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尖锐湿疣患者阴毛人乳头瘤病毒检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测尖锐湿疣患者阴毛HPV DNA。采用HPV通用型、HPV6型、HPV11型引物,对阴毛标本进行PCR扩增,产物在紫外线透射分析仪下观察、分析。结果:16例尖锐湿疣患者有4例HPV DNA阳性,占25%,其中HPV6型3例,占18.75%,13例无尖锐湿疣病史者均阴性。尖锐湿疣患者阴毛中有HPV存在,可能是尖锐湿疣复发的原因之一。  相似文献   

性教育在我国有悠久的历史,但是不论内容还是形式仍然存在较大缺失和偏差。性教育是学校的重要职责,学校性教育除了性生理、性保健教育之外,还应当关注性文化、性权利、性心理、性伦理、性美学、性法律等教育,使学生能够接受全面性教育,促进学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

性美学是研究性及相关领域美的普遍规律及一切与性相关的审美活动的科学,它是人类审美意识和审美情感的基础和制高点.中国传统性美学是古老与现代的续存和升华.中国人的宇宙观和中国之美、中国之性的基础可以从太极图中全景展示.“一阴一阳之谓道”,世界上一切事物都是由阴阳相依相对、五行相生相克所构成,都是辩证统一与循环和谐的.由道、儒、释、医等三教九流构成的大一统文化,是中国传统性美学的哲学、思想、理论和文化的基础;而诗、书、礼、乐,琴、棋、书、画,太极武功,梳妆服饰,房事养生,男女婚嫁,家私床笫,陶瓷器皿则是其至高至美的丰富多彩的表现.“乾刚坤柔”是世间万物男与女、雄与雌的最为本质和均一的唯美至高表现和境界.孔子说“饮食、男女,人之大欲存焉.”孟子曰“食色,性也.”“阴平阳秘,精神乃治.”是太极之美,是大圆之美,更是性学之美.中医性美学就象美学和性学一样是自古存在,自发创造和运用,自发完善和审悦,却又未自觉运用和研究的跨学科的分支综合学科.它的提出和研究必将丰富和完善中医学、美学、性学特别是中医性科学的体系,也将完善中医美学的体系.  相似文献   

美学是研究美,美感和艺术美的原理和规律的一门科学。1750年德国古曲哲学家鲍姆嘉通首先提出,人类心理功能有知、情、意三方面。以后国际上公认美学为独立学科。并不断发展和补充。使美学更趋完整和系统。  相似文献   

目的:从年龄的角度系统分析和比较初中、高中学生在性生理、心理方面的差异,为制定中学生青春期性教育提供可靠依据.方法:对宜宾市8所中学内共2816名中学生进行问卷调查.结果:初中和高中的学生在对遗精及月经的认识、性卫生习惯及第二性征发育、性幻想发生率、性梦中与异性有亲密行为的发生率以及性自慰等有显著性差异,大部分学生渴望与异性交往,对早恋、婚前性行为的看法高中较宽容,高中生较初中生性知识程度高.结论:对中学生进行青春期性教育时针对不同的年龄阶段,应讲解不同层次的性知识.  相似文献   

孟子强调培养审美能力的知言养气,知言就是能够正确地感知不同的语言形式所表达出来的不同的思想内容;养气,则是指将外在的思想道德原则经过持久不懈的修养功夫转化为内在的精神个性。养气未必能知言,然知言必须养气。孟子所说的气,即是至刚至大的浩然之气,指的是一种处于高尚道德境界所具有的精神状态。孟子的  相似文献   

医学美学是由医学与美学交叉结合而形成的一门新型学科,其核心理念是探讨医学中的美学相关问题。将医学美学理念引入皮肤科临床教学中,引导学生发现生命之美和学科之美,通过采用模拟教学、案例教学以及启发式教学等教学方法,不仅取得了良好的教学效果,而且提高了学生的医学美学素养,为培养出高素质的皮肤病学人才奠定了基础。  相似文献   

医学美学角度探讨文眼线操作技巧与要求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
眼线文饰的效果与眼裂的宽窄、长短、眼睑的皮肤松紧、厚度等关系密切 ,应结合上述情况 ,再依据人的年龄、脸型、眉型、肤色、发色来决定文眼线的长短、宽窄、颜色、深浅 ,只有这样才能文出端庄、漂亮的眼线 ,烘托出人的眼睛美。1 眼线的最佳方案设计 眼线是指眼睑缘一圈黑线 ,目的是美化和突出眼睛的神韵 ,有时眼线还可以修饰和改变不理想的眼睛形状。1 1 单眼皮、小眼睛 此种眼睛约占 1 /3 ,文眼线的目的是要将单调而缺乏立体的双眼变大显得生动些 ,因此上眼皮要文得宽一些 ,尤其在外眼角处要放宽 ,并可略往上翘 ,可达3mm左右 ,下…  相似文献   

人体各器官生理活动和内环境稳态反映到大脑,产生与自身有关的各种心理现象。人体生命活动的需要得到满足时,常产生满足感、舒适感,甚至欣快感,其强烈程度主要决定于需要的种类、性质和该需要在得到满足的当时对个体生命活动的重要性。而最强烈的当首推性满足感和性快感,因为性活动能满足机体保持调节系统正常状态、消除调节系统功能紊乱及对人体整体功能进行优化的生理需要。相反,过度性活动也以调节系统功能下降为主要表现。  相似文献   

性激素在女子性生理中的作用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人类性活动的意义包括愉悦功能和生殖功能两个方面,在人类社会生活中至关重要。性激素在女子诸多生理功能中发挥着重要调节作用,而在维持女子正常性生理、性心理中所发挥的作用尤其突出。对女子  相似文献   

本研究以10000名大学生为被试,探讨新世纪10年间大学生的性生理变化及其影响因素,结果显示:(1)大学生性生理发育成熟的年龄无明显变化;(2)大学生“性自我”的困惑比例仍较高;(3)大学生对首次遗精或月经初潮等性生理知识的知晓率并未提高.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that soybean-derived serine protease inhibitors and soybean extracts alter skin pigmentation, suggesting that soymilk could be used as a natural alternative to skin lightening. The present studies were initiated to examine the possible effect of STI, BBI and soymilk on hair pigmentation. Interestingly, these agents were found to affect not only hair pigmentation, but also the rate of hair growth, the dimensions of the hair follicle and hair shaft, and the appearance of the hair. The studies presented here provide first evidence, at the morphological and histological level, that soymilk and the soybean-derived serine protease inhibitors could be used as effective agents for hair care and management. These agents could reduce the rate of hair growth, decrease hair shaft dimensions and alter the pattern of melanogenic gene expression.  相似文献   

Hairs were sampled from long-haired Caucasian females, and cross-sectional measurements were performed using a rotating profile method at fixed humidity (100%). The effect of the hair cycle on medullation was investigated by examining medulla size and form along the lengths of anagen and telogen terminal hairs and also from a composite model of the entire medulla, as produced from a full cycle's growth, by amalgamating the results from the anagen and telogen hairs. The effect of hair shaft cross-sectional size on medullation has been investigated by controlling any effect of the hair cycle on terminal hairs and by use of the maximal medulla size in short, fine (vellous) hairs from the same subjects. All terminal hairs were medullated for the majority of their lengths. The presence and size of the medulla, in terminal hairs, was profoundly affected by the hair cycle. It was largest early in anagen, where the medulla minor axis, major axis and cross-sectional area represented about 26%, 23% and 7% of the corresponding whole hair shaft parameters (at 100% humidity). The medulla was virtually absent towards the end of anagen. The shape of the medulla cross-section was less elliptical than that of the whole hair shaft and was close to circular. There was no significant change in medulla shape through anagen. The form of the medulla was also affected by the hair cycle; approximately, it was continuous for the first 50% of anagen, discontinuous for the next 25% and virtually absent or absent for the final 25%. The maximal size of the medulla, as occurred in early anagen, was markedly associated with the cross-sectional size of the whole hair shaft, both within terminal hairs and between all scalp hairs. The medulla was large in terminal hairs and small or absent in very small hairs. The proportion of the whole hair shaft occupied by the medulla increased with increase in hair size and reached a maximum in terminal hairs, in which the medulla minor axis represented about 30% of the whole hair shaft minor axis. Furthermore, this proportion was constant in the terminal hairs and was not related to whole hair shaft size. Such maximal proportional medullation might represent a defining feature of terminal hairs. Variation in size of the medulla is not the cause of the previously reported cycle-dependent change in cross-sectional size of the whole hair shaft of terminal hairs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The complaint of chronic hair loss frequently affects female subjects and there is little or no objective technology available in the general dermatology or even in the hair clinics to guide the observer in the management of the patient. The purpose of this report is to share the results of refined hair growth measurements that were collected in 92 female subjects complaining about hair loss. METHODS: Clinically they were classified as having a patterned hair loss according to Ludwig (L; n=50), diffuse hair loss (D; n=13) or no visible hair loss but complaining of hair shedding (N; n=29). Two scalp sites on the top of the head and one occipital site were investigated after clipping by close-up photography before and after a hair dye (contrast enhancement, CE). Forty-eight hours later a new photograph was taken after CE in view of phototrichogram analysis (CE-PTG). Finally a last hair clip was performed 30 days later and hair thickness and length determined for linear growth measurements (LHGR). RESULTS: Herein we confirm that the top of the head shows usually a higher hair density than occipital sites, a physiological observation that applies both to men and women. From the technological perspective, we also document that CE improves hair detection in all sites. Interestingly, in affected patients (L and D) the relative increase of hair counts after CE was much higher (range +22.4% to +28.3%) compared with apparently unaffected females (N; range +8.2% to +9.7%). This increase in hair counts was only due in part to the presence of less pigmented thinning hair (thickness less than 40 microm). Such thin hairs were found in statistically significantly higher proportions in younger patients with mildly severe (grade I) patterned alopecia (Ludwig: L). In other patients with hair loss and in more severe forms of patterned alopecia - especially in older patients - the thin hair is not detected in abnormal proportions. In all sites slower growth rates and decreased anagen percentages indicate a defective hair replacement programme distinguishing L patterns from diffuse hair loss and from apparently unaffected patients complaining of chronic hair loss. Globally, we also noted that increasing age is associated with significant regression of scalp hair (decreased hair counts, thinner hair and slower LHGR). CONCLUSION: On the basis of the present data together with female data from the literature and our own studies in male subjects, we suggest a three-step mechanism leading to hair loss 1.Shortening of growth phase the hair cycle with maintained thick hair, i.e. more frequent hair cycling that leads to more hair shedding. 2.Intermittent production of short thin hair, i.e. morphological evidence of miniaturisation. 3.Very occasional or almost no hair production, i.e. dormant follicles or irreversible follicular atrophy. Depending on the genetic background, hormonal microenvironment in the scalp and conditioning of individual hair follicle bio-responses, female and male patterned hair loss may end up into different phenotypes.  相似文献   

Brazilian keratin treatments are widely available products that are used by women all over the world to straighten hair. Marketers of these products claim that the keratin treatments render naturally curly hair more manageable and frizz‐free while enhancing color and shine, giving the hair a healthier appearance. Although widely used, there have been virtually no reports of adverse side effects. Unfortunately, many of the products that are applied by salon professionals contain formaldehyde or its derivatives and are being marketed as safe.  相似文献   

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