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Young adult subjects attended selectively to brief noise bursts delivered in free-field via central and peripheral arrays of four loudspeakers each that were arranged along a semi-circle extending from the midline to 90 degrees right of center. Frequent "standard" stimuli (90%) and infrequent "target/deviant" stimuli (10%) of increased bandwidth were delivered at a fast rate in random order and equiprobably from all eight speakers. In separate runs, the subject's task was to selectively attend to the center or rightmost speaker, and to press a button to the infrequent "target" stimuli occurring at the designated (spatial) location. Behavioral detection rates and concurrently recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) indicated that auditory attention was deployed as a finely tuned gradient around the attended source. The attentional gradients were steeper for the central than the peripheral array, indicating that attention can be more sharply focused upon sound sources directly in front of the listener. The ERP data suggested that selection for location is accomplished in two distinct stages, with an initial broadly tuned filtering, followed by a more narrowly focused selection of attended-location deviants.  相似文献   

In two experiments event-related potentials (ERPs) to visual and auditory stimuli were measured in 12 healthy subjects. A cross-modal and delayed response paradigm was used that allows ERPs to be obtained separately to attended and unattended stimuli under conditions in which unattended stimuli are less likely to be covertly or randomly attended. The results showed: (1) N1 enhancement with attention for standard stimuli in auditory and visual modalities and for deviant stimuli in the visual modality; (2) The onset time and scalp distribution of both the N1 for attend condition and Nd1 were similar regardless of standard or deviant stimuli in the auditory and visual modality; the onset time of Nd1 elicited by auditory and visual deviant stimuli was earlier than that of the unattended N1, and their scalp distributions were different; and (3) The Nd1 components elicited by auditory and visual deviant stimuli were distributed over the respective primary sensory areas, but Nd1 components evoked by auditory and visual standard stimuli were distributed over the frontal scalp. These results suggest that the attended N1 enhancement is primarily caused by a component with endogenous origins and that the early attention effect occurs before the exogenous components. The results support the view that the cross-modal attention to deviant stimuli modulates modality-specific processing in the brain, whereas attention to standard stimuli affects modality-nonspecific or supramodal brain systems.  相似文献   

This study investigated cross-modal interactions in spatial attention by means of recording event-related brain potentials (ERPs). Noise bursts and light flashes were presented in random order to both left and right field locations separated by 60 degrees in free-field. One group of subjects was instructed to attend selectively to the noise bursts (attend-auditory group), and a second group attended only to the flashes (attend-visual group). On different runs attention was directed to either the right or left field stimuli of the designated modality. In the attend-auditory group, noise bursts at the attended location elicited a broad, biphasic negativity (Nd) beginning at 70 ms. The cross-modal spatial attention effect on the auditory ERPs in the attend-visual group was very similar in morphology, but the Nd was reduced in amplitude relative to the intra-modal effect. In the attend-visual group, flashes at the attended location elicited enhanced early (100-200 ms) and late (200-350 ms) ERP components relative to unattended-location flashes. The cross-modal effect in the attend-auditory group included small but significant enhancements of early components of the visual ERPs. It was concluded that spatial attention has a multi-modal organization such that the processing of stimuli at attended locations is facilitated at an early, sensory level, even for stimuli of an unattended modality.  相似文献   

Three orthogonal recordings ('X,' 'Y' and 'Z') of event-related potentials (ERPs) evoked by auditory target stimuli were represented in 3-dimensional voltage-space, to produce 3-channel Lissajous' trajectories (3-CLTs). Stimuli were verbal or non-verbal and were differentiated by their pitch, phonemic or phonetic attributes. Visual inspection and quantitative evaluations unexpectedly revealed that the 3-CLT of these ERPs strongly resembles a 'hair-pin' trajectory. This trajectory titled in space at characteristic angles with each of the analysis axes: 133 degrees with the 'X' axis, 87 degrees with the 'Y' axis, and 54 degrees with the 'Z' axis. The relatively small inter-subject variability observed in the geometrical measures, particularly in orientation, may be attributed to the slight variation in the underlying generators. 3-CLT analysis could be useful in future clinical as well as source studies of ERP generators.  相似文献   

We compared electrophysiological indices of auditory selective attention in control subjects and in patients with unilateral lesions of the dorsolateral frontal lobes. In control subjects, ERPs following attended tones showed an enhanced negativity from 80 to 500 msec post-stimulus which had a different topographic distribution than the N120. Lesions of the frontal lobes reduced the attention-related negativity and impaired behavioral performance. The ERP reductions were equivalent in recordings obtained from electrodes placed over the damaged and intact cortex. A difference was noted between left and right frontal groups as a function of ear of delivery of the stimuli. Patients with left frontal lesions showed reduced attention effects following tones presented to either ear. Patients with right frontal lesions showed intact attention effects to right ear tones, but no attention-related negativity to left ear tones. When the left and right frontal groups were considered together, tones in ignored channels produced larger responses when presented to the ear contralateral to damaged cortex. These results underline the important role of the frontal lobes in processes of selective attention. Although the endogenous negativity produced in selective attention tasks does not appear to originate in dorsolateral frontal cortex, the frontal lobes exhibit a modulating influence upon it. In addition, the endogenous attention related negativity and exogenous N120 components apparently arise from different neural generators.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In tasks that involve lateralized visuospatial attention and a lateralized motor response, the associated brain electrical potentials, i.e. the attention-related N2pc and the lateralized readiness potential, typically overlap at central scalp sites. The manifestation of the N2pc at central electrode sites is commonly attributed to electric volume conduction effects, assuming the N2pc to be generated in occipito-temporal brain areas. We evaluated this explanation in a simulation study. METHODS: Using a forward modeling approach with a realistically shaped volume conduction model, we calculated the range of amplitude ratios between occipital and central electrode sites when a single source is assumed in area V4 or in area TO, at the temporo-occipital convexity. RESULTS: A comparison of the simulated amplitude ratios with reported data indicates that volume conduction effects from the investigated source origins in the occipito-temporal region are insufficient to explain the experimental data. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the anterior spread of the N2pc from its occipito-temporal maximum to central electrode sites is probably due to simultaneous attention-related activity in posterior and central brain areas.  相似文献   

The effects of attention and background verbal stimuli on event-related potentials (ERPs) following tone pips were assessed under four conditions: tone pips presented alone when attending and ignoring the tones and tone pips plus verbal stimuli when attending the tones and attending the verbal stimuli. The data were quantified in terms of the N1-P2 amplitude and the similarity (correlation) between ERPs in corresponding placements over the two hemispheres. The main results were that attention influenced the ERP amplitude only with the verbal stimuli, that interhemispheric similarity was greatest with the tones only, and that similarity was greater under the tone plus verbal stimuli condition during tone-attention instructions.  相似文献   

Click-evoked potentials were recorded from the round window (cochlear microphonic and auditory nerve), cochlear nucleus, and auditory cortex of unanesthetized cats during periods of visual attention and increased auditory intensity. The clicks (irrelevant stimuli) were presented continuously as background before, during, and after the presentation of a visual discrimination task (relevant stimuli) which attempted to alter the attentive state of the animals. At all electrode sites, the mean peak-to-peak amplitudes of click-evoked potentials were significantly smaller during attention to the visual discrimination stimuli when compared with the pretest and posttest control periods. Although the amplitudes of the click-evoked potentials were suppressed at all intensities during visual attention, much greater suppression occurred at low auditory intensities than at high auditory intensities. The results suggest that during attention, a central inhibitory mechanism suppresses irrelevant auditory stimuli presumably via the olivo-cochlear bundle at the peripheral stages in the afferent auditory pathways.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine reaction times and event-related potentials (ERPs) in an auditory cued attention task varying motor requirements, cue validity, and cue location.METHODS: Subjects (n=13) listened to cue-target stimulus pairs. Verbal cues (monaural, binaural) indicated the ear to receive a target tone 1.5s later. Cues correctly (valid) or incorrectly (invalid) predicted target ear, or were uninformative (neutral). In separate conditions subjects either responded by pressing one of two buttons, or did not respond to targets. ERPs for cues and targets (P50, N100, P200, late slow wave), and negative slow potentials between cues and targets were assessed.RESULTS: Target reaction times for valid cues were significantly shorter than for invalid cues, with intermediate values for neutral cues. When no motor response was required larger ERPs were seen to both cues and targets. Negative slow potentials had larger amplitudes before target presentation when subjects responded to targets; and were larger following neutral, vs. valid/invalid, cues. ERPs (N100, P200) to invalidly cued targets were significantly larger and a subsequent late slow wave was more positive, relative to validly cued targets.CONCLUSIONS: Expectancy for targets begins shortly after cue presentation, and is affected by both motor requirements and the information content of the cue. ERP amplitudes to targets are modulated by the correspondence between cue information and actual target location.  相似文献   

Selective dichotic listening during periods of 35 sec was associated with negative shifts of the cortical DC potential. Amplitudes of negative DC potentials had maxima in frontal, in particular, in anterior frontal records. The temporal pattern of negative DC potentials was different between the fronto-lateral records of the two hemispheres: in records from the right side, DC potentials declined during the 35 sec observation period, whereas they remained sustained in those of the left side. Different instructions ("attend left ear," "attend right," "attend both") and different levels of pitch separation between deviants and standards had no effects on frontal negative DC potential shifts, which are discussed in terms of higher order control of selective dichotic listening.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) and behavioral responses were recorded from autistic and normal subjects under two focused selective attention conditions. In each condition, subjects were presented with an identical stimulus paradigm--a random sequence of 50 msec sounds and flashes occurring at interstimulus intervals ranging between 0.5 and 1.5 sec. The sequence consisted of rare auditory (12.5%), rare visual (12.5%), standard auditory (37.5%) and standard visual (37.5%) stimuli. In the focal auditory condition, subjects pressed a button to the rare auditory target, and in a focal visual condition, they pressed a button to the rare visual stimuli. When normal subjects detected target stimuli in a given attended modality, all stimuli in the attended modality produced enhanced negative ERP responses at frontal electrode sites (i.e., auditory Nde, Ndl, and Nc; visual N270 and Nc) and enhanced positive ERP responses at posterior electrode sites (i.e., P3b and visual P400). In the autistic subjects, in contrast, all auditory and visual attention-related negativities recorded in the auditory and visual focused attention tasks were not in evidence. P3b was significantly diminished in size. The results suggest that abnormalities in the neurophysiological mechanisms of selective attention may underlie the cognitive deficits in autism. The present report and its companion papers are the first reports of the neurophysiological correlates of selective attention in autism.  相似文献   

Janet suggested a disorder of attention was fundamental to hysteria. This idea was investigated in this study by examining mismatch negativity (MMN), which depends upon a subtraction of cortical potentials evoked by background stimuli from those evoked by target stimuli. Ten patients with somatization disorder (SMD) were compared with ten normal individuals. MMN was smaller in somatizers, particularly at the central recording site. One interpretation of this observation is that somatizers respond more similarly than normals to "relevant" and "irrelevant" stimuli. This finding of an impairment in attentional processing in somatization disorder suggests a subtle neurophysiological disturbance.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) to changes in the visual environment were recorded in rabbits. In the oddball condition, infrequently presented (deviant) stimuli occurred in a series of frequently presented (standard) stimuli. In the deviant-alone condition, standards were omitted. ERPs to oddball-deviants differed from those to standards in all recording sites (cerebellar cortex, visual cortex, dentate gyrus). No corresponding differences were found between ERPs to deviants in the oddball condition and those in the deviant-alone condition. However, because ERPs to deviants in the deviant-alone condition and those to standards did not differ either, ERPs to stimulus changes in the oddball condition seemed to be dependent on the presence of standards, thus representing an analogue to mismatch negativity (MMN) in humans.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine whether an olfactory prime could modulate behavior and visual event-related potentials (ERPs) obtained in response to a visual stimulation representing female faces. More specifically, we tested the hypothesis that a pleasant odor could have effects on face perception: behavioral effects on subjective emotional estimation of faces, and on associated response times, and electrophysiological effects on the N400 and late positive complex or LPC. Experiments were performed in which subjects had to decide whether the presented face was pleasant or not, while visual ERPs were recorded. Faces were always primed with either a pleasant odor or a neutral olfactory stimulus (pure air). In order to test the effect of subject's awareness, participants were not informed that an odor would be presented in the experimental sessions. Responses were significantly shorter for unpleasant faces. However, no behavioral effects of the pleasant odor on response time or on evaluation of face pleasantness were observed. Late ERPs evoked by faces were modulated by the presence of a pleasant odor, even when subjects were neither warned nor aware of the presence of the odor: in a frontal site and after the diffusion of the odor, the LPC (appearing 550 ms after the presentation of the visual stimulus) evoked by unpleasant faces was significantly more positive than the LPC evoked by pleasant faces. This effect could reflect an enhanced alert reaction to unpleasant faces are preceded by an (incongrous) pleasant odor.  相似文献   

Auditory event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded in response to an emotional (a baby's cry) and a neutral (a word) stimulus in a group of mothers 2-5 days after childbirth (n = 20) and in control women (n = 18) who were not in the state of early motherhood. For each mother, her own infant's cry was recorded and used as the cry stimulus, whereas a strange baby's cry was used for control women. The word stimulus was identical for both groups. Stimuli were presented in intermittent trains in order to study the arousal responses to the first stimuli of the trains, and refractoriness of ERPs during stimulus repetition. The N100 responses were significantly larger in amplitude in mothers than in control women, not only to the emotional cry stimuli but also to the neutral word stimuli. The finding suggests a general increase in alertness and arousal in mothers, which may be necessary in enabling the mother to be continuously alert to her infant's needs. This allows good care of the infant and may be essential in building an emotional tie between the mother and her child.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We examined how behavioral context influences novelty processing by varying the degree that a novel event predicted the occurrence of a subsequent target stimulus. METHODS: Visual event-related potentials (ERPs) and reaction times (RTs) were recorded in 3 detection experiments (23 subjects). The predictive value of a novel stimulus on the occurrence of a subsequent target was varied as was novel-target pairing intervals (200-900 ms). In Experiment 1, novel stimuli always preceded a target, in Experiment 2, 40% of novel stimuli were followed by a target, and in Experiment 3, novel stimuli occurred randomly. RESULTS: In Experiment 1, RTs following 100% predictive novels were shortened for targets at all spatial locations and novel-target pairing intervals. Novel stimuli predicting a target generated a central negativity peaking at 300 ms and reduced P3a and P3b ERPs. In Experiments 2 and 3, target RTs were prolonged only when novel and target stimuli were presented in the same spatial location at short ISIs (200 ms). The central novel N2 was smaller in amplitude in comparison to Experiment 1, and novelty P3a and target extrastriate N2 and posterior scalp P3b ERPs were enhanced. CONCLUSIONS: The enhanced N2 for 100% predictive novel stimuli appears to index an alerting system facilitating behavioral detection. The same novel stimuli with no predictive value distract attention and generate a different ERP pattern characterized by increased novelty P3a and target P3b responses. The results indicate that behavioral context determines how novel stimuli are processed and influence behavior.  相似文献   

Chronic unilateral vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) has been recently introduced into the therapy for intractable epileptic seizures. Its effect on cognitive functions in VNS-treated patients remains controversial. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the possible impact of therapeutic VNS on cognitive functions by means of event-related potentials analysis. Ten patients with medically intractable epilepsy, who had been implanted with VNS devices, participated in the study. Auditory and visual event-related potentials (ERPs) were repeatedly recorded, first just before the implantation of VNS devices, and then again 3-6 months after the device activation. The effect of lower intensity stimulation on the P3 component of ERPs was assessed. No significant differences were found in auditory ERPs; the latencies of P3 as well as N2/P3 peak-to-peak amplitudes were virtually identical. The same was true for mean P3 latencies of visual ERPs. However, higher visual N2/P3 peak-to-peak amplitudes were observed in the responses to targets that followed VNS, with a significant finding at the electrodes investigated. When comparing the effect of VNS on visual N2/P3 amplitude in each electrode separately, the most expressive differences were found in the frontal region. This observation supports the theory of a possible positive effect of low-intensity VNS on the cognitive functions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if aging is associated with differences in attentional regulation using behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) measures. METHODS: Younger (n=13;M=20 years) and older (n=12;M=76 years) subjects performed an auditory cued attention task. Verbal cues correctly (valid) or incorrectly (invalid) predicted the ear receiving a target tone 1.5 s later, or were uninformative (neutral). Targets were either 'high' (2000 Hz) or 'low' (1000 Hz) pitch monaural tones. Subjects pressed one of 4 buttons to indicate target ear and pitch. ERPs following cues and targets (P50, N100, P200, slow waves), and negative slow potentials (CNV) between cues and targets were assessed. RESULTS: Cue information had significant effects on reaction time for both groups (validvalid) but not older subjects. Target slow waves were also affected by cue information (invalid>valid), and the difference was larger and lasted longer in older subjects. Slow waves following cues were significantly larger in older subjects, but the subsequent CNV amplitudes were comparable among groups. CONCLUSIONS: When performing a cued attention task, age differences are present in transient ERPs following cues and targets. SIGNIFICANCE: Age differences in ERPs associated with attentional regulation support the hypothesis that attentional changes contribute to cognitive aging.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of recordings and maps of event-related potentials (ERPs) obtained in normal subjects. ERPs were recorded from 19 scalp electrode derivations using both visual and acoustic paradigms. In normal subjects, topographical distribution of all ERP components is described in detail. Our findings in normals suggest that the early modulation of stimulus-related potentials could be located in primary associative areas, and that N2, P3a, P3b, and SW have different distributions.  相似文献   

Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to lateralized light flashes were recorded from the parietal midline, and from homologous occipital and central sites, in a GO/NOGO reaction time task. The N160 component of the VEP was found to be larger over the hemisphere contralateral to the visual field of stimulus exposure at all pairs of lateral electrodes. At the occipital sites only, N160 latency was also shorter from the contralateral hemisphere, by an average of approximately 14msec. This was not so centrally, where a non-significant value of approximately 4 msec was obtained. These data are considered to be consistent with Milner and Lines' hypothesis that callosal transmission occurs at different rates in different functional regions of the corpus callosum.  相似文献   

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