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The aim of this study was to evaluate several chemical pretreatments on the shear bond strength of three dentin bonding agents (DBAs) and to try to correlate dentin morphology with bond strength using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The DBAs tested were: Gluma Primer in association with Scotchbond DC, Scotchbond DC alone and Clearfil New Bond. Bond strengths of Scotchbond DC and Clearfil New Bond were not significantly modified or reduced by acidic dentin pretreatments. Gluma/Scotchbond adhesion was increased by several treatments but only maleic acid treatment produced shear bond strengths significantly higher than EDTA treatment. SEM evaluation of dentin treatments revealed a wide variety of morphological changes in the dentin surface with partial and complete removal of smear layer by acidic solutions, and only minor modification by amino acid solutions. Only maleic acid was capable of the complete removal of the smear layer and smear plugs coupled with extensive exposure of dentin collagen fibrils.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of bur cutting surface roughness and bonding systems on dentin permeability. A conventional straight edged bur, cross-cut serrated bur and an extensively serrated bur were utilized with two different bonding systems. Null hypothesis was that increased surface roughness does not decrease the permeability of dentin sealing after application of bonding agents. This study incorporated a fluid flow model for measuring dentin permeability. Seventy caries-free extracted molars were used and sectioned 2 mm apical to the cementoenamel junction (CEJ). The pulp tissue was removed and the chamber cleaned using 37% phosphoric acid followed by 1:1 sodium hypochlorite solution. The specimens were mounted to plexiglass plates using cyanoacrylate cement. A flow system was established through the pulp chamber and gravity pressurized phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was forced into the chamber and the "closed system" permeability measured. Burs were used to prepare flat surfaces in dentin, and after etching with phosphoric acid, the "open tubule" permeability was determined. After applying the dentin bonding agents, fluid flow from the pulp chamber into dentin was again measured. The percentage of reduction in permeability following bonding agent application was then calculated. A two-way ANOVA found a significant (p<0.05) decrease in bonded dentin permeability in specimens prepared using the cross-cut serrated and extensively serrated bur as compared to the conventional straight-edged bur. No significant differences were detected between bonding systems and no combination of surface topography or bonding agent completely sealed the surface.  相似文献   

Effects of high-speed cutting on dentin permeability and bonding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of high-speed cutting by use of a diamond bur with or without water coolant or sanding by 80-grit SiC paper on dentin permeability, before and after surface treatment, and dentin bonding of adhesive resins were compared. Three different bonding systems were used: Scotchbond DC, which requires no removal of smear layers, and two others, Clearfil Photobond and Superbond C&B, both of which remove smear layers (phosphoric acid gel or 10% citric acid containing 3% ferric chloride, respectively). Creation of smear layers by bur cutting or sanding reduced dentin permeability to levels that were only 1-3% of the maximum permeability values. Scotchbond DC gave low but consistent bond strengths (3.7-6.1 MPa) to dentin covered with smear layers. Clearfil PHotobond also produced consistent bond strengths (8.6-9.4 MPa). The increase in the permeability of dentin after phosphoric acid treatment was higher when the SiC paper was used (146%) than when the high-speed bur was used (87-90%). The smear layer and smear plugs produced by the diamond bur were more resistant to 10-3 treatment than were the SiC-created smear layers. The bond strengths of Superbond showed the highest bond strengths to the conditioned dentin when the high-speed cutting was used with water coolant (16.3 MPa), compared with the other two groups (12.2-12.5 MPa).  相似文献   

Effect of Dycal on dentin permeability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The purpose of this study was to investigate pulpal response and bacterial invasion associated with five dentin bonding systems placed in cavities without an enamel margin. Two hundred and twenty-four dentin margin cavities were created by removing the surrounding marginal enamel of class V cavities in monkey teeth. These cavities were restored with a resin composite using various current dentin bonding systems. All of the dentin bonding systems showed odontoblastic layer changes to varying degrees, and slight to moderate inflammation at the initial stage. With the lapse of time, the degree of inflammation tended to decrease markedly, except for those cases in which bacteria were present. The result of SA/Photo Bond corresponded to that of the glass ionomer cement (negative control). Accordingly, this study suggests that a good bond and adaptation between resin and dentin should be obtained for eliminating pulpal irritation, even in the dentin cavity.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported collagen cross-linking after exposure to riboflavin followed by ultraviolet-A (UVA) exposure. This study is the first to investigate the effect of a riboflavin-containing primer on adhesive interface stability and dentinal matrix metalloproteinase activity. Human dentin was etched with 35% phosphoric acid, treated with 0.1% riboflavin, exposed to UVA for 2 min, and bonded with a two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive. Adhesive was applied to control specimens without riboflavin/UVA. Specimens were subjected to microtensile bond strength tests and pulled to failure after storage for 24 hrs, 6 mos, or 1 yr. Interfacial nanoleakage was evaluated by light and transmission electron microscopy. To investigate dentinal matrix metalloproteinase activity, we performed correlative zymographic assays on protein extracts obtained from phosphoric-acid-etched dentin powder with or without riboflavin/UVA treatment and XP Bond. Ultraviolet-activated riboflavin treatment increased the immediate bond strength to dentin at all aging intervals (p < 0.05 vs. control) and decreased interfacial nanoleakage in aged specimens (1 yr; p < 0.05). Zymograms revealed that riboflavin/UVA pre-treatment inhibited dentinal matrix metalloproteinase activity (especially MMP-9). In conclusion, dentinal collagen cross-linking induced by riboflavin/UVA increased immediate bond strength, stabilized the adhesive interface, and inhibited dentin matrix metalloproteinases, thereby increasing the durability of resin-dentin bonds.  相似文献   

目的探讨0.5mol/L乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)和35%的磷酸以及前处理剂对受龋影响牙本质、正常牙本质与光固化复合树脂粘接密合性能的影响。方法实验用牙为拔除的患龋磨牙及正畸拔除的前磨牙各23颗,将受龋影响牙本质(CAD)和正常牙本质(CFD)分别用EDTA和磷酸处理,扫描电镜观察牙本质的超微结构。在离体牙标本上分别制备柱状牙本质洞形,分别经EDTA和磷酸处理后,再各取半数使用前处理剂甲基丙烯酸甘油单酯(GM)处理,全部样本用光固化复合树脂常规充填,光镜测量其洞底粘接断面最大收缩间隙,并对收缩间隙进行扫描电镜观察。结果EDTA和磷酸均能清除牙本质表面的玷污层,CAD表面的牙本质小管大部分被矿化结晶堵塞,EDTA不会使管周高钙化区脱钙;磷酸可使牙本质小管管周脱钙,使CFD牙本质小管呈喇叭口状开放,对CAD的矿化结晶体的影响不大。磷酸较EDTA处理牙本质的粘结断面出现的收缩间隙明显增加(P(0.05),GM前处理对于降低CFD与复合树脂之间的收缩间隙有明显作用(P(0.05),而对CAD与复合树脂之间的粘接无明显作用。结论EDTA处理牙本质可提高其与复合树脂之间的封闭性能。前处理剂GM可提高CFD与复合树脂之间的封闭性能,对CAD的作用不明显。对CAD适当的处理,亦可获得良好的粘接性能。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several studies have shown a reduction in enamel bond strengths when the bonding procedure is carried out immediately after vital bleaching with peroxides. This reduction in bond strengths has become a concern in cosmetic dentistry with the introduction of new "in-office" and "waiting-room" bleaching techniques. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of three bleaching regimens: 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP), 35% carbamide peroxide (CP), and 10% CP, on dentin bond strengths. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred and twenty fresh bovine incisors were used in this study. The labial surface of each tooth was ground flat to expose dentin and was subsequently polished with 600-grit wet silicon carbide paper. The remaining dentin thickness was monitored and kept at an average of 2 mm. The teeth were randomly assigned to four bleaching regimens (n = 30): (A) control, no bleaching treatment; (B) 35% HP for 30 minutes; (C) 35% CP for 30 minutes; and (D) 10% CP for 6 hours. For each group, half of the specimens (n = 15) were bonded with Single Bond/Z100 immediately after the bleaching treatment, whereas the other half was bonded after the specimens were stored for 1 week in artificial saliva at 37 degrees C. The specimens were fractured in shear using an Instron machine. RESULTS: For the groups bonded immediately after bleaching, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the Duncan's post hoc test revealed a statistically significant reduction in bond strengths in a range from 71% to 76%. For the groups bonded at 1 week, one-way ANOVA showed that group B (35% HP for 30 min) resulted in the highest bond strengths, whereas 10% CP resulted in the lowest bond strengths. Student's t-test showed that delayed bonding resulted in a significant increase in bond strengths for groups B (35% HP) and C (35% CP); whereas the group bleached with 10% CP (group D) remained in the same range obtained for immediate bonding. Storage in artificial saliva also affected the control group, reducing its bond strengths to 53% of the original.  相似文献   

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: There are many bonding systems available, with or without a prior acid etch. The mechanisms differ from system to system. Therefore it is important that the clinician know which are the most effective and which provide the best seal. PURPOSE: This study measured the infiltration of physiological saline solution across dentin after application of self-etching or 1-bottle dentin bonding systems. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-six extracted noncarious human third molars from patients 18 to 25 years old were used for this study. Dentin disks were cut from crown segments parallel to the occlusal surface at the incisal portion of the pulp cavity. The 36 disks, each 1 mm thick, were divided into 6 groups (n=6 per group), each of which received one of the following dentin bonding systems: Optibond Solo Plus and Excite, which have ethanol as the solvent; Prime & Bond NT, which has acetone as the solvent; Single Bond, which has a mixed solvent; and Clearfil SE Bond or Prompt L-Pop, both self-etching systems The hydraulic conductance, the volume of fluid transported across a known area of surface (0.28 cm(2)) per unit time under a unit pressure gradient (200 cm H(2)O), was analyzed for the self-etching and 1-bottle dentin bonding systems with the Flodec apparatus. Both sides of each specimen were etched with 36% phosphoric acid for 30 seconds. Measurements were made every 30 seconds for 15 minutes. The initial measurement served as the reference value for each specimen. The measurements were repeated when a smear layer had been formed and, finally, after one of the 6 bonding systems had been applied. The data were analyzed by use of analysis of variance and a posteriori tests (Fischer's PLSD, Duncan's new multiple range) with alpha=.05. RESULTS: The greatest mean reduction (40%, P<.05) in penetration was observed with the 4 products with conventional etching: Optibond Solo Plus, Single Bond, Excite, and Prime & Bond NT. The self-etching products were associated with reductions of 36% (Clearfil SE Bond) and 16% (Prompt L Pop). Standard deviations were high, 50% of the mean value, except for the Single Bond group (-42 +/- 13) and Prime & Bond NT (-41 +/- 14). CONCLUSION: Within the limitations of this study, the 4 bonding systems tested with a phosphoric acid before etching provided a greater decrease in dentin permeability than the 2 self-etching systems. The difference in permeability decrease was significant for Prompt L-Pop but not for Clearfil SE Bond.  相似文献   

Dentin bonding agents with antibacterial effects may inhibit secondary caries formation and pulp inflammation by eliminating residual bacteria in and on dentin. Therefore, the antibacterial effects of Prime & Bond NT (PB), Prime & Bond NT without fluoride (PBNF), Gluma Comfort Bond (GL), ABF, Xeno CF II (XE), 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEG-DMA), and 0.2% chlorhexidine were tested against Streptococcus mutans, S. sobrinus, and Lactobacillus acidophilus using the agar-diffusion method with and without bovine-dentin disks (200 microm and 500 microm thickness) placed between the bacteria and the test substances. Without dentin, ABF Primer showed growth inhibition for all bacterial strains. XE inhibited S. mutans and S. sobrinus, and PB S. sobrinus. ABF Bonding inhibited L. acidophilus. PBNF, HEMA, and TEGDMA did not have any antibacterial effects. Dentin disks of 500 microm thickness reduced the inhibitory effect of chlorhexidine to 23% to 54% compared with direct application. ABF Primer (nonpolymerized) produced inhibition zones against all tester strains regardless of dentin disks interposed or not. XE (against S. mutans and S. sobrinus) and PB (against S. sobrinus) did not produce any inhibition zones on 200 microm thick dentin. After polymerization, the ABF system did not inhibit bacterial growth on 200 microm thick dentin disks. A dentin barrier reduces significantly the antibacterial activity of chlorhexidine and dentin bonding agents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research effort was to investigate the effect of age changes in dentin on the effectiveness of two dentin adhesives in minimizing microleakage at the tooth-restoration interface. Cavities were prepared in permanent teeth extracted from patients below 20 years or over 55 years of age. Wedge-shaped cervical preparations were made with the gingival cavosurface margin on dentin. Treatment groups were randomly restored with one of two composite restorative materials, together with the appropriate dentin adhesives. The control group specimens were restored with the respective composite restorative materials without the adhesives. All specimens were thermocycled, then placed in 0.5% basic fuchsin dye solution for 24 hours and subsequently sectioned longitudinally. Microleakage at the tooth-restoration interface was assessed by dye penetration. The results showed that the use of adhesives significantly reduced microleakage along the tooth-restoration interface. The adhesive formulated with glycidyl methacrylate was significantly more effective in reducing microleakage in dentin of the over-55 age group.  相似文献   

The relation between the bonding efficacy of the dentin adhesive and the physical change of the dentin after treatment with various dentin cleansers was investigated. The dentin surface was cleaned with one of the seven experimental dentin cleansers, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40% of the phosphoric acid, neutralized 0.5 M EDTA solution (pH 7.4) and 9.1% pyruvic acid containing 9.1% glycine, prior to the combining application of 35% hydroxyethylmethacrylate solution (HEMA) and a marketed dentin bonding agent. It was found that the bonding efficacy of the dentin bonding system employed in this study deteriorated with the degree of reduction of Vickers hardness on the dentin surface after the dentin cleaning.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to enhance the bond strength of one-step bonding agents to dentin. In particular, the focus was on using Catabrush the applicator system of AQ Bond Plus. Catabrush was supplemented with N-phenylglycine and aromatic sulfinate as polymerization accelerators, as N-phenylglycine was reportedly beneficial in improving the bond strength to dentin. The results indicated that the bond strength to dentin was significantly augmented and the photo-polymerization as well as the chemical polymerization were both improved even in the moistened dentin when 1.0 wt% N-phenylglycine was added to AQ Bond Plus agent, hence implying significantly higher bond strength to dentin. It was therefore concluded that N-phenylglycine is useful as a polymerization accelerator to be adopted in the applicator system for one-step bonding agents.  相似文献   

This study evaluated in vitro the effect of an experimental gel containing iron on the reduction of hydraulic conductance of dentin. Thirty-six 1-mm-thick dentin discs obtained from extracted human third molars were divided into 3 groups of 10 specimens each. The groups corresponded to the following experimental materials: 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride gel, pH 4.1; 3% potassium oxalate gel, pH 4.1 (Oxa-Gel?); and iron sulfate gel (10 mmol/L FeSO4), pH 4.1. The gels were applied to dentin under the following conditions: after 37% phosphoric acid and before 6% citric acid. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. There was no significant differences (p<0.05) among the groups in any of the conditions for hydraulic conductance reduction, except for smear layer presence. The active agents reduced dentin permeability, but they produced significantly lower (p<0.05) reduction in hydraulic conductance when compared to presence of smear layer. The effectiveness in reducing dentin permeability was not significantly different (p>0.05) among the gels. This study suggests that the iron gel promoted reduction in dentin permeability comparable to that of the other agents and thus may be considered a good clinical alternative for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the effect of filler addition on two total-etch, single component bonding systems on the bond strength, displacement at debonding, stiffness of debonding and energy absorbed to debonding of resin composites to human dentin. METHODS: Two dentin bonding systems with no-filler (OS and SB) and filler-added (OSP and SBP) versions were studied. The dentin surfaces of human teeth were exposed with 600-grit SiC. TPH Spectrum A2 was used to bond to the dentin surfaces in the form of a truncated cone, 3 mm in diameter at the bonding surfaces and 5 mm in diameter at the base. Bonded specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 24 hours. They were then debonded in tension with a universal testing machine at a cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/minute. Displacement at debonding, stiffness and energy to debonding were calculated based on the stress-displacement curve. RESULTS: Bond strength, displacement at debonding and energy to debonding (measured and elastic) were influenced by the brand of the adhesive (OS/OSP vs. SB/SBP), but were not influenced by the filler addition based on two-way analysis of variance. Bond strength was in the range of 24.4-30.1 MPa, and there were significant differences between the bond strengths of OS and SB. Displacement and energy to debonding (measured and elastic) were different between the adhesives. Bond strength, bond stiffness and energy to debonding (measured) showed significant correlations.  相似文献   

Abstract The ability of 3 formulations of a hard-setting calcium hydroxide-containng base material (Dycal®) to seal dentinal tubules was evaluated in an in vitro model. The latest light-cured generation of the material was clearly superior to the previous formulations at all time periods tested.  相似文献   

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