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Occupational determinants of heart rate variability 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
van Amelsvoort LG Schouten EG Maan AC Swenne CA Kok FJ 《International archives of occupational and environmental health》2000,73(4):255-262
Objectives: Analysis of HRV has been suggested as a way to study the effects of work-related stresses on cardiovascular autonomic regulation.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of HRV in the investigation of work-related stressors. Methods: Cross-sectional data from an ongoing cohort study were used to analyse the relationship of the potential workplace stressors
of job-strain, noise and shift work, with HRV. Mean HRV values during sleep and work were calculated in 135 24-h EKG recordings.
Results: Shift workers displayed significantly decreased SDNNi levels during sleep, compared with those of the daytime workers (adjusted
least square mean values: 69.3 and 85.8 ms, respectively, P < 0.05). Compared with the control group reporting low job demands and high work control (mean: 73.2), we found significantly
elevated %LF means during work adjusted for sleep in the low demands, low control group (77.9, P < 0.01), high demands, high control group (77.7, P < 0.05) and high demands, low control group (77.7, P < 0.05). Workers reporting a high noise level compared with a low work noise level also displayed an elevated adjusted mean
%LF during work (78.0 and 75.3 respectively, P < 0.06). Conclusions: The finding of a decreased SDNNi level during sleep in shift workers compared with day workers indicated a less favourable
cardiovascular autonomic regulation, which may explain in part the excess cardiovascular disease risk in shift workers. The
elevated %LF during work in employees exposed to high job strain or high noise levels indicated a direct shift in the autonomic
cardiac balance towards sympathetic dominance. We concluded that the analysis of HRV may provide a useful tool in the study
of the physiological effects of work-related stresses.
Received: 22 July 1999 / Accepted: 4 December 1999 相似文献
Atefeh Goshvarpour Ataollah Abbasi Ateke Goshvarpour 《Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine / supported by the Australasian College of Physical Scientists in Medicine and the Australasian Association of Physical Sciences in Medicine》2017,40(3):617-629
Designing an efficient automatic emotion recognition system based on physiological signals has attracted great interests within the research of human–machine interactions. This study was aimed to classify emotional responses by means of a simple dynamic signal processing technique and fusion frameworks. The electrocardiogram and finger pulse activity of 35 participants were recorded during rest condition and when subjects were listening to music intended to stimulate certain emotions. Four emotion categories, including happiness, sadness, peacefulness, and fear were chosen. Estimating heart rate variability (HRV) and pulse rate variability (PRV), 4 Poincare indices in 10 lags were extracted. The support vector machine classifier was used for emotion classification. Both feature level (FL) and decision level (DL) fusion schemes were examined. Significant differences have been observed between lag 1 Poincare plot indices and the other lagged measures. The mean accuracies of 84.1, 82.9, 79.68, and 76.05% were obtained for PRV, DL, FL, and HRV measures, respectively. However, DL outperformed others in discriminating sadness and peacefulness, using SD1 and total features, correspondingly. In both cases, the classification rates improved up to 92% (with the sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 83.33%). Totally, DL resulted in better performances compared to FL. In addition, the impact of the fusion rules on the classification performances has been confirmed. 相似文献
冠心病患者窦性心率震荡及心率变异性的变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 对冠心病患者窦性心率震荡(HRT)及心率变异性(HRV)指标进行分析,评价冠心病、冠脉病变与HRT、HRV的关系,以及两种指标的相关性.方法 选择经冠状动脉造影证实的冠心病患者103例(A组),其中稳定性心绞痛(SAP)患者35例(A1组)、不稳定性心绞痛(UAP)患者28例(A2组)、急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者40例(A3组)与有室性期前收缩但无器质性心脏病患者30例为健康对照组(B组),行常规24 h动态心电图检查,测定HRT指标(震荡起始TO及震荡斜率TS)及HRV各时域指标(SDNN、PNN50、HF).结果 (1)A组各亚组TO值明显高于B组(-4.17±2.75、-3.16±3.18、-0.96±2.92;-6.30±3.47),TS值明显低于B组(6.81±3.18、5.12±3.31、3.20±1.71;9.52±3.85)(P<0.05 or P<0.01);A组各亚组HRV各时域指标(SDNN、PNN50、HF)值均明显低于B组(P<0.05);(2)在A1组中,TO与冠脉评分呈正相关;TS、SDNN、PNN50、HF与冠脉评分呈负相关,其中与TS相关性最强(r=0.45);(3)TO与SDNN、PNN50、HF均呈负相关;TS与SDNN、PNN50、HF均呈正相关,其中与HF的相关性相对较强(r=0.47).结论 (1)冠心病患者HRT现象变钝(TO值升高,TS值降低),HRV各时域指标降低;(2)在预测冠脉病变严重程度上,HRT参数特别是TS相对HRV指标能更敏感地反映冠脉严重程度;(3)HRT与HRV参数间有相关性,其中TS与HF相关性较强. 相似文献
苏丽明 《中国城乡企业卫生》2021,(2):68-71
心率变异性分析主要是研究逐次心跳周期间的差异变化,包括神经液体因素对心血管系统调节的信息,能够有效判断心血管疾病病情.心率变异性是反映自主神经系统活性和定量评估交感神经与迷走神经张力以及平衡性,从而判断心血管疾病的病情和预后.心率变异性可能是预测心脏性猝死和心律失常事件有价值的指标.心率变异性分析能够运用到其他多种系统... 相似文献
冠心病患者心率变异性分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
王宏志 《中国医师进修杂志》2006,29(27):32-33
目的分析冠心病患者的心率变异性(HRV),研究冠心病患者自主神经变化的临床意义。方法测定、比较、分析冠心病患者和健康对照者心电图的时域和频域指标。结果冠心病患者中的心率变异指标24h平均R-R间期标准差(SDNN)、24h连续记录每5min时段的正常R-R间期标准差(SDANN)、24h内相邻两正常R-R间期差值>50ms的个数所占百分比(pNN50)均低于健康对照组(P<0.05)。结论冠心病患者存在心血管自主神经系统功能紊乱现象,以交感神经活动占优势。 相似文献
We examined the relationship between recalled and diary recorded frequency of penile-vaginal intercourse (FSI) and both resting heart rate variability (HRV; an index of cardiac autonomic control and parasympathetic tone associated with cardiovascular health outcomes) and resting diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in 120 healthy adults aged 19-38 (subjects scoring above the 87th percentile on the Lie scale of the Eysenck Personality Inventory were excluded from analyses). As in a previous smaller study, greater HRV was associated with greater FSI (but not masturbation or non-coital sex with a partner) and rated importance of intercourse. There were no sex differences in the HRV-FSI relationship, and the relationship was not explained by including measures of Extraversion, Neuroticism, Depression, Trait Anxiety, or partnership satisfaction. However, the previously obtained negative association of FSI with DBP was not replicated. 相似文献
目的将支气管哮喘患儿和正常儿童的心率变异性(HRV)进行对比分析,从而了解哮喘患儿自主神经功能的变化。方法应用24h动态心电图分别对35例哮喘患儿(其中哮喘急性发作期患儿20例,非发作期患儿15例)及健康正常儿童40例(对照)进行检查,并对两组儿童的HRV进行时域和频域分析。结果HRV中反映迷走神经张力指标的高频(HF)、正常相邻R—R间期差值的均方根(rMSSD)和一定时间内相邻R—R间期差值〉50ms的次数占所有心动周期次数的百分比(pNN50)在哮喘组明显高于对照组(P〈0.01),而反映交感神经张力的主要指标低频(LF)、24h正常R—RI司期的标准差(SDNN)和24h每5min节段平均正常R—R间期标准差(SDANN)则明显低于对照组,且此变化在哮喘发作期更为明显。结论哮喘患儿的自主神经功能无论是在哮喘发作期还是非发作期均受到损害。 相似文献
目的将支气管哮喘患儿和正常儿童的心率变异性(HRV)进行对比分析,从而了解哮喘患儿自主神经功能的变化。方法应用24h动态心电图分别对35例哮喘患儿(其中哮喘急性发作期患儿20例,非发作期患儿15例)及健康正常儿童40例(对照)进行检查,并对两组儿童的HRV进行时域和频域分析。结果HRV中反映迷走神经张力指标的高频(HF)、正常相邻R-R间期差值的均方根(rMSSD)和一定时间内相邻R-R间期差值>50ms的次数占所有心动周期次数的百分比(pNN50)在哮喘组明显高于对照组(P<0.01),而反映交感神经张力的主要指标低频(LF)、24h正常R-R间期的标准差(SDNN)和24h每5min节段平均正常R-R间期标准差(SDANN)则明显低于对照组,且此变化在哮喘发作期更为明显。结论哮喘患儿的自主神经功能无论是在哮喘发作期还是非发作期均受到损害。 相似文献
冠状动脉病变与心率变异性的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 研究冠心病 (CHD)患者冠状动脉不同病变程度与心率变异性 (HRV)的关系。方法 CHD组 31例 ,行选择性冠状动脉造影 (CAG)。正常对照组 2 7例。两组均行动态心电图监测 ,取得HRV时域和频域指标。结果 CHD组HRV各项指标均低于对照组 ,具有统计学意义。不同冠脉病变范围和程度HRV具有显著性差异。结论 CHD患者HRV明显下降。HRV能敏感地、定量地反映CHD患者冠状动脉病变程度。 相似文献
本文报导一种研究心率变异(HRV)功率谱分析技术,可用于无创伤性定量测定心脏植物神经活动。通过对连续心电信号的R-R间期检测,应用快速傅里叶变换计算HRV功率谱,并采用分段平均和窗口技术以降低有限数据对结果的影响,使谱线光滑。 相似文献
Potential of feature selection methods in heart rate variability analysis for the classification of different cardiovascular diseases 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this study heart rate variability (HRV) analysis was applied to characterize patients suffering from coronary heart disease (CHD), dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and patients who had survived an acute myocardial infarction (MI). On the basis of several HRV parameters, an optimal discrimination between the different kinds of cardiovascular diseases and between the diseases and healthy controls (HC) was derived by feature selection and linear classification. For each task a small favourable subset of a set of 33 potentially interesting HRV measures was selected with the intention of improving the diagnostic value and facilitating the physiological interpretation of HRV analysis. Time- and frequency-domain parameters as well as parameters from non-linear dynamics were included in the analysis. With the expectation that different diseases are characterized by different phenomena, feature selection was applied for each task separately. Using the features optimal for one task to another task can reveal a loss in performance, but it turned out that one specific parameter set (set1: normalized low frequency LF/P and a non-linear variability measure WPSUM13) was applicable for all tasks, where diseased and healthy subjects have to be distinguished, without significant reduction in performance. This set seems to be a general marker for pathologic changes in HRV and might be used for early detection of heart diseases. The classification between different heart diseases requires another parameter set (set2: meanNN and sdaNN, reflecting the steady state behaviour of the heart rate and long and short term SEAR describing the spectral composition). However, the use of set1 for the separation of different kinds of diseases, where set2 is appropriate, led to significant reduction in performance and vice versa. This observation may be important for future developments of HRV measures especially suitable for the assessment of disease severity. 相似文献
目的探讨中年人群心率变异性(HRV)特征,分析其自主神经活性及功能、疲劳度和心理压力的大小,比较不同时期中年人心率变异性差异。方法收集2016年1—12月体检中心进行心率变异性分析的中年人共837例,采用5 min短时心率变异分析仪记录HRV的各项指标。计量资料组间比较采用单因素方差分析,两两比较采用SNK-q检验,计数资料比较采用χ~2检验,HRV相关因素分析采用多重线性回归,P0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果不同时期中年人SDNN、TP、LF、LF/HF比较差异有统计学意义(均P0.05),HF比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。调整期窦性心博间期标准差(SDNN)和点功率(TP)较低,壮实期低频功率(LF)和平衡度(LF/HF)较高;疲劳度随年龄增加而增大,心理压力在壮实期最高,自主神经活性和功能在调整期最低。多重线性回归分析结果显示,年龄、疲劳度、心理压力、平均心率对该人群HRV各项指标的影响具有统计学意义(均P0.05)。结论随着年龄的增长,中年人群疲劳度增高,自主神经活性及功能降低,壮实期中年人群心理压力最高。 相似文献
心率变异性检测系统是一个无创、定量评估迷走神经和交感神经活性的检测系统。系统由心电放大器、A/D、单片机和PP40绘图仪等组成。系统软件由PL/M高级语言和ASM96汇编语言混合编写。系统提供了时域、频域分析的多项指标,绘出HRV功率谱图,并初步用于临床。 相似文献
Chronic stress could be a risk factor triggering, aggravating or causing overweight, dyslipoproteinemia and coronary artery disease. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the association between stress assessed by heart rate variability measures, dyslipoproteinemia, and overweight. METHODS: Total cholesterol, high and low density lipoproteins cholesterol and triglycerides were analyzed by enzyme methods; heart rate variability was evaluated using a computer program for analysis of cardiointervals in 47 individuals with dyslipoproteinemia. RESULTS: Positive correlations were found between heart rate and low density lipoprotein cholesterol, between mental stress and total cholesterol/high density lipoprotein cholesterol, between physical stress and total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins cholesterol, triglycerides and body mass index, and between functional age and health risk, and total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol. The total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol were negatively correlated with the time- and frequency-domain heart rate variability measures. A chronically increased health risk (> 65%) was observed in 15 individuals with dyslipoproteinemia, 11 of them with body mass index exceeding 25.0 kg/m2. CONCLUSION: Heart rate variability measures decrease in individuals with dyslipoproteinemia. Decreasing of heart rate variability is induced by the increased activity of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system under chronic stress effect. Results of our study revealed a significant association between physical stress, serum lipids and overweight and risk of coronary artery disease. 相似文献
目的 探讨职业性哮喘(OA)患者心率变异性(HRV)和窦性心律震荡(HRT)的变化及临床意义.方法 以106例OA患者为病例组(根据哮喘分级和病程又分为轻度<5年组、轻度≥5年组、中重度<5年组和中重度≥5年组4个亚组),以30名健康成年人为对照组,采用动态心电图检测HRV和HRT指标并分析比较.结果 24 h HRV时域指标:病例组各亚组24 h正常R-R间期的标准差(SDNN)、每5 min正常R-R间期平均值的标准差(SDANN)、每5 min正常R-R间期标准差的平均值(SDNNindex)均低于对照组(P<0.01),轻度<5年组、中重度<5年组相邻正常R-R间期差值的均方根值(RMSSD),相邻正常R-R间期差值>50 ms的计数占总R-R间期数的百分比(PNN50)均高于对照组(P<0.05或P<0.01),轻度≥5年组、中重度≥5年组RMSSD、PNN50均低于对照组(P<0.05或P<0.01);病例组各亚组SDNN、SDANN、SDNNindex指标比较,轻度≥5年组低于轻度<5年组,中重度≥5年组低于中重度<5年组,中重度<5年组低于轻度<5年组,中重度≥5年组低于轻度≥5年组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01);轻度<5年组、轻度≥5年组组内白昼时段SDNN、SDANN、SDNNindex、RMSSD低于夜间时段(P<0.05),中重度<5年组组内白昼时段SDNN、SDANN低于夜间时段(P<0.01).重度哮喘患者室性早搏≥10个、异常HRT发生率高于对照组和轻度哮喘患者,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 OA患者在缓解期可能存在自主神经功能受损或障碍,并随着病程的延长和病情程度的加重而加重. 相似文献
目的探讨用心率变异性(HRV)来评价脑力负荷的可行性。方法受试者在计算机前输入随机数字,模拟脑力劳动。采用Holter8800型动态心电图分析仪连续记录其心电信号,并将心电信号转变为数字信号,应用Holter分析软件分析HRV频域指标:总功率(TP)、低频(LF)、高频(HF)、LFHF。结果输入数字的速度随时间的延长而逐渐增加,输入正确率却逐渐下降。输入速度与HRV的TP和LF呈明显的正相关(r值分别为0.851和0.827,P<0.05),并呈现剂量-反应关系,而HF和LFHF与输入速度之间没有明显相关。休息和脑力劳动开始时HRV各指标的值分别为:TP:(2745.4±1301.6)、(686.2±420.7)ms2Hz;HF:(670.6±393.8)、(202.6±171.7)ms2Hz;LF:(870.5±553.7)、(206.0±187.9)ms2Hz。脑力劳动时HRV各指标与休息时相比,均明显降低,这是一个总的趋势。然后它们在低水平上随着负荷量(强度和时间)的增加而波动且有逐渐升高的趋势。结论心率变异性可以用作脑力劳动负荷的评价指标,但其变化规律有待于进一步的研究。 相似文献
目的了解老年充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者心率变异性(HRV)变化,探讨其临床意义.方法采用NHE高频心电检测仪,对86例心脏病患者进行HRV分析.结果老年CHF组(30例)各项指标均低于心功能代偿组(56例),尤其SD、HRVI两组比较差异非常显著(P<0.005).CHF组HRV减低程度与心功能级别呈负相关.SD、HRVI在心功能NYHA分级Ⅱ级与Ⅲ-Ⅳ级亚组间比较差异显著(P<0.01和P<0.05).结论HRV分析是判断老年CHF预后和猝死危险性的一项无创、敏感、可定量、可重复的指标. 相似文献
目的了解老年充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者心率变异性(HRV)变化,探讨其临床意义.方法采用NHE高频心电检测仪,对86例心脏病患者进行HRV分析.结果老年CHF组(30例)各项指标均低于心功能代偿组(56例),尤其SD、HRVI两组比较差异非常显著(P<0.005).CHF组HRV减低程度与心功能级别呈负相关.SD、HRVI在心功能NYHA分级Ⅱ级与Ⅲ-Ⅳ级亚组间比较差异显著(P<0.01和P<0.05).结论HRV分析是判断老年CHF预后和猝死危险性的一项无创、敏感、可定量、可重复的指标. 相似文献