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OBJECTIVES: (1) To determine the prevalence of Internet medical information searches by parents prior to their child's surgical procedure, and (2) to evaluate whether Internet-based health information influences parents' medical decisions on behalf of their children. DESIGN: A questionnaire designed to gather information regarding preoperative use of the Internet by parents of children who were scheduled to undergo outpatient otolaryngology procedures. Parents were asked to respond to questions regarding Internet searches for information specific to their child's diagnosis and anticipated surgical procedure. SETTING: Tertiary care pediatric hospital. RESULTS: Internet access was available to 83% of respondents. Of those parents with Internet access, 48% searched the Internet for information regarding their child's diagnosis and surgical procedure. Of those who searched the Internet, 93% said they found information that was both understandable and helpful. More important, 84% of parents using the Internet said the information influenced or somewhat influenced the medical decisions they made on behalf of their child. Only 43% of parents discussed the information they found on the Internet with their child's surgeon. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 50% of the parents in our study with Internet access used it to find medical information prior to their child's surgery. Parents who used the Internet found the information helpful and influential, although physicians remain the most important source of information that guides a parent or patient in their medical decision making. Ideally, surgeons would direct parents or patients to a few trusted Internet sites and be prepared to discuss this information.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the variability and predictors of expressive vocabulary development in children with autism and very delayed language. METHOD: This study involved 35 children with autism whose initial chronological ages were between 20 and 71 months and whose initial expressive vocabularies were less than 60 words. Their expressive vocabularies were measured at baseline and at 6, 12, and 24 months following the start of intervention using the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Developmental Inventory (L. Fenson et al., 1993). RESULTS: A cluster analysis revealed 4 distinct patterns of expressive vocabulary development over 2 years. The number of words said, the presence of verbal imitation skills and pretend play skills with objects, and the number of gestures to initiate joint attention at baseline were all associated with the cluster of children who demonstrated the most rapid expressive vocabulary growth over time. The 2 clusters of children who demonstrated the least vocabulary growth had the most significant developmental delays and autism severity at 6 months, but not at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the heterogeneity in language development in young children with autism and, consistent with other reports, confirms that specific prelinguistic skills are predictive of development.  相似文献   

In this systematic replication of a previous study (R. W. Schlosser, D. M. Blischak, P. J. Belfiore, C. Bartley, and N. Barnett, 1998), the effects of speech and print feedback on spelling performance were evaluated. Four children with autism and no functional speech were taught to spell words with a speech-generating device under 3 feedback conditions. In the auditory-visual condition, children received both speech and print feedback, whereas in the auditory and visual conditions, only 1 type of feedback was provided. An adapted alternating treatments design was used. All 4 children reached criterion across conditions. Although 3 children reached criterion first with print or speech-print feedback, 1 child was most efficient with speech-print followed by speech feedback. Based on the findings of both studies, 2 distinct profiles of feedback efficiency are proposed. Children that exemplify the primarily visual profile spell words most efficiently when feedback involves print. Children that fit the auditory profile spell words most efficiently when feedback involves speech. The implications for understanding the learning characteristics of children with autism, as well as those for practice and further research are derived.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of a 6-month course of responsivity education/prelinguistic milieu teaching (RE/PMT) for children with developmental delay and RE/PMT's effects on parenting stress in a randomized clinical trial. METHOD: Fifty-one children, age 24-33 months, with no more than 10 expressive words or signs, were randomly assigned to treatment/no-treatment groups. Thirteen children in each group had a diagnosis of Down syndrome. RESULTS: In 1 of 2 multivariate comparisons, the RE/PMT group exhibited superior gains in communication compared with the no-treatment group. The treatment effect for overall use of intentional communication acts in the child-examiner context was significant (d = .68, 95% confidence interval = 0.12-1.24). There were no effects on child outcomes due to presence or absence of Down syndrome. RE/PMT led to modest increases in recoding of child acts by parents of children who did not have Down syndrome. There were no effects on parenting stress associated with the intervention or the presence or absence of Down syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: RE/PMT may be applied clinically with the expectation of medium-size effects on the child's rate of intentional communication acts after 6 months of intervention. The approach warrants further investigation with modifications, such as delivery at higher intensity levels.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were (1) to describe the auditory characteristics of children with autism relative to those of typically developing children and (2) to describe the test-retest reliability of behavioral auditory test measures with this population of children with autism. DESIGN: Audiometric data were obtained from 22 children diagnosed with autism and 22 of their typically developing peers. The audiologic test battery consisted of behavioral measures (i.e., visual reinforcement audiometry, tangible reinforcement operant conditioning audiometry, and conditioned play audiometry) and physiological measures (auditory brain stem response audiometry, distortion product otoacoustic emissions, and acoustic reflexes). RESULTS: Children with autism had physiologic test results equivalent to their typically developing counterparts. That is, no differences in auditory brain stem response audiometry, distortion product otoacoustic emissions, or acoustic reflex results were noted between the children with autism and typically developing children. However, behavioral measures revealed that about half of the children diagnosed with autism presented pure-tone averages outside of normal limits (i.e., >20 dB HL), although their response thresholds to speech were within normal limits. All behavioral test results were within normal limits (i.e., 20 dB HL) despite having normal to near-normal hearing sensitivity as determined by other audiometric measures.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study aimed to identify the nature and extent of receptive and expressive prosodic deficits in children with high-functioning autism (HFA). METHOD: Thirty-one children with HFA, 72 typically developing controls matched on verbal mental age, and 33 adults with normal speech completed the prosody assessment procedure, Profiling Elements of Prosodic Systems in Children. RESULTS: Children with HFA performed significantly less well than controls on 11 of 12 prosody tasks (p < .005). Receptive prosodic skills showed a strong correlation (p < .01) with verbal mental age in both groups, and to a lesser extent with expressive prosodic skills. Receptive prosodic scores also correlated with expressive prosody scores, particularly in grammatical prosodic functions. Prosodic development in the HFA group appeared to be delayed in many aspects of prosody and deviant in some. Adults showed near-ceiling scores in all tasks. CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates that receptive and expressive prosodic skills are closely associated in HFA. Receptive prosodic skills would be an appropriate focus for clinical intervention, and further investigation of prosody and the relationship between prosody and social skills is warranted.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The goal of the current study was to identify a predictive model of vocabulary comprehension and production in a group of young children with autism spectrum disorders. Four prelinguistic behaviors were selected for consideration as predictors based on theoretical and empirical support for the relationship of these behaviors to language development. METHOD: The study used a longitudinal correlational design. Participants were twenty-nine 2- and 3-year-olds diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. The prelinguistic behaviors-attention-following, motor imitation, commenting, and requesting-were measured at the initial visit. Vocabulary comprehension and production were measured 6 months later. RESULTS: Commenting was the only unique predictor of comprehension after the degree of cognitive delay was controlled. Both commenting and motor imitation of actions without objects were unique predictors of production over and above the other skills and when the degree of cognitive delay was controlled. CONCLUSIONS: The finding that both commenting and motor imitation simultaneously accounted for unique variance in vocabulary production is new to the literature and requires replication. However, results suggest that increasing behaviors that allow children with autism to make their current focus of attention obvious to social partners may be an effective approach for supporting word learning in young children with autism.  相似文献   

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who have native exposure to a sign language such as American Sign Language (ASL) have received almost no scientific attention. This paper reports the first studies on a sample of five native-signing children (four deaf children of deaf parents and one hearing child of deaf parents; ages 4;6 to 7;5) diagnosed with ASD. A domain-general deficit in the ability of children with ASD to replicate the gestures of others is hypothesized to be a source of palm orientation reversal errors in sign. In Study 1, naturalistic language samples were collected from three native-signing children with ASD and were analyzed for errors in handshape, location, movement and palm orientation. In Study 2, four native-signing children with ASD were compared to 12 typically developing deaf children (ages 3;7 to 6;9, all born to deaf parents) on a fingerspelling task. In both studies children with ASD showed a tendency to reverse palm orientation on signs specified for inward/outward orientation. Typically developing deaf children did not produce any such errors in palm orientation. We conclude that this kind of palm reversal has a perceptual rather than a motoric source, and is further evidence of a “self-other mapping” deficit in ASD.  相似文献   

Autism develops before 30 months of age. Autistic disorder is characterized by a qualitative impairment in verbal and non verbal communication, in imaginative activity, and in reciprocal social interactions. Communication in autism is so strikingly impaired that the function of the hearing system has been under study over the past 30 years, namely after the advent of physiological assessment of hearing with the auditory brainstem response (ABR). Many research studies were developed to study ABR in autism as they constitute a direct test of both hearing status and integrity of brainstem pathways, but the results obtained are contradictory. The authors present case reports of two children with autistic disorder, 2 and 4 years of age, in which the ABR findings document a prevalent Peak I in the four ears tested. This characteristic configuration in ABR has not been previously reported and future work is needed to establish the importance of this finding and its implications in the awareness of the auditory status in these children.  相似文献   

故事教学法在聋儿语言教育中的运用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
语育教育的方法多种多样,故事教学法是其中重要而实用的一种。本文论述了对聋幼儿使用故事教学法的意义与作用,阐述了讲故事的三个阶段,并详细说明了各种阶段中可采用的具体方法。  相似文献   

In this study we characterized profiles of communicative functions and forms of children with autism and intellectual disability (n = 26), as compared to typically developing children (n = 26) with a comparable nonverbal mental age (2–5 years). Videotapes of the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales – Developmental Profile were analyzed using a standardized observation scheme in which three main functions were distinguished: behavior regulation, social interaction, and joint attention. Different forms of communication were also investigated: gestures, vocalizations/verbalizations, and eye gaze. Results indicated that in typically developing children the proportion of communication for the purpose of joint attention was much higher than for behavior regulation, whereas in children with autism the opposite pattern was seen. Low-functioning nonverbal children with autism mainly communicated for behavior regulation and not or only rarely for declarative purposes. Generally, this subgroup used the least complex forms to communicate. Low-functioning verbal children with autism differed from typically developing children only in the rate, not in the proportion of communication for specific functions. Combinations of three different communicative forms were used by verbal children with autism less frequently than by typically developing children.Learning outcomes: After reading this paper, readers should be able to: (1) describe early development of communicative functions, (2) explain differences in communication profiles with respect to form and function between verbal and nonverbal low-functioning children with autism and typically developing children matched on nonverbal mental age and (3) discuss clinical implications of the findings for communication interventions in verbal and nonverbal low-functioning children with autism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to compare the parents of children with a hearing aid (HA) and children with a cochlear implant (CI) regarding their psychological distress, their expectations from treatment, their family climate, and the way they first obtained information on HA/CI. METHODS: 154 parents (return quota 41%; 81 mothers and 73 fathers) of 90 children with a HA and 103 parents (return quota 59%; 57 mothers and 46 fathers) of 57 children with a CI were interviewed by means of a questionnaire. RESULTS: Both groups of parents felt distressed, particularly at the time of diagnosis. Their psychological well-being was gradually stabilized in the further course of rehabilitation. Due to the operation associated with it, fitting with a CI brought on a phase of heightened parental psychological distress compared with less invasive treatment with a HA. Regarding family climate, more distress was found in parents of CI children than in parents of HA children. Expectations from therapy appeared realistic in both parental groups; however, after CI fitting, the parents of the CI children showed heightened expectations by comparison with the parents of the HA children. CONCLUSIONS: The results of our study suggest that the parents of hearing impaired children fitted with a HA or a CI may be divided into two subgroups with divergent psychosocial parameters. For the counseling of the parents of hearing impaired children in clinical practice, it would seem important to take these specific differences into consideration.  相似文献   

This study investigated the syntactic bootstrapping abilities of children who differed by language abilities and age. In the first study, the performance of 5-year-old children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) was compared to that of two groups of typically developing children-one of equivalent language levels, as indexed by mean length of utterance (MLU), and the other of equivalent chronological age. In the second study, two groups of 7-year-old children, one whose language was developing typically and one with SLI, were involved. The count/mass distinction was used as the basis for the experimental tasks. A videotaped story was used to present the novel count and mass words, with syntactic cues in one condition and with neutral syntax in another. Results from the first study revealed that only the 5-year-old nonaffected control children showed evidence of using the syntactic cues. The 5-year-old SLI group and 3-year-old control group achieved comparable scores. However, error analyses suggested that different factors were operative in the two groups. The second study revealed that there was continued growth into the early school years for children with SLI and children whose language was developing typically.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the compliance with cochlear implantation (CI) in children subsequently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Methods: This was a retrospective case review and survey performed at a tertiary referral centre. Children meeting the criteria for CI who were implanted between 1989 and 2015 and who subsequently received a diagnosis of ASD were included. The primary outcome measure was to assess compliance with CI in children subsequently diagnosed with ASD. Secondary outcome measures included assessment of pre-CI risk factors that may have identified children at higher risk of a subsequent diagnosis of ASD, as well as the benefit obtained by these children following CI.

Results: 1050 children were implanted between 1989 and 2015. Of these, 22 children were diagnosed with ASD after receiving their CI. The average age at implantation was 2.6 years (median 3, range 1–8 years). The average age for diagnosis of ASD was 5 years, approximately 2 years (median 22 months, range 2–85 months) following CI. Of these, 16/22 (712.7%) regularly use their CI. 6/22 (27.2%) children became non-users of their implant. Some degree of verbal communication was used by 13/22 (59%) of our studied group.

Conclusion: There is a range of level of disabilities in ASD, with some relatively minor social communication difficulties through to severe language, cognitive, and behavioural difficulties. Compliance with CI is variable and appears to correlate with the severity of the ASD. Preoperative counselling should include information about the possible impact of later diagnosed disabilities such as ASD on performance.  相似文献   

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