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<正>冰箱的保鲜管家你有没有这样的苦恼:采购之后将食物一股脑地塞在冰箱中,然后就彻底将其抛在脑后,直到食物不再新鲜甚至烂掉才被发现。那么设计师带来的冰箱保鲜伴侣(I Fresh),就可以轻松解决这一问题。它其实是一个智能食品保鲜跟踪器,跟踪装置配有一个摄像头。每次当你采购了新货放入冰箱前,先用它把每件货品扫描一次,就可以通过食品包装上的条形码,记录食品类型、购买日期以及保存期限等信息,然后录入到装置处理器中,并在该款食品即将过期的时候通过指示灯进行提醒。附有磁铁贴在冰箱门上的I Fresh跟踪器,就会通过装置上的屏幕来提醒用  相似文献   

离婚的理由有很多,但因为跟踪器而离婚的不多,而由被跟踪者提出离婚,那就更奇了。昨天,在北京海淀区民政局,就遇到了这样的离奇故事。据当事人王先生介绍,上周末他提前回家,被眼前的景象惊呆了。一向循规蹈矩的妻子孙某,公然与陌生男子赤裸在床。更令他惊奇的是,旁边竟有一台打开的电脑,上面记录着一条清晰的线路,指向自己的公司。  相似文献   

正同事大刘买了一辆私家车,这本是一件让他高兴的事。可不久后大刘发现妻子没有经过他的同意,偷偷在他的车上安装了GPS定位跟踪器,这个火柴盒大小的设备不仅能实时跟踪定位车辆移动的路线,还能远程监听车辆周围的声音。为这事大刘和妻子吵了一架,大刘的妻子不认为自己有错,她还振振有词地对大刘说:"你在公司是个部门领导,身边的漂亮女同事又多,现在社会的诱惑太大,我这是加强对你的监管,防  相似文献   

<正>离婚的理由有很多,但因为跟踪器而离婚的不多,而由被跟踪者提出离婚,那就更奇了。昨天,在北京海淀区民政局,就遇到了这样的离奇故事。据当事人王先生介绍,上周末他提前回家,被眼前的景象惊呆了。一向循规蹈矩的妻子孙某,公然与陌生男子赤裸在床。更令他惊奇的是,旁边竟有一台打开的电脑,上面记录着一条清晰的线路,指向自己的公司。  相似文献   

谈饺子--传统的现代的贵族的平民的民族的世界的……   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古往今来,除夕更岁,普天同享,饺子盛宴.中华民族素以美食名扬世界,饺子更是老少咸宜,人人喜食,且衍生了许多吃的文化.初一破五,月满佳节,入伏冬至,立秋春分,乃至喜寿庆宴,催生饯友,餐桌上一定是薄皮大馅,热气腾腾的饺子.小小的饺子包罗万象,融进了人们无限的期盼.  相似文献   

高压血患者的饮食治疗的重要性在于控制和不断的减少危险性。其实对于预防高血压也具有指导意义。卫生部专家组根据我国情况对改善膳食结构预防高血压提出以下建议。  相似文献   

1980~1981年期间,全世界有5千万以上的妇女应用口服避孕药。其中有一半以上是通过处方或无处方从医药商店或其它商店购得。其余,包括大约7百万中国妇女是由政府或各个部门计划供应。在发达国家,几乎全部服药者是购买口服避孕药。1975年出售达到高峰,大约为2亿8千7百万周期,到1979年降为2亿5千3百万周期。此后,稳定在这个水平。出售下降主要发生在美国。相反,1975年以来,拉丁美洲的许多国家大约增加了50%的销售量。其它发展中地区全部由公共和个人计划供应,但所占比数较小。从美国国际开发署  相似文献   

在半个多世纪的革命实践中,毛泽东的所有革命活动,无不与他健康的身体和旺盛的精力紧密相关.但是,毛泽东到了人生的晚年,也和普通老年人一样,身患多种疾病.本文所披露的是,毛泽东晚年如何发病、如何被救治以及终告不治的详情.  相似文献   

加入了太原市无偿献血志愿者协会及义工队后,在这个队伍中认识了一群知情知性的人.他们的无私、他们的真诚都给我留下了深刻的印象,我们成了朋友,那种心灵相通的朋友. 第一个,就是义工队队长慕海林.他经常会向周围的人讲解献血知识,号召他们献血.有一次见面后,他把我约到家里,在他家中,我看到了他走过许多城市去献血留下的那些纪念章、纪念牌,说起这些,他总是说:"我觉得参与献血,并且宣传献血是一件很有意义的事情,因为可以救他人生命.对我来说,如果我的血液能让更多的人摆脱疾病、死亡的阴影,是最让我欣慰的事."  相似文献   

宝洁简介 始创于1837年的美国宝洁公司在全球日化、食品、医药及护理等领域所取得的成就已获举世公认,其经营的300多个品牌畅销140多个国家和地区,堪称世界上最大的快速消费品企业。宝洁的成功首先源于科技的力量。在宝洁的研究研究院里,有8300多名科学家在精心营造着庞大的宝洁帝国;其次源于对人性的关怀。永远以消费者为中心,从实用、方便、舒适、美观等几个角度全心为消费者打造了一种精彩的物质生活。这就是宝洁164年来,无可否认地成为优质与安全产品的代名词。2001年“健康宝洁”来到了中国。  相似文献   

The metal-specific covalent index and the species-specific size-based filtration rate were integrated into a biokinetic model estimating metal bioaccumulation in mussels from the dissolved phase and phytoplankton. The model was validated for zebra (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) mussels in the rivers Rhine and Meuse, the Netherlands. The model performed well in predicting tissue concentrations in different-sized zebra mussels from various sampling sites for (55) Mn, (56) Fe, (59) Co, (60) Ni, (82) Se, (111) Cd, (118) Sn, and (208) Pb (r(2) =0.71-0.99). Performance for (52) Cr, (63) Cu, (66) Zn, (68) Zn, and (112) Cd was moderate (r(2) <0.20). In quagga mussels, approximately 73 to 94% of the variability in concentrations of (82) Se, (111) Cd, (112) Cd, and (208) Pb was explained by the model (r(2) =0.73-0.94), followed by (52) Cr, (55) Mn, (56) Fe, (60) Ni, and (63) Cu (r(2) =0.48-0.61). Additionally, in both zebra and quagga mussels, average modeled concentrations were within approximately one order of magnitude of the measured values. In particular, in zebra mussels, estimations of (60) Ni and (82) Se concentrations were equal to 51 and 76% of the measurements, respectively. Higher deviations were observed for (52) Cr, (59) Co, (55) Mn, (56) Fe, (111) Cd, (63) Cu, and (112) Cd (underestimation), and (66) Zn, (68) Zn, (208) Pb, and (118) Sn (overestimation). For quagga mussels, modeled concentrations of (66) Zn and (68) Zn differed approximately 14% from the measured levels. Differences between predictions and measurements were higher for other metals.  相似文献   

An incremental increase in the dietary (n-3):(n-6) polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratio from 0 to 1.93 in diets containing 15% fat (wt/wt) decreased the total (n-6) PUFA content of phospholipids of the liver and peritoneal cells (macrophage) in mice from 43.1 and 33.6 mol/100 mol to 16.0 and 12.3 mol/100 mol with a concomitant increase of 27.6 and 16.1 mol/100 mol in (n-3) PUFA, respectively. Consumption of (n-3) PUFA increased hepatic (n-3) PUFA levels without changing total PUFA (46.35 vs. 46.87 mol/100 mol), whereas macrophage PUFA levels were decreased. The synthesis of sulfidopeptide leukotrienes (SP-LT) (LTC4 and LTE4) was progressively reduced by increasing dietary (n-3) PUFA, i.e., there was a reduction of 76% in mice fed a diet containing a (n-3):(n-6) PUFA ratio of 1.93 compared with the control diet. The 5-series SP-LT (LTC5 and LTF5) were produced in all animals consuming (n-3) PUFA and accounted for 62% of all SP-LT synthesized in mice fed the diet containing a 1.93 (n-3):(n-6) PUFA ratio. Synthesis of 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha decreased 81% in mice fed a diet containing a (n-3):(n-6) PUFA ratio of 1.93 whereas prostaglandin E2 synthesis decreased 44% in mice fed diets with (n-3):(n-6) ratios ranging from 0.41 to 1.93.  相似文献   

The ligand [C(16)H(10)O(2)N(4)S(2)] L has been synthesized by the condensation reaction of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole and diethyloxalate. The ligand L was allowed to react with bis(ethylenediamine)Cu(II)/Ni(II) complexes to yield [C(20)H(22)N(8)S(2)Cu]Cl(2)1 and [C(20)H(22)N(8)S(2)Ni]Cl(2)2 complexes. The Ni(II) complex was synthesized only to elucidate the structure of the complex. The complexes 1 and 2 were characterized by elemental analyses, IR, NMR, EPR, UV-vis spectroscopy and molar conductance measurements. Both the complexes are ionic in nature and possess square-planar geometry. The binding of the complex 1 to calf thymus DNA was investigated spectrophotometrically. The absorption spectra of complex 1 exhibits a slight red shift with "hyperchromic effect" in presence of CTDNA. Electrochemical analysis and viscosity measurements were also carried out to ascertain the mode of binding. The complex 1 in the absence and in presence of CT DNA in aqueous solution exhibits one quasi-reversible redox wave corresponding to Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox couple at a scan rate of 0.2 V s(-1). The shift in DeltaE(p), E(1/2) and I(pa)/I(pc) values ascertain the interaction of calf thymus DNA with copper(II) complex. There is decrease in viscosity of CTDNA which indicates that the complex 1 binds to CTDNA through a partial intercalative mode. The antibacterial and antifungal studies of the [C(7)H(6)N(2)S], [C(4)H(16)N(4)Cu]Cl(2,) [C(16)H(10)N(4)S(2)O(2)] and [C(20)H(22)N(8)S(2)Cu]Cl(2) were carried out against S. aureus, E. coli and A. niger. All the results reveal that the complex 1 is highly active against the bacterial strains and also inhibits fungal growth.  相似文献   

There is a limited knowledge concerning energy requirements of the elderly, especially the oldest old (> 80 years). Energy requirements should be estimated from measurements of energy expenditure. For this purpose twenty-one free-living individuals (eight males, thirteen females) aged 91-96 years living in G?teborg, Sweden were studied. Total body water (TBW) measured by the doubly-labelled-water (DLW) technique was 29.5 (sd 5.4) kg in females and 35.6 (sd 4.3) kg in males. TBW measured using bioelectric impedance (BIA) was 31.6 (sd 6.4) kg in females and 42.0 (sd 7.4) kg in males. The mean difference between TBW measured by BIA and that measured by DLW was 3.54 (sd 3.6) kg (P = 0.0002). Resting metabolic rate (RMR) was measured using a ventilated-hood system and averaged 5.36 (sd 0.71) MJ/d in females (n 12) and 6.09 (sd 0.91) MJ/d in males (n 8). Difference between measured RMR and predicted BMR (n 20) was 0.015 (sd 0.86) MJ/d (NS). Total energy expenditure (TEE) measured by DLW averaged 6.3 (sd 0.81) MJ/d in females and 8.1 (sd 0.73) MJ/d in males. Activity energy expenditure (TEE - RMR), thus including diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT), averaged 0.95 (sd 0.95) MJ/d in females (n 12) and 2.02 (sd 1.13) MJ/d in males. Physical activity level (TEE/BMR) averaged 1.19 (sd 0. 19) in females and 1.36 (sd 0.21) (P = 0.08) in males. If DIT is assumed to be 10 % of the TEE, energy spent on physical activity will be very low in this population.  相似文献   

The present study evaluates the effects of Na(2)SeO(3) and HgCl(2) on kidney and liver of adult rats. In vivo, HgCl(2) (17 micromol/kg, sc) reduced ascorbic acid levels in liver ( approximately 15%), whereas in kidney it reduced ALA-D activity ( approximately 60%) and ascorbic acid levels ( approximately 35%) and increased TBARS content ( approximately 50%). Na(2)SeO(3) (17 micromol/kg, sc) exposure increased the content of nonprotein thiol groups in liver (35-60%) and kidney ( approximately 50-160%), partially prevented mercury-induced ALA-D inhibition in kidney, and completely prevented a mercury-induced increase of TBARS content and decrease of ascorbic acid levels in kidney. In vitro, HgCl(2) and Na(2)SeO(3) inhibited renal and hepatic ALA-D, while HgCl(2) increased TBARS in renal and hepatic tissue preparations. Na(2)SeO(3) increased the rate of glutathione oxidation in vitro. Results indicated that Na(2)SeO(3) protected against HgCl(2) effects in vivo (prevention of mercury interaction with thiol groups and of mercury-induced oxidative damage). In vitro, Na(2)SeO(3) did not prevent mercury effects, but potentiated ALA-D inhibition by mercury, probably due to its ability to oxidize thiol groups.  相似文献   

The effects of a 21-week exposure to Aroclor 1242 (1mg per day in feed) on plasma concentrations of vitamins A(1) (retinol) and A(2) (3,4-didehydroretinol) and their principal fatty acyl esters (A(1)-16:0, A(2)-16:0 (palmitates), A(1)-18:1n-9; A(2)-18:1n-9 (oleates), and A(1)-18:0; A(2)-18:0 (stearates)) were studied in young female mink (Mustela vison) fed a diet based on freshwater smelt. These vitamin levels were also examined in mink fed diets containing Baltic herring or fatty marine fish. In the Aroclor-exposed smelt-fed mink, the plasma concentrations of A(1) and A(2) esters were significantly lower than the levels in controls fed the uncontaminated smelt diet. In addition, the A(2) esters reacted more sensitively to the polychlorinated biphenyls than did A(1) esters. In contrast, in the plasma of the exposed mink the level of alcoholic A(1) was normal, and transport of thyroxine (T(4)) and nonspecific lipoprotein transport of major lipids were not impaired. Despite the large dietary supply of vitamin A(2) and high levels of plasma A(2) esters, the mink fed freshwater smelt had only trace amounts of alcoholic vitamin A(2) in their plasma. The concentrations of A(1) and A(2) esters in the plasma of all the mink studied correlated with the hepatic total concentrations of the vitamins. Thus, in carnivores that have nonspecific lipoprotein transport of vitamin A esters, determination of plasma levels of the esterified vitamins may be a useful nondestructive way to estimate stores of the vitamin A analogs in the body and to assess the organochlorine-induced decrease in the vitamin stores.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] has been considered to be a predictor of premature coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Lp(a) levels are largely genetically determined, but the detailed mechanism of Lp(a) elevation is uncertain. We examined the association between Lp(a) levels and apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] phenotypes as well as that of Lp(a) level and other various conditions. The subjects were 280 healthy Japanese (102 males and 178 females) aged 39 to 70 years who were living in a rural community in 1992. We obtained apo(a) phenotypes determined by SDS-PAGE as well as Lp(a) levels and other cardiovascular risk factors. We combined apo(a) phenotypes form 4 groups according to molecular weights (from high apo(a) molecular weight to low: I, II, III and IV). Lp(a) levels were associated with apo(a) phenotype-groups, that is, they were inversely associated with apo(a) molecular weight. Small apo(a) phenotypes were less frequent than large ones. The median Lp(a) level was higher in smoking (29.2 mg/dL) than in non-smoking subjects (18.5 mg/dL) in phenotype-group III. Adjusted means of total cholesterol and fibrinogen levels in apo(a) phenotype-group IV were the highest of all phenotype-groups. Age, apo(a) phenotype, smoking status, total cholesterol and fibrinogen were positively correlated with Lp(a) levels by multiple regression analysis. Lp(a) levels were found to be mainly associated with apo(a) phenotype, but varied broadly within the same apo(a) phenotype at various conditions, such as smoking status and high total cholesterol.  相似文献   

T-kinin (Ile-Ser-BK) is related to BK in its biological profile, but unlike BK, is more resistant to the action of ACE. A detailed NMR and molecular modeling study of T-kinin has been carried out in three diverse media: water (pH 4.0), DMSO-d(6) and HFA solution. In DMSO-d(6), T-kinin adopts a structure with two tandem beta-turns: the first at the mid segment tetrad Pro(4)-Pro(5)-Gly(6)-Phe(7) (type I) and the C-terminal end Ser(8)-Pro(9)-Phe(10)-Arg(11) harbors the second turn (also type I). While the first beta-turn is lost in presence of water, the second persists. In HFA, NMR reveals a alpha-helix like structure spanning residues Arg(3) to Arg(11). Structures with cis peptide bonds (XX-Pro) have been observed for T-kinin in DMSO-d(6) but not in water and HFA. Differences in the structures of BK and T-kinin in water may explain their susceptibility/resistance to the action of ACE.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish the functional significance of endogenous peptide YY (PYY) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) as mediators of Y(1) and Y(2) absorptive tone in colonic mucosa. METHODS: Functional studies utilized descending colon from adult mice (wild type [WT] and peptide nulls) and ex vivo human colonic tissue (from patients undergoing bowel resections) measuring changes in basal ion transport. Peak increases in ion transport to Y(1) or Y(2) antagonists (BIBO3304 300 nM; BIIE0246 1 muM) were pooled (mean +/- SEM) and compared using Student's unpaired t test (P 相似文献   

Various parameters of dosimetric interest such as mass attenuation coefficients, effective atomic numbers and electron densities of some commonly used solvents such as acetonitrile (C(4)H(3)N), butanol (C(4)H(9)OH), chlorobenzene (C(6)H(5)Cl), diethylether (C(4)H(10)O), ethanol (C(2)H(5)OH), methanol (CH(3)OH), propanol (C(3)H(7)OH) and water (H(2)O) were computed in the wide energy range of 10 keV-100 GeV. A comparative study of two different methods used to compute effective atomic numbers has been done. It is observed that in the intermediate energy region (0.1-5 MeV), the mass attenuation coefficient values becomes almost the same for all the solvents, and the effective atomic number and electron density show almost constant values, whereas significant variation is observed in both lower (10-100 keV) and higher (5 MeV-100 GeV) energy regions for all the solvents, which may be due to the dominance of different partial interaction processes in different energy regions.  相似文献   

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