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The author describes a method for the primary, direct closure of wide skin lesions, combining the lazy S, crown, and the H-advancement flap techniques. The lazy S edges of the flaps permit the satisfactory use of adjacent surrounding skin with good aesthetic results, when the flaps alone would otherwise be placed under too much strain.  相似文献   

Vietnam combat veteran inpatients were evaluated after being treated in a PTSD special treatment unit. Selected pretreatment measures that included mental and physical problems, combat variables, PTSD symptoms, and the standard MMPI scales found no clinically meaningful differences between a group that was found to be successes and another group found to be failures, based on predetermined cutoff scores on the VETS scale, a reliable outcome measure for veteran patients. At 3 months post-therapy, a significantly greater number of subjects treated with Direct Therapeutic Exposure (DTE) (flooding therapy) as compared to another group treated with a more conventional individual therapy, were identified as successes as opposed to failures, based on the VETs scale. Also, the number of failures was greater for those treated with the more conventional therapy and the number of successess was greater for those treated with DTE, when compared to all other subjects in the sample. These preliminary results were interpreted as indicating that DTE, when offered as part of an inpatient milieu, shows promise as an effective treatment for chronic/severe combat veteran PTSD sufferers.  相似文献   

Summary Eighty-seven patients have been examined 2 years on average after knee ligament reconstruction for a torn anterior cruciate ligament. The patients were divided into four groups according to the type of operation that had been carried out. In the first group an extra-articular lateral repair (MacIntosh tenodesis) had been performed, in the second group an intra-articular over-the-top repair using the quadriceps and the patellar tendon, in the third group a modified Eriksson procedure using the patellar tendon, and in the fourth group a combined intra- and extra-articular repair using carbon fibres as a graft. The results of the operations in the different groups are compared. The best results were obtained with the Eriksson procedure, closely followed by the over-the-top repair. Limited range of motion and retropatellar pain resulting from changes in the alignment of the patella were the main problems. The results after the use of carbon fibres were less good. In two cases the graft tore without further trauma, and there were also problems because of restricted range of motion and retropatellar pain. The worst results were found after extra-articular lateral repair, due to insufficient stability in many cases. However, the best results with regard to the range of motion were found in this group.
Zusammenfassung Es wurden 87 Patienten im Durchschnitt 2 Jahre nach Ersatzplastik bei zerrissenem vorderem Kreuzband und chronischer Instabilität nachkontrolliert. Die Patienten wurden in vier Gruppen eingeteilt. In jeder Gruppe war eine andere Art von Ersatzplastik durchgeführt worden. In der ersten Gruppe war es ein extraartikulärer lateral repair (sog. MacIntosh-Plastik), in der zweiten Gruppe eine intraartikuläre over the top geführte Plastik mit der Quadriceps- und der Patellarsehne, in der dritten eine modifizierte Eriksson-Plastik unter Verwendung der Patellarsehne und in der vierten Gruppe eine kombinierte intra- und extraartikuläre Plastik mit Carbon fibres. Die Resultate der Operationen in allen vier Gruppen werden miteinander verglichen. Die besten Ergebnisse zeigte das Vorgehen nach Eriksson, dicht gefolgt vom over the top-repair. Probleme, die in diesen zwei Gruppen auftraten, betrafen eingeschränkte Kniebeweglichkeit und retropatelläre Schmerzen wegen veränderter Führung der Patella. Die Resultate in der Gruppe mit Verwendung der carbon fibres waren weniger gut. In zwei Fällen ist das Transplantat ohne Trauma gerissen, zudem traten auch hier Beschwerden auf wegen eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit und retropatellärer Schmerzen. Am wenigsten gut waren die Resultate nach extraartikulärem lateral repair. In vielen Fällen konnte durch these Methode keine genügende Stabilität erreicht werden. Andererseits war die Beweglichkeit des Kniegelenkes nach dieser Operation kaum je eingeschränkt.

Summary High spinal (cervical and upper thoracic) dysrhaphism usually involves either a meningocele or a dermal sinus tract. These high spinal lesions can have a complex intradural anatomy at the level of the lesion (as this case reports) and are associated with an increased incidence of lower spinal occult dysrhaphic anomalies. It is therefore recommended that patients with high spinal dysrhaphism undergo radiological evaluation of the entire spine to identify those patients with intradural anomalies, define the anatomy for surgery, and investigate the lower spine for associated occult anomalies.  相似文献   

Acute changes in plasma calcium and45Ca were studied in young adult male thyroparathyroidectomized (TPTX) rats injected with moderate doses of parathyroid hormone (PTH). For plasma calcium changes, comparison was made between rats fasted or fed prior to PTH injection. For plasma45Ca changes, the effect of the time of administration of the radionuclide was also studied; this included rats injected with PTH 1 h after radionuclide (1 h45Ca), 18 h later (18 h45Ca) and more than 6 days later (6 day45Ca). The results can be summarized as follows: (1) Plasma calcium changes were greater when PTH was injected into fed rather than into fasted rats. (2) PTH always produced a relative increase (compared to controls tested concurrently) in plasma45Ca concentrations. This increase was the same in the 1 h45Ca and the 18 h45Ca groups. (3) Plasma45Ca rose at least temporarily following PTH injection in the 18 h45Ca group. (4) The45Ca rise following PTH was always greater in fed than in fasted groups. (5) Plasma45Ca specific activities (S.A.) tended to rise in the 6 day45Ca group and to fall in the 18 h45Ca group, following PTH injection. However, the45Ca S.A. was always higher in fed than fasted groups. (6) In a few experiments in which32P was injected with45Ca, specific activity changes in plasma45Ca following PTH injection werenot accompanied by similar changes in32P specific activity.These results could not be adequately explained by PTH effects on bone resorption, but the data supported the postulate that PTH controls plasma calcium concentrations by increasing transport of calcium through the osteocyte-lining cell (osteoblast) bone cell complex from the bone fluid compartment to the ECF.  相似文献   

Oral animation, such as opening and closing the lips, smiling, or laughing, leads to muscular tension over the skin and the soft tissues of the chin. The S-like labiomental line presents a variable scope of curves, from a full curve, through lazy-S, to a straight line. The different profiles of the chin thus achieved enable the plastic surgeon during preoperative planning to decide whether or not to perform chin augmentation in addition to the required rhinoplasty. Anatomical, functional, and clinical data are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of extracellular matrix vesicles on the third day of bone healing was studied by morphometric analysis of transmission electron micrographs. Detection and grouping of the vesicles was performed according to type, diameter, and distance from the calcified front. The different types were selected as follows: vesicles with electron-lucent contents (empty), vesicles with amorphous electron-opaque contents (amorphic), vesicles containing crystalline depositions (crystal), and vesicles containing crystalline structures with ruptured membranes (rupture). The majority of vesicles were between 0.07 µm and 0.12 m in diameter and were located at less than 3 m from the calcified front. The distribution of the empty, amorphic, crystal, and rupture vesicles was 23.2%, 74%, 2.5%, and 0.3% respectively. Their sequence of arrangement according to diameter was as follows: empty, amorphic, crystal, and rupture, the empty vesicles constituting the smallest and the rupture the largest type. Distances from the calcified front were similar for the empty, amorphic, and crystal vesicles, while the rupture type was located nearest to the front. The present observations support the widely acknowledged hypothesis on the role of extracellular matrix vesicles in mineralization. It is thought that the secretion of empty vesicles from the cell is followed by intravscular accumulation of amorphous Ca and Pi to form a hydroxyapatite crystal that, in turn, ruptures the vesicle's membrane. The maturation process is accompanied by an increase of the vesicular diameter and its approximation to the calcifying front.  相似文献   

Summary Primary bladder neck obstruction is not uncommon in young and middle age men. The symptoms are confounding and routine urologic investigation including cystometry, uroflow, voiding cystourethrography and cystourethroscopy often leads to an erroneous diagnosis of psychogenic voiding dysfunction, neurogenic bladder or prostatitis. An accurate diagnosis can be obtained by the simultaneous measurement of detrusor pressure and uroflow, preferably accompanied by radiographic visualization of the lower urinary tract during micturition. Treatment with bladder neck incision is usually curative, but often results in retrograde ejaculation.  相似文献   

Summary The current excellent short-term results of renal transplantation are achieved at the expense of complications of chronic immunosuppression. These include increased risk for infection, malignancy, and long-term deterioration of function (chronic allograft nephropathy). The induction of transplantation tolerance, the long-term acceptance of an allograft without continuous immunosuppression, has been a goal of transplant immunologists for the last 40 years. Unfortunately, this has been easier to achieve in rodents than in humans. Nevertheless, this body of research has significantly increased our knowledge of the workings of the immune system and, specifically, how the body differentiates between self and nonself. Using these insights, several promising approaches to the clinical induction of transplant tolerance have emerged and are undergoing clinical evaluation.  相似文献   

A 10-year retrospective study of 41 consecutive patients who underwent spinous process-plasty is presented. We carried out laminectomy of the lumbar spine in cases of spinal stenosis, dorsomedial herniated disc and recurrent disc herniation with firm scars (traumatic and tumour cases are not included). To forestall the development of laminectomy's negative effects on spine stability, we initiated the spinous processes' reconstruction. Two groups of patients who underwent laminectomy form the basis of this presentation, one group with spinous process-plasty (41 patients) and the other (11 patients) without it. On postoperative neutral and dynamic X-ray films we paid attention to horizontal displacements larger than 3 mm and to negative intervertebral angular displacement. Considering such criteria, only 3.8% of those with spinous process-plasty developed a radiographic instability in contrast to 25% of patients without spinous process-plasty. These results support the use of this technique, which provides postlaminectomy lumbar spine stability.  相似文献   

Psychotherapeutic work with torture traumas and their aftereffects are made difficult through a number of factors. Six guiding principles are presented in this publication through which make it possible to influence the actual symptomatology within the limits of the short therapy, even under difficult conditions. Creative images, described in detail as process fantasies, are the focus of this short therapy. Situative experiences in the treatment process are not interpreted with reference to the subject or the concrete trauma. This leads to the intra-psychic patterns being unlinked from traumatic torture experience patterns. With the aid of a model which discusses the torture as a superinfection with psychogenic violence-viruses, the penetration and resistance to therapy towards the torture trauma can be illuminated so that a differentiation of social and psychological factors of the torture experience is made possible.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic ultrasonography is a novel technique which may be useful in screening for choledocholithiasis during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Following concerns regarding the learning curve and accuracy associated with the adoption of this user-dependent technology, we have prospectively evaluated a commercially available 90° sector scanning laparoscopic ultrasound probe during elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Laparoscopic ultrasonography was performed in 60 patients and identified common duct stones in nine patients (one false positive and one false negative), and previously unsuspected duct stones were defined in three out of four patients. The gallbladder and portal vein were constantly defined anatomical landmarks throughout the study, whereas the suprapancreatic bile duct, intrapancreatic bile duct, and pancreatic duct were identified in 100%, 80%, and 85% of patients in the third consecutive group of 20 patients examined. Laparoscopic ultrasonography has the potential to accurately identify common duct stones during laparoscopic cholecystectomy and thereby implement a policy of superselective operative cholangiography. However, adequate training for surgeons unfamiliar with this technology is recommended.Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 18–19 April 1994  相似文献   

Small- and middle-molecular substances were studied for dialysability in patients on chronic peritoneal dialysis. The peritoneum, as a dialysis membrane, was found to be passed readily by middle-molecular substances held responsible for the toxic symptoms of uraemia. Peritoneal dialysis is regarded on these grounds as an efficient procedure in the management of renal failure.  相似文献   

Summary Previously we reported sensitivity of MBT-2 murine bladder tumour to tumour necrosis factor (TNF) in vivo and in vitro [8]. We showed that with prolonged exposure of cultured MBT-2 tumour cells to TNF, a resistant MBT-2 variant tumour cell population emerged in vitro. This concurred with the finding of trasient in vivo cytotoxic effect of TNF against MBT-2 tumour. Herein, we delineate phenotypic changes in MBT-2 cells associated with TNF resistance. Parent MBT-2 (MBT-2P) and the TNF-resistant variant MBT-2R cells were compared in terms of in vitro sensitivity to TNF, DNA profile, karyotype and in vitro growth kinetics. We conclude that acquisition of resistance to TNF may be due to cell cycle derangement and differences in in vitro growth characteristics. DNA indices and karyotype of variant MBT-2R cells were not altered, indicating the anti-tumour action of TNF is not-mutagenic.  相似文献   

Because the war was relatively brief, casualties relatively light, and the Nation sanctioned the war socially, veterans of Desert Shield/Storm and their families were not anticipated to suffer symptoms of trauma or re-entry stress beyond that expected in routine peacetime military deployments. However, the authors argue that the stress imposed on families by Desert Shield/Storm was not analogous to that of routine deployments. The call to duty was unexpected, disruptive, and hazardous (i.e., highly dangerous) which places it in the category of a catastrophic stressor as defined by McCubbin and Figley (1983). The deployment was a call to war, which creates unique stress beyond those experienced during peacetime deployments. The deployment also carried with it prolonged anticipation of trauma. For these reasons, the authors argue, the deployment to Desert Shield/Storm created a situation of family trauma for veterans and their families. Suggestions are offered for education, prevention and treatment for families undergoing unexpected wartime military deployments.  相似文献   

Summary With regard to meningioma grading and the recently introduced atypical meningioma, we evaluated 160 cases retrospectively by conventional histology and image analysis. For that, the cell nuclei were stained with a Ki-67 (MIB1)/Feulgen-method on paraffin sections, thus enabling the assessment of both the Ki-67 proliferation index and nuclear morphometric features, such as tumour cell arrangement, nuclear pleomorphism, and cellularity.It could be demonstrated that the Ki-67 proliferation index is the most important criterion for distinguishing anaplastic meningiomas (WHO grade III) (mean Ki-67 index: 11%) from those of common type (WHO grade I) (mean Ki-67 index: 0.7%). The parameter for the relative volume weighted mean nuclear volume is another valuable morphometric feature. The atypical meningioma (WHO grade II) which should represent an intermediate category between common type and anaplastic meningiomas is characterized by a mean Ki-67 proliferation index of 2.1%. Common type meningiomas which comprise almost 50% of the cases of this series have a relapse rate of 9%. Atypical and anaplastic meningiomas recurred in 29% and 50%, respectively. Since the term atypical meningioma is confusing in the context of tumour grading, the term intermediate type meningioma is proposed.Furthermore, the results of cytogenetic analyses of 142 cases of this series were evaluated and compared with the meningioma grades. Thereby, 25 cases disclosed, independent of the typical loss of one chromosome 22, cytogenetic features assumed to be progression-associated, e.g., the gain or loss of different chromosomes and the deletion of the short arm of one chromosome 1 (hyperdiploidy, increased hypodiploidy, Ip-), when correlated to the histological and morphometric findings or the high relapse rate.For meningioma diagnosis and grading, a practical guideline is proposed based upon histology, morphometry (Ki-67), and cytogenetics.  相似文献   

Summary A new renal perfusate of modified intracellular electrolyte composition made hyperosmolar with mannitol and requiring no additional additives was successfully used to preserve canine kidneys ex-vivo for 48 hours by initial perfusion and hypothermic storage. The new perfusate was also successful in protecting totally ischemic canine kidneys from the lethal effect of two-hours of normothermic exposure in-vivo. — The preservation technique is uncomplicated, the materials involved are inexpensive, and the preservation apparatus is readily transportable.Supported by the Max Kade Foundation, New York, New York.  相似文献   

Although flexible endoscopy is only 25 years old, a new technology may soon be used to provide the same view of internal organs without inserting an instrument. This is virtual endoscopy. By acquiring patient-specific high-resolution digital images with a helical CT scan or MRI, individual organs can be graphically isolated or segmented into fully interactive 3-D reconstructions on a computer monitor. Applying sophisticated flight-tracking programs from military pilots, the organs can be flown through, giving a view identical to endoscopy. In the future we will fly through data instead of inserting endoscopic instruments for gastrointestinal endoscopic diagnosis.The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the author and are not to be construed as official, or as reflecting the views of the Department of the Army, the Advanced Research Projects Agency, or the Department of Defense  相似文献   

Summary Endoscopic decompression of the bowel in toxic megacolon is presented in two cases as an alternative procedure to Turnbull's technique using multiple bowel fistulas. In our opinion this technique seems to be a substantial improvement in the treatment of toxic megacolon and may even help to prevent ileotomycolotomy in some cases.Dedicated to Professor F. Gschnitzer on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde an einem Krankengut von 435 Patienten mit Bronchialkrebs untersucht, ob sich aus klinischen Daten Rückschlüsse auf die Entstehung des Leidens ziehen lassen könnten. Die Vielzahl von Faktoren einerseits und ihre große Kombinationsmöglichkeit andererseits ergab die Forderung, wenige aber eindeutige und konstante Merkmale zu finden. Als solche wurden die Geschwulstlokalisation und der Geschwulsttyp erkannt. Der Vergleich der lokalisatorischen Anordnung der Geschwülste mit der Lungenbelüftung ergab eine bemerkenswerte Parallelität:Die prozentuale Verteilung der Tumoren entspricht der Belüftung der entsprechenden Lungenabschnitte. Die Gleichsinnigkeit von Tumorbefall und Beatmung war für die Lungenflügel und Lungenlappen ebenso nachweisbar wie für verschiedene Abschnitte des Bronchialbaumes. Es wurde daraus gefolgert, daß Belüftung und Tumorbefall in einem ursächlichen Zusammenhang stehen. Darüber hinaus fand sich, daß bei prozentual gleicher Verteilung die Plattenepithelkrebse mehr zentral, die kleinzelligen Geschwulste mehr peripher im Bronchialbaum anzutreffen sind. Diese Beziehung von Tumorlokalisation und Geschwulstart müßte sich in seiner prozentualen Anordnung verschieben, sobald exogene Reize ausreichender Intensität auftreffen.Dieses wurde für die Einwirkungen chronische Bronchitis und Pneumonie sowie Raucher untersucht. Für jede dieser Gruppe stellte sich eine besondere Form der bevorzugten Tumorlokalisation heraus, für Bronchitis und Raucher war das Überwiegen der Plattenepithelkrebse ebenfalls eindeutig nachweisbar. Mit diesen Untersuchungen ist einerseits die Richtigkeit der Auffassung erbracht, daß exogene Reize als die wesentlichen Bedingungen für die Entstehung des Bronchialcarcinoms angesehen werden müssen; andererseits ist damit zugleich gezeigt, daß sich ein ätiologisches Moment für chronische Bronchitis, Rauchen und Pneumonie nicht mehr fortleugnen läßt.Mit 15 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   

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