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目的:了解某市普通高中生性行为发生现状及影响因素。方法:采取多阶段抽样方法,对某市3所普通高中的1205名高中生进行匿名问卷调查,应用秩和检验,卡方检验和二元Logistic回归分析性行为现状并探索其影响因素。结果:某市普通高中生性行为报告率为5.7%,男生(8.7%)高于女生(3.2%)(χ~2=16.88,P<0.05)。Logistic回归结果显示尝试吸烟,使用过止咳药水等其他成瘾物质,或目前正在谈恋爱的高中生发生性行为的可能性更大(P值均<0.05)。结论:该市普通高中生的性行为发生情况处于省内较高水平,成瘾物质使用和恋爱状态对性行为均有影响。  相似文献   

目的:了解医药高等专科学生的性行为特别是高风险性行为现状,分析其影响因素,为高等专科学校开展性健康教育提供参考依据。方法应用研究者自制的调查问卷,采用整群随机抽样方法抽取某医药高等专科学校在校学生517人进行无记名调查,收回有效问卷468份,问卷有效率为90.52%。利用EPIINFO软件录入数据并建立数据库,应用SPSS19.0统计软件进行logistic回归模型逐步回归分析筛选危险因素。结果重庆市某医药高等专科学校学生性交行为发生率为11.54%(54/468),主要与缺乏性心理知识、生育知识,认为未婚先孕不影响前途等12项因素密切相关;16岁以下(含16岁)学生性行为发生率为4.06%(19/468),主要与经常手淫、对性知识不了解、性冲动自责等11项因素密切相关;关于避孕方法,只有24.07%(13/54)学生能够每次性交都选择有效的避孕方法,即避孕套和(或)避孕药,有16.67%(9/54)学生只采用风险很高的避孕方法,即安全期和(或)体外射精,还有7.41%学生(4/54)从未采取避孕措施,未避孕或方法不当主要与性知识不了解、认为未婚先孕不影响前途、经常做性梦等14项因素密切相关;有过性行为的学生中发生过一夜情者占22.22%(12/54),主要与认为爱与性是分离的、认同一夜情、愿与非恋爱异性发生性交等16项因素密切相关。结论医学教育不能代替性与生殖健康教育,医药类高等专科学生仍存在一定的性与生殖健康知识缺乏,导致其存在性安全风险。学校应根据学生性与生殖健康知识的掌握情况开展健康教育与指导,指导其自觉规范性行为、约束性行为,以增加其性安全性。  相似文献   

职业价值观是人生目标和人生态度在职业选择方面的具体表现,也就是一个人对职业的认识和态度以及他对职业目标的追求和向往。积极的职业价值观有利于提高护理质量,激发工作热情,有利于维持护理团队的稳定性;相反,消极的职业价值观会引起工作满意度的下降以及护理人员的流失。目前,影响护士职业价值观的因素有很多,本文将从护士的职业压力与应激、护士的自我效能感、护士的工作环境、护士的个人因素以及职业高原因素五个方面进行综述。  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷渊查和统计分析,探讨云南西部地区某高校大学生对婚前性行为的态度及其影响因素.研究结果表明,研究对象对婚前性行为具有一定的宽容度.对婚前性行为的态度受到性别、生源地、家庭婚姻和家庭经济状况等因素的影响.对大学生的婚前性行为和性观念的引导和教育需要学校、家庭和社会的共同努力.  相似文献   

福建卫生职业技术学院是经福建省人民政府批准,在福建卫生学院与福州卫生学校的办学基础上组建成立的一所公办全日制医药卫生类高等职业院校。  相似文献   

刘丹  司荣定 《中国当代医药》2014,21(3):144-147,151
目的调查医生职业认同现状,探讨个人和社会因素对职业认同的影响。方法采用自行设计的医生职业认同状况调查问卷,对某医院不同岗位的120名医生进行调查。结果医生职业认同程度总体中等偏上,但职业承诺水平较低;医生职业认同存在性别、年龄、学历、职称差异,不同科室医生职业认同存在差异;不同收入满意度、医患关系评价度、执业环境评价度的医生,其职业认同存在差异。结论相关部门应通过加大政府医疗投入、加强医院科学管理、改善医患关系等途径,提升医生的职业认同水平。  相似文献   

目的探讨男女不洁性行为引发梅毒新发感染状况及影响因素。方法使用RDS法(应答推动抽样法)选取本市符合调查条件的有男女不洁性行为的200例受访者作为研究对象,1年后,随访调查其相关行为学,并进行梅毒血清学检测。结果本组受访者均获随访,随访率为100.0%。随访结果显示,200例受访者中,11例HIV确证阳转,新发感染率5.5%;TPPA梅毒阳转16例,新发感染率8.0%;RPR+TPPA梅毒双阳性39例,现症感染率19.5%;11例在基线调查时RPR阴性、TPPA阳性,随访为双阳性,再感染率5.5%。无丙肝阳转者。梅毒感染与年龄、户籍、婚姻状况、偶然性伴侣、近半年肛交或口交次数、有其他不洁性行为有相关性,P<0.05,差异具有统计学意义;其他各项无显著性差异(P>0.05)。多因素回归分析结果显示户籍、近半年主要为偶然性伴侣、近半年肛交或口交次数、有其他不洁性行为是梅毒新发感染的独立影响因素。结论男女不洁性行为人群具有较高的梅毒新发感染率,有必要应加大防治力度。  相似文献   

福建卫生职业技术学院是经福建省人民政府批准,在福建卫生学校与福州卫生学校的办学基础上组建成立的一所公办全日制普通高等学校.是省内唯一一所直接由福建省卫生厅主管的医药卫生类高等院校。  相似文献   

董耿 《药学教育》2000,16(2):61-61
以注重实践、注重实效为特色的浙江医药职业技术学院,近日在浙江宁波成立。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(13):1872-1887
This study examined longitudinal patterns of initiating substance use and sexual intercourse among a sample of 1,143 high school students from a low-income township in Cape Town, South Africa. Longitudinal data on lifetime incidence of sexual intercourse and alcohol and marijuana use were collected semiannually from 2004 to 2006. Latent transition analysis (LTA) was used to test competing models of transitions to these behaviors. Participants were more likely to move from no risk behavior to substance use, rather than from no risk behavior to sexual intercourse. At all time points, the proportion of youth who had engaged in sexual intercourse but not substance use was very small. The study's limitations and directions for future research are discussed. This research was funded by NIH Grants R01 DA01749 and T32 DA017629-01A1.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(10):1349-1352
Background: Dokha is a mixed tobacco product, smoked through a pipe, traditional in Arabic culture and popular in the UAE. User forums suggest this product may contain higher levels of nicotine and potentially psychoactive properties. However, there have been few published studies on dokha prevalence and health effects. The present study provides initial data on prevalence of use among high school students resident in Dubai, UAE. Methods: 416 students were recruited from five English curriculum schools. Respondents completed a questionnaire measuring current and lifetime use of tobacco in the form of cigarettes, water-pipes and dokha. Current tobacco users completed the ‘Hooked on Nicotine Checklist for signs of dependency. Results: Data from 394 subjects were analyzed with mean age 16.9 years. Regular use (weekly or daily) of tobacco had relatively high prevalence (23.4%) compared to international data and was driven by use of the local tobacco, dokha. Conclusion: Dokha forms a commonly used tobacco product among young people in the UAE from both Arab and Western national groups. Little is currently known about the health and dependence risks of this product. The paper adds to the few studies calling for timely research into this and other emerging tobacco products.  相似文献   

城市高中学生性行为相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解城市高中学生性行为状况与相关因素,为开展性健康教育,引导青少年健康成长提供依据.方法 采取分层整群抽样的方法,应用"中国青少年健康相关行为调查问卷",对7623名城市高中生进行问卷调查.结果 城市高中学生曾发生性行为的报告率为3.4%;边缘性性行为的报告率,拥抱为20.8%、接吻为12.5%、抚摸异性身体为9.7%;观看色情信息的报告率为20.1%;从学校接受青春期知识教育的报告率为48.8%.结论 不良性行为已成为影响城市高中学生健康成长的危险行为之一,社会、家庭、学校应共同采取干预措施,促进青少年健康城长.  相似文献   

Sexual Identity and Substance Use Among Undergraduate Students   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examined the association between sexual identity and use of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) among college undergraduate students. A survey regarding AOD use was administered to a random sample of 3607 undergraduate students. The sample included 65 self-identified lesbian or bisexual (LB) women and 54 self-identified gay or bisexual (GB) men. Multivariate logistic regression indicated that while alcohol use did not differ for LB and heterosexual women, LB women were significantly more likely to experience certain AOD-related consequences, smoke cigarettes, and use marijuana, ecstasy, and other drugs. GB men were significantly less likely than heterosexual men to drink heavily but were more likely to use some drugs. These findings provide evidence that sexual identity is an important predictor of AOD use among undergraduate students. These findings support the need for continued research and intervention efforts that target LGB collegians.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(12):1243-1254
Consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and psychoactive medicine among 8,276 high school students of 10 Italian towns was studied. Wine was the most widely used alcoholic beverage and was consumed daily by 16-41% of students. Alcohol use increased with age and was higher among males. Occasional or current smokers were 24-47%. Nine percent to 12% of the students admitted to having taken psychoactive medicine during the 12 months prior to the interview. Females showed the heaviest use. Relationships were found among the use of these three licit drugs.  相似文献   

Many adolescents want to quit and have specific ideas on how they want to go about it. This study extended the search for factors related to different aspects of quitting. Four cross-sectional surveys of Queensland (Australia) secondary schools every three years over the past decade (1993, 1996, 1999, and 2002). A total of 9993 school students in grades 8 to 12 completed the survey. The data for 2451 students who had smoked in the last week (51% female) were used for the analysis of smoking cessation outcomes. The outcome measures for the study represented various smoking cessation outcomes, such as a desire to quit, attempts to quit, quitting for a week or more, and an intention not to be smoking in the following year. More than 60% of adolescent smokers are involved in the process of smoking cessation. The strongest predictor of cessation was whether or not students had actively influenced other students not to smoke. This finding supports the concept of involving adolescents more actively in prompting their peers to try quitting and supporting their efforts to quit smoking.  相似文献   


Background: The objectives of this study were to (i) determine the prevalence of and characteristics associated with tobacco smoking; (ii) identify the factors associated with tobacco smoking; and (iii) evaluate the association between tobacco smoking and khat chewing among intermediate and secondary school students in Jazan Region, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a representative sample (N = 4100) of intermediate and secondary school students in Jazan Region. The data were collected using a pretested modified version of the global youth tobacco survey questionnaire. Results: A total of 3923 students from 72 intermediate and secondary schools for males and females in Jazan Region, Saudi Arabia, were included in this study. The ever having smoked prevalence was 17.3%, and the current smoking prevalence was 10.7%. The most important independent predictors of smoking were academic performance (odds ratio [OR]: 5.32), having friends who used khat (OR: 3.23), and having friends who used tobacco (OR: 2.88). Conclusions: Understanding the factors and predictors associated with tobacco use are crucial to identifying high-risk groups to design tobacco prevention and control programs. For the first time, a strong and statistically significant association was identified between tobacco smoking and khat chewing among intermediate and secondary school students in Jazan Region. Because the use of khat is increasingly spreading outside of its traditional areas to Europe and America, this finding may have an important impact on tobacco control efforts internationally.  相似文献   


This paper examines the correlates of substance use among New Jersey Middle School students, using a representative sample. It employs an epidemiological perspective in which an individual's risk of using cigarettes, alcohol and drugs is predicted to increase in relation to the amount of vulnerability and/or risk an individual faces. Results support the multiple effects of community, school, family, individual, peer and background factors on substance use. Results show that family history of substance abuse treatment is a strong and consistent predictor of current substance use. Abilities of families to institute clear rules against alcohol and drug use have stronger inhabiting effects on substance use than do characteristics of family structure or family conflict. Academic failure and peer use of substances show the strongest and largest effects on current substance use. There are no observed sex differences in smoking or alcohol use but sex differences in drug use persist when all the risk factors were controlled for. The effects of the risk factors on substance use differ by the type of substance being used.  相似文献   


Drinking games and prepartying (i.e., drinking before going to a social gathering/event) have emerged as high-risk drinking behaviors in high school students. The present study examines the current prepartying behaviors of high school students who report current participation in extreme-consumption games (e.g., chugging) with those who do not. High school students (N = 182) reporting current drinking-games participation completed anonymous surveys. Gamers who prepartied frequently (versus those who did not) were approximately 1.5 times more likely to play extreme-consumption games, even after controlling for demographics, typical consumption, and participation in other types of drinking games. Practitioners should target adolescents who participate in extreme consumption games, particularly those who participate in this high-risk activity as a form of prepartying.  相似文献   

目的了解中高职护生性健康知识现状,探讨中高职护生性健康教育模式。方法针对目前中高职护生性健康教育现状及存在的问题,对性健康教育进行探讨。结果提出中高职护生性健康教育模式的建议,改革和完善中高职护生性健康教育。结论学校应针对中高职护生开展专业的性健康教育,科学全面地提高中高职护生性健康素质。  相似文献   

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