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Urine samples from 54 leprosy patients and 12 controls were tested for the presence of Mycobacterium leprae antigens using monoclonal-antibody-based sandwich immunoradiometric antigen-capture assay. Excettion of antigen was observed in the urine of patients with tuberculoid borderline and lepromatous types of leprosy. M. leprae-specific 12 kDa protein antigen was seen in the urine of 56% of leprosy patients. M. leprea quasi-specific 35 kDa protein antigen (immunodominant) in that of 33% of the patients and mycobacterial cross-reactive polysaccharide antigen of 30–40 kDa in the urine of 54% of the patients. At least one of these antigens was found in the urine of about 90% of the patients. None of the controls was positive for any of the antigens. It appears that weakly immunogenic antigens are excreted to a far greater extent than the strongly immunogenic one. The avidin-biotin based immunoblotting also revealed antigens in the urine of leprosy patients. The fact that about 90% of the patients showed some antigen positivity, as determined by monoclonal-antibody-based sandwich antigen-capture assay, may be of value in the diagnosis of leprosy, particularly the hitherto poorly diagnosed tuberculoid leprosy.  相似文献   

Using a costimulant assay, in vitro Con A responses of patients across the leprosy spectrum were found to be markedly suppressed by phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I), a unique antigen of M. leprae. The degree of inducible suppression as well as the number of leprosy patients showing suppression of mitogenic responses was higher with PGL-I as compared with integral M. leprae (p less than 0.05 to less than 0.01). Both untreated lepromatous (60%) as well as tuberculoid leprosy (67%) patients showed significant suppression ranging from 13 to 64% and 12 to 79%, respectively. Thus, PGL-I appears to have a universal suppressive effect on Con A responses and is unlikely to play a central role in determining the leprosy spectrum.  相似文献   

A positive immunomodulatory effect was found in chronic bronchitis patients examined immunologically before and after treatment including chlotazol. T- and B-cell immunity recovered, clinical condition of the patients improved. A combination of known antimicrobial and antiinflammatory effects with an uncovered immunomodulatory one made chlotazol a valuable modality in the treatment of chronic bronchitis associated with secondary immune deficiency.  相似文献   

A few methods have been reported for the purpose of staining Mycobacterium leprae in paraffin sections, including Fite oil fuchsin method, auramine-rhodamine method, and Blanco-Fite silver method. Among these staining techniques, Fite oil fuchsin method and auramine-rhodamine method are popular. However, the Blanco-Fite silver method takes approximately 20 days. Therefore, we developed a new procedure for rapid identification of M. leprae in paraffin sections using another silver solution and found that the procedure gave stable and satisfactory results. This new method has proved superior to others in demonstrating a reliable staining for M. leprae.  相似文献   

To define the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of dapsone (DDS) for Mycobacterium leprae in rats, we determined the relationship between dietary and plasma levels of DDS in uninfected male and female Lewis rats. This knowledge was applied to the design of experiments using rats inoculated in the footpads with M. leprae. The MIC for DDS in male and female rats, respectively, was 1.5 to 4.0 ng and 1.8 to 3.0 ng of DDS/ml of plasma, even though the sexes exhibited markedly different concentrations of DDS when receiving the same dietary level of DDS. These values for the MIC of DDS for M. leprae in rats are nearly identical to the previously determined MIC of DDS for M. leprae in mice.  相似文献   

Seeing the same transmission pattern of HIV and HBV coinfection by these two agents is not an uncommon feature. Immunity impairment due to HIV infection can be the cause of a higher rate of HBV replication with less intensive liver damage and less effective immune response to HBV, while the pathological course in both infections involves elevated levels of circulating immune complexes (CIC). These were the reasons for us to examine the frequency of HBsAg involvement as the antigen component of circulating immune complexes formed in sera of HIV-infected patients in different stages of HIV disease. We tested 67 sera of HIV-positive patients in different stages of HIV disease for the presence of HBsAg and HIV antigen p24 (with and without acid dissociation of immune complexes), for the presence of anti-Hbc antibodies and circulating immune complexes. HBsAg was positive in 13.8% sera prior to and 33.8% after acid pretreatment. Anti-HBc antibodies were present in 76.9% serum samples tested. Fifty percent of sera were positive for both HBsAg and p24 antigen after dissociation of immune complexes. The level of CIC was elevated in 65.9% of sera. Our results suggest that HBsAg is commonly associated in immune complexes formed in the sera of HIV-infected patients and that they may simultaneously contain HIV and HBsAg in patients coinfected with both agents. This may contribute to their mutual interaction and influence the diagnosis and follow-up of patients.  相似文献   

In the course of a clinical trial of acedapsone therapy in 17 patients with lepromatous leprosy, the rate of response to therapy was measured by inoculation of mice with Mycobacterium leprae recovered from biopsy specimens of skin lesions obtained before treatment and at intervals of 4, 12, and 24 weeks after institution of treatment. The susceptibility of each isolate of M. leprae to dapsone (4,4′-diaminodiphenylsulfone [DDS]) was measured by passaging organisms that had multiplied in mice to new groups of untreated mice and to mice treated with DDS incorporated in the mouse chow in concentrations of 10−5, 3 × 10−5, and 10−4 g/100 ml. The rate of response to acedapsone therapy and the susceptibility of patient strains of M. leprae to DDS varied widely among patients. All isolates were inhibited from multiplication by treatment of mice with 10−4 g of DDS per 100 ml; all but two isolates were susceptible to 3 × 10−5 g of DDS per 100 ml; and 17 of 36 isolates, representing nine patient strains, were susceptible to 10−5 g of DDS per 100 ml. Plasma levels of DDS measured in the mice administered these diets show that the minimal inhibitory concentration of DDS for M. leprae isolated from untreated patients is about 3 ng/ml. No relationship could be demonstrated between DDS susceptibility of pretreatment isolates of M. leprae and the rate at which patients responded to acedapsone therapy. Neither acedapsone treatment of patients nor DDS treatment of mice appeared to select genotypically more resistant M. leprae.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this laboratory have demonstrated that Mycobacterium leprae, an obligate intracellular bacterial parasite, enters human mononuclear phagocytes via complement receptors on these host cells and bacterium-bound C3. The present study investigates the role of M. leprae surface molecules in C3 fixation and phagocytosis. By enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, C3 binds selectively to phenolic glycolipid-1 (PGL-1), a major surface molecule of the leprosy bacillus. C3 fixation to PGL-1 is serum concentration dependent and is abolished in heat-inactivated serum or serum containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. C3 fixation is also abolished in serum containing ethyleneglycol-bis (beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N'-tetraacetic acid and MgCl2 indicating that isolated PGL-1 fixes C3 via the classical complement pathway. The capacity of PGL-1 to fix C3 is dependent upon its terminal trisaccharide since sequential removal of monosaccharide units of the trisaccharide results in a stepwise reduction in C3 fixation. Deacylation of PGL-1 also abolishes C3 fixation. C3 fixes to the trisaccharide of PGL-1 that is chemically linked to bovine serum albumin via the chemical carrier, 8-methoxycarbonyloctanol. PGL-1 mediates C3 fixation to polystyrene microspheres, and PGL-1 and C3 together mediate ingestion of polystyrene microspheres by human monocytes, wherein these inert test particles reside in membrane-bound phagosomes. Thus, complement receptors on mononuclear phagocytes, complement component C3, and PGL-1 comprise a three-component receptor-ligand-acceptor molecule system for mediating phagocytosis of M. leprae.  相似文献   

This study describes a novel method which could be developed into a test system of evaluating the efficacy of antileprosy drugs. The method estimates incorporation of [14C]acetate into lipids of Mycobacterium leprae maintained within the 33B Schwannoma cell line. Schwannoma cell-resident M. leprae cells incorporated significant levels of radiolabel within their lipids during 12 days of incubation in vitro. This incorporation was markedly reduced by 5 micrograms of rifampin per ml (decrease, 81.62%); this decrease was observed within 24 h of addition of the drug. Dapsone also reduced the radiolabel incorporation into the lipids, but to a lesser extent (decrease, 27.58%). This system was also able to differentiate between rifampin-sensitive and -resistant strains of mycobacteria. It is suggested that since the effect of bacteriostatic (dapsone) and bactericidal (rifampin) drugs could be detected by using this technique, it may prove useful in screening novel drugs acting against M. leprae.  相似文献   

The proteasome degrades cellular proteins and provides peptides for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules to drive CD8+ T-cell responses to kill intracellular pathogens. Rad23 plays a role in protein degradation by targeting polyubiquitinated substrates to the proteasome via an N-terminal ubiquitin-like (UbL) domain that binds the proteasome and two C-terminal ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domains that bind ubiquitinated proteins. We demonstrate here that fusion of Rad23 or its UBA domain to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) targets this antigen to the proteasome for increased degradation in mammalian cells and enhanced antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in BALB/c mice. Conversely, we show that coexpression of unfused Rad23 with destabilized GFP inhibits degradation of the reporter protein and attenuates in vivo CD8+ T-cell responses. Rad23 therefore holds promise as a useful agent either to enhance or attenuate cellular immune responses to suit the reciprocal immunologic needs of both gene therapy and genetic vaccine applications.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium leprae cells extracted from the skin biopsies of 14 bacilliferous lepromatous patients were maintained in human-murine macrophage cultures for 3 weeks in the presence of [3H]thymidine and DDS (4,4'-diaminodiphenyl sulfone). All cultures except one containing freshly extracted viable bacilli showed significant incorporation of [3H]thymidine as compared to control cultures containing heat-killed bacilli of the corresponding strain. Six susceptible strains of M. leprae obtained from untreated, freshly diagnosed patients showed significant inhibition of the uptake of the radiolabel in the presence of 3 and 10 ng of DDS per ml per culture. Eight strains of M. leprae obtained from patients clinically suspected of DDS resistance were tested in a similar manner. These strains were also concurrently inoculated in the footpads of mice given orally 10(-2), 10(-3), and 10(-4) g of DDS per 100 g of body weight for 9 months. Concordant results were obtained by both methods: five strains were found to be resistant, one was susceptible, and one was partially resistant. Strain VIII did not incorporate [3H]thymidine in the macrophage cultures and proved to be resistant in the mouse footpad. The macrophage culture system provides a sensitive, rapid screening method for the early diagnosis of DDS resistance.  相似文献   

Several mycobacterial antigens, identified by monoclonal antibodies and patient sera, have been found to be homologous to stress or heat-shock proteins (hsp) defined in Escherichia coli and yeast. A major antigen recognized by most Mycobacterium leprae-reactive human T cell lines and cell wall-reactive T cell clones is a 10-kD protein that has now been cloned and sequenced. The predicted amino acid sequence of this protein is 44% homologous to the hsp 10 (GroES) of E. coli. The purified native and recombinant 10-kD protein was found to be a stronger stimulator of peripheral blood T cell proliferation than other native and recombinant M. leprae proteins tested. The degree of reactivity paralleled the response to intact M. leprae throughout the spectrum of leprosy. Limiting-dilution analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes from a patient contact and a tuberculoid patient indicated that approximately one third of M. leprae-reactive T cell precursors responded to the 10-kD antigen. T cell lines derived from lepromin skin tests were strongly responsive to the 10-kD protein. T cell clones reactive to both the purified native and recombinant 10-kD antigens recognized M. leprae-specific epitopes as well as epitopes crossreactive with the cognate antigen of M. tuberculosis. Further, the purified hsp 10 elicited strong delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions in guinea pigs sensitized to M. leprae. The strong T cell responses against the M. leprae 10-kD protein suggest a role for this heat-shock cognate protein in the protective/resistant responses to infection.  相似文献   

Cell-free folate synthesizing extracts have been isolated from Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium lufu, Mycobacterium smegmatis (ATCC 607) and Mycobacterium leprae, and the inhibitory power of diaminodiphenylsulfone (DDS) in such cell-free systems on the synthesis of dihydropteroic acid has been determined. M. lufu and M. leprae extracts show very similar high sensitivities against DDS. Mode of action studies seem to indicate that the observed high sensitivity of M. lufu and M. leprae as compared to E. coli can be solely attributed to a high affinity for the dihydropteroic acid synthetase. A dihydropteroic acid analog formation where DDS is incorporated instead of p-aminobenzoic acid--as has been observed in E. coli--could not be detected.  相似文献   

This multicenter, randomized, dose-ranging study was performed to determine the safety and efficacy of two different doses of azithromycin for treating disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) in patients with AIDS. Eighty-eight AIDS patients with symptoms and blood cultures consistent with disseminated MAC were treated with 600 or 1,200 mg of azithromycin daily for 6 weeks; 62 patients completed the entire 6 weeks of study. Of note, this study was done prior to the time when combination antiretroviral or anti-MAC regimens were the standard of care. Over the 6-week study period, symptomatic improvement was noted in both dose groups. Microbiological responses were comparable, with mean decreases of 1. 5 and 2.0 log CFU/ml in the high- and low-dose groups, respectively. Sterilization of blood cultures occurred in 54% of samples; patients with lower baseline colony counts were more likely to achieve culture negativity. Resistance developed in one patient. Gastrointestinal symptoms were the most common side effects and were more frequent in patients receiving 1,200 mg. Azithromycin is a useful alternative treatment for disseminated MAC infection in AIDS patients. Symptomatic improvement correlates with measurable decreases in mycobacterial load.  相似文献   

Fifty patients with newly diagnosed lepromatous leprosy were allocated randomly to one of five groups and treated with either a month-long standard regimen of multidrug therapy (MDT) for multibacillary leprosy, a single dose of 600 mg of rifampin, a month-long regimen with the dapsone (DDS) and clofazimine (CLO) components of the standard MDT, or a single dose of 2,000 mg of clarithromycin (CLARI) plus 200 mg of minocycline (MINO), with or without the addition of 800 mg of ofloxacin (OFLO). At the end of 1 month, clinical improvement accompanied by significant decreases of morphological indexes in skin smears was observed in about half of the patients of each group. A significant bactericidal effect was demonstrated in the great majority of patients in all five groups by inoculating the footpads of mice with organisms recovered from biopsy samples obtained before and after treatment. Rifampin proved to be a bactericidal drug against Mycobacterium leprae more potent than any combination of the other drugs. A single dose of CLARI-MINO, with or without OFLO, displayed a degree of bactericidal activity similar to that of a regimen daily of doses of DDS-CLO for 1 month, suggesting that it may be possible to replace the DDS and CLO components of the MDT with a monthly dose of CLARI-MINO, with or without OFLO. However, gastrointestinal adverse events were quite frequent among patients treated with CLARI-MINO, with or without OFLO, and may be attributed to the higher dosage of CLARI or MINO or to the combination of CLARI-MINO plus OFLO. In future trials, therefore, we propose to reduce the dosages of the drugs to 1,000 mg of CLARI, 100 mg of MINO, and 400 mg of OFLO.  相似文献   

During the past few years, there has been a substantial increase in the understanding of innate immunity. Dendritic cells are emerging as key players in the orchestration of this early phase of immune responses, with a role that will translate into the subsequent type of adaptive immune response against infection. Here we provide an overview of dendritic cell differentiation and function, with particular emphasis on those features unique to the immune defense of the peritoneal cavity and in the context of peritoneal dialysis-associated immune responses. The reader is referred to the primary references included in the accompanying list for specific details in this fascinating field.  相似文献   

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