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Local inhibition by GABA-releasing neurons is important for the operation of sensory cortices, but the details of these inhibitory circuits remain unclear. We addressed this question in the olfactory system by making targeted recordings from identified classes of inhibitory and glutamatergic neurons in the piriform cortex (PC) of mice. First, we looked for feedforward synaptic inhibition provided by interneurons located in the outermost layer of the PC, layer Ia, which is the unique recipient of afferent fibers from the olfactory bulb. We found two types of feedforward inhibition: a fast-rising, spatially restricted kind that was generated by horizontal cells, and a slow-rising, more diffuse kind generated by neurogliaform cells. Both cell types targeted the distal apical dendrites of layer II principal neurons. Next, we studied feedback synaptic inhibition in isolation by making a tissue cut across layer I to selectively remove feedforward inhibitory connections. We identified a powerful type of feedback inhibition of layer II neurons, mostly generated by soma-targeting fast-spiking multipolar cells in layer III, which in turn were driven by feedforward excitation from layer II semilunar cells. Dynamic clamp simulation of feedback inhibition revealed differential effects of this inhibition on the two main types of layer II principal neurons. Thus, our results articulate the connectivity and functions of two important classes of inhibitory microcircuits in the PC. Feedforward and feedback inhibition generated by these circuits is likely to be required for the operation of this sensory paleocortex during the processing of olfactory information.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca2+)-mediated4 signaling pathways are critical to synaptic plasticity. In adults, the NMDA glutamate receptor (NMDAR) represents a major route for activity-dependent synaptic Ca2+ entry. However, during neonatal development, when synaptic plasticity is particularly high, many AMPA glutamate receptors (AMPARs) are also permeable to Ca2+ (CP-AMPAR) due to low GluA2 subunit expression, providing an additional route for activity- and glutamate-dependent Ca2+ influx and subsequent signaling. Therefore, altered hippocampal Ca2+ signaling may represent an age-specific pathogenic mechanism. We thus aimed to assess Ca2+ responses 48 h after hypoxia-induced neonatal seizures (HS) in postnatal day (P)10 rats, a post-seizure time point at which we previously reported LTP attenuation. We found that Ca2+ responses were higher in brain slices from post-HS rats than in controls and that this increase was CP-AMPAR-dependent. To determine whether synaptic CP-AMPAR expression was also altered post-HS, we assessed the expression of GluA2 at hippocampal synapses and the expression of long-term depression (LTD), which has been linked to the presence of synaptic GluA2. Here we report a decrease 48 h after HS in synaptic GluA2 expression at synapses and LTD in hippocampal CA1. Given the potentially critical role of AMPAR trafficking in disease progression, we aimed to establish whether post-seizure in vivo AMPAR antagonist treatment prevented the enhanced Ca2+ responses, changes in GluA2 synaptic expression, and diminished LTD. We found that NBQX treatment prevents all three of these post-seizure consequences, further supporting a critical role for AMPARs as an age-specific therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Hippocampal rhythms in clock gene expression, enzymatic activity, and long‐term potentiation (LTP) are thought to underlie day–night differences in memory acquisition and recall. Glycogen synthase kinase 3‐beta (GSK3β) is a known regulator of hippocampal function, and inhibitory phosphorylation of GSK3β exhibits region‐specific differences over the light‐dark cycle. Here, we sought to determine whether phosphorylation of both GSK3α and GSK3β isoforms has an endogenous circadian rhythm in specific areas of the hippocampus and whether chronic inhibition or activation alters the molecular clock and hippocampal plasticity (LTP). Results indicated a significant endogenous circadian rhythm in phosphorylation of GSK3β, but not GSK3α, in hippocampal CA1 extracts from mice housed in constant darkness for at least 2 weeks. To examine the importance of this rhythm, genetic and pharmacological strategies were used to disrupt the GSK3 activity rhythm by chronically activating or inhibiting GSK3. Chronic activation of both GSK3 isoforms in transgenic mice (GSK3‐KI mice) diminished rhythmic BMAL1 expression. On the other hand, chronic treatment with a GSK3 inhibitor significantly shortened the molecular clock period of organotypic hippocampal PER2::LUC cultures. While WT mice exhibited higher LTP magnitude at night compared to day, the day–night difference in LTP magnitude remained with greater magnitude at both times of day in mice with chronic GSK3 activity. On the other hand, pharmacological GSK3 inhibition impaired day–night differences in LTP by blocking LTP selectively at night. Taken together, these results support the model that circadian rhythmicity of hippocampal GSK3β activation state regulates day/night differences in molecular clock periodicity and a major form of synaptic plasticity (LTP).  相似文献   

The neuropeptide galanin is considered to be an endogenous antiepileptic agent, presumably acting via inhibition of glutamate release. Previously, we have demonstrated that in mice ectopically overexpressing galanin in cortical and hippocampal neurons, particularly in granule cells and their axons, the mossy fibers, hippocampal kindling epileptogenesis is suppressed and is associated with attenuated frequency facilitation in mossy fiber-CA3 cell synapses. We hypothesized that changes in synaptic transmission might occur also in other excitatory synapses of the galanin overexpressing (GalOE) mouse, contributing to seizure suppression. Lateral olfactory tract (LOT) synapses, formed by axons of olfactory bulb (OB) mitral cells and targeting piriform cortex (PC) pyramidal cells, ectopically express galanin in GalOE mice. Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, we found that excitatory synaptic responses recorded in PC pyramidal cells during high frequency stimulation of the LOT were attenuated in GalOE mice as compared to wild-type controls. This effect was mimicked by bath application of galanin or its agonist galnon to wild-type slices, supporting the notion of ectopic galanin action. Since the high frequency activation induced in vitro resembles epileptic seizures in vivo, we asked whether the observed synaptic inhibition would result in altered epileptogenesis when animals were kindled via the same synapses. In male GalOE mice, we found that the latency to convulsions was prolonged, and once animals had experienced the first stage 5 seizure, generalized seizures were less sustainable. These data indicate that the PC is a possible target for epilepsy treatment by ectopically overexpressing galanin to modulate seizure activity.  相似文献   

Kindling-induced potentiation in the piriform cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
At intensities sufficient to induce epileptiform afterdischarges, repeated electrical stimulation of limbic structures can lead to the development of permanent increases in the strength of the epileptiform response (kindling). Field potentials evoked by pulse stimulation are also increased in amplitude in a number of forebrain pathways following kindling. This kindling-induced potentiation effect is similar in many respects to the 'long-term potentiation' (LTP) effect which is produced by non-epileptogenic stimulation. There are, however, some interesting differences. For example, kindling-induced potentiation can far outlast LTP. In these experiments, we attempted to determine the longevity of the kindling-induced potentiation of the response evoked in the piriform cortex by olfactory bulb stimulation, following olfactory bulb kindling. This system was targeted because both the olfactory bulb and the piriform cortex are highly reactive kindling sites. In addition, we used the paired pulse technique to monitor facilitation and inhibition in this system. Kindling was found to induce a potentiation in the piriform field potential that lasted for at least 3 months (the period of the experiment) with little or no decay. Kindling also produced a decrease in paired pulse facilitation. In some animals the net facilitation was changed to a net depression. These results are consistent with the interpretation that kindling produces an increase in recurrent inhibition in the piriform cortex. The paired pulse measures, however, returned to near baseline levels over the 3-month test period.  相似文献   

Cholinergic neurotransmission is known to affect activity-dependent plasticity in various areas, including the visual cortex. However, relatively little is known about the exact role of subcortical cholinergic inputs in the regulation of plastic events in this region during early postnatal development. In the present study, synaptic transmission and plasticity in the developing visual cortex were studied following selective immunotoxic removal of the basal forebrain cholinergic afferents in 4-day-old rat pups. The lesion produced dramatic cholinergic neuronal and terminal fibre loss associated with decreased mRNA levels for the M1 and M2 muscarinic receptors, as well as clear-cut impairments of long-term potentiation (LTP) in visual cortex slices. Indeed, after theta burst stimulation of layer IV a long-term depression (LTD) instead of an LTP was induced in immunolesioned slices. This functional change appears to be due to the lack of cholinergic input as exogenous application of acetylcholine prevented the shift from LTP to LTD. In addition, lesioned rats showed an increased sensitivity to acetylcholine (ACh). While application of 20 microm ACh produced a depression of the field potential in immunolesioned rat slices, in order to observe the same effect in control slices we had to increase ACh concentration to up to 200 microm. Taken together, our results indicate that deprivation of cholinergic input affects synaptic transmission and plasticity in developing visual cortex, suggesting that the cholinergic system could play an active role in the refinement of the cortical circuitry during maturation.  相似文献   

Axons of pyramidal cells in piriform cortex stained by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) have been analyzed by light and electron microscopy. Myelinated primary axons give rise to extensive, very fine caliber (0.2 micron) unmyelinated collaterals with stereotyped radiating branching patterns. Serial section electron microscopic analysis of the stained portions of the collateral systems (initial 1-2 mm) revealed that they give rise to synaptic contacts on dendritic spines and shafts. These synapses typically contain compact clusters of large, predominantly spherical synaptic vesicles subjacent to asymmetrical contacts with heavy postsynaptic densities. On the basis of comparisons with Golgi material and intracellularly stained dendrites, it was concluded that dendritic spines receiving synapses from the proximal portions of pyramidal cell axon collaterals originate primarily from pyramidal cell basal dendrites. Postsynaptic dendritic shafts contacted closely resemble dendrites of probable GABAergic neurons identified in antibody and [3H]-GABA uptake studies. Electron microscopic examination of pyramidal cell axon initial segments revealed a high density of symmetrical synaptic contacts on their surfaces. Synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic boutons were small and flattened. It is concluded that pyramidal cells synaptically interact over short distances with other pyramidal cells via basal dendrites and with deep nonpyramidal cells that probably include GABAergic cells mediating a feedback inhibition. This contrasts with long associational projections of pyramidal cells that terminate predominantly on apical dendrites of other pyramidal cells.  相似文献   

The cerebellum is important for motor coordination, as well as motor learning and memories. Learning is believed to occur in the cerebellar cortex, in the form of synaptic plasticity. Central to motor learning theory are Purkinje cells (PCs), which are the sole output neurons of the cerebellar cortex. Motor memories are postulated to be stored in the form of long-term depression (LTD) at parallel fiber synapses with PCs, once thought to be the only plastic synapse in the cerebellar cortex. However, in the past few decades many studies have demonstrated that several other synapses in the cerebellar cortex are indeed plastic, and that LTD or long-term potentiation at these various synapses could affect the overall output signal of PCs from the cerebellar cortex. Almost all of these forms of synaptic plasticity are dependent on calcium to some extent. In the current review we discuss various types of synaptic plasticity in the cerebellar cortex and the role of calcium in these forms of plasticity.  相似文献   

Multipotent neural precursors have been suggested to exist in many parts of the adult mammalian brain. In the present study, we characterized the neurogenic potential in the piriform cortex of adult rats. Proliferation rates as detected by 5'-bromodeoxyuridine-labeling proved to be low when compared with the major neurogenic brain regions (i.e. the hippocampus and the subventricular zone). 5'-Bromodeoxyuridine/NeuN-labeling in accordance with doublecortin, polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule, and TUC-4-labeling indicated that neuronal differentiation of newborn cells occurs predominantly in layer II of the piriform cortex. Many of the cells exhibited a pyramidal cell morphology. The lack of 5'-bromodeoxyuridine/NeuN-labeled cells 12 weeks after 5'-bromodeoxyuridine administration argued against long-term survival of newborn neurons in the piriform cortex.  相似文献   

T Mittmann  U T Eysel 《Neuroreport》2001,12(15):3341-3347
Lesion-induced functional loss is reduced when new synaptic connections are established in the surround of a cortical lesion. For this, long-term synaptic plasticity can play a key role. We studied long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) in slices of rat visual cortex with small cortical lesions. Surprisingly, the normal balance between LTP and LTD was significantly altered in the first week following cortical injury. Theta-burst induced LTP was increased, whereas LTD evoked by low frequency stimulation was not affected. The increased potentiation of subcortical inputs after cortical lesions opens a window for facilitated early functional reorganization by repetitive visual training.  相似文献   

癫痫是常见的神经系统疾病之一,其病因和发病机制十分复杂,迄今仍不是十分清楚.突触重塑是癫痫患者脑组织中的重要病理改变,亦是癫痫反复发作的原因,其发生机制是目前研究的热点.microRNA(简称miRNA)是一类在进化过程中高度保守的内源性非编码的单链RNA,其功能是负调控靶基因的表达,与树突棘生长、突触重塑和突触蛋白合成关系密切.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that the acquisition of recognition memory depends upon CREB‐dependent long‐lasting changes in synaptic plasticity in the perirhinal cortex.The CREB‐responsive microRNA miR‐132 has been shown to regulate synaptic transmission and we set out to investigate a role for this microRNA in recognition memory and its underlying plasticity mechanisms. To this end we mediated the specific overexpression of miR‐132 selectively in the rat perirhinal cortex and demonstrated impairment in short‐term recognition memory. This functional deficit was associated with a reduction in both long‐term depression and long‐term potentiation. These results confirm that microRNAs are key coordinators of the intracellular pathways that mediate experience‐dependent changes in the brain. In addition, these results demonstrate a role for miR‐132 in the neuronal mechanisms underlying the formation of short‐term recognition memory.  相似文献   

Deficits in cholinergic systems innervating cerebral cortex are associated with cognitive impairment during senescence and in age-related neurodegenerative pathologies. However, little is known about the role of cholinergic pathways in modulating cortical plasticity. Basal forebrain cholinergic neurons are a major target for nerve-growth factor (NGF). In order to investigate the relationship between cholinergic innervation and cortical synaptic plasticity, we exploited a transgenic mouse model in which the activity of NGF in the adult nervous system is neutralized by the expression of blocking antibodies to NGF itself (anti-NGF mice) [Ruberti, F. et al. (2000). J. Neurosci. 20, 2589-2601]. In 6-month-old anti-NGF mice, we show that the reduction in cholinergic innervation of the cortex is associated with different forms of synaptic plasticity impairment. A local, acute increase in the availability of acetylcholine rescues these synaptic plasticity deficits, thus indicating that a cholinergic system mediates the impairment of cortical plasticity at this early stage of the neurodegenerative process triggered by NGF neutralization. Our results represent an important step in unveiling the pivotal role of cholinergic transmission in modulating adult cortical plasticity.  相似文献   

《Brain stimulation》2020,13(1):80-88
BackgroundNon-invasive direct current stimulation (DCS) of the brain induces functional plasticity in vitro and facilitates motor learning across species. The effect of DCS on structural synaptic plasticity is currently unknown.ObjectiveThis study addresses the effects and the underlying mechanisms of anodal DCS on structural plasticity and morphology of dendritic spines in the sensorimotor cortex (M1/S1).MethodsA DCS electrode setup was combined with a chronic cranial window over M1/S1 in transgenic Thy1-GFP mice, to allow for in vivo 2-photon microscopy and simultaneous DCS. Contralateral electrical forepaw stimulation (eFS) was used to mimic the second synapse specific input, a previously shown requirement to induce functional plasticity by DCS. Changes in spine density and spine morphology were compared between DCS/eFS and sham, as well as two control conditions (sham-DCS/eFS, DCS/sham-eFS). Furthermore, the role of BDNF for stimulation-induced changes in spine density was assessed in heterozygous Thy1-GFP x BDNF+/- mice.ResultsCombined DCS/eFS rapidly increased spine density during stimulation and changes outlasted the intervention for 24 h. This effect was due to increased survival of original spines and a preferential formation of new spines after intervention. The latter were morphologically characterized by larger head sizes. The DCS-induced spine density increase was absent in mice with reduced BDNF expression.ConclusionPrevious findings of DCS-induced functional synaptic plasticity can be extended to structural plasticity in M1/S1 that similarly depends on a second synaptic input (eFS) and requires physiological BDNF expression. These findings show considerable parallels to motor learning-induced M1 spine dynamics.  相似文献   

This article begins with a review of recent experiments investigating the synaptic efficacy changes occurring in rat dentate gyrus and piriform cortex during an associative olfactory task. In all these experiments, animals were trained to discriminate among an artificial cue, a patterned electrical stimulation distributed to the lateral olfactory tract associated with a water reward, and a natural odor associated with a flash of light. Monosynaptic field potential responses evoked by single electrical stimuli to the lateral olfactory tract were recorded in the ipsilateral piriform cortex before and just after each training session. Monosynaptic field and polysynaptic field potentials evoked by single electrical stimuli applied respectively to the lateral perforant pathway and lateral olfactory tract were also recorded in ipsilateral dentate gyrus. The results showed an increase in synaptic efficacy subsequent to the first training session in the dentate gyrus network when compared with piriform cortex at the later stage of the learning. The early increase of monosynaptic response in the dentate gyrus was observed immediately after the first learning session but disappeared 24 h later. Inversely, a synaptic depression developed across sessions, becoming significant at the onset of the last (fifth) session. The polysynaptic potential recorded in this structure increased substantially when rats began to discriminate the leaming cues, usually after the second or third learning session. Then, from the third to the fifth session, an LTP like-phenomenon appeared in piriform cortex when rats perfectly mastered the associations. Experiments using high-frequency stimulation to prevent changes in gyrus dentatus indicated that the onset of the observed depression was necessary for the learning of the olfactory associations. The fact that hippocampal and cortical neuronal networks exhibited different timing in synaptic efficacy changes could physiologically explain learning and memory processes.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of medial prefrontal cortex (layer VI) of rats treated daily with amphetamine in a dose of 2.5 mg/kg during 3 weeks was performed on the electron microscopic level. The efficacy of the amphetamine dosage was tested on behavioral observation. Synapses on dendritic shafts and spines were studied. The density of axo-dendritic synapses increase on 74%, while the density of synapses on spine's neck decreased on 53%. Most synaptic parameters measured in axo-dendritic (1) and axo-spinous (2) synapses increased significantly under the influence of 2.5 mg/kg dose of AMPH: area of presynaptic terminal increased on 35% (1) and 21% (2), length of postsynaptic density increased on 13% (1) and 12% (2), area of spine increase on 25%. But the density of synaptic vesicles near the active zone decrease (1-on 16.5%, 2-on 20%).  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of Medial prefrontal cortex (layer VI) of rats treated daily with haloperidol in a dose of 0.1 mg/kg during 3 weeks was performed on the electron microscopic level. The efficacy of the haloperidol dosage was tested on the amphetamine psychosis model. Synapses on dendritic shafts and dendritic spines were studied. The density of synapses on dendritic shafts increased on 51%, while on spine's neck it decreased on 19%. There were significant changes of some synaptic parameters only in axo-dendritic synapses: area of presynaptic terminal decreased on 13% (p less than 0.05), length of postsynaptic density decreased on 15% (p less than 0.05), but the density of synaptic vesicles near the active zone increased on 10% (p less than 0.05).  相似文献   

Recordings were made from neurons in layers II, III, and IV of rat barrel cortex. The animals were raised either from the day of birth (P0) or from P2, P4, or P7 with just the D1 vibrissa protruding on one side of the face and the contralateral side intact. Follicles were not ablated, but vibrissae were carefully removed by applying steady tension to the base of each vibrissa. Deprivation was continued until the day of recording (P30-P90), though in most cases vibrissae were allowed to regrow for 4-7 d prior to recording. The area of cortex driven by stimulating the spared D1 vibrissa was found to be enlarged in uni-vibrissae animals, but the characteristic anatomical map of the barrel field, defined by cytochrome oxidase staining, retained its normal form. In animals deprived from P0, layer IV cells outside the D1 barrel responded with short latencies (5-10 msec) to D1 stimulation, a condition never observed in normally reared animals. Short-latency responses to stimulation of regrown, deprived vibrissae were still present in layer IV despite the deprivation. Plasticity decreased rapidly in layer IV between P0 and P4 as judged by two measures: first, the percentage of cells in neighboring barrels that showed short-latency responses to D1 fell from 30% in P0 deprived animals to 18% in P2 and 13% in P4 deprived animals. Second, the percentage of cells in barrels surrounding D1 with larger responses to D1 stimulation than to stimulation of their anatomically related vibrissa also fell from 37% in P0 to 23% in P2 and 12% in P4 deprived animals. The percentage of "shifted cells" showed no further reduction in P7 deprived animals (14%). Plasticity in layers II and III showed little sign of decreasing between P2 and P7 after an initial drop between P0 and P2. Therefore, deprivation started at P4 and P7 had a far greater effect on layers II and III than on layer IV. In animals deprived from P4 onward, not only were responses to D1 stimulation greater in barrels neighboring D1 (in layers II/III), but responses were smaller to principal vibrissa stimulation. This suggests increased lateral transmission from the "experienced" barrel and a failure of vertical transmission within the "deprived" barrels. These results show that changes in the balance of experience acquired through vibrissae can affect development of connectivity in the barrel cortex. The main locus of plasticity is cortical when deprivations are started at P4 and beyond.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recent in vivo electrophysiological studies in our laboratory demonstrated medial thalamus (MT) induced short-term facilitation in the middle layers of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The aim of the present study was to investigate different forms of short-term plasticity (STP) in layer II/III of the ACC in an in vitro slice preparation. Extracellular field potentials in layer II/III consisting of an early component (fAP) and a late component (fPSP) were activated by electrical stimulation of the deep layers. The fPSP and intracellularly recorded excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP) could be facilitated by paired-pulse stimulation at a low frequency (0.033Hz, pulse interval 20-400ms). An initial facilitation and subsequent depression were obtained when high frequency (12.5, 25 and 50Hz) tetanus stimulations were applied to the ACC slice. A post-tetanic augmentation 30s in duration was also observed. The effects of tetanic stimulation were altered in the presence of an increased or a decreased calcium concentration. Application of omega-conotoxin GVIA (CTX) in normal calcium concentration conditions decreased overall responses during tetanic stimulation similar to reducing calcium exposure. However CTX application did not increase paired-pulse facilitation (PPF) as is seen under low calcium conditions. These results indicate that calcium is involved in the formation of certain features of STP in layer II/III of the ACC and that N-type calcium channels contribute to some, but not all, components of these plastic changes. Two-site electrical stimulation testing showed that two separate presynaptic inputs can produce short-term facilitation. Our findings implicate a post-synaptic mechanism in STP in layer II/III of the ACC.  相似文献   

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