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Stable paclitaxel/Lipiodol solutions as well as emulsions were developed for the treatment of solid tumors including hepatocellular carcinoma. Paclitaxel could be dissolved in Lipiodol, an oily contrast medium, but precipitated out and formed aggregates with time. Paclitaxel precipitation was due to the inter- and intra-molecular hydrogen bonding of paclitaxel molecules. Time-dependent paclitaxel aggregation was completely prevented by adding small amounts of additional solvents, which are miscible with Lipiodol. It was also notable that paclitaxel helped in stabilizing the water-in-oil (w/o) type emulsion of Lipiodol and Iopamiro. The stability, physical properties and in vitro drug release profiles of the stable paclitaxel solutions and emulsions were characterized. When the stable oily paclitaxel solution was used for the treatment of B16F10 melanoma in C57BL/6 mice, the malignant cells were eradicated completely in 2 weeks, whereas the solid tumor grew rapidly and metastasized to the thigh and to other organs in the control group. Also, the mice survived for more than 1 year after the paclitaxel treatment, whereas all of those in the control group died in 40 days.  相似文献   

In inhalation tracheobronchography with niobium powder in rabbits and a volunteer (physician), excellent contour bronchograms with detailed imaging of the structure of the mucosa were obtained. With methodically proper application the niobium particles of 20-40 microns do not penetrate into the alveoli and are quickly (within 1-5 days) eliminated from the bronchi. Investigations with mice have shown, that niobium powder is insoluble, does not irritate tissues and is not resorbed. It is also nontoxic.  相似文献   

Contrast-enhanced CT is currently the gold standard for the diagnosis of kidney infarction. Particularly in patients with renal insufficiency, however, the use of iodine contrast media is limited. Sonographic examination using ultrasound contrast media may be an alternative for these patients. CASE REPORTS: We examined three patients with suspected ischaemic kidney infarction with ultrasound contrast media. Scanning was performed with low mechanical index, and SonoVue was used as by contrast-enhancing agent. In all three patients, kidney infarctions were clearly shown. In two patients, the lesions were confirmed by contrast-enhanced CT, in one no CT was performed because of impaired renal function. CONCLUSION: Kidney infarctions can reliably be detected by contrast-enhanced ultrasound using SonoVue as contrast agent. This is particularly valuable in patients with renal impaired renal function and other contraindications against iodine contrast media.  相似文献   

Herein a propagation-based phase contrast x-ray imaging technique for measuring particle size and number is presented. This is achieved with an algorithm that utilizes the Fourier space signature of the speckle pattern associated with the images of particles. We validate this algorithm using soda-lime glass particles, demonstrating its effectiveness on random and non-randomly packed particles. This technique is then applied to characterise lung alveoli, which are difficult to measure dynamically in vivo with current imaging modalities due to inadequate temporal resolution and/or depth of penetration and field-of-view. We obtain an important result in that our algorithm is able to measure changes in alveolar size on the micron scale during ventilation and shows the presence of alveolar recruitment/de-recruitment in newborn rabbit kittens. This technique will be useful for ventilation management and lung diagnostic procedures.OCIS codes: (340.7440) X-ray imaging, (110.6150) Speckle imaging, (100.5070) Phase retrieval, (170.3660) Light propagation in tissues, (170.3880) Medical and biological imaging, (290.5850) Scattering, particles  相似文献   

The value of enteroclysma in comparison to peroral roentgenologic imaging of the small bowel is beyond doubt. For the use of applicable double contrast media we carried out comparative investigations in 118 patients with inflammable diseases of the small bowel. 92 patients were investigated with air and 26 with 1% methylcellulose solution in double contrast. Advantages and shortcomings of both methods are discussed. For the diagnostic results as well as for the application of complementing techniques air seems to be better for double contrast studies than methylcellulose.  相似文献   

We present a case of a patient with an infected renal cyst. Delayed computed tomography showed residual contrast medium in the cortex of the kidney around it. Delayed computed tomography might be useful to identify an infected renal cyst.  相似文献   

80 patients with tumorous or inflammatory abdominal diseases were investigated with the paramagnetic MRT contrast medium Gadolinium-DTPA (Gd-DTPA, 1 mM, 15 g/l mannitol, 6-16 ml per kg body weight) at 0.5 Tesla with T1-, proton density and T2-weighted SE- and gradient-echo sequences. 53 patients were investigated also before the contrast medium was given. Gd-DTPA showed hyperintense labelling of the intestinal loops that was detectable with all excitation sequences and was constant over all phases of the passage. In 35 of the 53 patients investigated before and after application of Gd-DTPA lesions were better imaged while diagnostic improvements, especially for smaller lesions, were achieved in 5 of 80 patients. One third of the patients reported slight meteorism and diarrhoea after the mannitol-containing suspension.  相似文献   

非离子型造影剂对老年冠心病患者肾功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨老年冠心病患者接受非离子型造影剂后对肾功能的影响。方法选择老年冠心病患者64例,其中单纯冠心病22例作为对照组,合并高血压24例,合并糖尿病18例均作为观察组;再根据水化治疗与否分为亚组。全部患者接受造影剂前、后测定血BUN、SCr,计算CrCl并进行比较。结果造影后1~2 d,糖尿病组SCr升高,CrCl下降(P<0.05),5~7 d恢复并与造影前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);未水化治疗的高血压组BUN增高(P<0.05),而糖尿病组BUN、SCr均增高(P<0.05)。结论非离子型造影剂对老年冠心病患者是相对安全的,但合并糖尿病患者更应预防造影剂肾病的发生。  相似文献   

Background Functional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the kidney relies on low-molecular-weight contrast agents. These agents are glomerular filtration markers and are neither secreted nor reabsorbed by the tubules but are filtered at the glomerulus. Low-molecular-weight contrast agents provide limited functional information. A new generation of macromolecular magnetic contrast agents is under development for MR angiography. These agents may provide additional renal functional information not provided by low-molecular-weight agents. Methods We review the use of macromolecular contrast agents such as gadolinium-bound albumin (Gd-albumin), gadolinium-bound dendrimer (Gd-dendrimer), and ultrasmall particles of iron oxide (USPIO) in specific renal parenchymal diseases. These data are largely derived from animal studies because many of these agents have not been extensively deployed in human populations. Results Different specific uses have been documented for macromolecular contrast agents. Gd-albumin appears to detect the source of proteinuria and localize the site of recurrent proteinuria after transplantation. Gd-dendrimer uptake reflects damage to the proximal straight tubule in the outer medulla. USPIO agents demonstrate sites of inflammatory changes within the kidney. Conclusions Although not yet in widespread clinical use, macromolecular MR contrast agents may play a role in the evaluation of functional diseases of the kidneys.  相似文献   

With the application of our endoscopical method of contrasted X-ray imaging, gastric submucosal tumors were studied with chief regards to their modes of growing up and patterns of development. It has become known that, of extra-gastric developing tumors, larger ones tend to show Pattern IVa and smaller ones Pattern IVb. Generally, the tumors showed a tendency of becoming larger in older patients. Periodical checking disclosed about 15% of the tumors growing larger with the lapse of time. It has been surmised that as tumors grow up, their development possibly turns from intra-gastric to intramural and mingled in pattern. Their modes of growing could be classified as follows: Abruptly growing large at a certain time and then remaining without notable changes, step-by-step enlarging, and gradually growing up straight forwardly with years.  相似文献   

应用服水低张和改良式团注增强CT扫描技术检查胃肿瘤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨常规CT在胃肠道肿瘤诊断中的价值和检查方法。材料和方法;作者回顾性分析40例经CT检查手术病理证实的胃肠道肿瘤资料。使用日立W-550E,CT检查采用服水低张技术和改良式团注增强方法。结果;40个病例,CT发现36个病灶,其中胃腺癌24例,平滑肌瘤7例。平滑肌肉瘤4例,胃神经鞘瘤1例,检出率90%,定性总准确性85%。  相似文献   

目的比较不同量的对比剂追加盐水后,在腹部增强扫描中对各脏器和血管的影响程度,以期达到不影响强化、减少副作用且减少造影剂用量的目的。方法75例受检者分为3组,A组单独注射对比剂100ml组,B组注射对比剂80ml追加生理盐水20ml组和C组注射对比剂70ml追加生理盐水30ml组。在常规扫描的动脉期33s和门脉期80s进行数据采集。测量肝脏、脾脏、胰腺、肾脏门脉主干、主动脉及下腔静脉的CT值,比较三组间的不同。结果脾脏门脉期、胰腺门脉期、肾脏门脉期、门静脉门脉期和主动脉门脉期在三组间均有统计学差异,进行两两比较结果表明脾脏门脉期、胰腺门脉期、肾脏门脉期、门静脉门脉期和主动脉门脉期在A和C组间有统计学差异,而胰腺门脉期和肾脏门脉期仅在A和B组间无统计学差异。结论腹部MDCT扫描中,使用对比剂追加盐水冲刷技术,可减少对比剂的用量,减少肾毒性,对临床诊断没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

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