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目的 掌握青海省狂犬病暴露处置门诊现状,为规范暴露门诊的设置和暴露后处置提供依据。 方法 采用统一设计的狂犬病暴露处置门诊调查表开展现场调查,收集各暴露门诊服务内容、医务人员数量、布局和分区、伤口处置、冷链等硬件设施、管理制度以及年接诊服务量等内容,对门诊服务现状进行综合分析。 结果 全省仅8.76%(12/137)的门诊可同时开展伤口处置、狂犬病疫苗及被动免疫制剂的接种工作,均集中在西宁市、海东市和玉树州;每家门诊获得临床执业(含助理)资质的人员中位数为2人;全省46个县区暴露处置门诊中位数为2.55(QR:2.73);人均门诊数最高为大柴旦(26.41家/10万)和乌兰县(16.81家/10万);人均门诊数最低为民和县(0.54家/10万)和城东区(0.52家/10万)。不同类型暴露处置门诊基本硬件配套设施、服务与管理得分中位数差异较大。2018年各暴露门诊平均就诊人次152人次,不同地区暴露处置门诊就诊人次也存在较大差异(H=16.66,P=0.02)。 结论 青海省狂犬病暴露处置门诊设置及服务能力地区差异较大,基本硬件设施、规范化服务与管理、提供狂犬病被动免疫制剂接种的门诊比例均有待提高。 相似文献
Shorter rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimens may offer improved convenience and feasibility over classic 3-week regimens, for example in regions with poor access to vaccines or for travelers to rabies-endemic regions. In this multicenter, open-label, controlled trial, 570 healthy participants aged 2–64 years were randomized to receive: 1-week PrEP (vaccination days [D]0 and 7; Group 1) or classic 3-week PrEP regimen (D0, D7, and D21; Group 2) with one 1.0 mL intramuscular [IM] dose of human diploid cell culture rabies vaccine (HDCV) at each visit; 1-week PrEP with two 0.1 mL intradermal (ID) HDCV doses at each visit (Group 3); or 1-week PrEP with one 0.5 mL IM dose (Group 4) or two 0.1 mL ID doses (Group 5) of Vero cell rabies vaccine (PVRV) at each visit. Participants received simulated post-exposure prophylactic (PEP) vaccination (two IM or ID doses of HDCV or PVRV three days apart) one year later. Rabies virus neutralizing antibody titers and seroconversion (titers ≥ 0.5 IU/mL) rates were assessed 14 days and up to 1 year post-PrEP, and pre- and post-PEP. Safety was assessed throughout the study. Seroconversion rates were high 14 days post-last PrEP injection (ranging from 96.7 % to 97.2 % across groups 1, 3–5; 1-week PrEP) and reached 100 % in Group 2 (3-week PrEP). Non-inferiority of Group 1 versus Group 2 in terms of seroconversion rates 14 days post-last PrEP injection (primary objective) was not demonstrated. After simulated PEP, all groups showed rapid and robust immune responses, with all but one participant achieving seroconversion (titers ≥ 0.5 IU/mL). There were no safety concerns, and the tolerability profiles of the vaccines were similar across the groups.A 1-week, IM or ID PrEP regimen with HDCV or PVRV provided efficacious priming, enabling rapid robust anamnestic responses to simulated PEP 1 year later across age groups.ClinicalTrials.gov number: NCT03700242.WHO Universal Trial Number (UTN): U1111-1183-5743. 相似文献
目的分析天津市人间狂犬病疫情,探讨狂犬病防制的重点策略和措施。方法收集狂犬病病例资料和人口学资料,进行描述性流行病学分析,采用Excel软件进行数据录入和整理。结果天津市2005-2009年累计报告狂犬病病例46例,年均发病率0.09/10万,病死率为100%。发病集中在夏秋季。50~59岁年龄组发病最多,其次为30~39岁年龄组;男性发病多于女性,男女病例比为2.54∶1;病例以农民为主(32.61%),其次为民工(21.74%)。疫情主要集中在农村地区。接受正规伤口处置、接种狂犬病疫苗和注射免疫球蛋白病例分别占4.35%、15.22%和0。结论犬只数量增加、管理不严以及暴露后处理不及时不规范是导致狂犬病病例回升的主要原因。提示今后应加强综合性防治措施,加大宣传力度,以农村地区为重点进行防制。 相似文献
目的了解被犬类动物咬伤的流行病学特点,为狂犬病的防治工作提供科学依据。方法收集2008年新津县疾控中心狂犬病预防处置门诊接诊犬伤暴露病例1 764例,对被犬类动物咬伤的人群分布、狂犬病暴露时间分布、伤人动物及受伤情况,用回顾性流行病学方法进行分析。结果接种狂犬疫苗1 764人,最小1岁,最大88岁。10岁以下儿童占20.63%。男性924例,女性840例,时间主要集中3~8月(占63.54%),犬伤和猫伤占98.92%,受伤部位下肢伤占60.37%,上肢29.71%。结论新津县2008年动物致伤人群以10岁以下儿童所占比例较大,春夏季较多,主要为犬、猫所伤,伤者均接种狂犬疫苗。 相似文献
BackgroundIn a randomized controlled study (NCT01622062) a 1-week, 4-site intradermal (ID, 4-4-4-0-0) post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) rabies vaccination regimen with purified Vero cell rabies vaccine (PVRV, Verorab®, Sanofi Pasteur), either without (Group 1) or with (Group 2) purified equine rabies immunoglobulin (ERIG), patients in the Philippines achieved seroconversion rates at Day 14 that were non-inferior to that of the updated Thai Red Cross (TRC) 28-day, 2-site (2-2-2-0-2) ID regimen with ERIG (Group 3). Presented here are the annual immunogenicity data up to five years after the last primary dose, and the immunogenicity and safety data following simulated PEP with single-visit, 4-site ID regimen.MethodsRabies virus neutralizing antibodies (RVNA) were determined by rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT). Participants (n = 397) received simulated PEP vaccination ID at Year 5 and RVNAs were assessed at Day 11 post-vaccination.ResultsSeroconversion rates (RVNA titres ≥ 0.5 IU/mL) during annual follow-up remained >95% in Group 1 and were relatively stable at 80–90% in Group 2, but decreased from 80% to 64% in Group 3. RVNA geometric mean titres (GMTs) in Group 1 were consistently higher than in the other two groups, and those in Group 3 were generally lower than in the other two groups. There was a clear anamnestic response to vaccination in all groups, with all participants achieving RVNA titres ≥ 0.5 IU/mL at Day 11 post-simulated PEP booster vaccination. There were no safety concerns raised during annual follow-up and with simulated post-exposure vaccination with PVRV.ConclusionThe shortened, 1-week, 4-site ID regimen with PVRV achieved persistently higher RVNA titres than the updated 2-site TRC regimen, and more participants remained seroprotected up to five years after the last dose of primary immunization. Simulated post-exposure with 4-site ID rapidly induced an anamnestic response indicative of robust protection. 相似文献
非职业暴露后预防(nPEP)是阻断HIV传播的一种生物学手段,欧美等国家及WHO均推荐在HIV高危人群中推广使用nPEP,但至今其使用率依然很低。信息-动机-行为技巧模型(IMB模型)可以准确的解释健康行为的发生和改变,本文以该模型为理论框架对nPEP药物使用的影响因素研究进行综述,为更深入研究如何促进nPEP的使用提... 相似文献
Bites from Macacamulatta monkeys, native to Afghanistan, can cause serious infections. To determine risk for US military members in Afghanistan, we reviewed records for September–December 2011. Among 126 animal bites and exposures, 10 were monkey bites. Command emphasis is vital for preventing monkey bites; provider training and bite reporting promote postexposure treatment. 相似文献
目的了解山东省济宁市狂犬病暴露人群暴露流行病学特征及暴露后处置情况,为狂犬病防控提供科学参考依据。方法收集2011—2015年济宁市狂犬病暴露登记资料进行统计分析。结果 2011—2015年共接诊狂犬病暴露病例221 272例,性别比为1.49:1,0~14岁儿童最多,占32.71%;各月均有暴露者发生,7—8月为高峰,占22.51%;致伤动物以犬类为最多,占83.92%;暴露者到狂犬病处置门诊处理为主,占79.22%,全程接种人用狂犬病疫苗的145 092例,占Ⅱ、Ⅲ级暴露的72.16%,注射过狂犬病被动免疫制剂的12 783例,占Ⅲ级暴露的18.6%。结论济宁市群众对狂犬病防控知识缺乏,狂犬病暴露规范处置率较低,应加强狂犬病监测和健康教育,提高狂犬病防治知识。 相似文献
2010年金华市狂犬病暴露病例流行病学特征分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的通过对2010年金华市狂犬病暴露病例的流行病学特征分析,为狂犬病暴露后的正确处置及控制狂犬病的流行提供参考。方法通过在金华市犬伤门诊建立的狂犬病暴露病例监测系统,收集首次就诊者的暴露和处置信息,采用描述性流行病学方法对收集的资料进行统计分析。结果 2010年金华市共计报告狂犬病暴露病例53 019例,暴露率为1 288.28/10万。病例时间分布有明显的季节性,呈现夏季高发的特点。病例以青壮年为主,20~59岁病例占总数的58.52%;暴露率以0~9岁年龄段最高,为1 640.78/10万。病例职业以农民为最多,占总数的64.63%。伤人动物最多的为犬,占92.40%;其次为猫,占3.87%。暴露程度Ⅰ级7.64%、Ⅱ级76.60%、Ⅲ级15.76%,受伤部位以小腿为最多,占总数的39.93%。就诊人群狂犬疫苗全程接种率为99.95%,Ⅲ级暴露被动免疫制剂接种率为26.20%。结论基本掌握了金华市狂犬病暴露病例的流行病学特征。 相似文献
目的了解该疫源地动物鼠疫区域界限、分布范围、相关宿主动物、媒介昆虫构成和动物鼠疫流行规律等,为鼠疫防治、监测提供科学依据。方法应用现场流行病学调查和实验室检测相结合的方法。结果 2001-2009年鼠疫IHA血清检测阳性179份,阳性率为7.21%,其中2002年阳性率最高,达17.45%,2001-2009年鼠疫细菌学检验检菌率为0.63%,媒介昆虫组检菌率为0.66%,染疫动物有5科(亚科)6种,疫情主要分布在俄多玛乡和呷依乡,监测结果证实该县存在青海田鼠疫源地,可能存在喜马拉雅旱獭鼠疫自然疫源地。结论石渠县青海田鼠动物鼠疫呈持续流行态势。 相似文献
The aim of this study was to understand the use and distribution of human rabies post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) vaccine in Bhutan and to identify risk factors for receiving an incomplete course of the vaccine. We analyzed post exposure treatment records from 28 medical hospitals from 2005 to 2008. Males (59%) accounted for significantly more PEP events than females (41%) across all age groups (P < 0.001). Children - particularly 5-9 years of age - received more rabies PEP than other age groups. Animal bite and non-bite accounted for 27% (n = 2239) and 16% (n = 1303) of rabies PEP, respectively, whilst 57% (n = 4773) of the PEP events had no recorded information about the reasons for post exposure treatment. Post exposure treatment was provided throughout the year with a higher number during the winter and spring months. The number of PEP events significantly (P < 0.001) increased between 2005 and 2008, from <1000 to >2800 events, respectively. Significantly (P < 0.001) more PEP events were reported from the southern parts of Bhutan that are endemic for rabies or those areas in eastern Bhutan that have reported rabies outbreaks than other parts of Bhutan. Forty percent (n = 3360) of the patients received an incomplete course of vaccine (<5-doses of vaccine intramuscular). Results suggest that patients with animal bite injury were less likely to receive an incomplete vaccine course than non-bite recipients, and patients presented to hospitals in rabies endemic or outbreak areas were less likely to receive an incomplete course than in non-rabies areas or rabies free areas. Similarly, patients presenting to hospitals for PEP during spring and summers months were less likely to receive an incomplete vaccine course than those during other seasons. Public education campaigns need to be conducted in Bhutan to reduce dog bite incidents and also to prevent mass exposures to rabies. A thorough assessment of each individual case based on the WHO guidelines would reduce unnecessary PEP (and therefore costs) in Bhutan. 相似文献
目的 分析上海市农村地区狂犬病暴露的流行病学特征,为加强狂犬病防治工作提供依据.方法 采用描述性研究方法对资料进行分析.结果 2013年上海农村狂犬病暴露率为801.5/10万;51~岁年龄组最高,占17.77%;夏季为高峰,6~10月份占全年病例数的53.45%;被犬猫咬伤比例最高,占96.88%;动物状态和动物种类影响狂犬病暴露的级别.结论 狂犬病暴露与狂犬病发生有共同的特征,分别为农村地区高发、夏季高发及多数为被犬和猫咬伤;对医务人员应加强关于狂犬病暴露分级判断标准的培训。 相似文献
目的揭示灌云县肺结核病流行特征,为控制肺结核病提供科学依据。方法病例资料来源于中国疾病预防控制信息系统,采用描述性流行病学方法进行统计学相关分析。结果灌云县2005—2009年共报告肺结核病例2 673例,年均发病率为50.10/10万,2005年最高,为63.30/10万。男性发病率高于女性(χ2=464.134,P〈0.01),全年均有病例发生,农民多发,农村高于城镇(χ2=4.968,P=0.026)。结论灌云县肺结核病防治工作取得一定成效,但影响肺结核发病的因素依然存在,结核病防治工作仍面临挑战。 相似文献
We describe an inadequate antibody response to rabies vaccine in an immunocompromised patient. A literature search revealed 15 additional immunocompromised patients, of whom 7 did not exhibit the minimum acceptable level of antibodies after a complete postexposure prophylaxis regimen. An international rabies registry is needed to provide a basis for determining appropriate vaccination protocols. 相似文献
Yeh JY Kim HJ Nah JJ Lee H Kim YJ Moon JS Cho IS Choi IS Song CS Lee JB 《Emerging infectious diseases》2011,17(2):299-301
To investigate the possibility of West Nile virus (WNV) introduction into South Korea, the National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service has conducted nationwide surveillance of WNV activity in dead wild birds since 2005. Surveillance conducted during 2005-2008 found no evidence of WNV activity. 相似文献
中国2005年狂犬病流行相关因素分析 总被引:62,自引:1,他引:62
目的 分析中国2005年狂犬病流行相关因素。方法 收集2005年全国狂犬病疫情及监测资料,通过对流行特点以及与流行有关的各个环节进行整理,Excel2002软件进行统计分析其与流行的关系。结果 2005年全国共报告狂犬病例2548例。其中5个省调查885例病例中未进行伤口处理、疫苗接种与抗血清注射的比例分别为60.56%、49.04%、96.16%。暴露治疗人群中89.95%进行了伤口处理,94.93%接种了疫苗,8.56%接受了抗血清注射;在接受疫苗接种者中,94.86%的门诊暴露者完成了全程接种,仍有5.14%未完成全程接种。病例致伤动物88.50%是犬,暴露治疗人群致伤动物92%是犬;犬密度最低为3.20只/100人,最高为13.37只/100人;犬免疫率最低为5.31%,最高为75.11%;两个高发病省犬感染病毒率最低为2.93%,最高为6.40%。结论 病例暴露后预防治疗率低以及没有按照要求完成全程治疗,门诊狂犬病暴露后预防治疗不规范,主要宿主动物犬的免疫率低和感染病毒率较高可能是造成2005年狂犬病流行的主要原因。 相似文献
衢州市2009年动物致伤就诊者流行病学特征分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
李俊姬 《中国农村卫生事业管理》2011,31(1):67-68
目的:分析衢州市2009年被动物致伤人群流行病学特点,为当地有效开展狂犬病防治工作提供依据。方法:采用描述性研究方法,对被动物致伤者的就诊记录进行统计分析。结果:2009年衢州市疾病预防控制中心预防医学门诊部共接诊被动物致伤者2 050例,其中21~30岁年龄组致伤者最多;伤人的犬类免疫率为34.24%;被致伤后在12小时内就诊的占73.76%;完成5针次全程注射剂次的为98.05%。结论:加强犬类管理,提高犬的免疫率;加大宣传教育力度,提高群众自我保护意识;将狂犬病疫苗纳入医保范围,提高人群被动物致伤后就诊率。 相似文献
阜阳市2005~2006年狂犬病流行因素分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的分析阜阳市2005~2006年狂犬病流行因素,探讨有效防制措施。方法对本市发生的所有狂犬病病人进行调查;选择有狂犬病的自然村对农村犬密度及犬免疫状况进行调查,设两个狂犬病门诊为暴露人群监测点。结果2005~2006年全市共发生43例狂犬病患者,年平均发病率为0.25/10万,病死率为100%;全市8个县(市、区)均有病例报告,以临泉县发病最多(14例),占全市的32.56%;发病年龄最大77岁,最小2岁,儿童及青壮年发病较多;职业以农民为主,占72.09%;伤人动物以犬为主,占95.00%;伤口暴露部位以上肢为主,占57.50%;伤口以Ⅲ度伤为主,占80%;未进行伤口处理22例,占55.00%;未接种疫苗33例,占76.74%,接种疫苗者90%未全程免疫。门诊暴露人群以农民为主;各月均有暴露者,以6~8月份最多,占35.89%;最大年龄89岁,最小28天;暴露部位以下肢为主,占56.19%;咬伤程度以Ⅱ度为主,占53.63%。户犬密度为89.22%,犬的免疫率为34.62%。结论犬密度高,免疫率低,群众防病意识差,伤口处理不规范,未按规定程序进行免疫,是本市人间狂犬病流行的主要因素。 相似文献