 and unidentified proteins of 120, 100 and 80 kDa. Tyrosinephosphorylation of the 120, 95 and 68 kDa proteins associatedwith PLC-1 was also observed in these cells upon stimulation.In contrast, only the 100 kDa protein and the MAP kinase wereincreasingly tyrosine phosphorylated in the antigen-stimulatedcells expressing t-1 fyn. These data suggest that PLC-1, PLC-1associated molecules, p95vav, the 80 kDa protein, ZAP-70 andthe CD3 chain may be substrates of p59fyn or of other tyrosinekJnases regulated by p59fyn and be important in T cell signaling.  相似文献   

CD45 is a transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase expressedby all lymphoid cells including T cells. Substantial experimentaldata has shown that CD45 maintains a permissive state for TCRsignaling. The highly glycosylated extracellular domain of CD45may be the site of Interaction with regulatory lectin-like counter-receptorson antigen-presenting cells. The mAb NDA5, recognizing a uniquebut broadly distributed epitope of CD45, was used to study thepossible immunoregulatory role of CD45 during antl-CD3 and antigen-specificCD4+ T cell activation. In vitro priming of peripheral bloodmononuclear cells with peptlde antigens in the presence of mAbNDA5 results in a higher frequency of antigen-specific T cells.The responses of both naive and memory T cells to peptide antigenswere sensitive to mAb NDA5-enhanced priming. Anti-CD3 activationof normal resting T cells, in the presence of mAb NDA5, resultedIn enhancement of tyrosine phosphorylation of specific intracellularproteins associated with TCR signal transduction. In cultureswithout antigen, mAb NDA5 down-regulated the cell surface expressionof both CD3 and CD4, yet did not stimulate proliferation ofresting T cells. Together these results suggest that engagementof CD45 during in vitro priming has a significant effect onthe development of antigen-specific T cell populations.  相似文献   

The CAMPATH-1 (CD52) antigen is a 21–28 kDa glycopeptidewhich is highly expressed on lymphocytes and macrophages andis coupled to the membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol(GPI) anchoring structure. The function of this molecule isunknown. However, it is an extremely good target for complement-mediatedattack and antibody-mediated cellular cytotoxicity. The humanizedCAMPATH-1H antibody, which is directed against CD52, is veryefficient at mediating lymphocyte depletion in vivo, and iscurrently being used in clinical trials for lymphoid malignancyand rheumatoid arthritis. It is therefore important to examinethe functional effects of this antibody on different lymphocytesub-populations. Because several other GPI-linked moleculesexpressed on the surface of T lymphocytes are capable of signaltransductlon resulting in cell proliferation, we have investigatedwhether the CAMPATH-1 antigen can also mediate these effects.In the presence of phorbol esters and cross-linking anti-lgantibodies, mAbs specific for CD52 induced proliferation andlymphokine production in highly purified resting CD4+ and CD8+T lymphocytes. The ret lgG2c YTH 361.10 anti-CD52 antibody,however, was able to activate resting CD4+ and CD8+ T cellsdirectly without cross-linking or phorbol myristate acetatein the absence of Fc-bearlng cells. Anti-CD52 antibodies alsoaugmented the anti-CD3 mediated proliferatlve response of CD4+and CD8+ T cells when the two antibodies were co-immobilizedonto the same surface or cross-linked in solution by the samesecond antibody. Both CD4+CD45RA and CD4+CD45RO T cells werestimulated to proliferate by anti-CD52 antibodies in the presenceof appropriate co-stimulatory factors. Antl-CD52 mAbs did not,however, synerglze with anti-CD2 or CD28 mAb to induce CD4+T cell proliferation. The activation of CD4+ T cells by antl-CD52antibodies was inhibited by cyclosporin A, suggesting a rolefor the calcineurin-dependent signal transduction pathways.Although CD52 could transduce a signal In T cells, anti-CD52antibodies did not inhibit antigen-specific or polyclonal Tcell responses, suggesting this molecule does not play an essentialco-stimulatory role in normal T cell activation.  相似文献   

CD69, an ‘activation marker’ that is rapidly inducedon mature T cells after stimulation through the T cell antigenreceptor (TCR) was found to be expressed on 10% of normal thymocytes.All of these CD69+ thymocytes express ß TCR, and theyinclude both TCRlowCD4+CD8+ and TCRhighCD4+CD8 or CD4CD8+thymocytes. The CD69+ cells can be further segregated into heat-stableantigen (HSA)+TCR*HSATCRhigh and HSA+TCRhigh thymocytepopulations. None of CD69+ cells express the mature T cell markerQa-2. Thus CD69+ cells present in vivo appear phenotyplcallyto represent transitional cell populations between immatureTCRlowHSA+Qa-2 double-positive cells and mature TCRhighHSAQA-2+single-positive cells. In addition, TCR engagement by MHC moleculesis required for CD69 expression in the thymus. Taken together,the CD69 + thymocytes appear to represent the cells auditioningin positive selection process or they are the cells that havebeen positively selected recently. Analysis of a TCR transgenicmouse model revealed an increased number of CD69+ thymocytesin a positively selecting thymus, whereas no CD69+ transgenicTCR+ thymocytes were observed in the non-selecting thymus. Basedon the results of this study, we suggest that the surface expressionof CD69 serves as a useful marker to identify and trace thosethymocytes that are engaged in the TCR-mediated positive selectionprocess in the thymus.  相似文献   

Aging is accompanied by an increased fraction of memory CD4+T cells. Despite the fact that human memory cells have beenreported to produce high levels of IL-2, studies in mice andman indicate an age-related decline in IL-2 production. In thepresent study, we examined whether these conflicting resultsdepend on the activation pathway employed in a comparison ofphenotypically distinct CD4+ T cells from young and aged mice.Our data indicate an age-related decline in IL-2 productionby CD4+ T cells when the cells were stimulated with concanavalinA in the presence of accessory cells or the combination of immobilizedanti-CD3 and soluble anti-CD28. However, when CD4+ T cells wereonly stimulated with Immobilized anti-CD3, an age-related increasein IL-2 production was observed. This age-related increase inIL-2 could be attributed to the ability of CD4+ T cells fromaged mice to produce IL-4 on this stimulation, since anti-IL-4inhibited the IL-2 production In these cultures to levels foundwith cells from young mice. The addition of exogenous IL-4 greatlyenhanced the IL-2 production of CD4+ T cells from young miceto levels far beyond that of the aged counterparts, emphasizingthe dominant role of IL-4 In the induction of IL-2 stimulatedwith immobilized anti-CD3. No differences were observed in theactivation requirements of Mel14 CD4+ T cells from youngand aged mice. However, Mel14+ CD4+T cells from aged mice werefunctionally and phenotypically more mature than their youngcounterparts, since they were capable of IL-2 and IL-4 productionin response to antl-CD3 without the need of CD28 triggeringand expressed Pgp-1 and ICAM-1 in a higher density. Our dataindicate therefore that Mel14 is not a stable marker for naiveCD4+ T cells and might not be appropriate to distinguish thesecells from memory cells.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-ß1 (TGF-ß1) canhave stimulatory or inhibitory effects on cell growth. For severalcell types, the effect of TGF-ß1 was found to correlatewith the differentiation stage of the cells and the presenceof other cytoklnes. We have studied here the influence of TGF-ß1on CD4+ T cell activation in relation to the differentiationstage of the cells by evaluating the effect of TGF-ß1on the prollferatlve responses of purified CD4+CD45RA+ (unprfmed)and CD4+CD45RO+ (primed) lymphocytes. Under certain conditions,TGF-ß1 exerted a co-stlmulatory effect on peripheralblood CD4+CD45RA+ T cells whereas the outgrowth of CD4+CD45RO+T cells was suppressed in any activation system tested. Theenhancement of prollferatlve responses by TGF-ß1 inTCR/CD3 or CD2 stimulated cultures of CD45RA+ cells involvedup-regulatlon of CD25 expression and was dependent on the presenceof exogenous IL-2 or CD28 mAbs; IL-7 driven proliferatlve responseswere suppressed by TGF-ß1. These observations wereconfirmed in experiments with purified cord blood (CB) CD4+T cells inasmuch as addition of TGF-ß1 caused a 2-to 7-fold increase in IL-2 driven proliferatlve responses ofthese cells. Finally we show that, in contrast to the effectof TGF-ß1 during primary stimulation of CB CD4+ Tcells, TGF-ß1 suppressed T cell proliferation for40% in secondary cultures of these cell. Our findings indicatethat TGF-ß1 Is a blfunctlonal regulator of CD4+ Tcell growth in vitro, with co-stimulatory capacities duringCD45RA+ T cell mediated primary responses and growth suppresslveeffects during secondary responses of CD45RO+ T cells.  相似文献   

T cell activation appears to be regulated by an interplay betweenprotein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and protein tyrosine phosphatases(PTPases). p56lck and p59fyn have been found to associate withCD4 and TCR-CD3 respectively. The CD45 family of transmembranePTPases has been shown to be able to regulate the activitiesof these receptor-associated PTKs in vitro. In man, CD45 containsfive different isoforms whose distribution defines subsets ofT cells having distinct activation requirements and in vitrofunctions.Several groups have reported a physical interaction betweendistinct isoforms of CD45 and CD2, CD4, and the TCR-CD3 complex.Given the potential regulatory interaction between CD45 andPTKs in CD4+ subsets expressing different CD45 isoforms, wehave examined CD4 associated and TCR-CD3 associated PTKactivities, associated phosphatidyl inositoi (PI) kinases andsubstrates of tyrosine phosphoryiation in CD45RA+and CD45RACD4+ T cell lines derived from peripheral blood. Both subsetsexpress CD4-assoclated p56lck and TCR-CD3-associated p59fynkinases which exhibit identical in vitro phosphoryiation atthe Y-394 and Y-420 autophosphorylation sites respectively.Further, both subsets exhibited PI kinases activity associatedwith CD4-p56lck. Consistent with these observations, anti-CD3crosslinklng induced the phosphoryiation of a similar spectrumof intracellular substrates in these CD45RA+and CD45RACD4+ T cell lines. These observations indicate that despitethe possible interaction between CD45 isoforms and CD4 or TCR-CD3,the mere expression of the CD45RA isoform does not in and ofitself alter the presence of receptorassociated kinases or theirintracellular targets.  相似文献   

The present report describes developmental, phenotypic and functionalfeatures of unconventional CD4+ TCRß lymphocytes.In C57BL/6 mice, the majority of liver lymphocytes expressingintermediate intensity of TCRß (TCRßint)are CD4+NK1.1+ and express a highly restricted TCR Vßrepertoire, dominated by Vß8 with some contributionby Vß7 and Vß2. Although these cells expressthe CD4 co-receptor, they are present in H2-l Aß (Aß)+/–gene disruption mutants but are markedly reduced in ß2-microglobulin(ß2m)–/– mutant mice and hence are ß2mdependent. Thymocytes expressing the CD4+NK1.1+ TCR ßphenotype are also (ß2m) contingent, suggesting thatthese two T lymphocyte populations are related. The CD4+NK1.1+TCRßlymphocytes in liver and thymus share several markers such asLFA-1+, CD44+, CD5+, LECAM-1 and IL-2Rßa. TheCD4+NK1.1 + TCRßint liver lymphocytes were not detectedin athymic nuinu mice. We conclude that ß2m expressionis crucial for development of the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes and that thymus plays a major role. CD4+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes were also identified in NK1.1+ mouse strains,there lacking the NK1.1 marker. We assume that the NK1.1 moleculeis a characteristic marker of the CD4+TCR"int liver lymphocytesin NK1.1+ mouse strains, although its expression is not obligatoryfor their development. The liver lymphocytes from +2m+/–,but not from +2m–/–mice are potent IL-4 producersin response to CD3 or TCRß engagement and the IL-4production by liver lymphocytes was markedly reduced by treatmentwith anti-NK1.1 mAb. We conclude that the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes are capable of producing IL-4 in responseto TCR stimulation.  相似文献   

We observed that peripheral T cells activated in vivo or invitro by superantigens are susceptible to cell death when theirantigen receptor is cross-linked with the appropriate anti-ßTCR mAb. TCR ligation by mAbs specifically drove the T cellclonal deletion in both CD4+ and CD8+ cell subsets. An IL-2/1L-2Rinteraction seems to be a critical step In predisposing superantigenactivated cells to death; In fact, in vivo IL-2R bockade reversedT cell deletion In superantlgen plus anti-ß TCR mAbtreated mice. TCR ligatlon by mAbs also produced cell deathof the relevant targets in in vitro IL-2 activated T cells.Surprisingly, no T cell deletion was demonstrable in IL-2 activatedcells following staphylococcal enterotoxin B - TCR Interaction,ruling out the possibility that superantigen in Itself can inducecell death. Thus, while superantigen activation opens the celldeath program, a subsequent TCR-antigen (self) Interaction appearsnecessary to produce clonal deletion in mature T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We have investigated a CD28 co-stimulation in anergic T cellsin staphylococcal enterotoxin Binoculated mice by stimulatingthe cells with a plate-coated anti-TCR antibody in the presenceor absence of an anti-CD28 antibody. CD28 co-stimulation increasedthe levels of IL-2 and IL-4 mRNAs in nalve CD4+Vß8+T cells. However, it did not increase the levels of IL-4 mRNAat all and only partially increased those of IL-2 mRNA in anergicT cells. It was demonstrated that CD28 co-stimulation was impairedso that it no longer stabilized cytoklne mRNAs in anergic cells.The levels of IL-4 mRNA in response to TCR stimulation werehigher in anergic T cells than those in nalve T cells in spiteof the defective CD28 co-stimulation in the former cells. Anergyinduction and generation of a Th2-type immune response in vivoare discussed  相似文献   

Using two mAb, one specific to the alternative exon 6-dependentepitope of CD45 molecules(JH6.2) and one a natural thymocytotoxicautoantibody (NTA) with an unknown reactive epitope (NTA260),we subdivided splenic CD4+ T cells from 2-month-old BALB/c miceinto five phenotypically distinct subsets. CD45RC+NTA260(SI) cells were phenotypically analogous to CD4+ T cells predominatingin newborn mice and produced a significant amount of IL-2, butnot so IL-4, IL-10 or IFN- when stimulated with immobilizedanti-CD3 mAb in vitro. They appeared to consist mainly of naiveThP cells. The CD45RC+;NTA260+ (S II) subset also produced IL-2,but not other cytokines; however, the IL-2 levels produced weremuch higher than seen with the S I subset, thereby suggestingthe predominance of further maturated ThP cells. The D45RCNTA260+(S III) subset mainly produced IL-4, IL-10, IFN- and less IL-2,and contained memory cells that helped the secondary antibodyresponse to a recall antigen, and hence contained Th2 and probablya mixture of Th0 and Th1 cells. The CD45RCNTA260(S IV) subset was a poor responder to the immobilized anti-CD3mAb. The CD45RCbrightNTA260dull(S V) subset consisted of a smallnumber of cells that were phenotypically analogous to activatedCD4+ T cells. While an age-associated decrease in the proportionof S I and less markedly in S II and in turn increase in S IIIsubsets of CD4+ T cells occurred in normal BALB/c mice, autoimmunedisease-prone (NZBxNZW)F1 mice showed a marked age-associateddecrease in the proportion of not only S I, II but also IIIsubsets. As aged (NZBxNZW)F1 mice carry CD4+ T helper cellsfor IgG anti-DNA antibody production, such age-associated polarizationto the S IV subset appears to be critical in the pathogeneslsof autoimmune disease in these mice.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro repertoire of CD3+CD4 CD8 thymocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
CD4-CD8- thymocytes contain a cell subset which expresses thecomplete CD3-TCR complex (/ or /) of which the ontogeny andfiliation are unknown. One of the questions is whether thispopulation can be intrathymically selected, an obligatory stepfor the mature CD4+ and CD8+ cell differentiation pathway, orif the absence of CD4 and CD8 allows them to escape thymic selection.The repertoire of CD3 + CD4 - CD8 - (CD3 + DN) thymocytes wasanalyzed in different strains of mice with different combinationsof H-2 and Mls expression. The expression of Vß8.1in freshly isolated CD3+ DN cells is the highest in Mls-lb miceand the lowest in MIS-la and F1 mice, suggesting that selectionagainst this specificity can be achieved in vivo. By contrast,a low percentage of Vß6+ cells is found in all thestrains, with no correlation according to MIS expression. Invitro culture of DN thymocytes with IL-1 and IL-2 leads to theproliferation of CD3+ DN cells. In vitro culture amplifies thein vivo pattern of Vß8.1 expression, while Vß6+cells only expand in DN cells of 66 and 61002 Mls-lb mice withthe same genetic background. These results show: (i) CD3+ DNthymic cells can be intrathymically selected but the repertoireis different from that of mature T cells; (ii) Vß6and Vß8.1 selection do not follow the same pattern;(iii) this repertoire can be modified by In vitro culture, towarda more mature type; and (iv) comparison of DN cell repertoireof BALBlc, BALB.D2 (congenic for MLs), and other strains ofmice suggests a multigenic control for this selection, and aninvolvement of background genes.  相似文献   

Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) of the mouse small intestinewere examined for their potential to respond to TCR signallingin vitro. Purified IEL subsets were activated using mAbs specificfor CD3, TCRßor TCR&. Thy-1+IEL, regardless ofTCR type, proliferated equally well in response to anti-TCRmAb with or without exogenous IL-2. In contrast, Thy-1TCR, CD8 IEL required exogenous IL-2 for proliferation.No such requirement was observed for Thy-1 TCR& IELproliferation. IEL proliferation in the absence of added IL-2was due to an IL-2 secretion/IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) autocrinepathway, since mAbs specific for IL-2 and IL-2R inhibited IELproliferation. Thy-1+ CD8ß CD4+CD8+ IEL wereunresponsive to TCR-induced proliferation but exhibited highlevels of cytolytic activity upon TCR-triggerlng. Thy-1non-cytolytic IEL were induced to express Thy-1 and cytolytlcactivity following activation in vitro. In addition, the involvementof the co-stimulatory molecule CD28 in IEL activation was tested.CD28 was weakly expressed by fresh IEL and anti-CD28 mAb hadno effect on TCR-triggered proliferation. However, anti-TCRstimulation increased CD28 expression on a subset of TCRßIEL and the addition of anti-CD28 mAb resulted in increasedIL-2 production, but not in increased proliferation. Our resultsindicate that IEL, including the purported extrathymlc CD8ßsubset, can respond to TCR-driven signals via proliferationand/or cytolytlc activity.  相似文献   

CD45, the leukocyte-common antigen, Is a transmembrane proteintyrosine phosphatase uniquely expressed by cells of hematopoletlcorigin. We have developed CD4+ and CD8+ T cell clones that aredeficient in the expression of CD45 and have previously shownthat these cells fall to proliferate in response to antigenor cross-linked CD3. These studies have now been extended toshow that stimulation with antl-Thy-1, a mltogenlc signal forthe CD4+CD45+ and CD8+CD45+ T cells, falls to induce proliferationin the CD45 T cells. Examination of the CD8+CD45T cells correlates antl-Thy-1 unresponslveness with a failureto increase in tyrosine phosphorylatlon. Furthermore, stimulationof CD8+CD45+ T cells with antl-Thy-1 results in an increasein p56ick activity but not in CD8+CD45 T cells. In contrastto the results with antl-Thy-1, both the CD4+ CD45 andCD8+CD45 T cells respond to treatment with lectin mitogens,concanavalln A or phytohemagglutlnln. Lectin-lnduced proliferationwas inhibited by the addition of cyclosporln A. Treatment ofCD45 T cells with PMA and lonomycln also results in proliferationindicating that activation of protein kinase C in conjunctionwith an increase in intracellular calcium rescues the defectcafsed by CD45 deficiency. The data suggest that CD45 Is requiredfor the activation of tyrosine kinase activity Immediate orprior to transmembrane signaling.  相似文献   

We have identified a small subset of CD3+, CD4+, CD8thymocytes that do not express Thy1 (CD90). This Thy1subset represents 1–3.7% of the total number of thymocytesin a naive mouse. CD4+Thy1 thymocytes express high levelsof CD3, intermediate to high levels of heat-stable antigen (HSA),and low levels of CD25, CD45RB, CD69, CD44 and CD62L. They producehigh titers of IL-4 and no IFN- upon stimulation in vitro, aresponse characteristic of Th2 cells. In the thymi of mice infectedneonatally with a high dose of the retrovirus Cas-Br-E MuLV,the frequency of CD4+Thy1 cells increased ~10-fold. High-dosevirus infection resulted in decreased HSA and increased CD44expression on CD4+Thy1 cells relative to cells from naivemice. CD4+Thy1 cells from high-dose infected mice alsosecreted IL-4 and not IFN- upon in vitro stimulation. We previouslyreported that infection of newborn mice with a high dose ofmurine retrovirus results in the induction of a non-protectiveanti-viral Th2 T cell response; CD4+Thy1 thymocytes witha Th2-like cytokine profile may play a role in determining thecytokine bias of this anti-viral response.  相似文献   

We assessed the kinetics of Vß6+ T cell eliminationin the lymph nodes and thymus during Mls-1a mouse ontogeny.Our results suggest that induction of tolerance to Mls-1a antigensinvolves mechanisms other than clonal deletion of immature Tcells in the thymus. Mature CD4+CD8 (CD4SP) T cells wereaffected by Mls-1a antigens earlier than immature thymocytepopulations. Up to 2 weeks after birth, reduced frequenciesof Vß6+ T cells were detected only in CD4SP cellsfrom the thymus and lymph nodes, and generation of CD4SP cellsin the thymus was blocked at least 1 week earlier than thatof their CD4+CD8loTCRhl immature precursors. The number of Vß6+CD4SPT cells increased during the first 2 weeks of life and remainedconstant thereafter. We thus found no evidence of deletion ofmature Vß6+CD4SP T cells, as the reduced frequenciesin adult mice can be attributed to the dilution of previouslygenerated cells in lymphoid organs of growing mice, which increasein cellulartty after birth. Vß6+CD4+ T cells wereactivated in vivo shortly after birth, as shown by a selectiveincrease in IL-2 receptor a chain expression in the thymus andlymph nodes from day 0 to day 2 after birth. It is thereforelikely that endogenous expression of Mls-1a antigen shortlyafter birth activates Vß6+CD4SP T cells and rendersthem anergic. This process of tolerance induction may precedethe clonal deletion of immature T cells in the thymus, describedin the adult mouse.  相似文献   

Clonal deletion and/or inactivation establishes tolerance toself antigens. Endogenous and exogenous (bacterial) superantigens,like the staphylococcal enterotoxlns, induce ligand-specificclonal anergy in vivo and thus are believed to mirror aspectsof post-thymic tolerance mechanisms in mature peripheral T cells.Here we analyzed the level of anergy of ligand-responsive Vß8+T cells from staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB)-primed micein vivo and in vitro. Upon in vitro restimulation with SEB,CD4+Vß8+ and CD8+Vß8+ T cells failed toproduce IL-2. However, functional IL-2 receptors were triggered,since supplementation with IL-2 induced clonal growth in virtuallyall CD4+Vß8+ and CD8+Vß8+ T cells as determinedby limiting dilution analyses. Thus in vitro unresponslvenessof lymphocytes from SEB-primed mice reflects the inability ofSEB-reactlve Vß8+ T cells to produce IL-2. Surprisingly,anergy as defined in vitro was at variance with that in vivo.Following further challenge with SEB, systemic and acute lymphokineproduction (Including IL-2 and tumor necrosis factor) occurredwith almost identical peak values and kinetics to primary invivo responses, and D-galactosamlne-sensltlzed mice succumbedto lethal shock. Polymerase chain reaction analyses revealedthat CD4+Vß8+ expressed IL-2-specific mRNA in vivoupon restimulatlon with SEB. While lymphokine production andexpression of the IL-2 receptor was similar to the responseto in vivo primary stimulation, only CD8+Vß8+ T cellsexpanded clonally upon reintroductlon of SEB in vivo. Henceprimed Vß8+ T cells challenged with SEB display invitro anergy yet in vivo responsiveness, at least in part. Weconclude that the state of anergy is reversible, dependent uponthe quality of activation signals provided in in vivo ratherthan in in vitro culture conditions.  相似文献   

To study the role of p59fyn in T cell activation, we used antisenseRNA to inhibit p59fyn expression in a T cell clone. Transfectantswith reduced levels of p59fyn were functionally impaired intheir responses to antigen, Con A + recombinant IL-1 and cross-linkingwith anti-TCR mAb. Induction of tyrosine phosphorylation onmost intracellular substrates was greatly reduced. We also notedthat the Ick kinase activity was greatly reduced even thoughthe amount of Ick protein was equivalent to that present inparental D10 cells. Our results suggest that the protein tyrosinekinase p59fyn is critical in TCR-mediated signaling and alsosuggests that p59fyn may regulate p56fyn tyrosine kinase activity.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cells in the mouse can be subdivided into two fractionsbased on the level of expression of the CD45RB determinant.Previous studies have shown that these subsets are functionallydistinct. We have further characterized the properties of thesesubpopulations in vivo by injecting them into C. B-17 scid mice.The animals restored with the CD45RBhighCD4+ T cell populationdeveloped a lethal wasting disease with severe mononuclear cellinfiltrates into the colon and elevated levels of IFN- mRNA.In contrast, animals restored with the reciprocal CD45RBlowsubset or with unfractionated CD4+ T cells did not develop thewasting or colitis. Importantly, the co-transfer of the CD45RBlowpopulation with the CD45RBhigh population prevented the wastingdisease and colitis. These data indicate that important regulatoryinteractions occur between the CD45RBhigh and CD45RBlowCD4+T cell subsets and that disruption of this mechanism has fatalconsequences.  相似文献   

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