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The expression of heat shock protein (Hsp) 25 during odontogenesis in the dental pulp and enamel organ of rat incisors was investigated by immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. In the process of dentin formation, immature odontoblasts first exhibited Hsp 25-immunoreactivity, and increased in immunointensity with the advance of their differentiation. In the dental pulp, in contrast, intense immunoreaction in the mesenchymal cells became weak or negative in parallel with the progress of cell differentiation. The immunoreaction for Hsp 25 in the enamel organ revealed a characteristic stage-related alteration during amelogenesis. In secretory ameloblasts, the immunoreaction for Hsp 25 was found throughout their cell bodies, intense reactivity being located near the proximal and distal terminal webs. At the maturation stage, ruffle-ended ameloblasts (RA) consistently showed Hsp 25-immunoreactivity throughout the cell bodies, whereas smooth-ended ameloblasts (SA) lacking a ruffled border were weak in immunoreaction at the distal cytoplasm. Other cellular elements of the enamel organ were negative. The subcellular localization of Hsp 25-immunoreactivity in this study appeared essentially identical to that of actin filaments as demonstrated by confocal microscopy using rhodamine-labeled phalloidin. These immunocytochemical data suggest that the Hsp 25 molecule is involved in reinforcement of the cell layer following cell movement during odontogenesis and in the formation and maintenance of the ruffled border of RA.  相似文献   

The postnatal expression of heat shock protein (Hsp) 25 during the amelogenesis of rat molars was investigated by immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. The localization pattern of Hsp 25-immunoreactivity in the inner enamel epithelium and ameloblast cell layer of the rat molars was almost identical to that in the rat incisors which we have previously reported: an intense Hsp25-immunoreactivity, which first appeared in the preameloblasts, was recognized in secretory ameloblasts and ruffle-ended ameloblasts with stage-specific immunointensity. Confocal microscopy with Hsp 25-antibody and rhodamine-labeled phalloidin clearly demonstrated the co-localization of Hsp 25 and actin filaments in the ameloblast layer, supporting our hypothesis that this molecule might serve to reinforce the ameloblast layer during enamel formation as well as the formation and maintenance of the ruffled border in ruffle-ended ameloblasts. Interestingly, the enamel free area cells, which essentially lack the ability for enamel formation, showed the Hsp 25-immunoreactivity during 4-11 days when they developed a ruffled border, but decreased in that immunoreactivity after postnatal 15 days following apoptosis. Since Hsp 25 has been shown to be a specific inhibitor of apoptosis, the enamel-free area cells contribute to determine the outline of dentin at the cusped area. These data support our previous hypothesis on the diverse functions of Hsp 25 in amelogenesis.  相似文献   

We describe a strategy for the in vitro engineering of enamel tissue using a novel technique for culturing enamel organ epithelial (EOE) cells isolated from the enamel organ using 3T3-J2 cells as a feeder layer. These subcultured EOE cells retain the capacity to produce enamel structures over a period of extended culture. In brief, enamel organs from 6-month-old porcine third molars were dissociated into single cells and subcultured on 3T3-J2 feeder cell layers. These subcultured EOE cells were then seeded onto a collagen sponge in combination with primary dental pulp cells isolated at an early stage of crown formation, and these constructs were transplanted into athymic rats. After 4 weeks, complex enamel-dentin structures were detected in the implants. These results show that our culture technique maintained ameloblast lineage cells that were able to produce enamel in vivo. This novel subculture technique provides an important tool for tooth tissue engineering.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the immunohistochemical localization of heat shock protein 25 (HSP 25) of rat molar teeth during root formation. Most, probably all, cells of the epithelial rest of Malassez (ERM cells) had immunoreaction for laminin, a marker protein for basement membrane. During root formation, HSP 25 immunoreactivity was observed in odontoblasts, cells at the subodontoblastic layer, and those in close proximity to the acellular cementum. HSP 25-immunopositive cells at the subodontoblastic layer were present only at the apical region. Most HSP 25-immunoreactive cells in close proximity to the cementum lacked laminin immunoreactivity. However, at postnatal day 28 a small number of cells showed immunoreaction for both HSP 25 and laminin at the cervical and bifurcational regions. Under the electron microscope, most HSP 25-immunoreactive cells along the surface of the cementum were round and contained rich organelles such as mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum. They lay between fiber bundles of the periodontal ligament. The localization and morphological features of these HSP 25-immunoreactive cells resemble those of cementoblasts. On the other hand, HSP 25-immunoreactive cells at the cervical region were oval and contained few cell organelles. They were closely apposed to each other, and separated from the surrounding tissues with basal lamina. These features were similar to those of mature ERM cells. In contrast, cells with microvillus-like processes and relatively rich mitochondria, which were similar to immature ERM cells, had no immunoreaction for HSP 25. These results suggest that HSP 25 may be involved in shape alterations of ERM cells, cementoblasts, and odontoblasts during differentiation.  相似文献   

The enamel organ of growing rat incisors was perfusion-fixed with a mixture of formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde and processed for ultracytochemical demonstration of ouabain-resistant, K+-stimulated p-nitrophenylphosphatase representing the second dephosphorylative step of H-K-ATPase by use of the one-step lead method. Throughout the stages of amelogenesis, the enzymatic activity was found in the plasma membranes, mitochondrial membranes, and lysosomal structures of the cells of stratum intermedium, papillary layer, and ameloblast layer. Gap junctions and desmosomes between these cells were, however, free of reaction product or showed slight precipitates of reaction. The stellate reticulum and the outer enamel epithelium at the stage of enamel secretion were usually negative for reaction. Although secretory, transition, and ruffle-ended maturation ameloblasts showed enzymatic activity at their basolateral cell surfaces, their distal cell surfaces facing the enamel were always free of reaction product. On the other hand, the smooth-ended maturation ameloblasts seldom showed a positive reaction, except in lysosomes and along their basal cell surfaces. An energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis of reaction products of H-K-ATPase in unosmicated tissue sections demonstrated that they were composed of lead and phosphorus, which had been released during the dephosphorylation of substrate. In cytochemical controls, the enzymatic activity was completely dependent on substrate and potassium ion, resistant to ouabain and levamisole, and inhibited by nolinium bromide, a specific inhibitor of H-K-ATPase. In addition, inorganic trimetaphosphatase as enzymatic marker of lysosome was localized in dark and pale lysosomes, phagosomes, multivesicular bodies, and ferritin-containing vesicles of the ameloblasts and the cells of stratum intermedium and papillary layer. These membrane-bound structures were also positive for H-K-ATPase reaction. These results suggest that: 1) H-K-ATPase functions to maintain an acidic internal pH of lysosomes in the enamel organ cells; and 2) H-K-ATPase localization in the plasma membranes of enamel organ cells is concerned with efflux of protons derived from cytoplasmic water.  相似文献   

The concentration of substance P-like immunoreactivity (SPLI) was determined in dental pulps from cat, dog and man by radioimmunoassay. Pulps from mature cats showed the highest SPLI-levels (mean 32 pmol/g); these are comparable to or higher than those found in any other organ outside the central nervous system. The SPLI concentrations were lower in pulp from immature teeth. The immunological and chromatographic behav behaviour of the pulpal SPLI from cat and man resembled that of synthetic substance P (SP), indicating that the assayed substance is closely related to or identical with SP. Release of pulpal SPLI in canine teeth ws evoked by stimulation of the inferior alveolar nerve in anaesthetized cats. In 9 of 16 experiments the amounts of SPLI found in pulp suprafusates following stimulation (4–31 fmol) were larger than those in unstimulated controls (0–7 fmol). Stimulation also reduced the pulpat tissue concentration of SPLI to 60% of that in homologous control pulps. The high concentration of SPLI found in the dental pulp and the demonstration of nerve-induced release strengthen the hypothesis that SP serves some function in the dental pulp.  相似文献   

We performed a light microscope and a computer three‐dimensional reconstruction study of serial sections of the molar enamel organ of 3‐ and 5‐day‐old rats perfused with Indian ink through the arterial system. The tooth germs were fixed in Bouin's solution, embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. For the three‐dimensional reconstruction, light micrographs of the serial sections were digitized, and aligned using the serial EM Align software downloaded from http://synapses.bu.edu/tools/ . After alignment, the boundaries of the India‐ink‐filled blood vessels were manually traced with a mouse using the software IGL trace (version 1.26b), also downloaded from the above website. After tracing, a three‐dimensional representation of the blood vessel contours was generated in a VRML format and visualized with the help of the software Cortona Web3D viewer (version 4.0) downloaded from http://www.parallelgraphics.com/products/cortona/ . Our results showed that in regions where ameloblasts are polarized the capillaries are arranged in three distinct levels: (1) penetrating and leaving capillaries in relation to the outer enamel epithelium; (2) capillaries crossing and branching inside the stellate reticulum; and (3) capillaries branching and anastomosing profusely within the stratum intermedium, thereby forming an extensive capillary plexus intimately associated with the cells of the stratum intermedium. The existence of a conspicuous capillary plexus intermingled with cells of the stratum intermedium, as shown in our results, suggests that some molecules produced by cells of the stratum intermedium could be released into the capillary plexus and thereafter carried to the dental follicle.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated the presence of calbindin D28k in the ameloblasts derived from the inner enamel epithelium. The occlusal surfaces of the rodent molars partly lack the enamel covering, which is referred to as enamel-free area (EFA). In the present study, we compared the immunohistochemical localization of calbindin D28k-like immunoreactivity (CB-LI) in the cells at the EFA (EFA cells) and ameloblasts of the rat molar teeth at the light microscopic level. CB-LI was strong in the ameloblasts of the presecretory through the protective stages, while it was faint at the late secretory to transitional stages. However, some mature ameloblasts lacked the immunoreactivity. On the other hand, the majority of EFA cells showed distinct polarization and elongation that were absent in few cells at the early stage of EFA formation. At all stages, the EFA cells adjacent to the ameloblasts showed CB-LI, however, some cells adjacent to the mature ameloblasts lacked the reaction. Intensive CB-LI was demonstrated in EFA cells at the reduced enamel epithelium. These immunohistochemical findings suggest EFA cells have cytochemical properties similar to those of ameloblasts.  相似文献   

The regeneration process of dental pulp following tooth replantation in rat molars was investigated by immunocytochemistry for heat shock protein (Hsp) 25 and protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5). In control teeth at postnatal 4 weeks, the odontoblasts showed intense Hsp 25-immunoreactivity in the coronal dental pulp, but little or no immunoreactivity in the root and floor pulp. In contrast, the Hsp 25-negative odontoblasts in the latter areas displayed immunoreactivity for PGP 9.5. Tooth replantation caused loss of Hsp 25- and PGP 9.5-immunoreactions in the dental pulp during postoperative days 1-3. At postoperative day 5, plump cells with clear nucleoli and several fine processes--presumably newly differentiated odontoblasts--at the pulp-dentin border became immunopositive for Hsp 25. These data suggest that the expression of Hsp 25- and PGP 9.5-immunoreactivity reflects the status of differentiation of the odontoblasts. Furthermore, some pulpal nerve fibers as well as the Schwann cells in the dental pulp, ordinarily negative in Hsp 25-immunoreaction, acquired their immunoreactivity by postoperative day 5, but lost it thereafter, suggesting the involvement of Hsp 25 in the regeneration of pulpal nerve fibers. In the case of bone-like tissue formation in the pulp space, on the other hand, no Hsp 25-immunoreactive odontoblasts were recognized in the pulp-dentin border. Thus, the alignment of Hsp 25-immunopositive odontoblasts along the pulp-dentin border indicates a decisive factor for inducing the reparative dentin formation after tooth replantation.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution in oral tissues of endothelin, a multifunctional peptide originally identified within endothelial cells, and subsequently in some epithelial cells, neurons and neuroendocrine cells, has not been investigated yet. We have studied the localization of endothelin-like immunoreactivity in human tooth germ and mature dental pulp by immunohistochemical techniques. Such immunoreactivity was detected only within endothelial cells in both mature dental pulp and developing tooth. Arteries and veins of various sizes as well as small thin vessels displayed endothelin-like immunoreactivity. In the tooth germ, the cells of the enamel organ or the precursors of the odontoblasts were found unreactive. In the mature pulp, no cells of the stroma or nerves displayed endothelin-like immunoreactivity. These findings suggest that vascular endothelium may be the only source of endothelin in human dental tissues. It is tentatively proposed that endothelin released in mature tooth pulp may participate in the regulation of the pulpal blood flow. Although the possible role of endothelin in developing tissues is far from being clear, the mitogenic effects and the proto-oncogenes expression induced by endothelin in some cells raise the possibility that this peptide might also play a role during tooth development.  相似文献   

In order to examine the synthesis and secretion of enamel protein by ameloblasts in their early stages of development, immunohistochemical localization was carried out at light and electron microscopic levels using a monoclonal antibody produced in a preliminary experiment. Materials used were tooth germs of mandibular first molars of rats at 0-5 days after birth. Immunoblot analysis after two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that antigen molecules recognized by the monoclonal antibody were amelogenins of 26-28 kDa (pI, 6.6-7.0). An immunohistochemical examination using this monoclonal antibody demonstrated that the presecretory ameloblasts in their early stages of differentiation both synthesized amelogenin and secreted through a classical merocrine secretory pathway. In some presecretory ameloblasts as well as ameloblasts we observed the distended cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) which demonstrated heterogenous immunolabelling. The immunolabellings were also detected in the predentin as well as the intercellular spaces of odontoblasts and dental pulp cells which indicated penetration of amelogenin from the presecretory ameloblast layer to the dental pulp. The presence of coated pits at the plasma membrane of odontoblasts in close proximity to enamel protein along with the immunolabelling of lysosomes of the odontoblasts suggests the phagocytosis of the enamel protein into the odontoblasts. These observations suggest the possibility that the penetration of enamel protein toward the dental pulp and odontoblasts plays a role in the interaction between ameloblasts and odontoblasts.  相似文献   

Tooth germs of upper first molars of 1, 3, and 5-d-old rats, fixed in formaldehyde, were stained for the detection of apoptosis by the TUNEL method, and by the azo-dye method for the demonstration of acid phosphatase. For conventional light and electron microscopy the specimens were fixed in glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde and embedded in glycol methacrylate and Araldite. Results showed that macrophages, present in the stellate reticulum, contained basophilic bodies and TUNEL-positive globules, i.e. apoptotic bodies, in their interior. Macrophages also possessed strong acid phosphatase activity. Electron microscopy showed the presence of large vacuoles inside the macrophages containing dense fragmented material. Taken together these results suggest that the intra-epithelial macrophages of the stellate reticulum engulf apoptotic bodies.  相似文献   

Tissue levels of substance P-like immunoreactivity (SPLI) were determined by radioimmunoassay in incubated cat dental pulps with and without previous electrical stimulation of the inferior alveolar nerve (I.A.N.). The ability of the dental pulp to degrade substance P (SP) was also studied. The pulpal SPLI levels in teeth incubated at 37 degrees C for up to 240 min immediately after removal from the jaws did not differ from those in contralateral unincubated teeth. Following I.A.N. stimulation (3-45 min at 10 V, 15 Hz and 5 ms) and subsequent incubation (30 min at 37 degrees C) of the teeth the SPLI levels in ipsilateral pulps were significantly lower (45% reduction) than those in contralateral unstimulated controls. Incubation of homogenized pulp tissue at 37 degrees C with synthetic bovine SP or 125I-Tyr8-SP led to rapid inactivation of SP, whereas similar incubation of whole blood with 125I-Tyr8-SP had little effect. Endogenous SPLI levels were also rapidly reduced (50% reduction within 3 min) in incubated pulp homogenates. Incubation at a lower temperature (22 degrees C) resulted in a somewhat reduced rate of degradation and incubation with boiled homogenates failed to inactivate SP. The results indicate that the pulp contains enzymes capable of destroying SP and that within the nerve terminals SP is stored in such a way that it is protected against degradation. The data obtained also provide further evidence for a nerve evoked release of SP.  相似文献   

背景:DNA甲基胞嘧啶双加氧酶TET家族可将甲基胞嘧啶氧化为羟甲基胞嘧啶,参与机体DNA去甲基化,调控细胞增殖与分化,但其在牙髓细胞中的表达模式仍不清楚。目的:检测TET家族在牙髓细胞成牙本质分化过程中的表达模式。方法:采用酶消化法分离培养人牙髓细胞,细胞免疫荧光法检测TET家族的表达及分布;Western Blot检测TET家族在牙髓细胞传代培养(P1-P7代)中的表达规律;对第3代牙髓细胞矿化诱导7,14 d,qRT-PCR法检测矿化诱导第0,7,14 d的TET家族mRNA水平,Western Blot法检测其蛋白量的表达变化。结果与结论:TET家族在人牙髓细胞的细胞质和细胞核中均有表达。在牙髓细胞体外传代培养过程中,TET1蛋白在P1-P6代随细胞传代呈上升趋势,TET2蛋白在P2和P3代细胞中表达增强(P < 0.05),TET3表达量在不同细胞代数之间差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05)。细胞经矿化诱导后,TET1,TET2和TET3的mRNA和蛋白表达量均升高(P < 0.05)。以上结果提示TET家族可能参与调控牙髓细胞成牙本质分化进程。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:干细胞;骨髓干细胞;造血干细胞;脂肪干细胞;肿瘤干细胞;胚胎干细胞;脐带脐血干细胞;干细胞诱导;干细胞分化;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

Localization of thiamine pyrophosphatase activity has been evaluated in the developing first molar of the neonatal hairless mouse. Postnatal animals from parturition to five days of age were decapitated and the severed heads frozen and sectioned in a frontal plane on a cryostat. 14 micron thick sections were fixed and subsequently incubated for thiamine pyrophosphatase activity according to the method of GOLDFISCHER et al. (1971). The tissue was visualized, dehydrated, cleared and mounted. Light microscopy was utilized in evaluating thiamine pyrophosphatase activity. Thiamine pyrophosphatase activity in the first molar of the hairless mouse is presented in tabular form and compared to similar data for the Swiss albino mouse. Enzyme activity increased as the metabolic activities of various cell layers increased. Thus, thiamine pyrophosphatase activity appeared to be related to the degree of differentiation and functional completency of the odontogenic tissues in the hairless mouse.  相似文献   

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