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体育素质是素质教育的重要内容,体育教学是素质教育的重要手段。本文阐述了体育教学对于提高学生体育素质、促进学生智力开发、提高学习效率、培养学生思想道德素质的和审美素质的作用,提出了体育教学实施素质教育的基本途径。  相似文献   

全面提高大学生综合素质,是高校人才培养的根本任务,也是高等教育面对的重大课题。该院围绕大学生综合素质培养的基本核心、基本内容、基本构架进行了相关研究,构建了以"修身"为基本核心的大学生综合素质培养体系———大学生文明修身工程,并通过五个平台、五个途径和五大体系为支撑开展了系统的探讨和实践。实施四年来,较好的促进了大学生综合素质的培养,对该院人才培养质量的提高发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

机能实验学是医学的一门基础实践性学科,其主要目的是培养学生的基本实验技能及提高其综合素质。为进一步提高实验教学质量,以适应培养创新型医学人才的需要,在机能综合开放性实验教学中引入PBL和Seminar教学法,在课前准备、开题答辩、讨论、实施等几个阶段中探索两种教学法联用的效果。将传统的以教师讲授为主导的单一模式转向以学生为主体的新的教学模式,提高学生分析问题与解决问题的能力,促进学生综合素质和创新能力的提高。  相似文献   

医学机能学实验教学改革中素质教育的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在明确素质教育基本内容和基本要求的基础上,从教学内容的优化、教学方式转变、学生综合能力培养、学生学习成绩评定以及教师素质的提高等方面,对医学机能学实验教学改革中的素质教育问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

宪莹  田杰  王墨  张静  梁锦平  于洁 《医学教育探索》2007,6(10):934-935,970
目的:探讨撰写读书报告在培养医学生综合素质中的价值。方法:在7年制六年级和5年制四年级医学生中进行读书报告的培训及撰写。结果:通过读书报告激发了学生学习兴趣;提高了自学能力;促进了学生信息素质及信息处理能力;拓展了知识面;初步掌握了读书报告撰写的基本方法,为科研能力的培养奠定了基础。结论:撰写读书报告有助于学生综合素质的提高,值得在医学生的学习中提倡。  相似文献   

从药学本科生入学第一门实验课--无机化学实验课入手,帮助学生培养良好的实验习惯、强化对基本的实验技能的掌握、深化对化学理论的理解.在实验过程中,通过精心指导、鼓励发现、尊重事实、培养创新,提高学生独立开展实验和分析问题能力,培养学生的科研素质,为学生其他科目实验课的学习以及以后从事科学研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

开展大学生科技活动是全面实施科技兴国战略,努力培养面向21世纪具有创新精神和实践能力的高素质复合型人才。为提高学生的创新能力,培养大学生优良学风、科技意识和进取精神,激发学生勤奋学习、崇尚科学、追求真知的积极性,推动大学生课外学术科技活动工作的深入开展,营造一个良好的课外学术氛围。紧密围绕大学生素质拓展工作,以培养学生的优良学风和学术进取精神为基本出发点,最大限度的帮助学生提高综合素质,增强学生培养质量和就业竞争力为目标,同时争取产生一批科研成果,并推动学生学术科技成果向现实生产力转化,为社会主义经济现代化建设服务。  相似文献   

生物化学实验教学中如何提高学生的综合素质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物化学作为一门实验性基础医学学科,对医学的发展起着重要的作用。实验过程中教师有意识地培养学生良好的实验习惯和科研基本能力、扩展学生的知识面能够有效提高学生的综合素质,为医疗事业培养出优秀的人才。  相似文献   

为提高教学质量,培养学生的综合素质,尝试以学生为中心进行医学微生物学教学模式改革。结果证明通过自主学习,学生不仅可以掌握本学科的基本理论知识,而且其分析解决问题的能力、查阅资料获取信息的能力及语言表达能力都得到了锻炼和提高。  相似文献   

为达到培养药学人才目的,对有机化学实验课教学进行了初步改革,采用基础实验与小型综合性实验相结合的教学方法,并在内容上与药物化学相联系,加强学生的专业素质培养。实践证明,这种教学方法既巩固和加深了学生对有机化学基本理论的理解,又能使学生牢固掌握基本实验技能,更进一步提高学生独立分析问题及解决问题的能力,达到了调动学生学习主动性、参与性的目的。  相似文献   

Human cloning and child welfare   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In this paper we discuss an objection to human cloning which appeals to the welfare of the child. This objection varies according to the sort of harm it is expected the clone will suffer. The three formulations of it that we will consider are: 1. Clones will be harmed by the fearful or prejudicial attitudes people may have about or towards them (H1); 2. Clones will be harmed by the demands and expectations of parents or genotype donors (H2); 3. Clones will be harmed by their own awareness of their origins, for example the knowledge that the genetic donor is a stranger (H3). We will show why these three versions of the child welfare objection do not necessarily supply compelling reasons to ban human reproductive cloning. The claim that we will develop and defend in the course of our discussion is that even if it is the case that a cloned child will suffer harms of the type H1-H3, it is none the less permissible to conceive by cloning so long as these cloning-induced welfare deficits are not such as to blight the existence of the resultant child, whoever this may be.  相似文献   

背景:氯氮平引起的唾液分泌过多在精神分裂症患者中的发病率很高,不但影响患者外观及人际交往,也会影响患者的生命质量,常是患者不愿意继续服药的原因。本研究拟评估传统中药方剂缩泉丸和五苓散对氯氮平引起的唾液分泌增多的治疗作用。方法与设计:本研究采用前瞻性、双盲、随机、安慰剂对照试验设计,共预计从台湾中部一所医学中心精神部门纳入45名受试者,随机分配至缩泉丸组、五苓散组及安慰剂组。患者根据其所在组接受不同的治疗,缩泉丸或五苓散或安慰剂口服10g,每日两次,共8周。使用流涎严重度量表评分、夜间流涎量表评分及唾液腺造影的结果作为主要结局指标;临床总体印象量表评分、阳性与阴性症状量表评分、异常不自主运动量表评分、锥体外系副反应量表及中医体质量表评分作为次要结局指标。讨论:通过本试验研究,希望能够证实缩泉丸和五苓散对于氯氮平引起的精神分裂症患者唾液分泌增多有一定的疗效,并能通过改善患者的精神状态而提高其生命质量。临床试验注册:Clinical Trials.gov(Indentifier:NCT01045720)。  相似文献   

In a short time Canadians won't be able to recognize their blood-collection system. With the Red Cross getting out of the blood business and the government and business moving in, what will the changes mean for Canadians and their physicians?  相似文献   

Many jurisdictions require cyclists to wear bicycle helmets. The UK is currently not one of these. However, an increasing number of interest groups, including the British Medical Association, want to change the status quo. They argue that mandatory cycle helmet laws will reduce the incidence of head injuries and that this will be both good for cyclists (because they will suffer fewer head injuries) and good for society (because the burden of having to treat cyclists suffering from head injuries will be reduced). In this paper we argue against this position. We suggest that cycle helmets may not be especially effective in reducing head injuries and we suggest that the imposition of such a restrictive law would violate people's freedom and reduce their autonomy. We also argue that those who accept such a restrictive law would be committed to supporting further legislation which would force many other groups - including pedestrians - to take fewer risks with their health. We conclude that cycle helmet legislation should not be enacted in the UK unless, perhaps, it is restricted to children.  相似文献   

骨科学临床见习教学中医学生临床思维能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
临床见习是医学生向医生转变的第一步,是临床医学教学的重要组成部分。临床见习阶段的教学不仅是对医学知识的深化,更是对医学临床思维能力的培养,其教学效果直接关系到医学生以后的实习和工作。中山大学附属第一医院黄埔院区骨科在总结以往见习教学经验的基础上,结合骨科学见习的特点,从教学内容、教学方法、教学形式等各环节突出了医学生临床思维能力的培养,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

生理学实验教学中如何指导学生进行研究性学习   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验课是生理学教学的重要组成部分,对于学生理论联系实际,提高实践操作能力,培养创新精神具有重要作用。在教学过程中,教师灌输研究性的学习方法,转换角色,注重学生兴趣培养,培养学生问题意识,锻炼学生科研思维,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,对于培养学生的创新能力具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

In the 21 st century,the public are more informed,mainly via the Internet,about health and medical products and have become more knowledgeable about matters relating to their health conditions and well-being in curing and preventing illnesses.They often self-medicate themselves with various health products and over-the-counter(OTC) medicines apart from prescribed pharmaceutical drugs(PD).Some of those non-prescribed products may have doubtful quality control and contain harmful additives or unchecked ingredients;thus their usefulness is in doubt.The increasing popularity world-wide of using Chinese medicines(CM) and related OTC functional products has raised concerns over their concomitant use with PD and the consequential adverse effects.In most cases the alleged causes of adverse effects are linked with herbal sources,although the authorised information on the interactions between CM-PD is not plentiful in the literature.There is an urgent need for such a data base.The future professionals in health and medical care should be knowledgeable or aware of what their patients have been taking or given.In actual practice the patients may receive both treatments intentionally or unintentionally,with or without the awareness of the practitioner.In these situations a reliable database for interactions between CM-PD will be extremely useful for consultation when treatment problems appear or during emergency situations.Their combining of medications may be involved with possible outcomes of adverse reactions or beneficial effects.Such a database will be welcomed by both practitioners of herbal medicines and orthodox medicine practitioners in the emerging trend of integrative medicine.The author has been involved in various research projects of basic and clinical aspects in mainly CM among other herbal and PD.Examples will be given largely on those related to these disciplines as illustrations in this overview.  相似文献   

In their reply to my recent paper on Munchausen's syndrome by proxy, Professor Southall and Dr. Samuels concede that some things may be learned from my observations. They do not attend to the main argument of the paper, however, that the proportion of research interest in their use of covert video surveillance merits consideration of the research protocol by an independent research ethics committee. It will not do simply to assert that the use of this technology for the purposes outlined in their accounts is not research. I formulated arguments based on facts divulged in those published accounts for regarding their work as containing a considerable proportion of research activity. Unfortunately their reply did not address these arguments. Until such points are adequately answered the protection of patients calls for satisfactory judgments to be made on certain important issues which any research ethics committee would be obliged to consider in an evaluation of their activities. I suggest that some of these features will create more difficulties for approval of such a protocol than others.  相似文献   

基于体育锻炼对心理健康的促进作用,通过对具有不同心理问题的医学生传授运动处方的相关知识,帮助其掌握根据自身心理健康症状合理制定并实施运动处方的方法,形成“运动处方、心理健康、自我调适”的心理健康自我运动干预模式,为促进医学生身心健康探寻新途径.  相似文献   

戴惟葭 《西北医学教育》2007,15(3):438-438,481
从加拿大眼科住院医师培养过程和方法,比较与中国眼科医师培养的不同之处,探寻规范眼科住院医师培养的良好途径,尤其在强化规范化基础技能训练,加大人员、资金投入和提高住院医师的科学意识方面促进眼科住院医师培养体系的改革和眼科住院医师水平的提高。  相似文献   

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