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目的探讨联防联控体系在首都机场口岸蚊媒传染病防控中的作用和意义,为制定出入境卫生检疫政策提供参考依据。方法通过与北京市旅游委、商务委、卫生与计划委员会、疾病预防控制中心、海关、边防等相关部门建立全方位立体化联防联控机制,加强出入境人员卫生检疫查验。结果 2010年-2013年首都机场口岸共检疫筛查发现有症状旅客5 893人次,发现蚊媒传染病共计141例,蚊媒传染病确诊病例检出率呈现上升趋势。2014年1-6月,首都机场口岸出入境人员传染病有症状者检疫筛查率为25人/10万;发现蚊媒传染病共计244例,口岸出入境人员蚊媒传染病确诊病例检出率为2.33人/10万,蚊媒传染病发现能力较去年同期比较有明显提升(P0.05)。结论首都机场口岸联防联控体系有效提高了蚊媒传染病口岸检出率,降低蚊媒传染病的输入风险。  相似文献   

目的探讨如何完善出入境特殊物品卫生检疫监管工作。方法分析2007—2008年湖南口岸出入境特殊物品卫生检疫监管情况。结果湖南口岸的出入境特殊物品以入境为主,都是通过长沙国际机场出入境,与医疗事业息息相关,诊断试剂占大部分。特殊物品通过货物运输、旅客携带和邮件邮寄三条途径出入境,特殊物品的卫生检疫监管工作有些方面还有待完善,如CIQ2000系统缺少对特殊物品的监管条件等。结论提出完善监管工作的对策:对CIQ2000系统进行更新升级;电子监管系统与CIQ2000进行业务对接;积极进行宣传培训特殊物品相关知识;建立全国统一的特殊物品异地监管网络。  相似文献   

目的探讨如何完善出入境特殊物品卫生检疫监管工作。方法分析2007—2008年湖南口岸出入境特殊物品卫生检疫监管情况。结果湖南口岸的出入境特殊物品以入境为主,都是通过长沙国际机场出入境,与医疗事业息息相关,诊断试剂占大部分。特殊物品通过货物运输、旅客携带和邮件邮寄三条途径出入境,特殊物品的卫生检疫监管工作有些方面还有待完善,如CIQ2000系统缺少对特殊物品的监管条件等。结论提出完善监管工作的对策:对CIQ2000系统进行更新升级;电子监管系统与CIQ2000进行业务对接;积极进行宣传培训特殊物品相关知识;建立全国统一的特殊物品异地监管网络。  相似文献   

正1目的和意义随着中俄经贸的不断发展,两国人员流动日益频繁,口岸生物安全、公共卫生安全面临新的挑战。新形势下,出入境检验检疫部门要在保卫口岸生物安全、防控口岸公共安全风险的同时,还要提高旅客通关、现场查验效率,服务经济发展。由此,口岸查验工作信息化成为出入境检验检疫部门创新监管方式的必由  相似文献   

目的 提高口岸卫生检疫监管能力和工作效率,保障口岸公共卫生安全,促进外贸经济的快速发展.方法 根据法律法规的相关规定,运用风险分析的原理,结合海港口岸卫生检疫监管特点,对相关风险因子进行评估、量化和分级管理,通过建立数学分析模型,搭建信息管理平台,实现对相关风险因子的综合分析和应用,建立新的海港口岸卫生检疫监管模式.结果 新模式的建立,以出入境船舶检疫监管模式为载体,把国际航行船舶卫生检疫风险、码头经营单位卫生监督风险,船舶代理公司信用管理风险进行综合研判,实现了在卫生检疫风险可控的情况下,提高船舶通关效率、缩短了船舶滞港时间,实现了“提速、减负、增效、严密监管”的目的.结论 新的海港口岸卫生检疫监管模式及电子监管系统的建立,实现了海港口岸卫生检疫风险的有效管理及控制,提升卫生检疫监管能力和水平.  相似文献   

出入境旅客携带物检疫查验的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨出入境旅客携带物卫生检疫查验模式,更有效地防止各类传染病的传入传出,保护人民身体健康。方法对出入境旅客携带物卫生检疫查验工作的实际情况进行调查研究,寻找其中存在的问题与不足,并结合山东口岸旅检工作实际对旅客携带物检疫查验工作的对策进行探讨。结果针对新形势下旅客携带物检疫查验查获困难、漏检率高的现状,口岸旅检工作者需通过加强宣传、提高硬件设备配置等措施。结论进一步加强旅客携带物的检疫查验力度,有效地防止有害生物的传入、传出。  相似文献   

〔目的〕分析厦门口岸出入境特殊物品的现状和特点,为进一步完善口岸出入境特殊物品的卫生检疫监管措施提供依据。〔方法〕收集2007—2009年厦门口岸出入境特殊物品的相关信息,用Excel表建立信息库,并进行统计学分析。〔结果〕2007—2009年厦门口岸出入境特殊物品业务总量呈逐年递增的趋势,均以入境为主。仅1批次为血液及其制品,其余均为生物制品。生物制品以用于诊断、科研用途为主,主要为诊断试剂、酶制剂以及其他活性制剂。厦门口岸出入境特殊物品在时间分布上无显著季节性差别,而在地区分布上则相对较集中。〔结论〕厦门口岸出入境特殊物品的卫生检疫应以生物制品为重点,关注各主要输入国的疫情变化,同时重点加强主要运往地区的后续监管工作,做好特殊物品卫生检疫监管的同时兼顾其产品质量,进一步完善口岸出入境特殊物品的卫生检疫监管措施。  相似文献   

〔目的〕探讨新形势下入出境快件中特殊物品的卫生检疫监管方式,有效防止特殊物品的检疫风险,保护人民群众的健康,保障相关科学研究的顺利进行。〔方法〕对深圳宝安国际机场口岸入出境快件货物中特殊物品从报检、施检、签发单证到后续监管全过程进行调查研究,寻找现行监管方法中存在的问题,并结合工作实际,对今后加强特殊物品卫生检疫的方法进行了探讨。〔结果〕目前出入境快件中特殊物品卫生检疫存在一定检疫风险,如:物品复杂,危险性高,容易夹带,检疫设施落后等。〔结论〕出入境检验检疫部门应通过加强相关法规的宣传教育;监督企业加强内部管理;加大行政处罚的力度;加强制度建设;积极培养检疫人才;完善检疫设施;建立绿色通道等措施,降低入境特殊物品的检疫风险,有效防止疫病的传入和传出,保障相关科学研究的顺利进行。  相似文献   

<正>随着国际间贸易往来的日益频繁,国际间人员交流日益密切,口岸出入境人员逐年增加,作为国境口岸面临的公共卫生检疫风险也越来越大,口岸检疫部门的防控压力也与日俱增。近几年来,罗湖出入境检验检疫局紧抓工作重点,讲究工作方式,在传染病防控、打造服务平台、口岸核心能力建设等方面取得了优异成绩,探索出具有罗湖口岸特色的大流量旅检口岸卫生检疫工作模式。1紧抓重点作为中国客流量最大的旅客出入境陆路口岸,  相似文献   

目的探讨邮轮旅客携带物卫生检疫查验模式,降低检疫性有害生物传入风险,预防潜在性疫情的发生。方法对邮轮旅客携带物卫生检疫查验工作的实际情况进行总结,寻找存在的问题和不足,并结合天津口岸旅客检疫的工作实际对旅客携带物检疫查验工作提出建议。结果针对邮轮旅客禁止携带物主要为水果,检疫人员需要加强宣传。结论进一步加强旅客携带物的检疫查验力度,降低检疫性有害生物传入风险,防止潜在性疫情的发生。  相似文献   

文章系统介绍了风险、风险管理、医疗风险管理的内涵及风险管理流程,并在以往研究的基础上提出了基于静态非标准化、动态标准化风险管理方法基础上的三维立体透视风险管理框架,目的是帮助研究者、管理者系统了解医疗风险的基本方法和识别、评价和控制与医院、医疗相关的潜在风险因素的基本流程,以减少损失,更好地完成诊疗任务和目标,提高医疗质量和病人安全。  相似文献   

In this editorial the Founding Editor of Health, Risk and Society reflects on the aims of the journal and the extent to which they have been achieved in first five volumes of the journal. The editorial looks forward to the opportunities offered by the expansion of the journal to four issues per year and the ways in which aims of the journal can be developed to include such issues as risk production and construction and to provide more sophisticate theoretical insights into the relationship between risk, health and society.  相似文献   

目前我国医疗纠纷及其伤医事件频发,医疗风险预警及控制机制的不健全、医患沟通不畅及信任危机是造成这种冲突的主要原因.通过对医疗风险预警及控制机制的研究,为政府和医疗机构在减少医疗风险的发生上提供干预措施和参考依据.  相似文献   

In Britain, there has been an increased emphasis on the use of risk assessments in mental health services over the past 20 years. Mentally disordered offenders subject to Section 41 of the Mental Health Act 1983 (England and Wales) are defined as posing a serious risk of harm to others. They are thus dealt with by forensic mental health services, which are often seen as specialists in risk assessments. This paper is based on original research in three mental health trusts in the South of England which was carried out between March 2009 and September 2011. The paper examines mentally disordered offenders’ awareness and attitude to formal risk assessments in relation to theories of governmentality. Service users subject to Section 41 of the Mental Health Act 1983 were aware that their level of risk was being assessed by professionals caring for them but were commonly unaware of the content of these assessments. These risk assessments were viewed by participants as a means through which professionals measured and monitored behaviour. Although participants often referred to levels of risk, they did not view risk screening schedules as objective, but rather emphasised the need to persuade staff that their risk had reduced. Despite showing a limited awareness of the content of these risk assessments, participants generally identified more risks, in relation to their vulnerability, than did the professional assessments. However, participants generally identified fewer risks in relation to the dangers they posed to others than did professional staff.  相似文献   

Statistical risk models hold substantial promise for the practice of cancer prevention by helping to identify high risk populations and subsequently guide decisions about surveillance, further testing and treatments. They have come under criticism for creating new categories of disease-free but ‘at risk’ individuals. We analysed the debate over the interpretation of risk estimates to assess the importance of these models for the practice of cancer prevention. In particular, we focused on the Gail model for breast cancer risk assessment as a case study, because it is widely used and has been promoted directly to consumers. We describe the critiques that have been offered of the Gail model for individualised risk assessment, such as that classification of a new ‘high risk’ category may increase the use of medical intervention in otherwise healthy individuals. We then analyse the primary methodological limitations of individualised risk models, which are often overlooked in the application of these models and interpretation of their results. In particular, the application of statistical risk models like the Gail model to individuals fails to acknowledge the uncertainty surrounding estimates of individual risk. Moreover, putting the focus of risk management at the individual level minimises the influence of important environmental factors on risk, such as social influences and policies that may impact behaviour or outcomes. Overall, the increasing use of individualised risk estimates for individual decision-making may obscure the fact that successful disease prevention requires intervention on all levels, including the political, social, economic and individual level.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the behaviours and experiences of people who use online dating and how they may or may not address risk in their use of online dating. Fifteen people who used online dating took part in in-depth, online chat interviews. We found that online daters use a variety of methods for managing and understanding the risks they perceived to be associated with online dating. Online daters compared the risks of online dating with other activities in their lives to justify their use of the medium. Many felt self-confident in their personal ability to manage and limit any risks they might encounter and, for some, the ability to be able to scapegoat risk (that is to blame others) was a method by which they could contextualize their own experiences and support their own risk strategies. For many, the control offered by the online environment was central to risk management. Additionally, the social context in which an individual encountered a potential risk would shape how they perceived the risk and responded to it. People who use online dating do consider the risks involved and they demonstrate personal autonomy in their risk management. From a public health perspective, it is important to understand how risk is experienced from an individual perspective, but it is imperative that any interventions are implemented at a population level.  相似文献   

对医院财务风险的认识及防范   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
苏红  杨铨 《卫生软科学》2002,16(2):43-45
本文从市场风险和非市场风险两个方面对医院存在的财务风险进行分析。提出医院不能回避风险,但可以管理和控制风险。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to differentiate between the different functions of pharmaceutical risk communication and make explicit their different legal natures and implications. Risk communication has been generally categorised as a warning act, which is performed in order to prevent or minimise risk. Risk analysis has also drawn attention to the role played by information in reducing uncertainty about risk. Both approaches focus on the safety aspects of communication and its role in harm reduction. However, there are cases where a risk cannot be avoided or uncertainty reduced, for example the side effects associated with pharmaceutical products or when a decision about drug approval or withdrawal has to be made on the basis of available evidence. In these instances, risk communication has other purposes than preventing risk or reducing uncertainty. This article analyses the legal instruments which have been developed to control and manage the risks related to drugs (such as the notion of ‘development risk’ or ‘residual risk’) and relates them to different kinds of uncertainty. These are conceptualised as epistemic, ecological, metric, ethical and stochastic, depending on their nature. By referring to this taxonomy, different functions of pharmaceutical risk communication are identified and connected with the legal tools of uncertainty management.  相似文献   

目的:探讨医疗设备风险存在的客观因素,增强风险防范意识,实现风险控制,保障医疗质量安全.方法:基于医疗设备风险存在的多种类型,创建符合医疗安全要求的风险管理计划,正确地识别和分析设备潜在风险,并通过实施风险控制来消除或降低设备风险.结果:综合风险级别的量化评估结果,实施了医疗设备分级管理,实现了既定的风险控制质量目标,并将医疗设备风险控制在可接受水平.结论:将风险管理理论引入到医疗设备管理中,使医护人员树立起了良好的风险责任意识,在医疗质量和水平不断提升的同时,也保障了广大患者的切身利益.  相似文献   

论医疗仪器设备采购风险及规避   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要从医疗仪器设备市场的角度出发,介绍了医疗仪器设备采购工作中所隐藏的一些风险以及规避方法。通过一些专门的方法解决一些在采购工作中比较容易被忽略的问题,达到保护医疗仪器设备采购部门和医院的利益,提高了医疗水平和质量。  相似文献   

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