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Summary In this study, we show that conditions previously found to promote the selective growth of human breast epithelial cells (HBEC) in serum-free primary cultures established from normal or malignant tissue can be extended to cultures initiated at low seeding densities (< 5000 cells/cm2). The epithelial nature of the cells produced was documented by their positive staining with antibodies specific for keratins 8, 14, and 18, and 2 antibodies that recognize epithelial-specific antigens (Ber-EP4 and HB8630). HBEC growth was not affected, either positively or negatively, by the use of a medium containing a combination of fetal calf and horse serum, which promotes the growth of many types of stromal cells and associated hematopoietic precursors, or by the inclusion in the initial cell suspension of marrow cells at HBEC to marrow cell ratios typical of bone marrow samples from patients with metastatic breast cancer. The presence of fibroblast feeders from a variety of sources enhanced the growth of HBEC to different degrees. In cultures initiated with low numbers of cells obtained from samples of breast carcinoma, HBEC growth was generally reduced by comparison to cultures of normal HBEC. With the detection methods used, it was not possible to determine the extent to which this decreased growth was due to a reduced frequency of malignant HBEC within vitro precursor activity, or the presence of reduced numbers of residual normal HBEC precursors, or both. However, preliminary data indicate that this approach also allows the detection of some breast carcinoma cells with proliferative ability that are present in the marrow or pleural effusions of some breast cancer patients. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of detecting normal and malignant HBEC with growth potential when these are cultured at low density and/or as rare contaminants of marrow cell suspensions, and provide a starting point for their further characterization.  相似文献   

Studies on interactions between natural killer (NK) cells and freshly isolated human tumor cells are still relatively scarce. With respect to the understanding of NK cell interactions with human tumors in vivo, and attempts to better predict the outcome of NK cell‐mediated adoptive immunotherapy, such studies merit further attention. They may provide information that is not readily evident through studies of human tumor cell lines established through long‐term culturing in vitro. The latter undergo several changes and adaptations to their environment, many of which may affect interactions with NK cells. Studies of NK cell interactions with freshly explanted human tumors, however, are cumbersome for several reasons including; often poor accessibility of human tumor material per se, difficulties in sample processing and contamination of tumors with nontumor cells, spontaneous apoptosis of tumor cells, as well as methodological challenges in assessing tumor cell lysis following interactions with NK cells. Here, we review the current knowledge on NK cell interaction with freshly isolated human tumors. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three human lung tumor-associated antigens (TAA's) have been identified in soluble and membrane-solubilized extracts of human squamous cell lung carcinoma with the use of antisera raised in rabbits. The antigens were identified and partially characterized by means of an agarose adsorption technique. These antigens, termed lung TAA's 1,2, and 3, are all soluble in 50% ammonium sulfate, are antigenically distinct, and do not cross-react with carcinoembryonic antigen or alpha-fetoprotein. Lung TAA's 1 and 2 are oncofetal antigens demonstrable in soluble extracts from 24-week-old but not from 26-week-old fetal lungs. Rabbit antibodies to these lung TAA's were not adsorbed by types A, B, and O human red blood cells, serum proteins as well as soluble or insoluble lung preparations. Of several commercial antisera to human proteins, none cross-reacted with lung TTA 1, but anti-human liver ferritin cross-reacted with lung TAA 2, and anti-human lactoferrin cross-reacted with lung TAA 3. Lung TAA 1 was partially adsorbed and cross-reacted with certain normal serum or plasma preparations used and appears to be a normal serum protein in Cohn Fraction IV-4. Lung TAA 2 and 3 appear only in lung tumor-soluble extracts, whereas the lung TAA 1 was demonstrable in soluble extracts of breast, colon, cervical and head and neck carcinoma. All may be tumor markers of value in immunodiagnosis.  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal antibodies (MAB) of the IgG3 subclass generated to colorectal tumor-associated glycolipids were assessed for enhancement of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) by interleukin 2 (IL-2). Mononuclear cell preparations containing large granular lymphocyte effectors required only low doses of IL-2 (0.1-10 units/ml) and short exposure (3 h) for maximal enhancement of ADCC. Exposure of mononuclear cells for longer periods (1-6 days) to higher levels of IL-2 (100-1000 units/ml) resulted in the generation of lymphokine-activated killer N cells which were lytically active without antibody. A non-ADCC MAB of the IgG1 subclass showed no ADCC even after stimulation of effector cells with IL-2. Effector cells pretreated with IL-2 showed an enhanced rate of cytolysis of target cells in the presence of antibody. Pretreatment of effector cells with IgG3 MAB resulted in lower ADCC, but pretreatment of target cells or simultaneous addition of MAB and effectors to target cells gave higher levels. These results indicated that ADCC with murine IgG3 is enhanced by levels of IL-2 achievable in current patient trials. The combination of antibody and IL-2-boosted effector cells gives comparable levels of killing to lymphokine-activated killer cells but should not suffer from similar toxicity. The NR-Co-04 antibody in combination with lymphokine may prove effective in treating colon cancer, a disease for which both chemotherapeutic and current biological therapies suggest a need for improved forms of therapies.  相似文献   

We studied the effects on platelet function of cells isolated from freshly dissociated human tumor tissues (11 breast carcinomas, 9 colon carcinomas and 1 lymph node metastasis from melanoma) obtained at surgery as compared with cultured human tumor cells: namely, human melanoma 1402 cell line derived from a primary tumor and two lines derived from lymph node metastases (ME 7110/2 and Me 665/1) as well as a human hepatoma cell line (Hep G2). The three melanoma cell lines activated platelets by producing ADP, as evidenced by the inhibitory effect of apyrase and by the direct measurement of the agonist in the supernatants of tumor cell suspensions; this production was much greater by the cells derived from metastases than by the cells derived from the primary tumor. On the other hand, aggregation induced by Hep G2 hepatoma cells was unaffected by apyrase and was inhibited by hirudin or concanavalin A, suggesting that the cells aggregate platelets by producing thrombin, probably through tissue factor activity of the cells themselves. Cells isolated from 16 of the 21 human tumor tissues possessed a potent platelet-aggregating effect, which was not inhibited by apyrase, hirudin or concanavalin A, but was virtually abolished by the cysteine protease inhibitors iodoacetic acid or p-hydroxymercuri-phenylsulfonate. Collectively, our data demonstrate that cells isolated from freshly dissociated tumor tissues activate platelets through tumor-associated cysteine proteinases rather than by the ADP- or thrombin-dependent mechanisms characteristic of cultured human tumor cell lines.  相似文献   

A gold compound, which is an anti-rheumatoid agent, was clinically applied to patients showing a high level of tumor-associated antigens. Two patients showed no clear evidence of recurrence except for a high level of tumor-associated antigens. The gold compound was injected i.m. every week at the dose of 25 mg/body for 10 times to a patient showing a high CEA level that had arisen eight years after cervical dissection for a tongue carcinoma. It was also administered every other week for 30 times at the dose of 25 mg/body to a patient showing high CA19-9 and SLX levels five years after palliative left pulmonary resection followed by radiation therapy for left pulmonary carcinoma. The CEA level dropped to the normal limit after 10 injection and remained at that level after cessation of the gold treatment. SLX and CA19-9 levels of the second patient showed lower than initial values, although SLX did not fall to the normal range after the 30 injections. No side effects such as lowering of white blood cell count, BUN elevation, or kidney dysfunction were seen.  相似文献   

The specificity of antibody to NeuGc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-cer (GM3(NeuGc] was carefully reexamined by the method of enzyme-immunostaining on a thin layer plate. The affinity-purified antibody was found to react with NeuGc alpha 2-8NeuGc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-cer (GD3(NeuGc-NeuGc] and NeuGc alpha 2-8NeuAc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-cer (GD3(NeuGc-NeuAc], but not with NeuAc alpha 2-8NeuGc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-cer (GD3(NeuAc-NeuGc)) or NeuAc alpha 2-8NeuAc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-cer (GD3(NeuAc-NeuAc]. From this result together with the previous results, it (GD3(NeuAc-NeuAc], From this result together with the previous results, it could be concluded that the antibody recognizes the outer portion of molecular species of sialic acids in the gangliosides. By using this antibody, the expression of Hanganutziu-Deicher (HD) gangliosides could be demonstrated in human malignant melanoma. The molecular species were different among individuals examined. Among HD-antigenic gangliosides, GM3(NeuGc) was commonly found in melanoma tissues. One of the patients examined expressed GD3(NeuGc-NeuGc) and GD 3(NeuGc-NeuAc), which may be characteristic gangliosides in human melanomas, since these gangliosides could not be detected in human colon cancer or human fetal tissues.  相似文献   

Human melanoma cell membrane tumor-associated antigens (TAA's) were solubilized in an active form by pronase digestion of either a fresh melanoma or cells from a melanoma cell line maintained in tissue culture. Upon elution from Sephadex G-200 column, TAA's solubilized from the melanoma cell line were found in four distinct peaks that had apparent molecular weights of approximately 48,000 (partition coefficient Kd, 0.426), 25,000 (Kd, 0.567)8 17,000 (Kd, 0.699), and 13,000 (Kd, 0.831) daltons, respectively. Fetal antigen activity was found in all but the 13,000-dalton peak. HLA antigen activity was detected in the 17,000-dalton material. TAA's prepared from the fresh tumor source eluted from Sephadex G-200 column with an apparent molecular weight of 14,000-25,000 (Kd, 0.786-0.572) daltons, as did HLA antigens. A partial resolution of the TAA's from the HLA antigens was achieved with the use of DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Results of antigenic stability assays suggested that the TAA structure is stable to prolonged exposure to low pH. Recovery of TAA activity from the strong denaturing agents 5 m urea, 0.5% (wt/vol) sodium dodecyl sulfate, and 4 m guanidine hydrochloride was partially successful. These properties of the TAA's may be useful for further isolation of the TAA's.  相似文献   

Chen X  Fu S  Chen F  Chen H  Chen Z 《Oncology reports》2008,20(4):979-985
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a major cause of death in Asian countries. The false-negative rate with serum alpha-fetaprotein level alone can reach 40% for early stage HCC patients. Due to the lack of sensitive and specific tumor markers for early diagnosis, it is impossible for HCC patients to receive effective therapy. However, tumor antigens can be recognized by immune cells and be rejected in immune responses. In order to identify antigens which may be used as new markers and immunotherapy targets for HCC, a cDNA expression library derived from an HCC sample was constructed, which was screened with mixed autologous and allogenic serum of HCC patients. Seventeen different HCC antigens were obtained, which are classified as tumor-associated antigens. A panel of allogenic sera from patients with chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, HCC and other tumor entities and sera from health volunteers, was used for frequency analysis of antibody responses. Four of 17 antigens, including eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit I, lactate dehydrogenase 1, A chain, replication factor C2, 40 kDa and mitochondrial carrier triple repeat 1, reacted predominantly with sera from patients with HCC (31.8, 45.5, 27.3 and 50.0% respectively). Patients (81.8%) with HCC had the antibody against at least one of these four antigens, which indicates that disease-specific humoral response against these antigens was induced in HCC patients and the corresponding antibodies may be used as tumor markers for HCC.  相似文献   



Isolation of colorectal cancer (CRC) cell populations enriched for cancer stem cells (CSCs) may facilitate target identification. There is no consensus regarding the best methods for isolating CRC stem cells (CRC-SCs). We determined the suitability of various cellular models and various stem cell markers for the isolation of CRC-SCs.


Established human CRC cell lines, established CRC cell lines passaged through mice, patient-derived xenograft (PDX)-derived cells, early passage/newly established cell lines, and cells directly from clinical specimens were studied. Cells were FAC-sorted for the CRC-SC markers CD44, CD133, and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). Sphere formation and in vivo tumorigenicity studies were used to validate CRC-SC enrichment.


None of the markers studied in established cell lines, grown either in vitro or in vivo, consistently enriched for CRC-SCs. In the three other cellular models, CD44 and CD133 did not reliably enrich for stemness. In contrast, freshly isolated PDX-derived cells or early passage/newly established CRC cell lines with high ALDH activity formed spheres in vitro and enhanced tumorigenicity in vivo, whereas cells with low ALDH activity did not.


PDX-derived cells, early passages/newly established CRC cell lines and cells from clinical specimen with high ALDH activity can be used to identify CRC-SC-enriched populations. Established CRC cell lines should not be used to isolate CSCs.  相似文献   

Two murine monoclonal antibodies, SK-930 (isotype IgG2a) and SK-117 (isotype IgG1), were produced from spleen cells of mice immunized against human pancreatic carcinoma cell lines, MIA-PaCa 2 and Panc-1. With the use of the avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase technique, the SK-930 and SK-117 antibodies detected an antigen found in 24 and 23 formalin-fixed tissue sections, respectively, of tumors obtained from 30 different patients with pancreatic carcinoma. Reactivity was also frequently found with tumors of the gallbladder, bile duct, stomach, colon and esophagus, while a large panel of normal human tissues, including normal pancreatic tissues, displayed little reactivity. These observations suggest that SK-930 and SK-117 are of value in identifying tumor-associated antigen (TAA) expressed in pancreatic carcinoma and other carcinomas of the digestive system. SK-930 antibody immunoprecipitated a 134 kilodalton molecule from extracts of 125I- or [35S]methionine- or [3H]glucosamine-labeled tumor cells. The SK-117-defined antigen corresponds to 152/137 kilodalton molecules. Moreover, cytofluorometric analyses showed that cells treated with periodic acid exhibited greatly decreased reactivity to the two antibodies, but cells treated with neuraminidase, trypsin or pronase showed unchanged reactivity. The findings suggest that the epitopes of the novel TAA expressed on pancreatic carcinoma cells are carbohydrate moieties.  相似文献   

肿瘤边缘的TAMs与ER(或PR)的表达均未发现相关性,P>0.05.结论:TAMs参与了子宫内膜样腺癌侵袭转移过程;尽早明确TAMs与子宫内膜样腺癌性激素受体表达之间的关系,有助于为子宫内膜癌患者探索出另一条治疗途径.  相似文献   

We searched for circadian changes in the enhancement of the NK activity after exposure to IFN-gamma of peripheral blood mononuclear (PBM) cells obtained serially throughout the 24-h cycle. In August-October 1986, blood was drawn from 7 healthy, diurnally active and nocturnally resting male volunteers (22-34 yr) at 4-h intervals for 24 h starting at 08:00. PBM cells were immediately separated and assayed for NK cell activity, using K 562 cultured cells as a target in a 4-h 51Cr release assay after prior incubation for 20 h with buffer or 300 IU rIFN-gamma. Circadian variations of the spontaneous NK cell cytotoxicity were apparent; the activity was at its maximum at the end of the night or in the early morning and then declined in the afternoon. The 24-h rhythmic pattern was validated with statistical significance by the Cosinor method (p less than 0.02; acrophase 04:22). Maximum enhancement by IFN-gamma was attained in the second part of the night or in the early morning, i.e. in phase with the peak of the spontaneous NK cell activity. A significant circadian rhythm of the percent increase above control levels was validated by the Cosinor method (p less than 0.01; acrophase 04:03). Our findings may be of relevance to a better understanding of the mechanisms of control of human NK activity and warrant consideration as an approach to improve the effectiveness of time-qualified immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Although the arsenal of a healthy immune system includes both circulating antibodies and cellular components such as T cells, the latter seem to be particularly important in tumor immunology. Under normal conditions, the immune system does not react to the body's cells, which may be described as expressing "self" antigens on the cell surface. When a cell becomes cancerous, however, novel antigens are expressed on the cell surface. These novel "tumor" antigens are recognized as foreign by the body's immune system, and the cells that express them are destroyed or incapacitated. Whereas antibodies may react directly with protein antigens, T cells instead recognize peptide antigens presented by class I and class II molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). All cells normally break down proteins that they have made. The class I antigen-processing pathway has evolved to display peptides produced by this breakdown process as a way to provide information to cytotoxic T cells about what the cell is making. The display of new peptides as a result of infection or transformation can stimulate cytotoxic T cells to kill the cell. In addition, antigen-processing cells such as dendritic cells engulf dead or dying cells and degradeproteins into peptide fragments. These peptides are then displayed by the MHC class II molecules and presented to T helper cells, which augment the activity of the cytotoxic T cells. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes have recently been isolated from human tumors (especially melanoma) and are critical to the development of promising immunotherapeutic agents. As we shall discuss, these cells can recognize antigens that are common to tumors from different patients. We shall also explore how advances in instrumentation and the use of transgenic mice have increased our understanding of tumor-associated peptides to the point where we can begin to strive for a peptide-based therapeutic vaccine. The caveats for such therapy will also be addressed.  相似文献   

Human antibodies directed towards functionally associated tumor antigens have great potentials as adjuvant treatment in cancer therapy. Here we describe an efficient subtractive approach to select single chain Fv (scFv) antibodies, specifically binding to unknown rapidly internalizing tumor-associated antigens (TAA) on human breast and pancreatic carcinoma cell lines. After re-engineering the scFv into intact IgG molecules, these fully human antibodies displayed individual binding profiles to TAAs on breast, pancreatic, colorectal and prostate carcinomas, while showing no reactivity to lymphomas. The ability of the selected antibodies to undergo receptor-mediated internalization was verified by confocal microscopy, thus proving our strategy to provide a unique set of human antibodies, potentially useful in immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Reovirus T3D preferentially kills tumor cells expressing Ras oncogenes and has shown great promise as an anticancer agent in various preclinical tumor models. Here, we investigated whether reovirus can infect and kill tumor cell cultures and tissue fragments isolated from resected human colorectal tumors, and whether this was affected by the presence of endogenous oncogenic KRAS. Tissue fragments and single-cell populations isolated from human colorectal tumor biopsies were infected with reovirus virions or with intermediate subviral particles (ISVPs). Reovirus virions were capable of infecting neither single-cell tumor cell populations nor small fragments of intact viable tumor tissue. However, infection of tumor cells with ISVPs resulted in transient viral protein synthesis, irrespective of the presence of oncogenic KRAS, but this did not lead to the production of infectious virus particles, and tumor cell viability was largely unaffected. ISVPs failed to infect intact tissue fragments. Thermolysin treatment of tumor tissue liberated single cells from the tissue and allowed infection with ISVPs, but this did not result in the production of infectious virus particles. Immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays showed that junction adhesion molecule 1, the major cellular reovirus receptor, was improperly localized in the cytoplasm of colorectal tumor cells and was expressed at very low levels in liver metastases. This may contribute to the observed resistance of tumor cells to reovirus T3D virions. We conclude that infection of human colorectal tumor cells by reovirus T3D requires processing of virions to ISVPs, but that oncolysis is prevented by a tumor cell response that aborts viral protein synthesis and the generation of infectious viral particles, irrespective of KRAS mutation status.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes secreting tumor cell-specific IgM antibodies were enriched in vitro following the stimulation of allogeneic human splenocytes from nontumor-bearing donors with cytostatic tumor cells or tumor cell plasma membrane fractions. The antibodies were generally of the IgM class and displayed low intrinsic affinity (K(d) > 100 nM). Nonetheless, the avidity arising from multivalent binding sites permitted the identification of multiple monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) displaying specificity for cultured tumor cells. Five antibodies were cloned from the B cells and two of these were expressed as human Fabs with IgG(1) constant regions. Although the avidity of the human IgM antibodies was sufficient to permit detection in the original screening, the monovalent Fabs displayed low binding activities, consistent with their low intrinsic affinity. Thus, in vitro affinity maturation was used to rapidly generate multiple variants of both antibodies displaying greater than 100-fold higher affinity. Two of the antibodies were characterized further and shown to have distinct specificities. One of the targets, LH11238, is associated both with the plasma membrane and with lysosomes and is rapidly internalized following incubation of the antibody with intact live cell monolayers. The second antigen, designated LH13, is a secreted antigen that has been enriched 200-fold from conditioned media and consists of two reactive bands at 42 and 45 kDa on denaturing Western blots. The stimulation and enrichment of human lymphocytes in culture coupled with rapid in vitro affinity maturation of low affinity antibodies potentially enables the discovery of human antibodies to a broader range of epitopes, including those that might be of greater therapeutic relevance.  相似文献   

D A Young  G R Prout  C W Lin 《Cancer research》1985,45(9):4439-4446
Monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) to human bladder carcinoma were generated by fusion of NS-1 mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with either cultured human bladder cancer cells or cells obtained from a fresh surgically removed bladder tumor. Four hybridomas which reacted strongly with bladder tumor cells and not to normal skin fibroblasts or urothelial cells were identified and cloned by limiting dilution to obtain monoclonality. One McAb, 3G2-C6, raised with cultured tumor bladder cells MGH-U1 (EJ) as the immunogen reacted more strongly to the bladder tumor lines tested than any of the other McAbs resulting from various fusion experiments. Hybridoma 3G2-C6 was found to secrete murine immunoglobulin G1 and to produce high titer ascites fluid when grown in BALB/c mice. Results from quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays on a panel of more than 35 cell lines demonstrated that McAb 3G2-C6 reacted with several bladder tumor cell lines 50 to 90 times more than with normal transitional urothelium. Two kidney and two testicular tumor lines also bound 10 times more 3G2-C6 than with normal cells. The 3G2-C6 antigen was only marginally detected on a number of other cancer and noncancerous cells tested such as breast and lung tumor cells, melanoma, fetal cells, and peripheral blood lymphocytes. To identify the antigen 125I-labeled membrane components from MGH-U1 cells were extracted with detergent, immunoprecipitated with Protein-A bound 3G2-C6, and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. This revealed that McAb 3G2-C6 binds to a Mr 90,000 cell surface component. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with fluorescein isothiocyanate-anti-mouse immunoglobulin G also identified the antigen on the surface of cultured and fresh tumor cells and detected the antigen on 16 of 17 Grade 3 bladder tumor specimens as well as on some kidney and testicular tumor cells. This study confirms the potential of the hybridoma technique for producing McAbs capable of identifying tumor associated antigens which may be useful in the diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer.  相似文献   

J Chin  F Miller 《Cancer research》1985,45(4):1723-1729
Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines, RWP-1 and RWP-2 (Dexter, D. L., Matook, G. M., Meitner, P. A., Bogaars, H. A., Jolly, G. A., Turner, M. D., and Calabresi, P. Cancer Res., 42: 2705-2714, 1982), were used as immunogens for the production of monoclonal antibodies to tumor-associated membrane antigens. BALB/c mice were immunized by i.p. injection of viable cells and hybridomas resulting from the fusion of splenocytes to myeloma cell line P3 X 63/Ag8.653 were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antibodies which reacted with both RWP-1 and RWP-2 cells. Hybridomas AR2-20 and AR1-28, both IgG1 antibody-producing cell lines, demonstrated membrane staining by immunofluorescence cytochemistry on three of seven pancreatic tumor cell lines but not on six human tumor cell lines of nonpancreatic origin, or on normal human fibroblasts. The antibodies stained frozen sections of RWP xenografts, propagated s.c. in nude mice, and tumor cells in paraffin sections of seven of seven cases of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, using indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase histochemistry, but not normal adult or fetal pancreas, or a number of other normal adult tissues. Immunoprecipitation of 125I-labeled RWP-2 cells resulted in a single band with a molecular weight of 190,000 under reducing conditions. Sequential immunoprecipitation demonstrated that both AR2-20 and AR1-28 bind to the same molecule.  相似文献   

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