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疟疾是一种具传染性并由蚊子携带传播所引起的慢性疾病。我国疟疾防治工作虽取得了显著成效,但由于疟疾流行因素复杂,另外受流动人口和周边一些国家疫情的影响,防治工作形势依然十分严峻。建议通过加强传染源检测和疫情监测,加强媒介昆虫防制和人群防护以及适当的健康教育做好预防工作;治疗上为避免抗疟药广泛使用产生的抗药性,应采用合理的联合用药的方式,达到治疗疟疾和延缓抗药性产生的效果。  相似文献   

Anti-aging medicine is characterised by significant ‘hype’, hope and promise. This article examines the conditions giving rise to and sustaining this field. It questions its key premises, highlights the politico-economic ‘drivers’ of its innovations, and identifies the key actor networks sustaining its practices. As the article argues, it is highly questionable whether the viability of anti-aging medicine can be sustained as a discrete field of practice in the longer term. The instability of this field stems from its reliance on a faulty epistemological premise: that aging is a disease requiring technological intervention. In addition, anti-aging medicine is dependent on a series of fragile links and destabilising tendencies that threaten its long-term future. As sweeping promises regarding the ‘revolutionary’ potential of anti-aging medicine are made, financial, industry, government and public support becomes ever more contingent upon those utopian promises being realised. For reasons we discuss, this may not be possible. The article concludes by exploring the future of anti-aging medicine, highlighting a number of potential alternative scenarios.  相似文献   

目的:分析景洪地区伤寒、疟疾重叠感染的临床表现及诊治情况。方法;收集我院近十年来的伤寒、疟疾重叠感染患12例(其中男10例,女2例)结果:12例伤寒重叠感染间日疟8例,恶性疟3例,疟原虫阴性的1例是在确诊伤寒后,按伤寒治疗,高招变质 续不退,贫血加重是,经诊断必疟治疗,体温降至正常才诊断为重叠感染的。结论:在疟疾流行地区、流行季节,诊断伤寒时,要考虑重叠感染疟疾的可能。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the efficiency of simple searches in retrieving controlled evidence about specific primary health care quality improvement interventions and their effects. Searches were conducted to retrieve evidence on seven interventions and seven effect variables. Specific words and the closest Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) recommended by professional librarians were used to search the MEDLINE database. Searches were restricted to the MeSH publication type “randomized controlled trial.” Two reviewers independently judged retrieved citations for relevancy to the selected interventions and effects. In selecting MeSH terms, the average agreement among librarians was 64.3% (±26.1) for interventions and 57.1% (±19.9) for effects. Analysis of the 755 retrieved reports showed that MeSH term searches had an overall recall rate of 58% while the same rate for textword searches was significantly lower (11%, p < .001). The difference in overall precision rates was nonsignificant (26% versus 33%, p = .15). In the group of MeSH searches, overall precision and recall was significantly lower for effects than for interventions (12% versus 52%, p < .001 and 41% versus 69%, p < .001). Two textwords appeared in more than 25% of the benchmark collection: reminder (25.7%) and cost (25.0%). The results of this study indicate that information needs for health care quality improvement cannot be met by simple literature searches. Certain MeSH terms and combinations of textwords yield moderately efficient recall and precision in literature searches for health care quality improvement. Clinicians and physician executives gaining direct access to bibliographic database could probably be better served by structured indexing of critical aspects of randomized controlled clinical trials: design, sample, interventions, and effects.  相似文献   

Various attempts to define the concept of “mental health” are examined. Value judgments permeate much mental health literature. Their use militates against obtaining an objective definition, capable of universal application. The acceptance of a definition including a value judgment implies taking an attitude toward a particular society and its social ideals.

Present limits of competence only allow us to describe “mental health” conceptually. Such “untechnical” proposals are liable to be confused with “technical” (“scientific”) propositions. Multiple criteria are likely to be helpful in improving our concept of “mental health”.

The intrusion of morals into the world of health is discussed as part of the contemporary intellectual dilemma of determined human behaviour versus human responsibility and the reality of moral values.

It is suggested that “mental health” might consist simply of an individual's possession of insight into his own personality, combined with an honest recognition and acceptance of his condition.


目的 对河南省2015年消除疟疾考核结果进行分析,总结消除疟疾工作经验,为2020年河南省实现消除疟疾奠定基础.方法 依据河南省原卫生厅《河南省消除疟疾行动计划(2010-2020)》(豫卫疾控[2010]40号)和《河南省消除疟疾考核评估实施细则(2014年版)》(豫卫疾控[2014]11号),对河南省37个县(市、区)开展消除疟疾考核评估,并对考核结果进行分析.结果 37个县(市、区)自2012~2015年连续4年均无本地疟疾病例及输入性继发病例报告;37个县(市、区)均未发现疟疾漏报和迟报现象;37个县(市、区)都撰写了"疟疾防治工作总结",制作了反映消除疟疾工作历程的展板,另外,31个县(市、区)还精心制作了题为《消除疟疾工作纪实》和《消除疟疾、共享健康》等影像资料片;考核评估综合得分,最高分为98.3分,最低分为89.29分,平均得分为95.3分.结论 37个县(市、区)各级单位在消除疟疾考核工作中都做了大量工作,达到了消除疟疾考核评估标准.  相似文献   

Gadomski  Anne 《JAMA》1998,279(24):1999-2000

The Blantyre Integrated Malaria Initiative (BIMI) is a district-wide malaria-control effort, supported jointly by the Government of Malawi and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). BIMI was established in Blantyre District, Malawi in 1998 to promote sustainable and effective strategies to manage and prevent malaria-related morbidity and mortality. The goal of BIMI is to reduce malaria-related deaths among children under five-years of age by 30% by meeting the four main objectives listed in
1. Improve management of pediatric fever and anaemia by health
workers at the health facilities and by caretakers in the home.
2. Improve access and demand for presumptive intermittent
treatment of pregnant women with antimalarial therapy.
3. Increase demand for, access to, and appropriate use of affordable
insecticide impregnated bed nets.
4. Use human and material resources more effectively through
improved collection of data and use of health management
information systems.
Open in a separate window

Table 2

Key interventions and associated benefits of the Blantyre Integrated Malaria Initiative
Key interventions to reduce
malaria-related mortality
Established benefits
Correct treatment of children
under-5 in health facilities.
Decreased mortality (2) and and
anaemia (3).
Early correct treatment of febrile
children with an effective antimalarial
drug at a health facility or
in the community.
Decreased mortality (2,4).
Protective intermittent treatment
of pregnant women with an
effective antimalarial drug.
Decreased maternal anaemia
and neonatal low-birth-weight (5,6,7).
Regular use of insecticide-impregnated
bednets for
children under 5 years of age
and pregnant women.
Decreased mortality in
children under-5 (8, 9, 10),
and decreased maternal anaemia
and neonatal low-birth-weight (11).
Open in a separate window  相似文献   

刘尊永 《实用全科医学》2009,7(10):1023-1023,1071
目的为社区医院建立可持续发展的糖尿病医疗全新模式。方法选取社区卫生服务中心具体实施。结果糖尿病医疗新模式是个性化治疗与指导相结合,患者治疗规范化,患者管理科学化。医院以筛查早期发现血糖异常者为己任,并依据病情分组诊疗和管理。医院对患者进行一对一的指导,开展行为心理治疗、量化饮食运动治疗、饮食-运动-药物互动的精细化治疗新创举。遵循规范化检测指导合理应用药物。实行门诊-病房互动新方法。住院患者“七会”必做到。终生服务治疗必达标。结论量化饮食治疗、量化运动治疗,饮食-运动-药物互动的精细化治疗,门诊-病房互动是糖尿病全新医疗模式。  相似文献   

Malaria on the move: Ecological considerations for the armed forces     
P Jaiswal  S Srinivasan  VK Mehta  A Banerjee  I Acharya 《Medical Journal Armed Forces India》2007
Background: Armed forces personnel deployed in the North Eastern states of India are vulnerable to falciparum malaria. This vulnerability increases during mobilization of troops.  相似文献   

Malaria on the Move : Ecological Considerations for the Armed Forces     
P Jaiswal  S Srinivasan  VK Mehta  A Banerjee  I Acharya 《Medical Journal Armed Forces India》2007,63(2):112-114


Armed forces personnel deployed in the North Eastern states of India are vulnerable to falciparum malaria. This vulnerability increases during mobilization of troops.


Epidemiological case sheet was used for recording individual movement, clinical features and laboratory investigations of each case of malaria. Immunochromotography test (ICT) or Paracheck Pf was used as a rapid test for falciparum malaria at the regimental aid post (RAP). Subsequently, a case control approach was used to ascertain whether the cases of malaria differed significantly from healthy controls in observing antimalaria measures such as the use of mosquito nets, repellants and chemoprophylaxis.


Nineteen out of 623 soldiers suffered from falciparum malaria during a short period of ten days during operational mobilization. Use of mosquito nets and repellants was significantly less among the cases as compared to healthy controls. There was no significant difference among the two groups regarding compliance with chemoprophylaxis.


A paradigm of “malaria on the move” or “operational malaria” has been proposed.Key Words: Malaria, Armed Forces, Mobilization  相似文献   

清开灵滴丸对家兔感染性退热作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李臻  边立荣  曲韵智 《内蒙古医学杂志》2003,35(2):103-104
目的:为进一步确定清开灵滴丸对家兔感染性发热的退热效果。方法:选用新西兰大耳白家兔56只,分7组,设对照、比较、观察3组,测出每只家兔基础体温,用伤寒、副伤寒甲乙三联茁液静脉注射致热。观察组分别灌服清开灵滴丸水溶液,依次在30、60、120、180、240和300min时测出每只家兔体温,按组记录。结果:家兔致热前后体温对比差异有显著性(P<0.01),灌服清开灵滴丸前后体温比较差异有非常显著性(P<0.01),各给药组体温与对照组相应时间的体温比较差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。结论:清开灵滴丸对家兔感染性发热有明显的退热作用。  相似文献   

海南省疟疾流行现状及控制恶性疟措施   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
王善青 《中国热带医学》2001,1(1):17-19
疟疾是海南省最主要的热带病,近三年的平均年发病率为55/10万,居全国之首,海南省疟疾发病人数占传染病总数的22%-29%,在传染病中排列前三位。疟疾主要流行于海南省中南部山区的少数民族居住区,主要传播媒介是大劣按蚊和微小按蚊,由于疟疾传播快,危害大,可引起局部暴发流行,特别是恶性疟可导致凶险型疟疾而造成死亡,对当地居民和外来流动人口形成极大的威胁,所以,做好疟疾防治工作,特别是控制恶性疟的流行,是海南省热带病防治研究工作的首要任务。1 疟疾发病情况1.1 疟疾疫情 根据近三年疫情报告,全省疟疾发…  相似文献   

周勇 《医学理论与实践》2001,14(8):736-737
目的:设计和制备疗效较好及价廉的口腔溃疡膜。方法:加入局部麻醉剂,以迅速消除局部疼痛,加入抗细菌及抗真菌成分,以彻底消灭炎症。结果:制成的口腔溃疡膜4min起效,可维持80min麻醉作用,每天使用2次,连续使用2~3d后炎症基本消除。结论:只要根据病人发病部位的具体特点,设计制剂处方,就能制造出安全、有效、稳定,并且价廉易得的药品。  相似文献   

The Conquest of Malaria: Italy, 1900-1962     
Bynum  W. F. 《JAMA》2006,296(20):2493-2494

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