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Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit werden zwei neue Gleichspannungspotentiale beschrieben, die während akustischen bzw. optischen Vorstellungen auftreten. Das akustische Imaginationspotential (AIP) ist eine am Vertex ableitbare negative Gleichspannungsschwankung, die während der gesamten Dauer einer akustischen Vorstellung anhält. Während einer optischen Vorstellung entsteht eine ähnliche negative Gleichspannungsschwankung nur in der Occipitalregion. Diese Vorstellungspotentiale können infolge einer speziellen Versuchstechnik schon im Roh-EEG erkannt werden. Die Amplitudengröße korreliert mit dem Konzentrationsgrad der Versuchsperson. Bei intensiven Vorstellungen sind Potentiale mit Amplituden bis zu 20 V und einer Dauer von einigen Sekunden registrierbar. Der Vergleich zwischen der Vertex- und der Occipitalableitung erlaubt die Beobachtung des abwechselnden Auftretens von akustischen und optischen Bewußtseinsprozessen. Die Vorstellungspotentiale (AIP und OIP) sind reiz- und reaktionsunabhängig und stellen modalitätsspezifische EEG-Korrelate kognitiver, bewußter Erlebensprozesse (Erinnerung bzw. Vorstellung) dar. Ihre Bedeutung für die objektive Audiometrie wird diskutiert.  相似文献   

Summary Masking experiments are demonstrated for electrical frequency-modulated tone bursts from 1,000 to 10,000 cps and from 10,000 to 1,000 cps with superimposed clicks. The maximum of the masking was found at 3,700 cps (narrow-band masking).  相似文献   

Summary Normal adult guinea pigs were studied with phase contrast microscopy. Perivascular spaces were clearly more common in vessels facing perilymph than in vessels facing endolymph. The so-called avascular channels which have been suggested to signify a degenerative phenomenon were found in some inner ear vessels in the normal animal. These sections of vessels, lacking blood cells, may constitute a normal vessel, subjected to plasma skimming. Small openings were found on some of these avascular channels. Both perivascular spaces and avascular channels appear to be a part of the fluid transport system in the cochlea.  相似文献   

T-lymphocytes expressing T -cell receptors (TCRs) of the / type have been suggested to play an important role in mucosal defense against infection and neoplastic transformation. In this study, an immunohistochemical investigation was performed on the distribution of / and / TCRs among tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. Thirteen patients with squamous cell carcinomas of the upper aerodigestive tract were studied, using monoclonal antibodies and an avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique. Most of the T-cells had an / TCR. Only 1.6% of the T-cells within the cancer tissue and 1.2% of the T-cells in the parenchyma adjacent to the cancer tissue expressed /gd TCRs. These results are consistent with the results of similar studies in bronchial and breast carcinomas. Biopsies from normal oral mucosa in nine healthy individuals showed that 1.3% of the T -cells within the epithelium and 1.0% of those in the lamina propria adjacent to the epithelium expressed / TCRs. Quantitatively the results do not support the theory that / T-cells play an important role in the immunological response against cancer tissue in the mucosa of the upper aerodigestive tract. The functional role of these cells in the mucosa and in response to carcinomas is, however, still uncertain.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Phoniatrie hat für das Funktionelle im Krankheitsgeschehen noch keine endgültige und voll befriedigende Begriffsbestimmung gefunden. In der Vielfalt der Meinungen gibt es Ansichten, die das Funktionelle als eine nur zwischenzeitliche pathophysiologische Einstufung betrachten, solange mit den vorhandenen technischen Mitteln ein der Stimmstörung zugrundeliegendes organisches Substrat noch nicht erkannt werden kann. Ihre Vertreter vermuten dieses im Feinbau der beteiligten Organe und in Störungen der Mikrobiologie der Funktionsabläufe. Andere Phoniater glauben, Deutung der Vorgänge und diagnostische wie therapeutische Nutzanwendungen aus den Denkansätzen der Kybernetik und aus psychosomatischen Betrachtungsweisen gewinnen zu können. — Von neueren Diskussionen wird berichtet, die sich mit der Heiserkeit beschäftigen, ihren lokalen Entstehungsbedingungen, ihren akustischen Qualitäten und einer Bestimmung ihres Schweregrads. — Die im Ursachengefüge komplexen funktionellen Dysphonien werden in ihrer Vielfalt von einander abgegrenzt und in den sie charakterisierenden Besonderheiten abgehandelt, hierbei auch Tendenzen und Erfahrungen in der speziellen Therapie berichtet. Die beiden polaren Prinzipien eines zu viel und eines zu wenig im Funktionieren der physiologischen Abläufe greifen dabei weit über den Kehlkopf als sogenanntes Stimmorgan hinaus. Ein größerer Sektor ursächlicher Beteiligung wird von nervalen und mehr noch von psychischen Faktoren beansprucht; letztere haben ihren Ursprung meist in der Persönlichkeitsstruktur des Stimmkranken. Darauf muß sich auch jegliche Therapie einrichten, wenn sie Erfolge erzielen will, z. B. durch Gruppentherapie. Typische Formen und besonderes Ausmaß der Stimmleistung beim Sänger, Lehrer, bei der Kindergärtnerin und beim Soldaten verursachen auch spezielle funktionelle Schäden der Stimme und verlangen eine hierauf gerichtete gezielte Therapie. Es werden Zusammenhänge zwischen Beruf und Stimme erörtert wie auch die Frage, ob eine funktionelle Stimmstörung eine Berufskrankheit sein könne. Sonderformen der funktionellen Stimmstörungen wie Kontakt-Ulkus und Monochorditis vasomotorica werden mit der ihnen noch anhaftenden Problematik beschrieben, wie auch die den funktionellen Stimmstörungen mit fließenden Übergängen zugehörigen organischen Folgeschäden. Das betrifft besonders die Stimmlippenknötchen und manche Polypen; sie erfordern ein vom Befund her bestimmtes, differenziertes und bedachtsames ärztliches Vorgehen. Zielsetzungen und Möglichkeiten jeglicher Therapie funktioneller Stimmstörungen werden ausführlich dargestellt, jeweils praktischen Bedürfnissen der Stimmtherapie Rechnung tragend. Es werden die übenden Verfahren beschrieben und begründet, dazu werden Erfahrungen mit psychischen Einwirkungsmöglichkeiten, solchen der Physiotherapie und der unterstützenden medikamentösen Behandlung berichtet. Mitteilungen über Häufigkeit, Schweregrad, Behandlungsdauer und Behandlungsergebnisse ergänzen das Gesamtbild.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence of -lipotropin (-LTH) immunoreactive material was investigated in the inner ear of newborn and juvenile guinea pigs by means of Sternberger's PAP technique. Unlike met5-enkephalin and endorphin, -LTH could not be found in the organ of Corti but was identified in the spiral ganglion and the neuroepithelium of the crista ampullaris.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to present a previously unknown association of visual loss and Meniere-like vestibuloauditory symptoms in Eales disease (idiopathic retinal vasculitis) and to give a survey of other conditions affecting both the retina and inner ear. A 32-year-old man diagnosed with Eales disease presented with recurrent deteriorations of visual acuity and simultaneous recurrent vestibuloauditory symptoms strongly reminiscent of Menieres disease. Both the recurrent low frequency hearing losses and the losses of visual acuity could be restituted repeatedly by high dose i.v. corticosteroids. A literature review reveals that in a number of other retinopathic diseases associated with Meniere-like symptoms, microvasculopathy is also the pathomechanism. A common pathogenetic cause, e.g., autoimmune-mediated microvasculitis of retinal periphlebitis and vestibulocochlear symptoms, in this case is suggested. The presented case adds new evidence to microvasculopathy being a pathogenetic factor in Menieres disease. In cases of coincidence of vestibulocochlear symptoms and retinal perivasculitis, a therapeutic attempt with high-dose corticosteroids is advisable.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Heterotransplantation menschlicher Kopf- und Halsgeschwülste auf thymusaplastische nackte Mäuse ist die zur Zeit aussichtsreichste Methode, Humantumoren längere Zeit außerhalb des menschlichen Körpers am Leben zu erhalten. In einer größeren Untersuchung wird gezeigt, daß nicht nur entdifferenzierte, sondern auch hochdifferenzierte Carcinome, wie beispielsweise Cylindrome, erfolgreich verpflanzt werden können. Biopsien aus unsterilen Tumoren lassen sich ebenfalls transplantieren.Von den bisher transplantierten Geschwülsten wird über folgende Tumoren ausführlich berichtet: 3 adenoidcystische Carcinome, 1 nicht verhornendes Plattenepithelcarcinom und 1 wenig verhornendes Plattenepithelcarcinom, das aus einer unsterilen Probeexcision eines Stimmbandcarcinoms entstand. Histologisch-morphologisch gleichen die Heterotransplantate auch nach mehreren Tierpassagen dem Originaltumor. Mit autoradiographischen und cytophotometrischen Untersuchungen können Kriterien echten Wachstums bei unveränderter DNA-Verteilung im Originaltumor und seiner Explantate nachgewiesen werden. Mit diesem Transplantationsmodell wird die Bestimmung der Zellzyklusphasen und der Verteilung von DNA-synthetisierenden Zellen in der Tumorperipherie wesentlich erleichtert. In klinischer Hinsicht ergeben sich neue Möglichkeiten, die Reaktion inoperabler Geschwülste auf Cytostatika oder ionisierende Strahlen vor Behandlungsbeginn zu untersuchen.Die Arbeit entstand mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Although the drug OK-432 can induce the release of -interferon (IFN-), the serum concentrations of IFN- produced are very low. We studied the effects of combining OK-432 with -interferon (IFN-) on the endogenous production of IFN and the postoperative courses of patients with oral cavity cancers. Forty patients operated on for head and neck cancers were studied. Each patient was given an injection of OK-432 1 week after surgery. Between 10 and 14 days later, a combination of OK-432 and IFN- was given to assess the effects of the concomitant use of IFN- on IFN production. In 18 of the 30 patients given a large dose of IFN- (3 or 5×106 IU/ mg protein), IFN production induced by OK-432 was enhanced. A small dose of IFN- (7×103 IU) did not enhance the action of OK-432. OK-432 also induced the release of both endogenous IFN- and IFN-, and the production of both types of IFN was enhanced by the concomitant administration of parenteral IFN-. Next, 50 patients operated on for oral cavity cancers were given OK-432 or a combination of OK-432 and IFN- for 4 months, and their postoperative courses were followed for 2–5 years. The clinical courses were better in the combined therapy group than in the group given OK-432 alone.  相似文献   

Summary We have measured interleukin-1 (IL-1) and levels in nasal polyps (NP) from patients with chronic sinusitis (CS) in order to determine their significance in the pathogenesis of NP. NP in ten cases (five male and five female; age range, 17–63 years) were removed to separate mononuclear (M) and polymorphonuclear (PMN) fractions through Ficoll-Paque separation media. ELISA measurements of the M fraction showed that the mean value of IL-1 was 17.8 pg/mI per gram, which was significantly higher than that of IL-1 (7.04 pg/ml per gram, P<0.01, Wilcoxon test). In the PMN fraction, the mean value of IL-1 was 8.79 pg/ml per gram and that of IL- was 7.85 pg/ml per gram, which was not significantly different. Mononuclear leukocytes, particularly activated monocytes, seem to be a major source of IL-1 in the NP taken from patients with CS.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma -glutamyltranspeptidase (-GT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities were determined in normal and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients. No difference in enzyme activities was observed in the three major races of the Malaysian population, i.e. Malay, Chinese and Indian patients. However, plasma -GT, erythrocyte glutathione S-transferase (GST) and GPx activities were significantly increased in all NPC patients, while GR activity remained unchanged. Patients with elevated plasma -GT activities also had increased GST and GPx activities. Plasma -GT and GPx activities were then found to be affected by treatment. Patients with plasma -GT activity greater than 70 IU/1 had very poor prognoses but patients with decreased -GT activities were found to be in remission.  相似文献   

Summary Since about the last 2 years the late potential's component N1 (90–110 ms) as well as the early acoustically evoked potentials, appearing in a latency range of 1–8 ms and consisting of the nerve action potential (Pot. I) and the brain-stem potentials (Pot. II–V), were registered at some hearing impaired patients. This procedure enabled us to diagnose a cortical hearing defect at five patients: a) three children at an age of 2–3 years; they all have a slight cerebral damage, a hearing impairment and no speech-development; b) a 15 year old girl with a hearing impairment which is on the right side more severe than on the left side, as consequence of an encephalitis; and c) a 50 year old man suffering on both sides from a loss of temporal brain's substance and from a total deafness after an insult of both arteriae meningeae mediae.At all these patients the ERA-findings result in an almost normal behaviour of the bioelectrical transfer of the acoustic stimuli in the region of the brain-stem, whereas the late potential's component N1 showed a pathologic distortion. The ERA-results together with the anamnesis make a cortical hearing disorder probable at these five patients. The audiograms and the ERA-characteristic lines are shown and discussed.
Die beiderseitige temporale Hirnsubstanzminderung wurde durch Pneumo-Encephalographie, Scintigraphie der Cisternen mit 4 mCi 99 m-Tc und durch axiale Computer-Tomographie nachgewiesen.  相似文献   

Summary Drug resistance is a major problem in chemotherapy of squamous cell head and neck cancers (SCHNC). Since glutathione (GSH) plays a crucial role in mediating tumor cell resistance against various toxic insults, GSH metabolism in SCHNC xenografts was investigated. Xenografts from lymph node metastases contained markedly higher GSH concentrations compared with those derived from the corresponding primary lesions. After subcurative chemotherapy with cisplatin (DDP), a significant increase of both GSH levels and -glutamyltranspeptidase activity (-GT) was gained in tumor HT1M. Tumor HT3M showed high concentrations of GSH and -GT, although these latter concentrations did not increase following chemotherapy with DDP. These findings suggest a possible impact of GSH metabolism on both the formation of metastases and the phenomenon of drug resistance in SCHNC.  相似文献   

The aetiopathogenesis of pharyngeal pouch remains obscure. This review highlights the associations and complications of pharyngeal pouch to better understand the pathogenesis and management of the pouch. A search of the MEDLINE was conducted to identify studies that looked at associations and/or complications of the pharyngeal pouch. The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) included Zenkers diverticulum and hypopharyngeal diverticulum. A total of 64 papers were included for the analysis. They consisted mainly of single case reports, case series and review articles and one case control study. A summary of evidence from the literature is discussed. This review shows the various associations and complications that can occur with pharyngeal pouches. It is important to be aware that pharyngeal pouch can co-exist with other pathologies and treatment needs to be altered to incorporate the treatment of the associated pathology too. Surgeons should also be aware of the complications that can occur within and outside the pouch.None of the authors have any financial interest in this study.  相似文献   

Kimuras disease, a unique angiolymphoid proliferative disorder with unknown cause, is apparently more prevalent in a young Oriental males, but also occurs rarely in Western people. It has occasionally been misdiagnosed as malignant tumor or other serious diseases, leading to unnecessary radical surgery. Hence, clinicians should be made aware of this disease. The most common presentation is a unilateral soft-tissue mass in the head and neck region. Kimuras disease of bilateral parotid involvement has been reported rarely. We encountered a rare case of Kimuras disease presenting as bilateral parotid region masses and treated it successfully with surgery.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to verify the efficacy of a modified Odkvist titration protocol of intratympanic gentamicin application in the control of vertigo attacks and the effects on the auditory and vestibular function in a group of 71 patients affected by monolateral MD resistant to medical therapy. All the patients underwent an intratympanic administration of a 1-ml solution containing 26.6 mg of gentamicin sulfate. The treatment protocol provided one to three injections for a total amount of gentamicin varying from 26.6 to 80 mg. Five days after the first gentamicin administration, cochlear and vestibular function tests were performed. The worsening of the PTA greater than 15 dB, the appearance of clinical signs of vestibulotoxicity such as imbalance or persistent spontaneous nystagmus beating away from the injected ear or of a curative vertigo were the criteria taken into consideration to stop the treatment. In the absence of any sign, a second and third injection were performed. The presence of an unchanged frequency of the attacks at least 3 months after the previous cycle was the parameter considered to perform a second or third cycle. Seventeen (24%) patients were submitted to a second cycle of therapy and two (3%) to a third cycle. After a mean follow-up period of 20.3 months (range: 3 to 48) all 71 patients experienced good control of the vertigo attacks: grade A in 46 cases and grade B in 25 cases according to the AAO-HNS CoHE criteria. The pure tone average (PTA) hearing threshold (500–3,000 Hz) worsened in 19 patients, improved in 5 and was unchanged in 47. On the basis of the experience acquired during the treatment, we progressively decreased the number of injections from 3/cycle to a 1–2/cycle of therapy. Moreover, in the later phase of the study re-injections were administered 1 or 2 weeks after the previous application and avoided in the presence of signs of depression of the vestibular and/or cochlear function. A residual caloric excitability was found in 30% of the cases. Vertigo control doesnt seem to be linked to the achievement of vestibular inexcitability. The marker of successful gentamicin treatment at short-term is the appearance of signs of curative vertigo and/or vestibular imbalance, and at long-term the disappearance of vertigo attacks.  相似文献   

In thiopentone-anesthetized mature pigs (n = 7), local intra-arterial infusion of the 2-adrenoceptor agonists terbutaline and salbutamol and the 3-agonist BRL 37344 induced dose-dependent increases in nasal arterial blood flow (BF) and volume of the nasal mucosa (reflecting capacitance vessel function). Increases were also found in the laser Doppler flowmeter signal, reflecting superficial mucosal BE. In contrast to terbutaline and salbutamol, BRL 37344 showed marked effects on volume. Pretreatment with the -adrenoceptor blocker propranolol significantly reduced the vasodilatory effects of terbutaline and salbutamol, whereas the BF increase evoked by BRL 37344 was not affected. Exogenous noradrenaline (NA) induced in vitro dose-dependent contractions of human nasal mucosa biopsies obtained from patients with non-allergic chronic rhinitis (n = 21) or non-allergic nasal polyposis (NANP, n = 16). On a molar basis, the contractile effect of NA was significantly greater in nasal mucosa samples without histological abnormalities when compared to biopsies with abundant inflammatory cells and edema within the submucosa. In the presence of propranolol, the vasoconstrictor effect of NA was significantly enhanced in biopsies with abundant inflammatory cells obtained from patients with NANP (P<0.01). This observation suggests the possible occurrence of a 2 hyper-reactivity in the nasal mucosa of patients with NANP. After precontraction in a Krebs-Ringer solution with 50 nM K+, all nasal biopsies studied showed dose-dependent relaxation to terbutaline, salbutamol and BRL 37344. This relaxant effect was markedly reduced after pretreatment with propranolol. These observations suggest that 2- and 3-adrenergic vasodilatatory mechanisms may be similar in the nasal mucosa of the pig and man.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence of nasopharyngeal -streptococci with inhibitory activity against pathogens, as a defense mechanism of the normal bacterial flora against infection. Cultures were taken from the nasopharynges of 43 children with otitis media with effusion (OME). The detection rates of -streptococci with inhibitory activity against Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococus aureus and group A streptococci were significantly lower in the nasopharynx than those isolated from the tonsils of the same patients. Moreover, the detection rates of -streptococci with inhibitory activity against all of these pathogens derived from the nasopharynx were lower than those in healthy children, streptococcal strains with activity against H. influenzae and Strep. pneumoniae were also lower than that in patients with tonsillitis. These findings suggest that low nasopharyngeal levels of -streptococci with inhibitory activity against respiratory pathogens may render children susceptible to OME. Further studies are needed to investigate the relationships between the prevalence of pathogens in the nasopharynx and the inhibitory activities of -streptococci against them in order to devise and select optimal treatment for patients with OME.  相似文献   

An acute endolymphatic hydrops was induced by the injection of 1.1 l of artificial endolymph into the scala media of guinea pig cochleas. This volume corresponds with an acute endolymphatic hydrops of 23%. During and after the injection, cochlear function was assessed by measuring the 2f1-f2 and f2-f1 distortion products in cochlear microphonics (CMDP) and the 2f1-f2 distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE). A reversible pressure increase of 23 Pa and a relatively stable endocochlear potential (EP) were accompanied by a mean decrease in 2f1-f2 DPOAE of only 3.4 dB. Similarly, the 2f1-f2 CMDP amplitude change was minimal during and after the injection. The only substantial change was measured in the f2-f1 CMDP amplitude. The measured range of distortion amplitudes during an acute endolymphatic hydrops can be related to small changes in the cochlear transducer operating point.  相似文献   

ZusammenfassungFall Der Fall einer 58-jährigen Patientin mit einem exophytischen adenoid-squamösen Karzinom (ASK) auf dem rechten Unterkiefer-Alveolarfortsatz wird mit der histologischen und immunhistochemischen Differenzialdiagnose sowie dem zellbiologischen Hintergrund einer ungünstigen Prognose vorgestellt. Das ASK wurde unter kurativer Zielsetzung durch radikale Tumorresektion mit Unterkieferteilresektion, radikal konservierender Neck Dissection und postoperativer Radiatio behandelt und histologisch als pT4 pN0 cM0, G3, R0 klassifiziert. Unter der Bestrahlung entwickelten sich regionale Lymphknoten- und Fernmetastasen. Der metastasenbedingte Tod trat 7 Monate nach Diagnosestellung ein.Befunde Die Tumorzellen des adenoid-squamösen Karzinoms exprimieren das epitheliale Intermediärfilament Zytokeratin, das epitheliale Membranantigen (EMA) und das epitheliale Basalmembranprotein Laminin-5 (Ln-5). Eine drüsige Differenzierung kann durch das Fehlen epithelialer Muzine (Alcianblau, Muzikarmin) ausgeschlossen werden. Die Abgrenzung des strukturähnlichen Angiosarkoms gelingt durch die endothelialen Differenzierungsmuster CD31, CD34 und Faktor-VIII-assoziiertes Antigen. Die Proliferation ist in beiden Entitäten hoch, der Ki-67-Index beträgt 20%. Das -Catenin (Zell-Zell-Adhäsionsprotein) verliert seine membranbetonte Markierung und kann das histologische Muster der Akantholyse erklären. Ln-5 (Leitschiene der Invasion) ist in den ASK-Zellen massiv überexprimiert und kann zur zellbiologischen Erklärung der raschen Progression herangezogen werden.Schlussfolgerungen Die pseudopapilläre Wuchsform, zelluläre Atypie, gefäßartige Hohlraumbildungen sowie die Expression von Zytokeratin, EMA und von Ln-5 sind gemeinsame Merkmale des oralen ASK und des Angiosarkoms. Diagnoseentscheidend ist das Fehlen endothelialer Differenzierungsmarker wie CD31, CD34 und Faktor-VIII-assoziiertes Antigen im ASK. Die Modulation des -Catenin-Musters (Transkriptionsfaktor für Ln-5) und die massive Überexpression des Invasionsfaktors Ln-5 werden als zellbiologische Ursachen der raschen Progredienz des ASK vorgeschlagen.Vortrag gehalten bei der 54. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kieferchirurgie gemeinsam mit dem Arbeitskreis für Oralpathologie und Oralmedizin innerhalb der DGZMK, 29.–31. Mai 2003 in Bad Homburg.  相似文献   

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