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健康教育在应对突发公共卫生事件中的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
突发公共卫生事件应急体系是一门系统科学,其中健康教育是这一体系不可缺少的组成部分。1988年第十三届世界健康教育大会将健康教育定义为:研究传播保健知识和技术、影响个体和群体行为、预防疾病、消除危险因素、促进健康的一门科学。在突发公共卫生事件应急处理过程中,健康教育能及时有效地预防突发事件的传播和蔓延,提高公众处理突发公共卫生事件的应急能力,  相似文献   

A self-administered questionnaire was used in a cross-sectional survey of 459 individuals, between 55 and 89 years old, to identify topics in food and nutrition of greatest interest and concern to generally healthy, older individuals, and to estimate the extent to which relevant behaviors were related to those concerns.In this study, 84.9% of the married men engaged in food shopping and 83.4% in cooking at least some of the time. There were no gender-related differences in either health concerns or behaviors associated with those concerns. This suggests that nutrition education interventions for the elderly should be designed to appeal to both men and women.Food safety in the home and of the food supply were of great concern to more individuals than any diet and health topic explored, and were associated with several health purchasing and food handling behaviors. Among diet-related topics, concern about salt intake ranked first, followed by weight control, sugar intake, serum cholesterol, and nutritional adequacy of the diet. Concern about these topics and either diagnosis-related information or specific advice from the doctor were associated with reported dietary modifications. Print and audiovisual media were important sources of information about certain topics.This survey was conducted for the immediate purpose of guiding the content of a nutrition education video program for the elderly. However, the information obtained can also be used for the development of other types of programs.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Few collaborations between universities in developed countries and medical schools in developing countries have been described in detail in the medical literature. We describe a collaboration between three medical schools, one in a developed country and two in developing countries based on shared challenges and missions. THE ALLIANCE: James Cook University School of Medicine (JCU), Fiji School of Medicine (FSM) and University of Papua New Guinea School of Medicine (UPNG) are all located within the tropical regions of the Southwest Pacific. All schools serve vast geographical areas where much of the population lives in rural and remote communities with limited access to medical care. JCU's first class started in 2000 as the only complete medical school in Tropical Australia and was founded with a mission to meet the health care needs of rural, remote and underserved populations in the region. FSM educates medical students from most English-speaking developing Pacific Island Nations. UPNG serves a predominantly rural developing nation where infectious diseases and other diseases of rural developing nations predominate. Based on their common challenges and goals, the three schools established an informal collaborative relationship called "the Tropical Triangle" in the late 1990s. OBJECTIVES, ACTIVITIES AND CHALLENGES: These very different institutions are committed to an effective partnership based on mutual understanding and knowledge of each other's day-to-day challenges. Faculty development seminars on medical education have already been carried out in Fiji by JCU staff. JCU has also offered several PhD scholarships to FSM staff, three of which are in the process of being taken up. JCU has offered to make available its online teaching resources to FSM and UPNG. Student exchanges are planned, and FSM and UPNG have exchanged examiners on several occasions for the MBBS and postgraduate programs. The possibilities for collaborative research on regional problems are being explored. CONCLUSION: The Tropical Triangle Alliance is a special and perhaps unique alliance based on equality and shared challenges. The benefits from this alliance flow both ways. The alliance may serve as a model for other collaborations between health education institutions in developed and developing countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to explore the nature of seven retired educators' perspectives on their own education. Each educator was from a different health profession. Berger and Luckmann's thesis on the social construction of reality served as the conceptual framework of the study Throughout the study the researcher was able to appreciate that even though the reality of everyday life is a subjective interpretation of the world, there is a continuous correspondence between the researcher's perceptions of meaning and those of others. The in-depth interview method provided an adequate mechanism for the reconstruction of participants' everyday life experiences, and for the construction of categories of meaning. The researcher applied the method of inductive analysis in the identification of the themes and issues and in the construction of the categories. Nine categories of meaning emerged from the participants' reconstruction: 1) the legitimization of retirement; 2) understandings surrounding one's education; 3) understanding of the human aging process; 4) the legitimization of death; 5) the bonds between human beings as a fundamental element of human reality; 6) the roles within, and the objectification of, human activity; 7) the legitimization of religion and the element of spirituality; 8) understandings surrounding one's self; and 9) the reconstruction of the past: traditions and legitimate practices. Within the categories are areas of convergence between the signification of "one's own education" as a modality of life, and the signification of learning and of its propitiatory and restrictive conditions. As to the understandings of meaning and the emergent categories of meaning, the researcher constructed specific educational recommendations, which emphasize the educational processes of the old adult.  相似文献   

脑出血: 年纪越轻越凶险 40岁至60 岁的男性是脑出血的高发人群,而且年纪越轻脑出血面积越大、越凶险。血压起伏不定易导致脑出血,因此,中年男性应养成定期测量血压的习惯,高血压患者要规律服药,切忌有症状时才吃降压药。北京天坛医院副院长王拥军在此特别提醒。  相似文献   

由于健康保险所承保的内容与一般人寿保险不同,故而其保单形式也存在很多不同之处,在保单条款中也有某些特殊的规定。  相似文献   

In response to a request from the Pacific Basin Medical Association and the Micronesian Medical Council, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science at the University of Auckland, are developing a distance learning postgraduate programme (Masters of Medical Science), for Micronesia. The health care model in the Pacific Basin promotes decentralised community-based preventative or clinical medicine alongside a high standard of secondary care in the hospital service. Medical Practitioners often operate in relative isolation, dealing with a diverse range of needs, many of which arise infrequently. The Masters of Medical Science Programme emphasises the integration of public health and clinical practice and the importance of comprehensive patient, family and community medical care. A key focus of the programme is the integration of public health principles into all relevant clinical areas, for example: paediatrics papers covers public health aspects of care as well as clinical principles in child health. The teaching approach will be finalized after establishing an understanding of budgets, teaching needs and available communication hardware. It is anticipated the programme will utilise a combination of written materials, on-site tutor visits, public health and clinical workbooks, audiotapes, videotapes, audiovisual conferencing, internet groups, regular tutor response to e-mail requests, teleconferencing, telemedicine and interactive internet access and CDs etc. A key element to the teaching process is self-directed learning, and a clinical workbook will assist in this. Assessment of the course and students are along the lines and standards of the University of Auckland.  相似文献   

目的利用自行研发的仪器和引进的技术在突发公共卫生事件应急处置中进行验证,以便对提高现场流行病学调查效率和提升有毒有害物质的筛查、鉴别快速检测的技术方法进行推广应用。方法自行研发了"流行病学调查电子信息采集器",集合了国内外权威多种简便、实用的毒物快速检测技术,通过对突发公共卫生事件现场处置,和实验室方法验证,并经权威部门认可鉴定来证实笔者提供技术的科学性和实用性。结果证实了自行研发的"流行病学调查电子信息采集器",设计、功能是科学的、实用的,可替代传统的"纸加笔"方式,有效提升了流调效率,减轻流行病学调查的劳动强度;组装了快速检测车(移动实验室),满足了现场毒物快速检测所具备的基本实验室条件如:电源、水源和生物安全等基本防护条件,关口前移,解决了远程快速检测基本问题。筛查、集合了当今先进、快速的仪器设备如"毒物快速检测仪"、"便携式气相色谱仪"、"水质快速检测仪"、"拉曼光谱快速检测仪"等,可快速检测有毒有害物质几百种,强毒物质20余种。结论研发、引进的仪器设备,在处置突发公共卫生事件中发挥了关键作用,提出了"现场毒物快速检测技术基本条件、要素;特别是动物毒性试验独特作用"和"理化检验、微生物检验、动物毒性试验三大技术协同作用"对事件的查因、溯源及因果关系起决定作用。采用这些技术在应对处置各类突发事件中得到了很好应用,整体应急能力有了显著提高,为进一步做好各类突发公共卫生事件现场处置积累了新经验,为处置突发事件关键技术的研究增添了新内容。  相似文献   

突发公共事件后公众心理危机健康教育需求研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解突发公共事件后公众心理危机健康教育需求状况,为制定突发公共事件危机心理健康教育策略及方法提供依据。方法采用多阶段随机抽样方法,在安徽省合肥市和阜阳市共抽取8个居委会的1652名15~60岁的居民进行问卷调查。结果47.3%的调查对象从没获得过心理干预和帮助,47.5%的人通过大众媒体宣传获得过心理知识,8.3%的人接受过专业机构的心理干预和帮助;如果遇到突发公共事件,51.6%的调查对象希望从大众媒体获得心理知识的宣传,46.4%的调查对象希望由专业心理咨询人员提供心理帮助;49.3%的调查对象希望获得心理干预的主要内容是突发公共事件后如何调适和缓解自己的心理反应;调查对象喜欢的心理帮助方式主要为电视(67.4%)、聊天(37.5%)和网络(28.3%)。结论公众缺乏对突发公共事件心理危机的了解。专业机构应利用大众媒体的权威性为公众提供及时准确的信息和心理健康知识,有计划有组织的开展针对性的心理危机健康教育。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Organizations that fund and produce continuing medical education (CME) activities must have up-to-date information on the needs of their participants. The paper describes a method for assessing priorities for the provision of facilities to rural doctors in Australia for educational topics and skills upgrades. It uses an instrument designed to establish a measure of knowledge and skills that records the difference between the "current felt need" and "desired level of competence." METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to all identifiable rural doctors throughout Australia, including participants in various types of practice. The resulting dataset is designed for future dissection and comparison of subsets by gender, practice size, rurality, and style of practice (whether procedural). It seeks to deliver a prioritized list of educational topics based on subjective gap analysis with weighting on the degree to which the need is unmet. RESULTS: There was considerable consonance between the major "felt needs" and other measures of need. IMPLICATIONS: In spite of statistical deficiencies, which would be corrected in future work, the method offers a new instrument to prioritize the use of resources for CME delivery.  相似文献   

The public health agencies of Pacific island nations have the responsibility of maintaining health during national emergencies. Assistance for completion of this task is available to the Pacific islands in the form of technical, informational, educational and humanitarian aid. Assistance for Pacific island preparedness and response may originate from local, jurisdictional, regional and international levels. The Internet also now offers many useful resources for disaster education, collaboration and aid. This article discusses mechanisms and resources that Pacific island health officials may utilize to promote emergency health within their own jurisdictions.  相似文献   

Interprofessional education (IPE) is regarded by many health care practitioners (i.e., nurses, occupational therapists, physicians), educators, and policy makers as an important activity to enhance the quality of teamwork and patient care. While the focus on developing an evidence basis for IPE has demonstrated the potential value of IPE for improving collaboration and patient outcomes, exploration of key concepts that underpin IPE has been overlooked. In this commentary, we aim to begin addressing this oversight by identifying and discussing key conceptual factors that are critical for the planning and implementation of IPE. We draw upon our prior IPE curricula development and research experiences, as well as the published literature, to argue that seven interconnecting learner-focused, faculty-focused, and organization-focused factors are key to the successful planning and implementation of IPE. We also argue that IPE planners need to be cognizant of all seven factors and how they interact with one another to help ensure they maximize success in their work.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that a Primary Health Care (PHC) response needs to be separately designed for each individual country, but less emphasis has been given to the need to consider different objectives under different circumtances.During the 1970s and 1980s the island States of the Pacific are facing their era of major movement towards political independence and self-sufficiency, which includes the need to redesign their health systems to fit their priorities and to match their particular geographic, demographic and cultural qualities. The priority problems do not appear to include a fight against poverty or a redistribution of resources in a manner which takes a special account of variations in wealth or socio-economic class. Instead, the next decades may have to mean a quite desperate effort to replace a very high external aid component in their budgets with comparable local resources, and the design of health systems for country units which may be as small as 35,000–50,000 and which are composed of widely dispersed populations living in small groups cut off from each other by sea.Even countries with resources and a reasonable health status cannot remain unchanged and the Pacific is a good model to consider what could be done in health terms in countries which are not poor, but which are unlikely ever to be rich.While the island States of the Pacific may be considered to be at present largely unsuccessful in applying international PHC principles, they already have a high health status ranking. The case is presented for them to take more positive PHC steps in the future. In the immediate future the national economic problems must be dominant, but there are technical health system possibilities which could assist them to minimise the inequities due to population dispersion and possibilities for regional collaborative action which would help to overcome the disadvantages of being a small State.  相似文献   

目的通过文献计量方法,定量和定性地预测预检分诊研究活动的热点话题,为急诊分诊领域研究提供借鉴。 方法通过检索Web of Science数据库中2016年1月至2020年12月国际急诊分诊研究的相关文献,利用文献计量学的方法绘制可视化图谱。 结果共检索得到发表文献2880篇,急诊预检分诊的研究数量总体上呈现逐年增加趋势,开展该领域研究最多的国家是美国,中介中心性为0.58,最多的研究机构是卡罗林斯卡学院,中介中心性为0.28。大血管阻塞、Manchester预检分诊系统一直都是该领域的研究热点。新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)流行是近期的研究热点。 结论大血管闭塞导致的危重症疾病,如急性心肌梗死、急性脑卒中的预后一直是急诊预检分诊领域的重点与热点,利用信息技术进行COVID-19患者的预检分诊可能成为新的研究热点。  相似文献   

目的建立医院突发公共卫生事件应对能力的综合评价方法。方法应用德尔菲法构建医院应急能力综合评价指标体系,层次分析法确定评价指标的权重,综合评分法建立综合评价模型;通过方差分析对综合评价模型进行检验。结果建立了包含7个一级指标、18个二级指标以及32个三级指标的医院应急能力综合评价模型;运用该模型评价广东省各级医院应急能力具有较好的区分度,与实际能力大致相符。结论建立的综合评价模型,可以较好地区分各级医院应急能力的强弱,具有较好的适用性和较高的可信度。  相似文献   

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