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汉语普通话学龄前儿童日常生活口语词库的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 采集学龄前3~6岁听觉言语发育正常的儿童在日常生活中出现的口语资料,建立正常儿童口语词库,作为编制儿童言语测试材料的选材来源. 方法采用分层随机抽样法选取北京地区3~6岁儿童20名,以录音的方式采集儿童日常生活言语,采用汉语词法分析系统(institute of computing technology, Chinese lexical analysis system,ICTCLAS)进行自动分词和词性的自动标注,参考国际儿童语言数据交流系统(child language data exchange system,CHILDES)的建立方法获得词库,计算每个词在词库中出现的词频数.结果 建立了汉语普通话3~6岁儿童日常生活口语词库,包括单音节词1 979个,双音节词2 745个,三音节词384个,四音节词42个.结论 儿童日常口语词库可以作为儿童言语诊断词表编制的选词基础,也可用于编制儿童不同言语发育时期康复材料的素材、研究儿童语言习得资料,为儿童语言的研究提供参考数据.  相似文献   

普通话儿童词汇相邻性多音节词表编制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的以心理语言学言语听辨领域的邻域激活模型(Neighborhood activation model,NAM)为理论指导,编制开放式的普通话儿童词汇相邻性多音节词表(Mandarin Multisyllabic Lexical Neighborhood Test,M-MLNT),用于跟踪调查使用助听器或植入人工耳蜗儿童的言语识别能力的改善。方法根据邻域激活模型,邻居词汇数目较少但在口语中出现频率高的目标词定义为“易词”,邻居词汇数目较多但在口语中出现频率低的目标词定义为“难词”。计算儿童语料库中双音节词的出现频率和邻居词汇数目,获得频率和邻居数目的中位数,出现频率大于中位数而邻居数目小于中位数的词定为易词,出现频率小于中位数而邻居数目大于中位数的词定为难词。编制出汉语普通话儿童词汇相邻性双音节词表。选择3~5岁听力正常儿童30名为受试者,进行词表的初步验证。结果儿童日常口语语料库中包括2745个双音节词,出现频率从1至1878,中位数为2;目标词邻居数目从0至5,中位数为0。根据邻域激活模型定义出945个易词和223个难词。为使每个词表含有均衡的音位种类并难度相当,最终选择120词作为测试条目,编制易词表3张,每张20词,难词表3张,每张20词,共6张MLNT词表。经统计学分析,三张易词表间各测试条目的出现频率、邻居数、30名受试者测试得分均无显著性差异(P〉0.05),三张难词表间各测试条目的出现频率、邻居数、30名受试者测试得分均无显著性差异(P〉0.05),易词表和难词表间测试得分具有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论汉语普通话儿童词汇相邻性双音节词表(M-MLNT)设计过程中没有音素平衡的限制,测试条目更为儿童所熟悉。用于评价听力损失儿童的口语词汇辨识能力,有利于获得个体间的真实差异。M-MLNT可作为使用助听器或人工耳蜗植入儿童词汇辨识能力的长期追踪测试,用于评价助听装置的使用效果和儿童对声学-音位相似性的敏感度。  相似文献   

普通话儿童词汇相邻性单音节词表的编制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 根据心理语言学言语听辨领域的邻域激活模型(neighborhood activation model,NAM)理论,编制开放式的普通话儿童词汇相邻性单音节词表(mandarin monosyllable lexical neighborhood test,M-LNT-monosyllabie).方法 根据邻域激活模型对"难词"和"易词"的定义,计算儿童口语语料中各单音节词的出现频率和邻居词汇数日,获得出现频率和邻居词数目的 中位数,依据汉语语音和词性特点,编制出普通话儿童词汇相邻性单音节词表.选择3~5岁听力正常儿童34名为受试者,进行词表的初步验证.结果 儿童日常口语语料库中包括1 979个单音节词,出现频率从1至4 855,中位数为7;目标词邻居词数目从1至112,中位数为29.根据邻域激活模型定义出易词487个和难词419个.最终选择120个词作为测试条目,编制3张易词表,每张20个词;3张难词表,每张20个词;1张练习表,10个词.经统计学分析,3张易词表间和3张难词表间各测试条目出现频率、邻居词数、34名受试者测试得分比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);易词表和难词表间测试得分差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 词汇相邻性言语测试结果可提供儿童语音感知信息,难易词表间的结果差异可反映儿童单音节词汇听辨能力的发育状况.  相似文献   

目的 探讨基于汉语元辅音过渡音征时程,按等级切割后合成的粗测模型,评估人工耳蜗植入患儿的言语康复效果,以建立适合于该类对象的简单言语识别等级筛查方法.方法 30例听力正常的健康儿童,1例听力正常成人、5例语训时间<6个月的人工耳蜗植入患儿和20例语训时间>6个月的人工耳蜗植入患儿,分别于声场条件下应用基于过渡音征时程的汉语普通话识别粗测模型和<儿童音位对比识别能力评估>的声母部分进行言语识别测试,比较不同测试实验的效果差异.结果 言语粗测模型对听力正常健康儿童的测试结果(0.89)与听力正常成人(1.0)的测试结果差异甚小,在语训时间<6个月的人工耳蜗植入患儿时不能有效完成言语测试;而在语训时间>6个月的人工耳蜗植入患儿分别进行言语粗测模型及<儿童音位对比识别能力评估>声母部分言语识别测试,测试结果具有很好的相关性.结论 基于过渡音征时程的汉语普通话识别粗测模型可对语训时间>6个月的人工耳蜗植入患儿进行有效的言语识别测试,有望成为听力障碍患者汉语普通话言语识别筛查的简捷方法.  相似文献   

目的 本研究以音位对为载体,从听说两方面探讨听障儿童的听觉识别和构音语音特征,从而为听障儿童声母构音语音异常矫治提供指导.方法 对60名听障儿童声母音位对的听觉识别能力与构音语音能力进行分析,分别从听、说和听说对比3个维度对汉语普通话中的9项23对声母音位对的听觉识别和构音语音得分进行统计比较.结果 [1]9项声母音位对在听和说两方面难度分布相似,塞音与鼻音音位对、送气塞音与不送气塞音音位对的难度都较低,舌尖前音和舌尖后音音位对的难度较高;[2]23对声母音位对的听觉识别难度低于构音语音难度,被试的听觉识别平均分高于构音语音平均分;[3]听障儿童的听觉识别平均分和构音语音平均分具有显著的正相关,听觉识别能力越高,构音语音能力也相对较高.结论 听障儿童的构音语音能力落后于听觉识别能力.对听障儿童进行构音语音异常矫治时,要充分利用其听觉辨识能力,进行听说对比训练,用听带动说,以增强其构音语音康复训练的效果,提高言语听觉能力.  相似文献   

幼儿普通话声调辨别词表的设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的编制一套幼儿普通话声调测试词表,并对其进行初步测试评价。方法①参考幼儿早期言语发展相关文献及公开发行的幼儿读物,选择幼儿日常生活中较为熟知的词汇,并设计常用词问卷对小儿家长、幼教老师等进行调查,确定基础词库;②从音素平衡、声调组成、图片表意等方面考虑,筛选出64个含单音节词及双音节词组成《声调测试词表》,该词表分为音素组成完全匹配的两个部分;③用图片代表部分词表用字让小儿熟悉测试内容后,标准普通话口语给声,采取听说复述法对20名2~3岁幼儿的声调辨别率进行开放项测试,由听力师、小儿亲属及幼教老师共同判断小儿的辨别结果;④计算小儿对该词表的声调辨别率,并比较其对词表中两配对部分的辨别情况。结果①初步制成了含单音节词28个、双音节词36个的幼儿普通话声调测试词表;②词表分成两配对部分后,有一定的同质性。结论编制的幼儿普通话声调测试词表有较合理的原则和内部结构,可以用于评估幼儿普通话声调辨别。  相似文献   

目的 设计一套科学、系统、可操作的声母音位对比康复训练内容.方法 本实验选取26名听障儿童进行测试,筛选符合听障儿童声母音位对比识别发展规律的康复内容.结果 研究将康复训练内容分为强化内容和拓展内容.经筛选,各强化内容难度适中,通过率均高于90%.结论 本研究制订的康复训练内容共包括87对音位对,312对强化内容,单音节词语316个,拓展短句106句.其中,强化内容占常用声韵组合的62%,韵母的出现频率与<声学手册>中所统计的汉语语音韵母的出现频率基本一致.  相似文献   

目的 研究听觉系统发育成熟度对母语普通话儿童安静及噪声环境下言语识别能力的影响,获得声场下儿童版普通话噪声下言语测试(Mandarin hearing in noise test for children,MHINT-C)各年龄组的校准因子.方法 选取听力正常、母语为普通话、年龄6~17周岁儿童(每年龄组20人左右)及18~25周岁成人(20人)为受试者,进行声场下安静环境及噪声前方、噪声侧方环境的MHINT测试,获得各年龄组儿童和成人在各测试环境下的言语识别阈(speech reception threshold,SRT),并通过比较分析获得各年龄组儿童的校准因子.结果 获得了各组受试者在安静环境和三种噪声环境下的SRT,安静环境下成人组SRT与6、7、8岁各组儿童SRT差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01),噪声环境下成人组SRT与6~13周岁各组SRT差异均有显著统计学意义(P<0.01).建立了6~13周岁儿童声场下MHINT-C测试的年龄校准因子.结论 本研究建立了6~13周岁儿童声场下MHINT-C测试的年龄校准因子,为临床对听力损失儿童的早期干预和康复提供理论依据和指导.  相似文献   

内收型痉挛性发音障碍的语音特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨内收型痉挛性发音障碍的语音特征.方法 采用嗓音和语音的声信号和三维语图分析及主观评价的方法对1O例内收型痉挛性发音障碍患者(女7例,男3例)的语音特征与10例健康志愿者(男5例,女5例)进行对比.结果 内收型痉挛性发音障碍主要表现为音质、音韵及语音的流畅性改变,在朗读文章时出现紧张性发音困难,语音颤抖,频率及响度瞬间起伏,嗓音挤卡、中断,语音延长,失去正常韵律.10例患者中表现为轻度障碍者(异常音节数<25%)1例,中度障碍(异常音节数占25%~49%)6例,重度(异常音节数占50%~74%)1例,极重度(异常音节数≥75%)2例.10例患者朗读时间中位数为49 S,声信号中间断出现无音区,无音比率中位数为42%;而健康对照组朗读时间中位数为30 S,无声音中断.在三维语图中不同的患者在各自症状音节中可以看到嗓音起始时间延长,元音共振峰不规则、断裂甚至消失,症状音节的辅音缺失,或塞擦音的擦音成分延长等.结论 内收型痉挛性发音障碍语音特征为音质、音韵及语音的流畅性改变,在症状音节的三维语图中可以看到相应的元音或辅音音素的特征性改变.  相似文献   

目的分析3~5岁健听儿童韵母音位对比和声母音位对比的习得过程,为听障儿童音位对比识别训练提供可靠的参考依据。方法分别选取3、4、5岁健听儿童各30名,测试韵母与声母最小音位对比的识别能力,统计音位对比的习得年龄。结果①3、4、5岁健听儿童韵母音位对比分别习得85.87%、94.57%和97.83%。相同结构、不同开口组韵母习得发育较早,4岁即已完成;相同开口不同结构组仅有1对在5岁习得;相同开口相同结构组韵母习得发展略慢,有两对在5岁后形成;前鼻音与后鼻音韵母习得较为缓慢。②3、4、5岁健听儿童声母音位对比分别习得75.86%、88.51%和96.55%。擦音与无擦音发展较早,在3岁及3岁前即已习得;送气与不送气音发展其次,在4岁完成;清辅音与浊辅音基本在4岁完成;其他组在5岁后仍有一段时间的持续发展时间。结论 3~5岁健听儿童音位对比识别习得过程有一定顺序性,较晚识别的音位对可能受言语发育和语音声学特征的共同影响,主要包括鼻韵母相关音位对比、浊辅音对比(m/nr、/l、n/rl、/r、)、p/t/k对比、f/s/h对比、c/s/ch/sh对比晚习得现象。  相似文献   

The two studies presented here examine the relationship between speech perception and speech production errors in children who have a functional articulation disorder. In both experiments, speech perception was assessed with a word identification test, based upon a synthesized continuum of speech stimuli, contrasting the specific phonemes that were associated with production errors in our sample of articulation-disordered subjects. Experiment 1 required subjects to identify words that contrasted the phonemes /s/ and /S/. In this test, adults, normal speaking 5-year-olds, and some articulation-disordered 5-year-olds identified the words seat and sheet appropriately and reliably. However, a subgroup of articulation-disordered children were unable to identify the test stimuli appropriately. Experiment 2 required a second group of subjects to identify words that contrasted the phonemes /s/ and /theta/. Although both adults and normal speaking children responded appropriately to the words sick and thick, in this test, none of the articulation-disordered children was able to identify these words appropriately. It is concluded that, for a subgroup of children who have a functional articulation disorder, production errors may reflect speech perception errors.  相似文献   

目的:调查3岁左右正常儿童的单音节词复述能力,了解所测试词的复述难度,为聋哑儿童的康复提供参考。方法:选择245个阴平声调单音节词作为测试材料,采用听说复述法调查71例正常儿童(年龄2岁9个月~3岁3个月,平均3岁),统计分析各测试词的复述难度。结果:245个词的复述难度分布区间为0.26~1.00(中位数为0.92),不同词之间的复述难度差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:3岁左右正常儿童对不同单音节词的复述能力有较大差异,制定聋哑儿童单音节词言语评估标准和测试材料时应当充分考虑。  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that both adults and children are sensitive to information about phonological pattern frequency; however, the influence of phonological pattern frequency on speech production has not been studied extensively. The current study examined the effect of phonological pattern frequency on the fluency and flexibility of speech production. Normal- and fast- rate nonsense-word repetitions of three groups of participants (preschool children, school-aged children, and adults) were analyzed. Subjective ratings of the wordlikeness of nonsense words, percentage phonemes correctly repeated, mean duration, and durational variability were measured. In the first experiment, ratings of the wordlikeness of nonsense words were found to correlate with the pattern frequency of sequences embedded in them. In the second analysis, it was found that children, but not adults, repeated infrequent sequences of phonemes less accurately than frequent sequences. In the third experiment, infrequent sequences were produced with longer durations than frequent ones, with children demonstrating a larger difference between frequent and infrequent sequences than adults. Phonological pattern frequency also influenced variability in duration: infrequent sequences of sounds were more variable than frequent ones. Thus, there appears to be an influence of phonological pattern frequency on speech, and, for some measures, a larger effect size is noted for children.  相似文献   

目的设计一组快速简易的儿童言语测听词表,验证此词表作为听力测试辅助项目之一的可行性。方法选取杭州某幼儿园中班教材词汇,在隔声室内由中文播音员录音,再用Spectrogram软件分析音频并筛选出特定频率范围的字,最后验证词表的有效性。结果健听组儿童不同年龄段之间无显著性差异(P〉0.05),听力障碍组儿童也无显著性差异(P〉0.05),言语词表低频得分最低。结论该言语词表适用于3~7岁儿童,并在≤50dB(A)的安静环境中以45~50dBSPL的强度给声达到80%以上的得分率者,可视其听力在正常范围。该词表对学龄前儿童的言语测听具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the insertion depth of a cochlear implant array affects postoperative speech perception. DESIGN: The subjects were 48 postlingually deaf adults who received either the Nucleus 22 or the Nucleus 24 cochlear implant with a straight array. A postoperative radiograph of the cochlear electrode was used to estimate insertion depth, as either the angle of the electrode tip (angle) or the intracochlear length of the electrode (length). Other estimates of insertion depth included the numbers of active electrodes and channels used by the speech processor. Electrode depth, together with the duration of deafness, hearing aid usage, pre-operative speech perception score and pre-operative pure-tone averages were independent variables in a forward stepwise multiple regression analysis, where the dependent variables were postoperative CNC words and CNC phonemes. RESULTS: Duration of deafness and insertion depth (angle, insertion length or active electrodes) were the predictive variables for CNC words or CNC phonemes. Angle was the best 'depth-related' predictor of postoperative speech perception. An even clearer relationship was found between CUNY sentences in noise and angle, in a subset of 26 patients. CONCLUSION: Depth of electrode insertion affects postoperative speech perception.  相似文献   

Early speech production of children with cleft palate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Word-initial target phonemes and the production of those phonemes were examined in normal children and children with cleft palate during the period when the children were acquiring their first 50 words. As a group, the children with cleft palate tended to target more words with word-initial nasals, approximants, and vowels ([ +sonorant] phonemes) and fewer words with word-initial stops, fricatives, and affricates ([-sonorant] phonemes). Normal children tended to target more words with initial consonants articulated in the center of the oral tract ([+coronal]) and the children with cleft palate targeted more words with initial phonemes articulated at the periphery of the oral tract ([-coronal]). The same patterns also were observed in production, but individual children with cleft palate did not always follow this pattern. Although the accuracy of the productions of individual children appeared to be related to word choice, factors such as hearing sensitivity, structural adequacy, and the timing of surgical repair also might have affected speech production accuracy.  相似文献   

Phoneme-specific nasal emission was identified in 36 children ranging in age from 3 years, 3 months to 16 years, 5 months; 19 children had no physical anomalies of the orofacial mechanism, whereas 17 had findings ranging from minor to severe. Five patterns of phoneme-specific nasal emission were exhibited by 2 or more children. An additional eight patterns were exhibited by 1 child each. Sibilants were clearly the most frequently affected phonemes. There was no significant correlation between the number of phonemes affected by nasal emission and the number of phonologic processes exhibited by the children in either subject group. The two subject groups were more alike than different in the speech behaviors observed, underscoring a fundamental homogeneity among speakers who exhibit phoneme-specific nasal emission.  相似文献   

The assessment of speech perception and speech reading has been studied with the phonetic test of J.C. Lafon (lists of 17 french words with 3 phonemes each). 168 children from 7 to 17 have been collected. Deafness was moderate, severe or profound. It was always congenitaly sensoneural hearing loss. In order to precise data, results are giving regard to educational program: mainstream or special classes. Comparative data for each degree of deafness are given for speech perception, lipreading and both auditory and visual sensorial ways.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that a restricted stimulus bandwidth can have a negative effect upon the perception of the phonemes /s/ and /z/, which serve multiple linguistic functions in the English language. These findings may have important implications for the development of speech and language in young children with hearing loss because the bandwidth of current hearing aids generally is restricted to 6 to 7 kHz. The primary goal of the current study was to expand our previous work to examine the effects of stimulus bandwidth on a wide range of speech materials, to include a variety of auditory-related tasks, and to include the effects of background noise. DESIGN: Thirty-two children with normal hearing and 24 children with sensorineural hearing loss (7 to 14 yr) participated in this study. To assess the effects of stimulus bandwidth, four different auditory tasks were used: 1) nonsense syllable perception, 2) word recognition, 3) novel-word learning, and 4) listening effort. Auditory stimuli recorded by a female talker were low-pass filtered at 5 and 10 kHz and presented in noise. RESULTS: For the children with normal hearing, significant bandwidth effects were observed for the perception of nonsense syllables and for words but not for novel-word learning or listening effort. In the 10-kHz bandwidth condition, children with hearing loss showed significant improvements for monosyllabic words but not for nonsense syllables, novel-word learning, or listening effort. Further examination, however, revealed marked improvements for the perception of specific phonemes. For example, bandwidth effects for the perception of /s/ and /z/ were not only significant but much greater than that seen in the group with normal hearing. CONCLUSIONS: The current results are consistent with previous studies that have shown that a restricted stimulus bandwidth can negatively affect the perception of /s/ and /z/ spoken by female talkers. Given the importance of these phonemes in the English language and the tendency of early caregivers to be female, an inability to perceive these sounds correctly may have a negative impact on both phonological and morphological development.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the effectiveness of 3 self-administered strategies for auditory training that might improve speech perception by adult users of cochlear implants. The strategies are based, respectively, on discriminating isolated words, words in sentences, and phonemes in nonsense syllables. METHOD: Participants were 18 normal-hearing adults who listened to speech processed by a noise-excited vocoder to simulate the information provided by a cochlear implant. They were assigned randomly to word-, sentence-, or phoneme-based training and underwent 9 training sessions (20 min each) on separate days over a 2- to 3-week period. The effectiveness of training was assessed as the improvement in accuracy of discriminating vowels and consonants, as well as identifying words in sentences, relative to participants' best performance in repeated tests prior to training. RESULTS: Word- and sentence-based training led to significant improvements in the ability to identify words in sentences that were significantly larger than the improvements produced by phoneme-based training. There were no significant differences between the effectiveness of word- and sentence-based training. No significant improvements in consonant or vowel discrimination were found for the sentence- or phoneme-based training groups, but some improvements were found for the word-based training group. CONCLUSION: The word- and sentence-based training strategies were more effective than the phoneme-based strategy at improving the perception of spectrally distorted speech.  相似文献   

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